Hampton-Court CONSPIRACY, WITH The Dovvnfall of the Agitators and Levellers, who would admit no distinction of Birth or Tittle, and out of the Lands of the whole Kingdome in Generall would proportion an equal Estate to every man in particular.
TOGETHER With the horrid resolution of one George Greenland Corporal, who in the space of three dayes did undertake to murder his Majesty at Hampton-Court.
Printed in the Yeare 1647:
Hampton-Court CONSPYRACY.
WHat are now become of our Mountebank Horse-Doctors the Agitators, who have so long made both Houses house of Offices for evacuations and purges; the only Wise men to state the case of the kingdome, or to uncase it into states; Whose Dictates were more then Documents, and Proposalls Imposals, bespeaking both Speakers silent, making a younger brother of our Parliament, in bequeathing unto it one of their party-colour'd Coats, not so much for a badge of division, as that each spot of knavery might have its splendor, and so become the lesse blemish, but because of its long dreaming have left in the pit of dispaire?
Sir these Agitating Anthonyes of our time I beleeve have made so many interrogatives of the Prerogative, that it is a hard question to resolve whither the devill hath carryed them by the spirit of a Proposall: Report bespeakes them voted back to their severall charges, that is devoted or consecrated to the charge of the kingdome; perhaps the devill hath carryed them to the Spittle pinnacle, for not long agoe some of them with their animall agents were seen there to over-looke the kingdomes of the world, and the glory of them, which appeared (for one instance) in a Comfit-maker (who stood upon a bench [Page 2]dressing Sweet-meates for them like mad, and indeed the Sisters gapt upon him as if they wanted sugar plumbs) but to the poynt, this fellow told them that it was revealed unto him out of the Revelations, that twenty years hence at farthest, the Saints shall begin their raigne of a thousand years; and that text that the meeke shall inherit the earth; did wrap him up in such a high sphear of spirituall solace and jocanty, that he despise all worldly comfort making; but observe whether amongst these Levellers, there was not the very forme and matter of a conventice Conspiracy against Hampton Court, or the King of it; for they gathered hands to begin to make plaine the high-way of our Lord King Charles; their argument was, that the Creator is no respecter of persons; Ergo, why should the creature, wherefore wee will leave Hampton-Court with my Sister Hannas Kitchin, the people chose the King, Ergo, why should we not chuse whether we will have a King or noe. These plots of high concernment were agitated belowe staires, in allusion to the powder plot, above staires they whimperd out freewill, which intimated their inherent ability to act these good works, and sweet roguries. From all which I infer that the Scribes, Pharises, Hypocrites, instead of paying Tribute to Caesar, would have him pay Tribute to their Tub tribunals, to bequeath his head to the wise Agitators, his body to the liberty of the subject, and so he may become, if not a Saint a Separatist; which if they can accomplish it will probably prognostick that these Saints shall be soveraignes.
But what is it that terminates their designe?
First a confusion of King and Court. Secondly a concussion or knocking together the simple noddels of the vulgar into a community untill they run all horne mad. For the first they have the Popes Bull, to wit Mr. Peters, who must roare the Catholick Commonality out of Allegiance, into the coxcomb community of sublunary creatures; who of late hath converted his Apostolicall keyes into [Page 3]putry padlocks, perswading his Majesty it is the narrow way to heaven to be shut up close, whiles himselfe holds riding about like an Itinerary Minister, as the just right of liberty of Conscience, prohibiting some purblind Presbiters into divine Post boyes. The divine Dell, and Peters the other day opened their mouth, and the devill spit in them, and they spake saying, the King was but as a dead dog; which interpreted, is he shal live no longer as a man; Rabshekah was a royalist to these rogues, was ever such pulpit puppies seen or heard of in this universe, that snarled at his soveraigne as a Dog. I know not whether it bee the common prayers to punish such prodigious Prophets, but I am sure it is divine service to hang them.
2. For the second they plead the old custome in the nonage of times, and as King Pinus was said when the first that constituted confines and ordained bounds, so these Pinnies wil begin anew (because al things but of that are become new) to be boundlesse all things are to be common to the outward and inward man, and nothing proper unlesse it be to propagate a posterity out of their neighbours wifes propristy; now I must want a share in a sisters dowry, whether it be copy hold Land, or to be tenant intale, each Citizen must proclaime himselfe a Coukcold and his wife a Concubine, and farewell all private devotin in mine Vncles counting-house thirty pounds a yeare shal he distributive justice to those that had just nothing afore, towards the execution of which at large, they shut up my Lord Mayor and his brethren, converting their gold chains into silver mint.
And these Agitators the no more ring leaders to this Conspiracy?
For some of Putney prerogative would willingly change the yeare of King Charles his raigne into the yeare of his ruine.
Amongst whom, if he be not converted, I may reckon one almost omnipotent, a Oliver who hath cut more cross capers then them all, whose private spirit breaths negatives and affirmatives instanti, in an instant. First he affirme that the religious Army will prostrate their Armes at the Parliaments feet, at the least beck of intimation; then spurrecuts to the Army, and gives them a negative Nod to forbeare disbanding on pain of persecution. Another time perswades the House to commit Sir Thomas his Commission, because hee thought King was a little above Charls Steuart, and therefore not liable to the lamentable result of a petty paper plodding Committee, but timely intelligence very excellently forewarning his Excellence, hee made a halt at the House doore, and sent his Commission to a Court of guard to be tyed neck and heeles from their clutches, wherefore Oliver crost a caper, and bid his Excellence to conceale it, to maintaine his march, for the house lay in Ambuscado.
Yet he doth not run paralel with an Agitator.
For then he should be a Leveller, I suppose he is rather a Reveller, for Crumwell hath so well pickt up his crums from under the late well spread table of the Common-wealth, that now he would sit at the upper end of the board, the Sir Anthonyes being but the dogges of his flock (as Peters his puppy dog only for his bravado barking) who gaine a few fragments by the way of snapping. Had it not been for his Iron-sides the other day, his ribs had payed Tribute to Caesar, for being rul'd by Endimion Ireton in the behalfe of a little piece of his Majesties Prerogative.
Neither is Crumwell such an al crusty condition'd fellow as I tooke him for.
For I conjecture that he would willingly preserve the Prerogative so it were in the salt pichle of Independency. [Page 5]The other day he made a very canonicall condemnatory speech, to stop the careere of the Hobby-horsmen of Israel; biding of them shew their faith by their workes, or sound a retreat to their severall Regiments, and do nothing at all, for they ought to be under Government and not over it. Concerning which (to erre a little with the brethren) I heard a dispute at the spirituall Spittle, one propounded his argument thus, if the honourable and free-born people of England, be the Foundation and groundwork of Government, it is requisite they should Governe: but they are, Ergo, what are Kings, Princes, and Potentates? only the specious superstructure which we support, Ergo, wee are the principle, which duly considered is a very fundamentall poynt; the Fabrick ought to be inferiour to the fundament or foundation, by which locall rule of contraryes, the talle shall dictate to the head, the breeches to the brainepan: and so bee right sir Animall Agitators.
Then Sisters shall succeed Senators, and ride to Westminster.
What a pretty condition should we be in, if this Spittle should bee super-steeple predominant over all our Synagogues.
Surely chimney-Churches would smoake us out of the Temple, but themselves in that thick spirit would mount to the spirits that rule in the ayre, for they are devilish children of disobedience. What is all this but a meere Iesuiticall jugling against the poore King of Hampton-Court, and Kirke.
It is so. Did not the Agitators come to push of pike with him in his forc'd retreat? very probably they shewed him the poynt of death, & would have forc'd it upon him as a main point of their Doctrine, though the devills Ʋse. O brave St. Authonies fire of zeale, must the King not only be confined, but confounded, is it all one to carry him to his throne, and to goe about to cut his throat? O high and mighty Proposals to the now, if you please freely begot people of England (for cummune being bonum, it is fitting all things should be common) wherein every lamentable letter speaks a premunire to the Prerogative, and seems to crush the Crowne-beneath the foot-stoole of a Cobler, translating his person by underlaying into the similitude of a Saint.
These Traytors of our age, or Agitators in their last [Page 6]fire-work to the Army, let off a Cracker with noyse that they with their fellow souldiers did and should do the Parliament as much service by disobedience as obedience.
That is as well by not disbanding when they commanded, as by banding together against the Lord and his Anointed when they desired, (which may bee an Oracle, though not of Apollo, yet of a pox of them, the shakers whose spirits are familiar with the devill) portending those that raised this Parliament shall ruine it, or shake it into shivers, or shite it away by fanatick fluxing.
It is a great question what an Agitator means; therfore tell me.
I will nominate some severall significations that the the word carryes, which much relates their antick or rather Antinomian actions. First it signifies a tossen; and what is the kingdome now but a Tenniscourt, and his Majesty the ball banded about with the roguish rackt of roundheadisme, and often hazarded to destruction; looke from Dan to Bersheba, and you shall see such tossing the Independent petticoats for free quarter, and such tosse potting to credit the Publick Faith; that doubtles shortly all things must be common, and then this last age shall be exalted above the first because of hornes, and Couckolds will be a custome if not canonicall.
Secondld, Sir Anthony Agitator signifies a driver of a cart or beast; and now are not Carremen, nay the very carriage of men become Kings, who drive the Cart of the Common-wealth into the deep ditch of desolation, crying high gee ho, both to God and the Gospell, lashing the poore commonalty with twisted cords of conspiracy.
Thirdly to agitate signifies to prick or compell; do not they prick forwarde Community for all commodities, pull up the hedge of honesty from their Neighbours piece of ground; thinking it too much modesty for a Saint to cover a sin.
Fourthly, suriae sagitant improbas, it signifies to torment; and did not these Tinkerly Traytors terrifie the people with the sound of their kettledrums: nay they have now made the addle headed multitude uncapable of their Amsterdam, and animall alarums: from whence in fine, I define an Agitator to be an arch Tub Traytor of this age whom the Divel lately tossed out of the bottomlesse pit to drive on his desinges, prick Principalities, and torment the times.