Tithes A curse to all Nati­ons but CANAAN, And a disturbance, and vexation to all people but the HEBREVVS.

Clearly demonstrated in the Case of ISAACK GRAYE, now a Prisoner, for the non-payment of Tithes in the Counter of great Woodstreet, London.

Exposed to publick view for the discovering of the cruelties, persecutions, and oppressions of those that stand for it's Maintainance.

LONDON. Printed for the Author, and are to be sold by Wil­liam Larner at the Black-mores head near Fleet-Bridge, and Richard Moon at the Seven Stars in Pauls Church-Yara, 1654.


My Lord,

I Beseech your favourable a­spect on a few rude, yet true ensuing lines; which for truth sake makes me im­plore your judicious eye; a weightier matter than use of conscience cannot be, did all consider it, I doe, and by the Almighties assistance, notwithstanding mans power, will not flinch an inch to save my life: You know you have done things past expectation, yet be pleased to favour my re-minding you, that there is one above, which to stand in awe of him is yours, mine, and all true Christians duty: in speaking plain is neither falsehood nor flattery, nor I hope to your Lordship, there­fore I shall be humbly bold to subscribe my self yours

In all Christian duty, ISAACK GRAYE.
An ensuing perusall of what followes I humbly crave.

To the Christian Reader.

My Intentions,

WIth endeavours to friends, for the delivery of a small Tract ensuing, being earnest and fervent to have truth take place, and having sought all opportunities to have the same made apparently known in writing, unto OLIVER Lord CROMVVELL, before publishing in print, according to the usuall custome or manner, by such friends as should have undertaken the busi­nesse for presentation: But they upon perusall did find the Dedication was not according to the Title he now hath, or is sir-named by; and did thereupon reply, that it was in vain to attempt any such thing; for they were certain it would not be received, because it wanted his title: He now hath ano­ther company of friends whom I did endeavour to perswade, as the former they advised me, not to addresse my self for they were out of hopes of expectation of good, as to my relief; and therefore did disswade me from prosecution thereof; yet fin­ding in my self a conscientius tye unto the Almighty and eternall JEHOVAH, who is sole Protector, Justifier, Preserver, and Pleader of the cause of his People against the enemies, the dark, blinde, ignorant powers of the world, that hates to be reformed, and that I may depart from a lying tongue, do speak in and from Truth, my Conscience bearing me witnesse that I cannot call any man by that name; that is onely and alone due to God; neither can I appear as a flatter­er, to give unto that man a title in words, that I cannot own in conscience: although it may prove to the losse of my busi­nesse; but I knowing the danger of flattery, that it is the mouth of flatterers that worketh ruine to him that is the flat­tered; and there upon my Lord, as I tender your everlasting [Page] welfare, I dare do no lesse than speak the truth in plainnesse, how ever I be judged, know, I have discharged my duty in an­swer to this part of the Scripture, look, Prov. 16. 28. so in speaking truth I am imboldned through the powerfullest, to let all such as love Piety and Godlinesse, know, that as long as I have breath, or being, I will not cease my continuall supplications to him that made me, and the world to grant my uncessant suite, in the behalfe of my self, and of the whole Na­tion, that open justice and right may be done to all, and that I lay open to the worlds view, in a short volume, may by the Almighties blessing beget many within the Pale of his Church, that too long have sate in darknesse, and the sha­dow of death; and shall beseech all perusers of the same, so to estimate my small endeavours, as to cast a favourable and charitable aspect of the same, and to respect the inward in­tention, together with the outward substance, as from a friend:

Owning my self to be
any one of yours in brotherly affection, in answer to righteousness, the persecution where­of hath urged me to the Presse, that I may not lay silence buried in the oppressors hell.

YOur Lordship hath here presented to your view, Millions of humble acknow­ledgements for the reception of an unexpected favour upon solicitation of precious Christian Friends in and a­bout the City of London, granted to be by your ever to be Honoured self to your poor then suf­fering supplicant in the Gate-house Westminster, 1653. having remained there many moneths upon great charge, yet by your gracious favour was then inlarged and did then injoy about a moneth and odde dayes Liberty, but ever since April the third 1654. have again been cast into Woodstreet Counter London, where at present I remain a Prisoner, questioning not upon your Lordships perusall of these my humble ad­dresses to finde as formerly; your never to be forgot­ten clemency hath imboldened me the second time to re­minde your Lordship for justice and for right from my illegall, Antichristian, tyrannicall imprisonment in the place aforementioned, wherein I lye and suffer for Christ and a good Conscience, in that I dare not sin a­gainst Right as to pay Tithes, and this by one Budgger of Bassenburn in the County of Cambridge, Impropriator and Tithe-renter, for which revenues of Antichrist he hath been a cruell persecutor of me, and my Family, and for some time inforced me for to forsake my poor wife and children, and relations, and to flye for Scot­land unto the Army of the Common-wealth of England for refuge, that I might have my inward peace in preser­ving Faith and a good Conscience for non-payment of Tithes: so through much danger and hazard of my life, through great and miraculous preservations I returned from thence with the Army, and came up to Worcester [Page 2] fight, and ingaged the enemies there as a Souldiour for Christ and his cause against Antichrist that interest, and when God had given us the victory there, my life being wonderfully delivered, I gained leave to go home to my poor distressed wife and family, but because this bloody antichristian brood of Tithe-mongers, did gape for my Liberty, I was forced, the time of my staying there, to make a prison of my house; and after I had been with my Family a certain time, my Adversary Budgger hear­ing of me at home, got up a certain company of wicked men by his appointment, and sent them to take me, and to carry me away to prison, who did violently break in­to my house with their swords drawn, and threatning cruelly the destroying of my life, whereupon I was forced to defend my self with sword and pistoll, and make my retreat into my upper Chambers; but they pursuing me with a great vehement resolution, and threatning to pull my house down over my head, and to have me dead or alive, and broke ope my stairs foot door upon me, as also to raise the town; yet through the strength of God in me, and with me, I made a strong resistance against them for some time, and so came to a Parly with them, in the mean time my distressed wife gained another sword into her hands, and then made good the stairs head against them, whilst I forced my passe out at my upper window, and so I scaped them with my life, through the exceeding goodnesse of the Lord, and re­turned again to the Army: but a while after I was gone to the Army, another new; a bigger company was a­gain sent by the appointment of my Adversary Budgger, which forced themselves into my house full of envy, rage, and malice, to the great astonishment of my poor wife and children, they being alone at home; and after these raging wretches had rifled and searched my house to find me and could not, they returned in great heat and fury, and threatning my poor wife set a naked sword to her breast, using leud and unsufferable language to her, still [Page 3] threatning to kill her, if she did not tell them where I was, but at length when they saw that they could not prevail, they left her in a very sad condition griev­ously affrighted, and my poor afflicted children, so that upon this inhumane bloody usage of theirs, and all for the Whore that sits upon the cruell beast, my Wife fell into a great fit of sicknesse, which almost cost her her life, yet in all the time of her fierce disease and great calamity, which did aggravate my affliction, I my self durst not so much as to come home to administer comfort to her: for such snares, (and privy Ambassadors plots and designes) were laid by these nursed Accomplices, to take me into their mercilesse clawes, that by the means of these cru­ell, unjust, Antichristian persecution for Tithes by the known enemies of Christ and his people, I have been at last wasted and utterly ruinated in my Families e­state, above the value of four hundered pounds and upwards, by which means I am come to be much in­debted, and have been forced to remain as a banished man from my Family, and County of my Nativity for some years, and have been, and am still exposed to great want, and much more misery had faln upon me had not the mighty God raised me up Christian Friends, in the Borough of Southwark and City of London for my relief, when I was cast into Northampton Prison, where I was cōmitted for my Judgement and Conscience in this Cause of Christ: viz. For declaring at Wellenborough Mar­ket-crosse in Northamptonshire against that Merchandise of Babylon, that great Prop of Antichrist, the payment of Tithes and forced maintainance, and for the same I was two severall dayes brought to Northampton Castle, and tryed at the general Sessions of the Peace held there the first day I being examined upon severall inter­rogatories by Judge Clark, Judge Parker, and severall others, as to the best of my remembrance their names were so, and little being done the first day against me, they committed me back again into Ptison, giving the [Page 4] Gaoler a strict charge for my safe custody, and to bring me before him on the morrow, after which accordingly he did, which was the same day the long sitting old Parliament was turned out of doores; I will not say for their wickednesse or oppression, but leave Eng­land to Judge; and on that day I was also examined up­on severall interrogatories, the which I refusing to answer to, they remanded me back to Prison again, saying that I had committed Treason, yet would they not discover against whom, nor what statute or Law I had broken, although I often desired of them to know the same, and without receiving any satisfacti­on from them; onely they asked whether I had read Littleton or no, Because I alleadged that all Statutes or most were made in relation to Kings: but then being no King, I could be no offender, if it could have been proved that I had broke a statute: I was by their wills again ordered to be kept in prison, untill the Assizes being to be held in August follow­ing, in the year one thousand six hundered fifty and three, but I then being a Member of the Armie, the Court Marshall who then sate at White-Hall, in the same year were pleased to send a Messenger of their own for me, that they might heare the cause before them, wherefore I was imprisoned, and have it before them, so that after I came to Lon­don, I did attend them certain dayes, though a Pri­soner under the custody of the Marshall Generall, and when their pleasure was to hear me, I gave them a true Accompt of my imprisonment in Northampton, which was by a Justice of peace so called, or rather a Justler of Peace, who himself was a Tithe-monger, and in regard thereof, without showing any just cause, sent me to prison, and for the first day of my hearing be­fore the Court Marshall, notwithstanding that I had given them a full Accompt of all my sad sufferings and what distresse my wife and poor Family were in by the aforesaid devoted servants of Antichrist that in­terest [Page 5] yet some Presbyterians amongst them, who were none of the least in power and rule, were very much incensed and imbittered against me, after they had heard me declare why I could not, nor should not in conscience pay Tithes, so that they also were vexed at me, and did ask me how the Ministers should live, so giving of them my Answer, they would not release me that day, but gave a charge to the Marshall to bring me before him again, in the mean time, my precious Christian friends in the Borough of Southwark, hearing what hard measure I was like to undergo, did repair with me the last day of my hearing to the Court Marshall at White-Hall, near about twenty of them, to give in their te­stimony in my behalfe against the wickednesse and evilnesse of paying Tithes, but they might not be permitted to come into the Court Marshall, although by my self much importuned, and so after they had examined me ( High Commission Court like) upon severall interrogatories, they consulted among them­selves what to do with me; and in the mean time they commanded me out of the room: And after their large consultation, I was called in again a­mongst them, and by the over-ruling power of the Presbyterian, or ridgid party amongst them, I was dismissed the Army, and so through the blessing of God became a freeman again, notwithstanding that Collonell Pride, and other honoured friends and Officers of the Army did then oppose their procee­dings against me, so God knowes, for no other cause or crime was I dismissed but for declaring against Tithes.

By this, my Lord, we may see how men are faln: For where I did expect to have had most relief, there I found the most rigour and unkindnesse, yet it was just with my God so to suffer it, that I might see it no good bottome to trust in men, or upon de­ceitfull, and uncertain arm of flesh as I had done, where­by [Page 9] I was deceived, and did too much depart from the living God, whom I have found since to be my preser­ver and Protector, blessed be JEHOVAH: Oh that I had been so guided before, for I was deceived by the flatteries of men in power, and by their fair and reli­gious pretences, which have and did deceive me, and many thousands, and by their not performing their Oaths, Vows, and Covenants, I am bereaved of my calling, which God did then inable me to follow, being the just and honest imployment and order which God appointed mankinde unto us from the beginning, viz. To till and manure the earth, that it may bring forth fruit unto his Creation, and this was my righteous cal­ling, and I would their callings were as righteous that have robbed and imprisoned me, although by the power of the oppressor I am taken there from, and by the worst of Theeves and Robbers am destroyed, as my conscience with God beareth me witnesse that they are enemies to Christ and his Gospell, seeing it is in meer conscience that I cannot pay Tithes, for if I do, I sin against the Light of knowledge, and so become an enemy to the truth of the Scripture, and should thereby deny my Christ to be come in the flesh, and the better hope of the Gospel, which all they do that either pay Tithes, or take Tithes, as Heb. 7. 12. verse doth witnesse with me: For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the Law, which is recorded in Deuterenomie 18. 3. verse pointing out the then Priests portion, and saith, what should be their due from such a people as offered sacrifice, whether of oxe or sheep: that they should give unto the Priest, the shoulder, and the two cheeks also and the maw: 4. verse, the first fruits, of thy corn, of thy wine, and of thy oyle, &c. so that it doth clearly appear that there is a great difference be­tween the Priesthood under the Ordinance of the Law, and under the Gospel, which did but figure out Christ to come in the flesh, therefore when Christ the substance was come, the shadow was done away, as Heb. [Page 7] 9 8. verse. Chap. 10. 1. doth witnesse, Christ being come an high Priest of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect Tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building, ver. 11. 23, 24. Thus it is evident by the Scriptures, and doth plainly appear unto all those who live in obedience to the knowledge of God, and doth make the Scripture their rule to walk by, and do use no hypocrisie, so as to make Religion a cloak to cover their wickednesse, for which if they do not, they can do no other but witnesse with me, that to take or pay Tithes, hath and doth plainly deny Christ to be come in the flesh, and so do they also that lend their power to force the payment and maintainance thereof: For our Savi­our doth testifie and saith, as by the report of the Scrip­ture, The tree is known by the fruit, for an evill tree can­not bring forth good fruit, neither do men gather grapes of thornes or figs of thistles: Therefore my Lord, if you be a reall Professor of Christ indeed and in truth it will ma­nifestly appear in your actions, whilst you have power in your hands you may appear to be for Christ, for it doth clearly appear that such a power that forceth the payment of Tithes is not of God, but is of the Beast, and therefore not to be permitted, and is of the Army of Antichrist, for they force the shadow or type which was but figurative to take place of the substance, viz. Christ, and therefore take heed what you do in siding with, or giving forth your power; for this is the time that you wil show your self either to be a friend or an enemy if an enemy? then know, you deny Christ, and his Media­torship, his Redemption, Justification, and the Re­surrection, &c. for Christ saith unto all his, if any man will come after me, let him deny himself and take up his crosse day­ly and follow me, Luk. 9. 23, 24, 25, 26. verses: for if we suffer with him we shall also reign with him, if we deny him he also will deny us, therefore once more, my Lord, im­plored, I beseech you well to consider what you do or suffer to be done, now you are got [...]o to be chief Ma­gistrate of the Nation or Nations; will you permit the [Page 8] permit the people of God in this nation any longer to be thus persecuted and cruelly used by the means of wic­ked Laws, or rather lusts of wicked men, which tyran­nically compels and takes away our Liberties, Lives, E­states and goods, many wayes, and amongst others by way of Tithes, and forced maintainance by Priests, and Impropriators, my hearty desires to Almighty God for you my Lord, is, that your assistance be not nor subsi­stance by those oppressors or oppressing wayes which proceeds from those bottomlesse pit, locusts and catter­pillars of this Common-wealth, viz. The Armies of An­tichrist, that lives by devouring, destroying, and im­prisoning the Saints of God; My Lord, if it must be so that we must pay Tithes against our Conscsences, let there be store-houses appointed throughout the whole Nation, that the Tithes may there be kept that the stran­gers, the fatherlesse and the Widows may come thither to be filled within the Priests and Impropriators gates as was in the time of the Law of Moses, who was Judge of all Israel, and gave forth this Order which he had re­ceived from God which was in the first Covenant a fi­gure of the everlasting Priesthood, yet for all this know my Lord, if you do, thus, that the Priests and other Tithe-mongers have storehouses to put Tithes and the tenth of mens estates into, to fill the strangers, widows, and fatherless withal, that there may be no beggers in En­gland, though it be a good thing in it self, yet you do but act according to the figure, & own not Christ come in the flesh, as I do through grace obtained in the acknow­ledgement of the truth of the Scriptures, and of the Priesthood to be changed, and of the everlasting high Priest over the houshold of God according to the re­port of the Scriptures, and therefore do I suffer, unwor­thy as I am, as to be a witnesse, the spoiling of my goods, and Imprisonment in a joyfull Spirit; Ah, my Lord, if you would but own the report of the truth of the Scrip­ture, you could not but acknowledge that the Priesthood is changed, and by your Actions you would appear chan­ged [Page 9] too; for Christ and his Cause which now suffers; Oh then, how would you own Jesus Christ with his people, who witnesseth the end of the Levitical Law and the end of the Priesthood at whose Name every knee should bow, and every tongue confesse him, for it is he that inlightens every one that cometh into the world, though some hate it and him, and a few love him and his, yet they that hate him shall one day confesse to their shame, and see that their deeds be evill when they have their reward, for lo, I come, saith he, and my reward is with me, to give to every one according to their works, whether they be good or evill; he that saith so is the Mighty King of Saints and Nations: Now my Lord, by the favour of truth, give me leave to reason with your Lordship a little according to the Scriptures: Did you ever read or hear from them that ever any was cast into prison for his con­science, by those that owned Christ, as I and others are, and my goods spoiled, and my Family ruinated, and left open to enemies by those that did own Christ, as I and others are, and their goods spoiled, and families rui­nated; I am sure the Law of God in the rigour of it, as it was delivered unto Moses, doth not witnesse any such cruelties as I have undergone, and many in this Nation besides my self, and I am made to suffer for not paying Tithes, neither doth the Law of God witnesse the taking of treeble dammages, surely, surely, my conscience tel­leth me, and in the discharge thereof must declare it un­to you, that if you will not do justice herein, or suffer it to be done, so as to take off this murdering oppressing power that now is for the help of Antichrist, and ty­ranny which lyeth upon the people of God, or cry for vengeance to the Almighty, will ere long be heard aris­ing from the poor despised, oppressed, and dear people of God in this Land, who are precious in the sight of hea­ven; therefore, my Lord, while you have time, and power is now in your hands, make good your promise, as taking of oppression from the people of God, together with a new promise, as I am imformed, which by you was made [Page 10] after the turning out of doors of the late last Parliament to diverse special friends of the City, to wit, that if tit he were not taken off the Nation before September were out or fully ended, never trust you more, as I hope we shall have no such cause to judge of you, but that you will ac­quite your self in all; and of all former and hoped not to be forgotten promises, as at Newmarket Heath, and Tri­plo Heath, with severall other places, what protestations you made there in the eyes of heaven and earth: Oh, remember, remember, the dayes of your then calamity, when you were in great distresse, with the Army of the Common wealth of England, which you were then in­trusted withall, when you and they were in great jeopar­dy of life, whose General you then were at Dumbar, and also at Worcester fight, when and where my self with you was ingaged, and at several other places which you may remember, did not we all there declare for Christ King of his Saints, and have not all your pretences then and since as before been to take off oppression tyranny and absolutenesse, and for this very cause expressed, we rest in hope that the strength of God may cause you to yield obedience so far to deny your self, as in answer to that blessed Scripture which gives a good report of the words of our Saviour Christ, for I was hungry and ye gave me meat, I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink naked & ye cloath­ed me, in prison and ye visited me, &c. And so far as you are found performing the work of the Lord, the answer of the King to you will be, for as much as you have done it to one of these my Brethren, you have done it unto me, whose blessed example my desires are unto God for you that you may follow, so humbly taking leave of you, my Lord, I

Devote my self
yours so far as you are Christs, ISAACK GRAYE.

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