Being a detection of three most abusive and sorbid Pamphlets, entituled: I. The Monstrous Eating Quaker. II. The Quaker turned Jew. III. The Quaker and his Maid. Which are confuted by plain Evidence to undeceive the ignorant, clear the Truth and stop Debauchery.
SInce the Lord raised us up to be a People to bear witness to his Name, and blessed everlasting Truth, great hath been the rage of the old Enemy, called the Devil and Sathan, and of all his Children against us, for the Truths sake, and no devise nor stratagem hath been left, but all manner of ways hath the wicked one, through his Instruments tried to render us odious in the sight of Men; and the more our Innocencie and Uprightness appears, the more earnest is he in finding new devises to darken and to corrupt the Understandings and Minds of those in whose disobedient hearts he rules; so that when no wrestling nor perverting of our Words and Testimonies will serve his turn, nor no real matter of Charge or Guilt can be found against us; then doth he and his Children flee to the old refuge of Lyes, saying, Report, and we will report it; so framing and inventing wicked things out of the wicked Treasury of their own hearts, and casting the same (so far as in them lies, upon us) yea, oftentimes framing and inventing such abominations as they themselves dare not appear to own with their Names, but leave them as Bastardbirths without a Father, only doing this service for their old Master the Devil to busie and to corrupt the Minds of the Sons and Daughters of Men, and to get money; for which service in due time they shall have their reward.
And although we account not our selves engaged to take notice, or to answer all such scurrilous, wicked, and ungodly Pamphlets, especially such Bastard-births as aforesaid, yet at this time seeing such a large Brood of these Viperous Brats brought forth almost together, we are free to give the world a brief account of the malice, falshood, and wickedness of these our Adversaries, whoever they are, that none may say if they were Lyes why did you not tell us, that whoever believe them evil may be wholly upon their own heads.
I. And first of all we take notice of a wicked Pamphlet lately Printed for W. Savidge (as if said) with Allowance, called Sad and terrible News from Newberry, or, Th. Monstrous eating Quaker, &c.
Concerning which Relation we have made enquiry; and whereas it is said that he was born and lived at the Devizes, that is one Lye; for we find that he was born and lived at Westbury, as appears by a Certificate under the hands of the Mayor, Officers, and Inhabitants of the said Burrough of Westbury, as followeth:
WE of the Inhabitants of the Parish and Burrough of Westbury, whose names are hereunto subscribed, do declare and testifie unto all people where ever this may come, or whom it may Concern:
That whereas one Joseph Bourn, late of our Parish of Westbury aforesaid, where he was born, and from his Childhood bred (after years of understanding) to the Trade of a Taylor, who now Travels the Country begging, and is become such a great Eater, not less then a Wonder to most sorts of people where-ever he comes.
Now forasmuch as we understand that he is in some Countries by some taken to be a Quaker, and that he had formerly had some estate, and that by leaving his business and going amongst the Quakers is now impaired, We do a Testimony signed by us, signifie unto all, that he the said Joseph Bourn was never any Quaker, nor otherwise a Professor of any Religion, neither was he that ever we heard of at any Quakers Meeting, nor held their Tenents, nor had he ever any estate of his own, as we perceive by some has been supposed; but being from his Youth an idle Boy, has so lived till this came on him; the truth of which is very well known to us his Neighbours and Relations, who have hereunto subscribed the 28th day of April 1675.
We have many other Certificates to the same purpose both from our friends at Westbury, and from divers other of the West parts of the Nation, too many here particularly to insert; which if any makes further doubt of we shall be ready to produce; at present judging this sufficient for the removing and reproving this notorious Lye, and Lyar.
Another fruit of this corrupt Tree we find under the name of the Quaker turned Jew telling a devised Story of one Thomas a Quaker of the Isle of Ely, committing wickedness with his Neighbours wise, and afterwards being denied by the Quakers for his wickedness, as the Author saith, having much trouble upon his Spirit, took vengeance on himself, and Circumcised himself: is it possible that this Author should be so wicked to frame such a cursed Lye, and to tell of trouble of Spirit, and Judgment for the same, and should meet with no reproof, nor Judgment in his own Conscience, for the framing of such a horrible and abominable L [...]e; but seeing he is so hardned that he meets with no reproof within him, he shall meet with reproof without him; and that we might not detect him and his Lyes without sufficient ground, we sent to the Isle of Ely to have an account from the Inhabitants, who write as followeth:
WE understand what false report hath been spread in London by a Pamphlet called, The Quaker turned Jew, and that a Meeting was concerned about him; we have enquired from several of our Meetings in and about this Isle concerning the matter, and do certifie to all people, that we have neither known nor heard of any such Person or matter as this Pamphlet releteth of, but do conclude it to be an absolute Lye, raised out of the bottomless Pit of Perdition, whether it will return and the founders thereof in due time except they repent.
A Postscript to the Magistrates in and about the City of London.
THere having lately been many vitious and obscene Pamphlets cried up and down the City tending greatly to the corruption and debauching the minds of young people, and particular these two most gross, lying, and abusive Libels, The one Intituled, The Quaker and his Maid, fictitiously framed by way of Dialogue; and the other, The Quaker turned Jew: We cannot but deem it your place so far to take cognizance of these and such-like filthy Pamphlets as to put a stop to them, it being a disgrace to this City that such things should be cried about, or spread to vitiate the minds of young people; and many sober people wonder that they are suffered to cry such things about this City: as for the said Dialogue, it is such a gross blasphemous and Atheistical Piece of Debauchery, wherein the Sacred Scriptures are blasphemously made use of in such abominable obscenity, the like of which was never seen or heard in Print, and so divulged in England, Wherefore we entreat you for the sake of Christianity, the worth of Souls, the Honour of this City Government, that you would please to put a stop to these and such abominable corrupting Pamphlets and Libels, it being your Places to give a Check to Vice, and to endeavour the prevention of such impious and scandalous Pamphlets for the future.