A GREAT FIGHT IN WALES Sixteen Colours taken, Armes and Ammunition, with the prisoners, and men slain. The Parliaments re­calling their former [...]otes, for making no further addresses to the King, and the new addresse to be made unto Him. The Letters on Munday last from Scotland, and a Message from the Parliament of England to the Parliament of Scotland, in answer to the Demands and Proposals. Also the proceedings of Sir Marmaduke Langdale, and the raising of Forces in the North. And Letters from the Prince, and the Duke of York.

London, Printed by B. A. 1648.

A DECLARATION Of Colonell HORTON AND The Officers and Soulders under his Command.

THe Honorable Houses of Parliament having resolved that the forces under the command of Maj. Gen. Laug­horn should be disbanded. And for the speeding of that work, his Excellency the Lord Gen. issued forth his positive Or­ders to the Commander in chief of those Forces, for the disban­ding of the forces in South-Wales. But Col. Rice Powel with his Forces (after many solemn and publike engagements of his submission to the Ordinances of Parliament, and his Excellen­cies orders for disbanding) doth now contrary to the said Orders [Page 2]and ingagements, not only refuse to disband, but earnestly en­deavours to lay the foundation of a new war, the which that he may the better accomplish, he doth entertain all such souldiers formerly disbanded, as by any fair promises he can allure unto him, labouring to increase his number, to the great charge of the Inhabitants, and not resting there, issueth forth his warrants to summon the Countries to severall Randezvouz, attempting thereby to ingage them in a desperate design, to the manifest hazard of spilling the bloud, and unavoidable ruining the E­states of his Neighbors and Country men.

And yet would perswade the people, he only intends to oppose new Forces drawing towards them, as he suggests, to indanger their peace, though occasioned by his and his adherents disobe­dience to the Parliament and his Excellencies orders to come to ease the Country of the burden of free quarter.

Therefore we thought fit (for a prevention of the miseries, these delusions may lead the Country men into) to declare and publish, that the true reasons of these forces marching into these Counties, are no other, th [...] [...]s hath been already expressed, viz. to gain obedience to the Parliament and his Excellencies Or­ders for disbanding, which will free the people from the oppres­sion which they lay vnder, and from all other charges whatsoe­ver, besides their ordinary assesments.

And then after easing the Country of these heavy burdens; they will suddenly depart again, hoping in the mean time, to prevent the inconveniencies that formerly accompanied Ar­mies.

Let therefore all well meaning people timely take heed of being divided by faire tales to ruine themselves, and seriously consider the different fruits of war and peace. It is the settle­ment of peace the Parliament endeavours through the King­dome, which is no where disturbed but in these parts, And by whom, it is here done, and upon what grounds and pretences, we [Page 3]leave to the judgment of all ingenious men, who will imparti­ally weigh the truth of what hath been here published.


Die Lunae 8. May 1648.

THere have sundry Votes past the House of Commons this day and on Satterday last, both in relation to the King, and in answer to the Propositions lately received from Scotland; and therein they in the first place recalled the for­mer Votes for making no further addresses to the King, and voted, that further addresses should be made to him, viz. by sending the Propositions again which were tendered to His Majesty at Hampton-Court.

The House then resumed the consideration of the Letter, with the Demands inclosed from Scotland, and ordered, that the Lords concurrence should be desired to the Vote, for the Government of this Kingdom to be by King, Lords, and Commons.

They further debated upon the Votes yesterday past, for preserving inviolably the solemn League and Covenant, and the Treaties of both Kingdoms, and the Vote for a further addresse to his Majesty, upon the propositions at Hamp­ton-Court, and made some explanation or addition there­unto, That they would be ready to joyn with Scotland up­on those propositions, so far forth as may tend to the union and peace of both Kingdoms.

The Copy of a Letter from Northumberland.


THe sceane is much altered in these parts, Malignants have now gotten some head a­gain here, and increase their numbers dayly. Sir Marmaduke Langdale hath a strength of Horse in this County, wherewith he hath given an allarme to some of our quarters about Morpeth: they say, they will not joyne with the Scots against Eng­land, but only act upon a Commission which they pretend from Prince Charles; yet it is apparent, that the Scots and they hold correspondence, for when Sir Thomas Glenham, sir Marmaduke Lang­dale, sir Charles Lucas, Capt. Woogan, and Iome For­ces which are now in England, were in Scotland, and demanded to be delivered up to the Justice of the Parliament of England, by the Parliaments Commissioners in Scotland, they were protected, and nothing would be done therein; the Commit­tee of danger there alleadging, that it was not within the large Articles agreed on between both Kingdoms.

Sir Arthur Haslerig is very diligent in fortify­ing of Newcastle. Some Gentlemen of these parts are gone up to London, to acquaint the Parliament with the affairs and conduction of these Northern Counties, and we hear the Parl are about to asso­ciate these Counties again, and to put 10000. men more into a posture of defence against the Cava­leer party, which are entred Berwicke, and begin to overspread the Country. By the next, I pray, let us hear what news at London, for which you shall command

Your affectionate friend, S. J.

LEtters came this day from Scotland, to this effect, that the Parl. of Scotland have voted their Declaration to be printed; about which time the Assembly of the Kirk will print their Decla­ration against raising of forces to invade Eng­land, yet a report from the Committee of danger, for the Levies of men and arms is approved, and Warra [...]ss issued forth accordingly, but a List of the Officers is not yet past the Generalship, nor confirmed on Duke Hamilton, nor a Randezvouze appointed.

From Bristol was this day advertized, that since Col. Flem­ming wsa killed, there was an encounter between col. Horton and Col. Powel, who had a considerable party, some where­of were newly come to joyn with Poyer, the fight is related to continue about an hour, and the successe is said to bee the taking of 15 or 16. Cullers by Col. Horton's Forces from Col. Powels; in doing whereof, it cannot be conceived, but Col. Horton took many prisoners, and that there was a great slaughter, the particulars, if true, will shortly come, and bee communicated more fully to the publike view.

Letters out of Holland say, that Prince Charles, and the Duke of York are met together at the Hague, some solem­nities have been used by way of entertainment, which was inlarged, for that the report goes, they intend not to stay there; but whether it be either of them have a designe for the North or West of England is not yet known.

The Parliament this day proceeded on the businesse of the Church, they likewise sell into debate of other things, for giving satisfaction to our Brethren of Scotland, they ex­pect a good Answer from the Parliament of England, the receipt whereof, its believed will satisfie that Kingdom, and continue a good correspondency between us.

Imprimatur G. M.

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