A GREAT FIGHT AT SEA, Between the English, French, Dutch, and Portugals, neer Gibralterre in the Streights: With the manner of their Engagement; the particulars of the Fight; and the number of Ships sunk and taken by Captain Pen, Vice-Admirall for the Parlia­ment of England

Also a bloudy Fight in Ireland between the Parliaments Forces, commanded by Collonel Axtel, Col. Pretty, Col. Zanchey, and Col. Cooke; and the Irish under the command of Commis. General Dungan.

With a List of the Colonels, Lieutenant-colonels, Majors, Captains, and the rest of the Officers and Souldiers, killed and taken prisoners on both sides.

Imprinted at London, for G. [...]amuel, 1651.


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