A WOE AGAINST THE Magistrates, Priests, and People OF KENDALL in the County of Westmerland, Pronounced from the Lord by one of his PROPHETS.

Which may warn all the persecuting Cities and Towns in the North, and every where, to Repent and fear the Lord, lest the Decree go forth against them.

Also the Stumbling-block removed from weak Mindes, who are offended at the strange Signs and wonders acted by the Servants of the Lord, scornfully called QUAKERS In the Northern parts of this Nation.

LONDON, Printed in the Year, 1654.

The word of the Lord came unto me saying, Write and declare a­gainst that bloody Town of Kendall, and leave it without excuse.

HEar ye which pretend to be Rulers, and ye that pretend to be Teachers, and ye people, the trum­pet of the Lord is sounded, gather your selves together, for I will plead with you, your iniqui­ties are come up before me, and your Transgres­sion is come into mine ears; Wo, wo, and misery is coming up­on you, you shall be as Sodome and Gomorrah, and as Admah and Zeboim; Desolation and a crie, a crie, lamentation, howling, bit­ternesse and sorrow shal come upon you at unawares, the sword of the Lord is drawn against you, it is sharpned for a great slanghter, and you shall be cut off, because you have despised my name, and troden under foot my precepts, and walk after your own wils, and the imagination of your own hearts; and yet saith the Lord, they say I am amongst them: Wo unto you hypocrites, I am weary of you, and of all your profession it stinks in my Nostrils, and I abhor it as much as if ye slew a man; you have slain my Son, you have mocked my Prophets, and de­spised my Messengers which I have sent early and late to fore­warn you of the evill to come, have not I wrought signes and wonders amongst you, as ever was in any day, or from the be­ginning, have not I made the Mountains tumble down in your sight, have not I caused my Judgments to fall upon them that have set themselves against me? have not I cleansed the Lepers? have not I quickned and raised them out of the grave, which were dead in Sins and trespasses? have not I brought down the proud? have not I exalted the low? have not I caused the weak things to confound the wise? have not I sent signs among you, and have sent my servants to declare against you, as I did to Nineveh, and have you not heard it? have not I commanded my Servants to go bare and naked in your sight, to be a sign to you that your covering is now rent, and your garment is to bee torn, and you shall be left naked and bare, and you shall be made a mock and a proverb to all, as my Servants have bin made a mock and a proverb to you; and I will scatter you in my in­dignation, and I will cause my fury to rest upon you till I have [Page 2] consumed you; Ye Rulers that rule by your own wills, and ye false Prophets that cry peace to this people, and all ye Peo­ple that delight in lies, is not all manner of wickedness com­mitted amongst you? As Pride, Covetousness, Oppression, Persecution, Mocking, Stoning, and Imprisoning, haling be­fore Magistrates them who are made to do my will, and to de­clare against you; Ye strive against me, saith the Lord, ye cry a Confederacy, ye consult together, ye plot, ye call all your In­chanters against me; thus saith the Lord, ye shall be broken as Pharaoh, and go down to the pit with Aegypt, Mesheck and Tuball, and all the uncircumcised; Wo is me, the spoiler is come up against you, and blackness covers you, and a consumption is entring into your bones, my eie shall not spare, my hand shal not pitty, but it will bring this upon you, howle and lament ye Okes, ye Mountains cleave asunder, and all ye people, both great and small, be astonished, put on sackcloth, put your mouths in the dust, for I will make my fury to pass over you, and none shall be able to deliver you, said the Lord; write this, let them know, but they will not hear, till I have caused my fire to burn them up and there be no remedy.

by me who am a wit­a Witness for his name, whom the world knows not, but named by the world, Franc. Howgill.

Oh ye raging Priests, who have set your selves against the mighty power of the Lord in his own, whereby he is manifesting his works, his strange works▪ his acts, his strange acts, making his servants signes and wonders amongst the heathen, and them that know not God, nor his power, whereby he is choosing that which seems foolishness, to confound the wisdom of the wise, which you who stand in your own wils and wisdom, know no­thing of; but in this, as in other things, out of your envie a­gainst the truth, take occasion to lay stumbling-blocks in the way of others, wherein you plainly aypear to be in that genera­tion, who will neither enter into the kingdom your selves, nor would suffer others; you who take occasion to Preach and Print against the truth, because the Lord hath caused some of his servants to go naked along your streets, as in Kendal and Kirkby-stephen, as signes of his wrath to come upon that pride and fulness that Priests and people live in; and this, you who [Page 3] never knew what it was to obey God, contrary to your own rea­son and wils, (for who act such things, act contrary to their own wils) cry out on a delusion and madness, thinking thereby to make the truth odious to others, but it is that the Scriptures may be fulfilled upon you, as it hath been on your generation before you, who counted always what the Prophets, Christ, and the Apostles did madness, and called them mad-fellows; but now all you who fear the Lord, and believe his Word, take heed of the deceit of these men, and mind not what they say, who have set themselves to speak evill of the things they know not, but search the Scriptures and there you shall finde, that the mighty God (who hath power over all flesh, and what he com­mandeth none must dispute by their Reason (though it seem never so foolish, and against their wills) but must obey) hath always before his great Judgments which he has about to bring on a people, or Nation, made some of his dearest Servants to pass and act as signes to such Nations of what was to follow, and was so usual among the Prophets, and them who knew the word of the Lord, that the Prophet Isaiah speaking in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, saith, I and the Children whom thou hast given me, are for Signes and Wonders in Israel, from the Lord of Hosts that dwelleth in Zion, Isaiah 8. 18. And if ye search the Scriptures of the Prophets, you shall see in what strange and foolish things to the wisdome of the world they were acted in, as in Esay 20. the Prophet was to go Three years naked for a sign, what the Lord would bring upon Aethiopia and Aegipt: Now had these men lived in his dayes, they would have cryed that up as a delusion and madness, and not as the Word of the Lord, as they do at this day; for they neither know the Lord, nor his Word who stand in their own wills: Also read the 4. of Ezekiel, and see what a sign he was to both the houses of Israel and Judah, a strange thing to the wisdom as ever was: also read the 5. of Ezekiel, and see what a sign he was to be, and what folly he was to act as to their wisdome, and that in the midst of the City: also Ezek. 12. 18, 19. & 24. 16. to the end of the chap. likewise Ezek, 12. to 17. v. and many other of the dear Servants of God, who were not only to declare the Word of the Lord from his mouth, but also to be signs to them to whom he was to prophecy, that so he might leave them all without excuse.

[Page 4] Now those who then were Priests, and should have bin teachers and leaders of the people to fear God, and hear his Word, and observ his signs, and repent that the Judgments might be preven­ted, they were the only men that hated, reproached, persecuted, and called the prophets, Christ and his Apostles madmen, decei­vers, becaus of these things, which into their wisdomes could not enter, and stirred up the Rulers and ignorant people against them▪ that they might put them to death as it is at this day, but these in our dayes are more inexcusable then all that ever went before them, inasmuch as they had no Scripture to shew them that the Lord had commanded such signes formerly; but these have the Scriptures that witnesse to the same thing; which scrip­tures they make a trade on, and cry up in words, but are igno­rant of that Spirit by which they were acted that gave them forth, and envie and persecute that obedience that was acted in them, in whom it is now acted; and they might as well cry out against Esay for a mad-man, because he went naked at the word of the Lord, and the rest of the prophets and servants of God for acting such weak and foolish things, to their wisdom, as they did as against these for obeying the Lord in the same or the like things whatsoever, for God is not tied to any rule to walk by, but his own will; and where he commands wo to him that doth not obey, and where he commands not, woe to him that acts in his own will, and saith, it is the Word of the Lord. Wherefore all ye that fear the Lord, take heed of being stirred np by these men to speak evil of that you know not, but consider that the priests have been alwaies the move [...] and perswaders of the peo­ple against Christ and his Kingdom, and power in his saints, and instead of being forward to speak evil of the things you know not, turn in your minds into the fear of God, and mind the light in your conscience that will let you see what sins you are guilty of, which these signs are threatnings to, that you may repent of them, and escape the Judgment and finde mercy, as they did in the time of the prophets, who feared the Lord and escaped the Judgment; but the envious, scorners and fools passed on, and were punished and know this, that a wisemans eye is in his head and such an one hath his guide within himself, and will not be hastie to follow others though they be multitudes to do evil, and such know it is better to be silent, then to speak evil of the things [Page 5] they know not, and when was there ever any truth of God brought forth, but it alwayes suffered the violence of the proud and haughty, where the seed of the serpent reigns and shews his enmity; and it is the same now, for that which hath been is at this day, but it is that the power of the Lord may be seen, in car­rying on his simple truth, against all the Wisdom and Power of of the World, and plotting of the Serpent, yea and he will carry it on to his praise, and to the confounding all his Enemies, who must stumble at the stumbling stone, and be offended at the Rock, that must break them to pieces, wherefore be silent all flesh before the Lord, whose foolishness is more then thy Wis­dom, and whose weakness is more then the strength of all the World, who is a defence to his poor despised ones, in the midst of their enemies. Eternal praises to thee who art our Wisdom for ever.

To all you who have Eyes and yet are blind, and who have Ears and yet are deaf, and have Hearts and yet cannot understand; To you I am moved to declare.

THe Lord is proclaiming himself to be King, and all the Mountains and every Isle and every Oke of Bashan, and all the Cedars of Lebanon, and all who rule as Kings and Con­querors shall bow: Hear ye deaf, the Trumpet is blown, the Standard is lifted up, there is open War proclaimed between Michael our Paince and all the Inhabitants of the Earth. Arm your selves, O ye Mountains and gather your selves on he [...]ps O ye Isles, the glittering the Sword of the Lord is drawn, and a fire is before him, and all ye will be found as stubble, and you are all to be slain heaps upon heaps, and are all to go down with all the uncircumcised Rulers and people into the Pit; the Lord the mighty Jehovah is revealing himself from heaven in flames of fire to render vengeance upon all the workers Iniquity; for you have slain the heir of the Vineyard, you are killing his Pro­phets, and imprisoning his Saints; to you all Professors, Rulers, and Priests, which say you are Jews, and are not, but are the Sy­nagogue of Satan; I speak in plainess of Speech unto you all who live in all the abominations of the heathen, and yet say you love Christ, do not you call the Master of the house now Bel­zebub, do not ye mock, and set your mouths awry ye sons of the Adultress, and of Sodom, at the light of Christ which enlighteneth [Page 6] every one that comes into the world, which light did lead all Saints into purity, and up to God, and this you call Natural, and them who witness redemption by the Son, you call blasphemers; Christ which you profess and yet know not, was accounted by your generation a blasphemer, and all the Apostles and Saints were persecuted by your generation as evil doers, as despisers of Government, as disturbers of the peace, as leaders of the people into iniquity, as the off-scouring of all things, as sheep for the slaughter, and were al of them put to death and in prison by that generation which professed God, and said they had his ordinan­ces, yet slew them who professed him and kept his statutes; for if ye be not wilfully blind, are ye not doing the same now; mock­ing, haling, imprisoning, bringing before Magistrates them that witness Jesus Christ in them, and becaus they bear witness against all sin; Did ever any of the Saints of God persecute, imprison, or hale before Magistrates, and falsly acuse any? Did ever the saints complain to Authority to guard them? Hear ye whited tombs, ye painted sepulchres, what Gospel is this ye profess? what God is this ye serv that must be defended with clubs, swords, Rulers, and carnal weapons; the Saints who had the everlasting Gospel, said, their weapons were not carnal but spiritual, and yet they were mighty through God to beat down strong holds, even principa­lities and powers, thrones and dominions; but your Gospell and Ministry can do nothing without a sword; All people see where you are, & what you are doing, you run headlong to ruine; those who were despised by that generation of Pharisees & Professors which you are in, were a burthensom stone, upon which all that opposed did break themselves; so this generation whom ye set at nought, ye shalbe made to bow and throw down your Crowns before them, and before the Lamb who is our Leader & guider, Glory unto him for evermore; its hard for you to kick against the pricks, for we witness the two edged Sword of the Lord shall bathe it self in the blood of his Enemies, and shalbe made fat with slaughter. O ye Mountains ye shall become a plain for the ransomed to come over you; all your pro­fession shall be as stubble, and you shall be left naked and bare, and nothing shall be able to cover you, because you are crucifiers of Christ and the Saints, repent that you may be hid in the day of his fierce anger, which is to come upon all the workers of iniquity.

F. H.

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