The Humble Acknowledgement Of the Inhabitants of SOƲTH-WALES And County of Monmouth: PRESENTED To the Supreme Authority of this Nation, THE PARLIAMENT OF THE Commonwealth of England. Subscribed by Nineteen thousand (at the least) of the Inhabitants of the places aforesaid.

ORdered by the Parliament, That The humble Acknow­ledgement of the Inhabitants of South-Wales and County of Monmouth, with the Answer of the House there­unto, be forthwith printed and published.

Hen: Scobell, Cleric. Parliamenti.

London, Printed by Edward Husband and John Field, Printer to the Parliament of England. 1650.

To the Supreme Authority of this Nation, The Parliament of the Common­wealth of England:
The humble Acknowledgement of the Inhabitants of South-Wales and County of Monmouth;


THat the singular Clemency and Favor extended by You to our long seduced Country, as well in clearing the Inhabitants thereof from the Guilt wherein they had involved themselves with Offenders of a deeper stain, and interpreting all their Failings, as the effects of Fear and Self-preservation; As in manifesting Your Care and Good­ness for the eternal Welfare of a Peo­ple, whose ways had lately been in Op­position to Your just Proceedings, is an [Page 4] abundant Refreshment to our hearts, and an ample Testimony to the World, That the Spirit of him who prayed, and laid down his Life for his Enemies, is Your great Counsellor, in the weighty Affairs You manage for the Common­wealth: And that the inestimable Be­nefit which we do, and our Posterity in after Ages shall reap, by that Act for propagating the Gospel, is an indelible Engagement upon us to bless God, that enclined Your hearts to grant the same: And we trust it will appear to Your eternal Honor, That the Preaching of the Gospel, is not the least and most in­considerable Means to Secure and Esta­blish Your present Government.

Now for these so large and acceptable Favors, so far beyond our Merit or Ex­pectation, [Page 5] proceeding from the Lord through Your Piety and Prudence; The onely return we are enabled to make, is, Our most humble and thank­ful Acknowledgements thereof; with our Cordial Profession of all future Loyalty and Integrity (by Gods As­sistance) to the utmost hazard of our Lives and Fortunes, in the ready ad­vance, and due execution of all Services, according to Your Honorable and Just Commands.

The Number of the Names Subscribed to this Petition, were Nineteen thousand, at the least.

The Parliaments Answer to the PETITION.

THe House being informed, That there were divers Gentlemen of South-Wales, with a Petition, at the Door, they were called in; and be­ing come to the Bar, presented a Pa­per, with a bundle of Subscriptions: which after they were withdrawn, was read; and was entituled, The humble Acknowledgement of the Inha­bitants of South-VVales and County of Monmouth.

REsolved by the Parliament, That the said humble Acknowledgement of the Inhabitants of South-Wales and County of Monmouth, be printed and published, with the num­ber of the Names Subscribed thereunto.

The Gentlemen of South-Wales being again called in, Mr. Speaker by Command of the House gave them this Answer:


THe House hath Read your Pe­tition, and doth finde in it, A thankful Acknowledgement of what they have done for you: The Par­liament looks upon you with an eye of Regard, and is not willing to re­member against any place or per­sons, their former Miscarriages, espe­cially when they make such pub­lique and ingenious Confession of them, and give so full Testimony of their future Fidelity and Duty. And I am Commanded to let you know their grateful acceptation of this your [Page 8] thankfulness and profession of Duty and future Obedience, and to return you their hearty Thanks for those cordial Expressions of Love and Duty; And I do in their Names give their hearty Thanks accordingly.

Hen: Scobell, Cleric. Parliamenti.

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