M r. GLYN, HIS Speech in Parliament: VPON The reading the Accusation of the House of Commons, against Mr. Herbert, the Kings Attorney, for advising, and drawing the Accusation of High Treason against the 6. worthy Members of the House of Commons. February the Eighteenth, An. Dom. 1641.
THE Subtilty and Policy of Man corrupted, and for evill Actions, in danger of Punishment, is alwayes working, although by the destruction of the vertuous and Innocent, to free and cleere himselfe; The Actions and indeavors of the good man [Page] and the bad are alwayes opposite, The good man practiseth to defend vertue and piety, bring to deserved punishment, the vitious and Malignant, out of duty to God, his King and Country. The wicked man strives to defend himselfe and vices to the dishonour of God, the destruction of his true Religion, of his King and Country, if opposite to his designes; We have had the experience of the evils and great troubles that have beene raised in this State, by ill instruments, men of power and authority in the same; and not onely of open and publicke misdoers, but of private disaffected spirits, whose outward carriage hath procured to themselves great esteeme and respect in their countrey; hay, so well have they been approved of, that their countrey hath intrusted them with their estates and priviledges, as electing them members of this High Court of Parliament, wherein also for a long time they have discharged their duties to their King and Countrey; nay, and obtained the generall estimation and respect of all men, as worthy members of the Common-wealth; but their hearts agreeing not with their outward carriage, being not upright and perfect, have at last shewed themselves in their owne colours, and brought to themselves shame and dishonour.
This Gentleman now accused by this Honourable [Page] House, had the honour to be a Member of the Parliament, and so well esteemed by his Maiesty, that hee was entertained his Atturney Generall; which had he beene contented withall, and not been ambitious or malicious, which of the two I am not able to distinguish was his errour, or whether he is guilty of both: however, it is cleare, his heart was not right in discharging his duty in that great place committed to him; and as hee was a member of the Parliament, had he been faithfull to his King and Countrey, he would never have undertaken this enterprise, to presume to advise his Maiesty to accuse the Members of this House of high treason, and draw himselfe their accusation.
His Offence is of a high nature, of dangerous Consequence, a manifest Breach of the Priviledges of Parliament, an Apparant Treachery against the persons of those Worthy Members; and Consequently an offence against the whol State, deserving great punishment for the same.
By this he hath made himselfe guilty of the same misdemeanours that other delinquents are impeached and accused for, not inferiour to them in this crime. This his practice and designe was a great offence against his sacred [Page] Maiesty himself, in seeking to worke an evill opinion in his Maiesty of his Parliament, and their proceedings in the great affaires both of Church, and State. This discouraged and dis-heartned the Parliament to proceed in any businesse for the good and honour of their King and Countrey, when they perceive that all their endeavours and dutifull actions are not well accepted by his Maiesty, but ill thought of. This might prove a cause to alienate the hearts of King and people one from another. This hath caused all the trouble and distraction in this State, ill counsell.
I humbly desire that this Accusation may be perfected, and that we may proceed to voting him upon the same, as by this Honorable House hee shall be found Guilty, and with all Convenient Expedition that may be presented to the Lords, And that hee may proceed with cheerfulnesse to settle all disorders in this Kingdome, both in Church and State, redresse all Grievances of his Maiesties good Subiects, expedite our indeavors for a timely reliefe of Ireland, and bring all delinquents in this Common▪ wealth to deserved punishment for their many misdemeanors, and dangerous [Page] Crime by them committed, and the establishing such a forme of Government, and dicipline Ecclesiasticall, in the Church, for the true worshipping of God, as may be agreeable to his Word and verity.