A Health to all Vintners, Beer-brewers and Ale-tonners, Tapsters, Bezlors, Carrowsers, and Wine-bibbers, Bench-Whistlers, Lick-wimbles, Down-right Drunkards, Pety Drunkards; Bacc
[...]us Boyes, Roaring-boyes, Bachanalians, Taverne Antients, Captaine swaggerers, Fox-catchers, Pot and halfe-pot men, quart, pint halfe pint men, short winded Glasse-men, and in generall, to all and every privie Drunkard, Halfe-pot Companion, Indenturians, &c.
And to all ether Good fellowes of this our Fraternitie, whom these Presents may concerne, GREETING.
KNOW yee that wee Ralfe Red-nose of Ring-spiggot, in the Countie of Fill-pot-lane, together with our deere and wellbeloved Friend, Francis Fiery-face, of the same Towne and Countie, two of our most deere and loving Company and Well-willers to any that professe any of the fore-named facultie, as well Male as Female, by vertue of our Letters of great permission and charge, given and indented unto us, under the seale and impression of a Six-penny-Iugge, that all Drunkards that doe imprint in our streets, the full reason of horne continually increasing, whereat reelingly they trip, as in most places they abound, for which especiall care, wee doe constitute, ordaine, nominate and appoint our well-beloved Fellowes, and well-wishers to all Pot-companies, or to their deputy or deputies, to a [...]ke, demand, levie, take and receive one groate as a forfeiture to be paid, of all and every person and persons, within our libertie aforesaid, that doe but presume to ride, saddle, or bridle our reeling Iade called CVT, upon which demand, if any partie, Male or Female, doe confesse their fault; then our will and pleasure is, that he or shee, male or female, shall bee excused for 2 d. or one Iugge of the best Beere called the OLD DOG, that will hazzard or adventure by degrees to creep up into the Crowne Office, there to affront Sir Iohn Barly-corn, being chiefe Iudge of the said Court, and that upon default of non-payment, if there be but one Witnesse to avouch the same, then to pay the totall summe of a groat, or two iugs of the foresaid beere, or else one iug and two pipes of the best rare-nose. All the which if they, or any of them refuse to pay, in any place of the said Precincts, according to the premises. Then the aforesaid Well-willers, their Deputy, or Deputies, shall have authority by vertue of these our Letters of permission, and charge to distraine, call for, and take two iugs of the aforesaid beere, or else one iug and two pipes, as aforesaid; drinking them off in their presence, leaving them to pay, giving and allowing to our aforesaid thirsty friends for their great care and paines therein taken. To bridle, saddle, and ride our aforesaid reeling Iade called Cut, wheresoever they shall, or will come, no man contradicting them. Provided alwaies, that the date of our Letters of permission and charge, shall continue one whole yeare to morrow, and no longer, any thing contained to the contrary notwithstanding. And for the true performance and execution hereof, we have here caused a Iury of twelve men to be summoned, whose names are here underwritten.
Given under the great Seale of our Office, In diebus illis Quadragesimo duo, 42.
- Tobias Toast.
- Nicholas Nutmeg.
- Ieremy Ginger.
- Simon Sacke.
- Martin Muskadine.
- Clement Claret.
- VVilliam VVhitewine.
- Bejamin Beere-barrell.
- Abraham Ale-barrell.
- Ioseph Iug.
- Peter Pottle-pot.
- Bartholomew Black-pot
XII. Good men and true, stand to your verdict: The Iurors having given in their verdict, found that Ioseph Iugge, and Bartholomew Black-pot, were to waite and give attendance upon CVT, and his Associates, as well at Mid-night, as at Noone-day, wheresoever.
Sealed with Oh I Am sick, delivered by a Bowle and a Broome, In the presence of Tapster: Fill two Cans more, He that rides Cut next, shall pay the whole score.
London, printed for Thomas Bates.