HAving been for some years past Exercised in the Instruction and Education of Children, I found a stirring in my heart, and a concern came over my Spirit in the Love of God, to wit as followeth.
The Lord (whom we may now call out God) hath been pleased to visit us, with the visitation of His tender Love, and by His Holy Arm and Divine Hand hath gathered, and is gathering a Remnant out of those Wayes, Customs, Fashions, Forms, and Worships, that are in the World that lies in wickedness (which we as well as others were once in) but now the Counsel of God in us, and unto us, is, that we touch not, neither tast nor handle any of those things, but be separate from them, that the Lord may receive us as His, being bought and purchased by Him; not with Gold nor with Salver, nor any Corruptible thing, but by the pretious blood of Christ who dyed and suffered for us.
And dear Friends, as we are thus called and gathered by the Lord from the Worlds Waies, Customs, Fashions, Languages, and whatsoever is evil; so we no doubt ought to use our utmost endeavours to preserve out Children and Off-spring out of them, and Restrain them from them, lest they be corrupted with them, and their minds and affections set more upon them, then that Holy Way, Truth, and Profession that every honest Friend in Truth desires his Children and Off-spring may be Educated and trained up in; and blessed be the Lord that there is a Remnant that have received that Holy Unction which is able to teach them all things. And as its Teachings are kept to, learnt and followed will, lead out of ail that which offends the Lord and grieves his People, and is unbecoming our Holy Profession, and that Plainness and Simplicity, which Truth now as formerly leads into, by which we and out Children have appeared unto the World a separate People; not only from their Forms, Worships, and Religions, but their Language, foolish Fashions, antick Dresses, superfluous Apparel, and costly Array. And therefore dear Friends, as we have known the Judgments of God in our selves for these things, and through Judgment have known a being edeemed out of them; let not any of us [Page 3]Countenance or Encourage any of our Children, or them we have the Government of in them. But take the Wise Mans Counsel and Advice, and labour in the love of God to train up our Children in the way they should walk, that they may not depart from it when they are Old; but stand up and succeed us in a Testimony for the Lord His Way, Truth, and the true Christian Profession, and may manifestly be the trained up Schollars and true Disciples of Him, in whom we have believed by their taking up their dayly Cross, to all things contrary to the self denying life of a true Christian; that the Blessing of God which is the best Postion, and makes truly rich, may be upon them.
CHAP. II. A few words of tender Advice, and Counsel unto the Children of believing Parents; exhorting them to Obedience according to Christs Example, and not to fimfy themselves, but be lowly, and to fear God.
OH! remember your Creator in the daies of your Youth before the evil day come, and be subject to your Parents, in your tender years, as Christ our Lord was unto his according to the Flesh, even at twelve years of Age; as ye read in the holy Scriptures: He was not [Page 4]Stubborn nor Willful, he was not Heady nor high Minded, he lusted not after the Fashions and Customs of the evil World, nor after gay Cloathing, nor rich Apparel; but in all things did the Will of His Heavenly Father that sent him. Therefore take Him for your Example, and obey your Parents, and be subject to them in all things, that they Advise and Counsel you for your good, here and hereafter, for what will all the finery avail when you come to dye, and why should any be so concerned to finifie a little Dust and Ashes or House of Clay, which may fall in a moment or twinkling of an Eye, and neglect chat which tends to their Souls everlasting good.
Oh! therefore let me in treat you, to mind the holy fear of Almighty God, which will preserve you out of these things, and have regard to the Holy Witness, Light, Grace, and Spirit of God in your own hearts, which will let you see that you should not be Heady, High Minded, Willful, Surly, or Stubborn; but Meek, Lowly, Humble, and Submissive, and then you'l be 'liker Christ: But the Heady High Minded, Wild, Wanton, and Proud, they are like him that is the King over all the Children of Pride, Job 41.34. And it was he that lead the Daughters of Zion into Haughtiness, and taught them to walk with stretched forth Necks, and Wanton [Page 5]Eyes, walking and mincing as they went; whereby the Lord was so displeased, as to threaten to smite with a Scab the Crown of the Daughter of Zion, and to discover their secret parts. But as you mind and have regard to the Light and good Spirit of God and learn of it, you will be taught to deny these things and be preserved (as you abide in it) from saying any bad Words, telling any idle and false Stories, or speaking any Untruths, altho it were to excuse your selves: Oh! therefore I beseech you have regard to it, do not dispise it, nor quench the motions of it; and then you will be a Comfort to your Parents, a rejoycing to your Friends, and good Examples to other Children with whom you converse or are among; and will cause the holy Truth to be well spoken of, and make the Profession of it more to shine. But if you flight the Counsel of your tender Parents, Tutors, and Friends, Remember a day of Calamity will come, and that you must one day appear before Him that will bring every work to Judgment with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil; and for every idle Word you must give an Account in the day of Judgment, as Christ said, Mat. 12.36. And if then thou art found of that Number, that have set at nought God Counsel immediately by his Spirit in [Page 6]thy own heart, and instrumentally through thy Parents, Tutors, or Friends, and would not regard any of their Reproof, Then the Lord will mock at thy Calamity, and laugh when thy fear comes; when Distress and Anguish cometh upon thee, the Lord God Almighty therefore incline more and more the hearts of them (that are young and tender) unto him, and to stand in his awe and holy fear; that so you may lack no good thing, but may dayly know the Lord to lead you in His way, that you may find Rest and Peace to your Souls Eternally, when ever it shall please the Lord to take you hence.
CHAP. III. An Exhortation to Children, tenderly Advising them to improve their pretious time, and to avoid the reading unprofitable Books, and telling idle Tales; as also, to read and learn the Holy Scripture according to the Examples of Ancient Protestants.
ANd this is in my Mind, in much Love and Tenderness, by way of Counsel; further to add to you, who are the tender Off-spring of believing Parents, that you may be careful to improve your pretious time, which comes upon you with a silent foot, and [Page 7]swiftly passes away. And therefore may out daies here be aptly compared to a Weavers Shuttle, and our Life to a Bubble in the Water, which suddainly rises, and in a Moment is down and no more to be seen; so it may be said of all Mankind, the young as well as they of riper years, they are here to day in a Mortal State, and to morrow may launch out either into Eternal Happiness, or everlasting Wo. And therefore let me intreat and perswade you for your present good, and future happiness, not to spend nor squander away your pretious time, in Wildness, Vanity, or Foolish Delights; neither in the Hearing, Telling, or Reading any idle Tales, false Stories, lying Histories, or foolish Verses that tend not to any Godly Edifying, or informing your understandings in that which is good; but rather to the filling your Minds with unprofitable matter, which often occasions such like Discourse, for out of the Abundance of the Heart the Mouth speaks, and that commonly, which Peoples minds are most filled with, and taken up with all, that they mostly talk of and discourse about; let me therefore prevail with you frequently to Read the Holy Scriptures, and learn to say some Chapters thereof without looking on the Book. For the Waldenses who were a Religious People in their days, and great Sufferers for their Religion, [Page 8]took more care to have their Children Read and learn the Holy Scriptures, then to gratifie their vain Minds, and Childish Humors; for in the History of the Waldenses, Book. 1. c. 5. P. 29. its said as touching Erudition, Rainerius hath said, that they teach their Children, yea, even their Daughters, the Epistles and the Gospels.
Jacobus de Riberia saith, that they were so well instructed in the Scriptures, that he hath heard a plain Country-man repeat the Book of Job Word by word, and divers others that could perfectly repeat the whole New Testament. And indeed it is much better to spend your time thus, and will be more comfort to your honest Patents and rejoycing to your Friends, that heartily wish and pray for your Welfare, then to see you play it away in Wildness and Vanity, and letting out your minds and lustings after the foolish fashions and vain Customs of the World, which will never procure any comfort to your tender Parents. Therefore once more I earnestly intreat you in unfeigned love to relinquish, forsake, and deny your selves of those things that tends to your hurt, and let not the subtil Enemy that lies in wait to Ensnare, Captivate, and draw away your minds from the Principal of Truth (the Light and Spirit of Christ in your hearts [Page 9]and Consciences) or prevail upon you with any of his suggestions, that such an one doth so, or thus, and why may not I, and such an one hath come to Meetings long, and is esteemed an honest Friend, and he or she wares this, speaks that, or doth the other thing, and they should be our Examples, and therefore why may not I. These often are the suggestions of Satan, to draw and allure the minds of the young and tender from Truth in themselves, and to strengthen them in that which many times they know they ought not to do, and believe would be better if they did not, and by these and such like allurements of Satan, they are sometimes drawn away to their own Souls hurt, and grief of their tender Parents and Friends. And therefore lend not an Ear to him herein, for Satans design is only to draw thee into and continue thee in Sin, that thou might be hardened against God, the reproof of his Spirit in thy heart, and the reproos and Counsel of thy Friends and tender Parents, and you may read the fearful portion of such, Prov. 29. 1. But if thou stand in awe of God, and abides in his fear, thou wilt be preserved out of these and all evil things, and will be taught to deny them, and wilt receive Wisdom from God, who is the fountain of it, to order thy Affairs with discretion, and will learn by it to honour thy Father and thy Mother according [Page 10]to Gods Command; to be subject to your Tutors, respectful to your Elders, loving to your Friends and Companions, and this will close that evil Eye Which Satan is ready to open in you, to look at this thing in one, and that in another, and to make an ill use thereof. And therefore live in Gods fear that preserves you out of these things and you will have Gods blessing, obtain his Favour, feel his Presence, be servants in his House, yea, heirs of his Kingdom, and inheritors among the Saints in Light, and receivers of a weighty Crown of Glory, as ye live and dye in Gods fear. And therefore this is the summ and conclusion of the whole matter, as Solomon said, fear God and keep his Commandments, for this is the whole Duty of Man. So in that true love and tenderness in which I began, I shall conclude with hearty desires, that you all may love and imbrace that good Spirit of God in your own hearts, that inclines to love Vertue, Temperance, Meekness, Gentleness, Humility, and the fear of God; and will if you'l love and obey it bring forth in you the fruits of his Spirit which is in all goodness; and then you'l not reject this Counsel and Advice of him who is your real and allured Friend,