A TRUE AND EXACT RELATION OF THE MOST REMARK­ABLE PASSAGES, WHICH have happened at Warwicke and Banbury since my Lord of Nor­thamptons taking away the Ord­nance from Banbury Castle.

Sent in a Letter from a Gentleman of good worth, to his Sonne in Burchen-Lane, London. Which Gentleman hath been in all the Oppositions to the Earle of Northamptons Proceedings.

Likewise, A Declaration by the Lords and Com­mons in Parliament, That all such Persons upon any pretence whatsoever, that shall assist his Majesty, with Horse, Arms, Plate or Money, are Tray­tors to the King, Parliament, and King­dom, and shall be brought to con­digne punishment for the same.

Ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament, That this De­claration be forthwith Printed and Published.

Hen. Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

LONDON: Printed by T. P. and M. S. for John Hancocke in Bnrchen-Lane, August the 20. 1642.


WHereas the King, seduced by wicked Counsell; doth make War against His Parliament and People; And for the promo­ting of that Warre, divers Fo [...]ces both of Horse and Foot, have been levyed and are raised by severall persons, and His Maiesties good Sub­jects are most cruelly robbed, spoyled and slain. To the end that no man may be misled through Ignorance, the Lords and Commons in Parlia­ment declare, That all such persons as shall, upon any pretence whatsoever, assist His Maiestie in this War, with Horse, Arms, Plate or Money, are Traytors to His Maiestie, the Parliament, and the Kingdome, and shall be brought to con­dign punishment for so high an offence.

Ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament, That this Declaration be forthwith Printed and Published.

Hen. Elsynge,
Cler. Parl D. Com.

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