TO THE RIGHT WORSHIPFUL Iohn Fowke, Alderman of the Ward of FARRINGTON within, To the Deputy, Common-counsell, and to the rest of the Inhabitants of the aforesaid Ward.
The humble Petition of Joseph Hunscot Citizen and Stationer of LONDON:
WHereas by the late death of Thomas Nichols, the Beadles place of the Ward aforesaid is become void, and your Petitioner having lived these forty yeers and upwards in the said Ward, and borne all Offices in his Parish where he lived, and hath from time to time manifested his good affection to the service of the Parliament, not only in paying of Taxes and Assesments imposed on him, but before did voluntarily carry in a horse, monies, and in person with his sonne and three servants actually served the Parliament, to the losse both of the benefit of his servants times, and also of his trade; And since hath printed severall Books by the direction of the Parliament, which amounts to a good value, for all which he hath had no satisfaction. The premises considered,
Your Petitioner humbly prayes your Worships and the rest of the said Ward, to grant him your favours and furtherance to be the Beadle for the Ward in the room of the said Mr. Nichols deceased; in discharge whereof he promises all faithfulnesse and diligence both to your Worships and the Ward; And as in duty bound,
Your Petitioner shall ever pray, &c.
And your Petitioner will undertake to discharge the Inhabitants of the said Ward from all other Taxes levied upon the said Ward, for and toward the Beadles Salery, and to maintain a sufficient Watch according to the ancient custome.