A great and glorious VJCTORY Obtained By the English against the French, upon the Coast of Callice; with the dispiersing of the Royal N [...]vie belonging to King Lewis, the taking of the Newfound-land Fleet; and the chasing of the King of Scots Vice-Admiral, and his Men of War, un­to the Fort Royal.

With the manner how Captain Foster in the Phaenix, Cap. Benjamin in the Pearl frigat, and Cap. George Grocknel in the Merlin, bare up to them within Canon shot of the ca­stle; and the event and success thereof.

Likewise, the particulars of a great and la­mentable Engagement in Scotland, the num­ber of men killed and taken on both sides; and the taking of the field again by both ARMIES.

Imprinted at London for G. Wharton, 1654.


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