Isa. 3. 24. GOD, who from the beginning Gen. 6. 7. 19.of the world Syrach. 16. 40.hath punished the ungodly courses of the children of men, and Isa. 40. 41. 55. 56.destroyed or rooted 1 Malach. [...].them out from before his face; He is in being still, and will forgive nothing now 2 Tim. the Devill in his Members, nor yield Rom. 1. 2. 9.ought to the unbelieving and godlesse scoffers and scorners in their presumptuous and unconscionable actions; who Epist. Jud. 2 Pet. 2. 3.shal do pennance in hell, for the destruction Malac. 3.they have practised hitherto in the Psal. 2. 89. For God will have a Man yet according to his everlasting Righteousnesse, Jer. 9. 23. 30. Act. 17.for the severing of the bad from the Matt. 3. 13.good, him that serveth God, and him [Page 3] that serveth him not, by whom he hath connived long already to the world, and the children of wickednesse in it, with a Psal. 31. 6 [...]. 102, 109, 140, 143.great deal of patience, suffering himself to be mocked, scoffed at, buffeted, or Isa. 50. 52. 59. Mich. 3. 4. 7.beaten upon the cheeks for his Names and the truth of his Words sake, yea to be 2 Tim. 4.reviled, slandred, and persecuted. Mat. 5. 7
Those under the second or New-Testament, are not at all allowed according Luke. the Doctrine of Christ, his Disciples and Apostles, to Judge, or avenge Matt. 24.themselves upon their enemies, 1 Cor. 4.for the maintenance of their old waies, Mark. 8. 13. Rom. 1.upon the prevailing unrighteousnesse; being, they ought not to love, but to Rom. 12.hate, deny and die unto themselves according e Joh. the sinfull generation, Rom. 6. Dan. 2. 7.8. 1 Cor. 15. 2 Cor. 5. 6. 1 Pet. 2. or to be mortified Col. 3. and to recommend all Luk. 17. 18, 21.Revenge to God, that judgeth righteously.
Luk. 9. 12. 14. But how the People of this present and last World, have observed or considered the Kingdome and Judgement of [Page 4] Rom. 8. God, in regard of the fundamentall Deliverance Heb. 3. 10. 12. Isa. 45.of his Elect, or the universall Isa. 9. [...]7.everlasting Redemption of Israel according Isa. 65. Regeneration, through Hope and Faith in God the living Well, Ierem. 2. 17. 30. That same many shall find and feel in hell, with everlasting shame and [...]sa. 5. 29. 33. [...] 49▪confusion, Daniel 12. According to which it shall be made known and manifest, how it came that Satan was let Rev. 20. Psal. 9. 19. 52, 68, 94.loose thus far, by the mightie ones; the Murtherers, Ierem. 7. 19▪ and Tyrants, who do hinder the deliverance of Zion, and would have it made altogether Heb. [...]0.void and of none effect, by their Cain-like, 1 John. 3.fierce, envious, Iam. 3. 4. and implacable 4 Esdr. 15, 16.practice, Mich. 3. For the abundant Isa. 1. 26. 59.nnocent bloud, Ierem. 2. 7 of the Revel. 16. 18.slain, poor and guiltlesse souls, that hath been shed for such a time hitherto, yea, from the beginning, in this bloud-drunken Babel, or murthering City of Ezek. 22. 24.this false Ierusalem, and the destruction Psal. 12. 79. 2 Tim. 3.of the poor that were destroyed by the Hos. 4. 10.Heathen or false Christians, for the [Page 5] maintenance of the hypocrisie and lies, of the disunited, distracted, 1 Tim. 1. 6. and divided Sectarian, 2 Pet. 2. contentious Rom., 2 Tim. 2. of those bold and unprofitable Tit. 1.Bablers the false Prophets; Matt. 24.That same speaketh yet, although the Heb. 10. be dead, and shall be judged Mark 13. Jerem. 7. 8. 14▪both here in time, and hereafter in eternitie, upon every one, according as he 1 Thess. 5.doth share in the guilt and cause thereof; Rev. 6. 21. 22For which cause there is no peace at hand for this Cain, in his generation, 1 Joh. 3.who never desired to spare the very Jam. 5.righteous, no nor God himself, in the poor and afflicted hitherto, Psal. 10. 94. 119.
Mich. 3. 7. WHere the serious Exhortations, Warnings, and Threatnings Heb. 4. 10.of the Power and Truth of the living Word of God, will Amos 9.not avail nor help at all, there the Sword Isa. 9. 27, 63. 65. 66.of Gods Vengeance, Hezek. 21. 33. His furious wrath, Isa. 13. 30, 31. Death and Ierem. 30. Revel. 6. 19, 20, 22.everlasting hellish Condemnation, must and shall help. Iam. 2.
[Page 6] 2 Cor 5. THE Righteous lives not to himself, Rom. 14. but of (or by) his Rom. 1. 9. 11.Faith, Habak. 2. Galat. 3. Heb. 10. But the Heathen or false Christians, 1 John 5. Matt. 24. Mark 13. which through vain courses, are so drowned in evill, and so Ephes. 4. 5.blinded in it by the Devill, 2 Cor. 4. that Matt. 10. 11. 12. 18. 24,for matter of Light, in behalf, or consideration of the so long before our eies, continuing things, works or practises, touching the great Distresse and Tribulation, Jsa 9, 27. 44, 50, 56. 59, Hezek▪ 16. Luk 10. 11. 12. 17▪ 21. They have not any thoughts more of Faith or Conscience, no not of humane Reason at all; And are become like Sodom and Gomorra, Luk. 18.Rom. 9. Insomuch, that they had never Dan. 2. 7. 12.any desire yet, but once to consider, (or take notice of) the Kingdome and Psal. 14.Judgment of God, about the fundamentall Deliverance of his Elect, according to the Law and Testimony, neither careing Gal. 5. Jerem. 7.for God in Heaven any more, nor regarding their Neighbour in the world Jam. 3. 4,, according to the same; yea, through their Murtherous and envious [Page 7] Practises, not sparing the very Righteous Mal. 3. 4. 2 Pet. 2. 3.among themselves, Psal. 10. 94. These, Luk. 10.I say, shall farr surpasse the unbelievers Isa. 65. 66.and wicked of old, in condemnation on that day. Psal. 7. 58, 59, 63, 69, 82.
And forasmuch as such men have no place more with God neither in Mich. 7.Heaven, nor here upon His Earth; Let them by no meanes imagin, as if the Revel. 20.World did appertain unto the Devill, Isa. 40.who hitherto hath continued loose through them, as his Members; For the eternall God, which hath drowned Gen. 6. 7. 19.the like Scoffers and Mockers with the Flood, and consumed others with fire and brimstone from Heaven: Epist. Jud.He is in Beeing still, and hath connived Matt. 13.long already to the Devillish waies Jam. 5.and practises, in the Children of malice, that never desired to spare the Righteous.
[Page 8] Joh. 12. HE that despiseth me, and doth not Jerem. 23. 30.receive my Words, hath one already Heb. 4. Revel. judge him: The Word that I have spoken, that shall judge him, which is living, powerfull, and sharper then any two-handed sword.