A great VICTORY Obtained by the KING OF FRANCE AGAINST The Prince of Conde near the City of Estamps, upon the Duke of Lorrains advance for raysing the siege: with the particulars thereof, and the manner how the said D. drew up his men in Batalia, & afterward by the me­diation of the D. of York, for 100000 Crowns, re­volted from the Prince of Conde to the King.

ALSO The great Engagement of the said Duke of York, with the Duke of Beaufort, who commanded the Van of the Ar­my; and the manner how Beaufort was routed, and bea­ten out of the field: with the advance of the Kings Army towards Paris, and the resolution of the Ci­tizens thereupon, and declaring for the King.

A Bloudy Fight in Ireland, between the Parliaments forces commanded by Major General Waller, and the Irish commanded by the Earl of Clenrickard: with the manner how the Rebels fell upon the English Garrisons, and a perfect Narrative thereof.

SEnt in a Letter to the Right Honourable William Lenthal, Esquire, Speaker to the Parliament of England.

LONDON: Printed for G: HORTON. 1652.

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