The Humble Tender and Declaration of many well-affected Mariners and Sea-men, Commanders of Ships, Members of the Trinity-house, to the Commissioners of the Navy.
IT is humbly offered by us whose names are here under, being Mariners and Seamen, that there may be forthwith a Petition drawne in behalfe of Sea-men and Mariners, and presented to the two Houses of Parliament, wherein our humble desires may be represented for a Personall Treaty with His MAJESTY, as the onely remedy for the present distempers of this distressed Kingdome, and the reducing of the Shipping revolted from their trust, and that it is humbly conceived by us that we are obliged and bound according to the Protestation and Solemne League and Covenant formerly taken by every of us to maintaine and defend with our lives, powers and estates, the true Reformed Protestant Religion, His Majesties Royall Person, Honour and Estate, and also the Power and Priviledges of Parliament. And we doe further declare, That if it shall appeare that any of these revolted Ships shall endeavour to impede or hinder the Kings Personall Treaty with His two Houses of Parliament, that we will unanimously endeavour with our lives and fortunes to bring them to condigne punishment, according to our Covenant, and Protestation, formerly taken as aforesaid.
- Elias Iordaine.
- Thomas Daye.
- Richard Langford.
- Edmond Grove.
- Humphrey Beane.
- Robert Barnes.
- Lambert Pitches.
- Peter Whittey.
- Samuel West.
- George Clarkson.
- Thomas Ewin.
- Humphrey Isaac.
- E. Seaman.
- Iohn Rawlins.
- Iohn Sherwin.
- William Gibson.
- Daniel Gates.
- Fdmond Ellison.
- Richard Howes.
- Humphrey Casby.
- Richard Husken.
- Thomas Haselwood.
- Ieremy Hales.
- Iohn Doves.
- Iohn Redwood.
- Thomas Cowell.
- Anthony Tutchin.
- Thomas Fletcher.
- E. Wilkinson.
- Iohn Warrener.
- Richard Michell.
- Robert Elliott.
- William Hellington.
- Rowland Noble.
- Iohn Gannan.
- Iohn Beere.
- Iohn Thomas.
- Iames Lutten.
- Simon Nichols.
- Thomas Iames.
- Robert Wilkinson.
- Henry Tiddieman.
- Henry Lowe.
- Peter Steward.
- Iacob Searle.
- Thomas Ashley.
- Iohn Moore.
- Iohn Driver.
- Iohn Suthun.
- Thomas Rande.
- Richard White.
- William Cowell.
- Robert Lucket.
- William Luke.
- Iohn Fox.
- Iohn Wilde.
- Iohn Man.
- Iohn Tunner.
- Robert Hog.
- Iohn Rawlins.
- William Rande.
- Robert Sparks.
- Iames Talbot.
- George Browne.
- Iohn Wharton.
- Edm: Greene.
- Thomas Andrewes.
- George Butcher.
- Edm: Batherne.
- Iohn Rande.
- Anth: Pendrew.
- Timothy Arnold.
- William Ellis.
- Thomas Powe.
- Giles Strelege.
- Iohn Snarpe.
- Richard Marshall.
- Ed: Merriall.
- Iohn Redbryer.
- Iohn Larrimor.
- Richard Stevens.
- Thomas Coppin.
- Will: Hancock.
- Will: Ashley.
- Will: Bunch.
- Will: Soame.
- Will: Coptane.
- Nich: Iasper.
- Thomas Mannell.
- Walter Bullarde.
Memorandum, That the Subscribers of the Premisses are Commanders of Ships, Members of the Trinity House, and living in and about the City of London.