[Page] Behold!
TWO LETTERS, THE ONE, Written by the POPE to the (then) Prince of Wales, now [...] King of ENGLAND: THE OTHER, An Answere to the said Letter, by the said Prince, now His Majesty of ENGLAND.
Being an Extract out of the History of England, Scotland and Ireland; Written in French by A [...]drew du Ches [...]e. Geogropher to the K. of France, (lib. 22. fol. 1162. Printed at Paris Cum Privilegio) and now Translated into English.
Printed in the yeare of Discoveries 1642.
❧ The Popes Letter,
MOst noble Prince, Salvation and light of the divine grace: Forasmuch as great Brittaine, hath alwayes been fruitfull in Vertues, and in men of great worth, having filled the one, & the other world with the glory of her renown; She doth also very often draw the thoughts of the holy Apostolicall Chaire, to the consideration of her praises. And indeed the Church was but then in her Infancie, when the King of Kings did choose her for his inheritance, and so affectionately, that we beleeve, the Roman Eagles have hardly out-passed the Banner of the Crosse▪ Besides that many of her Kings instructed in the knowledge of the true salvation, have preferred the Crosse before the Royall Scepter; and the Discipline of Religion before Covetousnesse, leaving examples of Piety to other Nations, and to the ages yet to come. So that having merited the Principalities and first places of blessednesse in Heaven, they have obtained on Earth the Tryumphant ornaments of true holynesse. And although now the state of the English Church is altered, we see neverthelesse the Court of Great Brittaine adorned and furnished with Morall Vertues, which might serve, to support the Charity that we beare unto her, and be an Ornament to the name of Christianity, if withall she could have for her defence and protection the Orthodox and Catholique truth. Therfore by how much the more, the Glory of your most noble Father, and the apprehension of your Royall inclination, delights us, with so much morezeal, we desir that the gates of the Kingdome of Heaven might be [Page 2] opened unto you, and that you might pur [...]ase to your selfe the love of the universall Church. Moreover it being certain that Gregory the grea [...] of most blessed memory, hath introduced to the English people, and taught to their K [...]ngs the law of the Gosp [...]ll, and the respect of Apostolicall authority: We, as inferiour to him, in holinesse and vertue, but equall in name and degree of dignity, it is very reasonable that we following his blessed footsteps, should indeavour the salvation of those Provinces, especially at this time, when your desig [...] (Most noble Prince) elevates us to the hope of an extraordinary advantage: Therfore, as you have directed your journey to Spaine, towards the Catholique King, with desire to allie your selfe to the house of Austria, We do much commend your designe, and indeed do testifie openly in this present businesse, that you are he that takes the principall care of our Prelacy. For seeing that you desire to take in Marriage a Daughter of Spaine: from thence we may easily conjecture that the ancient seeds of Christian piety, which have so happily flourished in the hearts of the Kings of great Brittaine; may (God prospering them) revive againe in your soule: And indeed it is not to be beleeved that the same man should love such an alliance, that hates the Catholique Religion, and should take delight to Oppresse the holy Chaire. To that purpose we have commanded to make continually most humble Prayers to the Father of lights, that he would be pleased to put you as a faire Flower of the Christianisme, and the only hope of great Brittaine, in possession of that most noble heritage, that your Ancestors have purchased for you, to defend the authority of the Soveraigne High Priest; and to fight against the Monsters of Heresie. Remember the dayes of old, inquire of your Fathers, and they will tell you the way that leads to heaven; and what way the temporall Princes have taken to attaine to the everlasting [Page 3] Kingdome. Behold the Gates of Heaven opened, the most holy Kings of England, who came from England to Rome accompanied with Angels, did come to honour and do hommage to the Lord of Lords, and to the Prince of the Apostles in the Apostolicall Chaire: their actions and their examples being as so many voyces of God, speaking and exhorting you to follow the course of the lives of those to whose Empire you shall one day attaine.
Is it possible that you can suffer that the Heritiques should hold them for impious, and condemne those that the Faith of the Church testifies to reigne in the Heavens with Jesus Christ, and have Command and authority upon all Principalities and Empires of the earth? Behold how they tender you the hand of this truly happy inheritance, to conduct you safe and sound at the Court of the Catholique King, and that desire to bring you back again into the lap of the Roman Church: Bes [...]cching with unspeakable sighs and groanes, the God of all mercy for your salvation, & do tender you the arms of the Apostolicall Charitie, to imbrace you with all Christian affection; You, that are her desired Sonne, in shewing you the happy hope of the Kingdome of Heaven. And indeed you cannot give a greater consolation to all the people of the Christian Estates, than to put the Prince of the Apostles in possession of your most noble Island, whose authority hath been held so long in the Kingdome of great Brittaine▪ for the defence of Kingdomes, and for a divine Oracle; which will easily arrive, and that without difficulty, if you open your heart to th [...] Lord that knocks, upon which depends all the happinesse of that Kingdome.
It is of our great Charity that we cherish the praises of the Royall name; and that which makes us desire that you and your Royall Father might be stiled with the names of Deliverers, and Restorers of the [Page 4] ancient and paternall Religion of Great Brittaine, which we hope for, trusting in the goodnesse of God, in whose hands are the hearts of Kings, and who causeth the people of the Earth to receive healing, to whom we will alwaies labour, with all our power, to render you gracious and favourable; In the interim take notice by these Letters of the care of our Charity, which is none other than procure you [...] happinesse; and it will never grieve us to have written them, if the reading of them stir but the least sparke of the Catholique Faith, in the heart of so great a Prince, who we wish to be filled with long continuance of joy, and flourishing in the glory of all vertues.
Given at Rome in the Pallace of St. Peter, the 20. of Aprill, 1623. in the Third yeare of our Popedome.
❧ The Popes Letter,
TRes-Noble Prince, salut & lumiere de la grace divine: Comme ainsi soit qu [...] la grand' Bretagne ait tousiours esté abondante en vertus, & en personnages de grand merite, & ait remply l' vn & l' autre monde de lo gloire de sa renomme, elle atttire anssi tres-souuentles pensees du Saint Siege Apostolique à la consideration de ses loüanges. Et de fait l' Eglise ne faisoit encore que naistre, quandle Roy des Roys la voulut choisir pour son heritage, & si affectionnement, qu' on tient qu' à peine les Aigles Romoins y one plustost passe que l▪ estendart de lax Croix. Ioint que plusieurs de ses Roys instruits en lae cognoissance du vraysalut, ont prefere la Croix au Sceptre Royal, & la discipline de la Relion á la conuotise: laissants des exemples de pietè aux nations estrangeres, & aux siecles futurs. Si bi en qu' ayans merite dans lo Ciel les Principautez, & preeminences de la Beatitudene, ils ont obtenu en terre des ornaments triomphaux de vraye Saintetè. Et ores qu' auiourd huyl' Estat de l▪ Eglise Anglicane soit alterè, nous voyons neant, moins la Court de la grand BRETAGNE estre ornee & munie de vertus Morales, qui serviroient de consolation à la charitè que nous luy portons & d' ornement au nom Chrestien, si coni [...]inct ement elle pouuoit auoir pour sa defence & protection la verité orthodoxe & vniuerselle. C' est pourquoy d' autant plus que la Gloire de vostre Serenissime Pere, & le r [...]ssentiment de vestre Royal naturel, nous delectent, de tantplus grande ardeur resirons-nos que les p [...]rt [...]s du R [...]iaume Celest [...]s vous soye [...]t [Page 2] ouuertes, & que vous▪vous acqu [...]riez l' [...] de l'Eglise Vniverselle. D' ailleurs, estant [...]ray que Gregoire le grand de tressainte memoire a introduit aux peuples d' Angleterre, & enseignè a leurs Rois la Loy de l' Euangile, & le respect de l' auctoritè Apostolique: Nous comme inferieurs, aluy en saintetè & vertu, & pareils en nom & degrè de dignitè, il est bien ra [...]fonnable, que suiuants ses Saints vestiges nous procurions le salut de ces▪ Provinces, nommèment aujourd' huy que vistre heureux dessein (tres noble Prince) nous esle [...]e àl esperance d' vn bon-heur extraordinaire. Partant, comme vous vous estes acheminè el Es [...]gne ve [...]sl [...] personne du Roy Catholique▪ auec desir de vous allier á la Ma [...]sond Austriche, Nous auous bien voulu loüer vostre dessein, voire, mesmete sm [...]igner ouuer [...]ement en l' affaire qui se presente, que vous estes cel [...]y que regarde le principal soin de n [...]st [...]e Prelature. Car ainsi estant que vous desirez prendre en mariage vne Fille d' Espagne, de là pouuons-nous▪ aisement coniecturer, que ces anciennes semences de la Piete Chrestienne, lesquelles out sy heureusement fleury dans les còeurs des Rois de la grand' Bretague, peuvent (Di [...] leur donnant ac [...]r [...]issement) reuerdir en v [...] stre a [...]e. Et de fait il ne seroit pa [...] croyable que celuy-là aimast vne telle alliance, lequel hayroit la Religion Catholique, & se plairei à opprimer le Saint Siege. Nous [...] ensuite de ce commandè de faire comi [...]ellement de tres-humbles prieres an Pere des lumieres, à ce qu [...]l [...]y plaise de vous mettre comme vne belle fleurdu Christianis [...], & vnique esperance de la grand' Bretagn [...], en possession de ce tres noble heritage; que vos ancestres vous [...] acquis, à deffendre l' auctoritè du souuerain Pontife, & à combattre les monstres de l' heresie. Sonne [...]zvous des iours anciens, enquerez-vous de vos Peres, & ils vous d [...]t par quelle voy [...] l' on va a [...] Ciel, & quelehemin out [...] les Princes temporels pourpar [...]ir an Roya [...] me [Page 3] eternel. Voyez les portes d [...] Ciel o [...] uertes, ces tres-Saincts Roys d' Angl [...] terre, qui pareans d' Angleterre pour venir à Rome accompagnez des Anges son [...] venus honorer & faire hominage a [...] Seigneur des Seigneurs, & au Prince des Apostres en la Chaire Aqostolique▪ Leurs oeuures & leurs exemples sont autant de voix de Die [...] qui parlent, & qui vous exhortent à ce qu' ayez àsuiure la facon de viure de coux▪ à l' Empire desquels vous paruiendrez vn iour.
Est-il possibile qne vous puissiez souffrir, que les Heretiques tiennent pour impies, & condamnent ceux que la foy de l' Eglise t [...] smoigne regner dans le Ciel auec Iesus-Christ, & auoir commandement & auctoritè sur toutes les Principantez & Empires de la terre? Veilà qu' ils vous tenden [...] la main de ceste bie [...]-heureuse Patrie, pour vous conduire sain & sauf à la Cour d [...] Roy Cath [...]lique, & qui desirent vous ramener au giron de l' Eglise Romaine: laquelle suppliant auec gemissements in [...]arrables le Diu de toute Misericorde pour vostre salut, vous tend les bras de la Charite Apostolique pour vous embrasser auec toute affection Chrestienn [...], vous qui estes son desire fils, en vous monstrant l' [...]sperance bie [...] heurense du Royaume des C [...]eux. Pour vray vous ne pourrez donner plus grande consol [...]i [...]n à tous les Peuples de l' Estat Chrestien, que de mettre en possession de vostre tres-noble Isle le Prince des Apostres, l' Auctorite duquela este te [...]e si long-temps e [...] vostre Royaume de la grand' Bretague pour la defense des Roya [...]mes, & pour oracle de la Divinite. Ce qui arri [...]era saus difficulte, si vous [...]uurez vostre eoeur au Seigneur qui frappe, en quoi gist toutle b [...]n-heur de ce Roya [...]me.
C'est de ceste si grande charitè que nous fauorisons les loüanges d [...] nom Royal & qui nous fait desirer que vous & vostre Serinissime pere soyez qualifiez du no [...] de Liberateurs & Restaurateurs de l' anci [...]ne & paternelle [Page 4] Religion de la grand' Bretagne. C [...] que nous esperons, nous confians en la bonte de Dien es mains duquel sont les coeurs des Reys, & qui fait que les Pe [...]ples de la terre puissent receuoir guarison, lequell nous tascher [...]us t [...]nsiours de tout nostre p [...]uuoir vous rendre pr [...] pice & fauorable. Cependant recognoissex en ces Lettres le soinde nostre charitè, qui n'est autre chose que pour procurer vostre b [...]nheur: & iamais il ne nous fera mal de les auoir escrites, si la lecture d' icelles vient au moins à exciter quelque petite est incelle de la Foy Catholique dans le coeur d'vnsi grand Prince, lequel nons desirous estre comble d'vne ioye de longue duree, & florissant e [...] la gloire de toutes vertus.
Donnè à Rome au Palais de Saint Piere le xx. iourd' Aurill 1623. l' an troisiesme de nostre pontificat.
The Prince of Wales having received this LETTER, made this following Answer, which was after published.
MOST Holy Father, I received the dispatch from your Holinesse with great content, & with that respect which the pietie and care where with your Holynesse writes, doth require: It was an unspeakable pleasure to me to reade the generous exploits of the Kings my Predecessours, in whose memory, posterity hath not given those praises and Elogies of honour, as were due to them: I do believe that your Holinesse hath set their examples before my eyes, to th'end that I might imitate them in all my actions, for in tru [...]h they have often exposed their estates and lives for the exaltation of the Holy Chaire; And the courage with which they have assaulted the enemies of the crosse of Jesus Christ, hath not been lesse, than the care and thought which I have, to the end that the peace and intelligence which hath hitherto bin wanting in Christendome, might be bound with a true and strong concord, for as the commo [...] enemie of the peace, watcheth alwaies to pu [...] hatred and dissention amongst Christian Princes, [...]o I beleeve that the glory of God requires that we should indeavour to unite them; And I do not esteeme it a g [...]a [...]r honour to be discended from so great Princes, then to imitate them in the zeale of their piety, in which it helpes me very mu [...] to h [...]ve knowne the mind [...] and will, of our thrice honoured Lord and Father, and the holy inte [...] tions of his Catholik [...] Majesty to give a hap [...]ie concurrence to so laudable a designe, for: grieves him extreamly to see the great eills that grow from the devision of Christi [...] Princes, which the wisdome of your Holinesse [Page 6] foresaw, when it judged the M [...]riage which you pleased to de [...]g [...], betweene the Infanta of Spaine and my selfe, to be necessary to procure [...]o great a good, for 'tis very certa [...]ne, that I shall never be so extreamly affectionate to any thing in the world, as to endeavour allya [...]ce with a Prince that hath the same apprehension of the true Religion with my selfe: Therefore I intreate your Holynesse to believe, that I have been alwaies very far from incouraging Novelties, or to be a part of any Faction against the Catholike, Apostolike Roman Religion: But on the contrary, I have sought all occasions to take away the suspition that might rest upon me, and that I will imploy my selfe for the time to come, to have but one Religion and one faith, seeing that we all beleeve in one Jesus Christ. Having resolved in my selfe, to spare nothing that I have in the world, and to suffer all manner of discommodities, even to the hazarding of my estate and life, for a thing so pleasing unto God: It rests only that I thank your Holynesse, that you have bin pleased to afford me the leave, and I pray God to give you a blessed health and his glory, after so much paines which your Holynesse takes in his Church.
Le Prince de Galles ayant receu cel LETTRES, il fist la Responce suivante, quy fut publice vn p [...]u apres.
TRes-Saint Pere, I'ay receu la Depe sche de vostre Sainte tè auec vn grand contentement dans le respect que demandent la Piete & la Bienueillance, auec lesquelles vostre Santetè l'descrite. Ce qui [...] a estè vnplaisir indicible de lire les exploits genereux des Roys mes Predecesseurs, à la memoire desquels la posteritè n'a point donnè les eloges d'honneur qui l [...]ur sont deubs. Ie veux eroire que vostre Saintetè a mis leur exemple denant mes yeux, afin que [...]e les imitasse [...]n tontes mes actions. Car [...] laveri [...]e ils ont exposè souuent leur Estat & leurs vies pour l [...]exaltation du Saint Siege. De sorte que le co [...] vage, auec lequell ils ont assailly le e [...]emis de la Croix de Iesus-Christ, n'a pas est [...] m [...]ind [...]e que le so [...]cy & lapensee que i'ay, afin qu [...] l [...] Paix & l Intelligence, qui [...]nt manque [...] ques à present dans la Chrestiente so [...]e [...]t estraintes d' vnl [...]en d' vne veritable concorde. Car de me sme que l' ennemy commun de la Paix veille iousiours pour mettre la hay [...]e & dissension pa [...]my les Princes Chrestiens▪ auss [...] ie croy que la gloire de Dieu demande qu on [...]a sche de les vnir. Et ie n'estime pas que i' aye vnplus grand honnour d' estre d [...]s [...]en [...]u de si g [...]ands Princes, que de les imiter [...]ans le ze [...] de leur Piete. En quoy il me sert grandement d' [...]oir recogn [...] la volo [...]e de nostre tres honore S [...]ign [...]r & p [...]e, & les s [...]intes intentions de sa Majest [...] Catholique▪ p [...]ur faire reussi [...] heureu sement ce lo [...]ble des [...] parce qu' elle a un extreme r [...]g [...]et de voir [...]es grands mal heurs qui naissen [...] de la aiv sion des Princes Chrestiens. Ce que la prudence de vostre Sainctete a pr [...]ue [...], lors qu'elle a i [...] ge [Page 6] que le mariage qu' il luy plaist desseigne entre l' Infante d' Espagne & moy, est necessaire po [...]r procurerv [...] si grand b [...]en qu' il est tout certain, que i [...] ne me p [...]rter [...] tamais si passionement a chose de monde, qu' à la recherche de l' alliance [...] un Prince, qui aurale mesme sentiment de la vraye Religion auec moy. C'est pourquoy ie pri [...] vostre Salutete de eroire que i ay tousiours estè fort esloigne d' aduantager les nouueautez, ni d' estre partisan d' aucune faction contre la Religion Catholique Apostolique Romaine: mais au contraire, que i'ay recherche les occasions, afin que le soupcon qui peut t [...]ber sur [...]y s [...]i [...] entierement [...]ste, & que i [...] [...] [...]ploye de tout m [...]n reste pour [...]' anoir qu' vne Religion, & qu' vne Foy, puis que nous cryons tous ensemble en Iesus-Christ. Ayant resolu de ne [...]' [...]spargner point en chose d [...] monde, & des [...]ffrir toutes sortes d' incomm [...]ditez [...]es [...]e de hazarder mon Estat & mavie, pour vne occasion si agreable à Di [...]u▪ Il reste seulemont que ie remercie vostre Saintete de la permission qu' illuy a pleu de [...] accorder, & que i [...] prie Dieu qu' il luy donne vne heureuse sante, & sa gloire, aprestant de trauaux quae vostre Saintete prend dans son Eglise.
These two Letters are Printed (as is aforesaid) in the French History of England, &c. and in the two and twentieth Booke, (and 1162. fol.) you may find the same: which Booke was also twice Printed in Paris Cum Privilegio.