SWEET AND Soule-Perswading INDVCEMENTS, Leading unto CHRIST.
Blessed be he that commeth in the name of the Lord, we have blessed you out of the house of the Lord.
CHrists triumphant comming into Ierusalem, Mat 21. is a lively Embleme and cleare representation of his gracious comming in the Gospell to his people, and in his spirituall and heavenly kingdome, to the soules of his chosen. Christ comming into Ierusalem, sent two of his Disciples to loose the colt which was tyed, and to bring him unto Christ. Christ comming in his spirituall kingdome, sends his Ministers by their preaching to loose and free the soules of men [Page 2] which are fast chained and fettered to sinne, Satan, and the world. All men in their naturall estate and condition are slaves to the world, servants of corruption, and bondmen to Satan. Christ by the labours of his Ministers in the Gospell communicates spirituall liberty and freedome to the soules of Gods chosen. We all continue fast tyed with the cords and bands of carnall lusts and affections, till Christ sends his Ministers amongst us.
The colt was first loosed, and then brought to Christ. The powers of sinne and ungodlinesse must first be dissolved within us, before we can come to Christ Iesus. We must be loosed and set free from the power of sinne, Satan, and the world; which formerly ruled and swayed like Masters over us, or else we are unfit for Christs service: He that will not be untyed and loosed from his sinne, cannot be united unto Christ; the labours of Christs Ministers in respect of us are fruitlesse, if they doe not loose us from the power of ungodlinesse.
Christ commandeth the two Disciples to bring the colt to him, not to keep him to themselves, not to imply him in their owne service. It is the duty of Gods Ministers to draw the soules of men not unto themselves, but unto Christ: They are corrupt and carnall Ministers that seeke to exalt themselves, and not the Lord Iesus, in the eyes and hearts of their hearers; the drawing and working home of the soules of men to Christ Iesus, is the chiefest crowne and honour of all ministeriall labours; they who make either their owne profit, or applause the end of their ministeriall service, are certainly deceitfull workers.
The Lords and owners of this colt, though they questioned with the Disciples, why they loosed him, yet at their word they readily let him goe. Christ makes his word in the mouth of his Ministers powerfull and effectuall in the hearts of his people to move them to resigne themselves and all that they have to Christ and his service. Christ makes the soules of such as belong to Gods Election, to obey the voice of his Ministers in the Gospell. Christ sent not his Disciples to loose and bring unto him some magnificent and stately horse, such as Princes [Page 3] and Nobles use to ride on, but the fole of an Asse, an ordinary, dull, and plaine beast. Christ doth most usually set up his spirituall throne and kingdome in the hearts of men of meane and low condition, and of little of no esteeme in the world. Men most eminent for their morall and temporall endowments, are often found the greatest strangers to Christ and his service: Christ is many times carried in triumph in the hearts of poore and despised people, when such as have the fulnesse of the world will not vaile and stoop to him.
The Disciples did not onely bring this colt to Christ, but they also spread their cloathes upon him, and so prepared and fitted him for Christ to ride thereon. Gods Ministers must by their doctrines garnish the soules of men, that they may be fit for Christ to raigne in them. Nothing should be of such esteeme or use with us, but we should readily spare it for Christs service, be ready to strip our selves of all, even our very garments to exalt the Lord Iesus; we should rather chuse to make our selves naked, then suffer Christ to be dishonoured.
The Disciples having cast their garments upon the beast, they set up Christ thereon. The exaltation of Christ must be the prime intendment and labour of every Minister of Christ; they must never rest nor please themselves in their labours, till they have set up Christ, and caused him to raigne in the hearts of their hearers. That man is very low, and base in his undertakings, who strives not to make Christ glorious.
Christ being by the Disciples set upon this colt, a great multitude spread their garments in the way, and others cut downe branches from the trees, and strawed them in the way. When Christ is by his Ministers exalted, and lifted up in the preaching of the Gospell, many soules vaile and bow to him, embrace, and reverence him, as their spirituall King and Soveraigne, prostrating themselves and all that is theirs under him. The multitude did not only straw the way with their garments, and branches, but they also cryed Hosanna to the sonne of David: Blessed is he that commeth in the name of the Lord, Hosanna in the highest. Humble and beleeving soules receive [Page 4] and entertaine the Lord Iesus with very great ioy and gladnesse. The blessed presence of Christ in the Gospell ministers matter of very great rejoycing; here is such a sunne of heavenly light shining, such a streame of consolations flowing, such a store-house of spirituall treasure set open, and such dewes of grace, mercy, and peace distilling, that every man that hath an eye of wisedome to discerne Christ, a hand of faith to lay hold on Christ, and a heart of love to embrace Christs comming in the Gospell, must needs say with the Psalmist, Blessed be he that commeth in the name of the Lord. We are blessed out of the house of the Lord.
Scope of the words.The words are an Acclamation of the people, declaring and setting forth the welcome of Christ to all beleeving soules; their ioy, and rejoycing, conceived upon the comming of Christ among them; their gratulation and thanksgiving for Christs appropinquation and comming nigh unto them; their vote and exoptation of all prosperity, blessed and happy successe to Christ in his kingdome. Note. Christs comming proves most ioyfull to them that lovingly receive and entertaine him. All true beleevers are holy and hearty welwishers to the Gospell and Kingdome of Christ Iesus, all manner of blessings attend and wait on the Lord Iesus, in the humble and gracious use of his ordinances. True Christians have such experience of the benefits and blessings, mercies and comforts flowing from Christ in the ministery of his Gospell, that with great joy and thanksgiving they cry out; Blessed is he that commeth in the name of the Lord. We have blessed you out of the house of the Lord.
Analysis.In the words we have in the generall two things considerable:
1. A Gratulation, uttered by the people, Blessed be he that commeth in the name of the Lord.
2. A Benediction pronounced by the Ministers of the Lord, We have blessed you out of the house of the Lord.
1. Agens. Note.In the gratulation, there is 1. the Agent, the people, they blesse, they rejoyce, they are thankfull for Christs comming. Man hath greatest cause of all creatures to reioyce in and for the comming of Christ Jesus. 2. Actus. 2. there is the Act, Blessed, praised, exalted, [Page 5] magnified be Christ. Christ is worthy to be celebrated with all praises for his comming to us. 3. 3. Modas. there is the manner of their gratulation, Blessed, expressed 1. by way of thanksgiving and rejoycing, and 2. by way of exoptation and wishing. Note. Whosoever truly reioyceth in Christ, doth also wish well to the cause and kingdome of Christ. 4. there is Movens, or the party comming, 4 Movens. He, who is the sonne of God by eternall generation, and by grace of hypostaticall union, the Prince of the Kings of the earth by authority and dominion; He who is the head of the Church by spirituall Jurisdiction; He who is the Redeemer of man by the merit of his obedience and passion; He who is the Conquerour over hell, death, sinne, and Satan by his Resurrection; He who by his office is the Prophet instructing us, the King commanding and defending us, and the Priest offering himselfe a sacrifice for us. He who is the Mediator between God and us by his intercession, the fountaine of all mercy, grace and peace unto us by divine ordination. Blessed be he, welcome be he, in him let our soules rejoyce, his comming let us entertaine with the chiefest and strength of our rejoycing. Note. The Lord Jesus ought to be the prime and compleat obiect of mans joyfulnesse. 5. Here is his Motion, Commeth. 5. Motus. Christ as God is every where, and neither goes nor comes, but fils all places; yet he commeth by his Lawes and ordinances, as a Prince by his Proclamations; He commeth by his Ministers, as a King by his Embassadours; He commeth by his Incarnation; as a brother taking our nature upon him; He commeth by his gifts and graces best;owed on us, as a friend commeth by his love-tokens; He commeth by his Word and Gospell, as the Sun commeth by his light, enlightening us, as a King commeth by his Scepter binding, bowing, and inclining our hearts unto obedience; as a Generall commeth by his military weapons, casting downe the strong holds of sinne within us; as the Cloud commeth by his dew, watering, refreshing, and fructifying us; as the Master of a feast commeth by his dainties, feeding and feasting us; as a Bridegroome commeth by his voice, solacing and comforting us; He commeth by his Sacrament; as the King by his Broad Seale, sealing to us the remission of our sinnes, and justification of our soules through his [Page 6] righteousnesse; he commeth by his holy and gracious operation upon our soules; as the Sunne by casting a sweet and heavenly influence into our hearts; as a King setting up his throne within us; as a heavenly and Almighty Work-man new moulding, new framing, and fashioning us, all these wayes comes the Lord Iesus to the soules of his servants. Blessed is that person that knowes the way and manner of Christs spirituall and gracious comming. Terminus à quo. Here is the terme, from whence he commeth, from God, in the name of the Lord, by the ordination and appointment of God, with authority and commission from God, every way fitted and furnished for the administration of his kingdome, and accomplishment of the worke undertaken by him.
I Will not insist on all these particulars, but onely upon the peoples gratulation, and Christs authority or commission. First, the peoples gratulation, Blessed be he that commeth, expressing their rejoycing and thanksgiving for Christs comming in his Gospell and spirituall kingdome: Man blesseth man, by making prayer and supplication for him: God blesseth man by bestowing good things upon him, by removing evill things from him, and by turning all for good unto him, and man blesseth God and Christ by thanksgiving to God and Christ, well speaking of God and Christ, holy and hearty rejoycing in God and Christ, gracious and unfained welwishing unto the cause of God and Christ, and thus the people in this place blesse Christs comming in the name of the Lord; and hence we learne,
Doct. That Christ comming in his Gospell & spiritual kingdome, ought to be received and entertained with much thanksgiving & reioycing. The Arke was a type of Christ, David at the comming of the Arke into the Tabernacle, 1 Sam. 6 danced with all his might, and all [Page 7] the house of Israel brought up the Arke with shouting, and with the sound of a Trumpet. Thus should the soules of men be filled with very great thanksgiving and rejoycing at the comming of Christ among them, this was prophecyed also, and also given in charge long before the comming of Christ in the flesh. Z [...]ch. 9.9. Reioyce greatly, O daughter of Zion, shout O daughter of Ierusalem, behold thy King commeth unto thee, he is iust, and having salvation, lowly, and riding upon an asse, and upon a colt the fole of an asse. As men rejoyce at an earthly Kings comming in love and mercy unto them, so and much more should we rejoyce at Christs, the spiritual and heavenly Kings comming in grace and mercy unto us, the people piped with pipes, and were exceedingly joyfull in the day of Salomons coronation, when he was set up to raigne over them, much greater should be our rejoycing in the day when Christ commeth to us by his Gospell, and setteth up his spirituall kingdome in the hearts of his people. This joy and rejoycing is promised by the Prophet, Isa. 12.1. in that day, in the day of the Gospell, in the day of Christs gracious and mercifull comming, in the day of Christs erecting his spirituall and heavenly kingdome, thou shalt say, Lord I will praise thee, I will be thankfull to thee, I will exalt and magnifie thee, I will confesse and acknowledge thy power to be a rocke that never sinketh, thy truth to be a word that never faileth, thy mercy to be a river whose water never decayeth, Ʋer. 3. and thy love to be a Sunne that never setteth, and with ioy shall ye draw waters out of the Wells of salvation; then shall we draw by the bucket of a lively faith, spirituall and sweet, strong and plentifull consolations from Christ, who is a fountaine opened for sinne and for uncleannesse, and out of the doctrine of the Gospell, which like a river refresheth and maketh glad the hearts of the Lords people: This joy and rejoycing is illustrated by a similitude taken from the light: Isa. 9.2. They that walked in darknesse, have seene a great light, they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, to them hath the light shined. As the comming of the light is very joyfull to them that are in darknesse, so is the comming of Christ in the Gospell, very joyfull, bringing spirituall and heavenly light to them that sate in darkenesse, [Page 8] and the shadow of death, all light is but darknesse, and all joy but heavinesse, in respect of that light and joy which ariseth from the comming of Christ Iesus; and with great joy and gladnesse hath this comming of Christ been celebrated by the Angels: Feare not (saith the Angell to the Shepheards) Luk. 10 11. behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people, for unto you is borne this day in the City of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord, and suddenly there was with the Angell a multitude of the heavenly hoast praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and in the earth peace, good will towards men. Thus likewise the multitude of Disciples beholding and seeing Christ come, observing his miracles, Luk. 19.37 and embracing his doctrine, they began to reioyce and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works that they had seen, saying, Blessed be the King that commeth in the name of the Lord, grace in heaven, and glory to the highest. The true and saving discerning of Christs comming, and mighty operation in the Gospell ever makes the soule joyfull: It is said of the Gentiles hearing Saint Paul to cite that prophecye of our Saviour, I have set thee to be a light of the Gentiles, that thou shouldest be for salvation to the ends of the world, that they were Act. 13.47, 48. glad and glorified the word of the Lord; they were glad, as a man that sits in darknesse is glad of a light, as a man that is arrested is glad of a surety to pay his debt, as a man that is mortally sicke is glad of a Physitian to heale his disease, as a man that is condemned is glad to heare of his comming that brings him a pardon; very sweet and strong is that soules joy and gladnesse which hath a lively taste of the comforts and benefits springing from the comming of Christ in the Gospell: They were not onely glad, Aug. Gauleat sanctus quoni [...] recipietremunerationem, gau deat peccator, quoniam invitatur ad veniā, gaudeat, &c. but they also glorified the word of God, by understanding it as a word of wisedome, by beleeving it as a word of truth, by obeying it as a word of power, by loving it as a word of goodnesse, and by delighting in it as a word of surpassing and comfortable sweetnesse; the soule that looks on Christ with joyfull apprehensions is very active, and ready to glorifie Christ by faith and obedience. Luk. 16.6. Zacheus was very industrious to see Christ [Page 9] joyfull in his entertainment of Christ, he made haste, Gaudium piorū tu ipse es, & ipsa est beata vita gaudere de te propter te, ipsa est, & non altera. Aug. and came downe, and received him joyfully. Questionlesse every soule that truly desires to know Christ, receives Christ comming in the Gospell with much thanksgiving and rejoycing. Thus it is, and thus it must be.
In regard of the cleare and comfortable revelation of God in Christ. God is truly and savingly knowne, 5. Grounds hereof 1. Revelation of God. only in and through his son, God indeed is obscurely & darkly known in his Rom. 1.19.20 works, as a God of power; in his providence, as a God of authority, wisedome, & order; in his common mercies, as a God of bounty, and in his punishments and judgements as a God of justice; but in Christ opened & preached in the Gospell, God is known with a cleare, a comfortable, and saving knowledge, as a father of grace and singular mercy and loving kindnes: In Psal. 76.1. Judah (saith the Psalmist) is God known, & his name is great in Israel; in Iudah in his Church, where his Word and Ordinances are, where Christ is preached, and the mystery of mans salvation is opened, there God is knowne truly without errour, perspicuously without obscurities, and savingly without uncertainties; there he is knowne as a King in his Courts, for the glory and beauty which he there manifesteth; as a teacher in his schoole, for the wisedome and knowledge which he there dispenseth; as a dweller in his house, for the holy orders he there prescribeth, and gracious rule and dominion he there erecteth, and beareth in the soules of his servants; as a bridegroome in the banqueting house, for the spirituall dainties he there maketh, for the cleare and open manifestations of himselfe, and love and comforts hee there ministreth to his spirituall friends and guests, and his name is great in Israell: His power, wisedome, truth, love, and goodnesse is much magnified, and very glorious in their apprehensions who know him in Christ Jesus. Mans knowledge of God, out of the Lord Jesus is nothing else but blindnesse, nothing but miserable and uncomfortable ignorance; for no man (saith Christ) Mat. 11.27 knowes the Father but the Sonne, and he to whom the Sonne will reveale him. Christ is the lively image of the Father, and God is knowne in Christ as a father is knowne in his sonnes face: The soule [Page 10] of man is full of hellish darknesse, that is not taught of Christ Jesus: For as the Apostle saith, the 2 Cor. 4.6. light of the knowledge of the glory of God is given in the face of Iesus Christ: The knowledge of the glory of Gods wisedome in the mystery of mans redemption, the knowledge of the glory of Gods power in dissolving the works of Satan, the knowledge of the glory of Gods justice in satisfying himselfe for mans sinne by Christs suffering, the knowledge of the glory of Gods mercy in forgiving mans transgression, the knowledge of the glory of Gods holinesse in sanctifying mans soule, and the knowledge of the glory of Gods love in reconciling man unto himselfe, all this knowledge of the glory of God is given in the face of Jesus Christ, it is all manifested and made knowne in and through Christ, of all Christian schollers he is the choisest that knowes most of God in Christ, and because this knowledge is given in the face of Christ, we should receive Christ comming in the Gospell with very great rejoycing; for as the light is sweet, and it is a pleasant thing to the eye to behold the Sunne: so this wisedome Prov. 6 10. when it entreth into the heart, and this knowledge is pleasant to the soule, in regard of spirituall liberty and freedome brought to the soule of man by the comming of Christ in his Gospell and spirituall kingdome. 2. Spirituall liberty. Christ is the worker, and the Jo [...]. 8, 32, 36. Gospell the instrument of mans freedome: Christ comming in the Gospell brings liberty from ignorance, as the Sunne brings liberty from darknesse: Christ comming into Capernaum, the Evangelist saith, the Mat. 4.16. Io [...] 1 [...].44. people that sate in darknesse saw a great light, and to them that sate in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up: By this Christ brings liberty from death in sinne, as by his voice he raised Lazarus, and set him free from the grave: so the dead in sinne Ioh. 5.25. heare the voice of the Sonne of God in the Gospell and live, by this Christ brings liberty from Satan, 1 Sam. 17. 2 Cor 10 4. Luk. 10. as David by his staffe and stone overthrew the great Goliah, and brought liberty to Israel: so doth Christ by his Gospell cast downe the strong holds of sinne, and make Satan fall like lightening from heaven, and frees the soules of Gods chosen: Hereby Christ brings [Page 11] liberty from uncleannesse: 2 Kin [...]. As Iordan freed Naaman from his leprosie, so doth Christ by his word Iob. 17.17. sanctifie and cleanse the soules of all beleevers; Hereby Christ brings liberty from the Wrath of God, and curse of the Law, as a surety paying the debt brings liberty to the principall from the prison, the arrest and sentence of the Judge. Christ preached in the Gospell, is the end of the law for righteousnesse to all that beleeve in him. As we therefore rejoyce in the light which frees us from darknesse, in the Physitian which frees us from diseases, in the ransomer which frees us from bondage, in the surety which frees us from the Serjeants, that they doe not arrest us, from the prison that it doth not hold us: so should wee rejoyce in the comming of Christ, bringing manifold, sweet, and comfortable freedome to us. The Prophet having declared how God had given Christ for a Isa. 49.8. Covenant of the people, for a mediator of the people, to establish the earth, the elect living on the earth, to cause to inherit the desolate heritages, to restore them 9 to that heavenly inheritance, out of which they were cast by their sinne and Satan; and to say to the prisoners goe forth, to loose them that were bound with the fetters of their corruption, and captivated by Satan, addeth this as a duty of the people, and a fruit of that freedome which Christ hath brought unto them. Sing O Heaven, and be joyfull 13 Oh Earth, breake forth into singing O Mountaine, for God hath comforted his people, and will have mercy upon his afflicted. And thus Philip preaching Christ in Samaria, and the devils departing out of many that were possessed by them, it is said there was Act. 8.7, 8. great ioy in that City: spirituall freedome from the power of Satan, and our owne corruption ministers matter of much and very sweet rejoycing.
In regard of that heavenly and blessed victory which we obtaine by the comming of Christ in the Gospell; 3. Heavenly victory. the Priests sounding the rammes-hornes, the Iosh. 6.20. wals of Jericho fell, and the Israelites obtained the victory: Gods Ministers crying aloud, and lifting up their voyces like a trumpet in the preaching of the Gospell, the holds of sin are w cast downe, [Page 12] and the soules of men are made victorious, according to that of the Apostle, the weapons of our warfare are not carnall but spirituall, and mighty through God to the casting downe of strong holds. [...] Sam. 5.4. When the Arke was erected Dagon fell. When Christ is erected, exalted, and set up among the people in the ministery of the Gospell, then the Devill fals from his possession, then sinne fals from its dominion, and then the world fals from the roome and sway it had in the hearts of the people; the souldier is made victorious by his weapon, the Christian by the Gospell, the word being the Eph. 6.17. sword of the Spirit, that instrument by which the Spirit shewes his power in making the soule of man a glorious conquerour. Why doth the Prophet (speaking in the person of Christ) say, the Lord had made his mouth a Isa. 49.2. sharp sword, and a polished shaft, but to shew the energy and working of his doctrine, in piercing the heart, in wounding sinne, as a sword and shaft doth the body of the enemy in the day of battell: The right use of this weapon ever gives man victory over his corruption. What is the Rev. 6.1. white-horse mentioned by Saint Iohn, but the Primitive Church being, white and bright for the purity and perfection of doctrine and discipline; the Apostles like a horse swiftly running, propagated the faith of Christ through the world. Who is the rider there spoken of, but Christ who is exalted, and carried in spirituall triumph by the Ministery of his Word: What is his bow, but his Word, the Law and Gospell, with which hee wounds the hearts of his elect, that he may heale and enliven them; The hearts of the reprobate to terrifie and destroy them, according to that of the Psalmist, Thine Psal. 45.5. arrowes are sharp in the hearts of the Kings enemies whereby the people fall under thee. And how went Christ forth conquering and to conquer? he went forth conquering, overcomming sinne by his death and passion, and overcomming death, hell, Satan, and the world, by his Resurrection, and hee goeth forth to conquer, converting his chosen, and convincing his enemies, by the preaching of the Gospell, and in this victory there is matter of great joy; It is greater joy to a Christian to see the Devill and [Page 13] his owne lust overcome, and cast downe, then to Israel, to see Pharaoh and the Egyptians lye drowned before them in the waters; this gives them occasion in a holy and triumphant manner to say, the Lord hath triumphed gloriously, the horse and the rider hath he throwne downe together: He cannot but rejoyce in Christs comming that partakes of the victory comming by him.
In regard of the spirituall and heavenly peace hence arising to the soule: 4. Heavenly peace. Christs comming to the soules of men in the Gospell, is like the comming of the Dove to Noah, with an Olive branch in her mouth, certifying the soule of the abatement, and removall of Gods wrath, of the speedy departure of the deluge of present sorrowes, and the happy returne, and re-appearance of spirituall and heavenly comforts. Here Christ as a bright and shining Sunne, dispels the clouds of sorrow from the soule. Here Christ as a valiant Captaine, removes the siege, Ios. 10.6. which the infernall Princes lay against the soules of his servants, as Joshuah drove the Amoritist Princes from the Gibeonites: Here Christ as a Physitian heales the wounded consciences, and binds up the broken hearts of his children, as he sometime healed the diseased woman whom no Physitian could cure: Here Christ as an absolute Commander appeaseth the inward stormy troubles of the heart, as by his voice he appeased the stormy tempest and gave a calme to his Disciples: Mat. 8.26. Here Christ as a King of mercies assures the soules of men of the pardon of their sinnes, and gives them the sence of his love, and so fils them with sweet and blessed peace; therefore Christ is stiled a Sunne of Mal. 4.2. Righteousnesse appearing with healing in his wings; in the wings of his ordinances without, and in the wings of his grace within, and it was prophecyed of him that he should Isa. 61.1. preach good tidings to the meeke, bind up the broken-hearted, proclaime liberty to the captive, and open the prison to them that are bound to comfort all that mourne, and God hath created the fruit of the lips to be Isa. 57.19. peace, to be the instrument of peace, and the Gospell is called the Gospell of peace, for the Author of it, the God of peace, for the Subject of [Page 14] it, Christ the Prince of peace, for the parties receiving it, the children of peace, and for the fruit of it, spirituall and heavenly grace.
Soul-refreshing Communion with God.In regard of that blessed, and soule-refreshing Communion which wee attaine with God through Christ comming in the Gospell. Josephs brethren were brought nigh to the King, of Egypt by Ioseph: Man is brought nigh to God by Christ, Christ preached in the Gospell, is like Iacobs ladder, by him God descendeth unto us, and through him we ascend unto God, the Arke was an assurance of Gods presence among the people, and God dwelled there: Where Christ is preached in the Gospell, there God is in mercy present with his people, there is the Lords dwelling, in Psal. 76.2. Salem is his Tabernacle, and his dwelling place in Zion; In the Gospell men are regenerate, and made the children of God, men are humbled, and made loyall Subjects to God, men are endowed with faith wrought into Gods Covenant, and made the friends of God: Men are separated from the world, and gathered home to God, and made the sheep of his pasture, so that now they have communion with him, as children with a father, as favourites with a King, as schollers with a teacher, as the members of a house with the master of the house. Now they are made Eph. 2.13. Christus oculus noster, ut per illum videamus patrem, ipse vox nostra per quam loquamur ad Patrem, ipse dextra, per quam Deo sacrificium nostrum offeramus, quo nisi intercedēto, nec nobis, nec sāctis quicquam cum Deo est. Ambr. nigh through Christ; nigh in knowledge, nigh in faith, nigh in love, nigh in likenesse, nigh in conformity and obedience, nigh in the participations of spirituall comforts, and in the enjoyment of the light of Gods countenance, very pleasant and comfortable is a gracious soules communion with God in the Gospell; Christ is most worthy of all acceptation for that communion which we have with God through him.
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THis discovers their sinne, Such very miserable to whom Christ is unwelcome. their miserable and wretched condition, who are not thankfull for, who rejoyce not in the comming of Christ in his Gospell, and in the kingdome of his grace among them: There were children of Belial that said of Saul when he was set up King over Israel, How shall this man save us, they despised him, 1 Sam. 10.27. and brought him no present. There are many children of Belial in the world, that say of Christ comming in the Gospell, comming in his word to reigne and rule over them, how shall Christ save us by this preaching of the Gospell, the preaching of Christ seemes foolishnesse unto them, 1 Cor. 1. a darke doctrine wherein is no light, no wisedome, no excellency of learning, an empty doctrine wherein is no fulnesse, no worth, a very babling, a weake doctrine wherein is no power: The false Apostles said of Paul, his bodily presence is weake, 2 Cor. 10.10. and his speech contemptible. Many false and counterfeit Christians say of Christ in the closet of their owne hearts, Christs presence in the Gospell is weake, and his speech in the Gospell is contemptible, and thus they despise Christ in his offices, in his Ministers, in his Ordinances, in his members, they bring him no present, they present not themselves in Christs schoole as schollers to learne Christ, they present not themselves in Christs house, as children to feed on those dainties which Christ hath there prepared for them, they present not themselves in Christs Courts, as Subjects to receive his Lawes and doe his will, they present not their soules and bodies as a living, holy, and acceptable sacrifice unto Christ: But as the men of the old world said in the Atheisme of their hearts unto God, so say these in the ignorance, infidelitie, pride, and prophanenesse of their soules unto Christ, Iob. 21.14.15. Depart from us we care not for the knowledge of thy wayes. What is Christ, that we should serve him? and what profit shall we have if we pray [Page 16] unto him? if we attend him preached in the Gospell, surely Christ preached in the Gospell is very strangely and shamefully undervalued by many people: In stead of rejoycing, they grieve at the preaching of Christ among them; as Herod, and all the men of Ierusalem were Mat. [...].2. troubled to heare of Christs being borne King of the Jewes, and of the appearing of a starre, declaring the comming of Christ, the true light of the world; the cleare and full opening of Christ, and the setting up of Christ to reigne and rule over the hearts and wayes of men, is very troublesome to many people, like those evill citizens in the parable, Luk. 19.14. they will not have this man Christ to raigne over them, they will not have him reigne over their understandings, as a light guiding them, over their wils, as a Prince commanding them, over their affections, as a Lord, and Master ruling, and ordering them, over their lusts, as a Physitian lancing, purging, mortifying, and taking them off. Many men delight to talke much of Christs salvation, but they have no pleasure to heare of his kingdome, it is acceptable to them to be saved by Christ, but very troublesome to serve Christ: But what a shame, what an abomination, what foule hypocrisie is this, that wee should professe Christ, and yet deny him in his Gospell, in his Kingdome? Is it not a shame for a wife to professe such a man to be her husband, and yet deny him her presence, her hand, her heart, her body, her love, dwell with a stranger, love a stranger, delight in a stranger, and bring forth children to a stranger, what is this but shamefull disloyalty, and odious adultery? What a shame for a man to professe such a man to be his Master, and yet deny him all service, and shut the doores of the house against him? and what a shame is it for us to professe Christ to be our husband, our Master, and yet deny him our service, breaking his bands, and casting away his cords from us, shutting the doores of our hearts against him, denying him our presence in his house, denying him our heart to love him, our affections to rejoyce in him, our hand to worke for him, denying him our soules and bodies to be a holy Temple for him [Page 17] to dwell in, bringing forth all our fruit to the flesh, and to the world, and none to Christ, what disloyalty? what hypocrisie? what spirituall adultery is this? certainly such men like the Angell of the Church of Sardis, though he had Rev. 3 1. Irenaeus of Hereticks, similia nobiscum loquntur, dissimilia sentiunt: so these professe as Christians, love as Infidels. Ioh 5.44. a name that he lived yet he was dead: so these though they have the name of Christians, yet they are none of Christs: This is an evill of which Christ is very sensible, whereof he much complaines: If (saith he) a man come unto you in his owne name, bring a corrupt and carnall doctrine, seeke himselfe, exalt, and magnifie himselfe, him ye will receive, his person you will reverence, his doctrine you will receive, his sayings you will beleeve, to his dictates you will vaile and stoop,; but saith Christ, I am come in my Fathers name and ye receive me not, I am come from God, I have my calling and commission from God, I bring no humane, but a heavenly doctrine, I seeke not mine owne, but my Fathers glory, and ye receive me not, ye regard not my person, ye beleeve not my doctrine, ye obey not my precepts, you love not me, you rejoyce not, you delight not in me. Generally men are more addicted to, and delighted in corrupt and carnall inventions, then in the spirituall and heavenly doctrine of Christ, and his Gospell. Christs comming in the power and brightnesse of his Gospell is very unwelcome to many people; as the comming of the King to a Rebell, the comming of an officer to a theefe, or the comming of the husband to his wife that playes the harlot; and what is this? but the shame of all shames, and dishonour of all dishonours, to a Christian to deny his Christ, to refuse his Christ, not to rejoyce and delight in his Christ comming to him in the glad tydings of his Gospell. We all conclude it a foule dishonour to a subject, a servant, a wife, to deny their King, their Master, their Husband, not to rejoyce in their comming, in their presence, but to shut the doores of their houses against them, to deny them entrance and entertainment: And is not a foule staine so to deale with Christ, so to exclude Christ comming to us by his Word and Ministers.
If you aske me whence it is that Christ is so unwelcome, [Page 18] that many of us are so farre from rejoycing in his comming?
5. Grounds of Christs unwel comnesse.I answer, there are these 5. grounds of this:
Ignorance. Men doe not know Christ, they doe not discerne Christ in the Gospell, 1 Ignorance. Christ in the Gospell is 2 Cor. 4.3, 4 hidden from them, as the light is hidden from the blind, the God of this world hath blinded their eyes that the light of the Gospell of the glory of Christ may not shine into them; they doe not discerne Christ in his Gospell shining like the Sunne for the excellency of his knowledge there appearing, they doe not discerne Christ there triumphing like a conquerour in the subjugation of Satan, and their corruptions; they doe not discerne Christ there as a Prince of peace, sweetly and graciously ruling in their hearts, by the Scepter of his Word; they doe not discerne Christ there as a Physitian healing their sinfull maladies, as the impotent discerned the Ioh. 5.5. Angell moving in the poole of Bethesda, and healing their bodily infirmities; they see not these Psal. 27.2. beauties of Christ, which David desired to see in the Temple of the Lord: they see not that Psal. 63.2. power and glory of Christ in the Gospell, Delictorum meritum est ut qui vita indigni vitam ante oculos habeant, nec tamen videant. Cypr. which the Psalmist saw in the Sanctuary; and therefore as a blind man rejoyceth not in the appearance and comming of the Sunne, because he sees not the Sunne, no more doe these in the comming of Christ in the Gospell, because they doe not there discerne him.
2 Earthly mindednesse Their hearts are glued to the world, this is the Master whom they serve, 2 Earthly mindednesse. this is the rocke on which they build, this is the wife or harlot rather whom they marry, this is the object of their joy, they rejoyce in the creature, Amos 6.13. in a thing of nought, saith the Prophet, and therefore having another Master whom they serve, they cannot receive and rejoyce in Christs Lawes, having another rocke on which they build, they cannot beleeve and delight in Christs promises, having another husband to whom they are wedded, they cannot embrace and rejoyce in Christ, as the Bride rejoyceth in the Bridegroome, when the people rejoyced in Isa. 8.6. Rezin Remalials son, they refused the waters of Shiloah. When man rejoyceth in the creature he [Page 19] refuseth Christ, his soule takes no pleasure in Christ.
3. Ʋnsensiblenesse of Christ; 3. Vnsensiblenesse. they have no feeling of Christ within them, the Apostle saith they are Eph. 4.19. past feeling, they are past the feeling of their sinne, as a dead body is past the feeling of the disease, they are past the feeling of the shame of sin, as a common harlot hath cast of all modesty, is even degenerated from her sexe, Ier. 33. and takes no shame of her whoredomes, they have no feeling of the iudgements of God denounced against them, they sleep in the midst of these, as Ionah did in the storme, they take no notice of them, they have no feeling of the workings, bitings, and convulsions of an accusing and condemning conscience; their consciences are like a mastive fallen asleep after long and much barking; like flesh seared with a hot yron; their sence and feeling is gone, they are alienated from the life of God, dead and have no feeling of the life of Christ, Christ doth not live in them; they are blind, Ioh. 1.5. and have no feeling of the wisedome and knowledge which commeth from Christ, as a blind man hath no feeling of the light which commeth from the Sunne; they are deafe and have no feeling of the sweet and comfortable voice of Christ in the Gospell, any more then a deafe man feeles the sweet sound of a musicall instrument; their pallates are distempered, and they cannot taste the sweetnesse of Christ, they loath him as the full stomacke the honey-combe; he is unsavoury to them as the Manna to the Israelites; as sometimes the pottage were to the Prophets children, he seems to them a pot of death, the very savour of death unto death; they feele not the necessity of Christ, as of a quickner to enliven them, as of a guide to direct them, as of a surety to pay their debt for them, as of a ransomer to free them out of prison, as of a fountaine to replenish and fill them▪ and being thus unsensible of Christ, they cannot rejoyce in the comming of Christ; the Israelites rejoyced not in Moses comming to them, but refused him before they felt the cruelty of the taske-masters which Pharaoh set over them, and the weight of the burthens which he laid upon them. Hee that is void of the sence of his owne corruption, [Page 20] rejoyceth not in Christs comming.
4. Contrariety to Christ.4. Contrariety to Christ, there is no likenesse, no sutablenesse, no answerablenesse between them and Christ, they are as contrary as life and death, light and darknesse, the Arke and Dagon, the house of David and the house of Saul, they are 2 Tim. 2.25. contrary-minded; they are contrary to Christ in their iudgements, wise in their owne eyes, reputing light darknesse and darkenesse light; contrary in their wils, Christ wils his Fathers glory, and teacheth his Disciples to pray that his Fathers will may be done, they will themselves, and their owne ends, they looke not beyond themselves in any thing, they make their owne will their rule and guide; contrary in their affections, they hate holinesse which Christ loveth, and love prophanenesse which Christ abhorreth; contrary in their society and fellowship, All Christs delight is in them that excell in vertue, they delight themselves in the frowardnesse of the froward; contrary in their natures. Christ is holy and without all sinne, they are totally sinfull, and void of all holinesse; they are contrary to Christ in his Offices, they oppose him, as a Prophet they will not receive his instruction, as a King they will not obey him, as a Priest they will not be sanctified by him, their whole man is wholly set in opposition against whole Christ, there is a marvellous distance and unlikenesse between them and Christ, they are altogether uncapable of him. Man can never rejoyce in Christs comming untill God doth put some new and gracious principle into him; Man never delights to doe the will of God untill God hath written his Law in the heart of man, Christs comming is ever more or lesse joyfull unto man, as man hath more or lesse of Christs image within him.
5. Infidelity.5. Infidelity. The Israelites beleeved not the word of God, and therefore despised the pleasant land, that rich and plentifull land which God had promised them: He that doth not beleeve in Christ sets a low price upon him, and rejoyceth little or nothing in the testimony of Christs presence: I [...]. 6. The Disciples which beleeved not aright, were offended, and went backe from Christ, they tooke no pleasure [Page 21] in Christ and his doctrine: He that doth not by the eye of faith discerne Christ, and by the hand of faith single and take out Christ unto himselfe, as his light and counsellor to guide him, as his Rocke to sustaine him, as his Prince, to be commanded by him, as his pearle, looking for no other treasure, and as the husband to whom he marries his soule, and on whom he places all his love: Hee that doth not thus beleeve cannot rejoyce in Christ, Christ is none of his; therefore he cannot rejoyce in him no more then the poore can rejoyce in a rich mans treasure, to which himselfe hath no title, or a woman in a man that is a stranger to her, in whom she hath no matrimoniall interest, towards whom she hath no matrimoniall love. Unbeliefe blinds the understanding, that it discernes not the beauty, worth and excellency of Christ; it hardens the heart, Isa. 53.12. and makes it unsensible of Christ, as the rocke is of the dew; it shuts up the soule, and makes it uncapable of Christ; as the eye that is shut, is uncapable of the light, untill it is opened againe; it alienates the mind of man from Christ, and causeth him to depart from Christ to the creature; as the men of Shechem did from the vine to the bramble, from the sonnes of Ierubbaal to Abimelech: Through unbeliefe Christ is to the soule as a Sunne under an Eclipse, whom it sees not, as a sealed well of which it drinks not; unbeleefe shuts out the soule from Christ, and all his benefits, as Adam was kept out of the garden, and from the tree of life, it makes Christ a stranger to his soule, and his soule a stranger unto Christ; and as it excludes man from all communion with Christ, so it deprives him of all joy in Christ, He that beleeves not in Christ, and in the benefits flowing from him, can never rejoyce in him, because the soule is filled with all ioy in beleeving.
Perswasion to a ioyfull entertainment of Christ.THis should excite and move us all to worke our hearts to a ioyfull and thankfull receiving and entertainment of Christ comming in the Ministery of the Gospell, the wise men Mat. 2 10. rejoyced with an exceeding great joy at the appearing of the Starre which pointed out the birth of Christ: Christ appeareth in the Gospell, as a heavenly Starre, ministring celestiall and comfortable light to them thar sit in darknesse; his appearance ministring matter of choisest rejoycing, doubtlesse he is no wise man, a man farre from true and saving wisedome, that doth not rejoyce to see Christ shining in the Gospell; the men of Bethshemesh were reaping their wheat harvest in the valley, and they lifted up their eyes, and 1 Sam 6.13. saw the Arke, and rejoyced to see it, and breaking off their labours, ceasing their harvest-worke, they offered burnt offerings, and sacrificed sacrifices the same 15 day unto the Lord. The man that lifteth up his eyes, his heart, his thoughts, his desires from the world, and sees Christ in the Gospell, cannot but rejoyce to behold him. Men should with great alacrity and readinesse breake off their bodily labours to entertaine the Lord Iesus, and offer to God the sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving on that day, when Christ comes among them in his Gospell, joyfull attendance upon Christ in the Gospell should have preheminence above every ordinary undertaking: When Iehoiada the Priest brought forth Jehoash the Kings sonne, and put the Crowne upon him, all the people of the land 2 King. 11.12, 14. rejoyced and blew with trumpets. When the Minister of the Lord doth bring forth Christ in the Congregation, reveale and shew forth Christ the Sonne of God, in the ministery of the Gospell, and doth set the Cant 3 11. crowne (according to Solomons phrase) upon Christs head, by declaring Christs Soveraignty, and causing the people to submit to Christs law and government, all the Congregation should rejoyce and blow [Page 23] the trumpet of spirituall joy and gladnesse: Agracious soule drawes matter of choise and sweet rejoycing from Christs exaltation in the Gospell.
This joyfull and thankfull entertainment of Christ comming in the Gospell, was shadowed by the feast of solemnity, called Lev. 23.14, 25 blowing of Trumpets, signifying the spirituall joy and gladnesse occasioned and raised in the hearts of men by Christs comming in the flesh, and in the preaching of the Gospell, the Lord Jesus being the gladsome body and substance of all the Leviticall and Ceremoniall joyous festivals; this was also foretold and often prophecyed, How Isa. 52.7. beautifull (saith the Prophet Esay) are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings that publisheth peace, and bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation, that saith unto Sion thy God raigneth; which Prophecye the Apostle referres to the preaching of the Gospell; Rom. 10.15. the feet carry the body in motion and going; the ministery carry Christ in the preaching of the Gospell; the feet lift and beare up the body, the Ministers lift up and carry Christ aloft, and make him conspicuous in the eyes of the people, by their holy and wholsome doctrine; the feet of him that brings tidings of a pardon to a condemned person, tidings of redemption to a captive, tidings of supply to him that is in want, are very beautifull in the eyes of such people; the feet of Gods Ministers bringing tidings of forgivenesse, tidings of deliverance, tidings of all fulnesse, in and by Christ Jesus, are very beautifull in their eyes who know and feele the danger of their owne sinfull condition; therefore Isa. 52.9. breake forth into ioy (saith the Prophet) sing together ye waste places of Jerusalem, for the Lord hath comforted his people, he hath redeemed Jerusalem. The comming of the Sunne comforteth him that sits in darknesse; the comming of the Physitian comforts him that is opprest with sicknesse, the comming of the ransomer comforts him that is in bondage, the comming of Christ in the Gospell, like the comming of the light comforts men with knowledge, like the comming of a Physitian, with healing in his wings, comforts men with spirituall health, and like the comming [Page 24] of a ransomer gives the comfort of spirituall freedome; sweet, and blessed, and full of refreshing is the joy arising from Christ, his comming in the Gospell: This makes the Isa. 51.3. wildernesse like Eden, and the desart like the garden of the Lord. This fils the desolate, sad, and sorrowfull soule of man, full of joy and gladnesse, thanksgiving, and the voice of melody; and to this joyfull entertainment of Christs comming in his spirituall kingdome, Let us all provoke our hearts, and frame, and dispose our soules, as the eye is disposed to a joyfull entertainment of the light, the eare to a joyfull entertainment of musicke, and the bride to a joyfull entertainment of the bridegroome.
And that we may give Christ comming in the Gospell, a Christian and wel-pleasing entertainment, there are three things in the generall observable. 1. Modus, the manner how we must entertaine him. 2. Medium, the meanes which we must use to entertaine him. and 3. Motivum, the inducements perswading thus to entertaine Christ.
1. Manner of entertaining Christ.1. The manner how Christ must be entertained and received; and thus Christ must bee entertained, received.
1. Spiritually.1. Spiritually. The entertainment of the King is sutable to the condition, quality, and nature of the King; earthly entertainment is given to earthly Kings: Christ is a spirituall and heavenly King, his kingdome is not of this world, and therefore he must not be carnally but spiritually entertained; the Exod. 25.11, 16. Tabernacle into which the Arke was received had in it the two Tables of the Law, it was overlaid within with pure gold, and the Arke had a crowne of gold about it: Hee that will entertaine Christ must have the Law of God written in his heart, his soule within, and his life without must be overlaid with the gifts and graces of the Spirit, more pure and precious then the gold which perisheth; holinesse and righteousnesse must crowne the soules of such persons as will entertaine Christ Jesus; slimy, sluttish, and filthy houses are fitter to entertaine swine then Princes; corrupt, and carnall, unsanctified, and ungracious soules are fitter to entertaine Satan, [Page 25] the prince of darknesse, then to entertaine Christ the King of Righteousnesse. The Kings daughter, the Spouse of Christ, the Type of all that truly entertaine Christ, was Psal. 45 13. all-glorious within. Heavenly graces are the peculiar glory of Gods servants, making their soules a fit receptacle for the Lord Iesus: As men therefore to receive and entertaine an earthly King, cleanse their houses, perfume and garnish all their roomes, and prepare such delicacies as the King delights in: Thus wee, to entertaine and receive Christ the heavenly King, must cleanse our soules of all sin, we must put all iniquity farre from us, as a spot from our faces, a disease from our flesh, and a theefe from our house; we must garnish all the roomes of the house of our soules, with spirituall ornaments, our understandings with spirituall knowledge, our wils with gracious liberty and freedome to embrace and chuse Christ, our imaginations with holy thoughts and medetations upon Christ, our affections with filiall feare to offend Christ, with lively faith to beleeve in Christ, with pure and fervent love to Christ, with heavenly joy and delight in Christ; He that is most holy and gracious is most capable of Christ Iesus; the soule which abides under the sway and power of prophanenesse cannot receive the Lord Iesus, the swaying presence of ungodlinesse, nullifies the gracious presence of Christ Iesus. No man receiveth Christ with true and sollid comfort in the Gospell, but only he whose soule is endowed with Iam. 4 8. Heb. 10.22. Mat. 5.8. purity and sanctification.
2. Speedily. 2. Speedily. The servant speedily opens the doore of the house when the Master knocks, and readily entertaines him. Christ is the great Lord and Master of the house of mans soule, at the doore whereof he knocks by the ministery of the Gospell, and man must speedily open to Christ so knocking, Behold (saith Christ) I stand at the Rev. 3.20. doore and knocke: the heart of unregenerate man is a doore shut, a hard, a stony doore: God and Christ are shut out, Eph. 2.12. to this doore Christ knocks by the preaching of the Law, threatning destruction to him that will not open; by the preaching of the Gospell, promising pardon to all that speedily [Page 26] and sincerely open; by the rod of affliction and terrour of conscience on all that doe delay to open; by the inward motion and powerfull operation of his Spirit on Gods chosen; repairing and disposing their hearts to open to him: If any man (saith Christ) heare my voice, speedily without delay, unfainedly, without hypocrisie, humbly without disdaine, beleevingly, without unbeleefe, joyfully, without repining, and obediently without rebellion: If any man thus heare my voice, and open unto me, by understanding me and my will, by beleeving me and my promises, by loving me and my testimonies, by embracing me and my benefits, by dedicating himselfe to me and my service. I will come into him, I will make his soule my temple and holy habitation, I will enter into a neare and sweet communion with him, and I will sup with him, I will accept and delight in his knowledge, faith, repentance, and new obedience; and he shall sup with me, I will communicate unto him justification, sanctification, peace, the joy of the Holy-Ghost, the heavenly treasure of all saving grace; their blisse and happinesse is very great and comfortable, who give a full and speedy entertainment to Christ comming in the Gospell: It is a point of Christian and choisest wisedome (according to the charge of the Prophet) to Isa. 55.6. seeke the Lord while he may be found, and to call upon him while he is neare at hand: The Sunne of heavenly light which now shineth may set, and we be left in darknesse; the Well of salvation now opened may be sealed up, and we perish with want of spirituall water to refresh us; the gate of mercy now opened to us may be shut against us, Christ may withdraw himselfe, and refuse to be found of us; the things belonging to our Luk. 19.42. peace may be hidden from us: It is just with Christ to withdraw himselfe from them that delay to receive him, Christ will be to them as a deafe man that heares not, in the day of their trouble and afflictions, who are deafe to Christ, and will not heare him in his Gospell, in the day of his mercifull visitation: O therefore Psal 95.7, 8. to day, if ye will heare his voice, harden not your hearts, behold 2 Cor. 6.2. now is the accepted time, [Page 27] now is the day of salvation. Now while Christ is preached in the Gospell, salvation, pardonall mercy is offered, now if ever is the time to accept it; therefore as Zaccheus Luk. 19.6. made haste, and came downe from the Sycamine tree, and received Christ into his house joyfully: So let us make haste and come downe, every man from all high thoughts of our owne worth, and joyfully receive Christ into the house of our heart. When Christ appeared unto Abraham in the plaine of Mamre in the forme of an Angell, and two other Angels with him; it is said that Abraham Gen. 18.1, 2, 6 ranne to meet them from the tent doore, and hasted to his tent to make provision for them, he used all speed in their entertainment. Thus when Christ appeares in the Gospell, and comes to us by his Ministers, we should run from our tent doores, from our selves by Christian denyall, from the world by desertion, from our sinnes by mortification. Thus we should run to meet Christ comming in the Gospell, and hasten every man into his tent, into his heart, and there make all spirituall provision to entertaine him: The use of hast and speed in the entertaining of Christ comming in his Gospell, is more necessary and commendable then in any other undertaking.
3. Cordially, With much and fervent affection; 3. Cordially. Rom. 6.17. the heart is Christs house, where he must dwell, Christs throne where he must raigne, and the pallace whereinto he must be received; the place of the Arke was not in a corner, but in the 2 Sam. 6.17. midst of the Tabernacle, Christ must not be thrust into a corner of the soule, his dwelling must be in the midst thereof, in the heart of man, he must have the best and choisest roome of mans affection; this Christ requires, My sonne Prov. 23.26. give me thy heart, not thy head barely to know me, nor thy memory nakedly to remember me, nor thy tongue formally to speake of me, nor thy foot onely to come outwardly unto me; but thy heart to love and embrace me, to surrender and yeeld up all unto me. This was the Apostles prayer in the behalfe of the Ephesians, that Eph. 3.17. Christ might dwell, not onely in their care, or in the tongue, the outward roomes of the body, nor in the head, [Page 28] or memory, the upper roomes of the soule; but in their heart, the middle and choisest roome of the soule of man: Our prayers are but empty and fruitlesse untill wee have prayed Christ into our hearts and affections; Christ commeth in the Gospell as a King of mercies to pardon us; as a bridegroome to marry us, and we must entertaine him with love, much, strong, and fervent love; as a malefactor his King comming to him with a pardon, or the bride the bridegroome; our love to Christ must be like the love of 1 Sam. 18.1. Ionathan to David, a love passing the love of women; our soule must be knit to Christ, as Ionathan seeing what David had done for Israel, in the overthrow of Goliah, his soule was knit to David: so we seeing what Christ hath done for us in the overthrow of Satan, our soules must be knit to Christ; our soules must long for Christ, as the soule of Shechem Gen. 34 8. longed for Dinah, our soule must delight in Christ, as the soule of the rich in his treasure, and the soule of the bride in the bridegroome; thus the Spouse expresseth her selfe, shew me O thou whom my Cant. 1 7. soule loveth, whom I love fervently, unfainedly, and with a longing desire to enjoy; and in the banqueting house, in the ministery of the word she found her selfe Cant. 2.4.5. sicke of love, ravished with love to Christ. Plus est habere Christum in corde quam in domo; quia cor nostrum interius est nobis, quam domus nostra. Aug. The entertainment of Christ into the heart is the glory of a Christian, as the entertainment of the King to a house is the glory of a Subject: This is the fulnesse of the soule, as the entertainment of the Sunne into the eye is, the fulnesse of the eye, the heart is an empty vessell untill Christ hath the possession of it; this is the defence and safety of the soule, as the being of the Pilate in the ship, is of the safety of the ship; the being of the keeper in the Castle, is the safety of the Castle; the being of Christ in the ship in the stormy tempest, was the safety of the Disciples; Mat. 8.25, 26. the being of Christ in the soule, is the safeguard of the soule in all the stormy tempests of trouble; the soule where Christ hath no dwelling lyeth open to all the assaults of Satan. This brings the soule to a sweet communion with Christ in the Gospell, as Iehu said unto Iehonadab comming to meet him, 2 Kin. 10.15. Is thy heart right as my heart [Page 29] is with thy heart, if it be give me thine hand, and he gave him his hand, and he tooke him up to him into the charet. Non pertiuet domine ad te, [...]ec de tuis est qu [...] te non deligit, nec deligit te qui scienter offendit; dilectioni tue detrabit qui terminos a te positos irā sit, & Evangelij tui decreta contemni [...]. Cypr. 4. Cheerfully. Thus when we come to meet Christ in the Gospell, Christ looketh to the integrity of our hearts, if our hearts be right with Christ, and we give him the hand of faith, and the hand of love; then he takes us up into his charet; then he takes us to himselfe; then he brings us into a neare, a sweet, and comfortable communion with himselfe; the soule which doth not love Christ, hath neither cleare discerning of Christ, nor gracious fellowship with Christ.
4. Cheerfully. Old Jacob seeing the waggons which Joseph had sent to carry him to Egypt to bring him to himselfe, it is said his heart Gen 45 27. revived. Man seeing Christ in the Gospell, comming by the labours of his Ministers, as by a charet, to take and carry him of from the world, to bring him nigh unto himselfe, and to the participation of his fulnesse, should have his heart revived, and his soule made cheerfull: Christ in the Gospell ministers all matter of rejoycing to his children; in the Gospell Christ commeth as a M [...]l. 4.2. shining Sunne, and here we should rejoyce in him, as the eye rejoyceth in the light; Here Christ commeth as a Psal. 110.2, 3. King in his armies, and we should rejoyce in him, as the captive rejoyceth in him that commeth with warlike weapons to beat downe the prison, and set him free; here Christ commeth as a Mal. 4.2. Isa. 6.1, 2. Physitian with healing in his wings; and we should rejoyce in him, as the sicke in the Physitian that comes to cure him; here Christ commeth as Ios. 10.6. Joshuah came to the Gibeonites, to rescue them from the Amoritish Princes; and in him we should rejoyce, as the besieged City in him that comes to drive away their enemies: Here Christ commeth as a Master of the Cant. 2 4. feast in his banquetting house▪ and in him we should rejoyce as the hungry stomacke in a feast of all varieties: Here Christ commeth as a Ioh. 3.29. bridegroome in his letters, in his friend, in his voice, to wooe, and betroth us, and in him wee should rejoyce, as the bride in the letters, voice, and presence of the bridegroome; superlatively sweet, and soule-ravishing are the comforts which Christ dispenseth by [Page 30] his word and doctrine; he is altogether unworthy the name of a Christian that doth not joyfully entertaine Christ comming in the Gospell.
[...] Humbly.5. Humbly. Abraham entertaining the Angels Gen. 18.2. bowed himselfe to the ground. Man must entertaine the Lord Iesus in the Gospell, with all humility, meeknesse, lowly and reverent submission: Hee must prostrate himselfe, and all that is his at the feet of Christ; he must be low and base in his owne eye and apprehension; he must looke on himselfe as Gen. 18.28. dust and ashes, Rom. 7.18. he that is most sensible of his owne vilenesse, is most capable of Christ Iesus; he must Rom. 12.16. captivate his owne wisedome, and carnall reason; he hath the most cleare and comfortable discerning of Christ in the Gospell, that is most apprehensive of the vanity of his owne wisedome. He that will be made wise unto salvation by the Gospell, must become as a 1 Cor. 3.18. Luk. 9.23. foole in his owne opinion; he must deny himselfe that will acknowledge and embrace Christ, abase himselfe that will exalt and set up Christ, and be out of love with himselfe that will be in love with Christ; he must discerne and feele his owne sicknesse, his owne poverty, his owne bondage, and emptinesse, that will receive Christ in the Gospell, as a Physitian to cure him, as a surety to make satisfaction for him, as a conquerour to free him, and as a fountaine to fill him. When David sent his servants, and communed by them with Abigail to take her to wife; she arose and 1 Sam. 25.40, 41. bowed her selfe on her face to the earth, and said, behold, let thy handmaid be a servant to wash the feet of the servants of my Lord. When Christ communeth with us by his servants, the Ministers in the preaching of the Gospell, to take our soules to him to wife: We must rise up, with all lowly reverence, entertaine their message, receiving it as the Word of God, 1 Thes. 2.13. and not of man; wee must bow our selves to the earth, humble and abase our selves very low, shewing all obedience to their doctrine, and ready to minister any service to their persons, as Saint Paul testifies of the Galathians, My temptation (saith he) which was in my flesh ye Gal. 2.14.15. despised not nor reiected, but received [Page 31] me as an Angell of God, even as Christ Iesus. I beare you record, that if it had been possible, ye would have plucked out your owne eyes, and have given them to me. Great is the love and reverence shewed by Gods children towards Christ and his Ministers in the Gospell. Christ is ever so much the more precious unto men, by how much the more they are abased in their owne sence and feeling; Christs favour, dwelling, and communion, is onely with the soule which is truly Isa. 57.15. Isa. 66.2. humble.
6. Chiefly. Christ is the highest King, 6. Chiefly. and must have the chiefest roome in the heart of man, Christ excels all creatures, and must have preheminence above all others in the hearts of his receivers, 1 Sam. 5.4. Dagon in the Philistines Temple fals before the Arke; the creature, and whatsoever else in the heart of man, must fall before Christ; all must be base and vile in comparison of Christ; the Elders of Gilead bringing home againe Ieptha to fight for them against the children of Ammon, made him their Iudg 11.9, 10 head. Man bringing home, and receiving Christ into his heart to fight for him against Satan, and his corruption, must make him his head, exalt him, and give him preheminence above all creatures. Christ is King of Kings, and must have preheminence in our obedience, Rev. 19.16. as Kings have in the hearts of their loyall Subjects; Christ is the husband of his Church, and must have preheminence in our love, 2 Cor. 11.2. as husbands have in the hearts of their chaste and loving wifes; Christ is the pearle of choisest worth, and must have preheminence in our choise, and estimation, Mat. 13.44. as the pearle with the Merchant above the drosse. Christ is the Sun of clearest and sweetest light, and must have preheminence in our understanding, Mal. 4.2. as the Sun in the eye above other lights; Christ is the surest, the most constant and loving friend, Cant. 5.16. and must have preheminence in our delight and joy, as a friend hath preheminence in the joy of his friend above all strangers: He is farre from the true receiving of Christ, that doth not thus exalt Christ; he doth very shamefully abase Christ that sets up any thing above Christ; hee neither discernes the worth, nor tastes the sweetnesse of Christ in the Gospell, who makes not himselfe [Page 32] and all things to vaile and stoop to him.
7. Fully.7. Fully. Whole Christ must be received, we must entertaine Christ according to all his Latitudes, as all the points and lines are received in one Center, whole Christ must meet in mans heart, as in a Center: We must receive Christ in his person, as God and man in one person, as our onely Mediator, the only Jacobs ladder, by whom God and all blessings come downe to us, and by whom we ascend againe to God. We must receive Christ in his Attributes, in his wisedome, as a light to guide us; in his power, as a rocke to support us; in his truth, as a faithfull witnesse that never deceives us; in his justice as a righteous Judge to awe us; in his mercy, as a King of mercies to forgive us; in his holinesse, as a fountaine of grace to sanctifie us; in his righteousnesse, as a royall roabe to cloathe and cover us; and in his love, as a bridegroome to marry us, and in his All-sufficiency as a fountaine to fill us. We must receive Christ in all his Offices, as a Prophet to instruct us, making Christs doctrine the compleat and only rule of our faith and obedience; as a King to reigne and rule over us, wholly subjecting our selves to the Scepter of Christ Jesus; as a Priest to sanctifie us, to expiate our offences, and make atonement for us, relying solely on Christs merits. We must receive him in all his Ordinances, in his word regenerating, renewing, reforming us; in his Sacrament feasting, strengthening, sealing up his love, and the forgivenesse of our sin unto us: We must receive him in his Ministers, as a Prince in his Embassadors; as a Bridegroome in his friends, in his members; as a father in his children; as a husband in his wife, in his precepts, as a King in all his Lawes obeying them; in his promises, as a faithfull friend in all his words beleeving them; in his gifts and dispensations, as a giver in his gifts, as a workman in his workmanship▪ as the eye receiveth the Sunne in his light, and the ground the cloud in the raine, and dew distilling thereupon: Wee must receive him in our understandings as a light, in our wils as a Prince, in our thoughts as a treasure, in our affections as a Lord and Master, fearing him, as a sure foundation, building [Page 33] upon him, as a bridegroome being full of love towards him: The full receiving of Christ in the Gospell fils the soule with fulnesse of grace and consolation He that doth not universally receive Christ, doth not at all receive Christ: He that doth not surrender all truly, surrenders none to Christ: He that shuts Christ out of one roome of his soule, leaves his whole man to the possession of sinne, Satan, and the world.
8. Perpetually. Christ must be received once, and forever; 8. Perpetually. the Covenant between the soule and Christ is an Ier 32.40. everlasting Covenant, a Covenant of wedlocke; Hos. 2 19. the Covenant between the husband and the wife is for ever, untill death; the husband is the guide, delight, and object, the wifes love for ever, so long as life lasteth; Christ must be received as the soules guide, and love for ever; Christ must shine in the understanding as an everlasting Sunne, rule in the will as an everlasting Prince, possesse the soule as an everlasting dweller, and abide in the affections as an everlasting husband: The soule which truly receives Christ in the Gospell, is an everlasting lover of Christ; as Hyram loved David 1 Kin. 5.1. ever, an everlasting servant to Christ; as the servant under the Law, which had his eare boared, abode a servant in the house Exod. 21.6. for ever; as the land of Canaan was to Jacob and his seed an Gen. 48.4. Psal. 73.26. everlasting possession, so must Christ be our everlasting portion; we may not receive Christ and thrust him out againe, as sicke men receive a Physitian, and put him off againe as soone as the disease is put away; as a besieged City receiveth souldiers, and turnes them off againe as soone as the siedge is removed; as the Philistines received the Arke, 1 Sam. 5. 2 Kin 13 15. and sent him away againe when Dagon could not stand before him; as Amnon received Thamar and thrust her out of doores againe, hating her more then ever he loved her: Such are very base receivers of Christ, as receive him either for fancy, novelty, or constraining necessity. He is a very Philistine, that will rather thrust Christ from him, then suffer the fall of his Dagon, his base lust, or corrupt affection; their love to Christ, when at the best was but fained, and counterfeit, which afterwards [Page 34] turnes to hatred: He is no Ioh. 8.3 [...]. sonne, but a slave; no Spouse, but a harlot, which abides not with Christ to the end. Having therefore once received Christ, to seweth Christ, retaine Christ in every estate, abide with Christ; Man changes, as Ittai with David, 1 Sam. 15.21 in life and in death.
Meanes disposing and inabling to receive Christ.THus of the manner of receiving Christ in the Gospell, the second thing is the medium, or meanes disposing and inabling us to receive Christ with rejoycing and thanksgiving. The meanes are these:
1. Full deposition of what is contrary to Christ. 3. Things to be deposed and laid aside. 1. Sin.1. A full and through deposition and putting aside of all that is contrary to Christ. 1. there must be a deposition of sinne, all motes, distempers, and blindnesse being put away out of the eye, the eye joyfully receives the Sunne, ignorance and errour being put out of the understanding; Christ the Sunne of Righteousnesse is joyfully received in our knowledge, the knowledge of Christ becommeth cleare and pleasant to the soule; witherednesse and infirmity being removed from the hand, the hand readily receives the gift: Unbeleefe which wounds and withers the hand of faith, being removed from the heart, man cheerFully entertaines Christ, and is filled with Rom. 15.13. all ioy in beleeving; rebellious, proud, and mutinous persons being put out of the kingdome, the King is joyfully entertained by the people; pride, 2 Cor. 10.5. imaginations, and every high thing which doth exalt it selfe against the knowledge of God being cast downe and brought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, Christ is gladly received; strange love and strange lovers being put farre from the wife, the husband is cheerfully received by the wife; the removall of strange lusts, and corrupt affections prepares the heart to a joyfull entertainment of [Page 35] Christ; He that doth not sorrow for his sinne, cannot rejoyce in Christ; He that doth not hate the former, can never love the latter; He that doth not empty himselfe of the one, can never be filled with the other. The Jebusites told David, unlesse he tooke away the blind and the lame hee should not enter into the fort of Syon. Unlesse wee take away the blind and the lame, ignorance, infidelity, and all uncleannesse out of our soules, Christ will never enter into our hearts, we cannot receive Christ into our soules, the keeping in of sin is the keeping out of Christ; the holding fast of corrupt affections, is the loosing of Christ Jesus; as the Philistines keeping up of their Dagon wrought a removall of the Arke. 2. 2. The World. There must be a deposition of the world 1 Ioh. 2.15. in affection. We must not love it in Mat. 6.25. cogitation; we must have no distracting thoughts about it; in Prov. 23.5. Col. 3.2. estimation, we must not overprize, but esteeme it as a thing which is not; in c inquisition, we must not seeke the things which are here below, as if our happinesse consisted in the finding of these things; in Mat. 6.24. subjection, we must not be the servants of the world; in Psal. 62.10. affiance, we must not build upon them; in Iam. 4.16. Iam. 4.4. 1 Ioh. 2.15. Mat. 6.24. rejoycing, we may not rejoyce in them. He that is married to the creature is divorced from Christ; he that loves this hath no love to Christ; he that is the servant of this cannot serve Christ; therefore as Christ overthrew the Ioh. 2.15. tables of the money-changers, and whipt the buyers and sellers out of his fathers house: so must we whip the love, thought, command, and delight of the world out of our hearts, that we may receive Christ; it is a great unhappinesse to lose Christ for the gaine of the world; it were strange folly in a woman to refuse a wise, a potent, beautifull, victorious, and noble Prince, and marry her selfe to a foolish, impotent, base, beggerly, and deformed captive.
3. There must be a deposition of our selves, 3. Our selves. we must lay aside our selves in respect of opinion, we must have very low thoughts of our selves in respect of delight and pleasure, we must not please our selves in our selves, but loath ourselves in respect of Love; we must not love our selves, please, [Page 36] mind, and exalt our selves, but deny our selves; in respect of trust, we must not trust in our selves, but be jealous of our selves, distrust our owne hearts, accuse and condemne our selves; and in respect of the end, we must not intend our selves, propose our owne ends, but intend Christ, and the glory of Christ. Thus we must lay aside our selves, and empty our selves of our selves, that wee may receive Christ; the empty vessell receives the liquor, there is no place for it in the full.
2. Holy preparation.2. Holy, wise, and carefull preparation to the hearing of Christ in the Gospell. Elisha before he prophes [...]ed before Jehosaphat and Jehoram, called for a Musitian to play some sacred song, the better to appease his spirit, and put his mind in a quiet and heavenly frame, and then the hand of the Lord was upon him, and he prophecyed: Thus before we come into the presence of Christ, to heare, we should by some holy meditation, and fervent prayer, gather home our thoughts, take off our selves from the world, suppresse and put away the distemper of our spirits, worke our hearts into a holy and gracious frame and tempor, and compose our selves to heare; so shall the hand of God he upon us in hearing, and we shall heare, and receive Christ with much joyfulnesse; the preparednesse of the eye to see, of the care to heare, and of the pallate to taste, makes them joyfull in seeing, hearing, tasting; the soules joy and comfort in hearing is ordinarily sutable to mans preparation. Man is ashamed and grieved to receive his Prince into a s [...]rded and filthy house; but having his house clensed, garnished, and all things set in order, he is joyfull in the entertainment. Want of preparation is the cause of much discomfort, sadnesse, and dulnesse in hearing: Christ comming in the Gospell is very comfortably entertained by the soule which is duely prepared.
3. Gracious interest in Christ.3. Sure and gracious interest in Christ. Beleeve in Christ, lay hold on Christ, select, and take Christ unto your selves, make him yours: As the Merchant sold all for the precious pearle in the parable, and made the pearle his owne: so sell all, put away all your sinnes, remove all worldly [Page 37] vanities, and interest your selves in Christ; as the woman leaves her owne people, and her fathers house, to make another man her husband, thus, leave the world, your sinfull acquaintance, your corrupt and carnall customes, come off from them all, and apply your selves to Christ, espouse your selves by faith and love to him, and then your soules shall joyfully wait upon him in the Gospell; as the Queene waits upon the King in his Psal. 45.15. palace, with joy and gladnesse; as the bride doth joyfully heare the voice of the bridegroome; thus the Spouse professeth her joy and comfort in Christ in the Gospell, his mouth, his word and doctrine, is most sweet, he is altogether lovely. There is the expression of her joyfull receiving Christ in the Gospell, this is my Beloved, and this is my friend; there is the declaration of her interest in him; Christ is ever more or lesse joyfull to the heart of man in the Gospell, according to mans assurance of interest in him; he never feeles Christ a sweet and gracious comforter, that looks upon him in his word as a stranger.
4. Cleare and lively discerning, 4. Cleare discerning of Christ worth. and apprehension of the dignity, worth, and excellency of Christ: He that hath a jewell and knowes not the worth of him, is nothing affected with him; like Esops cocke, he rejoyceth more in a barley corne; Isa. 53.1, 2. ignorance of the worth of Christ takes away the soules delight and joy in Christ; the wise Merchant knowes the worth of a pearle, and is much joyed at the finding of him; the wise Christian knowing the price and worth of Christ, is much joyed when he meets with Christ in the Gospell [...] the Spouse in Solomons Song sets forth her Cant. 5. apprehension of the beauty, worth, and excellency of Christ; of his Godhead and manhood in one person; of his glory, innocency, grace, mercy, and justice, of his preheminence and exaltation above all creatures, of his glorious kingdome, his unsearchable wisedome, his gracious and mercifull beholding of grieved sinners, his beauty and comelinesse to the eyes of faith, and concludes at length, his mouth is most sweet and altogether lovely; His mouth, the doctrines, words, promises, comforts of his Gospell, are very sweet [Page 38] as the honey or the honey-combe; strive then more clearly to discerne the worth of Christ, if you intend the increase of your comfort in Christ: The prophane Mat. 8. Gaderine that thinks more highly of his swine then of Christ never meets with joy in Christ.
5. Holy making use of Christ.5. Holy and gracious making use of Christ in the Gospell. The eye makes use of the Sunne, it sees by it; the care makes use of the voice, it discernes what is spoken by it; the thirsty traveller makes use of the fountaine, he quencheth his thirst with it, refresheth himselfe by it: And all these rejoyce, the eye in the Sunne, the care in the sound, and the thirsty in the fountaine, and in these they rejoyce because they make use of them. Make use then of Christ in his Gospell; as a scholler doth of his teacher, learning heavenly wisedome; as a sicke man doth of his Physitian, recovering spirituall health by him; as a besieged City doth of their Captaine, feeling him casting downe the holds of sinne, and restoring thy soule to freedome; as the wise man in the parable did of the rocke, build upon him; the more use you make of Christ, the more comfort you shall find in Christ, Christ is both unprofitable and uncomfortable to him that makes no use of him, as a sealed Well, and an eclipsed Sunne. There is a price (saith Solomon) in the hand of a foole, but he hath not a heart to make use of him. We have Christ in the Gospell, a pearle of great price, and it is mans exceeding great foolishnesse not to make use of Christ Iesus.
6. Experience of Christs saving worth.6. Blessed and heavenly sence, and experience of Christs sanctifying and saving worke upon our soules in the Gospell. The influence and operation of the Sunne upon the earth in the Spring, makes it appeare very pleasant and joyfull; the sence of Christs gracious worke upon the heart, glads the heart, he Cant. 1.4. brought me (saith the Spouse) into his chambers, that is, he revealed unto me the secret of the Lord, the secret worke of the Lord in the illumination of my understanding, in the regenerating of my heart, in the quickning of my soule, in the putting of a new nature upon me, in the pacifying of my conscience, and comforting of my [Page 39] soule, these are the chambers whereinto she was brought, the secret and blessed wayes of Christ with a gracious soule; and what found she in these chambers? how was she affected with this worke of Christ? We will (saith she) be glad and rejoyce in thee, we will remember thy love more then wine. Experience of Christs gracious operation upon man makes the soule of man joyfull; the more we feele the blessed working of Christ within us, the greater are our rejoycings; Mans unsensiblenesse of Christ and his gracious dispensations, deprives man of Christs sweet and blessed comforts,
THe third thing is Motivum. Inducements to entertaine Christ joyfully The inducements perswading to a ready and joyfull embracement and receiving of Christ comming in his Gospell, and spirituall kingdome, and to move our selves to this let us wisely consider, and seriously looke upon,
1. The condition of the creature without Christ. 1 Condition of creature. 1. Empty. To him that receives not Christ, the creature, all earthly perfection and fulnesse is 1. an empty thing, it never filleth, never satisfieth, never contenteth him that hath it; the more man drinks of this brooke, not drinking of Christ, the full and everliving fountaine, the more hee thirsteth; the more he feeds on this, not feeding on Christ, the true bread of life, the more his hunger increaseth; The soule which receives not Christ, like the horsleaches daughters in Solomon, is ever crying, give, give, and can never have enough: The fulnesse of the world without Christ is but a dry bone without marrow, an empty pit without water, a barren tree without fruit, like that in the Gospell which had leafe but no fruit, promising much to him that beholds it afarre [Page 40] off, but ministring no satisfaction to them that draw neare unto it; emptinesse ever attends their greatest possessions who are strangers to Christ Iesus; the soule is a vessell of that largenesse that none can fill it but Christ, in whom is all fulnesse; the barren eares in Pharaohs dreame eat up the full, and the leane kine eat up the fat; and when they had eaten them up, it n could not be knowne they had eaten them; but they were still ill-favoured. Man that stayes upon the creature, and comes not to Christ, that entertaines the creature and not Christ, eats up the full and fat of the earth, and yet it cannot be knowne that he hath eaten, his desires and his hunger after it, are as great as ever; he is nothing at all filled with it, his desires grow as his possessessions grow, the creature hath a power to inflame, but not to satisfie mans desire; ordinarily the greatest worldly possessors are vexed with most insatiable desires; of such the Lord saith, they shall not be satisfied, and their desire is enlarged as hell, and they can never have enough: The emptinesse of the creatures must make Christ the more precious in our apprehensions. Hagar seeing the emptinesse of her bottle, came readily for water to the fountaine; the emptinesse of the creature should make us ready in comming unto, and cheerfull in the entertainment of Christ Iesus; the gracious and through receiving of the Lord Iesus is the only way to satisfaction and fulnesse.
2. Uncomfortable.2. The creature to him that receives not Christ is an uncomfortable thing. The world without the Sunne is an uncomfortable dwelling; the fulnesse of the world without Christ is an unquiet possession; the waters of Marah without the tree were Exod. 15.25. bitter, the children of Israel could not drinke of them; the greatest rivers, the deepest flouds, and most pleasant things of earthly abundance, are very bitter and distastefull without Christ; Christ is the sweetner of mans earthly possession, as the honey-combe sweetned the Lyon unto Sampson; the man that receives not Christ is in Ioh. 20.22. straights, in perplexities, feares, doubtings, and great distractions; in the fulnesse of his sufficiency, in the plenitude and presence of his greatest worldly abundance, [Page 41] his path is a way of snares, and his bed is a bed of thornes; his abundance will not suffer him to Ecel. 5.12. sleep, that doth not repose his soule on Christ; his bread is bread of Psal. 127.2. sorrowes, that doth not feast and feed his soule upon Christ. Worldly abundance is a 1 Tim. 6.9, 10 snare entangling, an arrow piercing, a sword wounding, a tempestuous sea tossing, shaking, drowning them that possesse it, and possesse not Christ with it; the greater possession, the greater trouble to him that receives not Christ in the Gospell; It is not the having of the creature in the house, but the having of Christ in the heart, that ministers true peace and comfort.
3. The creature to him that receives not Christ, 3. Enthralling. Gloria regnorū splendida servitus est. Antigonus Rex Macedonum. Iust. 16. is an inthralling and inbondaging thing; it takes away the liberty and freedome of the soule, it fetters and imprisons it, it makes a slave and servant of it; Sampson doting upon, and inordinately applying himselfe to Dalilah, she cut off t his locks, delivered him into the hand of the Philistines, and made him their slave. Man that neglecteth Christ, that receives not Christ, that is not ravished with his beauties, is so enamoured with the creature, and so gives himselfe to the creature, that the creature [...]obs him of the strength of faith, and spirituall love, and makes him a slave to himselfe and his owne lusts, the creature ever swayes in that soule like a tyrant, where Christ is not; he that refuseth to be Christs Subject, makes himselfe the creatures slave; therefore are they termed the Mat. 6.24. servants of Mammon, for their alienation from Christ and spirituall freedome, for their subjection and slavery under the world, and they are said to Rom. 16.18. serve their owne belly and not Christ. Most miserable and wretched is the soules bondage, which receives not the Lord Iesus.
4. The creature to him that receives not Christ, 4. Polluting. is a polluting and defiling thing, it makes the soule a very sinke, and cage of uncleannesse, a very den and dungeon of filthinesse; as the Temple before Christ entred into it, was made a den of theeves. Exclude the housewife out of the house, and all the residue of goers and commers, and implements brought into the house make a foule house; exclude Christ out of [Page 42] the house of the soule, and their going, and comming, and travell of the creature will quickly make a very uncleane and filthy soule; Gen. 34 2. La [...]ro spiritualium honorum Basil. Dinah went out from her fathers house to see the daughters of the land, and Shechem tooke her and defiled her; Man steps aside, goes out from Christ, neglects and leaves Christ, abides not close with Christ, but sets his eye, his thought, his heart upon the creature, and the creature takes him, ensnares him, and shamefully defiles him; it defiles his understanding with errour, dust blinds the eye of the body, the creature, the dust of the world duls and blinds the eye of the mind: The love of 1 Tim 6 10. money (saith Paul) is the root of all evill, Isa. 59.7. which while some have coveted after, they have erred from the faith: It defiles his thought, his thoughts are thoughts of iniquity, wasting and destruction, thoughts of injustice and oppression, thoughts of fraud and treason, Psal 10.6. thoughts of pride and selfe-admiration, thoughts of carnall confidence, and fleshly contentments; it defiles the heart of man with covetousnesse: Thine eyes and thy heart (saith the Lord to Jehoiakim) are not but for thy covetousnesse, and for to shed innocent bloud, and for oppression, and for violence to doe it; it defiles the affections with idolatry, and with spirituall fornication and adultery: the covetous man is an idolater (saith Saint Paul) and the adulterers and adulteresses (saith Saint Iames to such as embrace not Christ, but the creature) know you not that the love of the world is enmity with God, Fallax suavitas, & infructuosus labor, & perpetuus timor, & periculosa sublimitas: initium sine providentia finis cum paenitentia. Aug. and that he that is a friend to the world is an enemy to God. The world fils that mans soule with most shamefull uncleannesse, that embraceth not the Lord Iesus; therefore as Hagar seeing the emptinesse of her bottle, came readily to the fountaine; as the mariner feeling the tempest and troublesomnesse of the seas, comes willingly to the haven; as the Israelites feeling the cruelty of Pharaohs task-masters, and the insupportablenesse of his burthens, willingly embraced Moses; and as the diseased woman feeling the loathsomnesse of her bloudy issue, and having experience of the vanity of all Physitians came gladly unto Christ: so we seeing the emptinesse, feeling the uncomfortablenesse, and knowing the inthralling and defiling [Page 43] nature of the creature without Christ, let us readily, willingly, joyfully, and thankfully receive and embrace Christ, that our soules may be freed, sanctified, and filled with all saving graces, and heavenly comforts. Experience of the vanity, trouble, bondage, and evils which attend the naked having of the creatures, should marvellously endeare unto us the Lord Iesus, and make his comming in the Gospell surpassingly sweet and welcome.
2. Let us throughly view and consider the state of man without Christ: Man not receiving Christ in the Gospell, 2 Throgh view of mans estate without Christ hath no spirituall life, but is dead in sinnes, as the body is dead without the soule; he hath no saving knowledge, but is in spirituall blindnesse, as he that is without the Sunne is in darknesse; he hath no heavenly gift or grace, but is empty of all the fruits of the Spirit, as the branch which is separated from the vine, hath neither juice nor fruit; he hath no Christian liberty, or freedome, but is a bondman to sin, Satan, and the world, as Peter lay in Herods prison, in fetters, and under the custody of the souldiers before the Angell came and freed him; he hath no interest in Gods promises, but as Adam was shut out of the garden of Eden, so is man shut out of Gods Covenant, 2 Cor 1.20. Gods promises are a sealed well whereof his soule drinks not; he hath no garment of righteousnesse to cover him, no jewell of grace to adorne him, no spirituall treasure to enrich him, but is poore, blind, naked, miserable, and wretched: Rev. 3 17. As the Egyptians were led away by the King of Assyria, prisoners, captives, naked, Isa. 20.4. barefoot with their buttocks uncovered to the shame of Egypt: so man without Christ is led away by the prince of darknesse, a spirituall prisoner, and captive, his soule bare, naked, uncovered to the shame of mankind; he hath no holy and heavenly peace, but as the Disciples were tossed upon the tempest till Christ calmed the waters, so is man like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose Isa 57.20. waters cast up mire and dirt, untill Christ ministers comfort. Man without Christ is like a blind traveller that hath no guide to leade him; like a dead man in the grave, putrifying in sinne, having none to raise him; like [Page 44] an empty cisterne having no fountaine to fill him; like a bondman having no ransomer to free him, like a woman in travell, having no midwife to help her, lik a sheep in the midst of wolves, having no shepheard to conduct and defend it, and like a besieged City in the midst of many enemies, having no wall to protect it, no captaine to fight for it: Miserable is mans condition that receives not Christ in the Gospell; did man know and feele his unhappinesse without Christ, he would never be so regardlesse of Christ, never so carelesly let Christ passe, but would meet Christ where he commeth in his word, as the blind men went out, and stood by the high-way side where Christ was to passe, and cry after Christ as they did; as the woman of Shunem hasted to the Prophet for the raising of her dead son, and laid hold upon the Prophets feet, and would not let him goe, untill he came with her, and raised her sonne againe to life: so would man hasten unto Christ, lay hold upon Christ in the Gospell, and bring Christ home into his heart, he would be at no rest untill Christ had raised, freed, purged, and comforted his dead, captived, polluted, and comfortlesse soule: He would as joyfully entertaine Christs comming in his Gospell to free him from the power of his corruptions, as ever the Gibeonites gladly entertained Ioshuah comming to rescue them from the Amoritish Princes; it is mans unsensiblenesse of the misery of his owne condition, that causeth Christs comming to bee unwelcome.
Mans apprehension of God without Christ terrible.3. Meditate the soules apprehension of God without Christ: God, who to the soules of them that savingly embrace Christ, is looked on, rejoyced, and delighted in, as a father for his love, as a gracious King for his mercies, as a sure and sweet friend for his comforts, as a loving husband for his amiable and soule-refreshing presence, as a shield for the defence, as a rocke for the supportment, and as a full fountaine for the satisfaction which he ministreth: This thrice blessed and gracious God is apprehended, considered and lookt upon, by him that doth not embrace Christ in the Gospell; as a severe Iudge to condemne him, as an enemy full [Page 45] of displeasure against him, as a man of warre bending his bow, and whetting his sword to destroy him, as a rocke ready to fall upon him, and grinde him to pouder, as a tempestuous sea, ready to swallow him, and as consuming fire, and everlasting burning, ready for ever to consume and to destroy him. Very dreadfull, and soule-amasing, and frightening is mans meditation and apprehension of God, that doth not savingly apprehend him in Christ, such a man flies from the thought of God, the voice of God, and the presence of God, as Adam fled into the thicket, as a silly sheep flies before the Lyon, a guilty malefactor before the hue and cry, or a Partridge before the Hawke. This makes them cry to the hils to Rev. 6.16. cover them, and to the rocks and the mountaines to fall upon them, to hide them from the day of the Lord, and the wrath of the Lambe. God lookt upon without Christ Iesus, is the terrour of all terrours to a guilty soule, and accusing conscience. Were men truly apprehensive and sensible of the wrath of God without Christ, their soules would be at no rest untill they had assured interest in Christ; the fiercenesse and terrour of God against sinners, doth exceedingly endeare and sweeten the Lord Iesus to the soules of his faithfull servants, had we frequent and right consideration of the terriblenesse of God without Christ Iesus, Christs comming in the Gospell would be unspeakably joyfull.
4. Looke upon the frustration of all the Ordinances of God, 4. Frustration of Gods Ordinances not entertaining Christ. and labours of Gods Ministers by mens not receiving of Christ in the Gospell. He that doth not receive and embrace Christ preached in the Gospell, annihilates all the labour of Gods messenger; had not Rebeckah received Isaac to husband, she had frustrated all the labour of Eleazar the servant of Abraham: If we receive not Christ to husband, we frustrate the labour of the Ministers, the Lords servants. Should not 2 Sam. 3.17. Abner have brought about Israel unto David, he had lost his labour, his communication with the Elders of Israel, and his speaking in the eares of Benjamin had been in vaine. Thus all our preaching, all our speaking in the cares of men is in vaine, if they be not brought about to Christ; [Page 46] if they doe not truly subject themselves to Christ, if they receive not Christ as their spirituall King; for what is the end of our preaching, but to 2 Cor. 11 2. espouse you to Christ, to worke you to the receiving and embracing of Christ, as the husband of your soules; and to present you as a chaste virgin unto Christ; besides all your hearing, all your attendance upon the word is vaine, it is all hypocrisie and vaine ostentation if you receive not Christ. Gen. 42. Iacobs sonnes had gone to Egypt in vaine, if they had returned empty handed, and not carried home provision with them. You come to the Well in vaine, if you drinke not, if you carry home no water with you: you come to Gods house, to Gods treasury, to the wels of salvation in vaine, if you returne empty hearted; if you receive not, if you carry not home Christ with you in your hearts, all your labour is lost: The temporall curse denounced on the people by the Prophet Haggai, is in a spirituall sence fulfilled in such: Ye Hag. 1.6. have sowne much and bring in little, ye eat but ye have not enough, ye drinke but ye are not filled with drinke, ye cloath you but there is none warme, and he that earneth wages, earneth to put it in a broken bag with holes. Thus in this case, much is heard, much spirituall seed is sowne, but little or no fruit is reaped; they eat much, they heare much, but there is no spirituall filling, their worldly thirst is not quenched, their soule is not satisfied in Christ; there is no warmth, no love, no zeale for Christ, no burning of heart in hearing, no fervency in supplication; all that the Minister hath provided and dispensed for the soules enrichment, it is all put in a broken bag with holes, it is all lost, it runnes out as fast as it is powred in; if we recive not Christ in the Gospell, all our hearing is worth nothing.
5. Excellency of receiving Christ. Christ received giveth 1. Life.5. Meditate upon the dignity, excellency, utility and comfort of receiving and embracing Christ in the Gospell. 1. Christ received in the Gospell, giveth life unto the soule: Hee quickned Lazarus by his corporall voice accompanied with the power of his God-head; he quickeneth the soule by his Evangelicall voice attended with the lively operation of his Spirit, the Gospell is the externall instrument and [Page 47] meanes by which Christ liveth in the soule; therefore is the Gospell called the word of Phil. 2.16. life, revealing and effecting life in Gods chosen; Christ hath in himselfe all life, our life is hid in Christ, as the life of the branch is hidden in the roote, and he that 1 Ioh. 5.11, 1 [...]. hath the sonne hath life; hee that hath the Son in the Gospell, as in the seed of his regeneration, as in the instrument of his conversion, as in the warlike weapon, by which are throwne downe all the strong and mighty holds of Satan, as in the Scepter, by which Christ doth sway within him, and bind, and bow his heart unto subjection; He that hath Christ in his heart by faith, and love, as a root of life living in him, as a fountaine filling him with his fulnesse, as a King sitting up his throne within him, as a bridegroome betrothing himselfe unto him, he hath life; but he that hath not the sonne hath not life: The evill of neglecting Christ in the Gospell is no lesse then eternall death and destruction. Isa. 9.3. 2 Light. 2. Christ received in the Gospell giveth light, spirituall, heavenly, and comfortable light; the receiving of the Sunne giveth light to the body, the receiving of the Sun of Righteousnesse giveth light to the soule; he that doth not embrace Christ in the Gospell hath no light but all darknesse within him. 3. Christ received in the Gospell giveth health, 3 Health. health of soule: Here he commeth with Mal. 4.2. healing in his wings, the Angell in 1 Ioh. 5.5. Bethesda cured the bodily impotent, in the Gospell Christ cureth them that are spiritually diseased, here he openeth the eyes of the understandings which are blinded, strengthens the hand of faith which is withered, rectifies the feet of the affections which are crooked, purgeth away the leprosie of the soule which is defiled, Christ by the Gospell as by a spirituall Iordan, works many blessed cures upon the soules of Gods people. 4. Honour. 4. Christ received in the Gospell giveth honour. He makes them that receive him in the Gospell, the Ioh. 1.1.. sonnes of God by adoption; the friends of God, by revelation of the will and mind of God unto them; heires of God for that incorruptible inheritance whereof he makes them partakers; the Lords free-men, free from the guilt and punishment of sinne, free [Page 48] from the power and dominion of sinne, free from the tyranny and captivity of Satan, free from the curse and rigour of the Law, and free to serve God with an ingenuous and free spirit; Kings and Priests to God, for their dignity and dominion, and for their holy and gracious consecration unto God; high and excellent is the honour which Christ communicates to them that truly receive him in the ministery of the Gospell. 5. Christ received in the Gospell giveth riches, 5. Riches. Eph. 3.8. unsearchable riches, riches which the wit of man cannot find out, incomparable riches, to which all the riches of the earth is not to be compared, that knowledge, faith, and love, which is farre more excellent then the gold that perisheth. The poorest Lazar receiving Christ in the Gospell, is endowed with greater riches then the wealthiest Dives in the world not embracing him. 6. Christ received in the Gospell giveth prosperity, 6. Prosperity. the Arke received into Obed-Edoms house caused all that he had to prosper. Crist received into the soule maketh the whole man prosperous; he makes him prosper in hearing, in prayer, in meditation, in the use of all Gods Ordinances; as the tree prospers that is planted by the waters side; he makes him prosper in all his undertakings, whatsoever he doth shall prosper, all the affaires of soule and body are made successefull and prosperous through the blessed presence of Christ Iesus: He makes him prosper in the inward man, making him victorious over all his corruptions, replenishing him with all heavenly fulnesse, communicating to him peace and reconciliation with God, and tranquillity of conscience: Ioh. 3.2. He that receives the Lord Iesus, like Joseph hath the Lord Gen. [...]9.2. with him, and is a prosperous man; Mans not embracing Christ Iesus exposeth him to all plagues and curses, in his soule, in his body, in all his services, all blessing attends the holy and gracious embracement of Christ, all curses follow the prophane refusall of Christ. 7. Christ received in the Gospell sweetens and sanctifies all afflictions, 7. Sweetnesse. Exod. 15.25. the tree sweetened the waters of Marah, Christ takes away the bitternesse of affliction from the soule which beleevingly entertaines him, he makes them see light in darknesse, [Page 49] he sends them water out of the hard and stony rocke, he gives them honey out of the belly of Lyons, Meat out of the Eater, and sweet out of the sowre, he makes them sing in prison, he makes them glory in tribulation, he turnes the fiery furnace into a Paradise, he so takes away the evill of affliction that it doth no more harme them, then Nebuchadnezzars fire did the three children; his affliction that enjoyes Christ in the Gospell, is more pleasant and joyous then the carnall mans peace that shuts his heart against Christ, peace without Christ is full of trouble, trouble with Christ is full of consolation. 8. Comfort. 8. Christ received in the Gospell giveth comfort, holy, sweet, and sure comfort. In the Arke was the pot of Manna, in Christ is the treasure of all true comfort. Christ in the Gospell makes a feast for his faithfull receivers, a feast of Isa. 25.6. fat things, of wines on the lees, of fat things full of marrow, of wines on the lees well refined: Of all comforts such have most fulnesse and sweetnesse as are ministred by Christ Jesus, all others like Iobs friends prove miserable Comforters, if Christ doth not comfort us; Christ received in the Gospell comforteth the soules of his servants, as a nurse her children feeding them, as a Physitian his patients healing them, as a mercifull King his delinquent, and humbled subjects, pardoning them, as a teacher his schollers, filling them with heavenly wisedome, as a Bridegroome his Bride, speaking graciously to them, making them sensible of his love towards them, replenishing them with strong Heb. 6.15. 2. Thes. 2.16. and everlasting consolation; his estate is of all mens the most joyfull, who hath the most full and sweet enjoyment of Christ in the Gospell. Perplexities, distractions, and convulsions of soule and conscience are infallible attendants of the neglect and refusall of Christ Iesus, he that shuts his eyes against the Sun abides in darknesse, he that shuts his heart against Christ abides in heavinesse. 9. Satisfaction. 9. Christ received in the Gospell giveth satisfaction: The Sunne satisfieth the eye with light, the fountaine satisfieth the thirsty with water, the pearle satisfied the Merchant in the parable with treasure, Christ in the Gospell satisfieth the soule with wisedome in the understanding, [Page 50] with holy and sweet meditations in the mind, with the sence of his love in the heart, with the treasure of spirituall gifts in the affections, with sure and blessed peace in the conscience. He that rightly possesseth Christ in the Gospell, may say as Iacob did, I have enough. Christ in the Gospell is a living spring, he that drinks of him shall thirst no more: He is an al-sufficient portion to them that enjoy him; he that seeks contentation with the neglect of Christ in his Gospell, seekes for water to quench his thirst in a broken cesterne: The soule is restlesse, and never truly contented untill Christ is enjoyed; the house without the husband seemes an empty place to the wife; the world without Christ proves an empty thing to the soule. 10. Abiding substance. 10. Christ received in the Gospell is an abiding substance to the soule, he is an Isa. 9.6. everlasting father, he will never forget us, he is a husband Hos 2.19. for ever, he will never cease to love us, he is a faithfull friend loving Ioh. 13.1. Rom. 11.19. Ioh. 3.9. Ioh.4.14. at all times; his love is a Sunne that knowes no setting, his gifts are t without repentance, his grace an immortall seed that never dyes, a well-spring springing up to life everlasting: All that is without Christ is full of vanity and changes, only Christ is a possession of everlasting continuance, the meditation of all which should sweetly allure and draw us, graciously dispose and frame us, and mightily perswade, and move us to give Christ a joyfull welcom comming to us in his Gospell.
6. Fastening thoughts upon brevity of life6. Fastening our frequent and most serious thoughts upon the brevity and vanity of the life of man. Man hath no abiding City here, he flourisheth like Ionahs gourd in an evening, and is smitten and withered in the morning; Death like the waters of the red sea drownes all, onely Christ makes a safe passage through death, for his Israel, for all that receive him; the Arke divided Iordan, and Israel went dry, and safe over to Canaan; Christ makes a ready way for all that beleevingly entertaine him, through the horrours of death, to the heavenly kingdome; death like the deluge spares none, as Noah therefore betooke himselfe to the Arke, and was preserved, so let us betake our selves to Christ, [Page 51] that we may be preserved from the second death; all they who were out of the Arke perished in the waters, all they that are out of Christ will perish in the deluge of Gods vengeance, the Lord Jesus is the soules onely refuge and deliverance. Exod 9.19. Behold (saith the Lord by Moses in another case) to morrow about this time, I will cause it to raine a very grievous hayle such as hath not been in Egypt from the foundation thereof untill now. Send therefore now and gather thy cattell, and all that thou hast in the field, for upon every man and beast that shall be found in the field, and shall not be brought home, the hayle shall come downe upon them and 10 they shall dye: He that feared the word of the Lord among them made his servants and his cattell flee into the houses, and he 21 that regarded not the word of the Lord left his servants and his cattell in the field, and they were all smitten and died. Thus in this case behold to morrow, ere long, very shortly, the Lord will cause a mighty raine, he will raine downe snares, fire and brimstone, and an horrible tempest, send therefore now and gather your soules, your selves, your friends, husbands, wives, children, servants, kindred, and neighbours unto Christ, get yee interest in Christ, hide your selves by faith, and love in Christ, for upon every soule of man that shall not be found in Christ, upon every parent and childe, husband and wife, master and servant, young and old, bond and free, that shall not be brought home to Christ, the haile, fire, and brimstone of Gods wrath shall come downe upon them, and they shall dye, both the first, and the second death; and now I know that he that feares the word of the Lord among you, will flee to Christ, give all diligence to receive and entertaine Christ, to get a sure and blessed interest in Christ; but he that regards not the word of the Lord will stay in the field, abide in the service, way, and practise of the prophane world, and be for ever destroyed, for there is no salvation out of Christ; He is the resurrection and the life, and our life is hid with him in God; therefore let us say with Augustine, let all these things perish, let us let passe all these vaine, and empty things, and let us betake our selves to the onely inquisition of those [Page 52] things which have no end, let us betake our selves to Christ who is the same, yesterday, to day, and for ever; He like Noahs Dove will bring us an Olive branch of peace, when all the comforts of the creature are drowned; he will stand by us, and defend us as Shamma, one of Davids worthies stood, and defended the field when all the residue fled from it. When all worldly staffes, and stayes, pillars and supporters, leave us and stay behind us, then as Isaac went up to the Mount with Abraham, so will Christ goe up with us, and present us with acceptance, with great joy and gladnesse in God his fathers presence; and let the remembrance and thought of these things sweeten and make exceedingly joyous Christs comming among us.
Christs welcōe manifested.ANd let us declare and manifest the truth of Christs welcome, and our joy at Christs comming by our prepared, humble, and hearty receiving of Christ, according to the charge of the Psalmist, Let us Psa. 24.7. By opening and elevating the heart. lift up the gates and doores of our hearts from the creature, and all things here below, let us remove the bolts and bars of infidelity, obstinacy, pride, security, and selfe-love; and let us by faith, love, repentance, and humble obedience, open the doors of our hearts, that Christ the King of glory may come in. As the Mat. 9.24. Minstrels, and other people, were put forth out of the Rulers house, and Christ received, that his dead daughter might be raised to life. Thus let us put out of the doores of our hearts, all carnall joyes, and fleshly lusts, that Christ may enter into, and minister the life of grace to our soules; let all give place to Christ, that Christ may have the full possession of us, and worke effectually within us. 2 Let [Page 53] it appeare that Christ is welcome by our garnishing our hearts with all spirituall ornaments, sutable, 2. By garnishing the heart and fit for the entertaining of Christ, putting our hearts into such a gracious frame and temper, that Christ may take pleasure in us: The gate of the Tabernacle was very costly and glorious, having a hanging made for it Exod 26.36, 37. of blew, purple, skarlet, and fine twined linnen wrought with needle-worke, the pillars for the hangings being overlaid with gold, and their hookes of gold, to shadow out, and signifie the making glorious of the hearts of Gods elect by faith, and other gifts of the Spirit, to entertaine Christ the glorious King. 3. By offering our selves to Christ. 3. Make Christs welcome apparant, by offering your selves to Christ; the wise men rejoyced in Christs comming, and they fell downe and worshipped him, opened their treasures, and Mat. 2.10, 11. presented to him gifts, gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Thus let us rejoyce in Christ comming in the Gospell, fall downe before him, make the whole man vaile and stoop to Christ, and to him let us offer the gold of a pure heart, the frankincense of holy and humble prayer, and the myrrh of patient suffering, and bearing Christs crosse to him, let us yeeld our Rom. 12.1. bodies, soules, and all our substance, as a holy and acceptable sacrifice. 4. By exalting Christ 4. Manifest every man Christs welcome by exalting Christ above every thing in your heart, doe not set him as Jesse did David 1 Sam. 16.1 [...]. behinde the ewes, but set him as Pharaoh did Joseph, above all his Nobles, and over all his land; allow him universall and absolute jurisdiction over the whole man, cut off whatsoever doth rebell against him. 5 By Love. Faith conformity and acquiescence. 5. Declare Christs welcome by your love to him, as to the bridegroome of your soules, by your faith and dependance upon him, as upon your onely rocke, and sure foundation, by your full and through-conforming your selves to his statutes and testimonies, as to that which is the light of your feet, the lanthorne of your paths, and the delight of your soules, and by a holy and gracious acquiescence in Christ, as in the Counsellor in whom is all wisedome to direct; as in the King, in whom is all authority to command; as in the rocke, in whom is all strength to support; as in the fountaine, in whom is all [Page 54] fulnesse to satisfie us, Christ will not be pleased with a verball, he will have a reall entertainment; with Judas to kisse Christ with our lips, outwardly to give him faire words, and secretly to nourish treason and rebellion in our hearts against him, is a cursed welcome. With Joab to salute Christ with one hand, and stab him with another hand, as Joab at once saluted and slew Abner, to salute Christ by an outward and open profession, and to stab him by a corrupt and dissolute conversation is very unseemly, shamefull, and dishonourable for any Christian. Let therefore our spirituall, universall, cheerfull and constant subjection unto Christ declare the truth and joy of Christs welcome unto us.
Want of joyful receiving Christ shewes, 1 Want of knowledge.If we rejoyce not in Christ, if Christ comming in the Gospell be not welcome, Where is our knowledge of Christ if we rejoyce not in Christ comming in the Gospell; the blind eye hath no joy in the Sunne, but to the seeing eye the light is sweet, and It is a pleasant thing to behold the Sunne; to the ignorant Christ is nothing joyfull, but to them that have the eyes of their understanding opened, Christ is very pleasant, he is in their eye the fairest of ten thousand, Prov. 2.10. to them the knowledge of Christ is pleasant, to him that knowes the Wisedome of Christ shining into his heart, and making him wise unto salvation, to him that knowes the death of Christ, mortifying his lusts and corrupt affections, the resurrection of Christ spiritually reviving and quickning him, to him that knowes the righteosnesse of Christs cloathing, and justifying him, to him that knowes the blessed presence of Christ encouraging him, to him that knowes the Al-sufficiency of Christ satisfying him, to him that knowes the gracious dispensation of Christ, ministring the sence of his love and peace to him; to that man Christ is welcome in the Gospell. Mans ignorance deprives him of all Christs comforts.
2. Want of Love.2. Where is our love to Christ, if Christ be not welcome? David loved Jonathan, and Jonathan was very pleasant to him. Old Jacob loved Joseph, and his spirit revived when he saw the waggons which Joseph had sent, he was very [Page 55] glad that Joseph was alive, I will goe (saith he) and see him before I dye: Christ is very pleasant to him that loves him, it is a reviving of heart to such a man to heare of Christ, he will surely goe, and see Christ in the Gospell; Love to Christ, and joy in Christ are inseparable companions, in all the Friends of Christ, David was a man of love to God, a man of sweet and strong affections: He useth many feeling and lively expressions hereof, and his joy was sutable to his love; he was Psal 122.1. glad to goe up to the house of the Lord, he rejoyced in praysing God, Psal 71.23. My lips shall greatly reioyce when I sing unto thee: He rejoyced in visiting the house of God, he went to the house of God with the Psal. 42.4. voice of ioy and praise, with the multitude that kept holy day; He rejoyced in the understanding, meditation, and service of God; he rejoyced in the Way of Gods testimonies as much as in all riches. Psal 119.14. He is no friend of Christ that doth not rejoyce in Christ; he is no lover, that is not a joyfull receiver of Christ in the Gospell: His pretence and profession of love is not reall, but counterfeit and hypocriticall. How canst thou say thou lovest me (said Dalilah once to Sampson) Iudg. 16.15. when thy heart is not with me. Thus how can man say he loves Christ, when his heart, the joy and delight of his heart is not with Christ; how is it possible man can love Christ, and yet Christ be unwelcome; Christs unwelcomnesse to man in his Gospell, proclaimes the enmity of mans heart against him.
Where is our faith in Christ, if Christ be not welcome? 3. Want of f [...]ith. doe we chuse and single out Christ to our selves, to be our Mediatour and Saviour? Doe we build on Christ as on a sure rocke? Doe we apprehend and take Christ by the hand of faith into a spirituall wedl [...]cke, as the husband of our soules? Doe we make Christ our treasure, our crowne, our royall roabe of righteousnesse? Doe we by the bucket of faith draw waters of salvation out of Christ, as out of a living fountaine? and yet not rejoyce in Christ, not bid him joyfully welcome, it is impossible: A beleeving apprehension is comfortable, an unbeleeving apprehension ministers no rejoycing. It is recorded of Jacob, that his sons [Page 56] telling him Joseph is yet alive, and he is Governour over all the land of Egypt. Jacobs heart fainted, for he • beleeved them not, afterwards beleeving, he much rejoyced; but now, not beleeving, his heart fainted. Thus man hearing of Christs life and kingdome, hearing him preached in the Gospell, as the Author of life, and King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, hearing great and glorious things spoken of Christ, and his heart fainting, his soule sad, dull, troubled, and not solaced with it, that man beleeves not, for the soule is filled with all ioy in beleeving.
4 Want of pricing Christ.Where is our pricing of Christ? He that doth not rejoyce in Christ comming in the Gospell, hath a very low esteeme of Christ: The Spouse had a high esteeme of Christ surpassing all creatures, and her soule was ravished with love to him, and with joy in him: The Merchant in the parable prized the pearle above all that he had, and as he highly prized it, so he was glad when he found it: Did we prize Christ as the hungry prizeth food, the sicke health, the captive liberty, the rich his treasure, the King his crowne; we could not but rejoyce in Christs comming as people in a famine rejoyce in the comming of the harvest, sicke men in restoration of health, captives in a Jubilee, and the rich in his treasure; the true valuing of Christ makes his comming in the Gospell matter of more rejoycing, then the comming of all the fulnesse of the world.
5. Want of relishing Christ.Where is our taste and rellish, our sence and feeling of Christ, if we rejoyce not in Christ comming in the Gospell; the taste of wine rejoyceth the thirsty, the taste of meat rejoyceth the hungry: He that hath no joy in Christ, hath no taste of Christ; Christ is not unto him as Isaacks venison was to him, Gen. 27.4. savoury meat which his soule loved. The things of God are unsavoury unto such; but the soule which doth rellish Christ, which tasteth how good Christ is, doth abundantly rejoyce in Christ; to him Christs Cant. 1.3. good oyntments, his saving gifts and graces, are savory,; are tasted, perceived, felt, like good oyntments, with great joy and revivement of heart; and his name is as an oyntment powred [Page 57] forth, the doctrine of his grace, the name of his wisedome, in opening his fathers counsell; the name of his merit in purchasing mans salvation; the name of his mercy, in pardoning mans sinne; the name of his righteousnesse in justifying mans soule; the name of his love in embracing and solacing mans heart; this is an oyntment powred out, this in the preaching of the Gospell casteth a sweet savour, as oyntment doth in the powring forth, as the breaking of the boxe of oyntment in the Gospell, and powring it upon Christs head, filled the house with the Mar. 14.3. Ioh. 12.3. savour thereof: so the opening of Christ in the Gospell, giveth a sweet savour to the hearts of all Christians. The true receivers of Christ find a very sweet, and blessed, a very gracious and soule-refreshing taste in Christ.
And as we professe our selves to be schollers in Christs schoole, servants in Christs family, members in Christs body, Ioy in Christs comming perswaded. subjects, friends, and Spouse of Christ; so let us rejoyce in the comming of Christ, in his Gospell, as a traveller rejoyceth in the comming of the Sunne to guide him, as the subject rejoyceth in the comming of the King to honour him, as the captive rejoyceth in the comming of the ransomer to free him, as the sicke rejoyceth in the comming of the Physitian to cure him, as the childe rejoyceth in the comming of the nurse to feed him, and as the bride rejoyceth in the comming of the bridegroome to marry her: In him let us rejoyce as in the Sun enlightening us, as in the friend solacing us, as in the shield defending us, as in the King honouring us, as in the treasure enriching us, as in the jewell adorning us, as in the fountaine filling us, and as in the paradise of our most choise and everlasting pleasures; and in the joy of our soules let us say, Blessed be he that commeth in the name of the Lord.
DAvid did not onely rejoyce in the Arke, and dance before it in testimony of his joy, but did also erect and set it up in the 2 Sam 16.17. midst of the Tabernacle: Every man that doth indeed rejoyce in Christ, every man to whom Christ is truly welcome, doth desire and endeavour the exaltation of Christ, the setting up of Christs kingdome, the welfare of Christ and his Gospell; therefore the people here say, Welfare and exaltation of Christ and his kingdome desired. Blessed is he that commeth in the name of the Lord; not only by way of exaltation and rejoycing in Christs comming, but also by way of exoptation and wel-wishing, heartily desiring the welfare and prosperity of Christ, his kingdome, and Gospell, Blessed be he; furnished be he, with the greatest and choisest wisedome, righteousnesse, prudence, mercy, power, fortitude, and courage for the administration of his kingdome and people; successefull be he, in the promulgation and preaching of his Gospell, in the gubernation of his Church and children, in the dissipation of all adversary powers; victorious be he in the subjugation and conquest of his enemies; glorious be he in the conversion of sinners, in the multiplication and increase of his holy and loyall subjects; beautifull and amiable be he, in the eyes of all persons; Let his Gospell shine like the Sun from the one end of heaven unto the other; Let his name be as an oyntment powred out, casting a sweet smell throughout this great house of the world; to him let all the Kings and kingdomes of the earth vaile and stoop, become truly obedient and subject. This is the prayer, desire, and endeavour of all that rejoyce in Christ aright, teaching us, That,
Doct. It is the duty of all people unfainedly to desire, and earnestly [Page 59] to endeavour the welfare, promotion, and advancement of Christ, his spirituall kingdome and Gospell. David and 2 Sa [...]. 6.15. all the house of Israel joyned together in erecting and setting up the Arke in the Tabernacle, Kings and Subjects, Masters and servants, parents and children, the people of every calling and condition should unite their forces, their hearts and hands, their counsels and tongues, their affections and endeavours to set up Christ, to advance his Gospell, to honour and enlarge his kingdome: This was shadowed in the building of the Temple; to the building thereof concurred Solomon and his servants Hyram of Tyrus, and the Sydonians, 1 King. 6. who did hew the timber for it; to the building of the Church of Christ, to the setting up of Christ and his Gospell, there should be an universall, unanimous, full and sweet concurrence of men of all nations, of Kings and subjects, of Lords and servants, of Ministers and people, every man in the place and calling wherein God hath set him, according to the gift and endowment which God hath bestowed on him, must concurre in his prayers and endeavours, to advance the honour and kingdome of Christ Jesus. This was also figured in the neighbouring Kings payment of tribute unto Solomon, desiring his friendship, and by variety of gifts and presents making their peace with him. All people comming from all the Kings of the earth to heare his wisedome; the whole as in a shadow, presignifying mens payment of the spirituall tribute, of feare and reverence, faith and obedience, love and thankfulnesse unto Christ; their entring into a Covenant of peace with Christ, their seeking of the love and friendship of Christ, their attendance upon the Gospell to heare and learne Christs wisedome, their dedication of themselves and their substance to the service of Christ, their spirituall subjection unto Christ, and their holy and gracious endeavours to make the name of Christ glorious. This was foretold by the Psalmist, Psal. 72, 9. they that dwell in the wildernesse shall bow before him, and his enemies shall licke the dust, they shall humble themselves under the mighty hand of Christ, they shall acknowledge and receive him as their Lord, they [Page 60] shall feare and reverence him as their King, they shall vaile and bow to his scepter, they shall put themselves and all that is theirs under Christ, they shall give themselves to 10 the exaltation and setting up of Christ: The Kings of Tharsis and of the Isles shall bring presents, the Kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer gifts; they shall consecrate their abilities to Christs service, they shall communicate of their substance to the maintenanne of Christs Church and Ministers, to the preservation and increase of Christs kingdome. 11 All Kings shall fall downe before him, all nations shall serve him. All shall adore and serve him as their King, all shall exalt and honour him, as loyall subjects their heavenly Soveraigne; all persons from the highest to the lowest must serve the Lord Jesus, and study to make him glorious; grace works obedience in the hearts of Princes, as well as in the hearts of beggars: The Sun as well as the stars did obeysance unto Joseph in his vision; Kings as well as inferiour persons, doe ob [...]ance unto Christ under his kingdome and Gospell. Rev 4.10. The foure and twenty Elders in Saint Johns vision, fell downe before him that sate on the throne, and worship him that liveth for ever and ever, and cast their crownes before the throne. Godly Kings and Governours cast their crownes, their dominion, dignity, power, honour, and jurisdiction, and all that they have before Christ, they make all serviceable to the exaltation of Christ and his kingdome. This was like prophecyed by the Prophet Esay, the Isa. 60.5. abundance of the sea; multitudes of men dwelling in Islands, shall be converted unto thee, shall be gathered unto the Church and kingdome of Christ, and the forces, great troupes and companies of the Gentiles shall come to thee, shall be joyned to the people of God, embrace their Religion, and enter into a sweet and gracious fellowship with 6 them: They shall bring gold and incense, they shall contribute liberally to the maintenance of the Gospell, and Christs poore members, they shall dedicate their earthly abundance to Christs service, and they shall shew forth the praises of the Lord, they shall be very industrious and studious to make 10 the name of the Lord Jesus glorious. The sonnes of strangers [Page 61] shall build up thy wals, become members in thy house, and fellow-helpers in thy worke, and their Kings shall minister 13 unto thee, shall serve Christ and labour the welfare of his Church and kingdome. The glory of Lebanon shall come to thee, there is nothing so excellent which shall not put it selfe under Christ, and be made serviceable to his Gospell and kingdome; and thus our Saviour taught his Disciples to pray, that Gods kingdome might Mat. 6.10. come, that the Gospell might be preached, and men filled with the light thereof, As the aire is filled with light upon the comming of the Sunne; that the Holy-Ghost might be powred out, and the hearts of men inspired with the knowledge, love and obedience of the truth; that all the lusts of men, the impediments of Gods gracious kingdome in the soule of man might be crucified, and utterly extinct; and that God might universally, spiritually, and fully reigne in the hearts of men, all the weapons of their rebellion laid aside, and their soules brought into a gracious subjection; and it is the Apostles charge, pray that the word of the Lord may 2 Thess. 3.1. run, have a free and a speedie passage, running as the Sun, shining to all the corners of the world, and running as the rivers, to water the earth, and be glorified by the pure and powerfull preaching of it, by the holy and gracious working of it, by the ready and cheerfull entertainment of it, and by the holy and humble subjection of the soules of men under it: Mans obedience makes the word very glorious, and the free and speedy passage, and powerfull working of the Gospell, should be earnestly prayed for by the Lords people; this is the charet on which Christ rideth in spirituall triumph; this is the scepter by which he swayeth in the soules of his chosen, and the welfare of this doe all the friends and welwishers of Christ much desire, and with great earnestnesse endeavour, Psal. 45.3. gird thy sword upon thy thigh (saith the Psalmist in the person of the faithfull unto Christ) O most mighty, shew thy selfe in thy word and Gospell like a mighty man of warre, fully armed, to mortifie the lusts, to humble the soules, and to bring into subjection all the thoughts of thy servants, and doe this [Page 62] 4 in thy glory and in thy maiesty, make thy selfe appeare dreadfull, and glorious, by the powerfull and gracious effects of thy Gospell, and in thy majesty ride upon the word of truth, the Gospell of salvation, prosperously.: Be thou successefull in the preaching of the Gospell, for the speedy and universall manifestation of it to all people, for the profligating and putting to flight of all false doctrines and corrupt worship, as the Sunne doth dispell the clouds, and Aarons rod devoured the Magitians serpents; for the reclaiming and gathering home the soules of men, as the shepheard gathereth home the sheep by his voice; for the healing of the diseased soules of men, as Bethesda healed the diseased bodies; for the setting up of thy throne in their hearts to raigne and rule within them, as a King reigneth in his Throne. Christs blessed successe in the ministery of the Gospell, is both the wish and prayer, joy and labour of all that love him. He is a very stranger to Christs kingdome that seekes not Christs exaltation. The true members of Christ preferre the welfare of Christs Church, kingdome, and Gospell, above the welfare of their owne estate and person. As the arme lifteth up it selfe to receive the blow, rather then it shall fall upon the head; such as clearly discerne and truly taste Christ in the Gospell, are very solicitous to uphold Christs kingdome, and propagate his Gospell: Psal. 122.9. Because of the house of the Lord our God I will seeke thy good, saith David to Jerusalem, because the doctrine of salvation is there published, the worship of God there erected, and God there manifested and made knowne: I will seeke thy good, I will endeavour thy safety, I will doe what in me lies to uphold the doctrine there taught, and the worship there established: I will seeke the good thereof by prayer and supplication, by advice and counsell, by communicating whatsoever is behoofull, either for the supportation, honour, or comfort of it. A good man will not willingly keep backe any thing which may tend to the advancement of Christ, 1. Grounds of this truth. his Gospell, and kingdome; and thus it ought to be.
1. Covenant.1. In regard of the Covenant between us and Christ, [Page 63] we are baptized into the Mat 28.19. name of Christ; into the faith of Christ, to beleeve in him as the authour of our salvation; into the religion of Christ, to adore and worship him as our spirituall and heavenly Soveraigne; into the doctrine of Christ, to learne him as the truth is in him, to heare him as the great Prophet and Doctor of his Church; into the profession of Christ, openly declaring our hope and expectation of salvation by Christ, our subjection under Christ, and our dependance upon Christ; into the service of Christ, being dedicate and set apart by Baptisme unto Christ, as his peculiar people, to adore and serve him, to honour and exalt him; and into the death of Christ, receiving Baptisme as a testimony of mortification, and as an instrument of the Holy-Ghost, for the extinguishing and killing of sinne by the death, and for the quickning of our soules by the resurrection of Christ, to the end that we who live should live no more unto our selves but unto Christ: This is the tenour of the Covenant which the Lord himselfe uttered by the mouth of the Prophet, I Ier. 37.39. will be their God. I will be their King to command them, their counsellor to guide them, their shield to defend them, their Saviour to minister salvation to them, their father to make provision for them, to communicate the sence of my love unto them, and their portion to satisfie them; and they shall be my people, the schollers of my schoole to learne my will, the subjects of my kingdome to honour and exalt me, the servants of my family to obey and serve me, and the bride of my delight to love me, and to bring forth fruit to me. By vertue of the Covenant between us and Christ, our names are given unto Christ, as souldiers to their Captaine, to fight for Christ; as subjects to their Soveraigne, to exalt and magnifie the name of Christ, to labour the welfare and honour of the kingdome of Christ. Abner entring into Covenant with David, 2 Sam. 3. went forth to bring about all Israel unto David, to exalt and set up David, and to increase the kingdome of David. Thus man being entred into Covenant with Christ must bring himselfe, and all that is his, and all other people, so much as in him [Page 64] lies into subjection unto Christ, he must to the utmost of his power, labour the exaltation of Christ and his kingdome: such men are very regardlesse of their holy covenant and sacred promise, as labour not the exaltation of Christs kingdome and Gosple.
2. Relation.2. In regard of the Relation betwixt us and Christ. Christ is the King and we the Subjects; Christ is the Lord and we the Servants; Christ is the Head and wee the members: Christ is the Bridegroome and we the Bride; true Subjects endeavour the honour of their King and Kingdome. Sauls Subjects would put to 1 Sam. 11.12 death all them who would not have Saul to reigne over them. Davids Subjects preferred him above themselvs, endeavoured his 2 Sam. 18.3. safety, put themselves in hazard to safegard him, accounted him worth ten thousand of themselves; the members support and beare up the head, imploy all their strength in the defence and honour of the head; good servants labour their Masters honour and welfare; Thy servants said Davids men to him, 2 Sam. 15.15 are ready to doe whatsoever my Lord the King shall appoint, and the Centurian could say of his servant, Doe this and he doth it: And the faithfull Spouse brings forth children to her husband, she was a fruitefull Ʋine by the sides of his house, and her children like Olive plants round about his Table, a great honour, a crowne as Salomon saith to her husband: thus must we by vertue of that Relation which is betwixt us and Christ, as loyall subjects mortifie and put to death, whatsoever doth in us oppose Christs honour and dominion, exalt Christ and his Gosple above our selves, our ease, profit, or credit; expose our selves to all difficulties, dangers and inconveniences amongst men, for the magnifying of Christs name, and the welfare of Christs Gosple; as good servants be ready to doe whatsoever Christ shall appoint us for the making of him glorious; as true and living members of Christs mysticall body, we must put our selves under Christ, beare up Christ and make him conspicuous in the eyes of others, and like a chaste Spouse bring forth all our fruite unto Christ, endeavouring to the utmost of our power the welfare [Page 65] of Christs kingdome and Gospell. Such men are altogether unmindfull of their relation unto Christ, who desire not, who labour not the prosperity of the Gospell and kingdome of Christ.
3. In regard of Christs interest in us. 3. Christs interest in us. We are not our owne, but Christs, as sometimes the King of Syria said to the King of Israel, thy silver and thy gold is 1 King 20.3, 4 mine, thy wives also and thy children, even the goodliest are mine. Thus may Christ say to us, thy body and thy soule, thy wife and thy children, thy gold and thy silver, thy lands and thy livings, and whatsoeuer thou hast is mine; and we must answer as the King of Israel did, My Lord, O King, I am thine, and all that I have. This the Lord claimeth by the mouth of the Prophet: Now thus saith the Lord that created thee O Jacob, and that formed thee O Israel, I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name, Isa. 43.1. thou art mine, my chosen vessell, my redeemer, and sanctified one, my childe, my servant, my jewell, and the Lords Deut. 32 9. portion (saith Moses) is his people, Jacob is the Lot of his inheritance; He hath separated and taken us unto himselfe, to be his peculiar people, whom he loves, in whom he delights, and to whom we must bring forth all our fruit, and be unto him whatsoever we are, as a portion or inheritance, is all that it is to him that ownes it; and Christs we are indeed, by Ioh. 17.7. donation. We are given unto him from eternity in the decree of Gods election; by redemption, he hath bought us with a price; by vocation he called us out of darknesse into a marvellous light, and hath made us a peculiar people to himselfe, and also by way of spirituall Conjunction and wedlocke. We are espoused unto Christ, and are stiled Rev. 19.8. his wife. And as we are Christs, so we must be for Christ, so we must seeke the prosperity of Christs kingdome, and advancement of his Gospell: 1 Chr. 12.8. Thine are we O David, and on thy side, thou sonne of Jesse, said Amasai to David, peace, peace be unto thee, and peace be unto thine helpers. Thus must we say unto Christ, thine are we O Christ, and on thy side O Sonne of God, peace, peace, all welfare and prosperity be to thee, and thy kingdome, successefull be the labours [Page 66] and undertakings of all them that are thy ministeriall and underhelpers. This is urged as a fruit and effect of Christs interest in us. 1 Cor. 6.20. We are bought (saith the Apostle) with a price, therefore let us glorifie God in our bodies and in our spirits; and againe Christ hath died, that wee who live, 2 Cor. 5.15. should not henceforth live unto our selves, but to him who died for us, and rose againe. That man doth not well consider Christs interest in him, who puts not himselfe and all that is his upon Christs service. He is doubtlesse a stranger to the efficacy and fruit of the worke of Christs redemption, who doth not throughly apply himselfe to the setting up of Christ and his Gospell.
4. Subversion of Satan.4. In regard of the Subversion of Satan and his kingdome. The setting up of the Arke was the fall of Dagon; the setting up of the house of David was the overthrow of the house of Saul; the setting up of Christ, his Kingdome, and Gospell, is the overthrow of Satan. Where the Gospell is preached, and Christ set up, Satan fals like Luk. 10.18. lightning from heaven, his holds of sin are overturned, like the wals of Jericho at the blowing of the rammes hornes. There is no competition between the Devils kingdome, and the powerfull preaching of the Gospell. When David was once set upon the throne all Israel by degrees came about, left the house of Saul, and bowed unto Davids scepter: When Christ is set upon his Throne, exalted and lifted up in the preaching▪ of the Gospell, all that are ordained unto life come about and stoop to Christ, they leave the service of sinne, Satan, and the world, and vaile to Christs scepter, they Act. 26.18. Acts [...]. turne from darknesse to light, and from the power of Satan unto God. When Philip preached in Samaria, the Devils went out of many that were possessed by them: The Lord hath ordained the ministery of the Gospell to be the instrument and meanes of the ruine of Satans kingdome; and for this cause we should come our selves to Christ, and labour the welfare and increase of Christs Kingdome, that Satan the grand adversary of our soules, of our peace, of our salvation, may be overthrowne and troden under Rev. 16.20. foot, and have no more place Rev. 12.8. in heaven, [Page 67] in the Church of God, in the hearts of the people of God, but be Ioh. 12.3 [...]. cast out, as a strong man bound is put out of his house, and a King vanquished and overcome is cast out of his Kingdome: He is no true subject unto Christ, that endeavours not the subversion of Satan and his kingdome, that Christ alone may raigne, and have compleat dominion over Gods Church and people.
5. In regard of the Glory, Crowne, and dignity of Gods Church, and people. The setting up of Christ, his Gospell, and Kingdome, is the glory of the Church of God; the appearance and shining of the Sunne in the fulnesse of his beauty is the glory of the world; the presence of the Arke was the 1 Sam. 4.23. glory of Israel, being a witnesse of Gods glorious presence among them, the Lord there giving forth his oracles, and hearing the prayers of his people. Thus the presence, appearance, and bright shining of Christ the Sun of Righteousnesse in the Gospell, is the glory of the Church. Where Christ is in the Gospell, there God is graciously present, clearly manifesting himselfe to mens understanding, and mercifully hearing and answering the prayers of his people, and the place where the ordinances of God are, where the Gospell is published, and the mysteries of Gods Kingdome opened, is called the habitation Psal. 26 8. of his house, and the place where his honor dwelleth. The Lord doth ever shew himselfe very glorious to the soules of his servants, in the use of his ordinances; and vouchsafes great honour to the people, in setting up his Gospell and Kingdome among them; and therefore the Church of God is called the Isa. 11.10. glorious rest of Christ, because Christ by his Gospell, and by his love and grace doth rest there; that place is of all places most glorious, which is the Evangelicall resting place of Christ; and the Lord foretelling the multiplication of his Church, the increase of his faithfull people, and augmentation of his sonnes Kingdome, saith he Isa. 60.7, 15. will glorifie the house of his glory, and make his Church an eternall excellency; and therefore we should mightily endeavour the exaltation of Christ and his Gospell, because this is the honour, crowne, and glory of the Church: The cleare, full, [Page 68] and open enjoyment of Christ in the Gospell, is the prime glory of any place or people. Such people are very base and ignominious, whatsoever be their outward abundance, who enjoy not Christ in his ordinance; that man is altogether regardlesse of the honour, dignity, and glory of Gods Church and people, who labours not the exaltation of Christ and his Gospell.
Impiety of three sorts opened. 1. Non-regarders of welfare of Gospell.IN this as in a glasse we may with open face behold the great impiety and shamefull prophanenesse of three sorts of men. 1. Such as have no regard, nor desire unto, no pleasure nor delight in the prosperity and welfare of Christs Kingdome and Gospell: Like Gallio, they care for none of these things, it is a matter indifferent unto them, whether the Gospell sinke or swim, whither Christs Kingdome stand or fall, flourish or wither; the Lord saith of the wilde Asse. Iob 39.6, 7, 8. I have made the wildernesse his house, and the barren land his dwelling: He [...] scorneth the multitude of the City, neither regardeth he the crying of the driver, the range of the mountaines is his pasture, and he seareheth after every greene thing: Such wilde Asses are these men, the wildernesse of the world is their habitation, they regard not, they desire nor with David to Psal. 24.4. dwell in the house of the Lord; they delight in a barren land, where are no waters, and wels of salvation; they regard not the Psal. 23.2. greene pastures of holy and heavenly doctrine, in which the Lord feeds the soules of his people: They thirst not after the still waters of the Gospell, and sweet consolations of the Spirit, with which God refresheth the soules of his children, they scorne the multitude of the citizens of the new Jerusalem, the holy assemblies of Gods people; [Page 69] They Psal. 41.4. goe not to the house of God with the voice of joy and praise, with the multitude that keeps it holy day, neither regard they the voice of the spirituall driver, they esteeme not the voice of Gods Minister endeavouring to drive them from the world unto Gods Church, from sinne to holinesse, and from Satan unto Christ, the range of the mountaines is their pasture, they seeke no food for their soules but worldly vanities, they looke after no treasure but earthly substance; they care not what become of Christ and his Gospell, if it goe well with them according to the world. The Harp and the Ʋioll, Isa. 5.12. the Tabret and pipe (saith the Lord by the Prophet) and the wine are in their feasts, but they regard not the works of the Lord, neither consider they the operation of his hands. Such men are blind, Grounds of this evill. and see not the beauties of Christ and his Gospell, and therefore as it is a thing indifferent to the blind, whether the Sun rise or set, shine or be eclipsed: so it is all one to these men, whether the Sunne of Righteousnesse in the Gospell, rise or set, shine or shine not, they neither rejoyce at Christs comming, or grieve at Christs departing. Such men are unsensible of the want of Christ, and therefore doe no more regard Christs presence in the Gospell, then a diseased man that feeles not his sicknesse, regards the presence of a Physitian. Such men are earthly minded, altogether taken up with the world, and therefore are uncapable of Christ, unable to rellish any sweetnesse in Christ, or to give him any audience in his Gospell. Eliah spake mockingly of Baal, to his worshippers, 1 Kin. 18.27. Cry aloud, for he is a God, neither he is a talking, or he is a pursuing, or he is in a journey, or peradventure he sleepeth and must be awaked; and 28 they cryed aloud from the morning to the evening, but there was 29 neither voice nor any to answer, nor any that regarded. We may truly say of these, they are men, but they are either a talking of the world, or pursuing of the world, with such earnestnesse, or fallen into such a sinfull sleep and slumber, that they cannot heare; and though the Minister lift up his voice like a trumpet, and cry aloud, yet there is no voice, nor answer of faith and obedience, nor any regard shewed by them to Christ [Page 70] and his Gospell: Such men are halting Israelites, and lukewarme Laodiceans, void of all true love to Christ, and far from all Christian zeale for Christ. Solon reputed him no good citizen, who in a civill dissension risen in the City did adhere to neither party: Such as cleave not to Christ and the Gospell in the dissention and opposition of the world are no true citizens of the new Jerusalem. He that is not with me is against me (saith Christ) he that stands not on Christs side stands on Satans side, Mat. 12.30. he that serves not God serves Mammon, he that hath not communion with Christ, hath communion with the world. Christ lookes upon all such as are not zealous for him, as on enemies against him, Rev. [...].16. and he will spew them out of his mouth at last as foule abomination.
2. Opposers of Gospell 2 Sam. 3.1.2. A second sort, are such as oppose Christs Gospell and Kingdome. The house of Saul made long war against the house of David. There is a family of prophane Saulites, that make Luk. 19.14. continuall opposition against the Gospell and Kingdome of Christ, they will not have Christ rule over them, they take Psal. 2.2. counsell against the Lord and his Christ, and say, come let us breake their bonds asunder, and cast away their cords from us. Grounds of opposing the Gospell. Some are superstitious, and as the Philistines would not suffer the Arke to stand upon the right hand of their Dagon, no more will they suffer Christ and the Gospell to have preheminence above their traditions and devises; some are covetous, and as Jesse set David behind the ewes, so doe these men set Christ and his word behind the world, below their earthly imployments, and undertakings; some are ambitious, and as Josephs brethren conspired against him, because they were loth to vaile and bow to him. Thus proud men conspire and combine against Christ and the Gospell, being loth to deny, and humble themselves, and put their necks under Christs yoke; some are under the power of prophanenesse; with Ahab they sell themselves to commit wickednesse, they are impatient of reproofe, and therefore imprison the Prophet of the Lord; Christ comming in the power of his Gospell is very uncomfortable, and terrible to such as are under the power of their corruption; [Page 71] some are prophanely iealous, least the setting up of Christ and his Kingdome will crosse their profit, and eclipse their honour and credit amongst men; and therefore they seeke to suppresse the Gospell, as 1 Sam. 18.29. & 19.1. Saul sought to suppresse David: This moved Act. 19 24. Demetrius to accuse Paul, and this caused Mat. 2. Herod secretly to plot the death of Christ. Christ and his Gospell have ever met with many oppositions from the world.
3. A third sort, 3 Grievers at prosperity of the Gospell. are such as grieve at the prosperity and welfare of the Gospell and Kingdome of Christ. When Nehemiah came to repaire the wals of Jerusalem, Sanballat the Horonite, and Tobiah the Ammonite grieved Neh. 2.10. exceedingly that there was a man come to seeke the welfare of the children of Israel. It is a great griefe to many ill affected men, that beare evill will to Sion, to heare that God raiseth up any to repaire and build up Christs Church and Kingdome, to seeke the spirituall welfare of his children. The Psalmist having mentioned and set forth the felicity and prosperity of the faithfull servants of God: In the multiplication of their seed, in the increase of their wealth, in the Lords dispensation of joy in heavinesse, of safety in dangers, of deliverance in distresses, of exaltation after all oppositions to Gods Church and children; concludes thus, The Psal. 112.10. wicked shall see it and be grieved, he shall gnash with his teeth, and melt away, the desire of the wicked shall perish. Wicked men are more grieved at good mens prosperity, then at their owne misery. It is a sure argument of raigning prophanenesse to sorrow for the welfare of the righteous. All H [...]st. 5 13. Hamans honours and preferments availe him nothing while he sees Mordecai sitting in the gate. Wicked men often lose the comfort of all their owne earthly fulnesse, whiles they behold the prosperity and welfare of Gods Church and righteous servants: The exaltation of Christs Kingdome, and flourishing of the Gospell doth fill some men with such vexation, that all their wealth, honours, and high places seeme to them as nothing: No doubt it much troubled the Philistines to see the 1 Sam. 5.4.5. Arke of the Lord stand upright, and Dagon broken to a stump. It is a great trouble to many people to see the Kingdome of Christ stand, [Page 72] and the Gospell to flourish, and the Dagon of superstition, usury, drunkennesse, &c. disgraced, shamed, and cast to ground; the Priests, the Captaine of the Temple, and the Sadduces, were Act. 4.1.2. grieved that the Disciples taught the people, and preached through Iesus the resurrection from the dead, and the two Prophets in the Revelation are said to Rev. 10.10. torment them that dwell on the earth. The glorious shining of the Sunne is a trouble to diseased eyes, the bright and cleare shining of the truth is a torment to prophane, and ungracious soules; such as grieve not for their sin, grieve at the Gospell, the meanes of mortifying sin; such as most rejoyce in superstition, prophanenesse, and the vanities of the world, are most grieved and troubled at the powerfull preaching of the Gospell. O how great is mans blindnesse! how strange is mans perversenesse! that he should be most grieved and troubled at the presence of that, which God hath ordained to be the instrument of mans greatest honour, profit, and comfort.
Admonition to set up Christs Kingdome and Gospell.ALl men should learne by this, to worke their hearts, to imploy their thoughts, and to give themselves to the utmost of their abilities to the advancement of Christs Kingdome and Gospell, to the setting up of Christ upon his throne, in his Church, here on the face of the earth. Zadok the Priest, Nathan the Prophet, Benaiah the sonne of Jehoiada, and the Cherethites, and the Pelithites, 1 King. 1.44, 45, 46, 47. caused Solomon to ride upon the Kings mule, they anointed him King in Gihon, and all the servants of King David came and said, God make the name of Solomon better then thy name, and his throne greater then thy throne: All Kings and rulers, all Ministers and teachers should set up Christ, and cause [Page 73] him to ride in spirituall triumph upon Gods Church, and all the servants of the Lord from the highest to the lowest should pray for the prosperity, successe, honour and enlargement of Christs Kingdome: Magistrates. All Magistrates as representative Psal. 82.1. gods should be in stead of God to Christs Church, as Isa. 44 28. shepheards they should see that spirituall pastures be provided for Christs flocke, and that all wolves, beares and foxes, all instruments of annoyance be kept far from them; as Isa. 49.23. nursing fathers and nursing mothers they should be carefull that provision be made for Christs family; and as they are stiled the Psal. 49 7. shields of the earth, so they should be carefull to minister defence to Christs Church and people against the power and fury of all that offer any injury to them. Thus they must Psal. 1.12. kisse the sonne with the kisse of love and affection, with the kisse of honour and exaltation, with the kisse of reverence and subjection, with the kisse of congratulation and rejoycing, with the kisse of prayer and welwishing, endeavouring to the utmost of their power the propagation of Christ and his Gospell.
All Ministers as builders in Christs house, Ministers. as stewards in Christs family, as teachers in Christs schoole, as labourers in Christs vineyard, as under-rowers in Christs ship, as burning lamps in Christs Temple, as watchmen in Christs City, should by their frequent preaching, wholsome doctrine, sharp reprehension, wise admonition, seasonable and gracious consolation, and holy walking propagate the Gospell, advance the Kingdome, and increase the number of Christs people, and make the Lord Jesus every day more and more glorious in the eyes of all beholders.
All Masters and rulers of families should strive the exaltation of Christs Kingdome, by being as Kings, Prophets, Masters of Families. and Priests, within their domesticall wals, by their godly government, Christian instruction, and holy prayer and supplication with and for them, that are under their jurisdiction, teaching them with Abraham to know the Lord, bringing them with Cornelius to the ministery of the word, and making their houses with Philemon a Church of God. Private persons
All private persons should likewise put their hands to this [Page 74] worke, and labour the setting up of Christs Kingdome and Gospell, by Mic. 4 1. Isa. 60. flowing to the house of God, as rivers to the ocean, by comming speedily and unanimously, as the doves unto the windowes, as the Eagles to the carkasse, or the lame unto Bethesda; by growing in all spirituall gifts and graces, as children grow in stature, as trees in fruitfulnesse, and as the light shineth more and more unto the perfect day; by consecrating themselves to Christ, and his service, as souldiers to their Generall, as servants to their Lord and Master, and as a Spouse to their husband, to fight Christs battels, to doe Christs worke, to love Christs name, and to bring forth all their fruit to Christ, as a wife brings forth all her children to her husband, and by holy exhortation, and gracious counsell, perswading and drawing others to Christ, to the knowledge, faith, love, and obedience of Christ, leaving other imployments at convenient seasons, as the woman of Samaria left her water pot to bring other men to Christ, as she brought her fellow citizens, Considering (as the Apostle saith) one another, and provoking one another to love and to good works; being to their fellow brethren, as spurres quickning them, and as loadstones drawing them daily nearer and nearer unto Christ, labouring to make Christ appeare more amiable and glorious in the eyes of all their fellow-servants: As all the rivers great and small empty themselves into the sea, to the filling up of the sea; so let us all, high and low, young and old, rich and poore, bond and free, empty our selves, and all our abilities, and endeavours into Christ, to the filling up of Christ, his Church, his Kingdome, his mysticall body, which is the Eph. 1 23. fulnesse of him that filleth all in all. As all the people who were willing hearted, both men and women, came and offered freely to the building of the Tabernacle: so let us both men and women, all that have a willing and a loving heart to Christ, come and offer our selves, and all that we have to Christ, for the building up of the Church and Kingdome of Christ, for the advancement of the Gospell of Christ. Inducements to exalt Christ.
And to excite and move our selves hereunto, doe but consider [Page 75] how the exaltation of Christ, his Gospell and Kingdome, is the honour and glory of a Christian; 1 Honour of a Christian. what is the glory of a servant, but the enrichment of his Master by his industry? what is the honour of a Subject, but his loyalty to his King? his exalting the name, crowne, kingdome, and jurisdiction of his Prince? what is the honour of a wife, but her fidelity to her husband, her cleaving close to her husband, her bringing forth of many children to her husband? and what is the crowne and dignity of all Christians, but their serviceablenesse to Christ, their exaltation of the name of Christ, their cleaving close to Christ, their bringing forth of much fruit to Christ, their enlarging the territories of Christs kingdome. Alphonsus had written on his Symboll as a character of his greatest honour, these words: Pro Lege, & pro Grege, for the Law, and for the people; and this is the most honourable character of a Christian to make his heart and tongue, his thoughts within, and his works without, to carry this inscription, for Christ and for his Kingdome, for his Church, and for his Gospell: He is every way of all persons the most honourable and glorious who is every way most for Christ Jesus.
2. The argument and evidence of our love to Christ. 2. Love to Christ. Where is our love to Christ, as to our Lord and Master, as to our King and Captaine, as to our head and husband? if we seeke not Christs honour, if we doe not endeavour the exaltation of Christs kingdome: Ionathan loved David as his owne soule, and he stript himselfe of the roabe that was upon him, and gave it to David, and his garments, even to his sword. He that loves Christ will keep backe nothing from Christ, he will disroabe himselfe to honour Christ, to exalt his kingdome, and beautifie his Gospell. Jacob loved Rachel, and he served for her twice seven yeares. He that loves Christ will put himselfe upon any hardnesse for Christ; Christian love reputes the honouring and exaltation of Christ Jesus, a sufficient recompence to its greatest losses, and hardest service. Love will make a man even holily prodigall, in his layings out for the exaltation of Christs Gospell and kingdome.
[Page 76] 3. Perill of not endeavouring welfare of Christs Gospel.3. Observe the perill of not endeavouring the welfare of Christs Church and Gospell. He that is not a friend of Christ is an enemy against Christ; he that doth not help to set up Christs kingdome, is by interpretation, and in Gods construction, an overthrower of Christs kingdome: He that is not with me is against me (saith Christ) and he that doth not gather doth scatter. He that is not a labourer is a scatterer in Christs vineyard. He that fights not under Christs ensigne is a souldier under Satans banner. He that is Prov. 18.9. slothfull in his worke, is brother (saith Solomon) to a great waster. Thus he who doth not labour for Christ is a brother to them that are great wasters of the kingdome of Christ; and fearefull is the curse pronounced on them that stand still, and put not their helping hand to Christs Kingdome, Cause, and Gospell. Iud 5.23. Curse ye Meros (said the Angell of the Lord) Curse ye bitterly the inhabitants thereof, because they came not to the help of the Lord, to the help of the Lord against the mighty.
4. Christ withholding nothing to exalt man.4. Looke upon Christs sparing and withholding of nothing for our exaltation. Christ humbled himselfe to the lowest degree of humiliation and abasement, for our elevation and advancement. He emptied himselfe to fill us; he abased himselfe to honour us; he stript himselfe to apparell us; he made himselfe a man of sorrowes to fill us with spirituall and soule-refreshing consolations: 2 Cor. 8 9. Ye know (saith Saint Paul) the grace; the love, the bounty, the rich liberality of our Lord Jesus Christ; that though be was rich, rich in the glory of his divine Essence, in his absolute dominion over all creatures, in his plenary possession of heaven and earth: Yet for your sakes he became poore; vailing his Diety, Majesty and glory, under the poore and unworthy garment of humane flesh, being borne of poore parents, and appearing in the forme of a servant, humbling and abasing himselfe to the Phil. 2 7. death, the shamefull death of the crosse, that ye through his poverty might be rich; rich in the participation of the divine nature, rich in the fruition of the fulnesse of Christ; Christs humiliation is the meritorious cause, spring, and fountaine of mans exaltation; Christ was [Page 77] very free and full in his exinaition, and abasement for our honour and advancement: The condition of man was so extreamely base and shamefull, that nothing but the humiliation of the Sonne of God was able to restore honour to him: And how ready should we be to put all under the feet of Christ, to imploy all to the honour of Christ, who hath done so much to honour us. We should (saith Chrysostome) preferre nothing above Christ, Nil debemus Christo preponere, quia nec nobli, ille quicquam praeposuit because he preferred nothing above us. As he vailed and bowed downe himselfe, and all that was his, for our salvation: so should we vaile and bow our selves, and all that is ours, for the exaltation of his Gospell and kingdome. The meditation of Christs abasing himselfe for us, should make us studious and inquisitive how to honour Christ: 2 King. 4.13. Thou hast been carefull for us with all this care (said the Prophet to the woman of Shunem) what is to be done for thee: Thus should we say to Christ, thou hast been humbled and abased, thou hast suffered a great suffering for us, what is now to be done for thee? what shall we doe to honour thee, to exalt and magnifie thy name, who hast undergone so great disgrace and shame for us. The more Christ humbled himselfe for us, the more he should be exalted by us; Christ made himselfe a Eph. 5 1. sacrifice for us, and we should Rom. 12.1. sacrifice our selves, and all that is ours to him, and his service. Christ gave himselfe for our salvation, and we should give our selves to him, and the exaltation of his kingdome; Christ was contented to be made low, and as a very nothing, as a Psal. 22.6. worme and no man, that we might be made the Eph. 1. fulnesse of him who filleth all in all, and we should be content to abase our selves, and to be reputed vile and as nothing in the eyes of men, to set up Christ, to make him and his Gospell glorious in the eyes of the people. He doth neither wisely, nor graciously consider Christs humiliation, that doth not give himselfe to the exaltation of Christs name and kingdome.
5. Meditate the sweet, the great, 5. Blessing attends the exaltation of the Gospell. and wonderfull blessing that commeth unto men by the exaltation of Christs Gospell. The setting up of the Arke in the house of Obed-Edom [Page 78] caused all that he had to prosper. 2 Sam. 6.11. The setting up of the Gospell brings great and singular prosperity to the people: Christs Gospell, the revelation of Christ, and the mysteries of his kingdome, Luk 10.23. is a great blessing: Blessed (saith our Saviour) are the eyes which see the things which ye see; having the Gospell preached to them, the tydings of salvation published among them, Christ revealing and opening himselfe unto them: These are blessed in the illumination of their understandings, having the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ communicated to them: Blessed in the vivification of their soules, having the word of life quickning them: Blessed in the sanctification of their hearts, the Gospell cleansing their sinne, as Jordan cleansed the leprosie of Naaman: Blessed in their Conquest, over sin, Satan, and the world, the Gospell overturning all the holds of Satan, as the sounding of the rammes hornes overthrew the wals of Jericho: Blessed in [...] pacification of their consciences, the Evangelicall voice of Christ quieting their perplexed consciences, as his personall voice quieted the stormy tempest; and blessed in the sweetning of their afflictions, the Gospell sweetens all tryals and troubles to Gods children, as the tree sweetned the waters of Marah to Israel; Blessed in their very temporall possessions and bodily undertakings. Where God gives his Gospell the food of the soule, he will also give the staffe of bread, the food of the body: Christ did not onely feed the soules of them who followed him, with his doctrine, but he also miraculously fed their bodies with corporall provision: the Gospell is indeed even the choisest of all blessings, where this goes, all goes, that is behoofull for the welfare of Gods children; therefore blessed (saith the Psalmist) is the nation Psal. 33.11. whose God is the Lord, and the people whom he hath chosen for his owne inheritance. God is the God of all by creation, by absolute dominion, by common preservation; but he is their God to whom he gives his Gospell, by gracious manifestation, heavenly instruction, spirituall regeneration, familiar and comfortable habitation, sweet and celestiall dispensation of heavenly fulnesse to [Page 79] them, God is there alone sweetly, and spiritually knowne, and enjoyed, where his Gospell is erected; and for this cause we should mightily endeavour the advancement of the Gospell. King David being told how the Lord had blessed the house of Obed-Edom, and all that pertained to him, because of the Arke of the Lord, 1 Sam. 6.12. went and brought the Arke into the City of David with gladnesse. Men hearing of the prosperity and blessing which doth attend the Gospell, should with great care and diligence, with much alacrity and cheerfulnesse endeavour the erection of the Gospell among them: He is altogether unsensible of the manifold and singular benefits, and mercies accompanying the Gospell, that doth not heartily desire, and effectually labour the welfare thereof. As the Gospell excels all temporall endowments, so should we endeavour the successe and stability of the Gospell more then of any, or all other possessions.
ANd for the disposing, framing, and working our hearts, Meanes disposing man to advance the Gospell. 1 Distaste of Sin. thus to advance the Gospell and kingdome of Christ, there must be, 1. A distasting, disrellishing, and being weary of sinne: The Gospell never seemes sweet untill that sinne seemes bitter; he will never effectually endeavour the setting up of Christ, and the Gospell, that desires not the deposition of sinne; the Philistines having a desire to maintaine and uphold Dagon, set the Arke below Dagon, 1 Sam. 5. on the left hand of Dagon. Man having a desire to uphold sinne, abaseth Christ, and his Gospell, puts them below his lusts, gives preheminence to his lust above the Gospell, and above Christ; Herod not disrellishing his incestuous [Page 80] sinne, not being weary of it, but intending the maintenance thereof, Mar. 6. cut off the head of the Baptist, the forerunner of Christ. Man can neither truly desire, nor faithfully endeavour the advancement of Christ and his Gospell, that is not weary of his sinne, as of a heavy burthen. Man to whom sinne is pleasant and delightfull, is very impatient and weary of the presence and power of the Gospell; he alone consecrates himselfe to Christ, and the advancement of his kingdome, to whom sinne is distastefull, as gall to his palate, gravell to his teeth, a disease to his flesh, or fetters to his feet. When Abner was wroth with Ishbesheth the sonne of Saul, then he 2 Sam 3.8, 10 came to David to set up the throne of David over Israel and over Judah from Dan even to Beersheba. When man is wroth with sinne, full of indignation against sinne, then he comes to Christ, then he joynes himselfe in a holy and solemne Covenant with Christ then he labours to set up the throne of Christ over his soule and body, then he prayes, and strives that Christ may raigne from Dan to Beersheba, from the highest to the lowest faculty of his soule, and from the greatest to the smallest undertaking of his life. Man is ever so much the more industrious to set up Christ and his kingdome, by how much the more his corruption doth grieve and trouble him.
2. Holy feare2. A holy and filiall feare towards Christ making loath to offend Christ, willing in every thing to please Christ. All the Rulers of the Provinces, the Lievtenants, Deputies, and Officers of the King helped the Iewes, when the Hest 9.5. feare of Mordecai fell upon them. When the holy and gracious feare of Christ doth fall upon the soules of men, enter into, and take possession of the hearts of men, then they joyne themselves to the help of Christ, to the help of the Gospell, and Church of Christ; then they study and endeavour the advancement of Christ and his kingdome; therefore Psal. 2.11, 12. serve the Lord with feare (saith the Psalmist) rejoyce before him with trembling, and kisse the sonne, embrace the son, rest and relye upon the son, acknowledge, exalt, and magnifie the son; put your selves with all readinesse and fulnesse [Page 81] upon the service of the sonne; true feare ever makes the Lords servants subject, and serviceable to Christ Iesus. I will Ier. 32.40. put my feare into their hearts (saith the Lord) and they shall not depart from me; they shall not depart from my knowledge by ignorance, from my promises by unbeliefe, from my precepts by disobedience, from my covenant by unfaithfulnesse, nor from my worship by prophanenesse. Such as doe not truly and throughly apply themselves to Christs service, are prophanely fearelesse. A servants true and ingenuous feare makes him labour his Masters welfare, the matrimoniall feare of a wife moves her to desire, and endeavour her husbands honour: Act. 2.43. feare came upon every soule (saith S. Luke) and what followed thereupon, All they that beleeved were together; there is their unity in affection in divine invocation, They sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need. There is their communication to Christs members, their putting of themselves and their abilities upon Christs service. He that truly feares Christ will withhold nothing which may tend to the exaltation of Christ, his Church, and Gospell.
3. 3. Feeling of the necessity of Christ. Lively sence and feeling of the necessity of Christ and his Gospell. Mens exaltation of Christ is according to their apprehension of the necessity of Christ. When the Elders of Gilead saw the necessity they had of Jeptha, then Iudg. 11.11. they made him head and Captaine over them. When men see, and feele the want of Christ, the perill of their estate without Christ, then they put themselves under Christ, then they exalt and magnifie Christ, then they labour the setting up of Christ and his Gospell. Sence of sicknesse, famine, siege, bondage, makes physicke, food, an army, a ransomer very precious; Physitians were of great esteeme with the woman troubled with a fluxe of bloud, she spent all her substance upon them; Mar 5. Christ and his Gospell are of great price with the man to whom sinne is a torment, a griefe, a trouble, he will withhold nothing which may tend to the exaltation of Christ and his Gospell, to the working out, and removing of the sinne which doth molest him. When Josephs brethren were in want, and had no bread [Page 82] to sustaine them, then they came and bowed themselves before Joseph; and when they called to mind their great trespasse against him, then they besought his favour, and were very submissive to him; Mans sence of his owne emptinesse drives him to Christ, and causeth him to vaile and stoop to Christ; to put himselfe under the feet of Christ, and readily to exalt and set up Christ; selfe-opinion, ignorance of mans want of Christ▪ and the Gospell is a great impediment to our setting up of Christ and his kingdome.
4 Elevation of the heart to a spirituall temper.4. Elevation and raising of the heart of man to a holy, spirituall and noble frame and temper. The heart of man naturally is very base, carnall, and earthly, delighting like the swine in the mire and mud of the world, rellishing and savouring nothing but that which is Ier. 22. worldly and fleshly; his spirit is very low and ignoble, and his highest aime is but to ascend some mole-hill or mountaine of the earth; Luk. 15. like the prodigall, he is a companion of swine, and feeds on the huskes of worldly vanities, his longings like the besotted Israelites, is after the onyons and flesh-pots of Egypt, poore things, unworthy and empty things of the earth; Dan 2. Man like Nebuchadnezzars image, how ever deckt with gold and silver, authority and dominion, and glorious in outward appearance to the world; yet his feet are yron and clay, his thoughts, his affections, the motions, and goings of his heart are very base and dishonourable: The spirit of man must be therefore sublimated and refined by Christ, the great Mal. 3. refiner of the soule. Mans drosse and tin must be purged out, the earthinesse and basenesse of his spirit must be taken away, and man endowed with a more spirituall, sublime, and noble disposition, and temper of soule, or he can never intend Christ, exalt Christ and his Gospell. It is recorded in Ezra that the chiefe of the fathers rose up with all them whose spirits God had Ezra 1.5. raised to goe up to build the house of God in Ierusalem: First God raised their hearts, put willingnesse, alacrity, enlargement, opennesse, and courage into their hearts to doe the worke, and then they went to build. Thus God must [Page 83] raise our hearts, innoble our spirits, make us spiritually heroicall, or we shall never build Ierusalem, never labour the advancement of Christ and his [...]ospell; Christ Ioh. 11. raised Lazarus out of the grave, and then he followed him: Christ must raise our spirits from their earthlinesse and basenesse, or they will never be serviceable to him: The Spirit of the living creatures was in the wheeles, and they Ezek. 1. moved where the living creatures moved. Christ must put his Spirit into us, or we shall never follow him, never seeke his honour and the welfare of his Gospell. It is said of Saul when the Lord had made him King, that he went home to Gibeah, and there 1 Sam. 10.24 went with him a band of men whose heart God had touched. God hath set Christ his King upon his holy hill of Sion; but there is no man followes him, no man exalts and honours him as a King, but such whose hearts the Lord doth touch with the gracious finger of his Spirit; the basenesse, cowardlinesse, and earthlinesse of our spirits must be put away, and our hearts throughly refined, otherwise we cannot discerne Christ, we cannot rellish Christ, we cannot love Christ, we cannot prize Christ, we can never put our selves upon the exaltation of Christ, his Kingdome, and Gospell; but when 2 Cor. 5.17, 18 Rom. 12.2. old things are past away, and all become new; when we are renewed in the spirit of our mind, when the Spirit of God, like Eliahs fiery charet, hath taken us up from the earth, and hath raised our hearts, thoughts, desires, and affections to the things which are above; then shall we rejoyce in Christ and his Gospell, then shall we put our selves and all that we have upon the service of Christ and the Gospell; then shall we pray for the prosperity, welfare, and advancement of Christs Gospell and kingdome; then shall we say, Blessed is he that commeth in the name of the Lord.
CHrist came not as the false prophets of old, in his owne name, he had his calling and commission from above. Heb. 5.4. Christ commeth in the name of the Lord in 6. respects. No man (saith the Apostle) speaking of Christ) taketh this honour to himselfe, but such an one as is called of God as Aaron was; and this is the second particular in the first generall part of these words, Christs Calling and Commission. He came in the name of the Lord; Christ is said to come in the name of the Lord. 1. Ordination.1. In respect of Ordination. Christ as Mediator was appointed of old to minister salvation to Gods chosen; 1 Pet. 1.20. Rev. 13.8. fore-ordained (saith Saint Peter) before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times: A lambe slaine from the foundation of the world saith Saint John, slaine from the foundation of the world in the eternall preordination of God, in the promise of the seed of woman to breake the serpents head, in the legall sacrifices, in the faith of the fathers; and in the sufferings of his members, in whose sufferings Christ suffered, their sufferings then shadowing Christs suffering to come. 2. Preparation. 2. In respect of preparation, Christ as Man and Mediator is prepared and furnished with all abilities to execute and accomplish his office; it pleased the Father (saith Paul) that in him should all Col. 1.19. fulnesse dwell; fulnesse of wisedome, power, grace, righteousnesse, and worth to minister to his Church, whatsoever appertained to the salvation, welfare, or peace thereof, Ioh. 3.34. he having the Spirit poured out upon him above measure. 3. Calling. 3. In respect of Calling, designation, and investiture into his office. The Lord (saith Christ as Mediator) hath Isa. 49.1. called me from the wombe, from the bowels of my mother hath he made mention of my name; and I (saith God the Father 8 unto Christ) will preserve thee, and give thee for a Covenant of the people to establish the earth; and when Christ was baptized and solemnly entred upon his calling: He was confirmed by a voice from heaven, saying, This is my Mat 3 17. Beloved [Page 85] Son in whom I am well pleased. 4. Doctrine. 4. In respect of the doctrine which he taught, no private, nor humane doctrine, but the doctrine of God his Father. I am come (saith Christ) in my Fathers Ioh. 5 43. name, declaring his truth, and seeking his glory, and ye receive me not, if another shall come in his owne name, preaching his owne invention, exalting and magnifying himselfe; him ye will receive, to him ye will adhere, him you will admire and adore. And againe elsewhere, I have not Ioh. 12.49, 50. spoken of my selfe (saith Christ) but the Father which sent me; he gave me a commandement what I should say, and what I should speake; and I know that his commandement is life everlasting; whatsoever I speake therefore even as the Father said unto me, so speake I. 5. 5. Benediction. In respect of benediction, Christ is come in the name of the Lord, accompanied with the fulnesse of all blessing from God: In thy seed (said God to Abraham, speaking of Christ) shall all the kindreds of the earth be Act. 3.25, 26. blessed, unto you first saith Peter, God having raised up his son Jesus sent him to blesse you, in turning away every one of you from his iniquities; Eph 1.3. 6 End. and God (saith Saint Paul) hath blessed us with all spirituall blessings in heavenly places in Christ. 6. In respect of the end which Christ proposed to himselfe, his Fathers glory; he came in the name of the Lord, not seeking his owne, but his glory who sent him. I seeke not mine owne Ioh. 8 50, 54. glory (saith Christ) I honour my Father, if I honour my selfe, my honour is nothing. And thus Christ came in the name of the Lord; ordained, prepared, called of the Lord, declaring his Fathers will, accompanied with the fulnesse of his Fathers blessing, intending and seeking his Fathers glory: The whole shewing, That,
Christ is furnished with authority and all divine abilities to minister all peace and salvation to Gods servants. Doct. This was tipyfied in Gen. 37.13. Mat. 9 15. Joseph; Joseph was sent of his father to visit his brethren in the wildernesse; Christ was sent of God his Father to visit mankinde, sinfully straying in the wildernesse of the world; Joseph was set over the whole land of Egypt, and over the Kings house, by Pharaoh King of Egypt. Joseph was furnished with wisedome, understanding, and the [Page 86] Spirit of God to rule the people, and with all the store and fulnesse of Egypt, to minister to the necessities of the people. Christ is set by God his father, the King of Kings, over the whole Zach. 14 9. world in generall, over the Psal. 2 6. Church of God in speciall; Christ is furnished with Col. 2 3. treasures of all wisedome, to guide the people; and with all divine and heavenly Ioh 10. fulnesse to minister to the severall necessities of Gods servants, to fill them with all spirituall fulnesse. This was also figured in Josuah. Josuah was confirmed in his calling by the dividing of the waters in Iordan, at the presence of the Arke, standing therein, Christ was confirmed in his calling by the opening of the heavens, and the Spirit descending in the forme of a Dove upon him, when he was baptized in Iordan; Moses being dead, Joshuah was made the Captaine of Gods people, Moses leading them to the land, Joshuah entring them in the land; the Law ceasing, and the Ceremonies thereof vanishing. Christ is appointed the Captaine of Gods Church and people, the Law leading to Christ, Christ by his death and conquest, giving men entrance into the heavens. Joshuah overcame the enemies of Israel, and going before them, brought them into the land of Canaan, allotting to each one their portion: Christ hath overcome the enemies of his Church, and is ascended into heaven before us, there to prepare for all the Lords servants: It is not the Law, but Christ that ministers salvation to the Lords people: Christ Iesus is the authour of our spirituall conquest, there is no way for man to heaven, but onely by Christ, who came from heaven: Christ is the Iacobs ladder, by whom God descends to us in his grace, and through whom we ascend to God by our faith. This was likewise typified in David, David was anointed King and Ruler over Israel, Christ is anointed King and Ruler over Gods Church. David delivered Israell from the great Goliah, he slew him with his owne weapon, Christ overcame the infernall Goliah the Devill, and brought deliverance to Gods chosen; Christ by Heb. 2 14. death, Satans weapon, destroyed him that had the power of death: The power of all opposers is meere [Page 87] weaknesse to the power of Christ Jesus. Such is the transcendent fulnesse of Christs abilities, that he turnes the instruments of mans destruction, to further mans salvation; this calling, preparation, and mission of Christ, was prophecyed by the Psalmist, His dominion Psal 72. shall be from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth. There is Christs universall jurisdiction and kingdome over men of every nation: I will give thee (saith the Lord by the Prophet, for a Isa. 42 6. Covenant of the people, a light of the Gentiles. There is Christs ordination to be the publisher of the Covenant of peace, the Author of reconciliation between God and man, the revealer of the mystery of mans salvation, and Isa. 6 [...].1. the Spirit of the Lord (saith the Prophet in the person of Christ) is upon me, and he hath anointed me to preach glad tidings to the meeke: There is the calling, the preparation, unction, and full furnishing of Christ with all abilities to execute his Mediatory office; and in this respect Christ is sometimes termed by the Prophets a Isa. 42. [...]. servant for his calling and obedience to his fathers will, an Mal. 3.1. Angell for his mission being sent of God, and for his publication of the tydings of salvation; a Isa. 28 16. stone, a tryed stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation, for his strength to sustaine them that are built upon him; a noble Ier 30.21. Ruler for his sacred prescription, and gracious administration of Gods Church and kingdome; a Zach. 13.1. fountaine for his efficacy to purge out sinne, and for his fulnesse to satisfie the thirsty soules of all beleevers; a Mal. 4.3. Sun of righteousnesse for the fulnesse of the light of knowledge and comfort which he dispenseth, and for his blessed influence into the soules of his servants: The Sunne doth not shine more clearly in the starres, then the authority and ability of the Sunne of righteousnesse to save us, doth shine in these Propheticall predictions; and this calling, mission, full and through preparation of Christ to this office of mediation between God and man, is plainly declared by the Evangelists and Apostles. Saint Mathew speaks of Christ as of a Mat. 15. [...]4. Mar. 9 37. Shepheard sent to gather the sheep which are lost. Saint Marke as of an Embassador sent with tydings of peace, as of an heire sent to rule over [Page 88] us, Luk. 4.18, 43. to be honourably entertained by us. Saint Luke, as of a Physitian sent to heale us, as of a ransomer sent to free us, and to restore spirituall liberty to us. And Saint Paul saith plainly, When the fulnesse of time was come, Gal. 4.4, 5. God sent forth his sonne made of a woman, made under the Law, to redeeme them that were under the Law, Col. 2.9. that we might receive the adoption of sons, and in him dwelleth the fulnesse of the Godhead bodily, and he filleth all in all.
And the authority, calling, preparation and fulnesse of Christs abilities to save us is very manifest.
4. Grounds of Christs authority and ability to minister salvation. 1. Power.1. In regard of the power communicated unto Christ as Mediator. All power both in heaven and in earth is given unto him; power of vivification, he quickneth whom he will, as he raised Lazarus out of the grave; power of illumination, he openeth, and no man shutteth, as he opened the eyes of him that was borne blind; power of sanctification, he purgeth away all sinne, as he cleansed the leprosie from the uncleane; power of remission, as Lord and King he forgiveth sinne, he blotteth out sinne as the Sun the cloud; power of pacification, as he appeased the winds, and waters; power of administration, as the high Steward of Gods family, the supreme Pilot over the ship, which is the Church of God, as the great Centurion over the Lords army, and chiefe Justice in Gods Kingdome; power of subiugation, casting downe and breaking in pieces all opposing forces, as the stone out of the mountaines burst Nebuchadnezzars Image; power of protection and sustentation in all troubles, as Noahs Arke sustained him in the deluge, and Christ safe guarded the three children in the fiery furnace. The miraculous and mighty acts of Christs power are cleare and manifest declarations of his calling and commission, and of his ability to minister salvation.
2. Exaltation.2. In regard of Christs exaltation [...]. He is exalted above all Eph. 4.21. principalities, he is exalted above all the common creatures, as the Creator and workman above the worke, as the Lord above his lowest servants; he is exalted above all Angels, as the Prince above the Nobles, as the son above the attendants; he is exalted above all devils, as the Conquerour [Page 89] above the captives; he is exalted above all the Saints of God, as the head above the members, as the King above the subjects, as the bridegroome above the bride: He is Heb, 1.3. set at the right hand of God, an exaltation whereof no meere creature is capable. Christs Majesty, dignity, glory, and exaltation, doth even infinitely surpasse the dignity and honour of man and Angell; Heb. 7.1 [...]. He is made higher then the heavens, others ascend into heaven, have their dwelling in heaven; but Christ is made higher then the heavens, being God and man in one person, having an exaltation above all Saints and Angels, the inhabitants of heaven, all that is in heaven and in the earth being put under him, Christs sitting in his Fathers throne. Christs exaltation above all creatures fully declared his ability to save his chosen from all evils.
3. In regard of Christs impletion and filling of all. 3 Impletion. He ascended farre above all heavens that he might Eph. 4.10. fill all things: Christ filleth all things with his power, and common and generall operation, as the Sunne fils all the earth with his influence; with his absolute authority and dominion, as a King fils his kingdome with his common gifts and mercies; as the Master of the house fils all the persons of the house; Christ filleth the Devils and damned men with his justice, wrath, vengeance, but he filleth his Church and children with his ordinances, as a teacher fils his schoole with books and rules of instruction, as a nurse fils the childe with her breasts, and the Master of the feast his guests with food; these he filleth with knowledge, as the Sun the aire with light; with spirituall life, sence and motion, and all heavenly graces, as the head the members, as the root the branches, as the Sun the starres; sweet and comfortable, excellent and gracious is that fulnesse which Christ ministers to his members, and by his filling of his faithfull servants, he verefies his Fathers mission and preparation of him to accomplish mans salvation.
4. In regard of his proposing of his Fathers glory, 4. Proposing Gods glory. and referring all to his Fathers praise, as the supreme and ultimate end of all his service and undertakings; an ingenuous son [Page 90] preferres his fathers honour above his owne honour; a good servant his Masters profit, above his owne profit; a loyall Embassador the Kings will, message, advantage, and renowne above his owne will, errant, benefit, or credit. Christ as Mediator was both a sonne, a servant, and Gods great Embassador, preferring his fathers will, pleasure and praise above his owne: I Ioh. 5.30. seeke not mine owne will (faith Christ) but the will of him that sent me; and againe, he sought not his owne glory, but the glory of him that sent him, and to the father Christ thus speakes of himselfe: I have glorified thee on earth, Ioh. 7.18. I have finished the worke which thou gavest me. Ioh. 17.4. He glorified his father on earth, by declaring his fathers will and counsell, by making his father appeare glorious in the eyes of the people, by ascribing all his miraculous and mighty works to his fathers power, by fulfilling his Law by his obedience, by satisfying his fathers justice by his sufferings, by gathering home the soules of men to God his Father, to know his Fathers will, to adore his Fathers name, to obey his Fathers precepts, to beleeve his Fathers promises, to love his Fathers truth, to glorifie his [...]athers name, and every way to conforme themselves and their doings to his Fathers testimonies; and by his full intendment, and glorious accomplishment of his Fathers honour, he compleatly demonstrated his ordination and preparation, his comming in the name of his Father to be mans Saviour.
Salvation dispensed by Christ.IN this with open face may all men behold and see Gods dispensation of salvation unto man by Christ his Sonne: Christ is come in his Fathers name, ordained; prepared, most absolutely and compleatly furnished, to communicate [Page 91] salvation to the Lords chosen; others come in the name of the Lord to procure and promote the salvation of man, instrumentally, ministerially, subordinately, dependantly; but Christ is come in his fathers name to give salvation unto man absolutely, and independantly, by his owne power, meritoriously, by his owne worth and merit, efficiently by the efficacions and mighty worke of his owne Spirit, fully and everlastingly, being Heb. 7.25. able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him; the Lord Jesus is the efficient and meritorious cause, spring and fountaine of mans salvation: There is no Mat. 4.12. other name given under heaven wher by man can be saved, but onely the name of Christ. The name of the creature is a name of weaknesse, emptinesse, unworthinesse; the name of mans righteousnesse is a name of many pollutions; the name of mans worke and services, is a name of debt and manifold imperfections; the name of birth, of wealth, of art, of strength and humane excellencies, are a name of no esteeme with God, for God is no respector of persons. None of these names have wisedome to open the mystery of mans salvation, worth to satisfie Gods justice, or ability to dissolve the works of Satan, or sanctifie the soules of men; Christ alone communicates salvation to the Lords people; the Arke was the only place of safety to Noah from the deluge; Christ is the onely safeguard of the soule of man from the deluge of destruction; all that were out of the Arke perished in the waters, there is no salvation to them that are out of Christ Jesus. Christ is the head and root. enlivining man. The body of Lazarus lay corporally dead till Christ raised it; the soule of man lies spiritually dead untill Christ quickens it, Christ is the Sunne enlightening man, the world without the Sun is in darknesse, the soule without Christ is in blindnesse, none of the Magitians and wise men, onely Joseph was able to interpret Pharaohs dreame: Neither man nor Angell, but Christ onely, hath revealed his fathers will, and counsell touching mans salvation; Christ is the Conquerour that vanquisheth the adversaries of mans peace; all Israel stood trembling onely David overthrew the great Goliah: Christ through [Page 92] death destroyed the Devill that had the power of death, and delivered them who through feare of death were all their life time subject to bondage: Christ is the surety that payes mans debt, he gave himselfe a ransome for man, whom all the world could not redeeme; Christ is the fountaine purging the sinne of mans soule, none of the rivers of Damascus, only Jordan cleansed the leprosie of of Naaman; neither man nor Angell, only the Lord Jesus can purge away mans uncleannesse: Christs righteousnesse is the roabe which covers us, and makes us appeare just in Gods presence: Jacob obtained the blessing not in his owne, but in his elder brothers apparell: Man is accepted of God, obtaines the blessing of pardon and peace, not through his owne but through the righteousnesse of Christ; Christ is the treasure and store-house which filleth man, all the garners in the land of Egypt were empty, onely Joseph had provision for them; all the soules of men are empty, only Christ filleth all in all: Christ is the Prince of mans peace, and Authour of mans reconciliation with God. Iosephs brethren being shepheards were an abomination to the Egyptians; but by Iosephs meanes they came nigh to Pharaoh, and found favour with him: Man by reason of his sinne is an abomination to the Lord, but through Christ he commeth nigh to God, and finds sweet and gracious acceptance of God; and thus as in a glasse we see all the causes of mans salvation and eternall happinesse derived, and flowing from and through Christ Iesus. God ministring all his fulnesse unto man by Christ, and accepting man and all his holy service in Christ; he that looks beside or beyond Christ for salvation, looks beyond the fountaine for water to refresh him, beyond the Sunne for light to guide him, and beyond the rocke for a foundation to support him; he that layes not firme and sure hold on Christ, never meets with sweet, with sure and everlasting peace; he that truly embraceth Christ, may undoubtedly perswade himselfe of his salvation; he hath a guide of infinite wisedome to direct him, a rocke of invincible strength to sustaine him, a rich and royall roabe of [Page 93] absolute purity to cloath and cover him; a Conquerour of insuperable power to subdue all that doth oppose him; an Advocate or never failing intercession, to take off all the accusations which are brought against him; and a fiery Charet to carry him through all difficulties, to sweet and everlasting rest in the highest heavens.
Christs comming in his Fathers name, Danger of stepping our from Christ to humane traditions. Evils hereof. 1. Derogatory to Christs Authority. Christs authority and ability to minister salvation makes manifest their folly and vanity, their pride and insolency, who leaving Christ and the rules which he hath given, the lawes of divine worship which he hath prescribed, betake themselves to humane traditions, and selfe-inventions, teaching and receiving for doctrines the commandements of men; a practise 1. very derogatory to the Authority and dominion of Christ who is the King of the Church, whose voice alone ought to be heard in the Church of God, who is set over the house of God, and ought to be observed as the Lord and Master of the house by the whole family of faith, and houshold of God, who is exalted above the Church, as the head above the members, as the husband above the Spouse. Doth not a Subjects receiving of Lawes from a forraine Prince much derogate from the authority of his owne Soveraigne? Doth not a servants receiving direction from another man in his service annihilate his Masters jurisdiction? Doth not a wives conforming her to the prescription of a stranger, obscure and darken, and even disanull the authority of her husband? And what else doe the embracers of forraine and strange inventions, but deny and disanull the jurisdiction and dominion of Christ? Doth not our Saviour say to such, You have made the Commandement of God of none effect through your traditions. The observation of mens devices in Gods service is a transgression of Gods precepts. He that thinks to honour and please God by thrusting upon God his owne devises, in stead of honouring and pleasing him, doth very highly dishonour and provoke him: No man doth further honour Christ, 2. Argues great pride and presumption. then he conformes himselfe to the Law and rule of Christ. 2. This also argues much pride and presumption in man, [Page 94] who but a proud Subject will take upon him to give a Law to his Soveraigne how he shall be obeyed; who but an insolent servant will take upon him to prescribe to his Lord and Master how he shall be served; and who but a proud soule durst take upon him to give a Law unto his God how he shall be adored; who but the great Master of humane traditions sitteth in the Temple of God as God, and exalts himselfe above all that is called God: The most superstitious are the proudest of all persons, their very humility is ambition who have a spirit of superstition overswaying them; they adore themselves and not Christ, who neglect the rule which Christ hath given, and worship after their owne invention: His servant man is to whom he obeyes; he that worships according to a rule of his owne framing serves himselfe and not God; instead of obeying God he becomes a Law-giver unto God. 3. Dispa [...]agement of Christs wisedome. This doth much impeach and disparage the perfection of Christs and the sufficiency of the Scriptures. If there be light enough in the Sunne what needs a candle? If all the treasures of wisedome be hidden in Christ, and his word able to make man wise unto salvation, what need or use in this behalfe of mans invention? addition ever supposeth imperfection. 4. 4 Perillous to the soule. This is very perillous to the soules of men. He that leaves Christ and his word, and applyes himselfe to tradition, like the foolish man in the parable, he leaves the rocke, and builds upon the sand, which will sinke under him; he forsakes the firme pillar, and leanes upon a withered reed, which will pierce him; he goes from the living fountaine to the broken cisterne wherein is no water to refresh him; he refuseth the wheat, and feeds upon the chaffe which will choake him; he rejecteth the vine, the Olive, and the Figtree, and addresseth himselfe to the bramble which will nor feed nor shelter him, but scratch and pricke, goare and torture him. Humane observations like the foolish Virgins Lamps are empty, Isa. 8.20. there is no light in them: Like the Tree in the Gospell which had leaves and no fruit; these are no trees of Gods planting, no good fruit groweth on them, no blessing, but a curse attends them: These like [Page 95] the sonnes of Sheva have no power to overcome Satan; in stead of ministring freedome they imbondage the soule to Satan; these like Jobs friends are miserable comforters and Physitians of no value, in stead of healing they wound, instead of nourishing they destroy, in stead of gathering home the soule of man to Christ, endearing man to God, and bringing him to communion with God and Christ; they separate man from God, oblige man to Satan, and associate the soule with the Devill, according to that of the Apostle dissuading the Corinthians from the superstitions and inventions of the Gentiles, saying, I would not that ye should have fellowship with the Devils, ye 1 Cor. 10.10, 21. cannot drinke the cup of the Lord, and the cup of the Devils, ye cannot be partakers of the table of the Lord, and of the table of Devils, He that worships God by humane tradition serves not God but Satan; as we cannot serve God and Mammon, no more can we worship God and an Idoll. The sacrifice which is not offered to God with fire from his owne Altar, is an abominable oblation; whatsoeuer duty, act, or exercise of Religion, hath not Gods word for the rule of it, is in Gods interpretation, a service of Satan, and in stead of pleasing provokes Gods indignation: They have Deut 31.21, 22. moved me to jealousie (saith the Lord) with that which is not god, they have provoked me to anger with their vanities, a fire shall be kindled in mine anger, and shall burne unto the lowest hell, and shall consume the earth with her increase. As Christ therefore is come in Gods name, furnished with all authority and dominion, so let us in every thing receive our commission and direction from him.
The perfection of Christs authority and dominion, Christs Authority and ability pressing to [...] duties. 1. Of Subjectiō Properties of Subjection. 1. Spirituall. and fulnesse of divine abilities, presseth man to foure duties towards Christ. 1. A duty of Subjection, as to him that hath supreame authority. We are charged by a voice from heaven to heare him, to him is given a name above every name, and to him must we make all the faculties of our soules, and all the members of our bodies to vaile and stoop, as all the sheaves in Josephs vision fell downe before his sheafe. To him let us subject our selves, 1. Spiritually. The end [Page 96] of the commandement is love out of a pure heart, arising from an inward principle of true grace. Worshipping in Spirit and in truth is the worship which Christ requireth, accepteth, and wherein he delighteth, obedience from an unsanctified heart is but filthy water from an uncleane fountaine, and bad fruit of a corrupt tree: Christ takes no pleasure in it, the sacrifice, prayer, and whole way of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord. 2. Filiall. 2. To Christ let us subject our selves, filially, not as slaves for feare of hell, but as sonnes for love, having a holy affection awing us, and making us loath to offend Christ, our love to and delight in holinesse moving us to walke in the way of Gods precepts, serving him Luk. 1.74, 75 without feare, without base and servile feare, in holinesse and righteousnesse before him all the dayes of our life. 3 Universall. 3. To Christ let us be subject universally, Moses built the whole Tabernacle after Gods patterne, man must build his whole conversation according to Christs prescription; that obedience which is not universall, is unsound and hypocriticall; the Law is one Copulative, he that allowes himselfe in the breach of one precept is guilty of the whole Law; he that makes not conscience of all truly makes conscience of none. It is in vaine with Herod to doe many things reserving an Herodias in our bosomes: It is to no purpose with Saul to slay the refuse of the stuffe, reserving to our selves the lowing. Oxe, and bleating Sheep; his heart is not right with God that walks not in all the wayes of God; he doth truly hate no sinne, that labors not the mortification of all sinne. As the carefull Scholler therefore writes according to the whole copy: so let us have respect to the whole Law of God; and as sometime Jonathans armour-bearer said to him, Loe I am with thee according to thy heart, turne thou which way soever thou wilt. Thus let us be with Christ, even after Christs owne heart, let us be with him which way soever he turnes before us, in his word, walking with Zachary and Elizabeth, 4 Speedy. in all the ordinances of God. 4. To Christ let us subject our selves speedily: As Abraham rose up early, and put away the bond-woman and her sonne: so let us rise [Page 97] up early, and put away our sinnes betimes: Let us not sleep and slumber like the foolish Virgins, with empty Lamps; but let us hasten our soules out of sin to Christ, as the Angels hasted Lot out of Sodome: Let us Psal. 119 60. consider our wayes, and turne to the testimonies of the Lord: Let us make haste and not delay, as the erring traveller hasteneth to his right path: Let us remember our Creator in the dayes of our youth, and seeke him while he may be found; and as 2 Sam. 18. Ahimaaz ran as soone as Joab gave him a commission, so let us labour to be as ready to obey, as Christ to command; speedy obedience doth much honour and commend mans service. 5. To Christ let us subject our selves freely, not mercinarily as hirelings, 5. Free. but freely as friends serving Christ for Christ himselfe, intending Christ and his glory above our selves, in all our services, moving to Christ fully and freely, as the rivers to the Ocean. As Rachels beauty induced Jacob to twice seven yeares service: so let Christs beauties, the apprehension we have of Christs perfections worke and draw us to a free and ready service of Christ in all difficulties; Christ abhorres all basenesse, all by and sinister respects in mens services: He that serves not Christ for Christ himselfe, serves not Christ but himselfe. 6. To Christ let us subject stedfastly, 6. Steadfast. as the wise to the husband untill death, keeping the commandement alwayes unto the end, abiding with Christ, as Ittai with David, in life and in death: Perseverance with Christs Jesus crownes mans service; He that continueth to the end shall be saved.
A second duty which the fulnesse of Christs authority and divine abilities doth presse upon us is a duty of Dependance. 2. Of Dependance. Christ is no withered reed, no sandy foundation, no weake, poore, and empty person, but one endowed with all power and authority, with all abilities; therefore depend upon him, cleave to him, when you are in darknesse and have no light; Isa 50.10. Trust in the name, in the power, truth, faithfulnesse, and al-sufficiency of the Lord; Christ is a Isa. 32.2. hiding place from the wind, and a covert from the tempest, as, rivers of waters in a dry place, as the shadow of a great rocke in a weary land. Christ is a comforter in all sorrowes, [Page 98] a helper at all needs, a deliverer in all distresses, a counsellor in all doubts, and a supply in all wants; therefore stay upon the Lord: He can command a deliverance for Jacob when there is no deliverer, as he commanded the stormy tempest, and restored a calme to the Disciples: He can support man when he is ready to sinke, as he supported Peter sinking in the water; he can provide, as he made provision for the Disciples attending him, and having nothing to eat, as he prepared a Well for Hagar when her bottle was empty; he can comfort, when all the starres of consolation are set; he can give light in darknesse, as he gave Sampson honey out of the Lyon: therefore looke unto Christ, fasten the eyes of your faith upon him, commit your selves to him, trust your selves with him, and you shall see in due season a ministration of whatsoever is behovefull.
3. Of Love.A third duty whereunto this presseth us is a duty of Love to Christ: In Christ is the fulnes of all abilities, whatsoever is worthy of love is in Christ in the highest perfection; therefore this should much endeare Christ to man, and make him very amiable and glorious in the eyes of man: He indeed is worthy of all love, he is the King that rules over us, the guide that leads us, the shepheard which watcheth over, and feeds us, the ransomer that redeemes us, the builder which new makes us, the Captaine that overcomes for us, the teacher that instructeth us, the treasury that enricheth us, and the husband who betrotheth himselfe unto us; therefore he should be in our eye the fairest of ten thousand, our soules should be sicke of love towards him, and in our love we should prostrate our selves, and all that is ours under him.
4. Of Acquiescence and contentation.A fourth duty whereunto this doth presse us, is a duty of Acquiescence in Christ, and contentation with Christ; in Christ are all divine abilities; he that hath Christ hath all, he that hath the Sunne hath all light, he that hath the fountaine hath all water, he that hath Christ may say as Jacob did, I have enough. Elkan [...]h gave to Hanna a worthy portion, he hath the choisest portion to whom God gives Christ; he that possesseth most of Christ, hath the richest, [Page 99] the sweetest, the most noble and sure possession; he hath no cause to complaine of want who hath the fruition of Christ; the soule which enjoyeth Christ as his King, as his counsellor, as his friend, as his treasure, as his bridegroome, as his shield and fountaine, hath the highest honour, the choisest wisedome, the sweetest comfort, the best riches, the most heart-reviving love, the surest defence, and the chiefest and most abiding and soule-contenting fulnesse: Of all the gifts of God Christ is the worthiest; of all the estates of men theirs is the sweetest and most comfortable who have Christ for their possession.
THe second generall part in these words is a benediction, uttered by the Ministers of the Lord, We have blessed you out of the house of the Lord; wherein we have, 1. the parties blessing, the Ministers of the Lord; we, who are called of God to this sacred function, who are appointed to make prayer and supplication for you, to pronounce a blessing upon you. Note. Holy and faithfull Ministers are the instrumentall causes of great blessings to Gods Church and servants. 2. here is their Act, an act of blessing, We have blessed: Ministers blesse the people sometime by way of vote and exoptation, prayer and supplication; sometime by way of vocall pronunciation, pronouncing good things in the name of God upon them; sometime by way of prophecye and prediction, foretelling great blessings to come; sometime by way of doctrine and instruction: They declare and open the blessings which God hath prepared for them, and the Lord by them as by his ministeriall instruments communicates his grace and blessing to the people. It must be the care of Ministers so to demeane themselves in their function, Note. [Page 100] that they prove a blessing to the people. 3. Here is the Obiect or parties blessed, You, you to whom Christs comming is acceptable, you who wish well to Christs kingdome, you who readily endeavour the exaltation of Christs name, and Gospell, Note. we have blessed you The labours of Gods Ministers prove a blessing onely to such people as reioyce in, and endeavour the advancement of the Gospell. 4, Here is the place from whence they blessed the people, out of the house of the Lord, the place of Gods publike worship, where his Saints are assembled, his ordinances sincerely handled, his name invocated, his word preached, and religious duties celebrated: Note. God useth to dispense his spirituall blessings in the publike and sacred assemblies. From all these particulars knit together we may gather, That,
Doct. God by his holy and faithfull Ministers dispenseth every great, sweet, and heavenly blessing to his Church and servants: The Lord by Joseph brought great prosperity to the house of Pharaoh; he Gen 39.5. blessed the Egyptians house for Josephs sake, the blessing of the Lord was upon all that he had in the house and in the field; the Lord by the presence and labours of his Ministers blesseth his Church and servants, his blessing is upon their soules, and upon their bodies, upon all their labours, and upon all their possessions; the estate and persons, the undertaking and possessions of men are made very prosperous through the prayer and labours of Gods Ministers. This was prophecyed by the mouth of Esay, in Isa 19.19. that day, in the day of the Gospell, when salvation shall be preached and published in and through Christ: There shall be an Altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereof to the Lord; an Altar and a pillar, the worship of God shall be erected, the word preached, the Sacraments administred, Christ the true Christians Altar and pillar shall be clearly manifested, his name published, his kingdome established, his truth propagated among the people of Israel, Egypt and Assyria, whom the Lord of Hosts shall blesse, saying, blessed be Egypt my 25 people, and Assyria the worke of my hands, and Israel mine inheritance: There is the blessing attendant on the Ministery [Page 101] of the Gospell, a blessing of regeneration, renovation, remission, and sweet reconciliation with God in Christ; they are the choisest and best blessings which God communicates by his Gospell to the soules of his people; the very names and titles given to Gods Ministers, doe as in lively characters declare how great a blessing they are to Gods Church and people; being stiled Seers, Lights, Watchmen, Shep-heards, Salt, Nurses, Labourers, Stewards, Horsemen and Charets: The eyes are a blessing to the body, to guide it; the light is a blessing to the world enlightening it; the watchmen are a blessing to the City, giving warning to it; the Shepheards are a blessing to the flocke, watching over it, conducting and feeding it; the Salt is a blessing to the meat, preserving it from putrefaction; the Nurses are a blessing to the children, ministring provision to them; the Labourers are a blessing to the vineyard, manuring and dressing it, removing the thornes and bryars out of it, and sowing good and profitable seed in it; Stewards are a blessing to the house, guiding it, distributing to the severall necessities of the persons in it; Horsemen and Charets are a blessing to the kingdome, strengthening and protecting it; Gods Ministers are a great blessing unto Gods Church and people, as eyes guiding them, as lights laying open the deep things of God before them, as Watchmen admonishing them, Shepheards leading and defending them, as Salt seasoning their soules, preserving them from the putrefaction of sin, and making them a sweet savour unto God; as Nurses feeding, as Labourers manuring, and dressing their soules, and as horsemen and charets defending them against their spirituall adversaries, making them victorious, and driving them forward in the wayes of peace and holinesse; and the having of Gods Ministers, the enjoyment of them and their labours hath heretofore been conceived, and taken as a great blessing, as a meanes attended with a blessing from the Lord; as appeares by that speech of Micah, having gotten a Levite for his Priest, Now Iudg. 17.13. know I (saith he) that the Lord will doe me good, seeing I have a Levite to my Priest: His judgement was good conceiving [Page 102] Gods blessing to attend the labours of Gods Ministers, though he shamefully erred in expectation of it by an idolatrous service; and our Saviour plainly pronounceth them blessed who enjoyed the light of his doctrine, to whom he opened the mysteries of Gods kingdome: Blessed (saith he) are the eyes which see the things that ye see: Blessed for the presence of the Sonne of God amongst you, for the neare appropinquation of God unto you, for the manifestation of the great things of God before you, for the detection of the sinne which is within you, for the revelation of the love of God in Jesus Christ towards you, and for the great salvation offered you: great and manifold, sweet and comfortable is the blisse and happinesse tendred unto man by the presence of Gods ordinances, and holy labours of Gods Ministers; of all light, the light of Gods countenance, and the light of the Gospell, are the chiefest and sweetest blessings: 1 Kin. 10.8. Happy (said the Queene of Sheba to Solomon) are thy men, happy are these thy servants which may stand continually before thee, and that heare thy wisedome. Christ is greater then Solomon, they are more happy who may stand continually before him in the house of his ministery, and heare his wisedome in the Gospell: The nearer man approacheth to Christ Jesus, the greater is mans happinesse; therefore, Blessed (saith the Psalmist) is the Psal. 65. [...]. man whom thou chusest, and causest to approach unto thee, that he may dwell in thy Courts, he shall be satisfied with the goodnesse of thy house, even of thy holy Temple. Blessed is the man, happy is the man, sweet and comfortable is the estate, and condition of the man whom thou leavest not, as a house in darknesse without light, as a field overgrowne with thornes and bryars, without husbandman to manure and dresse it, as a dead man in the grave without life, as a captive in prison without freedome, as a sicke man in his disease without Physitian, as a City in famine without food to feed them: Blessed is the man whom thou doest not cast away, as the ungodly, reprobate, and rejected multitude, to perish in their sinnes; but chusest, adoptest, and takest to thy selfe to be thy sonne by adoption, and to be [Page 103] and heire of thy celestiall and everlasting kingdome; and causest to approach unto thee, calling him by thy word, to be a scholler in thy schoole, a member of thy Church and of thy Christ, a partaker of those benefits, gifts and graces which thou dispensest by thy ordinances; a dweller in thy Courts, conversant in that Congregation, where he may heare thy voice, learne thy will, embrace thy truth, and his soule have interest and acquiescence by faith in thy promises; and be satisfied with the goodnesse of thy house; with the heavenly mysteries there opened, with the gifts and graces there dispensed, as the eye is satisfied with the Sunne, as the palate is satisfied with the fountaine, and the hungry stomacke with the full feast set before it; and this the Lord promiseth and proposeth as a great blessing to the people, as an anker in the storme to sustaine and stay them, as a feast in the famine to feed them, as a light in the darknesse to revive and solace them, as an answer and recompence to all their tryals, troubles and disasters: The people (saith the Lord) shall dwell in Sion at Jerusalem, they shall returne from their captivity and bondage, and shall enjoy the house of God, the sacred assembly, and his ordinances; thou shalt weep no more, the sorrow of thy captivity, exilement, and estrangement from the house of God shall be taken away; The Lord will be very gracious unto thee, at the voice of thy cry, when he shall heare it he will answer thee; and though the Lord give you the bread of adversity, and the water of affliction, though he bring you into many straights, and great distresses, yet shall not thy Isa. 30.19. teachers 20 be removed into a corner any more, but thine eyes shall see thy teachers, and thine eares shall heare a word behind thee, saying, this is the way walke ye in it: The having of Gods ordinances is a blessing sweetning the most disastrous estate of Gods people. The presence of the Gospell ministers sweet consolation to Gods children, in the greatest affliction; better is the estate of man in the enjoyment of the labours of Gods Ministers in the absence of all worldly abilities, then in the presence of all worldly fulnesse, the Lords Ministers being strangers; great is the blessednesse of that [Page 104] people to whom the Lord affords his Gospell, singular soule-ravishing, and heart-satisfying are the gifts and favours, comforts and mercies, which God dispenseth by his Ministers.
In regard of Gods communication of Christ to the soules of men by the labours of his Ministers; Groūds hereof Pharaoh communicated the fulnesse of Egypt to the people, by Joseph, the Steward of his house God communicates the fulnesse which he hath put into Christ, to the soules of men, by his Ministers, the Stewards of his house, the Church; the Stars in the night season communicate the fulnesse of the Sunne to the aire, and inhabitants of the earth; the Ministers as Starres in the right hand of Christ the Sunne of Righteousnesse communicate to the soules of men the fulnesse of Christ Jesus in the night of this world; 6. Communication of Christ by Gods Ministers. we are all strangers to Christ Jesus without the Lords Ministers; Christ is hidden from that people which enjoy not the ministery of the Gospell; Gods Ministers by their labours communicate the knowledge of Christ, as the Embassador communicates the knowledge of the King and of his mind. 1. Knowledge of Christ. God (saith the Apostle) who commanded the light to shine out of darknesse, hath shined into 2 Cor. 4.6. our hearts to give the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus. God is knowne in and through Christ, as a man is knowne in and by his face: We know an earthly Father in the face of his Sonne begotten by him; we know God as a father of mercies, only and through the face of Christ Jesus; we see the face of man in a glasse, in the Gospell, in the labours of Gods Ministers; we behold as in a 2 Cor. 3.18 glasse, the face of Christ Jesus: Christ is a storehouse in whom are hidden Col. 2.3. all the treasures of wisedome. The Ministers have the ministeriall key of knowledge to open Christ unto the people: Christ is a living fountaine, a well of salvation, a well sealed and shut up in the Scriptures: Jacob rowled away the stone from the mouth of the well, and gave Labans flocke water to drinke, the Minister rowles away the stone, removes the obscurity of the Scripture, opens and interprets it, and makes the people drinke of Christ, 2. Faith of Christ. the true and everliving fountaine; the Ministers communicate the faith of Christ as Gods instruments [Page 105] the worke of faith in men; the man of God by his prayer restored 1 King. 13. Jeroboams withered hand; the Minister by his preaching and prayer restores the hand of faith in the heart of man, formerly withered, dryed up, and of no use: Faith commeth by Rom. 10.17. 1 Cor. 3. 3. Life of Christ. hearing. Who is Paul, and who is Apollo but Ministers by whom ye beleeved, even as the Lord gave to every man. The Ministers communicate the life of Christ to men; Christ by his corporall voice called Ioh. 11.44. Lazarus out of his grave, by his Evangelicall voice, by his word in the mouth of his Ministers he cals the soules of men out of the grave of sinne; the dead in sinne Ioh. 5.25. heare the voice of the Sonne of God in the Gospell, and they that heare, live. The ministery of the Gospell is the instrument of the soules vivification, a meanes of Christs living in them that are Gods children; the Ministers communicate the love of Christ, 4. Love of Christ. Christ Cant. 7.12. gives his love to the soule of man, in the ministery of his word; Isaac gave the pledges of his love to Rebeckah by Eleazar his father Abrahams servant: Christ gives the pledges of his love to his Spouse the Church by the Ministers, God his fathers servants; by them he woeth and 2 Cor. 11.3. espouseth them unto himselfe, and in the banquetting house of his ordinances, his banner over them is 2 Cant. 2 4. 5. Peace of Christ. Isa. 9 6. love; the Ministers communicate the peace of Christ, the Embassador speaks words of peace from the King, and communicates the Kings peace unto the people; the Minister, the Embassador of Christ the Prince of peace, Act. 10 30. preacheth peace by Iesus Christ to the soules of men. The Lord hath created, ordained, and appointed the fruit of his lips to be peace to them that are nigh, and to them that are afar off. Christ feeding the multitude corporally, 6. Whole treasury of Christ. distributed bread unto them by his Disciples; Christ feeding the soules of men spiritually with himselfe, the true bread of life come downe from heaven, communicates himselfe to men by the labours of his Ministers. Abraham by the hands of his servants ministred jewels and bracelets to Rebeckah; God by his Ministers communicates many spiritual and heavenly jewels, even the whole treasury of Christ Jesus to his faithfull Church and servants, whom he joynes in wedlocke with [Page 106] his sonne: Manifold, sweet and gracious are Gods dispensations of his Sonne, by the labours of his Ministers; Christ in and by the ministery of the Gospell is made very conspicuous and glorious in the eyes of the people; very great is their blessednesse who have Christ communicated to them by the labours of Gods Ministers.
2. Deliverance from 5 evils dispensed by Ministers. 1. Spirituall death.2. In regard of the evils from which God delivers man by the labours of his Ministers. God delivered the woman of Shunems sonne from bodily death by the ministery of the Prophet; the Lord delivers the soule of man from spirituall death, from being dead in sinnes by the labour of his Ministers; the ministery of the Gospell is the instrumentall cause of the first resurrection; the word is termed a word of life, declaratively revealing life, and operatively as an instrument working life. God delivered Paul from his bodily blindnesse by the hands of Ananias; 2. Blindnesse. he delivers man from spirituall blindnesse, by the doctrine of his messengers, by their instruction, Act. 26.18. he opens their eyes, and turnes them from darknesse to light, and from the power of Satan unto God. The Lord delivered Peter from Herods prison by the ministery of the Angell: He delivers man from Satans prison, and bondage by the worke of his Ministers, 3. Bondage. by this as by a warlike weapon he casts downe the holds of sinne: Satan fals like lightening from heaven, and the soules of men partake of spirituall freedome; as Goliah fell before David with a stone out of Davids sling, so doth Satan before the Minister of the Lord, with the word of God out of their mouth. God delivered Naaman from his leprosie in Iordan, 4. Vnclannes. and the impotent from their infirmities in Bethesda: The Lord in and by the Gospell sanctifies the soules of his children, this washeth away their uncleannesse, this heales their infirmities, this makes them new creatures. Christ by his voice appeased the stormy tempest, 5 Soul tortures and gave a calme to his Disciples; Christ by his Gospell appeaseth the tempestuous and perplexed consciences of his servants, and brings them into a haven of spirituall peace and quietnesse: He makes his Ministers as an Angell of God, and one of a thousand to the afflicted soule, comming like [Page 107] Noahs Dove with an Olive branch, quieting him that is tossed upon the deluge of trouble, turning his perplexity into peace, his feare into confidence, and his sorrow into sweet rejoycings. God abundantly declares his dispensation of blessings by his Ministers, through the removall of evils by their labours: The Gospell is the choisest instrument averting evill; foule and shamefull, perplexing and mortall are the plagues and miseries resting upon them, that neither enjoy nor regard the labours of Gods Ministers.
3. In regard of the blessed state and condition whereinto God puts man by the labours of his Ministers. Deut. 11.29. 3. Man by labours of Ministers put into a condition of 6. Excellencies. 1. Of wisdome. The estate of man under the Gospell, making a true use of the doctrines and instructions of Gods messengers is an estate of blessings: The blessing of old was upon Mount Gerazim, the blessing is now upon the Gospell: He that savingly entertaines the Gospell, enjoyes a most blessed condition; a condition of divine and heavenly wisedome, Gods Ministers feed him with knowledge and understanding, and make him wise unto salvation; a condition of holinesse and sanctification, 2. Of Sanctification. 3. Of Freedome the ministery of the word doth wash him, like water, and purifie him like fire; a condition of liberty and freedome, Moses freed Israel from Pharaohs bondage, Gods Minister frees the soules of his children from the servitude of Satan, the world, and their owne corruption; the word makes them free; from ignorance in their understandings, from perversenesse in their wils, from vanity in their thoughts, from infidelity, servile feare, worldly love, and carnall joy in their affections; the word makes them free, to know God, as the cleare eye is free to see the Sunne, to receive Christ as the strong and open hand, is free to receive a gift; to love Christ, as the bride hath an open and enlarged heart to love the bridegroome, to attend Gods Ordinances, to run the way of Gods Commandements, as he whose feet and ankle-bones received strength by the ministery of Peter, was free to Act. 3.7, 8. stand and leap, and walke and enter into the Temple, 4. Of Exaltation. and free to move and come to God by faith, and love, and joy, as the rivers are free to move [Page 108] and flow unto the sea; a condition of honour and exaltation, the Gospell making them Sonnes of God by regeneration, the friends of God by love, the members of Christ by faith, and heires annexed with Christ, for their present title to, and future participation of the same inheritance with Christ Jesus; a condition of fulnesse and satisfaction, they are satisfied with the goodnesse of Gods house; 5. Of Satisfaction. the Gospell leads them unto Christ, the Sunne in whom is all light, the tree on whom growes all fruit, the fountaine from whom flowes all refreshment, the rocke in whom is all strength, the pearle in whom is all worth, and the Paradise in whom is all pleasure and peace; very sweet and wonderfull, gracious and overflowing are the comforts and contentments derived from Christ to Gods children, under their enjoyment of the Gospell. Lastly, a condition of permanency and duration; 6. Of Duration though the grasse wither, and the flower fade, yet the word of the Lord abideth for ever. Though worldly fulnesse change like the Moone, and vanish like a vapor, and wither like the flower and the grasse, yet the estate of grace, into which men are called by Gods Ministers, is an estate of firme and sure continuance; they are sonnes abiding alway in their fathers house; they are trees planted by the water side never withering; they are houses built upon the rocke never sinking; their graces like the light shine more and more to the day of their perfection; the excellency of their estate who enjoy and make best use of the Gospell, abundantly declares Gods dispensation of very great, sweet and heavenly blessings by the labours of his Ministers.
THe Lords dispensing of sweet and heavenly blessings unto man, by the labours of his holy and faithfull Ministers, shewes what the estate and condition of man is without the Lords Ministers; even an estate of woes, Mans estate without the Gospell, an estate. 1. Of Death. of myseries, and curses: Mans condition without the ministery of the Gospell is very wretched and miserable, an estate of death without spirituall life; the earth without the Sunne is but a dead and fruitlesse lump; the soule without the Sunne of Righteousnesse shining in the Gospell is Eph. 2.1. dead in sinnes and trespasses; a tree twice dead, oncce by originall corruption, and secondly by actuall transgression, and plucked up by the Iud. ver. 12. roots, wholly separate from all the meanes of life; 1 Ioh. 5.12. he that hath not the Sonne, externally in the Gospell, internally in his heart, ministerially in his word, and efficiently in his worke of grace; he hath not life: Such are farre from the life of grace and sanctification, as are strangers to Christ in his Gospell: The woman of Shunems sonne remained dead, 2 King. 4. according to the body, till the Prophet came and raised him; the soule of man continues dead in respect of the inward man, untill the Minister of the Lord comes to quicken him. 2. An estate of darknesse: 2. Of Darknes. Man without the ministery of the word is in darknesse and the shadow of death, a darke body without an eye, a darke house without a Lamp. The soules clearest light is nothing else but darknesse, as long as the Gospell doth not shine into it, to irradiate and enlighten it. There was once no light in all the land of Egypt, onely the children of Israel had light in Exod. 10.23. their dwellings; there is no spirituall and heavenly light in all the world, but among Gods Israel; there is light only in their dwellings who enjoy the Gospell, In Judah is God knowne, and his name is great in Israel. God is truly and savingly knowne only by that people who enjoy the light of the Gospell. [Page 110] 3. 3. Of Servitude. An estate of servitude and bondage. Israel continued under hard bondage, untill Moses and Aaron came to deliver them, untill the Lord raised a fiery pillar to conduct them out of Egypt unto Canaan. Man abides under the hard bondage of Satan and his owne corruption, untill the Lord sends his Minister to free him, and sets up the fiery pillar of his word to lead him out of this servile and slavish condition; Man without the Gospell is in prison, and hath no key to open it; he is taken captive, and hath no weapon to resist his enemy, to procure his freedome; he is manacled with many fetters, and hath no hammer to dissolve and loose them; Mans condition without the ministery of the Gospell is very base and servile: When and where the Gospell shineth, then and there as the Prophet speaketh, The Isa 42.7. eyes of the blind are opened, the prisoners are brought out from the prison, and they that sit in darknesse out of the prison-house. 4. Of Emptines 4. An estate of emptinesse and barrennesse. The field without the dew is unfruitfull, the soule without the dew of divine and heavenly doctrine distilling thereupon, beares no good fruit; there is no lawfull conception without an husband, all the fruit of the soule, not espoused to Christ by the Gospell, is illegitimate, and a very abomination; there is no reaping, where is no sowing: The soule which is not sowne with the seed of the word yeelds no harvest of grace, they are barren ground nigh to burning, who are strangers to the Gospell. 5. An estate of pollution and uncleanesse. [...]. Of Pollutiō. The house without the besome is overspread with slime and cobwebs; Naaman continued leprous untill he went seven times into Jordan and washed; the Temple was a den of theeves till Christ came with his whip, and drove them out; the heart of man is an unclean house, without the besome of the word sweeping it; the soule of man is oversread with the lothsome leprosie of sin, untill he bathe himselfe in the Jordan of the Gospell; the whole man is a very den of theeves, untill Christ comes, and by the ministery of his word scourge and drive them out: The ministery of the Gospell is the outward instrument and meanes of the soules cleansing: Every foule estranging it selfe from Gods ordinance is under the power of [Page 111] uncleannesse. 6. 6. Of Sorrow [...]. An estate of continuall and remedilesse sorrowes, straights and perplexities. If God begin to waken the conscience, and make man a little sensible of his wrath, then without the Gospell, his estate like the waters of Marah without the tree is very bitter, Exod. 15.25. he cannot drinke of it, he cannot meditate upon it, without any comfort, then he is in Iob 20.22. straights in the midst of his sufficiency; then he is in the green meadow of his worldly plenty, as a Psal 42.1. Mat. 8. chased Hart without the water brooke; then he is full of blessings and agitations; like the Disciples in the storme, and nothing but the voice of Christ in the Gospell can minister peace or comfort to him; Better be deprived of all worldly possessions, then of the Gospell, and Gods Ministers. O that such men would consider and study the misery of their condition, as are left without the Gospell, and a faithfull Minister to instruct them: All our blessings will prove at last as curses, if we have not the Gospell to sweeten and sanctifie them to us; the waters about Jericho were naught, untill the Prophet powred salt into them; 2 Kin. 2. the deepest rivers, and fullest flouds of mans worldly abundance, prove naught, an instrument of death and condemnation, to him that hath not the Gospell to season them; not the estate of him that wants earthly abilities, but the estate of him that wants the labours of Gods Ministers, is an estate of woes, miseries, and curses.
Doth God dispense his greatest, his heavenly, Their folly opened who estrange themselves from the ministery. his choisest blessings by his Ministers? Then in this, as in a plaine and open character may we read their folly, and their impiety, who estrange themselves from the house of God, who sleight and undervalue the labours of Gods Ministers; these men estrange themselves from the place, and from the meanes of blessing: The soule which is regardlesse of the ministery of the Gospell is far from blessing; such as come not to the light abide in darknesse; such as reject the Physitian, perish in their diseases; such as cast away their weapon, fall in the battell; such as refuse the ministery of the word, the light, the physicke, and armour of their soules, abide in ignorance, perish in their impieties, and fall before their spirituall adversaries. [Page 112] Such as came not to the Arke, the place and instrument of preservation in the deluge, were drowned in the waters: such as refuse the ministery of the Gospell, the instrument of the soules preservation, are swallowed in the deluge of Gods vengeance; Corah, Dathan, and Abiram refusing to come up at Moses call, the Num. 16. earth opened her mouth and swallowed them; the earth will prove the occasion and instrument of their ruine, who through their earthly mindednesse despise the Gospell, and sleight the call of Gods Ministers inviting them: Such men are blind, Grounds of neglecting the ministery. and see not the worth of the Gospell, dead in sinne, and taste not the sweetnesse of Christ in the Gospell, unsensible of their owne misery, and know not the necessity of Christ; as of a Physician to heale them; as of a ransomer to redeeme them; and as of a fountaine to wash and cleanse them: Such men are selfe-conceited, self-admirers, puffed up with an opinion of their owne fulnesse, and consider not the need they have of Christ, his Ministers, and Gospell; as of a guide to direct them, as of a jewell to adorne them, as of a pearle to enrich them, and as of a living spring to fill them. Such as have least sence of their owne misery and emptinesse, are the greatest despisers and undervaluers of the meanes of their eternall happinesse: And such as are most exalted with an opinion of their owne wisedome, doe ever prove the most foolish of all others; neither doth man ever declare greater folly and madnesse, then in sleighting the Gospell and worke of Gods Ministers; Folly and evill hereof. for every such man is blind, and will not be guided, leprous, and will not be cleansed, in thraldome, and will not be freed empty, and will not be filled, naked, and will not be cloathed, condemned and will not receive a pardon were it is tendred: Such men refuse Gods sweetest mercies, and expose themselves to Gods bitterest curses; they cast aside the Seales and pledges of Gods greatest loving kindnesse, and thrust themselves upon Gods severest judgements, and God will at last be farre from them, in the withdrawment of the light of his countenance, who are now far from him, by their absence from his ordinances, God [Page 113] will at last sleight their prayers, who now sleight the voice of his Ministers.
As the Lord dispenseth many sweet and heavenly blessings by his Ministers, Care not to withdraw our selves from Gods house. so it should be our care and wisedome, 1. Not to estrange our selves from their labours, not to withdraw our selves from Gods house, as the Prodigall in the parable withdrew himselfe from his fathers house: Forget not (saith the Apostle) the Heb. 10.25. assembling of your selves together; absence from the sacred assemblies, proves uncomfortable and perillous. The proffer of Gods mercy is refused, the tender of Gods sweetest love is rejected, the choisest comforts of the soule are despised; the estate of the men of the old world despising the Arke, the only instrument of preservation from the waters, proved dangerous; the estate of such as refuse the Gospell, the meanes of salvation proves ruinous, everlasting perdition proves their last portion; the Scholler estranging himselfe from the Schoole, remaines void of learning; the sicke man estranging himselfe from the Physician continues diseased; the souldier withdrawing himselfe from the Artillery house, remaines unarmed; the diseased woman in the Gospell could not get her bloudy issue cured, untill she came to Christ; Man estranging himself from the house of God remaines ignorant, his soule unarmed, his whole man mortally diseased. Sinne ever proves an incurable and mortall sicknesse to him that absents himselfe from Christ in his ordinances, absence from the house of God, spoyles the soule of all gracious and comfortable communion and acquaintance with God; he that refraines the Kings Court, loseth all communion with the King: Gods house is Gods Court, his Gospell the voice by which he speaketh, the glasse in which he shineth and shewes himselfe; the banquetting house wherein he communicates himselfe, as the Master of the feast unto his guests. He that neglecteth this, neglects the medium of his soules communion with God; estrangement from the house of God brings poverty upon the soule; the Prodigall forsaking his fathers house, became very poore and base, he made himselfe a companion [Page 114] of Swine and would have eaten of the huskes, if any man would have given to him; great is their basenesse, swinish are their dispositions, shamefull is their spirituall poverty and emptinesse, who forsake the house of God, their Father, reject the labours of Gods Ministers, and follow their owne [...]: Absence from the house of God, argues want of love to God; Can you love a man from day to day, inviting you, preparing a costly feast for you, and yet you refuse to come within the threshold of his house, and to taste of his dainties? Mans absence from the house of God proclaimes the alienation of his heart from God. How canst thou say (saith Dalilah to Sampson) that thou lovest me, when thy heart is not with me. How canst thou O man say that thou lovest God, when thy heart is not with God, exciting, thee to come to God, when thy foot is not with God, to carry thee to the house of God, when thy eare is not with God, to heare the word of God: He is far from God in his inward affections, who wittingly denies God his bodily presence; Estrangement from Gods ordinance provokes God, causeth him to become a stranger to us, to reject and leave us, and to walke as an adversary against us. When Ʋasthi refused to come to the Kings feast at the Kings command, it was ordered that Ʋasthi should come no more before the King, and that her royall state should be given unto another better then she. Many people refusing to come to God, to partake of that feast which God hath prepared for them in his Gospell, have been rejected of the Lord, excluded from his gracious presence, and the Gospell given unto others. God will deny that man the comfort of his face and counteance, who denyes God his presence in his sacred assembles; shamefull and soule-destroying desertion is the usuall attendant of mans refusall of the Gospell. When Joah refused to come to Absolon inviting him, Absalon sent, and set sire in his corne fields: Mans rejection of Gods invitations, turnes his favour into anger, his mercy becomes fury. Great were Gods mercies towards Jerusalem, great was Jerusalems abuse of Gods goodnesse, patience, and long-suffering, and at the last very dismall was Ierusalems desolation; [Page 115] Capernaums fall and destruction was answerable to her exaltation. God will make such men desolate at last, as leave the house of God desolate now.
Secondly, let it be our care and wisedome, Care not to sleight Gods Ministers. not to sleight and undervalue the labours of Gods Ministers, and the presence and publication of the Gospell; preferring our base and servile lusts above it, as Esau did a messe of pottage above his birthright, exalting the vaine and empty things of the world above it, as the men of Shechem set the bramble above the vine; this is the cisterne by which God conveyed the rivers of his grace, of his sweetest and choisest blessings to the soules of men; therefore doe not deride this as a foolish thing; a light, an idle, a fruitlesse thing, as a light head, 1 Cor. 2.14. Num. 11.5. as a babling speech; but remember this is Gods ordinance, the instrument by which he hath appointed to minister salvation unto man, as he ordained to save Israel by the staffe and stone in Davids hand; this is the arme and power of God unto salvation; this is the fiery pillar by which he will guide us; this is the Bethesda in which he will heale us; this is the immortall seed by which he will regenerate us; this is the greene pasture and still water by which he will leade and feed us; this is the trumpet, [...]t the sound whereof he will make the wals of Jericho, the holds of sinne to fall; this is the store-house in which the Lord will enrich us; this is the banquetting-house in which God will betroth us to his Son Christ Jesus; this is the river by which the Lord will water, refresh and glad us; and this is the Dove by which God will send the (live branch of peace unto us. Undervalue not this then, which is to our soules a Sun of so many bright and comfortable beames, a tree loaden with such variety of soule-nourishing fruit, a messenger comming with such joyfull, peaceable, and pacifying tydings, a store-house enriching us with such matchlesse treasures, and an instrument of the choisest, fullest, and everlasting blessings. How blind are they who sleight the light of this Sun? how ignorant are they who disesteeme the worth of this pearle? how distempered are their palates who rellish not the sweetnesse of this feast? how deafe are their eares who are not affected with this joyfull [Page 116] sound? O! how base are they in the eyes of God, who have such base apprehensions of Gods Ordinances, and the labours of his Ministers. God will surely sleight them that sleight his Christ, his Gospell, or any of Gods appointed instruments and meanes of their salvation: Honour therefore and attend the Gospell as the Starre in which Christ the Sun of Righteousnesse doth shine unto you; as the cloud whence Christ distilleth like the dew upon you; as the fiery pillar wherein Christ goes before you; as the Schoole wherein Christ instructeth you; as the feast whereat Christ feedeth you; as the Physicke by which Christ healeth you; and as the fiery charet in which Christ triumphantly carries you to everlasting blisse and glory. *⁎*