The Quaker's JESƲS.
The Lord is known by the Judgement which he executeth: the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands.
A whip for the Horse, a bridle for the Asse, and a rod for the fools back.
BEfore I come to the Narrative it self, I think it good to put down some opinions and positions this Blasphemer held, which I have gleaned out of that honest and sober confutation of them in a Book entituled, The Perfect Pharisee, and out of a Book of his own, lent me by A Quaker. Dennis Hollister, he telling me that Nailer had answered that pack of lies, (meaning The perfect Pharisee.) When I had read his Book, I return'd it to him, being in his Shop, walking with A Quaker. Thomas Gouldney, saith he, Now you have read some truths after your lies, set forth by the Priests, I answered, That was truth before, but now I had read a pack of lies. He told me, that some would believe nothing but lies, I answered, Isa. 28.15. that there was a generation of men, that made lies their refuge, and they were Quakers, and so left them.
I heartily wish, (for old acquaintance sake) that this man D. H. may have repentance given him, and turn again to his old puritanical principles, from whence he is deeply fallen, that he may not go on to this Blasphemer's height, lest he deservedly meet with this blasphemers doom from men, or from God, with worse.
Some few of Nailer's erroneous opinions and Doctrines follow.
Quest. Whether any could be as holy, just, and good, Perfect Pharisee. p. 1. as God himself?
[Page 2] Pag. 4. Answ. That he did witness himself, that he himself was as holy, just, and good as God.
Nailer being in conference with a godly Minister, said, that he wonder'd God should reveal any thing to him, and he not know it.
Pag. 7. Nailer did affirm, that Christ is in every man, and in the Reprobate, he is held under corruption, and so extended the indwellings of Christ to Indians that never heard the Gospel.
Pag. 8.In a letter wrote by Nailer, were these two horrid blaphemies, 1. That Christ in the flesh, with all he did and suffered therein, was but a figure, and nothing but an example. 2. That he that expecteth to be saved by him that died at Jerusalem, should be deceived.
T. P.As to this last, it was spoken by another of them, to a solid godly Christian of this City: and also delivered here, by another, L. Raymond. at their publick meeting place, where was neer two hundred people, this was sworn before the Magistrates, by a man of Mr. Walter Stephen's.
Pa. 22. Quest. Whether the Scriptures be the Word of God?
Ans. That the Scriptures are not the Word of God, but a declaration of the conditions of them that speak them forth.
His own Book pa. 2. Nailer bids all people turn from their outside lights, and turn to the light of God within you; for every man in the world, had a light within him, sufficient to guide him to salvation.
pa. 25, 26. Nailer saith, That men are justified by an inherent holiness, and that we are not reconciled to God, till we be perfectly holy, and able to stand so in our own power: and that no man that commits sin, or that is not perfectly holy, can enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, pa. 22. unless there be a Purgatory, and that there is no real Saint, but he that is perfectly holy in this life, and doth not sin.
Thus we have seen some of his erronious and damnable opinions. He is also reported to be one vicious in his life, it being offer'd to be proved, that he hath been seen often (lasciviously) to kisse and dance upon his knee, one Mrs. Roper, and that he had a child by her.
[Page 3]But to leave this, and set forth his higher impudence then all before (which was enough, and too much,) viz. his personating of the Lord Jesus Christ, when upon the 24. day of Octob. 1656. he came into Bristol.
The manner of the riding of James Nailor into Bristol, 24. Octob. 1656.
He rode on Horseback in at Redcliff-gate, with one bare before him, (namely, Timothy Wedlock, of the County of Devon) and two Women leading his Horse, with the Reyns in their hands, one on each side: Sister to (that seller of irreligious Books) Giles Galvert. Martha Symonds, the wife of Thomas Symonds of London, and Hannah Stanger, the wife of John Stanger of London: these came before him singing, Holy, holy, holy Lord God of Israel.
Thus he rode to the high Crosse of the City, and to the White heart in Broadstreet, being the house of Dennis Hollister, and Hen, Row, both eminent Quakers.
The Magistrates being informed hereof, sent for Ja. Nailor, (the Quakers Jesus) and his Disciples, Tim: Wedlock Sam: Carter, John Stanger, Rob: Crab, Marth. Symonds Han: Stanger, Doroth: Erbury Among many papers and letters (to the number of 21.) which were found about Nailer, and these his Disciples, at their first examination, I have inserted only one, which you shall find at the latter end of my Book. Isa. 28.15. Hos. 7.12. (seven in number) before them, but such was their singing Hosanna, and holy, holy, &c. and the great concourse of people, that their examination that night was not much, so they were committed to Newgate, (as well worthy) till the next day.
Saturday the 25 of Octob. being the next day, Nailer was sent for, and, before the Magistrates being examined, was very ready in his answers to circumstances, but wherein he thought the Question put to him, might discover him, either would be silent, or else answer with subtilty, (like his older Brethren the Jesuites,) and also denying some things that were put to him, out of his own Book; but its no wonder, for this generation so to do, who make lies their refuge, and use it, as if lying were a vertue.
Now (for the lenity shewn unto them) God is punishing, as our Congregations have heard, and if they were let alone to spread this error, of making the light within them the only rule (as they do) it would make them cast off Scripture, [Page 4] Ordinances, Ministry, and look upon themselves godified, and to say what this Blasphemer saith, I am Christ.
Mat. 23:15.For although their work by their proselytes (whom they make twofold more the Children of the Devil then themselves) be, to oppose the faithful Ministers of Jesus Christ, with such impudence, when about their Masters work, to the disturbing of the people of God, in their solemn publick worship of God; yet this will be an everlasting truth, (and we see it made good in this Impostor) which the Prophet speaks with an asseveration. Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secrets to his Servants the Prophets. Amos 3.7. And such is the good wisdom of our God, that when Sathan thinks to appear most like an Angel of light, 2 Cor. 11.14. Iudg. 14, 18. then shall these Philistims (without ploughing with anothers Heifer) unriddle themselves, that thereby Sathan's cloven foot, may be the more visibly discerned, 2 Tim, 3.9.
The Examination of James Nailer of Wakefield, in the County of York, taken before the Magistrates, the 25. of Octob. 1656.
I shall here bring in those Questions and Answers that were of most concernment.
Quest. What his name was?
Ans. That the name given him by the world, was James Nailer.
Quest. How he lived, and was maintained?
Ans. He lived without care, as the Lillies, and was maintained by his Father.
Quest. Who is your Father?
Ans. Him whom you call your God.
Quest. What was your business to Bristol?
Ans. I came, as I was guided by my Father, in my way to London.
Being asked as to the substance of some letters found about him, attributing several Titles unto him, which belong to Jesus Christ, calling him a Prophet, and being question'd whether he were a Prophet?
[Page 5] Ans. That he is the Prophet of the most high God.
Quest. Why that Title is given him to be a judge to try the cause of Israel?
Ans. Nothing to this, nor to many other Questions.
Quest. Whether he knew Hannah Stanger (and how long) which wrote to him?
Ans. He had known her some moneths, and that he received the letters from her in Exeter Goal.
Quest. Are you the only begotten Son of God?
Ans. I am the Son of God, and the Son of God is but one.
Quest. Whether his name was Jesus, (as in the Postscript written by Hannah Stranger's Husband) and how long he had been called so, and whether there were any other Jesus? To these things would not answer.
Quest. Whether he be the everlasting Son of righteousness.
Ans. That he is the Son of God, and the everlasting righteousness is wrought in him, and said, if we had known the Father, we would have known him also.
Quest. Whether any of the expressions in the said letter, were blasphemy or no?
Ans. That which is received of the Lord is truth.
Quest. Whose letter was that markt T. S?
Ans. Thomas Symonds sent it to him, to Exeter Goal.
Quest. Whether he were the King of Israel?
Ans. Thou hast said it, and he hath no Kingdom in the world, but reigneth in the Father.
Quest. Are you the Lamb of God (as styled in the letter) in whom the hopes of Israel stands?
Ans. That if he were not his Lamb, he should not be thus sought for to be devoured, and that the hope of Israel stands in the righteousness of the Father, in whomsoever it is.
Quest. Whether Israels hopes be in any measure in him?
Ans. Yea.
Quest. Whether any of the expressions in the letter, were blasphemy?
Ans. Who made thee a Judge over them?
Quest. Why came you into the City, in such an universal [Page 6] manner, two Women leading your Horse, and singing Holy, holy, &c. with one bare before you?
Ans. It was for the praises of his Father, and said, he may not refuse any thing that is moved of the Lord, and that their Father commanded them to do it.
Quest. Dost thou think the Father commanded them?
Ans. Yea.
Quest. Whom did they mean, by Holy, holy, &c?
Ans. They are of age to answer for themselves.
Quest. Whether as he rode through Glasenbury and Wells, some did not spread their cloathes on the ground before him, and sing Holy, holy, &c?
Ans. He believed they did.
Quest. Have you call'd Martha Symond's Mother, as in G. Fox's letter (wrote by G. Bishop?)
Ans. G. Fox did he, she was neither called Mother by him, nor any with him.
Quest. Whether he had a Wife?
Ans. That there is a Woman, whom the world calleth his Wife.
I shall now give some account of his Examination in the Painted Chamber at Westminster, before the Committee of Parliament, the 15th of Novemb. 1656.
For though he denyed part of what he confest here, Bristol. and juggled in much, yet he owned blasphemy in the height there, as well as here.
Quest. Did any sing before you, when you rode into Bristol?
Answ. They sang a Psalm. Quest. What Psalm? Ans. Such as the words was. Quest. Was not the words Holy, holy, &c. Ans. It may be it was. Quest. Did any Women lead your Horse? Answ. There was some did hold the Bridle. Quest. Did you reprove them for so doing? Answ. Nay, but I spake to them about it; and they said, they were moved of the Lord to it. Quest. Its laid to your charge, that you did assume to your self, the fairest of ten thousands, did any give [Page 7] you that Attribute? Answ. In words they did not. Quest. Did they any other way by letter, or so? Answ. You have the letter. Quest. But I do ask you? Ans. If they spake it to that of the Father in me, I dare not deny it, for its beautiful, in whomsoever its begotten. Quest. Do you own that attribute of being the only begotten Son of God? Answ. I do not deny but I am the Son of God, and have many Brethren. Quest. Are you the only begotten Son of God? Ans. I have answered. Quest. Have any given you the title of being the King of Israel? Answ. I think its in the letter. Quest. Do you own it? Answ. I have no Kingdom in this world, but a Kingdom I have. Quest. Do you own the title of the King of Israel, and Prince of peace? Answ. It is but one, and that of God born in me, is the King of Israel, Jesus Christ, who is the King of Israel, is manifested in me, and that I own. Qu. Have any called you the Prophet of the most high God? Answ. Yea, I am a Prophet of the most high God. Quest. Are you the Prophet? Answ. I have said. Quest. Are you a judge sent to try the cause of Israel? Ans. The Judge of Israel is but one. Quest. Do you in any respect judge the cause of Israel? Answ. No other way then as God is manifested in the flesh. Quest. Then that way you are that Judge? Ans. I own it. Quest. How do you execute the office of a Judge? Answ. No other way then as the Father in me. Quest. By whom are you sent to do it? Ans. By him that hath made all creatures, he hath sent his Son into me, to try the cause of Israel. Quest. In what manner do you judge the cause of Israel? Ans. If they be brought before me in the counsel of my Father, I do judge it, but not in carnal things. Quest. In what matters are you made a judge, if not in carnal things? Ans. In matters belonging to the Kingdom of God. Quest. By what spirit do you judge? Ans. By the indwellings of the Father, and the Son. Quest. By what spirit are you guided to be Judge? Ans. Its the Judge of all Spirits, and not to be guided by any but himself. Quest. Is not the word of God the rule of the Spirit? Ans. The word of God and the Spirit is one. Quest. Is not the written word of God that Rule? Answ. Its that which doth declare of that Spirit. Quest. Are you more sent then another man to do this? Answ. No otherwise, [Page 8] but as the Father and the Lord is manifested in me, and to no other but him that knowes the indwellings of God. Quest. Have any persons said or written, that your Mother is a Virgin, and your birth immortal? Ans. I remember such expressions. Quest. Do you own this? Ans. Not according to the natural birth. Quest Do you own it according to the spiritual? An. I am born of the immortal seed. Quest. Who was your Mother according to your spiritual birth? An. No man knowes, but he that hath it. Quest. You can tell who was your Mother? To this no answer. Quest. Do you own your birth immortal? An. Yea, according to the spirit. Q Had your birth any beginning? you say it is immortal. An. If thou speakest to the visible I had, but not otherwise. Q. Who is the Father of your spiritual birth? An. I have told you. Quest. Who is your Mother, the Virgin Mary? An. I have not said I was born of the Virgin Mary, but there is a womb that you know not of. Quest. Do you own the title to be him in whom the hope of Israel stands? An. As Christ is in me. Qun. As Christ is in you, are you he in whom the hope of Israel stands? An. Yea. Qu. What are those hopes that Israel have in you, more then another? An. None but those that have it, can give account of it. Qu. What hope is it that they can give account of? Answered not. Qu. Have any called you the everlasting Son of righteousness, is he manifested in thy flesh? An. He is manifested in the flesh, I do not deny. Qu. Are you the Prince of peace? An. I own him the everlasting Prince of peace, begotten in me. Qu. When those titles were given to you, did you reprove them? An. I spake not to those that did it, but to the Letter, I know it would not bear with some. Qu. Have any call'd you by the name of Jesus? An. Not as unto the visible, but as to Jesus the Christ that is in me. Qu. Dost thou own that name King of Israel? An. Not as a creature, but if they give it Christ within me, he hath a Kingdom, of which thou wottest not. Q. Did any worship you, and kisse your feet in the prison? An I do not mind it. Qu. Do you remember it? An. I may be they might. Qu. Is there that worship due to you, which was to Christ? An. If they did it to the visible, they were too blame, but if to the invisible, that worship is due to me, according [Page 9] to my measure, as was due Oh the heighth of horrid blasphemy! to Christ.
Quest. Then you say, that worship was due (to that which you call the invisible in you) to you as was given to Christ at Jerusalem? Ans. Yea.
Qu. When you were askt at Bristol, are you the King of Israel, did you say thou hast said it?
An. I cannot tell whether I said it there, but I do say it here, if they had known the Father, they had known me also.
Qu. What estate have you, how are you maintained in your Travels?
An. I take little care for that.
Qu. Who provides for you?
An. Him that clothes the Lillies.
Qu. How dost thou live? by bread?
An. I live by the word of the Lord. Qu. Do you live by that only? An. So long as it pleaseth the Father, I do.
Qu. How long have you fasted without bread?
An. Some weeks.
Qu. How many weeks?
An. Two or three.
Qu. Did you live without any food all that time?
An. Yea.
Qu. Did any offer you any food in that time?
An. Yea, many did, but I refused and lived by the word of the Lord.
Here I have only given account briefly of his Examinations at London, which I hoped would at large have come forth by some faithful hand, it being presented to the House, by the Committee in fifteen sheets of paper, as then taken from his own mouth, but waiting a full year, and no such thing appearing, I have the easier been perswaded to publish it.
I shall here insert the Examination (only) of Dorcas Erbury, (one of his Disciples) who indeed spake without juggling downright the sense of them all.
The Examination of Dorcas Erbury, before the Magistrates of Bristol, Octob. 27. 1656.
Quest. Where do you live? Ans. With Margaret Thomas of Bristol.
Quest. Why did you sing Holy, holy, &c. before James Nailer when he rode in?
Ans. I did not sing then, but they that did were call'd to it by the Lord.
Quest. They call'd him that rode on the Horse, the holy one of Israel. Is he so?
Ans. Yea, he is so, and I will seal it with my blood.
Quest. And is he the only begotten Son of God?
☞ Answ. He is the only begotten Son of God.
Quest. Why did you so honour him, as to pull off his stockins, and put your Cloathes under his feet?
Ans. Because he is the Lord of Israel, and is worthy of it.
Quest. Do you know no other Jesus the only begotten Son of God but him?
Ans. He hath declared him to be the Son, and I know (no other Saviour) but him.
Quest. Jesus Christ was crucified upon the Crosse, and how is this he?
Ans. He is manifested in him.
Quest. Do you believe in James Nailor?
Ans. Yea, I do believe in him, whom thou callest so.
Quest. What name do you give him?
Ans. The Son of God.
Quest. What do you call him usually?
Ans. I am commanded to call him Lord and Master, and I am to serve him.
Quest. Who commands you to call him so?
Ans. The Spirit of the Lord which is within me doth command me.
Quest. Jesus Christ is dead, Nailor is alive.
[Page 11]Ans. He hath laid down his natural body.
Quest. What body is that he hath?
An. That body which he hath is by the power of the Lord. Doth not the Scripture say, I will change thy natural body, and it shall be a spiritual body.
Quest. He hath flesh and bones, which a Spirit hath not.
An. He hath new flesh and new bones.
Qu. Jesus Christ hath raised from the dead, hath Nailor done so?
An. Yea, he raised me from the dead.
Qu. How so?
An. I was dead two dayes, and he laid his hands upon my head, and said, Dorcas arise, and from that day to this, I am alive.
Qu. Where was this done?
An. In Exeter Goal.
Qu. Who was witness to this?
An. My Mother did bear witness to it; (she standing by.)
Qu. If he hath such power, why doth he not open the Prison-doors, and come forth?
An. When the work of the Lord is done in the Prison, the doors shall open before him.
Qu. Jesus Christ had Apostles and Disciples, hath he any?
An. Yea.
Qu. Where are they?
An. Some are with him, and some abroad.
Qu. Jesus Christ doth sit at the right hand of God, and shall judge the world, doth Nailer thus?
An. Nailer shall sit at the right hand of the Father, and shall judge the world.
Here we see Blasphemy in the highest: and now the Magistrates sending a Letter to Mr. R. A. (their godly Town-Clark, and honourable Burgesse of Parliament) of these wretches Examinations: upon his report to the House, the Parliament chose a Committee from amongst themselves to take notice of it, and sent a Messenger for Nailor: two of his Company, viz. Sam. Cater, and Rob. Crab, the last of October, were discharged (their examinations amounting not [Page 12] to much,) and were seen that day to come to the In Broadmeddow at Bristol. Synagogue of Satan, where the Quakers meet.
The Magistrates sent Nailor for London, the 10th of November, with 4 of his Disciples, viz. Stanger and his Wife, Martha Symonds, and Dorcas Erbury.
Now lest they should deny (as much they did) what they confest here, Mr. Phil. Dorney their Clark, and (upon the request of the Magistrates) another with him, to evidence what here they said, went for London, and upon the 15th of November (being the first day of their hearing before the Committee in the Painted Chamber) made good against them what they here owned.
Upon Wednesday following, the Committee met again, and then agreed upon some Reports to be made to the House, but being not fully satisfied, upon Saturday following, sent for Nailor again, and examined him fuller, shewing much patience in hearing his long-winded answers, which were framed with much craft and subtilty, and though he deny'd much of what he said at Bristol, yet owned there greater Blasphemy than before.
At that time was one of the Witnesses call'd again, to manifest the manner of his comming into Bristol, and what he there confest before the Magistrates; upon this, when he that was call'd began to speak, a Member of the Committee spake something in Nailors behalf, but being satisfied by the rest, the party call'd upon then to speak, being desir'd to speak on, he directing his speech to the Chairman, spake as followeth.
Sir, If any Gentleman here present be not satisfied to what I shall speak, because I am not upon my Oath, I do here tender my self to be sworn, that what I shall speak, shall be nothing but the truth: they answered, they should believe him without an Oath: he then said,
Gentlemen, Upon the request of the Magistrates of Bristoll, I do here appear, and the business I am now upon, is the Cause of God, yet I shall speak to you in Scripture-Language, Job 13.7.8. If I tell you I dare not lie for God (being bid to speak on, did) Sir, As to this wretche's comming in, I was not an [Page 13] eye-witness. But that Testimony which the Magistrates have sent up to your Honours, was affirmed by two Gentlemen, that were members of the Common-Councel of Bristol, who were eye-witnesses thereof.
The Chair-man (who was godly Mr. Bamfield, Recorder of Exeter) desiring him to speak on, he told them, he was present at the examination of this Blasphemer, before the Maior of Bristol, and noted his answers to what was there put to him in short hand, and after transcribed them, and compared them with those sent up to your Honours (which the Maior hath firmed) and found them to agree.
Sir, The comming of this Blasphemer into Bristol, in such a manner, personating the Lord Jesus Christ, did so take with those that fear the Lord (however others may deem it) that (to my knowledge) it did cost many teares: and I do not know (in these dividing times) what did better take amongst us then this, when we heard, that upon our Burgesses Report of it to the House, the Parliament so resented it, as to choose out from amongst themselves, your Honours to take notice of it. And truly Sir, though it be very sad to us, that we are the Head Quarters of this generation of Quakers, that hath brought forth such an Impostor, yet we look upon it as a providence, that it is in time of Parliament. And we have thus far witnest against it, and shall leave it to your Honours wisdom, to do as God shall direct you.
Upon Wednesday the 25. of Novemb. the Committee met again, and then agreed to deliver their Report to the House, which they did upon the 4th of Decemb. in 15 sheets of paper. It being read in the House, not one Member excepted against any thing in it; but upon debate, not knowing but it might concern his life, they generally agreed to hear him themselves first.
The sixth of Decemb. Nailer was sent for, and called to the Barre, the Report of the Committee was particularly read in parts, and his answer required to each Head.
Quest. Whether his answer before the Committee to these things, were thus? He answered to every head yea, and denyed not any part thereof.
[Page 41]Whereupon the House agreed upon all the matter of fact reported by the Committee, and adjudged it horrid Blasphemy, and he a Grand Impostor and deceiver of the people, and ordered him close prisoner.
After 8. or 9. dayes debate, upon the 16th of December, the House came to a Resolution in Nailers business, and upon a division of the House, it being carried in the Negative, that the question for death should not be put; The House then considered what the punishment should be, if not death: So they voted his punishment to be as followeth.
Nailor's Sentence.That upon Thursday next, the 18th of Decemb. he stand in the Pillory two houres, in the new Pallace yard, with a paper of his offence and crime in his breast. And then presently to be whipt by the Hangman, to the old Exchange: upon Saturday following, to be put in the Pillory for two houres, before the Exchange; and then bored through the tongue with a hot Iron, and stigmatized with the letter B. in his fore-head: And afterwards, be by the Sheriffs of London, conveyed to Bristol, and there ride through the City upon a Horse, with his face to the Horse tail, and then publickly whipt through the Town: And then by the Sheriffs of Bristol, to be conveyed to Bridewel in London, there to be kept close Prisoner, from all society of people, from pen, ink and paper, kept to hard labour, and to eat no more than he yearns by his labour, and not to be released till further order from the Parliament.
The next day being the 17th of December, Nailor was brought to the Barre, to receive his sentence agreed upon.
The next day, Thursday the 18th of Decemb. Nailor according to his sentence, stood in the Pillory in the new Pallace yard two houres, and immediately after, was from thence whipt by the Hangman to the old Exchange.
Upon Saturday following, being to receive the remainder of his punishment there ( London) in the morning was a Petition sent in to the Parliament, to desire the respiting of his punishment for a few dayes (he being not well) least it should endanger his life.
To the Parliament of the Common-wealth of
England, Scotland, and
The humble Petition of the persons, whose names are underwritten.
THat we are credibly informed, (by those eyes that have seen it) that James Nailor is in a very ill and dangerous condition of body, not fit to undergo that part of your sentence he is adjudged unto this day, and were desired to acquaint this Honourable House so much, And to beg the respite of a week, or some small time, as to your wisdom and goodness shall seem meet, that he may recover a little strength, before he be called forth again: Which office of charity we could not refuse, though we are not partakers with him, nor abettors of him, in any things that have occasioned this sentence.
Therefore since we believe, it is not your intent to destroy that life which you spared in your sentence. We humbly pray, an Order of Reprieve may be granted for a few dayes, and it will be accepted as an Act of your Christian moderation and clemency.
- T.Z. J. S.
- J. W. C. H.
This Petition occasioned this Order following.
That the further punishment of James Nailor, which should have been on this day, shall be suspended till this day sevenight, and be executed on him then, and that the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex, do observe the Order accordingly.
[Page 16] Tuesday after being the 23. of Decemb. there came near about an hundred men, with a Petition to the Parliament door, for the remitting the rest of Nailors punishment, The House understanding of it, many worthy Members would have had it rejected, but the House was divided, and at last, put to the Vote, whether to be admitted or no, which was carried in the Affirmative; whereupon, the Petition was called in, and one Mr. Joshua Sprigg, (formerly an Independent Minister) presented it at the Barre before the House, and made a short Speech before the delivery of it, the Speech I could not get, but the Petition was as followeth.
To the Parliament of the Common-wealth of
England, Scotland, and
Ireland, &c.
The humble Petition of divers peaceable and well affected persons, in the Cities of
London and
Westminster, in behalf of themselves and many others.
THat your moderation and clemency, in respiting the punishment of James Nailor, in consideration of his illness of body, hath refreshed the hearts of many thousands in these Cities, altogether unconcerned in his practice, And hath opened their eyes to see something more than the terrors of Mount Sinai, to dwell upon your Honourable House, and hath likewise given them some hopes, to see you come forth in the Spirit of our Lord Jesus, yet more and more, to the convincement of those that erre, and are out of the way.
Wherefore we most humbly beg your pardon, that are constrained to appear before you in such a suit, (not daring to do otherwise) that you would remit the remaining part of your sentence, against the said James Nailor, leaving him to the Lord, and to such Gospel remedies, as he hath sanctified.
[Page 17]And we are perswaded, you will find such a course of love and forbearance more effectual to reclaim, and will leave a Seal of your love and tenderness upon our Spirits.
And we shall pray, &c.
The substance of the Petition was for the remitting and pardoning of the residue of Nailors punishment; the Parliament that day came to no result about it, but broke up.
This Petition was in the first place subscribed by Col. Scrope, sometimes Governour of the Castle and Fort of Bristol.
The Petition to the Parliament, being not like to take that effect they hoped, they made their address to the Protector, as followeth.
To his Highness,
Oliver Lord Protector of the Common-wealth of
England, S. and J. and the Dominions thereunto belonging.
The humble Petition,
THat your Petitioners (having out of tenderness to the good cause of our spiritual and civil Liberties) concerned in some late proceedings of the House of Parliament, and to the good of these Nations, and the government thereof, appeared in a Petition to the Parliament, (a Copy whereof, is hereunto annexed) for the remitting the remaining punishment of James Nailor: which Petition, is received into the House, and resteth there; We humbly conceive it our duty also, in consideration of the joint interest, which your Highness with the Parliament hath, by the Instrument of Government in the Legislative power, to make our humble address and request to your Highness.
That you will be pleased, according to all former Declarations, [Page 18] and the experience we have had, of your Highnesses care of this tender interest of Liberty of Conscience, to weigh the consequence of these late proceedings, and, according to the 37th Article of the Instrument aforesaid, and one of the grounds you declare upon in the Warre with Spain, your Highness will stand up for the poor people of God in this day.
Wherein your Highness will not do more right to your Petitioners, than to your self and these Nations.
And we shall pray, &c.
Fryday being the 26. of December, his Highness the Lord Protector sent a Letter to the House, about the business of Nailer, as followeth,
RIght trusty, and right well beloved, We greet you well, Having taken notice of a Judgement, lately given by your selves, against one James Nailer, Although we detest and abhorre the giving or occasioning the least countenance to persons of such opinions or practises, who are under guilt of such crimes, as are commonly imputed to the said person: Yet, We being interessed in the present Government, on the behalf of the people of the e Nations, and not knowing how far such a proceeding, wholly without us, might extend in the consequences of it, do desire, that the House will let us know the grounds and the Reasons, whereupon they have proceeded.
Given at White-hall the 25. of Decemb. 1656.
This Letter occasioned a great Debate in the House, to consider, what Answer should be returned to it.
An Answer was not agreed upon, but another day appointed, viz. Tuesday following, mean while, the Parliament [Page 19] (like themselves) orders Nailor to receive the remainder of his punishment, (according to his sentence) which upon Saturday the 27. of December, was executed upon him, standing in the Pillory before the Exchange two houres, and after that, was bored through the tongue with a hot Iron: And then stigmatized with the letter B. in his fore-head, and so sent again to prison.
At this time, Nailor receiving the second part of his punishment, there was one A Quaker. Robert Rich, a Merchant, suffer'd to stand on the stage with him by the Pillory, who took a paper out of his pocket, and placed it over his head, whereon was written, It is written, Luke 23.38. This is the King of the Jewes. Oh wretched impudency, and horrid Blasphemy! and yet this wretch never question'd; only an Officer stept up, and pull'd it down.
The 16th of Jan. Nailor came to Lawfords gate at Bristoll, and there lay that night, being sent by the Sheriffs of London, to the Sheriffs of Bristol, to be deliver'd to them, who before had received this Order, as followeth.
Whereas James Nailor is by Parliament adjudged, to be guilty of Horrid Blasphemy, and a Grand Impostor, and a great Seducer of the people, whereupon Judgement was given, and in that Judgement it is, amongst other things, adjudged, that the said James Nailor be sent to the City of Bristol, and conveyed into, and through the same City, on a Horse bare ridged, with his face backwards, and there also publickly whipped, the next Market day after he comes thither, And that after the execution of this punishment, he be committed to prison in Bridewell London.
These are therefore, by vertue of an Order of Parliament, to require you, to receive the said James Nailor, from the hands of the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex, or their Deputies, and that you do execute, or cause the said Judgement, in all and every the particulars aforesaid, to be duly executed and performed, And that thereupon, you convey, or cause the said James Nailor to be safely conveyed from Bristol, to the City of London, and there to be delivered unto the Governours of Bridewell London, there to be dealt withall, according [Page 20] to the said Judgement. Whereof you are not to fail. And for doing whereof, this shall be your Warrant in that behalf.
The 17th of Jan (according to his sentence) Nailor took Horse at Lawfordsgate, the entrance into the City, and rode with his face to the horse tail, through the City, without The place of his first riding in. Redcliffe gate, and there alighted, and brought to the middle of Thomas Street, and there stript, and then tyed to the horse, to be whipt from thence back again to the middle of Broadstreet.
Now in this Blasphemer's punishment, that Proverb [of Kissing goes by favour] is alter'd: For with the Hangman at London, and (I will not say whom) here at Bristol, whipping goes by favour: but this Order following, was given to Mr. Roch, the Keeper of Newgate, in reference to the favouring of him.
CAuse James Nailor to ride in at Lawfordsgate, upon a Horse bare ridg'd, with his face backwards, from thence along Winestreet, to the Tolsey, thence down High street, over the Bridge, and out at Redcliffe gate, there let him alight, and bring him into St. Thomas street, and cause him to be stript, and made fast to the Cart horse, and there in the Market first whipped, from thence to the foot of the Bridge, there whipt; thence to the end of the Bridge, there whipt; thence to the middle of Highstreet, there whipt; thence to the Tolsey, there whipt; thence to the middle of Broadstreet, there whipt; And then turn into the Taylors Hall, there release him from the Cart-horse, and let him put on his Clothes, and carry him from thence to Newgate, by Tower lane, the back way.
Now whereas custommarily the Bellman goes before, and [Page 21] makes Proclamation of the offence of the offendor, yet this unparalleld Blasphemer (though as vitious as erronious) the Keeper commands the Bellman to the contrary, and suffers one Jones a Coppersmith, and an ugly Quaker to hold back the Beadle's Arm, when striking, and in all the way the Bell rang but six times, which, according to custom of such correction, should have been more, for farre lesser, (nay no) fault in comparison to this; But which is worse, and more sad, there was one Robert Rich, a monstrous wretch, having a Mairmaids head (such was the length of his hair) that did ride bare before, singing, Holy, holy, &c. This Rich, the 15th of Decemb. sent in to the Speaker of the Parliament a letter, with this impudent Challenge.
If I may have liberty of those that sit in the Parliament, I do here at their door attend, and am ready, out of the Scriptures of truth, to shew, that not any thing James Nailor hath said or done, is Blasphemy, or worthy either of death or bonds; but to return,
Ah poor silly Bristol! How hath the imprudent neglect or timorousness of some in thee, in not crushing the shell, and the sottish seduced credulity or indulgence of other some, in nourishing the brood of this Serpentine Generation of Quakers, given them too much advantage, to fulfill among us, that infallible prediction of the Apostle, 2 Tim. 3.13. Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. For that Ezek. 8.23. behind is worse yet: These wretched Quakers that would scarce seem to own Nailor at his comming in the 24. of Octob. yet now many accompanie him, and when he was going to horse at the gate, though in that shameful manner (as before) yet use these expressions which follow.
Behold the Lamb of God, saith one, This is the cornerstone which the builders refused; another: Sworn by John Iones, Ship-wright. They shall look upon him whom they have pierced (and wept) another. Let all the Angels in Heaven worship him, a fifth, Give honour to whom honour belongeth. These wretches wept, but sure he hath a hard heart, that doth not weep in earnest, to hear and see such Blasphemies against the true Jesus (as these are) [Page 22] and those Titles that belong unto him, to be attributed to such a blasphemous wretch as this is; who upon Fryday night lying at the Lamb without Lawfords gate, (being the night he came thither, Sworn by Tho. Jeffries, and Ruth Harris. Jan. 16.) had a woman in bed with him, (I say in bed) by this circumstance, in the Oath taken before the Maior. [The Maid and Tapster, saw a woman at 10. of the Clock at night, on the farther side of the bed, and covered, lying with her arms over the rug] and though they would not swear she was naked, and in the bed, yet the Maid did swear, that about 5 of the Clock the next morning, this (whorish) woman, was lying in the same place and manner. One such action you have before in the third page, offer'd to be sworn but enough and too much.
After this, the Sheriffs of Bristol sent him up to the Governour of Bridewell London, who had received this Order, as followeth.
Whereas James Nailor is by Parliament, adjudged to be guilty of horrid blasphemy, and a grand Impostor, and a great Seducer of the People, whereupon Judgement was this day given, and in that Judgement it is (amongst other things) adjudged, That the said James Nailor be sent from Bristol to London, and committed to prison in Bridewel there, and restrained there from the society of all people, and kept to hard labour, till he shall be released by Parliament. And during that time, be debarred from the use of pen, ink and paper, and shall have no relief but what he earnes by daily labour.
These are therefore by vertue of an Order of Parliament, to require you, or your Deputy, to receive from the Sheriffs of Bristol, or their Deputies, the said James Nailor, and that you do execute, or cause the said Judgement, in all and every the particulars aforesaid, to be duly executed and performed. Whereof you [Page 23] are not to fail; for doing whereof, this shall be your Warrant in that behalf.
Now some mercy it is in these evil times (wherein every man almost doth what is right in his own eyes) that there are some Magistrates who have endeavoured (though in Parliament, and, you see else-where, Iudg. 17.6. & 18.7. with great opposition) to put offendors to open shame. But though Justice, and Justices here, may be mock'd, God is not, Gal. 6.7. (and men shall one day know) will not be mockt. What answer will these wretches make, Psal. 4.2. when God shall put this Quest O ye Sons of men, how long will ye turn my glory into shame? For God himself hath said, I am the Lord, that is my name, Isa. 42.8. and my glory will I not give to another. And though wretches would take it, yet they must stand off, they shall not have it; nay, they cannot have it. For upon all the glory shall be a defence. If upon the Church the body, Chap. 4. v. 5. much more on Christ the Head.
I have now done as to this Impostor, and his deluded ones: And shall say as the Apostle did to that Sorcerer (so to him.) Thy heart is not right in the sight of God, Acts 8.21, 22, 23. Repent therefore of this thy wickedness, and pray God, if perhaps the thought of thine heart may be forgiven thee, for I perceive that thou art in the gall of bitterness, and in the bond of iniquity. See Mat. 12.31, 32.
Here you have had a sad, but a true account of Blasphemy in the highest, and though Nailor himself, and some of the others, did juggle in their answers, yet Dorcas Erbury speaks the sense of them all.
Now though the times may be such as to question, whether there be any Blasphemy or no; yet God will one day say, I know the Blasphemy of them which say they are Jewes, Rev. 2.9. and are not, but are the Synagogue of Satan: Will he not much [Page 24] more say it of this wretch, that saith he, is Jesus, &c.
This is a Blasphemy to be bewailed, if possible, with teares of blood; Psal. 73.9. Ephes. 4.10. for it reacheth to the Heavens, nay, to him that is exalted above the Heavens (I suppose in dignity.)
And that my heart may be the more affected with him, my dear Lord and Saviour, against whom all this is, I shall desire to call to mind two things.
- 1. His Relation to me.
- 2. His sufferings for me, and both upon the account of free grace.
And oh that my heart might, not only be affected with, but my soul afflicted for it, That all this should be said and done against him who is my head, the Lord my Righteousness, my Advocate, my Mediator, my Saviour, my Christ, my Jesus, my continual Intercessor, my Wisdom, Sanctification, and Redemption, my All in all.
Now considering our Relation, methinks it should soften the hardest heart, to wear it self out with melting teares, What, is all this against my elder Brother? yea, my Lord and my God? What, all done against my loving and lovely Jesus?
But that it may (if possible) be more affected (as I am sure it ought to be) let us consider, And methinks Christ is now speaking from Heaven to us, Iohn 6.67. in these apostatizing dayes, as he did to his Disciples. Will ye also go away? And may not Christ say, as the Lord doth, wherein have I wearied you? testifie against me. Mica. 6.3.
He can say to us, I have unthroned my self of my glory with my Father, and took upon me your nature, and so came in it nearer to you then others, and will ye go away? What you? If I had done no more, this had been enough to have kept you to me for ever, and not look after another. I took your nature upon me, not for any pleasure I had in it, or ease by it: but that by suffering in it, you might be preserved.
What had I done might our dear Jesus say, who can charge me with sin? the Devil himself cannot do it, the [Page 25] Prince of this world commeth, and hath nothing in me. Joh. 14.30. If all I did suffer was for you, standing in your room, so to suffer, will you thus requite me? May not Christ say, as the Lord doth by Moses? Do ye thus requite the Lord? Oh foolish people and unwise! Is not he thy Father, Deut. 32.6. (Saviour) that hath bought thee? Hath he not made thee, and established thee? Surely we may say as in the verse before, vers. 5. Their spot is not the spot of his children, that thus blaspheme him, or, as it is (more emphatical) in the Margin, That they are not his children, that is their blot.
But now say some of these spotted and blotted ones, what is Christ? what did this Christ at Jerusalem? We have an answer at hand, out of the word of truth (if you had grace to believe it.)
As to what he is, I answer, He is the only begotten Son of God: and yet the Son of man, in this one Scripture both, And the Word is made flesh, and dwelt among us, Iohn 1.14. and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.
As to what he did?
Answ. But this man, after he had offered one Sacrifice for ever, sat down at the right hand of God. Heb. 10.12.
But believing soul (to thee I desire to speak) see and behold what he did, when he stood in our stead, to grapple with his Fathers wrath for us, And all we shall see it out of that Gospel already preached and received; And if an Angel from Heaven, Gal. 1.8. preach any other (Gospel) let him be accursed.
Consider we then his first bleeding, 1. Bleeding. Luk. 2.21. when for our sakes he submitted to (the painful Ordinance of) Circumcision, 1. Bleeding. Luk. 2.21. whereby also we may receive much benefit, it by faith & the operation of the holy Spirit in our hearts (being circumcised by the circumcision made without hands:) we apply it to our selves, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ. Colos. 2.11. But I shall by and by let you see, no lesse then eleven particular bleedings more, which I trust, will help affect our hearts, and constrain us the more to love and obey him.
[Page 26] Luk 22.39. compared with 44. Mat. us in the next place, consider his bleeding at the Mount of Olives: And O that we could consider (as we should) his Agony there! This, this was his soul afflicting passion, praying, If thou be willing, let this Cup passe from me (three times) And being in an Agony (saith the Text) he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat (Mark O soul) was as it were great drops of blood, 2. Bleeding. falling down to the ground. This earnestness in prayer, was a wrestling to purpose (even beyond Jacob's, Gen. 32.24.28. though he prevailed with God.)
Consider O my soul, also the willingness of thy Saviour, after this deep Agony, and great conflict with his Father, he knowing all things that should come upon him, goes forth, and meets the traytor and his company, and said unto them, Whom seek ye? Joh. 18.4.
Luk. 22.66.Now as thou seest the readiness of thy Saviour, so behold also the malice of the enemy, their readiness (saith the Text.) And as soon as it was day, the Elders of the people, and the chief Priests and Scribes came together, and led him into their Counsel (As soon as it was day they did it) Here was no Respite to the true Jesus.
Then if we consider his Executioners, they are not men of an effeminate spirit; but saith the Text, These things therefore the Souldiers did, Joh. 19.24. Ezek. 21.31. who (as the Prophet hath it) are men brutish and skilful to destroy; yea, and to deceive too; who are men burning (saith the Margin) their rage and malice sets them on fire, and then who can stand before it?
Oh soul! to help thee, yet further to mourn over thy dear Saviour, consider these men, (Souldiers) are not only skilful to destroy, but its a passe-time to them, witness that saying of two great Souldiers, Abner and Joab; And Abner said to Joab, 2 Sam. 2.14. Let the young men now arise, and play before us, And Joab said, Let them arise, and they did, &c.
And now oh my soul! look upon thy dear Jesus, this true Jesus is scourged indeed, Mat. 27.26. 3. Bleeding. in earnest, it was not a mock-punishment, his sacred body was whipt to purpose, so that if the Spouse should be asken, What is thy beloved more than another beloved? Cant. 5.9. she might answer, Now my beloved is black and blew (not white and ruddy.) And after this, none comes [Page 27] to wash & supple his stripes; but immediately delivered into the hands of these merciless men (Souldiers.) And concerning his whipping, Histories tell us, That their whips were of small cord & wires, that so every stroak might tear the flesh. (Ah my dear Jesus) Soul, canst thou think his sweet body was not torn to purpose by them, when that wretch ( Pilate) delivered him up to their will? Do what you will with him: was ever any Malefactor so delivered up? Mark what St. Luke saith, And he released unto them, him that for sedition and murder was cast into prison, whom they had desired, Luk. 23.25. but he delivered Jesus to their will, to do with him what they would. (So one Translation.)
After this, the Souldiers took Jesus into the Common Hall, and they stript him (the Souldiers did. Mat. 27.27, 28. 4 Bleeding.) Soul dost thou think it was gently done? no, no, this fetcht (I suppose) bloud, Holy Jesus! from thy sweet (but very sore) body again.
After this, they put on him a Roab (as they call it) and when they had platted a Crown of thorns, they, (the Souldiers) put it upon his head: Soul, vers. 29. dost thou think it was tenderly done? It may be they handled it so, but they did not head it so. Now behold the bloud of thy Saviour, 5. Bleeding. from his sacred head (thy head) running down every way. And when they had fastned the Crown, then they put a Reed in his right hand, and they bowed the knee before him, (who indeed was worthy to be worshipped, though they mocked him,) saying, Hail King of the Jewes, And they spat upon him (the Souldiers did) and smote him with their hands, Joh. 19.3. Mat. 27.30. and took the Reed, and smote him on the head. Ah dear soul, fresh bleeding with a witness; 6. Bleeding. for such mens blowes (when enraged) are not light, his sweet cheeks, and sacred head, felt the weight of their fingers. Now Soul, look into the face of thy dear Saviour, and see how those sweet Cheeks are besmeared with bloud and spitting: will not this draw teares? (oh heart, harder than the neather Mill-stone) again.
After they had mocked him, they took the Roab off from him, Gently? no, vers. 31. no (the Souldiers did it) and did not the plucking off of this woollen Garment (by such men) [Page 28] fetch blood again? 7. Bleeding. I suppose the plucking off this Roab, fetcht blood also, because we finde, v. 28. they stript him before they put it on. Iohn 19.17. doubtless O soul! thy Saviour bled a fresh, do not we know how tedious it is to have a little woollen cling but to a small soare? Oh! How was then the plucking off that coat from my Saviours body, so gored in blood by such merciless men? And yet all this is but preparation to crucifixion.
Now my soul, now eye thy Saviour, in this pickle bearing (that which after bore him) his Crosse; (so St. John hath it) questionless, bleeding as he went, with drops to the ground; for though they took the Reed out of his hand, and smote him therewith, and that on the head, and took off their mocking Roab, yet we do not read, that they took off his real Crown of thorns, which caused a continual bleeding. Well now he comes to his crucifying.
And when Christ was on the Crosse, he said to his Mother, Woman, vers. 26.8. Bleeding. 9. Bleeding. 10 & 11 Bleeding. behold thy Son: so say I, oh my soul I Soul, behold thy Saviour, layd upon his Crosse, and behold one hand nayled, and by and by thou shalt see another harmless hand nayled, and then his lovely feet successively.
Mark oh soul, not feet making haste to shed innocent blood: Isa. 59.7. compared with Iohn 18.4. but those feet of his were pierced, that were innocent, and yet readily carried him to shed his own blood for others that were guilty; indeed soul! Is this a truth? did his lovely feet thus carry him to that place where (for thee) they were thus pierced? then oh my soul! learn to make this use of thy feet, the feet of thy body; or (thy affections) the feet of thy soul, oh be thou, one of them that follow the Lamb (this Lamb) whither ever he goeth, step by step, oh my Soul! Isa. 41.2. be thou ready at his call (as that righteous man Abraham was) in all obedience to come up to his foot.
12 Bleeding.And now Soul, Behold his 12th and last bleeding, when lifted up upon the Crosse, and his sacred side was pierced; causing him to bleed to purpose, to the finishing of his own life, and accomplishing of thy salvation. Oh therefore, let him have thy heart in service, Iohn 19.34. for thou hast his blood in sacrifice; and his heart blood might (forthwith as in the text) come out well enough for this also the Souldier did.
[Page 29]Now soul look up, and hear what thy Jesus said, It is finished: And behold what thy Jesus did (saith the Text. vers. 30.) He bowed his head, and gave up the Ghost.
The people hearing what was to be done, Luk. 23.48. came together (saith the Text) to see that sight, And all the people that came together to that sight, beholding the things which were done, smote their breasts, and returned. Oh for an eye of Faith! to see thy Saviour, this blessed sight indeed, thy Jesus thus bowing down his bleeding head, and finishing the great work of Redemption for us. May we not smite upon our hearts, and say, what have we done? What a bloudy sight have my sins made? And cry out, Psal. 116.12. what shall I render to this my Lord, for all the benefits I have gained by all these his sufferings? oh let us lay a charge upon our souls! Psal. 103.1, 2, 3, 4. and say, Blesse the Lord O my Soul, and all that is within me, blesse his holy name: Blesse the Lord O my soul, and forget not all his benefits. Who forgiveth all thine iniquities? who healeth all thy Diseases? who redeemeth thy life from destruction? who crowneth thee (not with thorns, but) with loving kindness, and tender mercies? And all this gained to us, by this his bleeding, and that unto death.
Thus, oh Soul! Rom. 5.8, 10. 2 Cor. 5.14. Zach. 12.10. thou hast seen Christ's love sealed with his blood, who when we were enemies, thus bled and died for us. Oh then! let the love of Christ constrain us to mourn over him, that was thus for us pierced: that is (amongst us) thus blasphemed. Let it constrain us to love him again, to love his Word, (all his Ordinances, Saints; especially his Ministers, and the more them, Isa. 52.7. because by Impostors and Seducers so much maligned: now let their feet be more beautiful than ever, and that for their tidings sake, as the Prophet faith.
And that we may see its a Gospel-text and duty, the Apostle makes use of it from the Prophet, to be our duty thus to love and honour those Teachers that are sent (that have Commission, for its confined to them.) How shall they preach except they be sent? As it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the Gospel of peace, Rom. 10.15. and bring glad tidings of good things?
[Page 30] 2 Tim. 3.5 vers. 6.Now the Apostle speaking, that in the last dayes, perilous times shall come; amongst other sinners, brings in Blasphemers, and they have also their form of godliness. But the precept is, from such turn away, (not turn unto.) And the Apostle gives them this Character, They creep into Houses, and lead captive silly Silly women are easily led captive by [...]ubtle men. women, (and men too, but) laden with sin.
Jud. 1 3.4.And we shall see the Apostle Jude, directing his Epistle, not only to them that are sanctified by God the Father, but to the preserved in Jesus Christ, and called; tells them, (though yet preserved) it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you, that you should earnestly contend for the faith once delivered to the Saints. (Why all this, what's the matter?) The Reason is, for there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old, ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. Now doth not this Text set forth this Impostor ( Nailor) being so exceeding vicious and erronious?
Ah poor Bristol! that thou must (for indeed thou can'st) witness this more then any. Thou mayest say indeed, this is a day of trouble and rebuke, Isa. 37.3, 4. and of Blasphemy, it may be, the Lord our God will hear the words of Rabshekah (this Nailor) and will reprove the words which the Lord our God hath heard; wherefore, lift up thy prayer for the remnant that is left. What Hezekiah said to the Prophet Isaiah, do we that remnant that is yet left, say to you, all you despised, contemned opposed Prophets. For though these Seducers and their Proselytes deal so with you, yet unto us that fear the Lord, 1 Cor. 4.1. you are in our account, the Ministers of Christ, and Stewards of the Mysteries of God: therefore for the Lords sake, lift up your prayers for us, do not only preach to us, but make conscience (in your private devotions) of praying for us; Gen. 20.7. for that Text is an everlasting truth. He is a Prophet, and shall pray for thee. If you ask why we are so earnest? I'le tell you.
That remnant that is left, is but a remnant out of a remnant, and even in them (and me) are the seeds of Apostasie; [Page 31] for Heresie is a work of the flesh, therefore pray for us, Gal. 5.20. pray that we also may perform our duty, which is, to pray for you.
And oh that the Spirit of prayer were recovered again in us! I do somewhat remember, when the Sword was first drawn in Ireland, how we were affected, considering our Brethren, and their leading the way to our own troubles, how this stir'd up a spirit of prayer, when we considered the Concomitants of Warre, and those destroying instruments, which (as one saith) made many times a harvest for the Devil) as glittering Swords, roaring Cannons, Skul-dividing Holberts, murdering Muskets; that while one is discharging his Gun, another discharges him of his life, and that [it may be] one Brother another; This did then so put us a weeping and praying, that it could not be said, Isa. 64.7. as the Prophet Isaiah, there is none that stirreth up himself to take hold of thee. O you Teachers! pray your hearers into a praying posture: But it will be said, this is over now. I would it were, suppose it be, is there no cause of weeping and praying Consider.
When the Question was put to Mary, Woman, why weepest thou? Oh saith she! Joh. 20.11, 13. (speaking as a woman undon) they have taken away my Lord, and I know not where they have laid him.
Now though Warre be gone, and what the Souldiers have not taken away, we yet keep, yet do not men (Devils incarnate) seek to take away Sabbaths, Scriptures, Ordinances, Ministers, yea, our Lord Jesus his person, were he within their reach? and we know not where they would lay him. And may not we say again, these things the Souldiers did. And one of the Souldiers pierced his side, Joh. 19.24, 34.) and was not Nailor a Souldier, as well as a famous infamous Quaker and Blasphemer?
And now Brethren, let none take offence, before it be given, because I have in setting forth the sufferings of Christ, the Captain of our Salvation, so oft mentioned the word Souldier; for its frequent in all our four Evangelists, and my practice hath declared, that I own Warre, as an Ordinance [Page 32] of God, when rightly stated, but let me say this to them, and to my own soul, to help us to lament, let us look upon David, an eminent instance, who, though he was a Souldier, a man of much bloud; he was also a Saint, a real Saint, a man of many teares, Psal. 119.136 (saith he) Rivers of waters run down mine eyes, because they keep not thy Law.
Truly, if we can say as Nehemiah (that good man) did of himself (as to the Kings Discerning) I had not [saith he] been before time sad in his presence. Nehem. 2.1, 2, 3, 4. Yet now [if ever] we have cause of sorrow of heart, and sadness of countenance, as he had.
Consider we Nehemiah's cause of that sadness, which occasioned the speech of the King. Wherefore the King said unto me, Why is thy countenance sad, seeing thou art not sick? this is nothing else but sorrow of heart, oh that it were so with us! Then I was very sore afraid, and said unto the King, Let the King live for ever. Why should not my countenance be sad, when the City, the place of my Fathers Sepulchers lyeth waste, and the Gates thereof are consumed with fire? Then the King said unto me, For what dost thou make request? So I prayed to the God of Heaven [I suppose some secret ejaculation at that time] the application I leave to those to whom more properly it belongs; the persons, Ministers, whom we are now speaking of, and calling upon our selves, more to pray for. But to return,
O that we could pray more! Yea, and methinks we should, you standing in so much need of prayer, as indeed you do, For, you, you who are the Ministers of Jesus Christ, are the mark shot at, its you who are the more able, and more godly, amongst you, which is the white in that mark, at which they aim, and level their malice.
And then considering how earnestly you beg it of us, as you do, 2 Thes. 3.1. in one place Brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified. And the Apostle Paul, we shall see, Never did any man beg for an Alms, Rom. 15.30. with more earnest intreaties, than he did for the Saints prayers, Now I beseech you Brethren, for the Lord Jesus Christs sake, and for the love of the Spirit, that you strive together [Page 33] with me, in your prayers to God for me. And Jesus Christ hath not only taught us to pray, Luk. 22.44. but by his own example hath taught us to put up earnest Supplications, He being in an Agony, prayed more earnestly. And this was a little before his sufferings, a little before his lifting up upon the Crosse.
Now this lifting up, was to draw all men unto him, Joh. 12 32. and the Pole, upon which our Lord Jesus is thus lifted up, is the Gospel. (He is the true Serpent indeed lifted up, that whosoever believeth on him, should not perish, but have eternal life.) As a godly Divine observes. Now those that do bear this Pole, or Standard, whereby we come to see what he hath done, and how he hath bled for us, were the four Evangelists, and then the Apostles, and so onward their successive Brethren the Ministers, with whom he hath promised to be always, Mat. 28.19, 20 even to the end of the world.
So then, by vertue of this promise, we have encouragement to pray; for though men and Devils band together against them, yet a standing Ministry he will bear up, and that to the end, (not of that age, as some would have it, but) of the World; And bear them up he will sure, for they are Stars, and that in his right hand, and who shall, nay, who can, Rev. 1.2. pluck them thence?
But now that we may make up what, and wherein we have been wanting in this duty, we have a promise also to enable us, and let us turn that promise into a prayer, and earnestly beg of God to make it good, which is, That he will poure down the Spirit of grace and Supplication upon us, Zech. 12.10. and then shall prayers and teares be poured out from us with acceptation. Which that we may, let us talk lesse of them, lesse then that against them, and let us up, and be doing, in praying more frequent, and earnest for them. And let one and the other put up this joynt prayer, as Nehemiah did, Chap. 1.11. O Lord I beseech thee, let now thine ear be attentive to the prayer of thy Servant, and to the prayer of thy Servants, who desire to fear thy name; And prosper good Lord the studies and labours of thy Servants, that all error and blasphemy, and [Page 34] whatsoever is contrary to sound Doctrine, may fall before them, Amen.
Ephes. 6.24.Grace be with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity, Amen and Amen.
The Magistrates and Ministers of the City, taking into consideration the heighth of this wretches blasphemy, before treated of: And the great disturbance, and opposition the Ministers and people have in the time of their publick worship of God, made their address to the Parliament, then sitting at Westminster, by way of Remonstrance and Petition, as followeth.
The humble Remonstrance and Petition of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Councel of the City of Bristol: Together, with the Ministers of the Gospel, and other chief Inhabitants, who desire to fear God, and serve our Lord Jesus, in sincerity, in the same City.
THat we (especially the Magistrates) have with much regret and sadness of spirit) lyen long under much reproach & ignominy, occasioned by the increase of a Generation of seduced, and seducing persons among us, called Quakers, who at first were supported and upheld by some Souldiers, Cap. Beal, and Cap. Watson. then in chief command, in the absence of the Governour of the Garison: The wickedness of which sect of men, hath not in our Nation (as we know of) been formerly heard of: And so destitute of a Law, to punish and restrain, and therefore have not been able to suppress; And whereas we have waited long for some directions to that purpose, being unwilling to run upon unknown precipices, these people have strengthned and incouraged themselves in their iniquities, upon some pretended countenance [Page 35] from thence, whence we cannot suppose it; so that also we could, and did (yet with some difficulty) punish, and thereby in some measure hinder their open and frequent disturbances of our publick worship, We had not power to silence their Blasphemies, nor restrain their confused and tumultuous meetings, although to the high dishonour of God, in their unchristian principles and practises (too well known) and in prophaning the Sabbath, by multitudes of their Proselytes, flocking from all parts of the Countrey round about us, upon that day. But now so it is, that one James Naylor, a most eminent Ring leader, and head of that Faction, hath lately appeared here amongst us, more high then ever, in horrid and open Blasphemies, expresly avowed and owned by his nearest followers, as that he is the only begotten Son of God, And that there is none other then he, That he is the everlasting Son of righteousness; And that in him the hopes of Israel stand; That he is the King of Israel, and Prince of Peace, And calling him Lord and Master, saying, his name shall be no more call'd James, but Jesus.
All which are no other, then the natural issue of their Scripture denying principles. And now we desiring to follow the ductures of Divine providence, which hath brought their iniquity to a heighth, at such a time as this is, when the Legislative power of the Nation is sitting, in whom it is to provide wholsom and good Lawes, against the growing evils of the times, wherein the Lord eminently (in our apprehensions) calls for your zeal for his glory; We humbly make our applications to your Honours, and with profession of our abhorrency, and utter detestation of the damnable and blasphemous Doctrines of the Quakers, which tend in [Page 36] their own nature, to the utter ruine of the true Christian Religion, and Civil Government, both in Cities, Families, and all Relations, as would too soon appear, had they power in their hands; And who now, not as heretofore tacitely, and by way of implication; but openly and expresly dishonour that sacred name, by which we are called, and trample upon that blood by which we are justified, by making others sharers with him in his incommunicable excellencies.
And do therefore humbly pray, that your Honours would now take up the reines of Government into your hands, which have too long layen loose in this particular, and to curb the insolencies of all ungodly persons, who in this, or any other way, do, or may eclipse the glory of our Christian Profession, by their unbridled and licentious liberties, that so the reproach not only of this City, but of the whole Nation and Government, may be rowled away, and the glory of this work, being acted by your hands, might render your name worthy to be inrolled, amongst the number of those faithful Confessors, to whom the honour of our dearest Lord, hath bin more precious then their lives, and all worldly enjoyments.
And we shall daily pray, &c.
That Committee which was appointed for the hearing of Nailor.This Petition being read in the House, the [...] of January, 1656. with other Petitions of the like nature, from several places of the Nation, there was a Committee appointed to take them into consideration, and to prepare a Bill against Blasphemy.
Now my Fellow Citizens and Christian Friends, and all you that are sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ, and called, even you that are called, and yet preserved: [Page 37] The Apostle Jude exhorts you earnestly to contend for the faith, which was once delivered to the Saints, vers. 3, 4. And the reason he gives of your standing to, and earnest contending for that faith, is in verse 4. For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old, ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.
My beloved Friends, the Counsel I gave in my Epistle, is, that I do now give again, and beseech you to take: its from Christ himself, Take heed how, and what you hear (then I may say whom you hear.) For what the Apostle said will come, I may now say, is come, When some will not indure sound Doctrine, but after their own lusts, 2 Tim. 4 3. shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching eares: And hath not this infectious Disease so spread, that many professors have been so scabby, that they are very scabs in Religion? Brethren, I know something, and some such ones, and I believe some of you know more. Well then, take heed, and beware, let men have a Scripture-call to teach, before we have a call to hear, lest we be seduced.
Those seducers, who formerly came creeping in amongst us, have (since a wicked Toleration given) so increased, and now got to that heighth of impudence, that not only houses, but Churches, Presse and Pulpit, have sounded too loud of hellish Blasphemies.
I heartily wish, that that Epistle of Mr. R. Baxter, (prefixed to his Quakers Catechism) to the Separatists, and Anabaptists in England, were by them laid to heart: And that the Anabaptists especially, would seriously consider it: For the Quakers practice is what their Doctrines hold out; for though every Anabaptist be not a Quaker, yet every Quaker is a Non-baptist, if not rebaptized: one of their Queries to Mr. Baxter, being this, Quakers Catechism their 3d Query. what express Scripture have you for Infant-baptism? And oh that some able pen, would in the spirit of meekness, hold forth the rise of our Ranting Blaspheming Tenents and practises, which I suppose, would easily be made appear, to be from the Anabaptists Doctrines.
[Page 38]I shall give in something of my low observation, and go no farther then my own knowledge, nor from those I know, that have either printed, preacht, or practised that which is abominable, even in Bristol, (at present the Receptacle of Blasphemers, and base men) and parts adjacent; some Speakers to the Anabaptist Church in Bristol, that have in Presse and Pulpit, held forth such Doctrines, that tend to what is abominable, both in principle and practice, and that in, and near the said City.
One, an Anabaptist, or rebaptized man, blames Ministers for speaking from but one Text, in one Sermon, saying, Did ever the Prophets and Apostles do so? (whither tends this?) in a little thing, called, A Word to the World, p. 56. Again, If you have been in the Pulpit, to deliver the Message of Christ, why are you afraid to have your Doctrine questioned? p. 64. (what meanes this?) The Devil hath as great Rhetorick and Logick, as the Heathen, or the national Ministers. A little thing called P. No power, p. 4. In his Dialogue between Law and Gospel, brings in the Law querying, Wilt thou not own me for Rule of life? And the Gospel answering, No, by no meanes, p. 110. In his Book entituled, A word to the pretended Ministry, (meaning the National Ministry.) He adviseth Ministers to declare to their Congregations, their disowning their Ordination, and that speedily, else they will be laid aside, p. 169. In his Epistle to the World, He tells the Ministers, that what they yet suffer, is but the beginning of sorrow, p. 186. And though he gives 13. Characters of a true Gospel Minister, and they be all found in each of them; yet if they renounce not their Calling, they will be laid aside, both by God and man, p. 189. 190. Whither tends all this? Do not the Quakers practices in opposing and questioning the Ministers in their Congregations (and that with such impudence, and much disturbance) declare themselves to be discipled by the Anabaptists Doctrines? But oh that this were all! It may be this man's weakness, but you will see anon others wickedness.
Consider we also those Doctrines of T. C. Speaker to the Anabaptist Church (so called) in Wells, Sworn against him, [Page 39] before the Mayor of Axbridge, in the County of Somerset, by Mr. Carlile, Minister of Biddisham, and Mr. Smith, Minister of Badgeworth, viz.
- 1. That he deny'd Jesus Christ to be the eternal Sonne of God.
- 2. That he deny'd any local Heaven.
- 3. That he denyed the equality of the Son with the Father.
- 4. That he deny'd the Trinity.
- 5. That he affirmed the Saints to be the Sons of God, in the same manner as Christ himself.
- 6. That he affirmed the Law to be abrogated.
- 7. That he affirmed, the bodies of the Saints should hereafter be turned into Spirits.
- 8. That he affirmed the Divine essence, to be communicated to the Saints.
- 9. That he deny'd Jesus Christ, by his death on the Crosse, to satisfie divine Justice. These things you have in print before.
Farther, this T. C. in his Book (subtly) styled, The Marrow of Christianity. (The very Title whereof, caused me to spend (or rather mis. spend) so much time, as to read it, having taken it from a friend, a godly Maid: when I saw the Authour's name, left she should be seduced) hath this passage, speaking of Satan, saith he, pag. 12. When down right Papacy will not serve, he will turn himself into a Prelatical shape; and then when once Prelacy growes out of date, he can change himself into other shapes. But let me speak plainly, into an Anabaptistical shape, Do not those Doctrines before recited, speak full enough to it? If not, you shall see another piece of his hellish Doctrine, and then you will believe it; For in the same Book, speaking of that Gospel Ordinance, pag. 122. and gracious priviledge to the Infants of all Believers, to wit, Infant-Baptism, he saith thus, That it is a Mystery of Iniquity, and one of the most soul ruining Mysteries of Iniquity, that ever came from Hell. And in the year, 1656. preaching for Mr. Tho: Ewin, (an Anabaptist-Lecturer in Bristol,) he seconded, and, as he thought, farther confirmed [Page 40] that hellish Doctrine thus; That whosoever pleaded for Infants Baptism, are no better than those Jewes that pleaded for Barabbas, Mr. R. H. a murderer, and refused Christ. This given to me under the band of a godly Christian old Disciple, that heard him: Friends, remember Christ's Counsel, Take heed what you hear, and that against Christs Ordinances, This of Infant-Baptism for one For,
Surely, where Baptism comes, its a saving Ordinance, or carries and offers salvation, in the institution of it, to the House, though every one that is baptized, is not saved: as Noah's Ark was a type of Baptism, 1 Pet. 3.21. and that was the saving of his House, Heb. 11.7. as (and by) a temporal deliverance; and so Baptism, as to an outward sign: though some baptized Cham's be in, and of the House, as of old, one was in the Ark.
And therefore Friends, this considered, you that are better satisfied with these men's Call, Doctrine and practice, then other Christians, who (being unsatisfied therewith) cannot hear them: yet you may reason with your gifted Brother of Bristol, and know of him (if he can tell you) why mis-baptized? For if amisse, you cannot be right, till you are re-baptized, as he is; But why amisse? because
1. Baptized by a lawful ordained Minister, and not by, &c.
Or why? 2dly, Because the Element of water is applyed only to some part of the body, and not to the Cloathes, as in his pool-swilling.
Or why? 3dly, Because with a little water out of a Not superstitiously, but conveniently placed. Font, and not in a River: (A poor ground,) Is not a little Font-water, as true water as the Ocean?
Or why? 4thly, Because sprinkled only on the face, and not doused over head and eares: Hath not sprinkling a more fit resemblance to those Texts, Heb. 12.24. 1 Pet. 1, 2. then this immodest dipping?
Or why? Lastly, Why you are amisse in the Subject; for you were baptized an Infant: And may not this be amisse for him to say so? Why did the Apostle baptize Acts 10.22.24, 33, 44, 47, 48 compared with 11.14. with Mark 16.16. Acts 16.14, 15, 31, 33. Chap. 18.8. 1 Cor. 1.14.16. five Housholds, and was there in none of them a Child, or Children?
[Page 41]I shall tell you what Mr. Const. Jesup. a godly Minister preached unto us, for right Doctrine, (though others may call it amisse) about Infant-Baptism, opening this Text, Acts 16.31. &c. said that in the Greek, Faith is applyed only to the Jaylor, and moreover he said, That the Syriack reads these words, v. 33. He was baptized, he, and all his straight way thus. [He, and the Children of his House were baptized.] But this godly Minister of Jesus Christ, by a Den. Hollister (now no small Quaker) told a godly Minister of Iesus Christ, That he had a plot that should shortly cast out Jesup and Paul both. This was but a little before Mr. Jesups putting forth. Plot of some (of whom several are since turn'd Quakers) was put by his Ministry, as to Bristol, (to the grief of all that fear'd the Lord in it,) whereby the City quite lost him.
My Christian Friends, You have about this their practice, these three things to observe,
1. Its a very improbable opinion, to say or think so.
2. Where in Scripture, the Houshold is mentioned, and the Children excluded, there are Children by name excepted, as Gen. 50.8. but in neither of these Texts, which speaks of the Apostles baptizing the whole House, are Children excepted, therefore they (if any were there) are included.
3. Until it be proved (as it concerns these Adversaries, and Infant-Baptism dangers,) that there were in those Housholds no Children, the enemies to this truth, and blessed Ordinance of Infant Baptism, have said nothing; And therefore I suppose, you of right may say he is mistaken.
And now to retutn.
Another Speaker sometime to the Anabaptist people in Bristol, J. B. (that I may come to speak something of their practice) when this pool swilling, or re-baptizing, began first amongst us) though he had a Wife of his own, yet some of their fraternity meeting together, and discoursing of their experiences and liberties, how their spirits were drawn forth to act their loose principles, in as loose practices, confessed how he had enjoyed his liberty, (rather wicked lust) with such a woman, and she, proving with Child by him, Wid. M. poor soul, when she could no longer hide it from the eye of the [Page 42] world, becomes her own Executioner, and the Childs both, by drowning her self in that water, wherein before she was re-baptized. Mr. J. P. This wretch, being spoken with by a godly Minister, acknowledged the thing, that he had enjoyed his liberty, or rather lust: and also, that, among other Tenents that they held, this was one, Community of women: But (I confess) he said, that the sad accident that befel the poor Creature, had convinced him (if you will believe him) of that tenent. Friends, take heed whom you hear.
T. T. F. Y. T. A.Another Speaker to the Anabaptist People (but now a perfect Quaker) was so accustomed to this grosse and filthy sin, that he did lie in bed with a whore on each side of him; for though they were both re-baptized, (whatever you call them) I do call them whores; for from one of their own mouthes (glorying of her liberty, in what they did) was heard, that which I tremble to think on, and am ashamed to write, it being not fit for a modest tongue to speak, nor chast eares to hear, and therefore shall abruptly leave it.
These people require an express Text for Infant-Baptism, which need not, it being proved by undenyable consequences;) but here you see by this beastly practice, an expresse text, fulfilled in the very letter, 2 Pet. 2.22. But it is happened unto them, according to the true Proverb, The Dog is turned to his own vomit again, and the Sow that was washed, to her wallowing in the mire. And here you have seen a Boar and two Sowes, wallowing in the mire, and that after washing. Friends, be not offended, for its all Scripture-Language.
I had thought to have given a brief Account of (that Taylor) John A Leyden, and that Rebaptized Crew, and Anabaptistical Fryery of Munster, but I refer the Reader, to the History it self, and shall only give you one Relation, of the folly of two Sisters, after they were seduced (and so rebaptized) in Germany, citing the very words of the A short History of the Anabaptists. Authour: It was (saith he) speaking of the Anabaptists in Germany,) their constant Doctrine every where, that Women must be common. Three Reasons they had, (well worthy to be registred to posterity) to perswade honest women to [Page 43] prostitute their bodies, if they would be saved.
The first was, That Christians must renounce those things which they love best, and therefore Women must renounce their beloved honesty.
The second, That for Christ's sake, we must undergo any kind of infamy.
The third Reason was; That the Publicans and Harlots, shall go before the Pharisees into the Kingdom of Heaven. Lying with other women then their Wives, they called Spiritual Marriages, and under that title, they would lye with Neeces and Sisters. They had (saith the Authour) a main Reason for community of Women, that as Christians are all one Spirit, they must also be all one body. These two Maiden Sisters (spoken of before) before they were re-baptized, saith the Authour) had been much solicited, and could never be won, till they were perswaded to be whores for conscience sake. I dare say as much for the two re-baptized Creatures before mentioned, p 51. for I knew their Conversation, for some years. On a civil account women have women-guides, upon a (pretended) sacred account, women have men dippers. Let women therefore, if they will be washed, have women-guides, and take heed of that immodest action, for men to dip them. Its the Apostles counsel, avoid all appearance of evil. If there be but a shew of evil, Christians are to avoid it.
But of this sort of people, amongst us now, you have a character given by Dennis Hollister, (who was some years an Elder over them, and a Speaker to them) in his Book sent to the Independent-baptized people, who call themselves a Church of Christ in Bristol, but are found to be a Synagogue of Satan. Title page, and in p. 14. He telleth them, he is constrained to bear witness, that they are no Church of Christ, (neither know the name of Christ) but a Synagogue of Satan, and a cage of unclean and hateful Spirits, in which lodgeth pride, hypocrisie, envy, slandering, backbiting, railing, lying, love to this present world, and conformity to the fashions, customs, and conversation of the same. And of these I may say, as the Apostle doth, these are they, 1 Tit. 1.12.12, 13. whose mouthes must be stopped, who subvert whole Houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake: For you see one [Page 44] of themselves, even a Prophet of their own saith they are lyars; this witness is true.
And now Brethren, these things I relate, not because I would priviledge or excuse any Church or member thereof, (even the purest) as being altogether free from faults, (yea, sometimes scandalous.) But then first we must enquire, what are the principles that such do hold out; For if they hold out sound principles in Doctrine, that such things ought not to be done, Rev. 2.20. (which Pharisees and other Sectaries do not, but teach men so, Mat. 5.19.) Then cannot these things be justly charged on them. And then 2dly, We are to consider, who are the Societies and supposed Churches, we have to deal with in this Charge; for if they are such who pretend to higher l [...]ght, greater refining and reformation; yea, (as some of them do) to sinless perfection, then they may be justly minded of their spots and blots, their blemishes and imperfections: And so there cannot be any retortion upon them, who, holding out sound Doctrine, contend for a strict Discipline, which would help these things. And let it be observed. Lastly, That as for these Sectaries, Quakers, Anabaptists, &c. (Amongst whom commonly, are such things:) there is openly by some, and secretly by others, an opposing and undermining of those great Ordinances of God, a right Magistracy and Ministry, who in a civil and ecclesiastical way do, or would carry on Government in Church and Commonwealth, whereby such wicked persons and practices might be shamed and punished; Jude 8. and now dealing with them who are found to despise Government, we may well reprove them, (and that without reproach) that so many among them, do defile the flesh. Likewise also, these filthy dreamers, defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities.
Mr. R. T.And now Friends, I shall tell ye somewhat of a Sermon, that I heard some years since, from an able and godly Divine, who was then Minister of St. Nicholas in Bristol, (who was well known to us, and in those dayes, oft heard by us,) he then, pressing the power of godliness, and strict walking in the wayes of holiness and purity, had this passage, saith he, If there be any other way to Heaven, then purity (mark) then burn the Bible, renounce thy Baptism, tell God he lyes to his [Page 45] face. Oh lamentation, Brethren lamentation! What times are we fallen upon? Burn the Bible? Why, In Mr. Ewins his answer to D. Hollister, p. 17. & 68. saith one Seducer, he thanks God he hath done it already, as pa. 63.
Another ( Dennis Hollister) at a meeting of the Independent Anabaptist people said, That the Scripture was the greatest blind and plague to mens souls, this day in England.
Another J. W. said to a godly Divine Mr. P. That the Scripture was the cause of all the divisions and distractions in the Nation. Renounce thy Baptism. Why, what is't worth? its null, its void, its worth nothing, you must renounce it, and be rebaptized, Why? Why, your Infant Baptism, is a misbaptism, saith Mr. Ewins, (in that Answer to Hollister, pa. 59.) Tell God he lyes to his face. Why, saith another, nay, many others, so we do. The Scripture, the Bible, the Word of God, what word of God? what Bible? bibble babble, its as an old Almanack out of date, its a blind and plague to the Nation (as before) therefore we never use it, we need it not, we speak the dictates of the Spirit. Ah my Brethren, remember the Word was, Take heed whom you hear, you ought to remember it, its the Word of him that is the Captain of your salvation the Lord Jesus Christ, Heb. 2.10. You know the forgetting of the Word (amongst Souldiers in time of danger) may loose thy life, and that by thy friend, he may not know thee; nay, Christ himself will one day say, for want of remembring this word (take heed) Depart from me, I know you not. To forget the word, it may overthrow a Garison, ruine an Army, loose a Kingdom; nay, to forget this word, may loose thy soul, Mat 16.26. which is of more worth then all the Kingdoms of the World; nay, the world it self, will thy Christ tell thee.
Friends, my advice is still the same, remember the Word, take heed whom you hear; And now to as many of my fellow Christians and Citizens, as have forgot it: the word to them is, faces about, and you know all Military termes, when the word is, faces about, & no hand mentioned; it is to be understood, to the right. So the word now is, to the right about, unto thy keeping close to publick Ordinances again: to thy old puritanical principles again: to thy constant Family duties again: to thy hearing (and that only) of those [Page 46] that are sent, ordained Ministers again: Although Seducers (to make parties, and carry on their designes, who would set us in a flame again if they could) quarrel at Ordination (though Scripture be clear for it, and as clear against usurpers and Seducers, 1 Tim. 4.14. that run before they are bid to go.) And quarrel at laying on of hands, saying, its a Ceremony (which if so, yet by their leave, its a Gospel Ceremony.) And at Presbytery; yet that also hath an expresse text of Scripture, which is a part of the everlasting Gospel.
Rev. 14.6.Well dear Friends, about to Infant baptism, own that Ordinance in publick, let's walk (our selves) more worthy of it, and answerable unto it; blesse God for thy priviledge, that he will admit thy Child, thy Infant, to be a member of his Church visible. Oh be not so hard hearted! as to deny that to thy Child which God doth offer thee, thou being a Believer, do not so easily part with thy priviledge, and that which is thy Child's due. Read godly Mr. Thomas his Answer to Mr. Speed, p. 23.29. The Title of the Book is, A Vindication of Scripture and Ministry.
Brethren, the advice is again, take heed how, and what you hear. And had you not need so to do? I suppose, that when you first heard some of your uncall'd Teachers, their smooth Doctrine so pleased you, that you would labour to justifie your practice in so doing (though since, many of you are of another mind) and you little thought, that they themselves would be rebaptized, and turn rebaptizers; and so bring in another Baptism, Ephes. 4, 5. when the Apostle saith there is but one: And you lesse thought they would unchristen you, and so (as much as in them lyeth) make you Heathens, telling you, that you are misbaptized: but you see the nature of error. And as for this ugly immodest action of dipping, or rebaptizing, (for I dare not call it an Ordinance without sin) it doth not only make null, and overthrow the Ordinance (as before:) but calls in question the judgement and practice of all those grave, able, and godly Divines, who have in these See Mr. Philpots letter hereafter cited. sixteen hundred years, received thousands of Infants, as Members into the visible Church, by Baptism, (and are now Saints in the Church triumphant) and yet now must be questioned, [Page 47] and made void with a word, to call it misbaptism; and thus nullifie the Ordinance of Jesus Christ, Infant baptism.
And Brethren, I call this dipping, or Rebaptizing, an immodest action, because I could tell you (the name) of a Gentleman of credit, who by accident, comming by the River (at Stony-Wear) where a Woman was to be rebaptized, stayed to see the manner (or rather immodesty) of it, and did in the action, see her nakedness. And upon Thursday the 18 th of June, 1657. When Mr. Ewin and Mr. Symson, dipped two men and five Women, the nakedness of one of the women, in this action of dipping, was seen above her knees. For this there are many witnesses. Is this an Ordinance? Its an uncivil immodest action, let us abhorre it; and let us all take heed, that we be not by Consider, that Seducers have not only a faculty to deceive us, but there is in their flatteries a power to force, Prov 7.21. with much fair speech, she caused him to yield, with the flattering of her lips she forced him. drawing words, and fair speeches, cheated of our Religion.
Well Friends, let us about again, and take that counsel from the Lord himself, Jer. 6.16. Thus saith the Lord, stand you in the wayes and see, and ask for the old paths, which is the good way, and walk therein, and you shall find rest for your souls.
Friends, take heed, and be not deceived by this Sect. For its the observation of many godly Divines, that where this prevaileth, God doth usually follow it with some sad Judgements. The story of Munster, hath sufficiently set them forth. Oh! the Rapes, the Poligamy, the murders that were there committed, which I thought to make some brief Relation of, but I would avoid tediousness, and, to help you further to lamentation, shall leave the Reader to the Story it self. For though an Anabaptist in print tells you, the Argument of Munster hath been so oft prest, that its wore thred-bare, (he dares not say, 'tis not true) yet let me tell you, that its to be feared, had these men power, they would make this thred-bare Argument cotton again. And they begin to talk already, A Commission-Officer in Ireland (and that no mean one neither, but now out of Commission) told a person of quality of this City, (he discoursing with him, about their dipping or rebaptizing there in that Nation) that though [Page 48] for a while they did forbear, yet, if we did not come about to them, to be rebaptized, they should look upon us, as they did upon the Rebels of Ireland.
Brethren, you see what is spoken, and one man may speak the sence of a great many, and its no hard matter to instance action (towards it) as well as words See the Parallel of Munster and Abingdon, by W. H. Oxon. 1657. 1 Sam. 11.2. but a few moneths since, but I forbear. And truly, some are of opinion, (and that not a few) that had this Generation power, their quarter and termes might be as bad (if not worse) as what Nahash offer'd the men of Jabesh Gilead, which was to thrust out all their right eyes.
And now truly I think, if there be any such necessity of dipping, it may be to cool the heat of those, who are exercised with such an immodest action, I judge not how chast their thoughts are at such a time, but leave it to him that knowes them, but I know they are but men.
But Brethren, that we may be established in this blessed truth, and Gospel-Ordinance of Infant Baptism, let us read and consider that unanswerable Treatise of Godly Mr. Baxter about it: and I also recommend Mr. Sydenham his Treatise of Infant Baptism, and another Gospel-Ordinance (in which they that fear the Lord, have much communion with him) to wit, singing of Psalms. The Book is of no great price, I desire a serious reading of the 10, 11, 12, & 15 Chapters, where this godly man, though dead, yet speaketh, to the satisfaction (I suppose) of every sober Christian.
And Brethren, I shall to this, close with desiring a judicious reading of a letter, of that eminent Christian, and godly Martyr of the Lord, Mr. John Philpot, who sealed, amongst other truths, this (truth also) of Infant Baptism.
The Letter is an Answer to a young man, that seemed to stumble at Infant Baptism, where you have in short, Arguments sufficient, against all the Adversaries of this truth: And in this Letter, he proveth the Baptism of Infants, from the Apostles practice; and tells us of one Auxentius, who was one of the Arian Sect, that first deny'd the Baptism of Infants; and next after him, Pelagius the Heretick; and in our dayes (saith he) the Anabaptists (be not offended, its [Page 49] the words of this Saint and Martyr of the Lord, Mr. Philpot) who are an inordinate kind of men, stirred up by the Devil, to the destruction of the Gospel. His letter is thus subscribed, Your yoak-fellow in Captivity, His last letter in Foxes Acts and Monuments. Pag. 1670. or last Edition. Vol. 3.606. Col. 2. for the verity of Christs Gospel, to live and die with you in the unity of faith, John Philpot.
Brethren, I do not undertake disputation (but I desire lamentation) blessed be God, that is done already to our hands (and this truth maintained and defended by grave, able, and godly men, (yea Martyrs) let us then put it to heart, and bewail this also, with Rivers of teares, Psa. 119.136. that an Ordinance of Jesus Christ (to wit, Infant Baptism) should be thus justled out by such immodest action, in Rivers of water.
Friends, keep to hearing, as before advised, and take that counsel, that the Prophet gives to the people: Jer. 27.9, 10. Jude 8. therefore hearken not you to your Prophets, nor to your Diviners, nor to your filthy dreamers, (so Jude hath it) nor to your Inchanters, nor to your Sorcerers, which speak unto you, saying, (Look to the light within you) you shall not serve the King of Babylon, for they prophesie a lye unto you.
Now that you may be prevailed with, to keep close to your own and known godly Ministers, 1 Thes. 5.12, 13. Gal. 3.1. (lest you come to be bewitched, as the Gallathians then were, and many poor souls now are) take heed and beware of the occasions. Providence having ordered my habitation in that Parish and street, where the Synagogue of Satan is, (I mean the Quakers meeting-place) I may happily observe something more than you, though considering my Pastor over me, and my Ordinance enjoyments, I desire to blesse God, and can say, Psal. 16.6. Rev. 2.13. My lot is fallen in a goodly Heritage: and though God may have his Antipas, even where Satans seat is: yet its sad, to speak of the knowledge of such things (of which we tremble to speak) and that of those that promised better. Jer. 5.1. But oh that my head were waters, and my eyes a Fountain of teares! that I might weep day and night for these things, that people (by taking liberty to hear any) should be so seduced, as to hold forth such deeds of darkness, instead of light.
[Page 50] J. W.What saith one? Do you look to be saved by the boy that was born at Jerusalem? Oh my Soul! its that holy Child Jesus, Acts 4.27. Psal. 1.1. E. E. S. T. J. D. D. W. J. C. that these wretches (who are now got up to sit in the seat of the scornful) do thus jeer. Others buy and sell on the Lords day, and (being spoken with thereabout) tell you, all dayes are alike: Some work, water Gardens, dry cloathes, travel and ride upon that day, viz. a perfect Quaker, whose Maid-Servant went some moneths with Child by him, before he married her, (a blessed perfection among them.)
Another eminent Quaker, who had a Child by his wives Sister, as appeared by his running away after she was delivered, (and that by her self.) and then the Child being put to her Sister to nurse, in some few dayes died, (but how I know not,) and then he returned again. And that you may see Hell broke loose upon us, Ezek. 8.15. T. E. J. J. mark further, and if these things bring not teares from thee, beg of God to soften thy heart, and mourn that thou canst not mourn.
The 10th of July, 1656. an honest young man, reasoned with a perfect Quaker, who told him, That he did thank God he had burnt the Bible, and disswaded the said young man, from reading it any more, or praying any more, but to hearken to the light within him.
Oh my Soul! its the blessed Book, that God by his good providence hath preserved, and handed over to us, from one Generation to another, and, if thou hast any comfort here, or hopes of any hereafter, thou hast it thence. And my soul, do thou keep close to God in prayer.
Psa. 119.126, 127, 128.And Friends, let us be of Davids mind, and tell the Lord, It is time Lord, for thee to work, for they have made void thy Law; therefore (oh beg for David's heart,) I love thy Commandements above gold, yea, above fine gold: therefore (again) I esteem all thy precepts, (mark) concerning all things to be right, and I hate every false way. Why my Brethren, every word of God is pure, Prov. 30.5. what ever men and Devils say to the contrary.
One thing more, Consider this Examination following, and then tell me what you think of Toleration; mean while, I shall tell you what a grave and able Divine said, and preached [Page 51] of it (when the Warre was between us and the Dutch, Mr. J. K.) That we, like them, tolerating all Religions amongst us, God, in his Judgement at present upon us, will not suffer us to tolerate one another.
At the general Sessions of the Peace, held in the City of
Bristol, the
17th of
February, 1656.
The Examination of
Thomas Peacock.
THis Peacock asked one that was with him, this Question, Dost thou believe on that Thief that was hanged at Jerusalem? Sworn by John Taylor. It is that doth delude thee and all the World: and the Priests do preach up this Fellow.
Another deposeth, that the said Peacock asked the said Informant, whether he knew that there was a God and a Devil, and swore several Oaths, in a ranting manner, Sworn by Edw. Lockstone and yet justified himself to be without sin. Saith the Informant, do you justifie God your self to be without sin? To which, Peacock answered, That he did not sin, neither could he sin. Saith the Informant, Is not this your swearing in this manner a sin? And if you couzen, and cheat, or be drunk, is not that sin? No, saith Peacock, its no sin; and then the said Peacock, brought a place of Scripture, There is no evil in the City, but God is the Authour of it. And declared, that God was the Authour of all sin. Then the Informant told the said Peacock, that he was mistaken, That God did suffer sin, but was not the Authour of sin. Then Peacock reply'd, That God and the Devil were Brothers, and did act one with another: And as touching swearing, the said Peacock said, The greater his Oath was, the greater was his glory.
Another deposeth, that he asked the said Peacock, Thomas Harding. why he did not observe the Sabbath day, and go to Church? He replyed, That he knew not the Sabbath, neither would he hear Baal's Priests. And the Informant at another time, heard [Page 52] him say, That there was no Devil, and that the Devil was a poor Rogue, and did nothing but wash the dishes, and sweep the house, and run on an errant, when one would send him.
Peter Poulston and Humphry Wall, both depose as followeth.
That upon Whit-Tuesday, 1656. This Informant Wall, speaking of God and Christ, The said Peacock answered, What, dost thou talk of a God? there is no such thing as thou talkest of. The Informant asked him, How was then the World created? To which the said Peacock answered, Thou talkest of what thou knowest not. Then the Informant asked him, What dost thou make of our Saviour Christ? I am ashamed to express the Answer in my own Language, it being so filthy; but it was sworn to, therefore take this Beast's beastly answer (of a Friend) in another Tongue, E podice meo, Christum aeque bonum egerere possum.
Brethren, I could further tell ye the place where, the time when, the parties whom (but I forbear) being a Company of Anabaptists and Quakers sitting together, and discoursing of God and Christ, &c. and look as that great Blasphemer Peacock (before) spake so abominable filthy of our Lord Jesus Christ; Deut. 28.58. so one of these spake as abominable filthy, of that glorious and fearful name of the Lord our God, (as thus,) one of this sweet Company, when they were speaking of God, [to speak as modestly as I can] broke wind, and said, there goes your God.
Oh Brethren! whose hair is not an end, and heart trembling, to hear such horrid filthiness, and unheard of Blasphemy, that we cannot sufficiently bewail? Truly, if ever we had need, Jer. 9.17, 18. now is the time as the Prophet speaks, to call for the mourning women [whose affections being tender, may help as to lamentation] that they may come, and let them make haste, and take up a wailing for us, that our eyes may run down with teares; and our eye lids gush out with waters. [Page 53] And oh! that our soules could bewail these things!
Brethren, God hath his mourners in secret, (though but few.) Oh let God see (though none else do) by our practice, Ezek. 9.4. that we are of that number, and then happily we may be marked in the day of the Lord's vengeance. Go, saith God to the Prophet, set a mark upon the fore-head of the men, that sigh, and that cry for all the abominations that are done in the midst of them: And methinks, God speaks to Prophets in these dayes, as to Ezekiel. Sigh therefore, thou Son of man, with the breaking of thy loynes, and with bitterness sigh before their eyes. (And oh! Chap. 21. ver 6, 7. that we could see more affection in Prophets, before and over their Congregations, then there is, such, as we see Paul had, Phil. 3.18. For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you, even weeping, that they are the enemies of the Crosse of Christ,) and it shall be, when they say unto thee, Why sighest thou? That thou shalt answer. For the tydings, because it commeth, and every heart shall melt, and all hands shall be feeble, and every spirit shall faint, and all knees shall be weak as water. Behold it commeth, and shall be brought to passe saith the Lord God. You the Lords Prophets, reverend Fathers, and our dear Pastors over us in the Lord, if your people ask you, why sigh you? Oh that you had not matter to answer them! It was the Judgement of the Sword, that was comming upon Jerusalem, and in a fearful manner, with such expressions from God, that I am sure we seldom hear of; but in this place God did lay about him to purpose, and therefore saith the Lord, vers. 16, 17. Go thee one way or other, forward or backward, either on the right hand, or on the left, whether on the right hand, or on the left, whither soever thy face is set, I will smite my hands together, and I will cause my furie to rest, (mark) I the Lord have said it. Its true and to our comfort, Psal. 125.3. The Rod of the wicked shall not rest on the back of the Righteous; but (if the righteous transgress). the Rod of God may. And the Prophet tells us, Psal. 41.2. That the Lord will not deliver his people unto the will of his enemies; (but let me tell you, he did deliver his Son up to their will, as hath been already shewed; but this by the way.) But do people [Page 54] ask, Why do Ministers weep and sigh so bitterly? you, the Lords Prophets, can tell them better than I, you can tell us, its for those hideous unheard of Blasphemies, not to be paralleld, which are bringing upon us unknown, unheard of, and (which is yet worse) Spiritual Judgements. Nay, do we not read of Judgements, that the Lord threatens that we never read of? Deut. 28.61. The Lord will bring upon thee every plague, that is not written in the Book of this Law. And if we should think of escaping, The Text tells us, that those curses shall pursue and overtake us, vers. 45. Well, as we are free from opposing Prophets, let us take heed we do not slight their sayings.
Zech. 1.4, 5, 6Consider we that place, Be ye not, as your Fathers, unto whom the former Prophets have cryed, saying, Thus saith the Lord of Hosts, Turn ye now from your evil wayes, and from your evil doings; but they did not hear, nor hearken unto me, saith the Lord. (mark) God takes our not hearkening unto his Prophets, a not hearkening unto him. Well, your Fathers, where are they? and the Prophets, Do they live for ever? But my words and my Statutes, which I commanded my Servants the Prophets, did they not take hold of your Fathers? And they returned and said, Like as the Lord of Hosts thought to do unto us, according to our wayes, and according to our doings, so hath he dealt with us.
And truly Brethren, it were no hard thing to trace out, how the Lord hath been, and is fulfilling this Text upon us. Since we let fall the first cause we ingaged in (for some men have shewed themselves, Hos. 7.12. as skilful to deceive, as to destroy.) I will chastize them as their Congregations have heard.
But Brethren, I intend not Confutation of error, (having neither time nor ability so to do,) but Lamentation.
But blessed be God, we have a considerable number of godly able Ministers, that have born their Testimony to the truth of Jesus Christ, and to their solemn League and Covenant. As also against the Errors, Heresies, and Blasphemies of these times, and the toleration of them, which is the title of their Book, printed in 1647. And that the World may [Page 55] see, they are neither afraid, nor ashamed to own what they have done, its subscribed by no lesse then 52 Ministers of Christ, within the Province London. And many fifties, 1 King. 18.4. I doubt not but, there are in the Nation of the same mind, though they may seem caved, to many of us, as the prophets of God in honest Obadiah's time so covered.
And my Brethren, what ever others do, these I look upon to be to England (as Elisha said of Elijah. 2 King. 2.12.) The Chariots of Israel, and the Horsemen thereof. And further let me say, Blessed be God, these Blasphemies and Errors are well answered and confuted by some able godly Ministers, whose Doctrine and manner of life we have known. As by those 5. 2 Tim 3.10. godly Ministers of New Castle, in a Book called, The Perfect Pharisee. Also Mr. William Thomas, Minister of the Gospel at Ubley, And by Mr. Christopher Fowler, and Mr. Symon Ford of Reading, Mr. Ralph Farmer of Bristol, and Mr. Baxter of Kidderminster, whose solid sharp (yet sweet) Epistle to the Separatists and Anabaptists in England, is worthy serious observation in his Book called, The Quakers Catechism. Now of those solid judicious Answers of these holy men of God; we may truly say (as Job speaks. Job 6.25.) How forcible are right words? And as truly of their Adversaries, the words following. But what doth your arguing reprove? And indeed Brethren, some had need undertake it; For I dare say, If all the errors, that proceeded from all the Hereticks since Christ's incarnation, did appear together, we should see this our Toleration have produced them, as may be seen in James Nailor and his Disciples: let him therefore be Jezabel (if you will) not Jesus, as they blasphemously call him. And that you may see somewhat more of their wickedness, I shall here insert a passage, which doth declare, not only their actions deserving, but also their expressions reproaching, the due execution of Justice upon them.
Upon the 5th of February, 1656. one Lewes Harris, a Quaker, having been in the Countrey, came home to his House in Bristol, and there meets with one William Hill, a Brother of that Fryery, who (amongst other discourse, askt the said Harris, why he sell from his principles (meaning as [Page 56] he was a Quaker.) He answers, that he should not account for him; but they further discoursing of their pure Religion, Ranting and quaking, at last their words came to blowes, and Harris murders Hill; for which murder he was ( Aug. 13th, 1657. in Bristol) arraigned and condemned, and the 31. day executed. Thus having such wicked principles, they both came to this untimely and shameful end. This Harris had a Letter from some Quakers, which he when he was upon the Gallowes, convey'd to a godly Minister, there attending to exhort him to mind his condition; the Minister, having received it, tore it presently in pieces: upon which, some Quakers that were then present, said, What, will ye persecute to the death? Thus calling this just execution for murder persecution. And my Brethren, Mr R. F. Is not this also to be bewailed, that such liberty should be given to a people of such principles, who would not have murderers executed, but call it persecution?
When the Government by Bishops was taken away, (though its supposed, it would have been better for the Nation, if that counsel given, by that Reverend Father, and learned Doctor of our Church, Bishop Usher, Primate of Ireland, had been taken, as it was tendered in 4. Propositions to the Parliament, in the year 1641 for the reduction of Episcopacy, into the form of Synodical Government) After that time, there came forth a little thing, called Lambeth Fair, where you might have bought many Surplices, Hoods, Coapes, Caps, and variety of such knacks and need-nots, very reasonable. I confess; that in that Government, there were many things, which my low apprehension saw no need of, As, that there should be 24. Diocesan Lord Bishops, that they should have 24 Chancellors, 24 Registers, with their men, 48. Proctors, 120. Apparitors at leaft, and many more then a good many: The whole number appertaining to Arch-bishops, Bishops, Arch-deacons, with the rest belonging to them, are judged to be no fewer than ten thousand persons, which at but 20 li. per Annum a man, is two hundred thousand pounds, and to maintain the Bishops Courts, and their greatness, was at least four hundred and fifty thousand [Page 57] pounds per Annum more, besides the Charges of the 24. Deanes to the great Churches, and 544 Canons Residents, and Prebendaries; besides many Petty Canons, Vicars, Singing-men and Boyes, Organists, Gospellers, & Epistlers, which took up in Lands, three or four thousand pounds yearly. All this you have more largely set forth in a Book, entituled, A short View of the Prelatical Church of England. Mr. Bernard. At this Fair of Lambeth, things being sold cheap, were soon bought, and the great Revenue of the Prelates and Collegiat Churches (which would have given a comfortable subsistance to a godly Ministry) was put off by such whole-sale peny worhs, that it was quickly distributed, by those that knew well enough, how to divide the Spoil: Well, you are deceived, the good Lord give repentance to the deceivers.
Friends, Lambeth-Fair is at an end, and you know, Fairs do not use to belong, but Markets are more frequent; and since Lambeth Fair, hath been down, there hath been a Market up, called Toleration, and such Commodities are to be sold at the Sign of the Black-spread Eagle, near Pauls, by Giles Calvert, where you may be furnished with such Writings, Books and Pamphlets, that shall deny God, Christ, Spirit, Word, Ordinances, Resurrection, Heaven, Hell, what not? Brethren, I shall give you a sad view of some of those Wares, though I do not advise the buying any of them, but beseech you to abhorre and detest them, Touch not, tast not, Colos. 2▪2 [...]. handle not, (for they shall all perish, and they that walk by them.) And, as I said, take heed what you hear; so also what you read: But that we may the more bewail the abuse of liberty, and the sad effects of Toleration, whereby our God hath been so dishonoured, the Gospel scandalized, and the truth of our Profession justly questioned, consider the Wares here suffered to be sold, which are such, as though we counted Hell a fable, or to endeavour the filling it our duty.
One comes, Sir, Have you a Book that declares the Bible not to be the Word of God, and that it is but humane? Yea, here it is called, The Pilgrimage of Saints. p. 4. By Lawrence Clearkson. Sir, you may have two or three more.
[Page 58] Sir, Have you any against the Nature and Essence of God? Yea, Arguments by John Biddle. p. 7. Saith he, Its a wretched distinction, to distinguish between Essence and Person. And that God hath more hand in mens sinfulness than themelves, in a Book stiled Comfort for Believers. p 36.37 you may have 3 or 4 more.
Sir, Have you any thing against the Trinity of persons in unity of Essence? Yea, That the Son to be co equal with the Father, or the Holy Spirit, to be a distinct co-equal person, is from the Chappel of Rome. Paul Beast. p. 4.5.
Sir, Have you any Book to declare that Christ is not God? Yea, The better part of Christ's person is man, there being but a gradual difference betwixt him and Moses, and us: And to make Christ co-equal with his Father, is to make a false Christ, or two Gods. Mysteries discovered by Paul Beast. p. 6.
Sir, Sir, Have you any Book against the Deity of the Holy Ghost? Yea, The Holy ghost is no more omnipresent than the Devil. Arguments by John Biddle. p 18.
Sir, Have you any Book against Gods Election? Yea, They who preach, that none shall be saved but the Elect and predestinate, are notable lyars. Divine light. p. 15.
Sir, Have you any Book against Original sin? Yea, If we had been to suffer in Hell, in relation to Adam, or the Law, then Christ also should have suffered in Hell for us, which he did not. Fulness of Gods love. p. 56.
Sir, Have you any Book against Christ as Mediator? Yea, Christ came not to reconcile God to men, but men to God. For though Christ do hold forth love and life, yet he did not purchase it, but was purchased by it. Paul Hobson. p. 4.7.
Sir, Have you any Book to maintain universal Redemption? Yea, If God commanded the Gospel to be preached to all, and Christ died only for some, then God commands a lye to be preached to the most part of men. Fulness of Gods love. p. 15. The damned shall be saved, for Christ descended into Hell to break their bonds, preaching peace to them. Divine light. p. 8. Heathens, Hypocrites, and Devils, have for a [Page 59] time damned themselves, but will be delivered. p. 19.20. That they are Devils incarnate, who are, or shall be found to deny the Covenant of general redemption. Divine light the Epistle to the Reader.
Sir, Have you any Book that doth deny the immortality of the Soul, Resurrection, Heaven, Hell? Yea, many that deny all and say, That man (as a rational Creature) is a compound, wholly mortal, contrary to the common distinction of soul and body; and that the present going of the Soul, into Heaven or Hell, is a meer fiction. Man's mortality by R. O. Title page. Its also called the Hell-hatched Doctrine of the immortal Soul. That none ever enter into Heaven, since the Creation. p. 8. That it is clear in Scripture, there is no Resurrection of the natural body, but its to be understood of the body mystical, Scripture Prophecies opened by E. Avery. p. 8. That that reasonable Soul, which is in all mankind, is God himself, who is in a wicked man, as well as in the Saints. p. 38. That no man is yet in Hell. Fulness of Gods love. 1. L.S. p. 29. That all other Creatures, as well as man, shall be raised, and delivered from death at the Resurrection. Mans mortality. p. 50.51.
Well Brethren, black wares, and hellish commodities, many more of which, you have set down in that Book before mentioned, ( viz. The Ministers of London, their bearing Testimony to the truth) which I desire every stayd and well principled Christian to have by him.
And that this Market may be kept up, saith one, no detriment can redound either to Church or Common-wealth, by the Toleration of Religions, in Mysteries discovered by the aforesaid Paul Best ( Beast.) p. 14.
Brethren, I should not descant upon any mans name, 2 Pet. 2.12. Jude 10. but that two Apostles speaking of Seducers, are full to it. But these, as natural bruit [beasts] made to be taken, and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not, and shall utterly perish in their own corruption, and shall receive the reward of unrighteousness, sporting themselves with their own deceivings. Beasts (saith the Apostle) made to be taken and destroyed; not as Christians, but as Hereticks, [Page 60] if not as men, yet as Beasts; if not destroyed, yet taken, that is restrained which may be best.
Another, speaking of errors that may be preached by guifted Brethren, saith, The more publickly they are, the lesse harm they will do. In Mr. Shepheard's Book, called The peoples privil [...]dge and duty guarded against the Pulpit and Preachers incroachment p. 69 But if Mr. Shepard should be asked, whether it hath so proved? If he say yea, I think the hellish blasphemies, that have made our eares to tingle, (and should make our hearts to ake) would give him the lye. Heretical things (as a godly Divine observes) are like the roots of thorns, Mr William Thomos. that are in themselves soft; but from that softness, they bring forth pricking and piercing things; And as that godly Minister further observes; though liberty in it self be a good thing, yet its weaklings temptation, and Seducers advantage, And I am sure it hath sadly proved so, and that to the tearing to pieces of God and Christ, and all that is (and should be) dearer to us then our very lives.
Well, if you will buy further, Giles Calvert will fit you.
Sir, Have you any Book against the Ministers? Yea, against all the Teachers in the Nation as Ministers of Antichrist, by This man being a Scholar, I heartily desire, that he may not car [...]y about him his learning and parts, as Ʋ riah did Davids letters▪ Thomas Speed a Merchant in Bristol, as appeares by his Epistle to all the publick teachers in the Nation, prefixed to his Book, called, A brief and plain Reply unto certain papers received from William Thomas, called a Minister of the Gospel at Ubley in Somersetshire. And indeed is not only called so, but by all that fear the Lord, (who know him) owned to be so, being a blessed Instrument in the hand of the Lord Jesus, for the converting, confirming and comforting of many Saints at Ubley, and the places adjacent; and for the confirming of this truth, I desire all my Christian Friends to read, and consider his solid and sober Answers to Mr. Speeds Epistle, and to his Book.
Sir, I see you are furnisht with such choice, that you can supply any, if they come from Hell, you can fit them, and indeed you have (I suppose) from all Nations Chapmen; but Sir, I am of Turkey, and from Mahomet, can you supply me also?
[Page 61]Yea Sir, I can help you to the Alcoran (it self) of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, and since our (blessed) liberty, into English.
Sir, Have you a Catechisme for Children, that they may learn to know that principle the light within them? Yea Sir, and this Catechism is so approved, that its (already) the second Edition, enlarged by George Fox, and printed for Giles Calvert, at the Black-spread Eagle, at the West end of Pauls.
My Brethren, though this Book be for little ones, yet its not the least to be bewailed by us, Mr. J. K. and we may with grief of heart, call this liberty (as a grave Divine doth.) An intolerable Toleration, that there should be a a printing, and reprinting of that, which may teach the Children of Christian Parents, Heathenish principles (to wit) to look only to the light within them; and that this principle may be the better fastened into their memories, the Word lighteth, inlightneth, and light is used (at least) six hundred times, and it teacheth them that the Scripture is no light; one of the Questions being thus, Is the Scripture the light?
Answ. Nay, Thus answer these perfect sinners (though humble Saints say as David did, Psal. 119.105 Prov 6.23. Thy Word is a Lanthorn to my feet, and a light to my steps. And Solomon tells us, The Commandement is a Lamp, and the Law is light.) And teaching those little ones also to deny the Sabbath, the Question being thus, Is the first day the Sabbath?
Answ. Nay, teaching them also, that the Ministers of the Nation are of Babylon, Antichrist, false Prophets and Seducers: thus endeavouring to train them up so, that their practice may be like to those wicked prophane Children, that mocked the Prophet Elisha; insomuch, 2 King. 2.34. that the Lord sent two Beares out of the Wood, and destroyed two and forty of them. Let Children (as an Antidote against this,) take that into their Catechism. And let me say to this Authour Fox, (and his Companions) whose subtilty (and craft) is used (by the help of Satan) to convey poyson into our little ones, that although the Almighty God do not send Beares out of the Wood to destroy them (as those prophane Children) yet, [Page 62] (with reverence let me say) he may one day so play the Bear, with those that forget the Lord (in opposing and contemning his Servants, and teach others so) as once he threatned to do with those that forgat him, saying, their heart was exalted, therefore have they forgotten me, I will meet them, (saith the Lord) as a Bear that is robbed of her Whelps, I will rent the caul of their heart. Hos. 13.8. Truly Friends, unlesse these wretches meet God timely by repentance, his meeting them thus will make them quake indeed.
But Sir, I have heard of one James Nailor, to be accused for horrid Blasphemy, and personating the Lord Jesus Christ, and that some did own him as their Saviour, and that one of his Disciples said, That she did look to be saved by no other but him, Dorot. Erbury. pa. 12. I suppose, you have no such thing as to justifie him; for I am told, the Parliament passed a severe sentence upon him, and that its executed.
Oh Sir, I'le tell you, its nothing but the Priests malice, and Sir, here is a Book of little price (for so the good people may have them; (I'le not get by them) where you shall see his innocency cleared by two eminent men (wicked Seducers) who told Nailors Judges (many Parliament men) to their faces, of his innocency: nay, A Quaker. Robert Rich chalenged them at the Parliament door, That whatever Nailor did, or spake, he was at their door ready to make it good out of Scripture; and that nothing he did or spake, was worthy of death or bonds. And that those Books may spread in the Nation, there are store at Bristol, sold by Nicholas Jorden (a perfect Quaker, if common drunkenness and perfection may stand together) and that at 3. farthings a peece.
Now among other things, that are reckoned in the Merchandize of Babylon, Rev 18.13. are the souls of men; and to the end, poor souls may be the better fitted for Babylon; yea, for Hell it self: you see some part (and but a part) of what this tolerating Market doth hold forth, and that very cheap.
O my Friends! Take heed and beware who you hear, how you read, and what you buy: And why will you lay out your money for that which is not bread (but Blasphemy, Isa. 55.1, 2.) when you may have wine and milk without money, and without [Page 63] price? Friends, there is a Disease we are all infected with, its hereditary from our first Parents [pride] you know who said to Eve, You shall be as Gods, knowing good and evil, Gen. 3.5.6. (mark) And when she saw (saith the Text) it was a Tree to be desired, to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat. And so now, we must hear all, try all, read all; we shall thereby be wise, and get knowledge. (Ah white Devil!) Knowledge (saith the Apostle) puffeth up; 1 Cor. 8.1. and hath it not done so? speak Christian. Is not that Text sadly fulfilled. Isa. 3.5. The Child shall behave himself proudly against the ancient, &c. godly Mr. Baxter.
Ah my Friends, keep to your known Teachers, and labour for humility; for (saith one) None are more like to Christ, then the humble, that are low in their own eyes, and compassionate of others: so none are more like to the Devil, then the proud, that think highly of themselves, and contemptuously of others. These men by their teachings, by their printings, by their travels, from one end of the Land to the other; yea, from one Nation to another, from Sea to Sea; yea, and beyond the Seas they act, as Satans factors to make Proselytes, and, when made, Mat. 23 15. They make them twofold more the Children of the Devil than themselves. Abhorre therefore, and detest the Pharisees (and Quakers) singularity. God I thank thee, I am not as other men, &c. but if they be not as other men (I suppose) they (the Quakers) are as other Heathens, who walk by the light within them, as well as (yea far better then) they; for they (to wit the Heathen) cannot so blaspheme our Lord Jesus Christ (as these do) whose relation to us, and suffering for us, should move us to bewail it: and oh! that we could bewail his oft bleeding (if it were possible) with teares of blood.
And that we may shun the condition of these seduced souls; lets us consider this Text, For its impossible for those, Heb. 6.4, 5, 6. who were once enlightned, and have tasted of the Heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, and have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the World to come: if they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance, seeing they crucifie to themselves the Son of God afresh, (Mark, its to themselves) [Page 64] and put him to an open shame. Was ever this Text so fulfilled as now it is in these wretches? who speak so shamefully of our Lord Jesus, that we (tremble and) are ashamed to name it in our own Language. Ezek. 19.14. Chap. 7. vers. 16. These things are a Lamentation, and shall be for a Lamentation. And oh! that we could mourn therefore, as those Doves in the valley, every one for his iniquity!
The Prophet speaking of several plagues (as Famine, drought, dearth, Pestilence, the Sword; nay, he overthrew some of them, as Sodom) that were brought upon Israel; he by way of complaint, tells them no lesse then five times; Yet have ye not returned unto me, Amos 4.6. to 13. saith the Lord. At last, the Lord comes in with this sad threatning, (a hidden judgement.) Therefore thus will I do unto thee oh Israel! (Thus, what thus, who knowes? and because I will do thus unto thee, prepare to meet thy God oh Israel! oh! that England would prepare to meet the Lord! Why? Because he will do thus, what thus? He will bring, shall I say? Nay, he hath brought, not bodily (that's too little, it hath done no good upon England, as it did not upon Israel) but spiritual Judgements; and certainly, such spiritual plagues, that neither we nor our Fathers ever beheld the like, and are (as Mr. Baxter observes) as evident notes of Gods heavy displeasure, as men can expect to see on earth. And is not that text now fulfilled, viz. 2 Thes. 2.11, 12. And for this cause, God shall send them strong delusions, that they shall believe a lye: (mark, send Seducers) That they all might be damned, who believe not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. Ah poor seduced souls! they cry up Heathen principles (a light within them, casting off the light the word of God without them:) and see how the Lord in judgement, doth give them up to their Brethren, (the Heathens) practices. They changed the truth of God into a lye, for this cause (saith the Text) God gave them up to vile affections, Rom. 2.25.26, 29, 30, 31. and to a reprobate mind, and to an abominable conversation, being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceipt, malignity, whisperers, back-biters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventers of evil things, disobedient to Parents, [Page 65] without understanding, Covenant-breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful. Here is a blessed pack of Quakers; I so say, because amongst them in this Synagogue of Satan (so near me) without wrong (for I would not wrong the Devil) there might be drawn out such persons, in whom these black Ethiopian spots are.
Ah poor England! (ah hypocritical Nation!) may not God plead with us, as once with his people? passe over the Isses, Jer. 2.9, 10, 11 go beyond the Seas, amongst the very Heathen, and consider diligently, and see if there be such a thing. Hath a Nation changed their Gods, which yet are no Gods? But my People have changed their glory for that which doth not profit. Chap. 1. vers. 4. Have we not (since this wretched Toleration) changed (nay lost) the glory of our Gospel-profession? and is not that of the Prophet Isaiah, a right character upon us? Ah sinful Nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evil doers, Children that are corrupters, (mark) they have forsaken the Lord, they have provoked the holy one of Israel to anger, they are gone away backward. And may not this provocation of the Lord cause him to say, Shall not my soul be avenged on such a Nation as this? (that did, Jer. 5.9. with their hands lifted up to the most high God, Covenant for Reformation) who by a Toleration, Isa. 10 6. are become an hypocritical and false Nation?
Oh my Brethren! my councel is still the same. Take heed how you hear, for we shall one day give account for what we hear. And that we may take the more heed, consider what falseness the Book of God discovers unto us for our caution, viz. A false Nation (as before.) False Christs (the occasion of my Narrative) you have also false spirits, seducing spirits, Mat. 24 4, 5. 1 Tim. 4.1. 2 Pet. 2.1. 2 Cor. 11.26. Jam. 2.19, 20. then false Prophets, and false Apostles, 2 Cor. 11.13. False Teachers in the forecited place of Peter, then false Brethren; then you have false faith. And last of all (which is worst of all) a false heart, 1 Tim. 4.2. Speaking lies in hypocrisie, having their Conscience seared with a hot Iron.
Now Brethren, there being so much falseness in all these particulars, how much doth it concern us, what, whom, 2 Chron. 17 3 and how we hear? Its said, the Lord was with Jehosaphat, because [Page 64] he walked in the first wayes of his Father David: Ah Brethren, the first wayes of professors, when they kept close to their known Ministers, then they kept close to God and Christ, Jer. 6.16. 2 Chron 19.11. Sabbaths, Ordinances, Duties; these good old wayes, were the first and best wayes. Let us walk couragiously in this way, & the Lord shall be with the good. And however the Prophets of God are opposed & contemned, let us keep to rule, we shal never else be established, either Nation or Kingdom (what rule? mark) Believe in the Lord your God, Chap. 20. vers. 20. so shall ye be established, believe his Prophets, so shall ye prosper. Ah sad Toleration! the Lord give repentance to England, for all those abominations it hath usher'd in, and protected among us. The good Lord, after they in power over us, have repented (of whom we may say as Ezra 9.2. yea, the hand of the Princes and Rulers, hath bin chief in this trespass) give them further grace, to make a Law of restraint, lest the judgement of God, (which is justly to be feared) break in upon them and us, without remedy. But they mocked the Messengers of God, Chap 36. vers. 16. Gen [...]0.7. and despised his words, and misused his Prophets, until the wrath of the Lord arose against his people, till there was no remedy. Well, however let us honour them, for that is an everlasting truth, He is a Prophet, and shall pray for thee. And, had we not their prayers, it would be sad with England: nay, God forbid they should so sin, 1 Sam. 12, 23. as not to pray for us; well, then let us make conscience of praying for them, and there is this reason for it; for if all estates and ranks amongst as should desert profession, and despise the Gospel, yet they are set for the defence of it; and therefore (hear them) pray for them: Phil. 1.17. Neh. 1.11. to which I shall add this prayer, The good Lord be attentive to the prayer of thy Servant, and the prayer of thy Servants (both Prophets and People) that desire to fear thy name.
And Brethren, is not this to be bewailed, that there should be such calling for Toleration, the mischiefs and sad effects of it being so many, and so great, that they cannot be aforehand imagined; besides the further disturbance of the peace, by different factions, and making the divisions in Families, to be almost as many as persons; suppose the Husband a good [Page 65] Protestant, it may be the Wife an Independent, the Children Anabaptists, the Servants Quakers.
Oh Brethren! how sad is this? And moreover, that there should be a conniving at those ranting opinions that tend to all manner of ungodliness, See Doctor Cawdry, his Sermon upon Joshua 24.15. pa. 28. In the Reign of Henry the third, one pretending himself to be Christ, was by the Magistrates, then immured between two walls, and there perished, as being thought unworthy to dye by the hands of any man. Speed's History. p. 522, 523. If a Nebuchad. did make such a Law, as to tye up the tongues of all in his Dominions, not to speak a word against the God of, &c. Dan. 3.29. Oh how doth it concern Christian Magistrates much more. This would be a compassionate compulsion. Mr. W. T. which have so spread, that it hath infected the Nation from head to foot. Witness the great friends Blasphemy, and this unparalleld Blasphemer had, that put the Parliament to so much expence of time, before that honourable sentence was given against him (death it self being his desert.) This considered, O that those in power over us, would at last prove such happy Reformers to the Nation, and shew such pitty to the souls of their poor Brethren, as to put a restraint upon all soul-infecting persons, and set on fire all those soul-poysoning and blaspheming Pamphlets that are abroad, (which would be an acceptable sacrifice.) For its to be feared, that Christians may have just cause to rue the liberty given (to Presse and Pulpit) in these dayes: Now that people might have some stop, when tumbling headlong into Hell, being so principled, that they think it their duty to do Hell service.
Oh! that the Parliament (who had such an Impostor and Blasphemer brought before them, (that their Predecessors never heard of the like) had made the Nation so happy, as to compel people (as one saith well) to Ordinances, though unwillingly that so (if possible) they might be brought to God, and goodness willingly! And for their incouragement, they had in holy writ, a very imitable pattern, Josiah by name, And Josiah took away all the abominations: 2 Chron. 34.33. (many Pamphlets abroad are abominable things) out of all the Countries that pertained to the Children of Israel, and made all that were present in Israel to serve (made them to serve) even to serve the Lord their God, and [Page 68] all his dayes they departed not from following the Lord, the God of their Fathers. And a good effect it had upon them; for all his dayes they kept close to God. Thus to appear and act for the good of souls, 1 Chron. 22.16. 2 Chron. [...]5. [...] will be your Crown. Arise therefore and be doing, and the Lord be with you Now the Lord is with you, while you be with him, and if you seek (and act for) him, he will be found of you; but if you forsake him, he will forsake you. Arise therefore, for this matter belongeth unto you, we also (say they that fear the Lord) will be with you, Ezra 10.4, 5. be of good courage and do it. Then arose Ezra and did it, Go ye and do likewise, and the Lord be with the just, Amen.
An Epistle of Publius Lentulus, (found in the Romane Annals) at that time President in Judea, under Tiberius the Emperour,) written to the Senate of Rome: (A Copy whereof was found (among other papers, to the number of 21.) about Nailor's Disciples, at their first Examination before the Magistrates of Bristol.)
THere appeared in these our dayes, a man of great vertue, named Jesus Christ, who is yet living amongst us, and of the Gentiles, is accepted for a Prophet of truth, but his own Disciples call him the Son of God. He raiseth the dead, and cureth all manner of Diseases. A man of stature, somewhat tall and comely, with a very reverend countenance, such as the beholders may both love and fear; his hair of the colour of a Philbert full ripe, and plain almost down to his eares, from the eares downwards, somewhat curled, and more orient of colour, waving about his shoulders; in the midst of his Head goeth a seam, or partition of his hair, after the manner of the Nazarites; his fore-head very plain and smooth, his face without spot or wrinckle, beautified with a comly red: his nose and mouth so formed, as nothing can be reprehended; his beard somewhat thick, agreeable in colour, to the hair of his head, not of any great length, but forked in the midst, of an innocent and mature look; his eyes gray clear and quick; in reproving, he is terrible; in admonishing, [Page 69] courteous, and fair spoken, pleasant in speech, mixed with gravity; it cannot be remembred, that any have seen him laugh, but many have seen him weep; in proportion of Body well shaped and straight; his hands and arms right delectable to behold, in speaking very temperate, modest, and wise; a man for his singular beauty surpassing the Children of men.
To some particulars in this description (that wicked Impostor) James Nailor, bearing some small natural resemblance, viz. in shape of body and colour, of hair, he (cunningly like himself) endeavours to answer the rest, (whereunto he was much unlike by nature) by an artificial composure of his countenance, to an affected gravity, parting the hair of his head, wearing his beard forked, and the like; the better to carry on his damnable juggling and imposture, among those poor deluded wretches, that were given up to believe lies; that so they might take him to be the person there described, and be drawn the more easily to give him that honour and worship that doth of right belong to the true Jesus.