The Heads of the Petition.

THat according to our solemne League and Covenant his Ma­jesties Royall Person may be defended, and that his just Pow­er and greatnesse (in the preservation and defence of the true Religion and Liberties of the Kingdomes) may bee establi­shed.

2. That the Rights and Priviledges of Parliament may be vindicated, and the lawfull Liberties and Property of the Subjects preserved and main­tained.

3. That the Governement of the Church may be speedily setled, Con­venticles (the Seminaries of Separation) supprest, and a toleration of li­centious libertie effectually declared against.

4. That all Incendiaries, Malignants, and evill Instruments, which hin­der the Reformation of Religion, dividing the King from his People, or one of his Kingdomes from another, or make any faction or Parties among the People (contrary to the solemne League and Covenant) may be brought to publike tryall and receive condigne punishment.

5. That all obstructions in the ordinary Courts of Iustice may be re­moved, and the insufferable abuse of Committees and their Officers consi­dered.

6. That the arrears of the souldiery of this Kingdome may be satisfied, and security for their future indemnity for all acts done (by them) tem­pore et loco belli.

7 That the Army now on foot may bee disbanded, or otherwise disposed of, That so this almost exhausted Kingdome may be freed from those many greivous oppressions it now groanes under.

8. And whereas there have been and still are great abuses and insuffera­ble injuries, done to your Petitioners by the sale of freedomes, and Forrei­ners intruding into the Suburbs and places neer adjacent, to this Citie, whereby your Petitioners are much discouraged in their services, the Free­men of this Citie prejudiced, and the Franchises, and Liberties thereof in­fringed. We therefore humbly beseech this honorable Assembly to resolve on some course, (as you in your wisedomes shall think fit) as well for the expulsion of such as have so unduly crept in amongst us, as for the future prevention of the like insufferable Injuries, that may redound to your Peti­tioners hereafter.

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