Q. WHat is required of a man, that he may receive the Communion to his comfort?
A. Some thing is to bee done before, some thing in the receiving, some thing after.
Q. What is to be done before?
A. *To perepare our selves rightly for the receivng of it.
Q. Wherein consists this preparation?
A. In getting sound knowledge, true Faith, Repentance, Obedience, Love, and earnest and humble desire of it, and in exammination, and renewing of these graces.
Q. What knowledge must we have?
[Page 4] A. A sanctified knowledge of God, of our selves, of Christ, of the grace of Christ, and the meanes of this grace, as hath been shewed before. Now the Sacraments are one meanes of grace, the doctrine whereof we must know particularly.
Q. What is a Sacrament.
A. An outward signe ordained of God. Gen. 17.11. Math. 26.26. whereby Christ and all his benifits are signified, Rom. 4.11. if we truly beleeve, are converted and sealed unto it: 1 Pet. 3.21. 1 Cor. 10.16. Exod.
Q. What meane you by Christ and and all his benifits.
A. Not a corporall eating of Christ, as the Papist vainly immagin, compare Acts 3.21. with Matt. 28.6. Iohn 16.10. but Christ is received by a spirituall union with him and being made liveing members of that body, whereof Christ is the head, Iohn 15, 2. Ephes 5.30. Acts. 3.21.
Q. What meane you by the benifits of Christ.
A. Iustification, comfort in affliction, [Page 5] sanctification, and all other blessings merited by him for us, Tit 3.5.
Q. How many Sacraments be there▪
A. Two, Baptisme, and the Supper of the Lord.
Q What is Baptisme?
A. A Sacrament of over ingrafting into Christ, and the society of the faithfull, and of receiving of the seale of the covenant of grace, Tit. 3.5. Matth. 28.17.
Q. How many parts be there in a Sacrament.
A. The signe, and the thing signified.
Q What is the outward signe in baptisme.
A Water, wherewith the child is Babtized, in the Name of the Father, and of the Sonne, and of the Holy Ghost.
Q. What is the inward Grace, or thing signified.
A. The blood of Christ, whereby we are purged from sinne, justified, Heb. 9.14. and the spirit of Christ, whereby we are sanctified, enabled to die to sinne, and lead a new life▪ These benifits are [Page 6] sealed by Baptisme to the true beleever. Rom. 2. Cor. 3.17. Gal. 5.24.
Q. What is the Lords Supper.
A. A Sacrament that causeth our continuance and groweth in Christ, Matt. 26.27. 1. Cor. 10.16.
Q. What is the outward signe in the Lords supper?
A. Bread and Wine, with the actions pertaining to them, according to Christs constitution, as breaking by any lawfull meanes, Receiving, Eating, Drinking, Matt. 26.26.
Q. What ia the thing signified?
A. Christ and all his benifits, which I shall as certainly receive, if I beleeve, as I receive the Bread and Wine into my body 1 Cor. 11.24. 1 Cor. 1.30. Rom. 4.23.
Q. How doe the Bread and Wine in the Sacrament differ from common bread and wine?
A. Not at all in nature and substance, but in use only, being now made meanes to increase in us our Sanctification, and to assure us of Iustification, Rom. 411.
[Page 7] Q. Who ordained this Sacrament?
A. Christ himselfe, 1. Cor. 11.23.24. Matt. 26.26.27.
Q. What are the reasons, which are the ends for which we must receive the Sacrament?
A. First, that we may obey Christ, that hath so commanded: Matth. 26.27. Secondly, that we may the better understand, and remember what Christ hath done for us, of whose death and blood shed, the breaking of the Bread, and the powring out of the Wine, is a lively resemblance. 1 cor. 11.26. Heb. 9.26. Gal. 3.1. Thirdly, that I may be stirrred up to be more thankfull to him for his infinite Mercy, 1 Cor. 11.24. Fourthly, that all Graces needfull to salvation, may be increased in me. Rom. 8.29. Matt. 25.45. 2 Cor. 11.25. Fiftly, that the assurance of my salvation, may be hereby sealed unto me, John 6.51. Rom. 4.11. Sixtly, to teach us what union and love ought to be amongst Christians, being all but one body, represented by one Bread, 1. Cor. 10.13.
Q. What else is required in our preparation?
[Page 8] A. Faith Repentance, Oobedience Love, as may be seen before.
Q. VVhat is the summe of them?
A. First to take Christ as my only Lord and Saviour, beleeving the forgivenesse of all my sinnes, and punishment due to them by Christ only, Ephes. 1, 13. Acts 16, 3.
Secondly, that I grive for nothing so much, as that I have offended God by my sinnes, Ezech. 10.12. Mourning and bewayling, from my very heart, all my sinnes, even my uncleane thoughts, and evill motions, though I consent not to them, Rom. 7.2.
Thirdly, that I hate and leave every sinne. Psal. 119.104. and walke in obedience to every Commandement; so that I alow my selfe no sinne to raigne in me, but mortifie, and lessen every sinne, Psal. 119.104. James 2.19. so that I am willing, and resolved rather to suffer death, then to continue in any knowne sinne, Luke 14.26.
Fourthly, that I love God above all, Matt. 22.37. grived to see him offended by [Page 9] any, Psal. 119.136. useing all meanes, carefully, and constantly, whereby I may be enabled to keep all His Commandements, and desire nothing so much, as grace and power to doe His will, Matth. 5.6.
Fiftly, if any offence be between my Brother and me, that I reconcile my selfe unto him, wishing the same good to his soule and body as to my owne; that I labour to bring others to true Repentance; that I love Gods people, and that for their holynesse, above all others, 1 John 3.14. that I love and doe good to my enemies.
Q. VVhat else is required in this Preparation?
A. That humbly and earnestly, thirst after this sacrament, and the blessing of God upon it, that it may worke these effects in me, for which it is ordayned.
Q. VVhat meane you by humble thirsting?
A. That I acknowledge my selfe altogether unworthy to receive it, in respect of any thing in my selfe, and that I looke for acceptance of my worke [Page 10] through Christ.
Q. VVhat else is required?
A. That I would strictly examine my selfe, whether I have these graces or no. 1 Cor. 11.28. 2 Cor. 13.5.
Q. VVhat else?
A. That I should renew all these graces, 1 Cor. 11.31.
Q. VVhat is it to renew the graces of God in us?
A. To quicken and stirre them up, and to make them more active.
Q. How may this be done?
A. First our knowledge may be renewed, by meditating, reading, and conferring on the the cheife principalls of Religion.
Secondly, our Repentance may be renewed by the consideration of the number, and haniousnesse of our sinnes, by that eternity of wrath, that is due unto them, and the infinite Goodnesse, Holynesse, and Mercy of that God, that is offended by them.
Thirdly, our Faith may be renewed, by considering the Al-sufficiencie of Christ, to satisfie Gods wrath for sin, [Page 11] to purchase salvation for us, and the fullnesse and freenesse of Gode grace offered unto us in the promises.
Fourthly, our obedience may be renewed by resolutions and covenants, of better and more strict walking, for the time to come.
Fiftly, our love to God may be renewed, by considering the infinite variety of the expressions of Gods love to us, in forbearing, giving, and forgiving; and especially, in the unspeakable sufferings of Christ, Our love to man may be renewed, by considering how infinitely more is forgiven us by God in one day, then we can forgive to others in all our lives: How will God forgive us, if wee forgive not our Neighbours? And by considering how bountifull love is, where it is true; and by labouring for meek, and humble spirits and contented mindes.
Sixtly, our hungring, and thirsting, after Christ, in this Ordinance, may bee stirred up, by consideration of our lamentable emptinesse in our selves; our dayly and grivious failings; and how fearefull [Page 12] the absence of Gods grace, or the comfort of his Holy Spirit, will be to our soules, especially, if procured by any neglect of meanes by us, Matt. 7.7.
Q. VVhat is to be done in receiving the Holy Communion?
A. First, I must meditate upon the Elements, and the Actions of the Minister; for these are ordained of Christ, to teach us the nature of these benifits we receive by Him, being administred according to His institution.
Secondly, I must meditate, when I see the Minister set apart the Bread and Wine, and blessing them; that Christ was set apart for mans redemption, and furnished with all needfull abillities thereunto.
Thirdly, when I see the Bread broken, and the Wine powred out, I must consider of the infinite hauiousnesse of my sinnes, the infinite love of God, and the torments that Christ suffered for me; beleeving Christs blood to have been shed, and His body broken, as verily for my sinnes, as this Wine is powred out, and this Bread broken, which is before [Page 13] my eies. 1 Cor. 11.25.
Fourthly, when the Minister commeth to me with Bread and Wine, I must put forth an act of Faith to beleeve, that my soule shall be as verily fed unto eternall life by Christ, as my body is nourished by the Bread and Wine.
Fiftly, having received them, I must lift up my soule in thankfulnesse to God, praying, that as this is the greatest gift, that ever God gave or man received, and that it may be so to me, and that I may be able by his grace, to offer up my body and soule, even what I am, or have, as lively sacrafices unto him to honour him all the dayes of my life, a Knigs 8.66.
Q. VVhat is to be done after the receiving?
A. Wee must labour co finde our graces strengthned, and give God hearty thanks for his blessings, Prov. 4. [...]8. Ezech. 47.12. And if we finde little or no benifit, we must be humbled for our want of preparation, and depend upon God with patience, for increase of grace untill He shall please to give it. Wee must also strictly indeavour, to keep the Covenants, [Page 14] and Promises, which we have made to God in this Sacrament, in Holynesse and Righteousnesse all the dayes of our lives, Judges 10.14. Exodus 13.9.
Q. How often must we receive this Sacrament of the Lords Supper?
A. So often as it is appointed, by the Ministers, to be received in the Church where we live, Numb. 913.