A HYMNE To the GENTLE--CRAFT, OR Hewsons Lamentation.

To the Tune of the Blind Beggar.
LIsten a while to what I shall say
Of a blind Cobler that's gone astray
Out of the Parliaments High way,
Good people pity the blind:
His name you wot well is Sir John Hewson
Whom I intend to set my Muse on,
As great a Warriour as Sir Miles Lewson,
Good people, &c.
He'd now give all the Shooes in his shop
The Parliaments fury for to stop,
Whip Cobler like any Town- [...]op,
Good people, &c:
He hath been in many a bloody field
And a successful sword did wield,
But now at last is forced to yield,
Good people, &c:
Oliver made him a famous Lord
That he forgot his Cutting Bord,
But now his Thred's twisted to a Cord,
Good people, &c.
Crispin and he were neer of kin,
The gentle Craft have a noble Twin,
But he'd give Sir Hughs bones to save his skin,
Good people, &c.
Abroad and at home he hath cut many a Hide,
A Dog and a Bell must now be his Guide,
Theyl lash him smartly on the blind side,
Good people, &c.
Of all his warlike valiant feats,
Of his Calves leather and his Neats,
Let him speak um himself when he repeats,
Good people, &c.
Ile only mention one exploit,
For which when he begs, Ile give him a Doit,
How he did the City vex and annoy't,
Good people, &c.
He marcht into London with Red-coat and Drum
During the time we had no Bum,
Being right for the Army as a Cows Thum,
Good people, &c.
And there he did the Prentices meet
Who jeered him as he went through the street,
But he did them very wel-favouredly greet,
Good people, &c.
Bears do agree with their own kind,
But he was of such a cruel mind,
He kild his brother Cob. before he had din'd.
Good people, &c.
He strutted then like a Crow in a Gutter,
That no body durst once more Mutter
The Capon-Citizens, gan to Flutter,
Good people, &c.
After he had them thus defeated,
To his old quarters he retreated,
And was by Fleetwood nobly treated,
Good people, &c.
He is for this I hear Indited,
Though the Week before by them Invited,
But Wise Men say they had as good as Shited,
Good people, &c.
He cares not for the Sessions a Lowse,
They reach not a Peer of the other House
He's frighted to see that he is a Parliament Chouse,
Good people, &c:
And now he's gone the Lord knows whether,
He and this Winter go together,
If he be caught he will loose his Leather:
Good people, &c.
H'ad best get in some Countrery Town,
And company keep with Desbr [...]w the Clown,
You see how the World goes up and down.
Good people, &c.
His Coach, and his Horses, are gone to be lost,
He must vamp it and cart it and thank thee mine host,
Ther's no more to be said of an old Toast,
Good people, &c.
Sing Hi Ho Hewson the State nere went upright,
Since Coblers could Pray, Preach, Govern, and Fight,
We shall see what they'l do now you'r out of Sight.
Good people, &c.

London, Printed for Charls Gustavus.

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