The true Copy of a Letter sent from Portsmouth by GEORGE GUILLIMS to Mr ROBERT VVHITNEY dwelling in Herefordshire; and intercepted amongst others by some of the PARLIAMENTS Troops:
VVhereby it doth plainly appeare that the Papists or Malignant Party, doe seeke out all wayes and meanes to work the ruine and destruction of the Protestants.
HAving ever been ambitious to serve you, and alwayes desirous to have you with us, I have thought it part of my love and service to acquaint you with our proceedings here in Portsmouth; where Colonell Goring our Generall hath declared himselfe for the King, and the whole Towne and Garrison; Colonell Goring hath a Commission, for the raising of Horse and Foot from the King: And if you please to bend your selfe this way, 'twill bee as honourably and well taken, as if you should bend your course to the North: also if you intend to meet the King, I think you will assoone doe it here as any where, for his Majesty is here expected; The condition is thus, If you raise horse and bring them in here, levie money there is as yet none allowed, but this be sure, you shall receive your own entertainment as Captane; you shall have conduct money, and halfe a crown a day for every horse; here you shall finde all your old friends, Captain Donnell Lievtenant Colonell, Captaine Bellinghim, Captain Burgesse, my selfe, with many others of your acquaintance: stirre up your selfe and write to all your friends, and try how strong you can make your self, you may write to Mr Manington and the rest of your friends the Catholiks and Divines about you, and see if they will furnish you with each a horse and a man; as for Armes here is none, therefore you must furnish your self at Bristow or otherwhere, for all other things, Ammunition and Artillery here is enough; you must provide your selfe with two Trumpeters, if they be three they shall be welcome; as for Armes you will have them better cheap and with lesse trouble at Bristow than at London. Send this newes with all speed to Captaine Charles Price, and tell him that the Lord Wentworth is our Generall of the horse, and see what horse he will set you forth with, for I doubt not, but he will forward you in the businesse; the journey is not long, Chichester is in the midway, but faile not to send away a trusty Messenger whether you will come or no, that the place may be kept open for you, for I have engag'd my selfe that there shall be an answer in fourteen dayes. Thus hoping of your respect to my care I rest with my true love, and Captaine Burgesse his respect,