A DECLARATION AND PROLCAMATION OF The Deputy-General of Ireland, Concerning The present hand of God in the Visitation OF THE PLAGUE; And for the Exercise of Fasting and Prayer in relation thereunto.

Printed at Cork in the Year of our Lord, 1650.

Reprinted at London by John Field.


IT hath pleased the Lord our God, now a long while to stretch forth his heavy hand over this Nation in general, and the Inhabitants there­of, in those capital Judgements of the Sword and Pestilence (with somewhat of Famine also in many places;) and especially by that Plague of Pestilence (as with his own more immediate hand) to sweep away, in a maner, whole Towns and Cities, and lay waste almost whole Countreys, and to spread the contagion throughout into all parts (as sadly is to be seen at this day) And that eminent hand of his (which of late was so heavy onely, or chiefly, upon the Enemies of his and his Peoples Cause, and upon others the Na­tives of the Land, with distinguishing Mercy, and forbearance towards those his poor creatures that serve him in that Cause) hath of late been extended to the taking away of many of them also, and not Sol­diers onely, but many Officers (and more of them, in proportion, then of the other) as also many other English Protestant people, both of the ancient Inhabi­tants, and such as have more lately come over to us; and of all these, not onely the common sort, but many even of those that have more eminently professed his fear, and divers such as we have cause to esteem his [Page 4]own people, dear and precious in his sight, so as that former discriminating Mercy of his, seems now to be turned into a general displeasure, and universal Indig­nation: And his destroying Angel (striking here and there round about us) seems to come near to us, to the Doors, and even into the Houses or Tents of us that yet survive, even of those that are esteemed best a­mongst us. And thus those, whom he hath so won­derfully preserved and provided for in times and places of greatest hazard and scarcity, and owned both here and in England, in doing great things for them and by them, as yet he ceaseth not to do ( which I desire we and all his people may ever acknowledge to his praise, and that his and our Enemies might to their convi­ction) Though he yet delivers them not over into the hands of men, but rather makes them still more and more Masters over their Enemies, and those that hate them, yet (as in some other kindes both of Diseases and Hardships, wherewith he hath formerly afflicted us, so in this now) he is pleased to chastise with his own hand, and taking away many (whether in Judgement for their own and our sins or unworthiness, or in Mer­cy, as from the evil to come) doth every way threaten and warn those of us that remain, and calls upon all men every where to repent, and not to think that those he hath thought fittest to take away, were greater sin­ners then our selves, but all of us to search our hearts, and try our ways, and turn unto himself, that he may heal us, and have mercy upon us. Now though none of the works of our God are without their grounds or ends, or without their speakings and teachings intend­ed to the Sons of men, and especially to those whom [Page 5]he hath given eyes to see: And though in these cases of Judgements, no men (no not the most sanctified amongst us) need to seek far for causes more then sufficient of his just displeasure against them (further then Mercy through our Mediator Christ Jesus, and Faith in given him, turns it into Free-grace and favor) yet such extraordinary dispensations, being not without their extraordinary grounds and ends, It is the duty of all, and must needs be the desire and practice of the Faithful (through the grace and wisdom given them) to search in themselves, and humbly to seek from the Lord, that they may understand what those are, that in such dealings of his he would have them especially take notice of. And though such as have interest in the sure and everlasting Covenant of Mercy, need not, and so (so far as it is sealed unto them) they do not or ought not fear that God hath, or ever will break that Covenant, or take away those everlasting Mer­cies of his in Christ Jesus towards them, yet even such (considering how they through the flesh do unworthily abuse that Mercy, and all the gracious fruits thereof, and do many other ways provoke him) ought more then others (as kindely children toward such a Father) to be jealous of his just displeasure, and tenderly sen­sible of, and affected with any significations thereof, and most sollicitously to search and seek out (that they may be kindely humbled for, and in future avoid) the occasions thereof in themselves: And considering that in those things which concern our Temporary being, and the comfort or discomfort thereof (wherein he hath foretold he would correct even the seed of Da­vid (his chosen and anointed one) when they offend, [Page 6] notwithstanding his sure Covenant for everlasting mercies, which he would not break or take away) He doth not vainly afflict nor grieve the children of men; and then especially not those he hath adopted for his own, but does it for some ends of good towards them (as for reproving, or restraining, for awakening, or quickning, for humbling, teaching or instructing, for purging or purifying, for trying or perfecting of them, &c. as he findes they need) and of glory to himself in and from them, they ought not to be regardless and unsensible of, but carefully to observe each motion of his hand, and pointing of his finger, and to watch, study, and humbly to seek, that they may finde out his minde and meaning in all, and especially in such signal dispensations of his towards them, as these are, and may obtain the fruit to themselves, and render to him the glory he intends them for.

Having therefore (upon the aforesaid eminent occa­sion, given to my self and others in this Nation) some sense and consideration (through Grace) in my own heart concerning these things, and much more then I have the time or faculty to bring forth in suitable ex­pressions, I thought good to commend the same to others, and provoke them to a further sense and consi­deration of them, and to a diligent practice suitable thereunto, leaving and recommending them to be fur­ther improved and heightned, both in my self and others, through the working of the same Spirit of Grace in Christ Jesus, by which alone, any such sense is wrought in me: And considering, that as the people of God ought to be sensible of, and duly affected with all the Judgements of God in the world (even against [Page 7]wicked men, and their enemies, so as to give glory to God in them (which worldly men themselves will not) to pray and intercede for Mercy and forbearance to­wards them (so far as may stand with his honor and good pleasure) and to be humbled under the conside­ration of their own equal unworthiness and ill-deser­ving (further then as infinite Mercy passeth by, or Grace makes a difference) and to take warning, and be bettered in themselves by such examples) so much more ought they, many other ways, to be affected, when they see God smite their fellows (those that are dear to him as themselves) and so, or otherwise, striking at or near themselves (which should, amongst other effects, awaken and stir us up to consider what, and how great those evils must be, that so provoke or en­gage God to seem (as it were, for the time) to act a­gainst the glory of his Mercy and Truth, to those that profess and trust his Name, for the necessary vindica­tion of his Justice, and greater glory of his Mercy at the last) And that when his mighty hand is so emi­nently lifted up, as he expects and requires all the chil­dren of men should be humbled under it, and his own especially; so it becomes those that are so indeed, to express and declare it, both before Him, and his An­gels, and Men, in all the ways he hath required or de­clared his acceptance of, and to take shame to them­selves, and witness to his Righteous Judgements, and implore his mercy and forbearance; I do therefore commend unto all that have any thing of true Chri­stianity in them, within this Dominion, the frequent exercise of Prayer with Fasting (such as is without Superstition) and (suitable to the Faith, Simplicity, [Page 8]Truth and Purity of the Gospel) during the time of this our Calamity, with humble Acknowledgements and Confessions before God (to our shame and his glory) and fervent Intercessions (as the Spirit of Christ shall enable) in behalf of the many places and people of this Land, now so sadly visited and afflicted there­with; especially of Dublin, Wexford, Ross, Kilkenny, Carrick, Clonmel and Youghall, and the several parts of the Army throughout our Quarters, in Garison or Field, especially in Leinster and Munster, That God would stay that his afflicting hand, and spare his poor people ( especially those that serve and truly seek him in this Countrey and Cause) that he would shew us wherein we have especially offended, or do displease him; what his minde and meaning is towards us; what he would have us learn by these his loud and dreadful speakings, and (especially) what our carriage and dealings should have been, and what he would have it be, towards the generality of the people, and our Enemies here, whether in respect of Justice (for inno­nocent Blood) or of more moderation and mercy to­wards any; and that he would guide us in his way, to do according to his own minde therein; bow and bend our hearts to conform unto, and faithfully to follow and pursue what he shall teach us to be his minde and will in all things; and give out a true Spirit of Humi­liation for, and universal Reformation of those many evils that abound amongst us, and a faithful zeal for it (especially in us the Officers towards those under our charge) and this as in respect of all evils, so especially of those that are most crying and prevailing (as Swear­ing, Blaspheming, Drunkenness, Plundring, Exaction [Page 9]and Cruelty towards people in protection (where any opportunity with hope of privacy is found) cursed Co­vetousness, and Self-seeking in general (the root of many other Evils) and neglect of God, his ways and worship) that he would every way enlarge his Spirit upon his poor Servants here, and advance the truth and power of Godliness more amongst us, make us a people fit for him to own, use and bless yet further in his Work, for good in the world, and not onely to destroy, and be destroyed; and would so take off his afflicting hand from us, and restore health and safety to us, and soundness within our Tents and Dwellings, and turn our now required Mourning into Praises; and also in behalf of the poor deluded Popish people of this Nation (captivated and kept in miserable darkness and bondage by their seducing Priests and Leaders) and, amongst them, even for our very Enemies, that all of them (so far as may stand with the good pleasure of God, and with the glory and Righteousness of his Works and Judgements in the world) may at length be made sensible of the great weight of so much crying innocent Blood, whereof (as principals or par­ticipants) they generally stand guilty; of their malice and cruelty (so far as they finde power and opportuni­ty) and of their continued abominable Treachery to­wards all that concur not with them in their own Su­perstitions, Idolatry and affected Ignorance, or indeed that worship not the Beast as they do: And also of the eminent and glorious hand of God, exalted so conspi­cuously and constantly every where against them, for these and the many other Iniquities and Abominations abounding amongst them; so as from Conviction [Page 10]thereof, they may take shame and confusion to them­selves and their Idols, and give glory to the living God; and (if possible) the wrath of God may be appeased towards them, and not utterly destroy them and their Nation; and that those of them who are capable of his eternal Mercies, may be truly and spiritually hum­bled under his mighty hand, taken off from the foun­dations of any Self-or-Creature-confidence, and brought to see, and finde the pure and free mercies of God in Jesus Christ; and, for that purpose, may have their eyes opened, and hearts enlarged to discern and embrace the true light and freedom of the Gospel, and be converted from their carnal conceptions to a spi­ritual reception thereof, and from their vain Idols to the living God; and in order thereunto (if the Lord have any purpose of a Church or People to himself to be called out amongst them) we may, through his Grace, be made instruments thereof, as well as of sub­duing their outward man; and (however) may so walk towards them and amongst them, both in word and life, as not to give them occasion of further offence, or stumbling at the Gospel we profess, or cause it to be the worse thought or spoken of amongst them.

And the same exercise of Fasting and Prayer, which I thus recommend for frequent use to those within this Nation (now more immediately concerned in the oc­casion of it) I do earnestly desire may be used for the same purposes and in the same behalfs (as God shall give freedom and opportunity) by other Christians of the Reformed Religion in other places (who shall take notice hereof, and whose hearts God shall touch with a [Page 11]fellow-feeling of our condition; to whom I desire our Judgments and our Shame may be as notorious, to the glory of God, as our Mercies and Successes) and particularly by the Saints and Churches of Jesus Christ, and those especially of the Army in our native Land (our Brethren by double and treble relation;) And, for those within this Dominion (that all, who have interest at the Throne of Grace, may at once meet there with their joynt cryes) I have thought fit (in the Place I stand in here) to Appoint, and do hereby Appoint ac­cordingly, the first, second and third Tuesdays in the ensuing Moneth of August, to be kept and observed as times especially set apart for Publique Humiliation with Fasting and Prayer, upon the occasions, and for the ends and purposes before expressed: On the first whereof to begin the same at the Head-quarters or Camp, and at Clonmel, Youghal, Cork, and other Ga­risons and places to which notice hereof shall come be­fore; and the second and third to be observed both at the same, and all other places (as notice hereof shall be further spread:) On which days at the several pla­ces as aforesaid respectively, I require all Officers (both Military and Civil, for those under their respective Charges) carefully to see to it, that there be a general abstinence, so far as comeliness and necessity will per­mit, from all worldly labors, bodily food, and other the outward comforts of this life (whereof our unpro­fitableness and iniquities, and particularly our usual excess in them, and over-valuing, or other abuse of them, render us most unworthy) as also from all sports and recreations; And likewise to take notice of, and pu­nish (by Imprisonment, or other fitting Penalties pro­portionably [Page 12]portionably to the Offences) not onely such as shall contemptuously do to the contrary hereof, but also any such as shall be found (from Idleness, or from con­tempt or slighting of Religion, or of the hand of God in his present dispensations) to neglect the joyning with others in Prayer and Religious Exercise, to the purposes aforesaid, in one place & Society or other (not accord­ing to the Popish way:) And I exhort all true Profes­sors of the Reformed Religion, in the fear and dread of God, for the love of Jesus Christ, and from the bowels of Charity, and fellow-feeling of each others Mise­ries, to be seriously affectionate in this Exercise; and that in their Addresses to the Throne of Grace for the aforesaid concernments of their own, they be mindeful also of the Troubles and Temptations of their Brethren, wherewith they are conflicting (though in differing kindes) in other Nations, and especially in England and Scotland; where (besides many other both Iniquities and Judgements) that most sad and ab­horred evil is now more then ever to be found, and further to be feared, That Brethren, professing, and in each party some (as there's reason to believe) really having the same Faith, and hope of the Gospel, and the same Cause of Common Concernment (against the world of enemies to Christ, his Spirit and King­dom, that thirst and watch to destroy both parties) yet (either from offence and weakness, or peevishness, or from worldly interest) not onely have been and are loaded and wounded (the one part by the other) with foul and hateful reproaches (to the dishonor and scan­dal of the Gospel, and the rejoycing and advantage of those their Enemies) and provoked one at the other, [Page 13]and one of them to take the interest and assistance of the said Enemies, against the other, and to execute (the one upon the other) that destruction, by those Enemies designed against both; which sad spectacle (most grievous to every true Christian heart) as it calls for deepest Humiliation on both parts ( especially on that whence the cause hath been most given, or the offence with least cause and most impatience taken) so it requires most earnest Prayer and Intercession to our God and Father of those that are faithful on either part (which I desire accordingly in these our Exercises may be used) that, for the Merits and Mediation, and by the Power and Spirit of his Son Christ Jesus (our Lord, Head, and eldest Brother, the great Reconciler and Peacemaker betwixt God and Man, and amongst men, his Members, each with other) and from his Fa­therly bowels and pity towards his weak and froward children, he would now in the extremity of time ap­pear, and mercifully interpose and bring forth some expedient (when men can or will finde none) to avoid and hinder (if it be his will) this hateful and dreadful evil and mischief; and for that purpose would put forth and enlarge, in all that are his children in both Nations, that sweet Spirit of Peace and Love (as well as Righteousness and Judgement) which is his Sons; to convince and reprove every one of them for their several offences and evils, that any way occasion this or lead to it; and to overpower and work them unto a disposition of giving and receiving satisfaction, and of bearing and forbearing towards each other (and that especially in the stronger towards the weak) and every one (as far as they have been faulty givers, or [Page 14]impatiently and unjustly takers of the offence) to take shame to themselves, and give glory to God; and that so he would pardon the sin, take away the offences, and heal the breaches betwixt his people, and discover the hypocrisie, and defeat the designs of those his enemies (that watch the advantage for the ruine of them all, and to raise thereupon their own corrupt interests a­gainst Godliness and Honesty) that none that have in­terest in Jesus Christ, may further be drawn into, or proceed in any Engagements to the destruction of their Brethren, the opposing of his Spiritual Kingdom and work in the world, or the partaking with those parties and powers that are enemies thereunto: But (if it be his good pleasure, and he see it conducing to the glory of his work at last, That there should be any such Engagement, even to Blood and further War) That then (pardoning the weaknesses and failings) he would still witness to the integrity and simplicity of those his poor Servants in this same old Cause of His, who have (through his Grace) followed him therein, according to their light, with faithfulness, to the origi­nal Grounds, substance, and principal ends thereof, with least mixture of their own, or other worldly cor­rupt interests, in the prosecution of it, and with truest desires and endeavors for the suppressing or restrain­ing of the Common Enemies thereof, for the Deli­verance, Protection and Advancement of those that love and fear the Lord, and wait for his appearance; and in the mean time, for preserving amongst all such the unity of faith in the bond of peace and love: And that if he shall yet see it good to compleat, or prose­cute any further the outward Victories of his people, [Page 15]against their outward Enemies and Oppressors in the world, he would glorifie the Power and Vertue of the Spirit of his Son in them, now at last, in giving them (through it) to overcome spiritually the Temptations of prosperity, and of the good things of the world, as hitherto it hath been, by their overcoming all Tryals and Sufferings in the evils thereof.

Now lastly, for the better and speedier communi­cation of what is herein required or desired, I do hereby further Appoint the same to be Printed and Published.

H: IRETON, Deputy General.

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