Sir Arthur Hesilrige's LETTER To the Honorable Committee of Lords & Commons AT DERBY-HOƲSE, Concerning the Revolt and Recovery of Tinmouth-Castle.

In which Action, Lieutenant Col: LILBURN (Governor of the Castle) was slain, with divers Seamen and others.

ORdered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That this Letter be forthwith printed and published.

H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

London, Printed for Edward Husband, Printer to the Honorable House of Commons, August 15. 1648.

For the Right Honorable, The Committee of Lords and Com­mons at Derby-House.

My Lords and Gentlemen,

I Have sent this Express to your Lordships, not being willing that you should sooner hear of the Revolt of Tinmouth-Castle, then of the reco­very. Yesterday between two and three of the clock in the Afternoon Lieut: Col: Lilburn being Deputy-Governor of that Castle, commanded most of the Officers upon several Ser­vices out of the Castle, and then arm­ed and set at liberty the prisoners, and plucked up the Drawbridge, and told [Page 4] the Soldiers, That he would pistol eve­ry Soldier that would not be for him­self and King Charls; whereupon ma­ny ran over the VVorks, and a very honest and faithful Corporal refusing to deliver up his Arms to him upon those terms, he thrust him through the body, and killed him; and immediate­ly he shot off several pieces of Ord­nance, declaring that he kept the Ca­stle for King Charls, and sent to the Sheels and other adjacent Towns, and made proclamation for all that loved him and King Charls, to come to the Castle for his assistance, and many Seamen and others came in to him im­mediately: So soon as I heard the sad news of his trayterous Revolt, I com­manded a very considerable body of Foot to be drawn out of the Regi­ments [Page 5] in this Garison, under the com­mand of Lieutenant Colonel Ashfield, and sent also one hundred Dragoons with them; I sent also many ladders down by water, and gave Orders to storm the Castle that night whatsoe­ver hapned. Between one and two of the Clock this morning they drew near to the Castle, Lieutenant Colo­nel Lilburn fired four pieces of Ord­nance upon them as they came up, Major Cobbet led on the Forlorn-hope, they took no notice at all of the Canon, but when they came within twenty yards of the VVorks, bringing their ladders with them, they gave a great shout and fell on; the works are exceeding high, and though their lad­ders were long, they could not easily get up, the Enemy still as they mount­ed, [Page 6] with pikes and Gunners ladles pushed them down, some storm­ing at the Gun holes, the Enemy were forced to come so high upon the works, that our Soldiers under­neath shot them into the bellies, and killed divers of them; but at last ours mounted the works, recovered the ca­stle, and killed many Sea-men and others, and amongst the number that was slain, they found Lieut: Col: Lil­burn. I shall give your Lordships this account for my self, He was Governor of that Castle before I had command of it; He hath been in the Parliaments service since the begining of the wars, and under my command near seven years since; He was ever very active and faithful for the Parliament, and known to be a valiant man; He did not [Page 7] give the least suspition of being a tray­tor to the Parliament, till the day of his Revolt: It was not for me to have put out such a man from his place, unless there had appeared some just grounds for it, and I hope your Lordships will so apprehend it: I bless God it is now in the Parliaments power, and by Gods assistance I hope I shall so keep it; the goodness of God was such to us, we lost not one man, we have onely three wounded. I am

My Lords and Gentlemen,
Your faithful Servant, Arthur Hesilrige.

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