The PROPHECIE of Paulus Grebnerus Concerning these Times.
PAulus Grebnerus was here in England with Queen Elisabeth, Anno 1582. and presented her with a fair Manuscript in Latine, describing therein the future historie of Europe, here and there limming in water-colors Som principal passages.
Dr. Nevil, Clerk of the Closet, beeing in favour with the Queen obteined this book of Her, and bestowed it on the Librarie of Trinitie-Colledg in CAMBRIDG, where it hath been published to the view of all persons, till about 5 or 6 years ago, by much perusing and ill handling, it was much slurred and defaced.
In his PredictionsHee describeth the Troubles of Russia, and the Election of a Swedish King, Sigismund by name, to bee King of Polonia, by which hee shall irrecoverably lose his own inheritance.
That of the Swedish race there should bee one GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS by name, that should take heart from the distractions of Germanie to invade the Empire with a small Armie, fight manie Battels prosperously, but should at last perish in a pitcht-field.
That about that time should Reign Rex Septentrionalis nomine CAROLUS, qui ducet Uxorem Mariam Papisticam, ex quo evadet Regum infelicissimus. Tunc Populus ipsius Ditionis eliget sibi alium Imperatorem, Comitem; qui durabit in Imperio tres annos, aut circiter. Ac postea idem Populus eliget alium Imperatorem, Equitem, non ejusdem familiae nec Dignitatis, qui detrudet omnia sub pedibus suis: durabit aliquantò longiore tempore: & post hunc eliget nullum.
Post hunc apparebit quidam CAROLUS è CAROLO descendens, cum immensâ Classe in litore Ditionis patris sui, & cum Auxiliariis Danicis, Suedicis, Hollandicis, Francicis prosternet adversariros suos, & administrabit Imperium perfelicissimè, & longè latéque dominabitur, & erit Carolo Magno major.
Englished Thus:—About that time a Northern-King should Reign, CHARLES by Name, who shall take to wife MARIE of the Popish Religion, whereupon Hee shall bee a most unfortunate Prince. Then the People of his Dominion shall chuse to themselvs another Commander [or Governor] viz. an Earle: whose Government shall last three years, or thereabout. And afterwards the same People shall chuse another Commander [or Governor] viz. a Knight, not of the same Familie, nor Dignitie, who shall trample all things under his feet: hee shall endure somwhat longer time: And after him they shall chuse none at all.
After him shall appear one CHARLES descending from CHARLES, with a mightie Navie on the Shore of His Father's Kingdom, and with Aid from Denmark, Swedeland, Holland, France shall overthrow His Adversaries, and shall govern His Kingdom wonderful happily, and shall bear Rule far and near: and shall bee greater then CHARLES the Great.