A GREAT AND BLOVDY FIGHT NEER Droghedah in Ireland, ON Thursday last, being the 6 of this instant September, 1649. between the Forces commanded by the Marqesse of Or­mond, the Lord Inchiquin, the Lord Governour Cromwell, and Major Generall Ireton.

WITH The manner how the Lord Inchiquin engaged in person with fifeeen of his best Troops, against the Lord Crom­wels horse, the number killed and taken on both sides, the routing of three great Bodies, and the Marq. of Ormonds letter to Prince Charles, concerning his victory.

ALSO, The Levellers Declaration for a new Parliament, the reco­very of Englands lost freedoms, and for ease of the people from all burdens and oppressions (as they say) with the sending of a letter to all the Garrisons in England.

London, Printed for Robert Williamson, the 12. of September, 1649.



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