A GREAT VICTORY OBTAINED At SEA, and the full particulars of a bloudy Fight on Tuesday last, between the Princes ships, and the Parliaments, four leagues from Jersey, with the num­ber killed, sunk, and taken, and 14 Sayl of ships seized on, & carryed to Dunkirk. Also, a great Fleet setting forth from thence for Prince Charles, commanded by Capt. Whittington, Admiral for his Highness, and their resolution to fall down into the River of Thames to seize on the Parliaments shipping, and to burn, kill and destroy, all that do oppose them. With the great Emperors Proclamation, prohibiting all English Mar­chants from trading within his Territories unlesse in Prince Charles his Name, or by his Letter-Pattents.

[ship in full sail]

London, Printed for G. Wharton, MDCXLIX.


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