A strange Prophecie, AGAINST BISHOPS PRELATES, AND ALL other Priests, which have not kept the faith­full Order of Priesthood; And also against the Transgressors of Righteousnesse in these Times.

Together with the Downe-fall and destruction of Poperie, and the Ruine of Romes Monarchall and Tyrannicall Government.

Prophetically declared, that in the yeares 1641, 1642, and 1643. The reformed Churches in these Westerne Islands, should (both King and People) joyne with a religious consent to abolish them out of the Church.

Written by HILGARD a Nunne, 1558. and since preserved by an Antiquary in this Kingdome, and now published for the instruction of the Church of England.

LONDON, Printed for John Thomas. 1641.

The Preface to the Reader.

VVHether these or such like Prophecies be of God, and proceed from the Holy Ghost or no, let the godly judge. But surely it is commonly seene, when God will shew his displeasure and in­dignation, and intendeth to bring to passe some great act, that all creatures doe Prophecy before, and give warning, although it helpe but little. Eve [...] so [...]ouching the subver­sion of Jerusalem, his Prophets, and [...]ophecy it before but it availed not. Christ himselfe had breathed it unto them. The Apostles had warned them thereof. They heard voyces in the Temple. They saw signes in the Element. They heard battels in the clouds. Mad men, and such as were out of their wits, did prophecy it unto them, but all these signes prevailed not, they saw it in act and yet it preuailed not. They might have remedied it, if they would have suffered the Emperour to rule over them, but all prevailed nothing, for they were destroyed because they dispised Gods word.

Even so shall it happen unto the Papists also. It is prophe­cied unto them by Daniel in the 7. and 8. chap. Jt is pro­phecied unto them by Zachariah in the 11. chap. It is pro­phecied by St. John in the Revel. It is prophecied unto them by Christ himselfe, Matth. 24. It is prophecied un­to them by St. Paul. 2 Thes. 2. and 1. Tim. 4. It is prophe­cied unto them by St. Pet. 2. It prevaileth not Their owne Bishops, Abbots, Monkes and Nunnes prophecy un­to them, but it prevaileth not. Jt is prophecied unto them by Astronomers. It is prophecied unto them by the common [Page]rumour with certaine Proverbes. It is prophecied vnto them by visions and signes in the Element, but all prevai­leth not, they might turne it, if they would not presume to be aboue Gods Word and mens consciences, but would suf­fer God and his trueth to raigne over them and all mens consciences, but all prevaileth nothing, Therefore must they be destroyed, there is no remedie, & that which they will not now, they must not see to their griefe at last, when all helpe is past.

Wherefore let no good Christian grieue himselfe with them, but rather suffer and take patience, and pray to God that it would please him to revenge the blood of his Saints, and speedily to deliver us from these cruell Ty­rants, & all their mischievous or rather hellish enchant­ments. Thereby shall a man get a greater conquest over them, then by Sword and Armour. God knoweth well where such a Titus is, as shall be the finall destruction of these arrogant Rabbies, or contemptuous Iewes also. To whom be all honour, praise, and glory, for euer and euer. Amen.

The Prophecie of HILGARD.

ALl worldly Princes and the common people also, shall fiercely fall upon you Priests, which hitherto haue abused me. They will turne you away from them, and put you to flight. They shall take away your substance and riches, because that in your time, you have not kept the order of your Priesthood well. These words will they speake by you. Let us cast these Oath-breakers, robbers, and people replenished with all kind of iniquity, forth of the holy Catholique [Page]Church: for the holy Church is contaminated and pol­luted by them. And therefore will God suffer also such things to come over you. Yea, the Kings of the world, shall assist them with their earthly power and might that shall withstand you. Your Priestly dignity and annointing, they will esteeme as nothing worth, and to that purpose will they gather together in Councell, that they may drive you out of their Dominions, be­cause you have driven away the most holy and innocent Lambe from you, with your vngodly and abhominable workes. Then shall the Heavens raine downe divers Plagues, which shall be as a revenge of God upon men. The miste shall cover the whole Earth, so that all your grasse shall dry up, and your ornaments become pale. The deepe shall suffer Earthquakes, and then shall ap­peare the very anger of God, and the rage both of Hea­ven and Earth. God will send a righteous and straight judgement against the transgressors of Righteousnesse. And then shall we say altogether. How long shall we forbeare and suffer these ravening Wolves? they ought to have bin feeders of the soules, but they be destroyers of them. They bind and vnbind at their owne pleasure (yet such power belongeth not unto them) and as most fearefull beasts they utterly cast us away. And thus re­maine we still in our misery and they in their sins, inso­much that all Christendome perisherh through them. And whatsoever is right that write they not, but wrest, and onely doe that which is contrary to the Law of God. They devoure us, as the Wolfe devoureth the sheepe, they live continually in lust and glut­tony, they bee very robbers of the Church, and [Page]whatsoever they can catch or come by, they take and de­voure it. They make us also with their occupation poore and beggerly. They damne themselves & desire to destroy us also. Therefore will we judge them righ­teously, anb seperate them from vs, for they be rather seducers then teachers, &c. Yet care they not for it, but remaine so still, seeking to make all Kingdomes subject unto them. Neverthelesse, for all this they must away, and leaue behind them all that they have, neyther shall they afterward rule any more ouer the people againe, with Lands, Possessions, Vineyards, and other temporall goods, which worldly Princes be ap­pointed for. A Pope should be a Pope, a Knight a Knight, a Gentleman a Gentleman, wherefore all such things as they possesse vnrighteously, shall be taken a­way from them. &c. But against the same will the spi­ritualtie as heads of this world repine and rebell: to wit, the Popes, Cardinals, Bishops, Abbats, and other Prelates. First with their curse, and with shutting up of the Heavens, but the same will not serve, neither shall men feare it any whit. After that, they will get them to their Armour and weapons, thinking therewith to defend themselves, but against the judgement of God they can doe nothing, for their time is come, &c. Thus much prophecied the Nunne Hillgard.

So [...]o [...] must the bloody whore drinke of her owne Challice, and the beast with the false Prophets be cast down into the bottomlesse pit, where as is no rest night nor day, there to suffer paines eternally. And then will Christ raise up faithfull shepheards to feed his flock.

What these shall be, we find in the Scriptures plain­ly enough declared, as they that came from him, and [Page]how may it faile, or what defect can be in such as God sendeth? God is Righteous, and also sendeth good shep­heards when he seeth his time. They doe righteously, and as they teach, euen so they liue.

These be the true seruants which Christ speaketh of, which in due time set forth the gifts and glory or the Father of the houshold, and not their owne traditions, whereof as yet the whole world is full. But the Lord (at his good pleasure) for his sonne Iesus Christs sake, will scomme away all filthinesse and make his glory appeare. So be it

The Conclusion.

DIvers other like Prophecies there are no whit necessary to be written, because I hope there will amendment follow after this, except the Readers be found to want the chiefe effects of their eies and eares: for whom would not this ancient, true, and faithfull declaration of the Romish and Babilonish strumpet, bring to conversion and knowledge? Shee is here so clerely set forth and painted with all her false­hood and colours, that it cannot be done more liuely. Hath she not with her Challice made drunke, and with her subtilty and deceit overcome Emperors, Kings, Prin­ces, Lords? and with her snares overthrowne all Chri­stendome? Let euery man marke it well. When did they any other thing but Pole and shave, lye and de­ceiue, burne, and banne, continually increasing warres and murder? untill such time as they were become heads of all Kingdomes. &c. The same (as aboue mentioned) hath endured many yeares, but now will take an end. For the time of the Whore is come about, and he com­meth that speaketh in the Apocalips, saying: I am Al­pha [Page]and Omega, the beginning & the ending, the first & the last. Blessed be they that follow his Commandements, to the end that they may come to the tree of life, and and enter in at those straight gates of the celestiall Ieru­salem, out of which shall be secluded all Vnbeleeuers, Enchaunters, Whores, murderers, Idolators, and all such as loue and follow after lyes, whose portion is in the unquenchable Lake that burneth with fire and Brimstone.

Now hath Jesus Christ sent his Angell againe, to shew the people that he is the very roote of David, and the cleere morning Starre, and in none other is there any saluation, but in him onely, for it is written. There is no other name vnder heauen whereby we may be sa­ved, but this onely. &c. Now he that is faithfull still, he that is holy, let him become more holy, and continue to the end. and let him not long for the time appro­cheth. And thus let every man be warned, for when he knocketh, happy are they that open, but to those that doe not so, the danger is apparent: for unto such, both Baptisme and all holy Rites are ministred in vaine. Wherefore let us beware of beeing Christians onely in name, and let us pray God to blesse us, and to grant us his grace, and that he would vouchsafe to guide us a­right by his holy Spirit. Amen.


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