The Worlds timely Warning-Peece.
THe end of all things is at hand, 1 Pet. 4.7. But of that day & hour knoweth no man, Mat. 24.36. Their last words were the words of our Saviour: but if you read the ensuing verss, you shall find our Saviour, as it were; points out the time to us, how we shall know when the time is near: For, saith he, as the dayes of Noah were so likewise shall the comming of the Son of man be. For as in the daies before the flood, they did eat and drink, marry, and give in marriage, untill the day that Noah entred into the Ark, and knew nothing till the flood came, and took them all away: So shall the com [...] ming of the Son of man be. Noah knew not the day nor hour when the flood should come, but he was commanded to build the Ark; but yet he knew partly the time when it would come, partly by signs, and then by the ripenesse o [...] sin, that the time was near at hand. So by the same similitude, and the fulfilling of the Scriptures, which our Saviour left for u [...] all to take notice, how near the time w [...] come: we may all easily conjecture, that t [...] day of the Lord is near at haud; our LORD gives us, by a similitude or parable of t [...] fig-trée, saying, When the bough is yet tend [...] and it bringeth forth leaves, you know that summer is near: so likewise ye, when you see all the [...] hings, know that the Kingdome of God is nea [...] [Page 5]even at the doors, Mat. 24. If we take that saying, that as the dayes of Noah was, so shall the comming of the Son of man be.
From Adam to the end of the flood was, 1656 yeares: so from the first comming of Christ, to the second comming to judgment should then be near 1656, which time is past two years. And if you look into the Writings of men, who formerly writ concerning this day of the Lord, you shall find many notable things is prove, that it is near the time. But I'le passe by these uncertain things, and invite you to look into the Scriptures, concerning this matter, where you shall find proofe enough, that it is near at hand: if you please to read the 24 of Matthew all over, and compare it with these latter times, you will conclude the dissolution of time is near at hand, And likewise the 21 of Luke: And they asked him, saying, Master, vvhen shall these things be? But in the first place take notice, he spoke concerning the Temple, some were wond'ring at the beauty of it: Then saith he the dayes will come, wherein a stone shall not be left upon a stone, that shall not be thrown down. Take notice, I desire you of this, that the first sign was the de [...]truction of the Temple, and the house of God [...]nd his Ordinances shall be abused, for then [...]s the beg [...]ing of sorrows; when the Lord [...]hall say, Behold, the daies come, that I vvill send famine in the land; not a famine of bread, nor a [...]hirst for vvater, but of hearing the vvord of the Lord, Amos. 8.11. Then Christ said, Take heed [...]at ye be not deceived; for many vvill come in my [Page 6]name, saying, I am Christ; and the time draweth near. Follow ye not them. Therefore, as if he should say, when my House is destroyed, my Ordinances despised, my Prophets abused; then is the time for false Prophets to come and deceive you, and make you believe they are new lights; but they are but shadows; For, as the Apostle saith, 2 Tim. 3.5. Having a shew of Godlynesse, but denying the power therof; turn away therefore from such. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive simple women, laden with sins, and led away with divers lusts. I desire you all to take notice of this, and consider, whether these things are not come to pass in our age, which the like was never known before. And in the next verse, saith our Saviour, And when you hear of wars and seditions, be not afraid; for these things must first come, but the end followeth not by and by. Pray, did we not hear of Wars round about us, before we felt it, in Germany, France, Spain, Ireland? Then, saith he, Nation shall rise against Nation; and Kingdome against Kingdome. For this we now see, for nation against naon way justly be meant, between Holland and us; for all the rest of the World are Kingdoms and under the goverment of Monarchy; yet all in a posture of War one against another, and like to coutinue, except the Lord be more mercifull to us. Then, saith he, Great earth-quake shall be in divers places, which have been of late as for example: Many thousands were destroyed of the late earth-quake, in the Summe [...] Islands, and in other places.
Hunger, and pestilence, and fearfull things; and great signs shall there be from Heaven: Hunger and Pestilence wée féel not yet, but other nations have felt it, as Germany, in a most sad manner, and in Ireland, amongst the natives, and wild Irish, both plague & famine destroyed many of them in the year, 1652. Therefore let us consider with our selves, how mercifull the Lord hath been to us, and is now, that in the midst of judgment he is mercifull. First, he sent us the Pestilence, then the sword; but he hath still kept famine from us, though we have had some scarcity in the Wars. I pray God our plentifulnesse, which we enjoyed of late years, be not a cause to provoke the Lord to send the famine amongst us: for many murmured when Corn was cheap, and said, they should be undone. Let them take heed, so they may to soon, both in this life, and in the World to come, if the Lord leaves them to themselves. But if you be rich & mighty men, will not return thanks unto God for plenty, let the poor of this Nation blesse God for his mercies to them, and let their Prayers be to continue it: For Christ saith; In the latter dayes, because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. And so doth the love of the rich grow cold to the poor, as some for example hang'd themselves, dispairing at the bountifulnesse and plenty that the Lord sent. But the Lord will love them that put their trust in him, saith David. Psalm. 9.18. For the poor shall not alwayes forgotten the hope of the afflicted shall not perish for ever. But to go forward, concerning the signs of [Page 8]the latter day. Christ told, there should be signs from Heaven. I am sure this land, and other Nations too, hath both seen and felt most strange sights from Heaven: Here in our nation, was there not great and strange things done, by thunder and lightning in 1652, in June and July, and many people destroyed by it, and houles and Churches fired and consumed by it, in severall parts of this land, And likewise it rained blood the twentieth of June 1653. at a place called Pool in Dorset-shire, which may fulfill the words of the Lord, which he speaks by the mouth of his Prophet Joel: I wil shew wonders in the Heavens, and in the earth, bloud, and fire, and pillars of smoak, as you may read, Joel. 3.2. where he speaks of the signs of the last day. The great Eclipses that have hapn [...], you will say, are naturall; but so many, one after another, hath béen seldome séen or heard of. Moreover, 'tis said, We shall not know the winter from the summer, but by the leaves of the trees, and if you have noted for this five years together, here in England, it hath been partly fulfilled; for in the midst of Winter, mornings and evenings were like May-mornings, and more warmer: But in Scotland it was certified, that there was green pease and birds built their nests in the midst of winter, and the season not known, but by the shortnesse of the dates, in 1653. Moreover, There shall be in those dayes such tribulation, as was not from the beginning of the Creation which God created unto this time, neither shall be. And truly I think, there was never the like since the [Page 9]creation, as hath of late been, and is now, both for Wars and rumours, seditions, heresies, destruction, hipocriffe, false Prophets, envy and malice; the brother betraying the brother, the Father the son, the Son the Father: Will not one friend sell the life of another now adaies? When was ever the like heard or read of, in any age before? I desire you all that hear this book, consider it, and sleight it out; for this is no false Prophesie that you hear, this is Christs Prophesie, which he left us to look into, that we may not be deluded in these times, as, I am afraid, too many are, and run after their own inventions, and will take upon them to prophesie, and to teach others, when, alass poor souls, they are ignorant of what they do, and out of a proud opinion, and out of a false delusion, seek to bring swift destruction upon themselves, and others: such as despise the learned Ministers of the Gospel, and think none so worthy as themselves, to handle the word of God: that can scarce read true English, yet will take upon them to interprete the Scriptures. Christ saith, that the Gospel must be published in all natious, before this time come. I would fain know of these men, whether they must do it, or the learned Ministry: Have they their Greek, Latin, or Hebrew tongue, to Travel all over the world to preach this Gospell? in other nations, their English tongue will not serve; but in all nations of the World, either Latin, Greek, or Hebrew will be undestood. Therefore, whether you are the men, to finish [Page 10]this great work of the Lord, or Schollars, I leave it to yourselves to judge of it. I leave you this place of Scripture, 2 Pet. 3. if you read the Chapter before, you shall read what shall come in these last dayes. Now you that read those places, consider seriously on them, and desire God to direct your hearts, in true knowledge and interpretation of these Scriptures, and no doubt, but you shall find the true sence of it,
I would masters and parents would instruct their children and servants more than they do, they would not be so disobedient as they be, both to their masters and parents, and to their elders and superiours. Nor will I not be partiall, but with reverence may tell some of the Clergy, that it is long of them, that the word of God, and his Ordinance too, is evill spoken of, Titus Chap. 2. shews you what you ought to be, and what you ought to do; for indeed, the eyes of the people are upon the Ministers. I and just cause they have had indeed, for it is a gallant thing to see one of that coat, that can say, he hath been no time-server, he hath been no breeder of divisions, he hath been no covetous person, who would leave his flock, if they were little, to get a greater, so he might get the bigger fleece. But because there are such, are there none that doth the work of the Lord faithfully? Yes, the Lord be praised there be, and I pray God continue them amongst us, and let us be sure to hearken unto them: For he that preaches the word of God boldly, not fearing [Page 11]man, but God, whose messenger he is, not medling with these frivolous things, that happens in these last dayes, which must come to pass: For when Christ told his Disciples of these latter daies, and what should come to pass, he saith, Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. So having, with that small understanding that I have, told you the possibility and certainty of the dissolution of time, or day of doom, which if you please, by the prophesy of our Saviour, as you shall find it in the 24. of Matthew, 13 of Mark, and the 21 of Luke, which you may read at your leasure, and you shall find it all agree as one-doctrine, which was writ by the thrée Evangelists. Therefore let me desire you to prepare for it, for it will come unlook'd for to a great many, I am afraid, as a thief in the night, or as a snare, wherein it will catch us at unawares. Perhaps some may scoff at this Book, and say, How can he tell more than another, and this was a long time ago writ, and still all things remain as it did many hundred years: Yet I must answer such as these in the 2 Pet. 2.3. to the end of the Chapter, where you find the Apostle tells you of these men, which I desire you to read, and it will give you full satisfaction. Now to invite you for preparation for this day of the Lord, I shall give you a word or two more, which will terrifie the ungodly, and be joyfull tidings to those, that are prepared to meet the Lord at that day. Let the terrablenesse of this day awaken us all from our [Page 12]grievous Sinnes and Transgressions: if we must give account for every idle word, what account shall we give for every idle oath, nay, for every false oath that we have taken. With Righteousness will he judge the World, and the people with equity, Psal. 58.9. Brides, friends, mireaties, houlings, cryes, lamentations, nothing will then prevaile, but a pure heart, and a spirit upright. St. Jerom saith, whether I eat or drink, or whatsoever I do else, methinks I hear this saying sounding in my eares, Arise you Dead, and come to Judgment; I with the like consideration were in us all. The Lord grant to all [...] one with another, his grace, that they [...] this Scripture sounding in their ears, Of every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give an accoun [...] thereof at the day of judgment. It is the duty of every Christian, [...] that vigilant person, that carred alwayes in his pocket a little clock, and when he heard it sound, he would instantly examine himself, how he had spent that hour. Thu [...] should Christians examine themselves, that they may not be examined of the Lord; for Christ must be the judge at the last day, and he will use no partiality, but the Lord will reward every man according to his works: He is a judge, that hath no respect of persons, This World may fitly be compared to a stage-play, wherein they act severall parts; one acts the part of a King, another a Noble man, another a Magistrate, another a Country-man, another a servant, another a beggar; and so lang as they [Page 13]are upon the stage, so long there is report to their parts, they play one of another amongst them; but when the play is ended, and the stage pull'd down, there is no respect amongst them yea, many times, he that plaid the basest part is the best man. So it is here on earth, every man hath respect, according to the honour and vocation he hath: but when the Comedy shall be ended; that is, the day of doome shall come upon all men, and the earth, which is the stage, pull'd down, there shall be no respect of persons among men; yea, it may be, the poor man shall be greater before God, than the honourable or rich man. Consider this you poor and rich. Then shall the book be opened the evidence of thy works in this life, and thy sins set in order before thy eyes. Heaven and earth shall witnesse against thée, yea, thy own conscience shall condemn [...]. O it will be a terrour to thée, when thou shalt sée the judge angrie with thée for thy sins; and the blessed Angels laughing at thy destruction; on thy right hand shal be thy sins accusing thée; on thy left hand, Devils readie to execute Gods vengeance upon thée; within thée shalile thy conscience gnawing, without thée the damned crue bewailing: And then shalt thou receive that lamentable sentence, Go from me ye cursed into everlasting fire, which is prepared for the devill and his angels. These words wil cut thy heart in sunder, Go from me. Hitherto I have béen a father to thee, I have bestowed manie comfortable benefits upon thée, I have had great care over thée: But now go from [Page 14]me into torments unexpressable, where thou shalt cry unto me: But I will not hear thee. Good people, that hear this Book take timely warning. O that men would remember their end, then they would never offend. Oh that men would set alwayes before their eyes the day of death, the day of judgement, the joy [...]s of Heaven, the torments of Hell; then men would not live so loosly as they do. St. Paul saith in the Corinthians, they were them, upon whom the ends of the World should come. If therefore the end of the World were come upon them, that lived above 1580 and odde yeares ago, then surely dooms-day cannot be far off. 1 Corinth. 20.11. Behold the judge standeth before the door, Jain. 5, 6. So by these two places of Scripture we see, that the Generall day of judgment is at hand, as also by the signs and tokens which should go before this day, of which many, yea almost all, are already fulfilled. But put the case, the time were not so neer as it is imagined, yet death is the day of doom to thee. Many in their youth delay their repentance till their age, thinking this place of Scripture sufficient, Ezek. 17.21, 22. At what time soever a sinner, &c. Or say as Augustine said before his conversion, Forgive me my sinns, but not now; let me sinne in my youth and pardon me in my age. They would die the death of the righteous, but they would not live the life of the righteous. But let these gracelesse persons beware of these two things: first, let them beware of suddain death, let them take heed they be not cut off in the midst of their sinnes, [Page 15]as Job's Children wer [...] the midst of their banquetting, and as the flood came unlook'd for, and devoured the whole World; as of fate suddain death hath seized on many, both in London, and in the Country, by strange sicknesses and diseases. Consider I pray, how many families hath there been shatter'd last year, and still continues, taking the young as well as the old, the strong as well as the weak: Nay, as I may say, the strong Oaks, and tall Cedars hath been cut down, and the low shrubs standing. Therefore I desire you all to take heed, to live today, as you may be readie to die to morrow. The old World had 120 years to repent in, Ninevey had 40 daies, Israel had 40 years to repent in: But thou, O man, knowest not how long thou hast to live, thou hast no lease of thy life, thou art here to day, and gone to morrow; death waiteth for thee at all times, therefore wait thou for it. Therefore to conclude, I desire you, to let this book be a looking-glass, in these dangerous and last times, and resolve with St. Jerom's resolution, who said, If my mother were hanging about my neck, if my brother were on every side houling and crying, and if my father were on his bare knées knéeling before me, to detain me in their wicked and sinfull course of life: What would I do? shake off my mother on the ground, I would hate all my Kindred and Kinsfolks, and I would tread and trample my father under feet, thereby to flys to Christ when he calleth me. So the Lord enable us to do, that so we may run that race here [Page 16]that we may receive the crown of glorie here after; that we may fight that good fight, against the World, the Flesh, and the Devil: that we may be received into that heavealy Army of Saints, and follow that General, Christ Jesus which conquered sinne, death and hell, being clothed with the white robes of peace and righteousnesse: Then with joy and comfort shall we hear that blessed voice, as Come ye blessed children of my Father, inherit the Kingdome which was prepared for you before the beginning of the World. Grant this dear Father, for thy dear Son's sake Christ Jesus, our onely Lord and Saviour; to whom be asceived all honour and praise, both now and for evermore, Amen.