A right Use made by a Stander by at the two DISPUTATIONS at Great All­hollowes; between M r. Goodwin and M r. Symson, the 14. of January and 11. of February 1649. Concerning the poynts of Generall Redemption, and inevitable damnation immediate­ly from God alone.

FOr any man to affirme, as then and there with great boldnesse it was avowed, that God from all Eternity hath damn'd Men personally, without having any eye to their own wicked and ungodly resistance and opposition of his grace, mercy, and goodnesse, preached unto them as the means of their salvation. I say, whosoever it is that doth thus assert and maintaine, doth herein blaspheme God, and make him the Author of sinne, which is impudent impiety; for if God originally primarily, and meerly of himselfe doth destinate a man to damnation, then he doth destinate that man to the cause as well as to the effect, which is to destinate a man to sinne, the wages or reward of which is damnation, the effect which that cause produceth, the means that brings about that end. And this grosse error was afterwards againe in the same place preached with no lesse confidence then be­fore, and undertaken to be proved by Pro. 16. 4. and Jude ver. 4. Which Scriptures rightly understood, disprove what he affirmed; for God made man perfect, but man hath made himselfe wicked. And notwithstanding the means and re­medy provided and preached to him on Gods part, yet this wicked and ungodly man turnes this remedy, this grace and mercy of God into lasciviousnesse, opposing the light and [Page 2] life offered to him in Gods great pitty & compassion; whic [...] contempt and refusall of it proves his condemnation; An [...] this is the condemnation to all that perish, Joh. 3. 19.

Now the Lord to whom all things are present in regard he is omniscient & omnipresent, and infinite in these, as also in all other his attributes, so that with him one thing is not so before, nor after one another as it is with us: So, I say, God of old, or before he made man, saw that although he made him good, as there is nothing but good that he makes, yet not­withstanding God saw he would corrupt himselfe▪ although by his Creation the most excellentest of all other creatures, which God pittying in his misery above all the rest of his creatures, provides a remedy for the cure of his maladie, which means of recovery, should not onely enlighten Adam, but all others that should come of him, which were then in his loynes when the promise was made. And as the recei­ving thereof should be salvation, so the refusing, deniall, and contempt should be damnation to each one respectively. And Gods foresight of mans wicked opposition & resistance of the means of his recovery preached unto him, being so dearely purchased and marvellously brought about by the death of his Sonne. Mans contempt thereof, I say, moves and constraines God in his justice to ordaine or appoint him to destruction, as a due reward of his owne deserving: As it is written; Thy destruction is of thy selfe, Hos. 13. 9.

Now this being the estate and condition of all mankinde one or other, and God foreseeing the spoyle of his holy crea­tion of mankinde, and the generall opposition of the reme­dy provided, even his grace, light, life, and salvation; doth also of old of his owne good will and pleasure, ordaine, elect, and choose a cert [...]in number from amongst the rest of man­kinde, who in their severall life-times he doth call effectual­ly to repentance and remission of sinnes, that they may be justified and made his children, the heires of glory and sal­vation, according to the Scriptures. And so in his Elect pre­vents by his abundant goodnesse that opposition and resi­stance [Page 3] of his illuminating grace, which as before is said, to be the condemnation of all that perish. Now as there was much ignorance manifested both in the election and reprobation of God in his decrees and purposes touching all mankinde; so there was also declared exceeding great weakness and ig­norance of the way and manner how almighty God preach­eth, communicateth, and conveyeth this means of mercy and recovery to all mankinde; which rightly discovered might have cleered God, both in his justice and mercy, both which then and there was exceedingly obscured, which thankes be to God, the Scriptures have manifestly published; where­fore be it knowne to the Disputants, and to all the world, that the Lord hath ordained three books or wayes of disco­very of the means of Mans salvation: The first and principall is the Word of God, through the Ministry of Gods faithfull servants and Messengers: and this way and means of disco­very is beyond all question or objection: the second booke or means is by the preaching of the creatures; of which ma­ny make question: the third is by secret dictate of conscience, of which speaking or preaching most are doubtfull: in all these three dispensations, observe two differing Administra­tions; the one sensible, naturall, or literall; the other, di­vine, heavenly, and spirituall; hereby extending and reach­ing to all sorts and degrees of mankinde whatsoever, that part of mankinde that enjoyeth the incomparable happi­nesse of the light of the Scriptures; and that part of man­kinde that hath not the Scriptures, yet hath the blessed and happy sound, the voyce and the use of the creatures; And lastly, that part of mankinde that are neither capable to be taught by the Scriptures, nor by the creatures, they wanting the principles of reason and understanding; and yet in some degree have sense, which are all sorts of Infants.

And first I will prove by the Scriptures, that all mankinde in generall are taught and instructed in the means of salvati­on: And secondly, I will shew the various manner of the preaching thereof. First, John the Apostle is cleare in his [Page 4] witnesse, Joh. 1. 9. declaring that Christ is the true light that inlightens every man that comes into the world, if every one, then all that have the booke of the Scriptures, and all other that have but the booke of the Creatures; and the Children or infants of both these parts of the world or mankinde, because it is said, All that cometh, &c. That is, every one whether by creation or birth, that cometh into the world. Also observe the terme given to this grace & truth that cometh by Jesus Christ, it is called light, and expounded in the fourth verse, to be the life and light of men. it is also in other Scriptures cal­led the promise; the new Covenant; the glad tidings of salvation; the Gospel; St. Peter cals it the Word speaking peace by Jesus Christ, Act. 10. and St. Paul; The word of faith, Rom. 10. Which is so home-taught to all and every one. And it is so nigh to each man without exception, that it is said to be even in the mouth, and in the heart of all; for there is no difference between the Jew and the Greeke; that is, in this respect of shewing mercy or providing a way of recovery for all mankind, for the same Lord over all, is rich unto all. And although the Apostle in the 16. verse, doth affirme, that all have not obeyed the Gospel, yet in the 18. verse he demands in the Negative and affirmes in the Affirmative, that they have all heard, even that word of grace, ver. 17. By which, spirituall hearing and receiving to life is attained to, through which our faith or assurance of justifi­cation is wrought. And in those words of his, But I say, have they not heard? His meaning is by the word they, all the whole world of disobeyers & opposers, as well as the receivers and effectuall believers; as appeares by his own answer with the testimony of Moses and Isaiah. First proving that all that had not the Scriptures, that they have heard. And then all those that have had the Scriptures, that they have heard also. And first with his own testimony he joynes the Prophet Davids affirmatively; Yes verily their sound went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world. And then with Moses he sheweth that the effect of the word of grace was as truely wrought in some of them that had not the Scriptures, which [Page 5] in comparison of the Jews were a foolish Nation, and not a people; As in some of his people that injoyed his Word and O [...]dinances. And wi [...]h I­saiah he saith▪ Those that sought him not▪ and such people as were not [...]d by his Name they found him. And so Luke [...]estifies▪ Act. 17. 28. E [...]n th [...]y that [...]ad so darke a light that the way is rather f [...]lt out by the hand [...]h [...] seene with the eye, they, even such found the Lord to be their God; wh [...]n [...] many of the Jewes that had the Sun shine of his Word and Ordinances found him, no [...] because they blinded their eyes, and [...]a [...]dened their hear [...] ▪ as the Apostle affi [...]me [...] the Prophets testimony against them, v [...]. 21. But to Israel he saith, mark, he spake before of the Gentiles such as had not the Scriptures and Ministry of men, but now to those to whom he sent his Prophets, and yet one and all of them complaine; All the day long have we [...] stretched forth o [...]r hands to a dis [...]bedient and gaine saying people. And here see plainly the Apostles and Prophets cleere evidence, that God hath not left himselfe without witnesse of his grace vouchsafed to all mankind [...], so that all are inlightened, taught, and have heard the ligh [...], the way▪ and means of salvation the Gospel the word of faith. And as i [...] is cleerly pro­ved to be preached to all, that i [...], to every one, and all mankinde in parti­cular: so also the dive [...] manners and wayes how it is preached in both administrations, shall be as cleerly shewed likewise. And fi [...]st that God [...] word is a way and means for the preaching, conveying, and manifesting the grace of God for mans recovery and salvation, is without question. Search the Scriptures, saith our Lord himselfe, for they are they th [...] testifie of mee; that i [...], beare witnesse of him. And that this dispensation by God [...] word works a differing administration, one t [...]xt will p [...]o [...] plainly, [...] Cor. 2. 15, 16. For [...]ee, saith the Apostle, that is the fa [...]thfull dispencer [...] of the Word, are a sweet savour of life to them that a [...]e s [...]ved, and [...] [...]hem that parish, to the one the savour of death unto death, and to the other th [...] [...]avour of life unto life. And this will be confest by all; but how the dispensation of the Go­spel by the preaching of the creatures, works the like d [...]ff [...]r [...]nt administra­tion, that i [...] the great question. The truth of this will plainly b [...] manife­sted two waye [...]. First, by Scripture-evidence; and secondly, by Scriptur [...] ­presidents: And first for the evidence of Scripture, the Apostle is cleere for it, Rom. 2. 14. For when the Gentiles do [...] by nature the things contained i [...] the Law, these having not the Law, or Scriptures, are a Law unto themselves▪ which shew the worke of the Law written in their [...]a [...]; [...]o [...] not the [...] of the Law are justified before God but the do [...]rs: all h [...]r [...] ▪ all [...]r [...] taught as be­fore is proved▪ ye [...] onely the obeyet [...] are justified; therefore saith the A­postle, ver. 2 [...]. I [...] the uncircumcision, that i [...] [...] [...]ha [...] h [...]th not the book [...] of Scriptures, nor divine ordinances, if he keepe the righteousnesse of the Law, [Page 6] shall not his uncircumcision be counted for Circumcision, that is, he shall be so truly, even the regenerate, chosen, and sanctified childe of God in the estate of salvation, the childe of the Covenant; for he is not a Jew, (that is, a childe of God) that is one outwardly, neither is that Circumcision that is outward in the flesh, but he is a Jew that is one inwardly, he is the true Israe­lite; for Circumcision is that of the heart in the Spirit, and not in the Letter, whose praise is not of men but of God.

The knowledge of this truth that God works effectually to salvation by the preaching of the creatures, makes the Prophet David and the Apo­stle Paul cry out with one voyce, Psal. 19. and Rom. 10. Day unto day teach­eth knowledge, and night unto night uttereth wisedome; there is no speech nor language where their voyce is not heard: which voyce they both affirme to preach and declare Gods perfect Law or Covenant, that converteth soules: Now no Covenant of God converts soules, but the Gospel, the word of promise, none but that gives wisedome, or maketh wise; that pure statute onely inlightens the eyes, and turnes the heart from all evill to the feare of the Lord, even the ingrafted word that endures for ever; for it is the same promise, grace, Gospel, and means of salvation preacht by the creatures, as is preacht by the Scriptures; and the same Spirit of God that works by the one, works by the other: the Prophets and Apostles they call for re­pentance; and so doth Gods works also, Rom. 2. 4. And this is the first part of the Gospel or promise; and the same Spirit gives it and works it by the means of both. Againe the Spirit of God by the Ministry of his faithfull servants, comforts and binds up the broken-hearted; and so doth the Spirit of God also in the comforting operations of the voyces of his creatures refresh and consolate the spirituall mourner; the Spirit wit­nesseth with our spirits that are under Gods servants Ministry, that we are the children of God; even so the same Spirit witnesses to such as are under Gods works, dispensation, that the God thereof is become their God; for so it is to be a true Jew or an Israelite indeed. But some may say, the works of God doe not declare Jesus Christ nominally, nor the Ministry of his incarnation, death, resurrection, ascension, nor his Mediatorship. I answer, the distinct and particular knowledge of these things is not al­wayes, and under all dispensations of absolute necessitie to salvation; for most of the Patriarcks and Prophets were ignorant of Christ, and these particulars in nomination; and yet had their vertue and operation to e­ternall life. Now as the Spirit of God works effectually in their hearts to receive and obey it by the booke of works and by his booke of words on his Elect to salvation; so by both books it works an illumination of the grace and means of salvation, whereby a remedy and possibility of delive­rance [Page 7] and salvation is preached and presented to all men through the promise, before which there was no way lest or made of deliverance, but onely the miserable estate of destruction, that followed the transgression. And therefore thrice blessed is that word of God that saith, God sent not his Son into the world, that is, unto mankinde to condemne them, but that they through him might be saved, Joh. 3. 17. Here is the manifest possibility without all exception; yet notwithstanding this abundant goodnesse and pitty of God towards mankind, to give himselfe to death that they might have life, and to convey the knowledge of this his goodnesse and grace, to all and every one of them, the wilfull opposition that is made against it by themselves, makes that accidentally their condemnation, which in it selfe was the means and cause of life and salvation.

And now wee come to shew what presidents there are in the Scriptures of the eff [...]ctuall operation of grace and salvation, by the works of God through his Spirit: now Scripture example must be of such men as have lived (when testimony is made of them) amongst such as injoyed the Scrip [...]ure-dispensation, & yet themselves no Proselytes. The first instance shall be in that holy Heathen the Roman Centurion, that came to our Lord in the behalfe of his servant; the testimony our Lord gives of him with admiration is this, I have not found such faith, saith he, no not in Israel: as if he should say, not amongst my people that have the booke of my words, as in this man that hath been taught by the booke of my works; And I say unto you, saith he, Mat. 8. 1. that many shall come from the East, and from the West, that is, from one end of the earth to the other, from the Sun-rising to the Sun-setting, And shall sit downe with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdome of heaven, but the children of the kingdome shall be cast out, that is, such as have the booke of my Scrip [...]ures and Ordinances shall lose the salvation, when such as have onely the booke of my creatures shall finde it. And such an one was Cornelius, Act. 10. which was also a Gentile and Heathen by Nation, and no Proselyte, for other Nations that were Proselytes were to have the same fellowship in the Word and Ordinances with the Jewes, but P [...]ter denies it him, ver. 28. and yet justifies him as tou­ching the grace of the Gospel, to be a true worshipper of God, a spirituall regenerate man, manifested and declared to Peter by the words which he spake to him, which makes Peter to open his mouth, ver. 34. and say; I perceive of a truth that God is no respecter of persons, but in every Nation be that feareth God and worketh righteousnesse is accepted with him. Mark, here is the righteousnese that is of grace, which makes men acceptable to God vouch­safed to all nations, of which C [...]r [...]nlius is a present proofe, thereby being made spirituall worshippers, acceptable through faith in their prayers [Page 8] and almes, and all other spirituall sacrifices, which is only s [...] in & through the goodnesse and grace of God, which is the Gospel and Covenant of promise, for there is not a se­cond or other means of grace besides this. But if this be so, that God by his works and Spirit, teaches the Gospel and salvation to mankinde, as well as by his word and Spi­rit, then what advantage have Christians by the Scriptures? or what profit is there of other Ordinances? The Apostle makes the same question, and answers it himselfe, Rom. 3. 1, 2. Much every way, saith he, as if he had said, This is the chiefe and highest dispensation; the principall and greatest means of conveying the grace of the Gospel to mankinde, is by this most excellent way.

Now the last and most conceald booke, by which God reveales the means of salvation to mankinde, is that way by which he makes it knowne to Infants, who want the exer­cise of sense, and the use of reason and understanding, which are the subject matter of both the two other books preachings; for in them the Spirit of God works only by the dictate of Conscience, not denying this most secret helpe of nature to the two former books also; but the capacitie of Infants is such that they are capable onely of this way of preaching. And the Spirit of the Lord by this means through secret workings in­clines the hearts of the Elect-Infants to receive the mercy preached effectually to life and salvation; As he did the hearts of the Prophets, Jeremy and John Baptist in the wombe, then and there to be called and sanctified, regenerated and borne againe; for there is no way to life but this, although given and administred by divers dispensations. And take this consideration for the further discovery of this obscure booke, that if the Gospel, the word of faith be nigh and in the mouth and heart of all mankinde, then it is also in the mouth and in the hearts of Infants: and the refusing and disposing this light, as it may be said, Infants may so doe, is the condemnation by this booke also.

These truths rightly understood, cleere God both in his justice and mercy, that as salvation is free and onely from himselfe, so the condemnation is onely and alone from wicked men themselves; and so let us acknowledge God to be just & truly mercifull, al­though wee may safely say, all men are lyers. Thus much I thought to signifie by wri­ting after I was publickly denied for speaking; and to wave their pretended excuses, I pray them to take notice from the Lord, except they deny themselves they cannot be taught of God, and so never able to teach others truly.

And for the other poynt in their Disputations of generall Redemption, as they call it, there is no such expression in Scripture; for although it be said, Christ gave himselfe a ransome for all, yet it is not said, all are ransomed, as the terme Redemption seemes to imply; and although a man have provided a price or value of a Ransome, yet it cannot be said the Man is ransomed, or redeemed, except the price or value be received and accepted of; so although God would have all men to be saved, as touching the suffici­ent means he hath provided, yet the man not receiving that means, thereby occasions his condemnation, which if received had been his salvation. And the rejection is not through the means it selfe, nor in God that provided it, but altogether in and from them that make the resistance. As it is written, 2 Pet. [...]. 9. The Lord is long-suffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. And this way and means of recovery, which is the Gospel, he hath made knowne and preached unto all mankinde, as before is shewed, yet notwithstanding this means of gathering and sa­ving all, by which God would. Wicked men will not yeeld obedience thereunto, but harden their hearts to resistance, and so perish through their own impenitency.

By John Graunt.

London, Printed by M. Simmons for John Hancock 1649.

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