A GREAT AND BLOVDY FIGHT AT DUBLIN in IRELAND, between the King of Scots Army, commanded by the Marq. of Ormond, and the Lord Inchiquin; and the Parliaments Army under the conduct of Col. Jones; upon their close besieging of the City, with twenty thousand Horse and Foot, since the taking of Tre­dagh: Shewing the manner, how the L. Inchiquin with a select, stout, and resolute party, fell into the Trenches of the Parl. forces, with the number killed and taken; his Letter to Col. Jones concerning the Lord Lieut. Cromwell; a new Stan­dard, erected and set up, for Charles the II, and the proclai­ming of him King of England, Scotland, and Ireland, with all his Titles therunto belonging, and Col. Jones his resolution.

[a town besieged with cannon]

London, Printed for R.W. Anno MDCXLIX.

EXtracted out of the originall Papers, and printed accor­ding to Order, to be published without interruption or molestation.


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