A VVord or Message From Heaven, to all Covenant breakers (whom God hates) with all that hath committed that Sin, that is, as the sinne of Witch craft.
THe great God that is most high and Infinite, yet is pleased to give unto his poore creatures the children of men a directory in his Word, which reacheth to all the particular actings of the Sons and daughters of men, 2 Tim. 3. 17. Therefore Kingdomes and Armies are to be regulated and ordered by it; and no other specious pretence must be intermingled with it; and this is Gods order upon pain of damnation, Deutro. 4. v. 2, and 12. v. 32. Joshua 1. 7. Prov. 30 6. Revel. 22. 18. This God is the great Law-giver which is not to give an account of any of his matters to any of his creatures Job 33. 13. Yet although the great God hath taken to himself this Prerogative of not giving an account of any of his matters; either of his secret will, or of his revealed will: yet in all Gods actings and doings in the World, he himself doth nothing that is contrary to his own laws: for God himself hath sworn to keep his own laws, Nehem. 9. 15. and now although we are not to liken God to any thing, or to equall the holy One, Isa. 40. 25. Yet God himself is pleased to hold forth himself with the head Magistrate on Earth, and that in these words: My Sonne feare thou the Lord and the King, and meddle not with those that are given to change. Prov. 24. 21. and in the 2 Pet. 17. This particular place of Scripture is an exemplary to the King, and holdeth forth unto us Gods unchangeablenesse in his laws: Now seeing the Lord is pleased to hold forth the Kings Prerogative by his own example, as in these words: Where the word of a King is there is power? And who shall say unto him, What dost thou? Here God is pleased by the scripture, to hold forth unto all this heavenly pattern, which is exemplary to the earthly: [Page 2] which is this, That the King, which is supream is not to give an account to any man on earth of any of his matters; but to God that is in heaven: for he onely is higher then the highest Eccles. 5. 8. and this Prerogative God hath taken to himself, and left it in his word for our learning.
Now all you that require to have it shewed by divine designation, and not by Court Maxims, nor by haire-looms onely of the Conquest; of the absolute Impunity of Kings that they are not accountable to any on earth; and now that these are not haire-loomes and therefore not so much in Law-bookes, as in the word of God originally Old Testament and New: and therefore his assumed priviledges are not begotten by the blasphemous arrogancy upon servill parasites, and so steered only by slavish or ignorant people in your remonstrance page 4 [...]. But yet for all this you have not prooved that God hath given the Parliament or you this power over the King, that you assume; yet you say, God hath given it page 48. but the truth is your proposalls long a gone, and this remonstrance without any foundation upon the word or light from it.
This truth before spoken is held forth by severall places of Scripture Eccles. 8. 3. the words are these, Be not hasty to goe out of the Kings sight: stand not in an evill thing, for he doth whatsoever pleaseth him? he that resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God, and he that resisteth shall receive to himsefe damnation. Rom. 13. 2. Now therefore the Jesuiticall and Carnall reason and prudentiall provision must cease; for this is not that wisdome that dwelleth with prudence, and findeth out knowledge of witty inventions Prov. 12. And further the Holy Ghost by the Preacher sets forth the power of a King by the way of an Allogory, and sayth, there be three things goeth well; yea four are comely in going, a Lion which is strongest among Beasts, and turneth not away for any; a Grey-Hound, a Hee-Goat, and a King, against whom there is no rising up; Prov. 30. 29. 30, 31.
If thou hast done and spoken foolishly, heare the word of the Preacher or God by him, Lay thy hand upon thy mouth, and beware least thou Incur the wrath of the Lion, of the Tribe of Judah this therefore doe, open the two Levigates. Isai. 45. vers. 1. and with Bennedad put ropes about your [Page 3] N [...]cks and remember the Counsell that was long ago directed by God to be given you and prepare to fetch home your Father and Prince King Charles. For God himselfe hath promised to be with him upon the Throne: and to establish that supremacy for ever and it shall be exalted Job. 36 7. For sayth the Lord, by me Kings Reign and Princes decree Justice, by me Princes rule and Nobles, even all the Judges of the Earth.
Now no question but Kings which are supreame have their failings, and are men; yet although it be so God hath not any where in his word put them over to any of their Inferiours to be tryed by them, and as be foresayd, who may say to the King. what dost thou? Prov. 8. 15, 16.
Further Elisha convincing Job hath this expression; Is it fit to say to a King, thou art wicked? and to a Prince thou art ungodly? Speak not against the King, no not in thy Bed-chamber, for the Birds of the Ayre shall carry the voice, and that which hath wings shall tell the matter: Ecl. 10. 26 Here we see what care God hath taken for the preservation of supremacy of Kings; for indeed the supremacy of the 5 Commandment is the foundation, and therefore God hath a tender care of his own honour, and of the honour of his own Word, and of the supremacy of Kings: and here is the double fountain from whence all true and dew dutie doth proceed by divine designation; Fear God and honour the King, and this is the whole dutie of man; and this is the fountain from whence all supremacy doth redound to arents and Masters.
Now where are those pot-sheards and seminary Priests, that doth still go on to contend with him that is mighter then they, Eccles. 6. 10 and these three scriptures before specified 2. Pet. 17. Prov. 24. 21. Job. 34. 19. I say, that God in these scriptures hold forth the King only with himself and no man else: And further, there is a confirmation of it, Eccles. 5. 19. moreover, the Prophet of the Earth is for all; the King himself is served by the field: here is none held forth with the King, therefore he hath no equall.
Now, who or where is this Goliah, or these Goliahs that stand upon their swords Ezech. 33. 16. and hold out defence against the Lord of Host the God of Israel, in casting off, and trampling under their feet commandements of God; and [Page 4] this they say in their Remonstrance, That they must minde the Parliament of their Votes once past of making no more addresses to the King; and of their own engagement to adhere to the Parliament therein, and what they in their engagement did summarily lay down, that which the Parliament took satisfaction therein; which was, that none of the extraordinary, or arbitrary power, afore mentioned, may be exercised towards the people by any of Right; but by that suprem Councel or Representative body of the People, nor without their advice and consent; Neither may any be imposed upon, or taken from the people; or if it be otherwise attempted by any, that the people be not bound thereby but free, and the attempters punished. Now contrary to this Order, there was Proclaimation published with Drums and Trumpets without any word from the supreme Parliament so called.
Now here is a Lime-twig, and yet this snare is not broke, and this is the independency that may properly be called, a corrupt and outside Religion; and of necessity it must be so, when Reason is said to be the teacher, pag. 29.
And now that it is said, That the King was the Author of this unjust war, and therefore guilty of the highest treason against the highest law amongst men; and therein guilty of all the innocent blood spilt thereby; and of all the evill consequent or concommitant thereunto? Now seeing this question is thus stated, it is desired that every one would reflect, and cast an eye upon their own actings; and not judge partially, for God would judge righteous Judgement, and render to every one according to the fruits of their doings. Jerem. 17. 10
And therefore to consider a little the first beginning of our troubles, after the second Parliament was set and settled by our King: If you please to call to minde what extraordinary Petitions there was from the City and Country, and bringing their grievances unto the Parliament, as making complaint against the King of their heavy oppressures that they had laid under, which were but as the weight of a little finger in comparison what hath been along time together since.
And that mens backs or rather estates have been broken in peeces, and their hearts too almost at the sad events: and indeed the hand of God hath been sore upon us in that we were not content to have Christs Kingly Office held forth to us [Page 5] in these three Kingdomes by one Head, according to God distinct order, 1 Cor. 12. 21. And now instead of having one Head to make up the Body with the Members compleat, wee have had a preposterous Body without a Head; and what we have now we know not, which are said to hold forth the supremacy of the Kingdome or People: which Title I finde not in Holy-writ, belonging to the Members subordinate to the Head: but indeed these Members have well resembled the Feet and Toes of Nebuchadnezzars image, which was composed of Iron and Clay; and in regard of Coveteousnes and Self-seeking, are now in great danger to be broken in pieces, because they are not sensible of regaining their strength nor the danger that they hazard in being without it.
And now at first beginning of our troubles, when there were such resort to the Parliament, and the King so sleighted, for he was not at all then looked upon as a supreme Prince; and by reason of the great concourse of people which were at Westminster Petitioning, and Murmuring up and down; the Parliament at last, commanded the Trained Bands to attend them, and multitudes of the Citizens came with them, and Courts of Guards were kept by Commission of Parliament. And strange untruths were raised, as if the King would Sack the City, and speeches went up and down, that the King had thousands of men in yards ready armed to come in the night to surprise the City; and false alarums there was given in the night according to the false hoods that were raised: and the brooding of these Egs hath brought forth Serpents and Cocatrises. And the King being in a deplored condition, there were gathered Gentlemen unto him, some of them having lost their Fortunes, as they did to David in his deplored condition, and at length indeed, I think, the King had his Court of Guard as well as the Parliament; then the Parliament came into the City and sat in Guild-hall.
Now a litle before this the King had required five Members out of the house, and againe he did it at Guild-Hall: and some dayes after this, the Parliament was to returne to Westminster, at their returne its Well knowne to the Citty and Kingdome, what provision there was made for them, and what rumours there were up and downe the Citty and multitudes of the Citizens, and multitudes of the sea men [Page 6] that were to lie with their murdering peices all over the Theames, and it was so; and in these times of these rumours and destractions, the King could not but be put into feare and at last fled away: and after the King had acted his part, now it may be called to mind that the Independant company in the Parliament and elsewhere, and the Presbyterians, all Sects comprehended, I say these two parties hath plaid their parts severall yeares together, and in all this time, the Kingdome in a very sad condition; and God and his Lawes was not at all looked after in a due and true manner, for disobedience to Parents and Masters increased in abundant manner; and now at this day it is come to a full height and ripenesse, the reason is because God ceased to govern, and carnall reason prevailed and want of love (to do as we would be done unto) ceased yet still a saying, let the Lord be magnified Isa. 66. 5. 8. and making Covenants, calling God to witnes, now in all this time many petitions were sent to the King to desire his return to the Parliament with many expressions in them, that it would be a meanes to put an end to all the troubles in the Kingdome, and that was a truth spoken, but not really intended as it doth appeare since; and at length he did returne, and that the Scots can witnesse, to his Parliament; what the condition were that passed betweene the two Kingdomes about the King; it is knowne to them that made them, and God also best knowes.
Now further concerning some of the particular proceedings of Parliament and Army, as the King required five Members so did the Parliament imprison some of the City when they came to petition for there Lawes and Liberties, and the Army they playd their parts, and demanded a 11 Memberes, and had them: and now the 2 part of the tune sounds abundantly higher. And what was the common speech when the King demanded 5 Members; that if he had them he would by degrees take away all that should withstand him and his party in their lusts? and must the Ceader be pulled downe, and the Thistle set up? Now, seeing the Parliament and Kingdome did not helpe themselves in that way that is warranted by the word of God, Prov. 21 15. [Page 7] Which is to obey all that have the oversight of them; Heb. 13. 17. Rom. 13. 17. We all understand there is a double sense in this speech of the Ho [...]y Ghost, This scripture should have been towards the beginning but it could not be found; and now God hath brought it The feare of a King is as the roaring of a Lyon, who so provoketh him to anger sinneth against his own soul. Prov. 20. 2, 3, &c. It is an honour for a man to cease from strife but every fool will be medling Prov. 26. and consider who hath spoken: blasphemy, and remember that ignorance is a damnable sin. which is to obey either Active or Passive, as our Saviour and his Apostles did: now God is pleased to discover the depths of that wickednesse which was in the hearts of men, which they themselves were not aware of.
It was said, the reason why the Parliament denyed the King in his demands, was, because of the wicked counsell he had about him, which put him on to satisfie their lusts; and indeed there was wicked ones about him, which the Parliament by the Army, was said to seek to suppresse them: and it was their saying, for many years together; and if their hearts had been down right sincere in that particular, God would have owned their actions, so far forth as they were warrantable by his Word and honoured them: for God hath commanded to remove the wicked from the King, and hath promised that his Thron shall be established; but not a word of touching the Kings Person: but seeing it is desired in your Remonstrance pag. 23. that the guilt and blame may be laid where its due; Now God hath shewed unto you, that you are not to meddle with the King, no not although he hath acted and done contrary to the command of God and his own laws: yet God will have you to know he hath not put him into any of your hands, to passe your sentence upon him, yet you say, with hazard of your lives and fortunes, you shall close unite and joyn with the Parliament for the speedy executing of Justice upon the grand Incendiaries of our late and former troubles, that the heads of the Authors go not down with peace to their graves; and God hath given him clearly into the Parliaments hand to doe Justice, you say; Whether it can be just before God and good men not to do it? You desire an answer from God concerning the justnes of your Demands: and in the 2 Rom at the beginning, God gives you an answer with reproof to your selves, who would take his work out of his hand and in Luke 19. 22. Christ telleth the evil servant, that out of his own mouth he shall be judged: But to proceed (to say something) out of the Rom. 2. Therefore thou art unexcusable O man, who ever thou art that judgest, for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thy self? for thou that judgest [Page 8] dost the same things: and in the 2 vers. But we are sure the judgement of God is according to truth, against them that commit such things: and thinkest thou this ô man that judgest them that doe such things, and dost the same; that thou shalt escape the judgement of God, or despisest thou the riches of his grace and long suffering? and will not yet look back and know that you are fully out of the way and walk of God, as the King of Asseriahs army was. Now I desire the Lord to open your eyes, that you may see your palpable blindnes, and that you may finde out the steps and degrees of your sins, ever since you point blank broke the Command of God, and would not disband at the Parliaments command: and you bolster up your selves in that particular, that God hath made you instrumental, to take away the wicked from the King; (and there rested) Now if God be pleased to afford that mercy unto you (which I earnestly desire) as to give you repentance, if not, look to your selves: for the earth growns (as I shall hereafter shew you) and the heavens hath a long while mourned. I pray you remember, what the wiseman saith; there is a time wherein one man ruleth over another for their own hurt, Eccles. 8. 9. But wickednesse shall not deliver those that are given over to it.
Now consider your monstrous Remonstrance, which is like to Rabshekahs arrand, that he brought from his Master, but not from God: and your Declarations, Proclamations, as Jehu with trumpets; but no commission from God, or Parliament in all this: yet Zimery like, you attempt the killing of your Master, and by violence have taken him into your own custody; but Zimry lived but seven dayes after he had kil'd his Master, for the earth could not bear him: but Hazael reigned certain years after his Master, and went on violently to do the work of the Devill, and fill up the number of his sins, and shed much blood. Now consider, if at any time since Saul was made King, to the comming of our Saviour Christ, and ever since; whether ever any Subject but (these three that have been specified) Zimry, Jehu, and Hazael, did attempt the like: but Jehu had a speciall command immediate from God: but the scripture is full of counterdemands to your actings. But to the matter first of Saul, after he was made King, we know he did exceedingly break the speciall commands [Page 9] which were given him by the Prophet Samuel from Gods own mouth: I have not time to expresse all the particulars, how he slew eightie and odd of the Priests of the Lord, and did observe his own will in the exercise of his government among his people; as the Prophet before had told the people hee would doe: yet for all this, when David who was anointed to be King in his room after him, did but cut off the tip of the skirt of Sauls garment, God smote his heart for it, so saith the Text; and Pharoah that did use the children of Israel so hardly, yet they were not to doe any thing to contrary his will; no not Moses and Aaron: not did Moses carry the children of Israel out of Aegypt without his leave: Nay, Moses himself did so honour the supremacy of Pharoah, that he held it an honour to be commanded by him; as in these words of his: Glory over me, when shall I intreat for thee, and Pharoah said, to morrow. And we know Saul, and David, and Solomon was not without their failings: yet they were not reproved by any of their own Subjects, not so much as by the Prophets, but by speciall command from God to the Prophets; and then their arrand was expressely given them from God, every word what they should say, and God hath left the same word.
And when our Saviour Christ was born and Horod made King over the Jews by Caesar Augustus, we read in holy writ that many male children Herod slew thinking thereby to destroy Christ; yet for all that blood he shed, God did not take him away till the full time of his dayes were expired: Nay, God caused Joseph to carry his own sonne Christ into Aegypt till Herod was dead; for God hath ordained his word from the beginning, and it shall continue firme and sure; not a title of it shall fall to the ground. And thus saith the Lord, Children must obey their Parents in all things, and Servants their Masters according to the flesh; yea, though they are wicked, and doe beat them for well doing, they are not to turn again, but to bear it patiently; and in so doing its thankworthy to God. But Gods commandements are not regarded to be observed in the publike ordinances, nor generally in mens lives; like the Scribes and Pharises taught children to disobey their Parents, and they thought to have taught Christ too. For they came and asked him, why his disciples did eat [Page 10] with unwashed hands? but Christ answered them by way of a question, why doe you transgresse the commandements of God by your traditions? for God commanded saying, Honour thy father and thy mother: Hee that curseth father or mother let him dye the death (I would know of our Divines whether the penalty of this command bee abrogated) the Scribes and Pharisees would have had it so, and it is amongst us fully abrogated in the obedience of it; but Christ called the Scribes and Pharisees hipocrites, and told them, in vain they did worship him, teaching for doctrine the traditions of men, which were their own wils, as it is at this day amongst us.
Now where are those or Jeremiahs, to mourne and cry out in regard of the pitifull complaints that are amongst us, as Jeremiah did; concerning the reproach that is come upon them and upon their inheritances; for their inheritances were turned unto strangers, and their houses to aliens; and now there is a beginning of like condition amongst us: for saith Ieremiah, Servants have ruled over us, and there was none to deliver out of their hands: and these servants hang up their Princes by their hands, and the faces of their Elders were not honoured; Lament. 5. 1, 8, 12. If it be well observed in this place of the Lamentations, that the breach of the fifth Commandement was the chiefe sinne that brought all that extremity upon them: and the 22 of Ezekiel maketh it manifest.
And the Holy-ghost by the Preacher further sets forth the practise of such Servants as break their rancks, and cast the commandement of God behinde them; and saith, there is a generation who teeth are as swords, and their jaw teeth as knives to devoure the poore from off the earth, and the needy from among men Prov. 30. 21, 22, and the Preacher persists in his speech, and goeth on, and saith; there be three things for which the earth is disquieted, and foure which it cannot bear; two of them are, a Seavant when he reigneth, and a fool when he is fil'd with meat.
And now for the sonnes of Corath, that are not contented with their particular places and callings, and are not contented to study their duties to God and man, and to doe violence to none, and waight till God shall honour them, if he sees it good.
[Page 11] But with Corah, Numb. 16. they think themselves fit to hold forth (as publike Persons) the Priestly office of Christ; and they think themselves fit for the Kingly office too: and indeed, one sinne goeth not alone; for sinne is of that spreading nature, according to its tutor Satan, it will aime at the top.
But when things comes to this passe, that Servants gets the government into their hands, the earth groans, as before said, in the Proverbs) and the heavens hath manifested it ever since the King was taken from Holmby, and the souldiers drawing near to the City (as we have already in briefe exprest.) And now all that hath eyes and will not see, and ears and will not hear, take heed and remember that God caused the earth that groans; and because it could not longer bear, it swallowed Corah and his Company; for he preserveth not the life of the wicked, but giveth right to the poore. Job 36. 6.
And the delaying to keepe a good conscience before God and towards all men brought danger, and the Army breaking their ranks took the King from Holmby, and because there was great and much resort to him, and some secret intentions withall, at length, he was put in feare of his life, whereby hee might make his escape, and so be further remote; and after he was fled to the Isle of Wyght, there was no right way thought upon to bring him back againe, but rather such wayes taken which were not lined out by Gods word, neither hath beene blessed by him. Yet a seeming to stand up for the great God, by fasting and prayer, as people that would be taught of him. But yet still in all proceedings, the actings, doings, looked squint-eyed, and quite contrary to the rule; and this we know, a man in a journey if he mistakes and rides out of his way, the longer he goes out, the more adoe he hath to come back againe, without he doth come into the way he cannot get to his Journeyes end: this earthly resemblance holds forth a heavenly to us: But to goe on,
Then there was an act of Indemnity desired by the Army to be procured by the Parliament, and a seeming falling out betweene them there grew; whereupon the Parliament commanded the Army to keep thirty miles from the Citty, and at length to draw into severall Regiments and to disband; [Page 12] but the Army disobeyed the Parliaments command as well as the Prince and Duke; and marched neerer and neerer to the Citty, and upon the sudden the Malitia must be altered, which was appointed by the common counsell of the Citty and confirmed by order of Parliament. And after this leading Card the Citty began to be touch to the quick, in regard of the losse of their Charter, they indirectly made a combustion, the Army being upon their march there must be no denyall, but the Tower must be surrendered to them; and it was concluded thar they should come through the Citty. And at the very time, yea the instant of time although it was a very faire sun-shiny day the Heavens all about the Citty gather blacknesse, and presently there was such a mighty storme of Haile, Thunder and Raine; and all of it in and about the Citty, and foure miles of there was none, but very cleare weather: But this Thunder of Haile did hold forth that height of Gods displeasure against the Armies disobedience to the Parliament; in Gods account disobedience is a greater neglect then sacrifice, because it is absolutely the breach of Gods commandment: and Samuel told Saul that Rebellion is as the sinne of Witch-craft, and Stubbornnesse is as the Iniquity.
But to proceed they did come, march through the Citty which was of a Satterday, and the second part being againe played upon the same tune but higher: they came in and about the Citty this Saterday December the 3 also in the afternoone, and in stead of preparing for the Lords day; put the Citty Susan in a distraction and perplexity, and they in the Subburbs running out of their houses and a great deale a doe to provide for the Souldiers almost all that night.
Whether they took the King away without any authority from the Parliament on Satterday night or Sabbath day I know not, but this I know the Lords day was a wonderfull dark day as ever I saw; and if it be but called to minde the unreasonablenesse of the weather that hath bin ever since the King was taken from Holmby: and God hath held out by this Summer unto us the strange and preposterous government that is amongst us.
And now in regard there hath been aboundant of unjust doings in the Kingdome; coveting, and not onely coveting [Page 13] their neighbours goods, but actually the taking away of them; multitudes have suffered, both they and their posterities are like to suffer hereby; and the greatest part of the treasure of the Kingdom gathered into such laps: but for this particular, here what God sayes, Also I shook my lap, and said, so God shake out every man from his house and from his labour, that performeth not his promise, even thus be he shaken out Nehemiah. 5. 13. and the generall speech to cover unjust proceeding, that title of Malignant was the cloak, and all that held of the Kings side were to have their goods confiscated for so doing.
And now I pray consider, who hath kept or broken the commandement of the great God of heaven and hath suffered for it: but when the Lord hath taken the King out of your hands (as he will certainly doe) and set him upon his Thron too.
And when it shall appeare that God doth translate the estates of those that withstand the King to the King, then it will plainly be seen, or appear, that the Lord was highly displeased at the standing out against the King. Christs command and example was, To give unto Caesar the things that are Caesars, and unto God the things that are Gods: and had it been so, the blessing of God had been upon us at our going out and at our comming in; and we had had our peace in our borders: but we have been an empty Vine, and we have brought forth fruit to our selves, according to the complaint of God to the children of Israel.
Now concerning the Covenant that was made to stand for the Truth, the true and pure Religion, and to preserve the Kings Person; and herein God hath performed his Covenam in preserving the supremacy, Prov. 8, yea and hath preserved the Person of the King too.
But in their Remonstrance, there is a dispensation given for it of that sufficiency, to free those that doe make a Covenant to maintain true and pure Religion, which is to keep themselves unspotted in this world, and to preserve such or such a Person: and because after they have made the Covenant, the other Person will not at their command enter into it at all: though they themselves are not in such a capacity to demand such a thing at his hand; and because he refused it and will [Page 14] not take it: it is said, that this tye which they voluntarily bound themselves in, and called God to witnesse to it, may be broken by man.
But now seeing there hath been absolution given, but not from God to Covenant breakers: heare therefore what the Lord saith, Zecha. 8. 16, 17. These are the things that ye shall doe, speak yee every man the truth to his neighbour, and execute the judgement of truth and peace in your gates, and let none of you imagine evil in your hearts against his neighbour, and love no false oath; for all these are things that I hate, saith the Lord: and further, hear what the Holy Ghost saies by the Prophet Mal. 3. 5. and I will come near to you in to judgement, and I will be a swift witnesse against the sorceters and against the adulterers, and against false swearers, and against those that oppresse the hyreling in his wages, the widdow and the fatherlesse; and that turn a side the stranger from his right, and feare not me saith the Lord of Host, Psal. 119. 104. Mal. 3. 15.
Object. But some object and say, that our Kings are not so constituted, nor our laws so as they were in the times of the Kings of Israel? and this objection hath caused many through ignorance to stumble: and whether the Moral law be not of the same use to us now under the gospel, as it was unto the Jews under the Ceremonial law? and whether there be not the same penalty by Gods ordination to be executed upon the transgressours, as was heretofore? and whether every one shal not give an account of all his actions to God; Rom. 14. 11, 12 Isai. 45. 23. Saint James will tell you they are, Iames 2 12. So to be judged every one according to the fruit of his doings, Ierem. 17. 10. Iohn 12. 48.
Now here is a further word of the Lord, that doth put bounds to all that hath or shal be spoke, Isa. 57. 21. As for me, this is my Covenant, saith the Lord my spirit, that is upon thee, and my words which I have put in thy mouth shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed, nor out of mouth of thy seed seeds, saith the Lord of host, from hence forth even for ever.
I have not taken example by your Remonstrance to lay blood at any of your doors, no not the blood that hath been shed since you tooke the King from Holmby; and [Page 15] that at Westminster you remember, and that in Essex. For I desire to be acquainted with the Laws and Word of God, for the laws of the land I doe not so well know them, but I know the pursuer of blood will pursue the guilty person in time, Dutro. 19. 6. and now a little further concerning the lawes of God, which ought to be the highest law to be observed amongst men; and it is this, Ezera 7, 27. And whosoever will not doe the law of God, and the law of the King, let judgment be executed speedily upon him, whether it be unto death or banishment, or to confiscation of goods, or imprisonment.
And now that you all are out of Gods wayes, and therefore go on further, but come quite back again, and put your selves into the right way speedily: and if you doe not beware of the immediate wrath of the great God, that bids you lay down your temporall sword, least God cause you to turn it one upon another; for you have no cause to hold it forth in this manner. And for those that you call malignants, there is no question, but they may prove as honest men as your selves, (through the power of God) and go you every one to his own field and vinyard, (if you have any) and take pains to earn your own bread, for the commandement of God is, that they that will not work should not eat.
And now that you have made your Will, and set forth your Magna Carta, which is to kill your Lord and King, that his inheritance may be yours (and you have disposed of it already) and this you say, that it will give the most authentique Testimony and Seal that ever was: to doe it you have moulded the Parliament to your modle.
And now that you dare break the commandement of Christ and teach men so to doe Matth. 5. 25. remember what Christ saith, they shall be least in the Kingdome of heaven.
And now a word to all superiours and inferiours, And first to all governours that they should be informed themselves from the Word, what is amisse in their own particulars, and seek unto God to teach them, and reform themselves; and then they are fit to inform and reform others: and this must speedily be done; from the highest to the lowest in the kingdome; that so all Families, Cities, Towns, Parishes may be brought into an orderly frame, and every one to be informed of his duty in his particular place; and this must be the study [Page 16] of all: and remember that Christ hath said, he will come in an houre when people are not aware of him. And we see that God is exceedingly displeased with these Kingdomes.
And now behold ( Esai. 59. 1.) the Lords hand is not shortned, that it cannot save, neither his eare heavy that it cannot hear; and further, hearken what God sayes in the same chapter in verse 14, and judgement is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off; for truth is faln in the streets, and equity cannot enter: for behold, what Sabboaths we have kept with those that would indent with God to have a new heart for others, and go on themselves in that old old capital sinne of disobedience: and in the 15. Yea truth faileth, and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey, and the Lord saw it, and it displeased him that there was no judgement. 16. verse And he saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor, therefore his arme brought salvation to him, and his right hand it sustained him. And now if you desire to be at peace with God and all men; I beseech you all, Parliament and Army, bring your selves and actions, to the rule, and agree with God which is your adversary, now while you may.
And now for Indemnity, so far forth as Gods word would give it you, no question but you shall have it, if you prove your selves worthy persons; if not, your foot shall slide in due time. Deutro. 32. 35.
And now for those that are set in authority, according to the laws of God and of the land; let them speedily take King Artaxarexes counsel and learn the laws of God, Ezera 7. 25. and take the Prophet Isaiahs counsel to the law and to the Testimony, whosoever doth not according to it, its because there is no light in them: 2 Chron. 19 10. deale couragiously an the Lord shall be with you: but you must not turn neither to the right hand, nor to the left. Deutro, 17. 11. and much in this chapter: and remember that the eyes of the Lord are upon the wayes of man; and he perceiveth all his goings, and the iniquity of the wicked, if he turn not away from it, shall slay them. Prov. 5. 21. Isai. 55. 7.
And now that there are, and hath been long this many years, and a company in shipskins, that doth seek to deceive the hearts of the simple and honest party; and these and some [Page 17] colourable to set up Christs Kingdome: But indeed their aim is to set up Antichrists Kingdome; and a party they are who heretofore in the Queens time, and a party of those hath been all along in the Parliament and the Army, and up and down in the Kingdome brooding, and he that they call Dell in the Army is one of them he baptized Major Cowels childe without the Element of water; and that holds forth, that he is one of Antichrists Seminaries: and yet it is well that there is a severation now in the Parliament, and I would it were so in the Army to: least the justice of God break out upon the good with the bad; and this party their designs all along hath been squint-eyed: and it may be called to minde, that it was said there was a great plot found out, just before the Army came into the City the first time.
And indeed that plot was to make that party strong in the Parliament by the Army, that so they may bring their lustfull desires about. And now when Remonstrance came forth it was noised about, that the Parliament and the King were agreed; and whilest, they took the King and possest themselves of White-hall, and of the City; and now the pretence is, that the Army is come into the City because of the backwardnes of their paying: and the Army want their Arrears. But the aboundant of money that hath been gathered in all these times, both in the Countryes and City for the Army, and no account given that ever any of it was paid; for the Souldiers reports they have had but a little in comparison of what hath been gathered. And indeed the Army aboundant of them are kept like Vassels: and their pay kept from them because there should be some colourable pretence for the indirect courses, that hath been long a foot: and upon this colourable pretence, treasure is ceazed upon, and much more their Demands holds forth, of taking by force out of mens houses, if they may not have their wils.
And this they hold forth now, (and it is their own words) and if it seem strange unto you, it is no lesse then that our forces have been ordered to doe by the Parliament in severall Counties of the Kingdome: and because there was order from the Parliament, in the severall Counties heretofore, they make that of sufficiency to cary forth all their preposterous doings now: but no order now (for all these actings) but from [Page 18] White-hall since their Remonstrance came forth, for all this is acted and done: and who but a King, Cals and Sets the Parliament, and who but a King can set a period unto it. And indeed this is not to doe now as doth appeare: but take heed fellow souldiers, covet not that that is none of your own, but for your pay, which is fit you should have. There are some will shake their laps, and pay you suddenly, yea repay to other, if they doe not leave your cause to him that is higher then the highest; and the Lord will be with the good.
And remember the civill war that was between Israel and Benjamin, and how that Israel fell twise before Benjamin, and how that 40000. men were slain, and yet not with standing the third time Israel prevailed and subdued Benjamin and so it will be now: and the Lord that hath chosen Ierusalem will rebuke you, Zach. 3. 2.
And now if you will yet be Vassels, I speak to the good party (disband immediately) for God himself will end the war: And there is a party will be brought down wonderfully; and I feare, that some will hardly die the common death of all men: and now let us wait to see the salvation of God, farewell fellow Souldier, God hath warned the twise by me, and too much writing is a wearisomnes to the brain: Fear God and keep his commandements, for this is the whol dutie of man: For God will bring the work to judgement with every secret thought whether it be good or evill.
You were told long agone that you were turned into an indirect way; also, you were told, who was the Person in chiefe that God hath set to govern: you will see it suddenly, you that are so hasty to try your brethren that break your commands, and forget God, take heed, he is comming to tear you in pieces, and who shall deliver you, Christ will not own your cause: and the latter end of the 50. Psalme. But you say, that you observe providence, and that and your consciences are the teachers; but seeing it is so that you have left the two Testiments, your great fabrick will fall, read the scriptures, for all things comes alike to all. I refer you to three chapters in speciall Proverb. 26. and Isai. 57. Rom. 2. and I will sing the 46. Psalm,