THE HUMBLE PETITION OF THE GENTRY and Inhabitants of HOLDERNES: WITH His Majesties Answer July 6. 1642.
LONDON: Printed by ROBERT BARKER, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majestie: And by the Assignes of JOHN BILL. 1642.
To the Kings most Excellent Majestie, The humble Petition of the Gentry and Inhabitants of Holdernes.
WE your Majesties most loyall and oppressed Subjects, having for the space of four Moneths (with much patience and prejudice) endured great and insupportable Losse by Sir Iohn Hothams taking into Hull (a distinct Countie from us) part of the Trained Bands of Yorkshire, contrary to Law, your Sacred Majesties right, and expresse Command, by detaining our Arms, destroying our Trade and Markets, with many more Pressures upon us, then we are willing to repeat. Howbeit this last attempt of cutting our Banks, Drowning part, and indangering the rest of the Levell [Page 2]of Holdernes, is a Presumption higher then was ever yet attempted by any Subject to our knowledges; As if Sir Iohn Hotham at once intended to destroy our Free-holds and Proprieties; And for no other Cause, as we conceive, but for serving your Majestie, according to our Allegiance and the known Laws of the Land.
Our most humble Prayer therefore is, That Your Majestie will vouchsafe speedily to take the premisses into your gracious and tender consideration for securing our Fears.
And your Majesties Petitioners, as in duty bound, shall ever pray for your happy and glorious Reign over us, &c.
At the Court at York, the sixth of July, 1642.
His Majestie hath commanded me to give this Answer to this Petition.
THat He with just Commiseration and all possible Compassion considers the miserable condition of the Petitioners, And will both by publishing His [Page 5]Proclamations, and by drawing such Forces together as He shall be able to leavie, endeavour the Petitioners Relief in their present sufferings, and prevention of their future, with any hazard that may befall His own Person. In the mean time His Majestie hopes all His good Subjects do plainly discern, how impossible it is for their Interests to be preserved, when His just Rights and Power are taken from Him.