A GREAT FIGHT IN THE CHURCH AT THAXTED in ESSEX, between the Sequestrators, and the Minister.

AND The Mayor being present, the men and women in this Fight fell all together by the eares, on the Lords Day.

Concerning which, divers of the Chiefe Actors were brought before the house of Lords in Parliament assembled, this present Friday, Septemb. 24. 1647.

WITH The manner of their Tryall, and the seve­rall Charges brought in against them at the LORDS BARRE.

London Printed for Henry Becke in Aldersgate­street, Anno Domini, 1647.

A Great fight in the Church at Thaxted in Essex, between the Sequestrators and the MINISTER.
From the well-affected Inhabitants.

THe Committee for plundered Ministers seque­stred one M. Leader Vicar of Thanted, and setled one M. Male, a godly learned Minister. M. Leader de­ceasing about a year after, the Lady Maynard (being Patronesse of the said living) refused to present Master Male but presents one M. Croxon, a man for whoring, swearing, cursing and drunkennesse, the whole Coun­ty cannot parallell, as was proved against him.

The well affected parishioners, perceiving what a judgement they lay under, to sit under the Ministery of such a soule-starving Pastor, began a new prosecution, and exhibited severall Articles against the said M. Croxon, before the Committee for plundered Mini­sters, and prosecuted the same, untill the said Com­mittee hearing the cause, sequestred the said living from M. Croxon.

The Lady Maynard by a Gentleman suggested to the said Committee, that M. Croxon had made a re­signation to the Lady of the said Living, but because [Page 2]no resignation did appear to the Committee, it was or­dered, that the said Lady should have only leave and two moneths time to nominate some godly Minster to the Committee for the said Living, to take it upon the Sequestration.

The wel-affected parishioners petitioned the Com­mittee to vacate the said Order for these reasons, viz.

I. Because the Lady had presented two unworthy Ministers before, the prosecuting of which Ministers had cost a few well affected persons in the parish at least a hundred pounds.

II. Because that Order that gave the Lady power, was gotten upon pretence of a resignation, whereas there could be none legall.

First, because when Articles are depending, no man can resigne.

Secondly, because if the resignation had been be­fore Articles, the living must needs be relupst, be­cause it was more then six moneths before the said Lady went about to present this Mr. Hall, but it is proved by an Order that the said resignation was a little before the Sequestration, therefore by the Or­der of the Committee void, as wee can make cleerly to appeare.

Yet not withstanding the Committee gave the Lady liberty to commend some godly Minister, shee com­mended M. Hall, who was referred to the Assembly of [Page 3]Divines, who found him unfit and made return of it to the Committee.

M. Hall was sent a second time to the Assembly, who returned him still unfit, and they were more unsa­tisfied then before.

Mr. Hall was sent a third time, and returned unfit, whereupon he was discharged from intermedling with Thaxted any more by the said Committee, They having power to place none but such as the Assembly approoves of.

Since which time he hath addressed himselfo to the right Honourable the House of Lords, who did or­der the Assembly to examine him, who have return­ed answer, they cannot approve of him.

The Lords were pleased to order that the Assembly should bring in their reasons, why they did not ap­prove of him.

The Assembly did produce their reasons which gave the Lords such satisfaction that the cause was laied a side for the present, and the said Hall in the absence of the Speakers got an Order for Institution and Induction which is now made void by the Ordi­nance.

From the Sequestrators.

DIvers well affected presented Articles (to the Committee for plundred Ministers) against Edward Croxon Vicar of Thaxted.

Croxon was sequestred by the Committee for plundered Ministers, Sequestrators appointed.

The Lady Maynard Patronesse of the said Vicarage suggested a resignation made to her by Croxon, and [Page 4]she desired to present her Clerke, but because shee produced no resignation. It was ordered that shee should have liberty and two moneths time to com­mend some godly Minister, to bee settled in the said Sequestration.

The Lady present Mr. Nall to the Committee to be settled in the Sequestration, Hall referred to the As­sembly, returned unfit sent away the second time, a third, a fourth, a fifth time and returned unfit, the Committee discharged Hall, continued the Seques­trators.

Mr. Hall finding hee could not get into the said living by the Committee, Addresses himselfe to the House of Lords, the Lords order the Assembly to examine Mr. Hall in reference to the said place, they returne him unfit, the Lords order the Assembly to shew their reasons: they produced reasons, the Lords ref [...]rre the same to a Committee, which was after­ward said a side, heard no more of Hall for the space of two moneths.

(In the absence of the Speakers) Mr. Hall got an order from the Lords (by the procurement of the Lord Maynard patron, the Lady being deceased, who then sate and acted, for which he now is in custody) for institution and induction.

Hall came to the Church, accompanied with the Mayor and divers others (of the dis-affected party) The Sequestrators demanded his authority, he refused to sh [...]w any Authority, and said they should not question it, went and preached the forenoone, in the afternoone the Sequestrators went and stood at the door of the Deske to force him to shew Authority, or prevent him from preaching.

Mr. Hall name in the afternoone accompanied with [Page 5]the abovesaid Mayor, the Sequestrators demanded his authority, he refused to shew any, the Sequestra­tors told him they had an Order that he should not Officiate, and if he could shew a better they would desist, which he refused to doe.

Then one Christopher Tanner (Church-Warden) and Edward Muntford told the Sequestrators that if the Sequestrators would not come down they should be pulled downe, and said Mr. Hall should preach too with other daring words.

Then came the Mayor out of his seare and reproov­ed the Sequestrators, and said he wondered the Se­questrators would make such a disturbance, which Animated divers dis-affected men and women, who fell upon the Sequestrators, beat them 'tore the haire from their heads, their bands from their necks; en­dangered the taking away the it lives. The Mayor being present and never reprooved the same.

Anne the Wife of Thomas Meade, Elizabeth the Daughter of the said Thomas, Meade, the Wife of Laurence Porter, the Wife of Nathauiel Westley, the Wife of Samuel Salmane, these. Women fell violent­ly upon the said Sequestratours, beat them sore, tore the haire from some of their heads, the Bands from their neckes, their Hattes and Cloakes off, then came Henry Jobb, Thomas Meade junior, Edward Meade ju­nior, John Moore, (who struck Captain Turner one of the Sequestratours) William Caton, Lewis Caton, Na­thaniel Smith, alias Baby, John Grey, and John Baker, who animated and abetted the said Women, the Se­questratours being forced to haste as fast as they could out of the Church, being in danger of having their lives taken from them by the Persons above mentioned, the Major of the Town being present ne­ver [Page 6]charged any one of them to keep the Peace, but unimated them, and said, when others pressed toward me Sequestratours, Let them alone, and let the Women decide the Case.

The Sequestratours having an Ordinance of Par­liament for the nulling all Orders, Ordinances, &c. done in the absence of the Speakers, Mr. Major, Mr. Hall, and Henry Jebb comming to Church, the Sequestratours shewed them the same to prohibit Hall from preaching, he having his Authority granted in the absence of the Speakers) and wished Mr. Major and Mr. Hall to take notice of it, the Major read the same in presence of Mr. Hall, and said, What doth this concerne Mr. Hall?

Mr. Hall in a slighting manner said, This did nothing concerne him, and went away into the Church, and officiated the same day, forenoon and afternoon, without taking notice of the said Ordinance.

Henry Jebb being present at the reading of the said Ordinances in a slighting manner said, What doth this concerne Mr. Hall? and told the Sequestratours, They were alwayes troubling them with such frivolous things.

  • Richard Turner,
  • Jo. Humphrey,
  • Jo, Brown,
  • Andrew Halles,
  • Jo. Hewood,
  • Rose Turner,

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