A Warning to England In GENERAL.
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IT came upon me to write as followeth. Oh! Nation of England, and City of London, how often have you been warned, and called to Repentance, yet how slow have your Inhabitants been in answering the Lord by Humiliation and unfeigned Repentance. I am truly concerned for thee, Oh City of London! lest thou hast given the Lord cause to complain against thee, and upbraid thee as he did Corazin and Bethsaida; for the Lord doth not send his Judgments without great Provocation; therefore think not Repentance to be a hard thing for thee, for God wills not the Destruction of any, but their Destruction is of themselves. I pray God, O Nation of England, thou mightest be prevailed with to turn to God, and he will turn to thee, and instead of Ashes thou shalt have Beauty, and instead of Mourning, Joy, and for Heaviness, a Garment of Praises: And thy People shall be called Trees of Righteousness.
And now Oh City of Bristoll! What hast thou to say for thy self, when the Lord makes Inquisition for Blood and Persecution, that has been in thee: Hast thou made thy Peace with the Lord, or hast thou sought thy Peace with the great good God. To thee this is the Word of the Lord, If thou be willing to come out of the Pool or Puddle of Sin and Transgression, a Pool of Water (or Desolation) thou shalt not be. The Mouth of the Lord hath spoken it. Oh City of Bristoll, I am truly concerned for thee, that thou might shine with the Beauty of Holiness, to the Praise and Glory of the great God.
This from him that desires the good of the whole Creation, and is seeking the good of all People,