Never put out by any before.

VVritten by A. H.

London, Printed in the yeare. 1642.

A Speedy Post from Heaven, to the King of England.

THat he fight not against the Gos­pell and the truth of Gods word, and those his loving subiects that will defend his regall person, Crowne and dignite, and seale it with their bloud: least it happen to him as to former Kings of Israel and Judah. Read the twentie one of Ezekel the 25. 26. 27. And thou prophane wicked Prince of Israel whose day is come when iniquity shall have an end.

Thus saith the Lord, remove the Diadem and take off the Crowne this shall not be the same, exalt him that is low, and abase him that is high.

I will Overturne overturne it, and it shall be no more untill he come, whose right is, and it will give it him, Read Isaiah the 14. and the 4. verse that thou shalt take up this Proverbe against the King of Babilon And say how hath the oppressor ceased the Golden Citie ceased, 5. the Lord hath broken the staffe of the wicked, and the Scepter of the Rullers he who smote the people in wrath vers 6. with a continuall stroke, he that ruled the na­tions in anger 16. persecuted and none hin­dereth.

Thou shalt not be Joyned with them in 20. 21. buriall because thou hast destroyed thy land and slaine thy people, the seede of evill doers shall never be removed, prepare slaughter for his Children, for the iniquitie of his fa­ther that he do not rise nor possesse the land nor fill the face of the world with Cities.

The iudgment of God upon three Kings Ier. 22. [Page 3] Shallum of Iehoiakim and Coniah for opres­ing of their subiects and breaking their Co­venant with God.

Ahab being left to the Councell of his 1. Kings 21. wicked Wife lost his Kingdome and his pos­terity after him.

You may read the iudgment of God, 2. Kings 1. 1. through wicked Counsell vpon Ahaziah.

O King add not thou to this number of wicked Councell, but add to the number of those good Kings who by giveing eare to Good Councell, preserved thier Kingdome longe to them selves, And theire posterytie, as King David in the 2. Sam 18. 4. first place that he was soe far from seek­ing his owne Councell that he said to his people, what seemeth to you best I will do, and who is best for the but the high Court of Parliament, there was but two in Davids Charge, but thou O King hast three in thy charge that thou [Page 4] hast not onely neglected to settle the peace of them, but thou hast by all means laboured the utter distruction of them with the first, the hostile manner against Scotland, and the bleeding con­dition of Ireland, and as for England my pen shakes to write the Condition of it, not knowing what will befall it, haveing begun, not how to end, seing thy selfe o King, And thy posterytie be­ing compast about with thine enemies, and so little regarding thy freinds, which is the great court of Parliament, O KING returne to it and forsake these wicked counsell of all Achitophels which seeking nothing more, the abolishing of the Gospell and the best of thy Sub­iects, whose names here followeth, Lord Kimboulton Maister Stroud, Mr. Martin, Sir Henry Ludlow, Mr. Hollis, Mr. Pim, Mr. Hamden, Sir Arthur Hasslridg, Alderman Penington, Captaine Venn, [Page 5] the Earle of Warwicke, the Earle of Essex, the Earle of Stamford the Lord Brooke Sir Iohn Hotham, these are like Davids worthies and mightie men that brake through the hosts of the Philistims to fetch water for David in his necessitie, but David would not drinke the bloud of these men, then doe not the o King drinke the bloud of these 2 Sam. 23. men, which seekes to preserve thy Kingdome for thee and thy posterytie, from these wicked sonnes of Belivl that are thy councellors against all right and law of God, of nature and of the kingdome, and this power and order hath equitie and truth in their mouth and the two edged sword in their hand Psa. 149. 6. 7. 8. 9. to execute vengance upon the heathen and punishment upon the phople, to bind their Kings with Chenes, and and their Nobles with fetters of Iron, to execute upon them the Iudgment written.

In this Psalme what became of all them that the holy Ghost sets downe 63. Psal. such prayers and desires to light upon them, that goe against any truth of God, and divers other places of Scripture, which might be aledged for this pur­pose.


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