The Humble PROPOSALLS OF THE ADJƲTATORS in the ARMY, Presented to his Excellency Sir THOMAS FAIRFAX.

In the behalfe of Divers that suffer in matters concerning the KING.

ALSO A Declaration from his Excellency, and the Councell of his ARMY, held at Putney Septem. 9. 1647.

Concerning the fundamentall Authority, and Government of the Kingdome.

BY the appointment of His Excellency Sir Tho: Fairfax, and the Generall Councell of his Army

Signed, Jo. Rushworth, Secretary.

7 ber: 13⟩ Printed at London by Robert Ibbitson, and are to be sold at his house in Smithfield, 1647.


The Humble PROPOSALLS Of the ADIUTATORS IN THE ARMIE Presented To His Excellency Sir Tho: Fairfax, Concerning divers that suffer in mat­ters concerning the KING.

May it please your Excellency,

HAving received information from some persons of good af­fections, [Page 2]and fidelity to the Army, and Kingdome, that severall persons, are now under unmercifull sufferings, by confiscating their goods, and Impri­sonment of their persons, for words spoken against the King (acting in His Tyrannicall practises in the late VVar they having been Souldiers).

VVe being made sensible of their misery, not knowing how soone it may be our owne condition, there as yet being no provision for their, or our owne indempnity.

For want of which our Enemies have so great advantage of all the wel-affected in the Kingdome, That if not timely remedyed they will recover more upon our words, then we of them by our swords.

VVe are ingaged to supplicate your Excellency in the behalfe of [Page 3]these Prisoners, named in this inclosed paper, that you would be pleased to use some means for the restoring them to their freedome, and to deliver them from their Tyrannicall sufferings, ac­cording as your Excellency shall find agreeable to justice, and reason.

Presented to His Excellency Sir Tho: Fairfax, signed by these Adjutators,
  • John Reynolds.
  • Francis White.
  • Edward Chillendon.
  • Tobias Birdge.
  • Richard Nixon.
  • Nicholas Andrews.
  • John Wilson.
  • Nat. Vnderwood.
  • George Stenson.
  • Richard Grant.
  • Thomas Raulings.
  • William Young:
  • John Taylor.
  • Robert Stedman.
  • John Wells.
  • John Dober.
  • Edward Vaughan
  • William Pryer.
  • Thomas Shephard
  • Timothy Thornebury
  • J. Willoughby.
  • William Jones.
  • Edward Twigge.
  • H [...]nry Gethings.

A DECLARATION from his Excellency Sir THOMAS FAIRFAX AND The Councell of his ARMY, held at Putney, Septem. 9. 1647.
Concerning the fundamentall Authority, and Go­vernment of the Kingdome.

WHereas a Member of the Generall councell of this Army hath publickly declared, and expressed himselfe, That there is now, no visible Authority in the Kingdome, but the power, and force of the sword.

Wee therefore the said Generall Councell (to testifie how farre our hearts and mindes are from any designe of setting up the pow­er of the sword, above, or against the fun­damentall authority, and government of the Kingdome: And our readinesse to maintain and uphold the said authority.)

Have by a free Vote (in the sayd councell, no man contradicting) judged the sayd Member; To be expelled the sayd councell.

Which we (hereby) thought fit to pub­lish as a cleare manifestation of our dislike; And disavowing such principles, or purposes.

By the Appointment of his Excellency Sir Tho: Fairfax, and the Generall Coun­cell of his Army, Signed, JOHN RUSHVVORTH, Secretary.

This Declaration from His Excellen­cy Sir Thomas Fairfax, and the Councel of His Army, held at Put­ney Sep. 9. 1647.

Concerning fundamental Au­thority, and Government of the Kingdome.

Is published, By the appoyntment of His Excellency Sir Thomas Fair­fax, and the Generall Councell of His Army

Signed, JOHN RUSHVVORTH. Secretary

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