THE IRISH MARTYR. Or, A true Relation of the Lamentable Sufferings of Mr John Trewman, who by the cruelty of that Tyrant, the Earle of Strafford, late Lord Lievtenant of Ireland, was hang'd, drawn and quarter'd in Carick [...]argus, for his expressions of love and good will to the SCOTS, in these late times of troubles. Expressed In an Information from the Wife of the said Martyr, and by two Speeches of his own; the one in Prison, and the other upon the Scaffold.
LONDON, Printed for F. C. & T. V. 1641.
THe late Troubles about causes of Religion, are not unknowne unto the three Kingdomes, to the great griefe of but many, especially of the late death of Iohn Trewman, who by the cruelty of the late Lord Deputy of Jreland Earle of Strafford, was lamentably put to death, for avowing the Scottish Covenant and defending of the truth with the Scottish Nation, for which the said Iohn Trewman was condemned, hanged, Beheaded, and Quartered, his head put on the Castle of Carickfergus, at the place where before he was Prisoner untill the Day of his Death, and likewise his Quarters put on the foure Ports of the said Towne: untill for the infection thereof they were taken down and buried, to the great griefe of many beholders, in such an Honourable cause to be so lamentably Executed: And not contented with the cruell usage of his person, did moreover take from his poore wife and Children all his Lands and goods, to the value of one Thousand Pound Sterling: Not leaving his Wife [Page 2] 3 pounds, and some Rings of Gold, which were in the purse, but did take the same from her, upon the day of her Husbands Execution, which should have kept alive her Five Fatherlesse Children, as likewise did not leave her selfe any furniture for her owne body. So that the poore Woman and her Children, are put to misery and want. More particular Information may be gathered out of the two following Speeches, of the said worthy Martyr, which were taken from his owne mouth.
IOHN TREWMAN'S First Speech spoken in the PRISON.
TO all Christians who are desirous to know the Cause of my Suffering in this troublesome time of persecution, there was sent into the North part of Ireland as I do conceive, in this furnace of affliction, by the Lord Deputy or some of his Instruments, one who named himselfe Captaine Ieyles, and told when he came home to my house, he knew that I was borne in Yorke-shire, and did in all his whole converse with me much revile the Bishops, and much praise the Scottish Nation: For standing so Valorously to the truth of the Gospell, I not thinking the least evill thought of him but very much did lament his case and my own likewise, that we could not have the liberty of the Gospell in the purity of it, without mixt with Superstition and Idolatry, wherupon said Jeyles, if you will Mr. Trewman, I could doe the Scots good service, and desired me that I would write letters in his behalfe, to Scotland which simplie I did: But so it was that after he had catched me in the Spiders Webb, being as all the Country knows, not sent for me onely, but for to Insnare greater men of much more Worth, but especially Sir Iohn Clatworthie somtime my Landlord, whom the Lord did preserve from his wicked enterprises, at [Page 4] length I was sent for, by great Troupes of horses to Dublin after he had received my letters, whether to the Earle of Strafford, or to which of his Instruments I know not: As also which did much vexe my Soule, Two of my Christian acquaintance, John Findlay and Alexander Blaye, who I tould him, would see him transported to Scotland, notwithstanding we never came neer them, were sent for by Troupes also & lay a long time in Dublin with me in Boults in the close layle: All christian People Iudge, whether this fellow was Iudas or not, Oh for better times! I trust in the Lord my posteritie shall yet see it, albeit they be Young: the Lord will have a care of my poore Wife and them: I remember, A freind said to me by the way as I came from Dublin to this place, oh Sir, I would you had never seen this Fellow: no said I, for I have laid my compt that although this wicked weede, that hath sprung from the Deputy, hath exposed me to die, an Innocent man, as the most perverse in all this Kingdome knows; yet I would not have missed it for ten thousād worlds, if it had not beene for my Simplicity, and unwarinesse with him in this: Alas I thought my selfe as wary and wise as the most men, but let him that thinkes he standeth take heed least hee fall: yet let them torture me, I hope all will worke for the good of my poore Soule. For I have ever found all things worke together, for the well of Gods people, &c.
JOHN TREWMANS last Speech upon the Scaffold, taken from his own mouth by divers Auditors.
MY Christian Freinds, you have long knowne me in this Country, without spot or blame in the World, for my dealing in any worldly affaires, it is true, Corruption of nature & humane frailty none can Iustifie themselves of: This man that is cause of my death knows that from my heart I prayd for our King, that God would inable him to be a true defender of the Faith as he was stiled, and here on my death this was ever my chiefe care in private and publike. I have had much to doe with God in Dublin, and here in Carickfergut, to carry with me to death the Testimony of a good Conscience: I do here behold yonder poore Land of Scotland; O blessed Land, thou wilt yet through the power of God revenge my Innocent blood, it is forthee O Land I die here this Day: Come, I will signe it with my hand, and ere it be one halfe houre with my blood: good Freinds, Remember me to the two other sufferers in Dublin, for here on my Death, they are Innocent of any thing, either concerning me, or this fellow: now doe your Office Executioner, to a true faithfull [Page 6] Subiect to the King, as hereafter doubt you not will be found, for many more Lives will goe in this cause besides mine: Farewell my deare Wife and Children, and Christian Freinds in my presence, &c.
HOLD, All my good Freinds some words more, pray the Lord to strengthen my Faith, that I may arive in new Jerusalem ere it be long, and desire, and request the Iudge Mayarte, if he may without danger of my Lord Deputy, not to mangle my Body as he hath given Iudgment, and to take care of my Wife and Children: The Lord be with you all, and send you better times, O LORD my Saviour receive my Soule.