AN EPISTLE In the Love of GOD, to FRIENDS, &c.
IN that True and Universal Love which God hath begotten in me, this is with me to send amongst you, feeling the Spring of Life to be opened from an Inward sence of the Word of God's Immortal, Divine, and Quickening Power; by which Power and Word, all things were made and created in the Beginning; by which, and taking heed thereto, the Lord hath made many of you Living Witnesses of that saying, and it is fulfilling in this our Day. Behold, saith the Lord, [Page 2] I Create a new Heaven and a new Earth, wherein dwells Righteousness; for which the Lord is only, and alone Worthy of all Praise, and to him be it given, from all you who are made living Partakers of this his Everlasting Kindness. And Friends, we have all good cause to wait for the Lord's Teaching, who Teacheth his People to Profit, as he hath done many that are gone before, in those things that belong to their everlasting Well-being, through believing in Christ Jesus, who is the Wisdom of God, and the Power of God, by which many know, as sure as ever it was spoken, that Faith is the Gift of God, begotten through the Divine Influences of his Blessed Spirit; a measure of which is given to every Man to profit withal, and there is not another Way or Name given under Heaven, by which Lost Man can be saved and brought back again out of the Fall, to God his Maker and Creator, but by the Name and Power of Jesus: You know, dear Friends, who have felt his Restoring Arm to be at work in you, by which [Page 3] you can testifie it is that alone which brings Salvation; and therefore this is no new thing to you, who also know God's Arm is not shortened, neither is his Word or Power lessened; but through the same saving Word of Power, you with me, and I with you, may admire the Virtue that is through it manifest in this our Day, by which the Blind Eye hath been opened, the Deaf Ear unstopp'd, the Lame not only to walk, but leap as an Hart, through the safe Conducting Power that is in it: and therefore, Friends, let us all go Hand in Hand together, in this the Good Old Way, which is also livingly renew'd in you that walk in it day after day; in the sence of which let our Spirits bless the Lord together, and all go forward towards the Lord's Holy Mountain, for you know Holiness becomes his House for ever, you to whom the Gospel Sun hath so clearly shined, which will yet more and more, by which many will yet see the Glory that is in it, and flock to the arising of it, for the Lord hath not left himself without [Page 4] Witnesses, having brought many to a right Understanding of the Blessed way to the Kingdom of Heaven, which many are yet seeking, which is Christ Jesus, who gave himself a Ransom for Mankind, that he might redeem them from all Iniquity; and that is the Universal Love of God for all to Receive, who hath sent his Son to bless us, in turning every Man from the Evil of their ways; for many we know have been turned to God, and made partakers of that great Blessing, and I would to God that there were many more in this our Nation brought out of the Fall of the first Adam, through believing in Christ Jesus the second Adam, the Lord from Heaven, who is a quickening Spirit, who said, I am the Resurrection and the Life, he that believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live; and blessed be the Lord, Dear Friends, he hath made you living Witnesses of many of those Blessed Sayings Recorded in the Scriptures of Truth, by the Inspiration of the same Holy Spirit that gave them forth; and I know [Page 5] it is your desires with mine, that all who have believed in the Spiritual Appearance of Christ, may so wait upon him, as to know the end of his coming in them, that thereby they may come to know the only true God and Jesus Christ; whom to know, is Life Eternal; which Life Men cannot enjoy, while they are dead in Trespasses and Sin, whatever they may talk of, read or hear of God and Christ, or the Scriptures, which they call their Rule: But how few walk according to the Directions thereof, which directs them to him who saves his People from their Sins; You also know who are the saved of the Lord, who is of Purer Eyes than to behold Iniquity with Pleasure; therefore, I think it great pity, that any that come amongst us, should give or take liberty to such Loosness and Evils that others were Strangers to, before they knew the precious Truth, as it is now made manifest. Therefore, to such this Word of Counsel is in my Heart, that they may now consider, [...]hat the Lord is calling all Men every [Page 6] where to Repentance; and that it is also Cause of Grief to all those tender Hearts, who receive the Truth in Love, and for the Purity of it, and love the Truth, because of the true Edification that is in it; and it is you, my Friends, I know, that feel the Love of God reaching in you, to encourage others to love him and that which is good; and embrace the Testimony of Truth in their own Hearts, although some in our Day have turned their backs upon the Truth, and embrace those things which once they were led out of by it; and others, through an evil surmising, and prejudicial Spirit, put a slight esteem and value upon it: But blessed be the Lord, I am throughly satisfied there are many that retain their first love to it, and abide in that Charity which becomes all that have the true Knowledge of it; and you, my Friends, feel the Sweetness and Comfort of the Truth: And you, I know, cannot but love all that truly love the appearance of Christ Jesus, although his Visage is more marr'd than any Man's, in and [Page 7] amongst too too many: But you, Friends, who have seen him, as he is the express Image of his Father's Substance, to you he is most Lovely; and therefore, feeling the Comforts of God's Holy Spirit with me, I am willing to send these Lines amongst you, that so together, we may be made Living Partakers of the Renowned Mercies of our God, who doth not forget to be gracious, to his Children and People, who wait and think upon his Name, whose Name is above every Name, to which every Knee must bow, and confess to the Name of Jesus, who is Emanuel, God with us; and by that measure of his Blessed Spirit given to us, he is in us, by which measure, many have, and all may know a Profiting towards God, and those things that belong to their Everlasting Peace which according to the Apostles Ehortation, let us all endeavour to keep with all Men. But Dear Friends, let there be a moviance and particular concern for it and the preservation of it, in and amongst all the Called and Gathered by the [Page 8] Lord, to the Testimony of his Spiritual Appearance in us; and therefore, Dear Friends, in the Love of God, I beseech you all dwell, that we may be a People preserved from all those hurtful things, wrong and unruly Spirits, that we see take so much place in some, but blessed be the Lord, there is an Eye open that sees the Foundation of God stands sure for ever, and the Lord knows who are his People, and the Sheep of his Pasture; them he hath and will feed, and they shall drink of the Streams of Shilo's Brooks that run softly, and will refresh all the truly thirsty Souls, for them the Lord hath and will fill; and it is for your sakes, dear Friends, that the Lord opens the Sluces of his Love, that you may all drink of the Streams of Living Water, and be revived this day in him, and comforted in one another; for he will fill your Hearts with the Treasure that is Heavenly, and never fades away, nor wears; and as you all walk in the Truth, and continue in that Love, which was begotten by the Truth, [Page 9] in which Love I know you all can do no less, than put a right esteem and value upon the continued Goodness and Mercies of the Lord, in which Love of God, none can hurt, wrong, or evilly entreat one another; and this Love will bring and keep all things in good order amongst the Called, Faithful and Chosen People of the Lord, in this present Age and Day: Therefore, dear Friends, it is my hearty desire to the Lord, that all may feel this Love of God, to draw their Hearts more and more to love him, and that Grace and Truth that comes by Jesus Christ, that so all may draw water out of the Well of Salvation, and drink abundantly of the River of God's Pleasure, which proceeds from under the Throne of our God, and the Lamb for ever.
A few Lines Chiefly to the Tender Children of FRIENDS▪
TEnder Friends, There is a little with me in the Love of God to you, some of which may be better qualified, and more ready to receive that which is Good, than others are: But Tender Friends, for want of a a true Regard and Consideration of the Love of God, some rather give way to gratifie a vain Mind, which is ready and apt to be taken with Pride, and the vain Glory of this fading World, which doth greatly Eclipse that Good in your first Nature, that otherwise would appear more Beautiful, and it doth also hinder the Good Seed that is sown in your Hearts from taking Root downward, by which it should bring forth Fruit upward to the Praise of the Lord, who is the Good Husbandman; and therefore tender Friends all, consider the Love of God that is shed abroad in many Hearts, and yet runs towards [Page 11] you, who are the Younger Generation, for that end that you may all have a true Regard to the Lord, and to your Tender Parents, whose Tender Love and Care may be over you for good; for I have many times thought it great pity, that any Children should evilly treat their Parents for their Tender Love and Care towards them, but since it is so, as we have sometimes seen, Parents may the better receive every good Caution, and in the Authority of Truth, keep Children in Subjection, and according to the Apostles Exhortation, Children will have cause to take it well, they are learned when they are young to obey their Parents in the Lord, for this, saith he, is right; and therefore, Tender Children, incline your Hearts to love the Lord, his Way and Truth, and obey your Parents, that live therein; for although it hath happened ill with some through their Disobedience, yet there is good cause to hope well for many others of you, who may be a succeeding Generation of the Faithful, many of [Page 12] which are gathered to their everlasting rest; and hoping well for many, we cannot but desire well for all our Children, that they may be Wise, and learn the Fear of the Lord, which will be a Fountain of Life to preserve them from the Snares of Death, and keep them from those many sorts of Evils, and hurtful things, which otherwise may possibly bring such an Evil Day upon them, as to dishonour God, grieve their Tender Parents, and disappoint themselves of true Happiness here and hereafter. Therefore it is again with me to say, Hear and fear the Great God, for there is need of renewing this Exhortation amongst some Children and young People that come amongst us: And again, The fear of the Lord was said to be the beginning of true Wisdom; and I know many, for your encouragement, can confirm the Testimony, that to depart from Evil, will give, or bring you to a good Understanding what will Become, Adorn, or Accomplish you, as Men and Women fearing God: And truly, Friends, [Page 13] all other will stand you in little or no stead, as you come to love and embrace the Plain and Modest way of Truth, and dwell therein. And again, let me tell you, I know some were Educated in many things commendable amongst other Sober People; yet when it pleased the Lord to open their Eyes to behold the Light of this glorious day that is sprung from on high, and hath visited us, to give the Light of the Knowledge of God in the face of his Son Christ Jesus, we then saw that many of those things were not consistent with the Truth, as it is now made manifest; therefore I know some were not only willing to cast off, forsake, and deny, but desirous to be stript of all, that they might be Cloathed with the Heavenly Robe of Righteousness, and wear those Garments that they so often heard recommended by the Servants of the Lord, which you may all wear, as you take heed to the Sanctifying Word of Life in your own Hearts, which the Apostle recommends as that most sure Word of Prophecy, which, says he, You will all do [Page 14] well to take heed unto, as unto a Light that shines in a dark place, till the day dawn, and Day-Star arise in your Hearts, which blessed be the Lord, many in our day have known, whose desires are, that you may also come to behold the Glory of the Son of Righteousness to shine in and through you, that thereby others may be invited to come and taste and see how good the Lord is; and therefore Dear Children, all hasten from off the Borders of Rebellion, and be faithful to God, that you may be Partakers of his everlasting Blessing, and learn Submission with humble and due respects to God, and your tender Parents, in which mind you will all be ready to return Thanksgiving to the Lord and them for his Love, their Care, and wholsome Advice to you, for your true and everlasting well-being.
These following Lines are to you, my tender Friends, who may be counted of the Yonger Generation that are already sensible of the Love of God, manifest thro' the appearance of the Son of his Love, the Hope of that Glory which is revealed in you. Dear Friends, the Bowels of true Love yearns towards you with many desires to the Lord, that you may all be preserved near to him, by a daily waiting upon him, that so your strength may be more and more renewed in him, for the Enemy of all Righteousness will endeavour by one means or other to draw your Minds from the true and safe Center, where you may be preserved Close and Inward with the Lord, for he hath many ways to [Page 17] deceive: Sometimes, he may be endeavouring to hurry your Minds, and lead you too fast; and other times he may be seeking to hinder you from walking in the strait and narrow way which leads to Life Eternal; therefore, dear Friends, as my experience in that and other things, let me tell you, there is no safety in any state that I have yet seen, but as the Watch is kept, diligently waiting upon the Lord, by which you may come more and more to know his Mind and Will, and then all be careful how you perform it, and in the Love of God, all be careful, that you go not from that measure of his Spirit given you to profit withal: But all wait more and more to be taught by it, that more advantage by the Grace of God, you may all receive to your Immortal Souls, as you continue in the self-denying way, in taking up the Cross to all those things that may present, or are of a contrary nature to the plain and moderate way that Truth leads in, for the Lord is the same as ever he [Page 18] was, and all that come to him, must come by the same Door of entrance, into the Sheep fold of Eternal Rest; for there is no other way, but by Christ Jesus, whose Appearance is still the same as ever, although thro' the Faithful Sufferings of many Faithful Friends, there was gained Outward Liberty; which blessed be the Lord, is yet continued amongst us, by which the way is made more easie: Yet my Friends, there is the same grand Enemy of Truths Prosperity to encounter withal; but blessed be the Lord, Friends, you do know your Weapons are not Carnal, but Spiritual and Mighty through God, and therefore keep on your Spiritual Armor, that you may be able to quench all the Fiery Darts of the Wicked One, which may be many, as you walk in your Spiritual Travel the same way that the Lord hath led and brought many out of Spiritual Aegypts Darkness, and through the Waters, who hath also fed them in the Wilderness, by whose Care and Kindness, blessed be his Name, many have [Page 19] been and are, as the good Spy, ready to give Testimony of the good Land that flows with Milk and Heavenly Divine Sweetness, which is the Spiritual Honey, by which the Spiritual Man is nourished, and good Will daily increased, which through the Love of God, will more and more be manifested; therefore, Friends, be all incouraged to go on in the Light of the Lord, where you may see the Enemy in all his approaching, that you may be safely conducted in that way that the Lord would have all his People to walk in, that by walking in Christ the way, you that are of the Younger Generation may partake of God's everlasting Blessing, which he promised to Abraham his Servant, when he said, In blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed: For the fulfilling of which, Dear Friends, let us all wait upon the Lord, that thereby we may receive Grace for Grace from him; that in the receiving of his Grace and Mercy, our Hearts may be more and more bowed, and Spirits broken, [Page 20] that a Sacrifice of Praise and Thanksgiving may be offered unto him of his own preparing, who is worthy of all Praise, Glory and Honour, to whom be it given at this time, henceforth, and for ever, saith my Soul, your Friend, Sister, and Fellow Traveller in Spirit for Sion's Prosperity.