THE Hearty Concurrence of divers Citizens and Inhabitants of the City of London; with the Ministers of the Province thereof, to their Testimony to the Truth of Jesus Christ, and to our Solemne LEAGUE and COVENANT. As also against the Errours, Heresies, and Blasphemies of these times, and the Tolleration of them.
THE Inestimable value of Truth which undeniably claimes God the Father to be the Authour, Jesus Christ the Purchaser, and the Holy Spirit of God the revealer of it, the zealous practices of the faithfull witnesses of Jesus Christ in former ages opposing errours by their valiant sealing to the truth with their blood, the painfull preaching pious practices, and learned writings of our late faithfull Ministers now with God: As Mr. Egerton, Mr. Stocke, Mr. Randal, Doctor Sibs, Dr. Preston, Dr. Taylor, Dr. Stoughton, Mr. Elton, with many others, together with our present vigilant Spirituall watchmen in the Province of London, honoured in being the first which brake the Ice in their zealous contention for truth against errour when it was highest, themselves (we hope) at lowest; Together with the faithfull Ministers of Jesus Christ in the Counties of Warwicke, Glocester, and that heart-warming harmonious consent of the Ministers of the County of Lancaster; And, the serious consideration of the most observeable acts of Gods grace to this City, as well of old, as of later dayes; our late afflictions, dishonours, and reproaches cast upon us for our neutrality, lukewarmnesse, formality, the cloud of bloud still hanging over our heads, the sparkles of Gods wrath scattered amongst us, the fearefull frownes of our justly angry God against us, manifested in severall symptomes: Lastly, that wee in our places might contribute something wherein we might the more firmely ingage our selves to the truth, incourage the truly godly, recover some which are misled, strengthen them who are ready to fall, fill the faces of Heretiques, prophane persons, lukewarme Pollititians with shame (that so they might seeke the face of God in Jesus Christ) advance Covenanted Reformation; And, which is not the least, our consciousnesse of Christian duty lying upon us, being as fire in our bowells, so that we can no longer forbeare, lest God spew us out of his mouth, and wee be a reproach to the Gospell; The deepe and due consideration of these and many other such like weighty incitations doe most seriously put us upon this worke to imitate our faithfull Pastors in contending for Truth against Errour; for piety against prophanenesse, and for our Solemne League and Covenant against all opposers in these few ensuing particulars.
I. Wee testifie to all the World, That it is the earnest desires of our soules that the humble advice of the Assembly of Divines by Authority of Parliament sitting at Westminster, concerning the Confession of Faith, abundantly satisfactory to us, for its purity, sollidity, and conformity to the holy Scriptures, the two Catechismes both the larger and lesser may bee established among us by Civill sanction, with the Church-Government.
II. Wee doe hereby also declare against all those unsound Opinions, Errours, Heresies, and Blasphemies, already enumerated by our godly Pastors in their Testimony: As also some others since published, A Testimony to an approaching glory, per Joshua Sprig, Pag. 65. viz. That while we are weake we know not the love of the Father to us; But thinke that Jesus Christ doth procure the love of the Father; when as Jesus Christ doth but manifest and declare the love of the Father. The life of Christ Printed 1648. p. 2. Another, That Christ is not borne of the bloud of Adam, but from Heaven. All which Tenets wee looke upon as contrary to the Analogie of Faith, and paterne of sound words; and therefore with the Ministers that are gone before us, Wee doe testifie and declare our utter dislike of Anabaptisme, Brownisme, Errastianisme, Independencie, and Prelacie; so also our soules abhorrencie and vehement detestation of Antiscripturisme, Socinianisme, Arminianisme, Arrianisme, Antinomianisme, Popery, and Antitrinitarianisme, with many others.
III. Wee desire to expresse our hearty sorrow for, and detestation of all those gracelesse causes, and ungodly practices of these Apostatizing times, as prophane swearing, drunkennesse, Sabbath-breaking, oppression, which are God-provoking, and Kingdome-destroying abominations, not to be named amongst Christians: All that opposition to Reformation, hypocriticall pursuing of false interests under specious pretences of publique good, all which are against piety towards God, Justice, Righteousnesse and Sobriety towards men, laying us naked to Divine vengeance, and rendering us a people fitted for destruction, therefore we desire to be sensible of these provocations, and to stir up our selves, and all the godly in this Kingdome to disclaime against them, and endeavour in their and our places to reforme them according to our Covenant.
IV. Our dislike shall we say? That's too little, nay rather our detestation of that wicked design of the Sectarian prophane party, who endeavour to extirpate and expell from amongst us, our learned, godly, and conscientious Ministers, declaiming against their persons by uncivill scoffes, and against their Calling as Antichristian, and by detaining not onely a plentifull, but even a competent maintenance, under pretence of unlawfulnesse of tythes, which makes us invocate the Lord, that they may never have power to accomplish this execrable designe, nor we have cause sadly to sigh, and say, our Teachers are removed into corners.
V. Wee declare our hearty desires, That the Government of Jesus Christ (according to our Covenant, and the advice of the Assembly of Divines) may bee established amongst us, a taste whereof in that little part of it which is set up amongst us, we looke not upon as Arbitrary and Tyrannicall, yea to have it compleated would be our Glory and Crowne of rejoycing; utterly disliking the opposition it meets withall: And, oh that we knew what to do for the suppressing that opposition by loose and prophane persons on the one hand, and on the other by such as separate, and highly contend for that Great; Diana the Compendium of all mischiefes concentred in that one word, Toleration.
VI. Lastly, but not least of all, as for the Covenant, our Solemne League and Covenant, as we heartily rejoyce that wee tooke it, that it was commended to the Kingdome by the Parliament, and taken by so many in both Kingdomes with their hands lifted up to Heaven, so also we desire to be afflicted in our soules with shame and sorrow for the violation of it, either by our selves or others, but most of all for that stupendious wickednesse and matchlesse impiety in villifying and contemning that Sacred Oath, even by too too many that entered into it and covenanted with us; doubtlesse that faithfull God who keepeth Covenant with us, will avenge the quarrell of this Covenant broken by us, unlesse prevented by Repentance and Reformation: And as we look upon it as a duty belonging to all to take it, and therefore blame the non-taking of it by any; so we declare our utter dislike of the slighters and contemners of it, and earnestly desire the taking of it by all, be not onely commended, but commanded by Authority.
As for our selves, it is our desire, and shall be our constant endeavours in the strength of Jesus Christ, maugre all malice and opposition whatsoever, to keep it, and to pursue all the ends contained in it, in the plaine, literall, grammaticall sense of it, in the which we then tooke it, abominating all other glosses upon it, and doe with the Ministers of London, and elsewhere, declare that we beleeve in our consciences, no power on earth whatsoever can absolve us from the bond of that Covenant.
In Testimony whereof, as in the presence of the Lord, in the integrity of our hearts we hereunto subscribe our names.