Christian Reader.

BY that glorious light, which God hath given to me, all people by degrees shall see, that true peace and sound Religion can­not be established without the help of a true and sound preach­er, whom God hath made able by the divine power of his spirit for to open and unfould the mysteries and parables in the new Testa­ment, to the true meaning and signification, to the setting forth of Christ, and the true Church with that riches and honour and glory which doth belong to the Saints, and one the other side to the con­founding of false power, and false doctrines, which doth belong to the devill, which God hath promised shall come to confusion; and I say plainely, and truely that God my glorious Father, he hath made me Iames Hunt a preacher for the same purpose, which I have shewed you here in briefe.

For with my verses, and my prose,
The devill, and all his carnall ministers I shall disclose.
For my verses which have short and long feet,
That will teach those that are blind,
For to have more wit.

For it is written in the tenth Chapter of Saint Matthew 41. verse. Christ he tells you plainly, he that receiveth a Prophet in the name of a Pro­phet, hee shall receive a Prophet rewards; And that is the reward of of eternall glory; but ye Protestants, and Papists, your faith is grown so cold, that you will not beleeve that I am a true Prophet except I can shew you a miracle, that you may it behold, why then I will show you in brife of one strange thing, where at you all may wonder, why the Protestants and Papist should devide themselves asunder, for the Papists they do say, that they beleeve in the Catholike Church, and so say the Protestants, but by the power of God, I will boldly say that your cleargy, they have deceive you upon both sides, for if there be any Protestant, or Papist that can finde any place of Scrip­ture [Page 2]in the new Testament, for to prove that the true Church of Christ is a Catholike Church, then I will be content to be burned, but God he hath made me a member of his glorious and triumphing Church, for Christ saith in Iohn the 12. Chap. and the 28. Vers: Fa­ther glorifie thy name, then came there a voice from heaven saying, I have glorified it, and I will glorifie it again, and in the 27. Chapter of Iohn, Christ [...]aith pl [...]inly, the glory which thou hast given me, I have given unto them that they may be all one, as thou Father art in me, and I in thee, that they may be all one in us, that the world may beleeve that thou hast sent me again. In the second Epistle to the Corinthians the second chap­ter, and fourteen verse. Now thankes be to God which alwayes causeth us, to triumph in Christ Iesus, this word alwayes doth plainly signifie, here in this world, and in the world to come for ever, and I have proved in brief that Christ hath a glorious and triumphing Church here in this world, and God my glorious Father, by the power­full preaching of his word, he will cause the glorious Church of Je­sus Christ for to flourish by degrees over the whole world, which will be to the confounding of the devill, and the false Church; it is written in the twenty chapter of the Revelations. I saw a great white throne, and him that sate on it, from whose face the earth, and the hea­ven fled away, and there was no place found for them. Now I understand, he that sits upon the white Throne, doth signifie Christ and his preacher, for he that is joyned to the Lord is one spirit, as you may read in the first Epistle to the Corinthians the sixe chapter, and the seventeen vers. But ye black coats, you do say, that you are the hea­venly ministers of God, and that you have the heavenly treasure of Christ, in your earthen vessels, but I say that God he hath made me able for to shew ye black coats, by what meanes you may have the heavenly treasures of Jesus Christ in your earthen vessels; but you doe flie, from me, as if I were an Antichrist, and a deceiver even like unto your selves, but ye black coats I must tell you, and your disciples that you shall finde no true sound rest for your soul, untill you be reconciled to Jesus Christ, and to the Ministration of the blood of the new Testament, which is the Throne of grace, but master black coat you do say that the devill hath puffed me up with pride, But I praise God you arrowes hit not mee, for you [Page 3]shot far wide, for God he hath given me that knowledge for to be as humble as a Lamb, and that valour and courage for to be as bould as a Lyon, and now ye black birds which cry out so loud in your black coats, I must tell you plainly you shall be all forced for to change your notes, for you are not able for to make a cleere destinction be­tweene God and the devill, for to say, nor yet to sing, and yet will you be so bould for to stir up War and strife between the Parliament & my King, but M r. black coat you are a man of War, & so am I and there­fore pray let you and I the battell try for by the power of God, I will boldly say as it is written in the cha. 8. of the Rom. & the 15. v. I have not received the spirit of bondage again to feare, but I have received the spirit of adoption, and now by the help of God I shall prove in briefe, that the spirit of adoption doth signifie Christ and the Gospel, but the spirit of bondage that doth signifie the Devill, and the old law, my first proofe is in the second chapter to the Hebrewes and the fourteene verse, for as the children were made partakers of flesh and blood, Christ likewise took part of the same, that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, and that is the Devil; and so deliver those who through feare of death, were all there life time subject to bondage: This place of Scripture doth plainly prove and signifie that all those people that were under the old law, they were under a yoke of bondage, untill Christ freed them by his suf­fering on the crosse again, in the seven chapter to the Romanes and the sixe vers. Now we are delivered from the Law, that being dead, wherein we were held, as held under the chaines and bondage of Sathan, that we should serve in newnesse of spirit, and not in the oldnesse of the letter, that in the newnesse of the Gospel and not in the oldnesse of the Law, and thus I have proved in briefe, that the old Law is the spirit of bondage, and so is the Devill, but ye black coats you do say that, Christ hath redeemed us from the ceremoniall Law, and for the Iudiacall & Leviticall Law, and so by your cunning craft, you doe divide the old Law into many parts but if I aske any of you if there be any more the two Testaments you will say no, why then my answer to you is, in the ninth chapter to the Hebrewes; and the fifteen vers. Christ he is the Mediator of the new Testament, that by his suffering on the crosse, for to Redeeme them that were [Page 4]under the first Testament, and now all ye black coats by the power of God, you shall be forced for to confesse, that the old Law and Testament, is the first Testament which Christ hath Redeemed his people from, but ye cleargy by your darke arts of Schollership you doe clime so high that you are yet like the Devill, for the plain truth of God he doth deny, but the fulnesse of time was come, God sent forth his Son made of a woman, made under the Law for to redeeme them that were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption of sons, Gal. 4. and now I say plainly that all those that be reconciled to Christ and to the obedience of his word, be the adopted sons and daughters of Almighty God, for to raine with Christ in his ever­lasting Kingdom of glory in heaven above for ever.

For by the power of God all people by degrees shall see.
That the true light and glory of Jesus Christ,
Doth not proceed from the Universitie.
But yee clergy you are very subtile and worldly wise,
For the old law upholds you in your tenthes and tithes.
And that is the maine cause whereat you need not wonder,
Whay the cleargy will not alow that the old Law,
And Testament, and the new should part asunder.
But by the power of God for to
Speak the truth I will be bould,
For what will it profit you for to gaine the world, and lose your soul.
For you shall be forced for to understand and see.
That the son of the bond-woman cannot be heir with the free,

As you may read in the fourth chapter to the Gallations and the thirty verse.

For ye blacke coates by the powerfull Priesthood of Melchi­sedeck I shall cleere all your eyes which are grown so dull and thicke, for if the High Court of parliament will but suffer me for to spread my books about, by the power of God I shall confound the Devill and all his route (now I pray God grant that the High court of Par­liament may sit in Judgement for that intent) and then I am sure, marke what I say, you will not hinder me in my way, for it is writ­ten, Heb. 7. concerning one Melchisedeck who is Priest of the most [Page 5]high God, and he is King of peace which doth signifie Christ Jesus who is the Second Person in Vnity, again it is said that he is with­out Father and Mother and without Descent and that doth signifie God the Father, who is the first parson in unity, again, it is said that he hath neither beginning of daies nor end of life, but he is made like unto the Son of God, and that doth signifie God the holy Ghost who is the third Person in Unity, and thus by the helpe of God I have shewed you in briefe that you may see, that the true interpretation of Melchisedech doth signifie the Holy and Glorious Unity, Father, Son and holy Ghost, for I say again, that there are three That bare record in Heaven: The Father, the Word, and the holy Ghost and these three are one, 1 John 5.7. The word doth signifie Christ, For in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, Iohn the first, for Christ was with God the Father in the beginning before man was made, and the Word was made flesh, Christ was made flesh and dwelt amongst us, vers. 14. and I have proved in breef that Christ is the Word and the Word is God, and know you not that christ is in you except you be reprobates, as you may read in 2 Cor. 5.5. Again, there is one God and father of all, who is above all and in you all, as you may read, Ephes. 4.5. Again, in 1 Cor. 19. What? know you not that your body is the Temple of the holy Ghost, which is in you, & you are not your owne, for you are all bought with a price, and that is, with the precious blood of Iesus Christ, for it pleased the Father that in Christ should all fulnesse dwell, and having made peace through the blood of his Crosse for to reconcile all things unto himselfe, as you may read in 2 Col. 1.19. and thus by these plain and cleer truths of Scripture, which by Gods helpe I have shewed you, here in breef I have painly and cleerly proved that all those people that will bee reconciled to Christ and to the ministration of the blood of the New Testament your spirits, they shall be joyned to the Glorious unity, Father, Son and holy Ghost, for as they three cannot be divided from being one in the Godhead, and unity, neither can the spirits of the true Chrtch be divided from them three which is the life and substance of true peace and sound Religion, as I in breefe have shewed you, as God my Father hath shewed me.

And by the Spirit of Almighty God which proceedeth from above,
I hope to draw my King and Parliament into the bond of peace & love.
And now all ye carnall Ministers and false Powers, what so ever you be,
By the Power of God you shall be forced for to see:
That if you will not be reconciled to this blessed peace and unity:
I say again if you will not be reconciled, you shall be sure damned to be.

I or I must plainly tell you that God and his preacher you shall finde true. For what saith the scripture, God will take vengeance on those that know not God, and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of His power as you may read, 2 Thes. 1.8. But I pray under­stand the Gospel in his right place. For it is the new Testement which pro­ceedeth from the throne of grace for mercy and sound judgement, they are notes of my Prose and my Song;

For by Gods mercy and sound judgement I no man wrong.
For mercy and sound judgement belongeth to my powerfull Godand to my Kings seat.
Whereunto I am Ordained a preacher with power and courage strongly for to pleat.
And now ye Round-Heads which for true Religion do beare the name:
I hope that you will not fight against God and the Truth for very shame,
For if you will be perswaded by God and me:
You may live in peace and unitee.

And now the God of love and peace who hath brought againe from the dead our Lord Iesus, that Great Sepheard of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting Covenat, make you all perfect to do his will, working in you that which is pleasing in his sight, through the divine power of Iesus Christ our Lord, Heb. 13.20. I say again, that Christ Jesus He is the great Shep­heard of the sheep, and I acknowledge that there is but one true and perfect God, and there must be but one Religion, one Sepheard and one sheepfold, and I say plainely and truely that God my Father He hath made me a preach­er for to gather the sheep into the true found, that Gods love, and power, and Glory you may behold.

For now my verses and my prose, which shall be plainly showne.
They will prove that God hath lighted my candle within his glorious throne.
And now ye Magistrates and Churchwardens, I pray take not that in hand,
For to fight against the Power of God, which you are not able to withstand,
For God he hath given me authority, as you shall know and finde,
For to be a preacher in the Church for to declare his minde,
That by his power I may open the peoples eys whom the Clergy do keep blinde.
But there are some of you Magistrates and Churchwardens which doe hold forth such a false power,
That you fight against the power of God but you shall be all brought lower.
For if you will fight against the power of God, for to hinder him in his way,
If you do not repent you will be sure hell fire for to obay.
But I hope there is none of you that doth desire for to hurn in Hell.
Why then I pray fight not against the power of God for he will have his Will,
But are not all those plain hypocrites as I shall show you by relation,
Which fight against that you pray for, which is abomination.
For in the Lords prayer you do pray that Gods will may be done,
Why then I pray fight not against that power which doth proceed from the Father and the Sonne.
For they have made me a powerfull preacher of Their Word,
Which is the powerfull and fiery sword:
That thereby I may cut and burn down that hellish power,
Which doth the Saints of God devour.
For as a temporall fire will burn and consume Straw or Hay,
Even so Gods Word willl shine so cleer, mark what I say,
For to burn and consume false power quite away.
And now all persecuting Angels, if you can be able to hinder the Sun in the Firmament that he shall not shine at Noone day,
Then you may be able for to hinder my powerfull God from going forward in his way.
For all false power which is hatefull in Gods sight,
That shall be reproved and quite overthrown, by the power and glory of the true light.
And now by that glorious light which God hath given to me,
Ye Protestants and Papists you may understand and see,
That your Clergy they have deceived you upon both sides by their craft and policie.
But now ye protestants and Papists which are always at warre and strife,
In this Book I have shewed you how your spirits may be joyned to my God of Peace, and leade a quiet life.
But Greek and Latin, you that bear dominion over Gods house,
I must tell you plainly your deceitfull craft is not worth a Lowse,
For ye Clergy by your Greek and Latin phrase,
You do blinde the people many wayes:
For you call the Church of Christ by the name Catholike, and Militant, and Protestant, but alas you are more blinde and cannot see,
For a true Christian he doth bear the true toyl of the Church of Christ, and I in him, and he in me.

And all the members of the true Church of Christ, they are to be called by the name of Christians, for Christ and his Church is compared in Scrip­pture to man and wife, for Christ he is the Bridegroom and his Church is the Bride, although the Members thereof shall be infinite in number: And therefore I say again that the Church of Christ she must be called by the name of her Husband, for whether things present or things to come all is one, and we are Christs and Christ is Gods: 1 Cor. 3.23.

But the Ravens are black and the Doves are gray,
But yet I pray will you mark well what I do say:

For I do not despise a black garment, but the clergy by their black gar­ments they do strengthen themselves in their false power for their black gar­ments doth signifie unto the people, that they have been all bred up in Uni­versities, and the people they are yet so farre deluded by those dark Arts of Schollership which proceed from the clergie, that you do think that no man can be a true and a sound Preacher, but first he must be bred up in the Uni­versitie.

But by that glorious light which God hath given to me,
You may understand and plainly see,
That you have been mightily deceived in your judgement.
But there is one Mr. Kentish which is grown a crafty foxe,
But God he hath given me a key for to open all your locks,
For I hear that you have got a Mittimus from the Committee for to send me to the Goal.
But by the power of God I shall set a fire the Foxes tayl.
For you are a great enemy against the Cavalier,
But your false power shall be quite burnt up with fire:
For when I strike you home with Gods fiery dart,
Then you creep to the Committees, and intreat them to take your part.
But I hope the Committees will learn that wisedome for to give way and roome,
That I may within your Pulpit come.
That so by the power of God I may show them and you the true way of peace
That by the power therof your war and plunder may end and cease.
For these things I behold with my spirttuall eye,
For which I honour my King, and worship the holy and glorious unitie:
And wish well to the Parliament that is so high.
For if you will be perswaded by God and me,
You may live in peace and unitie;
For to triumph in true peace and glory,
Here for a time, and in the world to come world without end.


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