AS Plenty oft-times is the producer of Pride, Pride the root of Envy, Envy the mother of Contention, Contention the spring of War: so is War the cause of Poverty and Poverty brings forth Famine, and where Famine rageth must needs follow inevitable destruction. It is greatly to be wished, and as a blessing from God to be desired; that all men would as wisely, and conscionably eschew and shun the Climax, and wayes to destruction as they seem warily and carefully to fly destruction it self, when it presseth [Page 2] upon them. But (alass) such is the wickedness and blindnes of mans heart, that he is desperatly set on to follow that way, which will at last winde him into most certain destruction: And so be, that men may attein their own private interest and end, they never consider the ultimate and woful end and conclusion of their wayes and actions.
The consideration of which thing (as it too sadly may be appliable unto this Nation, and the Inhabitants thereof, by reason of this late intestine, and unnaturall War) hath moved us, to prepare what Cataplasme we can against the inevitable Malady, which a long & continued war threateneth (if not already beginneth) to bring upon us, that is to say; A generall Famine and want of all necessary things for the support and sustentation of life: the which we may also feare the rather, by reason of the unseasonable weather for Seed-time and Harvest, with the unspeakable mortality of Cattel in many places, which hath declared, and evidenced no small displeasure of God against us, and threateneth us with most certain famine: besides the want of trade, traffique, and imployment both by land and by sea; together with the daily losses by sea, and expenses of provisions by land, are no meane ingredients in this threatened, & approaching miserie. What more may be observed, also from the discouragements of men in their husbandry, and making improvement for plenty (as not knowing either for whom they labour, or who they are that may reap their labours, or what themselves shall enjoy) may strongly imprint a feare of famine. Now as in a time of famine it were [Page 3] too unchristian-like to hide our selves from our own flesh, and to deny relief (as God lendeth us) to such as want it: so were it too selfish for any not to labour to prevent famine; and to hide themselves, and their advice (which God hath granted them) from a publique Good: It being counted no less sin by God, Ezeck. 16.49. Not to strengthen the hands of the needy, then not to fill their hands with benefits, and supplies.
For which cause we have thought it our dutie to present an Assay of Plenty, which we call (A Designe or Project for Plenty) yet not a project of any private advantage to us; but of publique good and plenty unto this Nation; if so be it may be enlivened and nourished by Authority and Law: Cambden. Brit. As in Glocest, and Worcest, shires, &c. In Kent about Feversham, where by the industry and example of Richard Harris Fruterer to K. Hen. the eighth 30 Towns are planted to their inestimable benefit. Otherwise we shall but term it (The Embrio of Plenty, and the untimely Birth of good Desires) which had it come to perfection, might have yielded both pleasure and profit to many. And such a Project also it is, as is not without experience both in our own, and other Nations; nor yet without good Reasons to speak for it; whereof we shall desire to make all rationall men partakers. For
Moreover, when we Consider (besides the necessitie, as aforesaid) the Accomodation this Nation affordeth for such a Designe, the Possibility and Facility to effect it: And yet the Sluggishnesse of most in our Nation, who perhaps would be glad to have plenty in their families: Yet care not to take pains, or to be at any cost to effect it.
We are incouraged the rather to make our Demonstration thereof, adding therewithall our Reasons, and answering such Objections as may possible lie against it.
1 First therefore, we do conceive that it will make much for the benefit and publike relief of this whole Nation. And for the prevention of famine in time to come (through the blessing of God) if there were a Law made, and put in force by Authority for a generall and universall Plantation of such wholesome fruit (according to proportion) as might be for the relief of the poor, the benefit of the rich, and the delight of all.
2 The fruits we conceive most wholesome, beneficiall and suitable for our Climate, are the Apple, Peare, Walnut and Quince.
3 The Proportion to be ordeined; that every five pounds per annum of plantable land, as well field as enclosure, being in private occupation, (except Cities, Towns incorporate, and such Towns where the rents are raised onely of the houses without lands) shall plant and preserve 20 fruit-trees of Apple, Peare, Walnut, or Quince: and 10 li. per annum, 40; and 15 li. per annum, 60; and 20 li. per annum, 80 trees; and so in proportion.
4 That there may be a certain limited time set, that the aforesaid proportion according to every mans occupation, may be perfected, with a penalty to be inflicted for the neglect; and that every year may be proportioned in order to the whole with a penalty likewise.
5 That in every Town there may be ordeined two Officers (called Fruterers or Woodwards, or such like [Page 5] name) specially to be chosen every year, and authorized, to see the said proportions to be planted and carefully preserved. And to have power to levie the penalties upon the defaulters; and to employ the same to some publick use.
6 That the High Constables in every hundred do take account of the said two Officers in every Town belonging to their division: and to present them to some Superiour Court; that so there may be no collusion or deceit in the businesse. And that the said High Constables, and Fruterers, or Woodwards be fineable and punishable, if they neglect to do their duties.
7 That if any evil-disposed person be found to destroy any of the planted Trees; or to cut, mangle, or break them; or to pull up, or carry away their fencings, when they are young trees, and require fencing; that then he be severely punished by corporall, or pecuniary Mulct, or both; as being an enemy to a publike and common good.
8 That the said Fruterers or Woodwards in every respective towne may have power (as the Surveyers of the high-wayes) so to call out, and appoint certain common dayes to work, in dressing, pruning, moulding mossing, trimming the said trees (which dayes are to be in the moneths of October & November for mossing and pruning, those moneths being the moistest; and the Winter frost following thereupon will seare the wounds, so that the Cut parts are not subject to put out Syens, whereby the body and fruit are decayed; And in January and February for moulding the trees) and to set fines upon such as make default, and leavy the same to some publique use.
9 That all Trees already planted, be accounted into the [Page 6] proportion; and that as any trees do die, or decay, or grow barren, care be taken that others may be planted in their stead; and that within a limited time upon some penalty to be levied by the Woodwards or Fruiterers.
10 That when those lands, which are in particular occupation be fully planted; like care be taken by a common work in the common dayes to be appointed, for the planting of all Wastes and Commons every thirty yards a tree, and by thirty yards all over, till they be throughly planted.
11 That the Commons and Wastes be planted, and fenced at the publique charge of every Town to which they do belong: and that all such fines as are levied upon the transgressors in this project be imployed to the publique work and use.
12 That the fruits and benefits arising of the Plantations upon the Commons and Wastes be given to the poor, & necessitous people of every Town, unto which they do belong. And that by the discretion of the Fruiterers or Woodwards they be yearly distributed accordingly.
Reasons for this designe.
As touching the reasons for this design, they are very many, whereof I onely propound some for satisfaction to all men.
1 First, the wholesomenesse of these fruits are such as may challenge every mans estimation of them, Gerard. Herb. and diligence to obtein them. Apples are good for hot stomacks, for all inflammations, tempering melancholy humours; good for diverse diseases, as the Strangury, [Page 7] Plurisie, &c. Peares are cold, and binding, good for hot swellings, do help the lask and bloody flux, and being made into drink, do warm the stomack, and cause good digestion. The Walnut is an ingredient in Antidotes against the plague, and biting of venomous beasts; whose kernels made into a milke cooleth and comforteth the languishing sick body. So Quinces do strengthen the stomack, stay vomiting, and stop the flux; and are good for many other things.
2 The benefits, which from such a generall Plantation will arise to this Nation, is very much. As,
1 First, by this means there may be a great Improvement of Land without any losse of other fruits, which it usually yieldeth, as of Grasse, Corn of all sorts, or any other thing: and so men may receive a double gain; first, of those fruits upon the ground; and secondly, of such fruits as growing upon the trees, the land beareth as it were by the by.
2 There will be a great plenty of wholesome food added where little or none of that Nature was before; In which Countreys the very Hogs feeding upon the fallings, make choice of fruit, and first taste, eating up the pleasant fruit, leaving the other, there is such abundance. Gerards Herb. for besides every family may have of these fruits enough for all uses in food; so also may thereby be obteined a good and wholesome drink from the juice of the Apples, and Peares, as in the Counties of Worcester and Glocester is very exemplary in that particular, to their profit and plenty.
3 By this means much Corn, (especially of Barley) may be saved (which is spent out in Malt) and may serve for food in the time of want; and other Corn by that means become more reasonable in prices.
4 And likewise much expense in Wines may by reason of the Perry and Syder, which in all parts may be made, be spared: and which kinde of drink (being once [Page 8] accustomed) will be as proper and wholsome for our English bodies, as French wines, if not more.
1 3 A generall Plantation (as aforesaid) will make wonderfull plenty, as may be gathered by a supposition probable as this: Suppose 20 trees of Apples and Peares be planted, and well fenced upon a tenement of 5 li. per annum, once in seven years they may (by Gods blessing) bring forth halfe a bushel of good fruit apiece; and in 10 years a bushel a tree; in 13 years two bushels, and so forth; what a plenty will this make in so small an Occupation?
2 And besides it will yield great plenty, yea abundance to the poor, who shall yearly receive from the common Plantations of the Commons and Wastes so much good fruit, as that they cannot be destitute all the year. And if to buy; yet in such a generall Plantation, good fruit will not cost above 4 d. or 6 d. the bushel, which now will cost 12 d. or 16 d. if not more in many places, which kinde of provisions the poor preferre before better food, as the story goeth.
4 This generall Plantation is very requisite, seeing so many places are wholly destitute of all fruit, Cambden. Brit. and yet both the ground and Clymate throughout this whole Island able and apt to yield of fruit great plenty. Cambden saith, that they are whining and slothfull [Page 9] husbandmen, who complain of the barrennesse of the earth in England; and doth confidently affirm, that it proceedeth rather of the inhabitants idlenesse then any distemper, and indisposition of the air, Camb. ex will. Malmesbur. that this our England affords no wine: and that it hath heretofore had Vineyards which yielded wine well nigh as good in taste and smell as the French wine; And at Bromwell Abbey in Norfolk. and indeed so are many places unto this day in our land called Vineyards; as at Elie in Cambridgeshire; of which remaines upon Record these old Rimes.
In English thus.
5 And if our England be so able and apt for wine, much more is it able and apt for these ordinary and wholesome fruits.
Besides, such an Universall Plantation will both yield great store of fuel to burn, and wood for many occasions (the Apple, Peare and Walnut-trees, being all of them good Joyners timber) fit to make chaires, stools, tables, and many other house-Utensils) and also it will much warm the Countrey by so many thousands of trees planted in open and waste grounds to the great comfort both of man and beast.
6 And as concerning this work, it is very feasable and easie, the banks, and quickrowes may be set, as well with good fruit-trees at a convenient distance, as with thorn, hasel, harbow, or brier: besides, how many usefull stocks of crab and wilding are to be taken from the roots of such as grow in rowes, and to be found in woods, which being transplanted and grafted will be as good fruit-trees, and last longer then such as are reared up from seeds or kernels?
7 The delight and pleasure, which by this will arise, will not be small in a little while; when one may behold the waste and wilde places all abounding with fruitfull trees (like the Garden of God) keeping their order, and distance: each one offering the weary traveller some little collation to quench his thirst, and refresh his spirits; inviting him to rest under their shadow, and to taste of their delicates, and to spare his purse; which is a benefit well known in the Western Counties of this our England.
8 To these might be added the benefit of the Walnut for oil; the delight and comfort of all these for conserves and preserves, both for sicknesse and health: and their use in a Famine, when all other fruits of the earth do fail; whereof the Nation of France hath had good triall, who had starved in some Famines, had it not been for their Chesnuts, Walnuts, Apples, and Pears, these being far better food in a famine then asses heads, doves dung, 2 Kings 6. Miseries of Germany. or old leather, which some have been constrained to eat to preserve life; yea sometimes the flesh of dead men, and their own children.
Objections against this designe.
Object. 1 But here it may be some men wil object, that these are but vain and trifling things, not worthy a law, or injunction for so noble a Nation as this is.
To which the answer is easie: that our slothfulnes is the more, and improvidence the more to be condemned, that so noble a Nation should need a goad, and spur to put them on to the improving of such trifling things; which are of such necessity, profit, facility and delight, as these things, which every diligent and prudent provident husband should endevour after continually of themselves.
Object. 2 But it will be a hard and difficult matter to get so many plants as may supply the Proportion throughout the whole Nation.
We answer, the slothfull man saith, there is a lion in the way; and if men were as willing as they might be, the woods and hedgerows would afford stocks not a few to graft upon: besides, there are not wanting commendable Planters and Arborists in this Nation, whose nurseries will afford at very low rates many thousand of wilde stocks fitting to be removed, and improved for this businesse.
Object. 3 Yea, but there is such rudenesse and ravening in the common people of England, that all would come to nought.
Answ. True as our scarcity of these fruits are in every place, so it is, and so it will be: but plenty yields satiety and content: and the western Countries can witnesse this to be otherwise; besides, good laws, [Page 12] and good execution of them will prevent all such like mischiefs.
Object. 4 But it will be a great while before this Designe come to perfection.
Answ. Yet if a beginning be not made, there can be no hope of any perfection; and if men begin well, the work will go on the better; for the saying is,
Besides he is the most unworthy of his own life, who is like the Bear, lives onely to suck his own claws, and will not provide for posterity as well as himself. For,
Object. 5 But the Commons and Wastes cannot wel be planted. Answ. If not all of them, yet the most of them will bear forth these trees: and we see the most barren places to bring forth the thorn, oak, and ash-trees, and why not these also? which are not so hard to grow as some of them; besides such directions may be given, as may be very advantagious for their rooting and growth in such barren places, as afterward shall be shewed.
Object. 6 But these trees being planted in hedge-rows amongst other trees of greater growth and top, will never prosper and come to perfection; and so much labour will be lost.
Answ. These trees being prudently set, and providently husbanded in banks and hedge-rows, will thrive the best of all, and prove most fruitfull; for if the grounds be cold and wet, then to set them in banks and rows will be far better, then to set them abroad, the banks being the driest places for planting: And if the grounds be dry and sandy, then the banks are the best, as being least hurtful to the roots of trees, and gaining moisture unto them by the ditches, when any do fall, whereby they are refreshed and preserved. And for other trees which may overtop them, if every honest and good member in this our Common-wealth could as easily remove his wicked and bad neighbour, as the Husbandman can remove such trees from his plantation, there would not be a bad neighbour in England. And how much a good fruit-tree will exceed in profit any other tree of what kinde soever, may easily be gathered by this computation: Suppose one load of wood in twenty yeers may be cut from any husband, or powling (and it must be a good one, which will yeeld so much in such a time) which load of wood may be worth nine or ten shillings; yet a good fruit-tree (by Gods blessing) will yeeld as much fruit in one yeer as will countervail that profit; for some good fruit-trees have been known to yeeld eight, nine, or ten coombs of good fruit in one yeer, which at four pence the bushell will come to more then the best tree for wood will yeeld in twenty yeers. And suppose an Oak after 300 yeers growth be worth five or six pounds, yet a good fruit-tree within fourty yeers will yeeld the same profit four or five times double, which is far beyond the benefit arising of the best [Page 14] Timber-trees in England. And moreover, trees for timber may have the woods to grow in, and such convenient places in fields and rows, as may be no annoyance or hinderance to the fruit-trees of this plantation.
Object. 7 These plantations in arable grounds, and common fields, will both hinder the Plough, and by their shadow destroy and hinder corn.
Answ. If indeed they should be planted in the middest of plowed lands, something might be said against it; But in all common fields for corn, there lie land-divisions, and baulks, or meers, which though but narrow, yet are sufficient and apt to bear trees, (as being the best ground) if they be planted upon them: And at thirty yards distance in length, and about thirty yards in breadth one from another likewise; they will be no hinderance at all to the Plough, nor yet to the growth and increase of corn; for at such a distance the Sun and winde will have such power on every side that they will disperse their beams and air without any let; and in case (when these trees are grown large and great) they may hinder a peck of corn a tree, yet will they recompense that losse twenty-fold in their fruit and fewell to the owners: besides, a good husband may keep up his trees so by pruning, as that no damage at all may be susteined by them.
Object. 8 But fielding grounds which lie in parcels are often so intermixed, that sometimes ten several persons may have severall proprieties in five acres of land: and [Page 15] therefore how can trees be planted either at an equall distance of 30 yards; or who shall plant them, or receive their fruits or fuel being so many and diverse proprieters?
Answ. If men were without reason, this might make an objection; but reasonable men wil conclude that mears or balks in their length may be planted at 30 yards distance without difficulty, and that such small parcels will fall likewise about 30 yards distance in breadth, not much under or over; which will make no difference: and such trees as are to be planted upon partable Mears, may by Law be appointed to be charged in their plantation, and fencing, and divided in their benefits equally between suc howners, as have a community therein.
Object. 9 But this Designe, if once it come to perfection, will undo many families, who live by Brewing and Malting.
Answ. The light of nature will teach us that a common, and publike good is to be preferred to all private profit; as the saying is,
Besides, the multiplicity of men practising Brewing, and Malting is but rather a bane then a benefit to this Common-wealth; ministring occasion to thousands of blinde and unnecessary Tipling-houses, whereby drunkennesse, disorder, and dangerous plots are fomented and nourished to the great dishonour of God, and disturbance of the State and Common-wealth; [Page 16] so that it were to be wished that every private family in this whole Nation were so provided, that there might not be any further occasion to expend so much corn in Malt, or so much money and precious time in Ale-houses and drink, which would cause every pious heart rather to rejoyce with thanksgiving, then to repine with murmuring for the disappointing of self-ends and advantages, when the publique Good should be so greatly advanced.
Instructions concerning this Designe.
Although planting doth chiefly depend upon the blessing and providence of God, 1 Cor. 3.6. (without which no benefit can be expected) yet God who ordaineth the end, appointeth also the means conducible thereunto; not that men should rest in the means appointed, but that they waiting upon God in the use of meanes should expect his blessing thereupon of his grace and mercy: according to the saying,
Therefore we have thought good to set down for the help of such as are unskilfull in the noble Art of Planting, such necessary Instructions and Directions touching this Designe, as by experience have been found usefull and commodious for our Countrey of England, letting go those unprofitable conclusions wherewith many have filled their books of this Art of Planting, taken for the most part out of the writings [Page 17] and experiments of other Nations, as Italy, France and Spain, &c. which being of far different Climates from our Nation, however they may be usefull and effectuall unto others, are indeed altogether uselesse and in-effectuall unto us in England: for,
Instructions concerning wilde Sets and Stocks to plant 1 and graft upon.
For the increase and store of wilde Sets and Stocks to plant and to graft upon; It is very requisite,
1 That every man, according to the proportion of his occupation have some yard or inclosure for his wilde Sets and Stocks, which may serve him as a continual Nursery, to plant and supply all his other Grounds and Plantations.
2 Let this Inclosure or Nursery be well and strongly fenced so as no cattel may hurt it; for a beast will do more mischief in a night unto the Nursery then it will recover in seven years after.
3 The Nursery would not be of the richest and fattest ground, but rather inclinable to leannesse, that so the wilde Sets and Stocks being transplanted, may be removed from a mean to a better; from a lean to a fatter soyl, otherwise they will not prosper.
4 At the first, let this Nursery be well digged, and as much as may be made cleer of all noisome weeds, (especially [Page 18] of Spearegrasse) by harrowing, raking, and sowing Turneps the year before, or covering that all over with brakes: otherwise the weeds willl much hinder the growth and increase of the plants or Sets.
5 To replenish this Nursery in the best way, is to sowe that all over with the goods, or stamping of crabs, apples, pears, and kernels of Quince about Alhollon-tide, or in November, or at such time as you make your Verjuice, Sydar, or Perry, and then to riddle good earth all over to cover them a finger thick (or to rake them in, which is not so good) and so covering them with thorns to expect their Spring in February, March, and April, when the covering is to be taken away from them.
6 Chuse the best and greatest walnuts, (as the Welsh nut, French nut, &c.) and set them all about your Nursery, without the plants, some three or four foot distance; or they may be set altogether upon beds by themselves.
7 For three years after the Nursery be thus replenished, be carefull to keep it very clean from weeds, grasse, or any other beggery, for it will requite the owner abundantly for his paines.
8 The wilde Sets being three foot high would be removed, and set a foot distance one from another, and would have their long top-roots cut off, that they may root the better, and grow the greater; otherwise they will grow down with a long top, and up with a high top, their bodies being slender, not fit to graft, and to remove dangerous, as having few or none other roots but their long top-roots.
9 At this first removing of the wilde Sets, cut off [Page 19] onely the spray and branches of the plants, pruning them into a straight wands, and cut not off their heads, for that will hinder them, being so young and tender.
10 There is another way to replenish the Nursery, which is by setting at a foot distance branches of apple trees with Burknots, or the suckers which are found in Orchards, and may be taken from the Roots of the Apple, Pear, or Quince-trees, or the shoots of the Kentish Codling cut off and pricked in the ground, all which wil take and grow wel; onely it must be remembred that such suckers must be taken as may have some roots, and these must be well pruned and headed likewise when they are transplanted into the Nursery.
11 The Quince is rhe most apt of all other to grow, whether by kernels sowne, suckers, or even any young branch cut off from the body, with a soals foot, set into good earth about November will take and grow. Also if a bough be half split from the body in the Spring; and then bound well about with new cow-dung, and so let grow till Michaeltide, or October, it will be rooted into the dung, and may be taken off and transplanted with profit.
12 If an Apple or Peare-tree have any goodly young bough (if it be not bigger then a mans wrest) it may be rooted upon the tree: if in June the bark be taken away round the bough the breadth of four fingers, and a be skep (having a hole in the crown answerable to the bignesse of the bowe) be slit down the side, that it may open, and so set, and fastened below. The barked place with the mouth upward, and so filled with fat, sad, and clayish earth well moistened, and so let stand untill November or Deecmber, and then being [Page 20] cut off below the skep, the head pruned, and transplanted into good ground, and the skep gently taken away, so as the earth be not loosed, it will grow a fruitfull dwarf-tree.
Instructions concerning Removings, or Transplantations.
1 When your wilde Sets and Stocks are fit for transplanting, it is best to remove them before they be grafted, so they will be in lesse danger to die; and the cutting of the tops of the wilde Sets will be no hinderance either to growth or grafting.
2 The best time to transplant these trees, is September and October (with their leaf upon their head,) because the winter will both close and consolidate the earth about the roots, and also the remainder of sap in the trees descending into the roots will fasten them the better, and prepare their growth in the Spring the surer: November, December, and January may serve, but are nothing so good as the other moneths.
3 In all removings have speciall care to prune both the root and head, remembring this, that it is farre better to have a large root and little top, then to have a great top and a little root, which seldom comes to good. A great many roots may endure a good large top, but a few roots would have a little top.
4 Where the soil is very good, it will be sufficient to dig a hole four times as big as the root, which let it be digged about Mid-summer, or as soon after as you can for the crop growing thereupon. First pare off the uppermost part thereof, laying grasse to grasse, or stubble [Page 21] to stubble, and upon that on the one side of the hole lay the best earth (which will be the first speete, or spade) and the rest by it self on the other side of the hole, and so let that lie open to Sun and air, till you transplant the trees; then set your tree in the best earth first, being well broken and mouldred, laying out the roots in their severall proportion set not your tree too deep, after that put in the worst earth uppermost, carefully closing the earth alwayes about the roots. You may lay some dung upon the uppermost face of the hole after all, if you please.
5 In light and sandy ground, and shallow soil, dig your hole, and prepare it as aforesaid; but you must remember to dig it much deeper, three or four foot deep, & when you set your trees fill that up with good moist earth within a foot and half of the uppermost ground: then setting in the tree, take slur of some sink or hog-yard, or mud of some pond, (or for want of these make poy, with good earth and water) and pour it amongst the roots, drawing them forth each in his way, and so fill that up with good earth: this will never fail expectation in the growth of young trees; onely remember that in sandy ground trees must be set deeper then in moist and good earth.
6 In moist and wet grounds it is good to dig a hole, and prepare that as followeth: when you are to set your tree, dig a hole four foot over and two foot deep, and then lay a faggot of wood close bound in the bottom, well troden down, fill up the hole again with the best earth, then set your trees upon the plain ground on the top, raising an hill of earth round about the root, which may cover it well from heat and cold, it will like exceedingly.
7 When the trees are transplanted into light or sandy ground, if the Spring or Summer following prove drie, they must be watered very well, but very seldom. The water would be taken out of some standing pit (which is better then spring, or well-water) or else mixed with cow-dung (which maketh a laxative and lusty water for young trees) and when they are watered, cover their roots with old straw, or hatch, putting it by in rainy weather, for fear of mice harbouring in it.
8 In the ttansplantation of Walnuts be very careful to preserve the top-root; for if that be perished, the tree will not thrive, if not die.
9 The Apple-tree loves to grow best in rich soil, but indifferently in any.
The Peare best in a sandie, and light soile.
The Qvince in a moist ground, and fat.
The Walnut-tree in a clayish or mixt soile.
10 Note that the Medler, and Service-trees may be planted in sandie, and gravelie ground, and will grow in places, where other trees will not thrive. And these fruits are both wholesome and pleasant.
11 When the Trees are transplanted and set, they must be wel fenced and stayed against the shaking of winds both for their preservation and steady growing: Thorns pricked into the ground, and bound about the Tree with a withe, and a stake set fast into the ground to stay them is used by some; three stakes set in a triangle about the Tree with crosse bars nailed from stake to stake; by others, stakes driven aslope into the ground two wayes, and well fastened to the Tree with hay-bands, and fenced, others use: and some having [Page 23] fenced their Trees with a triangle (as is aforesaid) use to cut off the head of their Tree wholly, leaving as a staffe, which after will both grow strong against windes, and put forth a gallant head in few years: onely it is to be remembred that, that fencing and staying of your Trees is best, which is most secure, least subject to grate your Trees, and longest lasting.
Instructions concerning Grafting.
1 As touching the kindes, manner and time of Grafting, they are as followeth.
The kindes. | Manner. | Time of grafting. |
1 Cōmon grafting is | -By cleaving the stock. | These three first in the latter end of February, March, or beginning of April. |
2 Incysing — is | -Shoulderwise between the Bark and Tree. | |
3 Packing — is | -By sloping the Impe and stocks, and cloving them together like a whipstock. | |
4 Inoculating — is | -By placing a bud into the Bark of another Tree. | This last about the tenth of June. |
2 There is an other way of crossing the pith of trees, which is by boring two holes through the stock across a hand breadth one above another, and making two pins of the same wood to drive them hard in; some take this to be a good way.
3 Good winter-fruit sowne of kernels in Nurseries, and so transplanted, will prove good fruit, though they never be grafted at all: and note that the Walnut will not be grafted.
4 Never graft your Sets the same year you do remove them, but let them stand and take root a year at least or [Page 24] two, then they will nourish their Grafts, and thrive exceedingly.
A Generall Rule for Grafting.