DECLARED In a Sermon at Mercers Chappel before the Right Honourable the Lord Maior of the City of LONDON, April 28. 1650
And now thus published For the undeceiving of those, who say they are Christians, and are not, but do lie; and for the Establishment and Encouragement of those, who having named the Name of Christ, do indeed depart (even in this hour of Apostacy) from all Iniquity,
By C. F. one of the Servants of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Ministery of the new Testament.
[...]. Anonym.
Christus non quaerit, utrum adhaereas huic vel illi nationali Ecclesiae: sed utrum a [...]haereas verae fidaei, non utrum sis Romanensis, (Anglicanus Sco [...]cus, &c.) sed utrum sis vere sanctificatus et renovatus. Daven. in Coloss. cap. 3. ver. 11.
London, Printed for Peter Cole, at the Printing-Press in Cornhill near the Royal Exchange, 1650.
To the Right Honourable THOMAS FOOT, Lord Major of this famous City of LONDON.
HOw far the Great Antichrist, and degenerate Church of Rome have eclipsed, and thereby obscured the originall glory of true Christianity, is best known to that remnant of overcomming Christians in this Age, who are worthy in Christ his account, to walk with him in white. Assuredly Christendome (as it is called for distinction sake) is sunck into so low a degree of degeneracy, as that in respect of Idolatry and Prophannesse, of impiety and iniquity, the Catholicks and Protestants also, for the most part, do so walk, as if it were their studied design, to render themselves utterly unlike to Iesus Christ; and unto this kind of Christians, he will profess at the last day. I never knew you, depart from me ye workers of iniquity! Oh therefore, how doth it concern the faithfull Disciples of Iesus Christ, to bring forth the Register of the Genealogie of the primitive Christians, to emblazon according to the rules of Gospel Heraldry, the native honour of this thrice noble Family, and that by an ornamental [Page]carriage and Conversation. But alas! how few do make it their holy ambition, to display before the world the glorious Excellency of true Christianity, by acting in the life and power of this New-Testament unction? [...]uc. 1.17. It was Prophesied of John the Baptist, that he should go before the Messiah in the power and spirit of Elias, but it is the honour of the Saints, now in these times of the Gospell, to go in and out, to do and to suffer in the power & spirit of the Messiah or Christ himself, & may the number of such Christians be multiplied exceedingly: & may the great number of those that act & walk in the power & Spirit of Antichrist, of the Dragon, of the Beast, of the false-Prophet decrease abundantly; Rev: 16.13: may the Generation of Renegadoes and Back-sliders, of self-condemned Hereticks, and Apostatized Professours, who put the Son of God to an open shame, that speak scornfully of the Word, the Spirit, the ways, the Ordnances of Iesus Christ, may they, every one, be snared and taken, prevented and frustrated in al their un-Christian Ends, and means tending thereunto, may they never prosper in any of their Assemblies, Teachings, Exhortations, which are of any tendency to the disparagement of the wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Iesus Christ, 1 Tim: 6:3, 4. and the doctrine which is according to Godlinesse, and let all the Disciples of Christ, all sincere Christians say, Amen.
My Lord, what thoughts of heart have been occasioned by your Honours Commandement, and mine engagement, for the printing of the [Page]ensuing Sermon, is best known to the Author of so impersect and unpolished a Discourse upon such a weighty Theme. There was always an utter aversenesse in my naturall Genius, to appear on the Stage upon this account. John 7.4. And I can say, through grace, I have never sought to he known openly, or to shew my self to the world, as being conscious to a great unsitnesse of Ingeny, and to the want of Spirituall Dexterity, for any work of this nature. But since it is your Lordships pleasure, that this Sermon should be preached over again in this other form, behold, (after tedious attendance for dispatch, upon the proper instruments of this kind of publication) I humbly present it before your Honour, this second time; with some few convenient clauses, here and there superadded, beseeching God, (who hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise, and the weak things of the world to confound the things that are mighty,) to command a Blessing upon these weak endeavours, wherein I did, and do aim at the new-Christianizing of such nominal Christians, as are really without God, and without Christ, dead in trespasses and sins, and I would to God, that all that heard me that day, were both almost and altogether Christians, yea Christians upon the best account, so, as to be found unto great praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Iesus Christ.
And the Disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.
HIstory and Prophecy are the Alpha and Omega of the holy Scriptures and these two (the Knowledge of things past from the beginning of the world, [...]. and the foreknowledge of things to come, until the ending of time (et adhuc) and beyond) are the great desire and delight of the intellectual world; All the sons of men naturally thirsting after nothing more than this kind of knowledge, yea, even the excellency and perfection thereof. Now there are none other writings extant in the world, worthy to be compared with the word of God, in respect of these two: For first, if you take notice of Scripture History, it takes the crown of glory from off the head of all other Histories, for verity and antiquity; all other Records are of a later date, and have not the excellency and the glory of Truth infallible stamped on them. Then secondly, Praedictiones aliae suum gradum habent, spiritustamen vaticinia, longe supereminent. Calv. if you consider Scripture Prophecies, all other predictions and prognostications, all the divinations that ever were in the world besides, cannot be a paralel to these, for their certainty and sufficiency.
Now this book of the new Testament, it is an History of divers evangelical transactions, undertaken and managed by the Lord Jesus Christ (and his Apostles) in the world, immediately after his death, resurrection, and ascention [Page]into glory, and the Church could not be well without it, as ye may clearly discern by its great usefulnesse in a true Gospel reformation: Providence, I say, hath well provided this part of the Scripture, for the advantage of the Saints (especially of those Disciples that come out of Babylon,) [...]. Act. 8.39. Let him that readeth understand. wherein, when they read and understand, they may know in many particulars, how they ought to walk, and to please God, as the Disciples and Churches here mentioned, walked and pleased God.
I think it meet to give you a brief narrative of such passages (from the first Chapter unto this present Scripture) as will make up a proper, and a necessary manuduction unto the ensuing and intended doctrine.
After the Ascention of the man Christ Iesus into heaven, Heb. i. [...] to sit down on the right hand of the Majesty on high, (as the Holy Ghost phraseth it) there were about an hundred and twenty men and women assembled together with one accord in one place, (Disciples they are called) waiting for the mission of the holy spirit: Christ had foretold, or told them before, that unlesse he went away, the Comforter would not come; now he being gone to the Father, and they (by virtue of his command) abiding at Jerusalem, and waiting for the promise of the Father, the sending and descending of the Spirit.
Behold in the second chapter, the Holy Ghost comes down suddenly in a most glorious ministration, that the like was never heard of in the world before, and sate upon each of the Apostles, in the appearance of cloven tongues like as of fire, whereby they were enabled on a sudden to speak in other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance; so that the Jews and Proselites out of every nation, there reckoned up, [...]. (most part of the nations in the world, at least, under the Roman Empire) heard them speak in their own language or proper dialect, the wonderfull works of God.
Peter speaking a few words, in the middest of an amazed and mocking multitude, the Lord did so prosper and blesse what he and the rest spake, that about three thousand souls [Page]gladly received the word, and were added to that first new. Testament-church. Afterward the multitude of the Disciples increased exceedingly. But now Satan, the God of this world, who blindeth the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ should shine unto them, indeavoured what he could, to prevent the progresse of it by raising up a cruel persecution against the Church: Hereupon the Church was scattered, [...], Faedum in modum verber [...] bus lacero, faedum in modum tracco. [...], Haling, dragging men and women to prison. all except the Apostles; so there was the first new-Testament-Church scattered: which was but lately gathered, but (by an over-ruling hand of providence) the scattering of that first Church, was the gathering of many; for some went one way, some another way, and where ever they came, they were instant in preaching the word, preaching the Lord Jesus, holding forth the doctrine of the Gospel. Philip went down to Samaria, and there brought in aboundance of people to Jesus Christ. In this interim, there were planted Churches throughout all Iudaea, Galile, and Samaria: And in this eleventh chapter, that we may make haste to the words of the text, at ver. 19. you have an historical account of the glorious successe of the Gospel in the more remote parts among the Gentiles. Now they that were scattered abroad, upon the persecution that arose about Stephen, travailed as far as Phaenice, and Cyprus, and Antioch, preaching the word to none but the Iews onely. They thought they alone were the people ro whom the glad tidings of the Messiah should be published and proclaimed; but now at this Antioch, the hand of the Lord was so with them, Vide Calvin in locum. that a great number of the Graecians believed and turned to the Lord.
This being reported to the Church which was in Jerusalem, (for the Apostles being at Jerusalem, had oportunity of bringing in others to the obedience of the faith, in stead of the dispersed Disciples) it was matter of great joy, and and they sent forth Barnabas that he should go as far as Antioch. Civitas ab Antiocho magno, denominata. Lyr. [...] to [...] Antioch it bare the name of one of the Kings of Syria, one of them was a bitter enemie of the Church of the Jews, Antiochus Epiphanes; and for his rage and madnesse, they changed Epiphanes into Epimanes; and so instead of Antiochus the Illustrious, they called him Antiochus [Page]the * furious. Or Antiochus the mad. In this City, Antioch, as formerly in Samaria, two eminent thrones of Satan, the Gospel wonderfully prevailed, and was readily imbraced by a great number, much people was added to the Lord; Paul and Barnabas come hither, assemble themselves with the Church a whole year, and teach much people. And now when Christ had Disciples among the Jews, and Disciples among the Gentiles; when he had a Church at Ierusalem, That is, A. Congregation of Saints called out of the world by the word, to the fellowship of the Gospel. Churches in Iudea, Galile, and Samaria, * a Church at Antioch, being a very considerable number of people, distinguished from the rest of the children of men, having Laws and Ordinances, ways of Worship differing from all other: they are called by a new distinguishing name, they are called Christians. And the Disciples were called Christians first at Antioch: that was the first place where they received this appellation, and from thence the other Churches of Jesus Christ, who hitherto were called Saints, Distinctio voeis ambiguae primum sit in omni rerum consideratione. Kec. Who is as the wise man? and who knoweth the interpretation of a thing? Eccl. 8.1. Disciples, and Disciples of the Lord, &c.
Continuance of time hath rendred this word, a very ambiguous word, I mean the word Christian; and therefore this being the time of reformation, I speak not of carnal external reformation, but of a reformation intended by Christ and his Spirit, we must indeavour to reform, not onely persons and things, but the names of things: and indeed, reformation of this nature, is nothing else, but a Reduction of persons and things, and names, to their original causes, in their first constitution, to form them again, as it were; which cannot be understood without explication and distinction, as the rule of the School is: yea, that maxim in al the Schools of Philosophie, and Theologie is most true & useful, [...], Planto in [...] that man which would teach aright, must first of all make a diligent enquiry into the names of things, whereby they are called, lest being miscalled or misnamed; there be a misapprehension or a misunderstanding of things themselves. so then this is the truth which I shall from these words recommend unto this audience this day, and I desire it may take hold upon all your hearts, not onely in the explication of it, but application also.
The name, or title, or appellation, CHRISTIANS, was given originally, unto the Disciples of Iesus Christ. I mean Disciples exclusively, and inclusively, excluding all others, including all such.
Now it is somewhat dark, as from the present History, Est nominum impositio alia [...]. how this name or appellation was given, whether occasionally, and accidentally; or from deliberation, by election and choise, as they usually distinguish in this point. If upon consideration, whether by Paul and Barnabas, or whether by the people of Antioch that were without, discerning this people in their doctrine and practise, to exalt the name and honour of the Lord Jesus Christ onely and altogether; Or whether it was given by their enemies, by way of reproach, As they were called also Nazarens. calling them Christians after the name of Christ, in a scornfull and ignominious manner; Or lastly, whether it were imposed by the special direction of the Spirit, this is not easily determined here by a negligent Reader, although it be a truth most evident, that this name was given at the first to the Disciples of Iesus Christ.
But yet other Scriptures will help us in this thing, nay, I cannot but bring this verse under trial, in order to the finding out of the true ground of the imposition of this name upon the Disciples of Jesus Christ; for, [...]. whereas it is in the translation rendred paslively, (they were called) and so no account is given by whom they were so called or named; if you render it actively, (the text will bear it) so a clear account is given of the nomenclators, who they were viz. Paul and Barnabas; for thus it may be read, And it came to passe, that they assembled together with the Church a whole year, and that they taught much people, or a great multitude, and that, they called or named the Disciples, Christians, first in Antioch. But if the most skilfull in this language, will contend for the passive construction of the verb, [...], the Kings translators version, I shall not further intermeddle, though much may be said (I perceive) pro and con) in this dubious case, concerning the two first words of this verse, in reference to the last clause; [...], and [...], [Page]but, as I said, let it suffice, that there are other texts of Scripture, which do significantly enough, expresse the divine approbation of this title, as here, its at the first imposed; as in 1 Pet. 4.16. he had said in the 14. verse, Jf ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye, &c, But let none of you (Saints, Disciples) suffer as a murtherer, or as a thief, or as an evil doer, or as a busie bodie; yet if any suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, (neither of the name, nor of the sufferings, or punishments,) but let him glorifie God on this behalf. So that you see plainly, the Holy Ghost owneth this name, however it might be given at the first, Vox sit propria, determinata, et adae quata rei significandae, brevis canon, sed tres vocis magnas virtutes complectitur. Keck. log. lib. 1. cap. 1. Pontificii non parum officiunt doctrinae de Ecclesia et ejus membris, cum vocem (Clerus) quam Ap. Petrus tribuit omnibus fidelibus Christi membris, quadam arrogantia temeraria, ad turbam Sacerdotum restringuntet sacrificulorum quasi illi soli sint sors illa et hareditas Domini at que idcirco reliquae Christi [...]embra quodnm supercilioso respectu vocant Laicos. or by whomsoever, it being a name or title very proper and very significant, a word adaequate to the persons named, and intended in that name; why, therefore it is to be accepted as given of God to the Disciples of Jesus Christ; yea, and this precious truth, this noble appellation, is not to be parted with easily, by the saints; they may safely appropriate it to themselves, the whole, and the onely family of Jesus Christ; to any other sort of men besides, how clamourous soever in their claims, it doth not appertain. As in a like case, both in the Catholick Church of Rome, and the national Church of England (as from custome, and by tradition, and not from Scripture, they do call it,) the Priests, the Prelates, and their Curates do assume and arrogate to themselves onely, the word Clergy, the Lords lot, or inheritance; calling the ordinary people, the Laity, and and the best of them lay-Elders, themselves Divines, the Clergy, yea, the Church; whereas in the word of truth, the Saints, all of them, great and small are the Lords Clergy, the Church, 1 pet. 5 3.2 Pet. 1.4. partakers of the Divine nature; and therefore how necessary is it, to reform and rectifie the very names, and titles of things and persons, lest otherwise the strangers intermeddle with the childrens joy, and that worthy name [...]., whereby they are of right named, and distinguished, should through their ignorance, filence, and negligence, come to be more and more blasphemed and abused.
Now for the managing of this truth for the best advantage, I shall first proceed to the removal of all those which walk in any degree of contrariety thereunto, from having any part or fellowship in the dignity of this honourable appellation, (so far as in me is,) and that is by way of negation, peremptorily denying those to be justly or properly called Christians, who indeed are not such, upon the terms mentioned in the text, visibly Disciples.
Secondly, I shall insist upon the true notation of the word, Christian; and then give, by way of affirmation, the honour of that title to whom the honour thereof is due.
Thirdly, I shall be ready to give an account, what congruity in reason, what rational ground there is from Scripture and otherwise, to enervate, nay to make void the title of meer pretenders and usurpers; and in the authority and power of divine truth, to put the Disciples of Iesus Christ, in possession of that honourable prerogative which of right belongs unto them. And these three things I am the more carefull to fix upon; because, as in all other writings and discourses we must necessarily put a difference between an abusive word or phrase, and a proper expression: So here we must keep close to the form of sound words, [...]. and not call or account any man a Christian, that is not a Christian in deed and truth, that was never yet a Disciple of Jesus Christ, no not by night, and secretly for fear of the Jews, as Nicodemus, it is to commit an abuse in speaking; Vocabula sunt propria, cum his ipsis rebus significandis adhibentur, propter quas sunt instituta, huic virtuti opponitur [...] magna obseuritatis, saepe etiam erroris causa it is an [...], which hath been of very evil consequence in this matter for many generations, as afterward you will well perceive.
The first of these I shall speak to in the general, and in particular; therefore in the general consider, that the worst and unworthiest men have assumed to themselves, and dignified themselves with the most glorious Titles and Names that have been current among the sons of men. The Turks at this day call themselves Musslemans; i.e. right beleevers; and all the world besides, are mistaken in their Faith, if you beleeve themselves concerning themselves. [Page]The Papists they assume to themselves the name of Catholicks & Christians, and they are the true Apostolick Church, and dignifie themselves with all the glorious titles of this nature, that are abroad in the world; why now on the contrary, those that have had most right to this illustrious title of Christians, and the like, they have been robbed, and disrobed of their ornaments and garments in this respect; If they have called the Master of the house Beelzebub, how much more them of of his houshold? Mat. 10.25. [...], and in stead thereof, men have put upon them the most odious and hatefull names; Christ himself, the head of the Christians, was called a Samaritan, and they said he had a Devil; Paul a ring-leader of the sect of the Nazarens, a seditious fellow, a very * pest, as the word is; and so formerly in this nation (as in the time of Popery rampant) the choises [...], and most precious of the people of God weie called Hereticks, Lollards; and of late days, in the time of the Prelaetes domination, Schismaticks, Puritans, Sectaries, and such like terms of reproach they were branded withal. But now consider what is to be said in this first particular, the generality of men and women are not to be called Christians; for from the beginning it was not so: those that are not Christs Disciples are not to be called and accounted Christians. This is a time of reformation, justice, and right must be done to every one; by the authority of the word of God, I may pronounce sentence against the far greatest part of the people in Christendome, Men commonly and generally content themselves with taking Christs part in that which is honourable, the name, and title, not caring for that which is answerable that is to die unto the word, and to live unto God Vald. (as it is called) who walk contrary to the example of Christ, the practises of Christians, and the principles of Christianity; they are degraded by the vertue of the truth in this word. The Disciples, the Disciples of Iesus Christ, are to be called Christians, and none other throughout the world.
But more particularly. First, Although the Papists, or Disciples of Antichrist, are called Christians in contradistinction to the Turks, the Disciples of Mahomet, as you know, that are intelligent men in Histories; yet notwithstanding, at the best, they are but Antichristian Christians; nay indeed, they are Antichristians not Christians; for take the choisest of the Papists, the most devout, and the most holy of the followers of Antichrist, why they are [Page]not Christians, their doctrine is Babilonish doctrine for the most part, their devotion is Babilonish devotion, [...] religious and honest women, Act. 13.50. it is Antichristian holiness, their worship, doctrine, tion favours not, hath not the spirit, no not the tincture of Christianity; and if the devoutest disciples of the man of sin, the tens and the hundreds of these, are not Christians much less their thousand; and their millions of Natural bruit-beasts. [...] 2 pet. 2.12. brurish sensual epicures, all these are cut off from any interest in this honour.
2 There are Vnchristian Christians as well as Antichristian: these as they are not against Christ as those aforementioned are against him, so neither are they with him, and Mat. 12.30. the words of Christ are, he that is not with me is against me, and I call them Vnchristian Christians in a contra-distinction to the Antichrist and his disciples, unto the Papists known usually by another word, occasioned in the convention of some Princes of the Empire in Germany, at Smalcaldy, where in their writings to the Emperour they begin every head of their Articles with the word Protestamur, we protest, and from that time those who did come off, and separate from the Church of Rome, were called protestants, and that word and apellation past over the sea into England, and so to other parts, they were afterwards sub-divided into Lutherans, and Calvinists; Protestant christians, for the most part, not real christians, in Qu. Eliz. days called Protest [...]nts at large, and carnal Gospellers. Now the degenerate protestants of these times, because they are not Antichristians, do esteem and account themselves our Orthodox Christians, and yet the generality of them may be reputed Vnchristian Christians, that is such as have the title of Christians undeservedly, being altogether unlike to Jesus Christ whose name they glory in, as if it did de jure belong unto them. And of these, two sorts there are, first all loose, lewd protestants: Secondly all formal, hypocritical professours of Christianity.
1 First all licentious protestants, we must remove them from having any interest, in this title, by way of negation, Christians they are not, though so they call themselves, and assume (as if worthy thereof) the honour of this [Page]name; for as Chrysostome said of old concerning nominal Christians of dissolute conversation, that they are not men, in propriety of speech, [...], so may I affirm of these Vnchristian protestants, their actions and transactions in the world savour not, relish not of the spirit of a man, they are so brutish in their lusts, so filthy in their lives, the eldest sons of Belial in their generation, and upon this account there will be discarded, and set by, many thousands of people in this nation, men and women, high and low, rich and poor, Priests and people, that have the title and name of Christians or protestants, baptised (as they say) into the name of Iesus Christ, and yet do live more like unto Devils incarnate in all manner of wickedness and licancsousness, committing sin with greedinesse, than unto the first or primitive Christians, who were indeed the disciples of Jesus Christ If ye continue in my word, then are ye my Disciples indeed. [...] Sed dicet aliquis etiam de nostris excedere quosdam a regula disciplinae: desinunt tum ehristiani haberi penes nos. Tert. apo., who followed his doctrine and conversation, who obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine into which they were delivered. Rom. 6.17.
2 Secondly all formal professours, that is, such as make a plausible shew, and carry it in their outward garb, as (not onely Christians in name, but) Christians upon the best account, Acts 9.1. the disciples of the Lord, and yet notwithstanding are no way worthy of that worthy name, for they are not Christians inwardly in spirit and in power, [...]. but onely in o [...]. Gal 6.12. appearance, or face, or word, or letter 2 Tim. 3.5. These distinctions [...]e of great importance. qui nene distinguit, bene docet. Phil. 3.20., where Christ is at Gods right hand, but these men have not their conversation there, it is true they have not their conversarion in hell, (as it were) like the Demoniake, among the graves, or apud inferos, as he alludes in the Comedy, nor have they their conversation in the world, upon so bad an account, in some sence, as those formerly mentioned, but they have their conversation betwixt heaven and earth; betwixt heaven and hell, as it were, as they paint Erasmus, hanging betwixt both, for he was half a Papist, and half a protestant, so all formal [Page]professours they are but painted sepulchres, they may be painted and pictured and drawn to the life (as meteors in the middle region of the air) hanging, living, conversing, [...] luc. 12.30. live not in suspence, be not as meteo [...]s. tween Law and Gospell, between works and grace, between Christ, & Antichrist, between Moses and Christ, or upon a such like account, as this; they are like the Angel of the Church of Laodicea, they are neither hot nor cold, but lukewarm, partaking of both heat and cold, whom the Lord (as such) will spew out of his mouth.
Now lest this distinction should be offensive to the formalists The Scribes and Pharsees, * the formalists of those times, were most offended at Christ and his distinguishing doct. See Luc. 16.13, 14, 15. (who do importunely assume to themselves this honourable title, Christians) as not being grounded upon scripture sufficiently, I shall clear it from the language of the holy-Ghost, concerning the Iews in the old testament.
For they were called Iews or Israelites, first in a contradistinction to the heathen nations, in all the world. A Rom. 3.30. Jew was fully and plainly distinguished, from a Gentile, but now secondly among themselves, there was also a distinction; there were false Jews, lying Jews, as in the 2d. and 3d. of the Revelations, the Lord there speaks of those that say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie, and there were the true Israelites in whom is no guile; for all are not Israel that are of Israel, all are not the seed that are counted for the seed; 1 sam 2.12.13, &c. therefore as you may see in the old testament among the Jews, some were so [...]s of Belial, as the sons of Eli, they were Jews, and in the Priests office, they drew near to the Lord, to the tabernacle of the Lord in Shiloh, yet were some of the most vile of the children of men, And Isaiah, c. 1. called the Rulers of the Jews, Rulers of sodom: now the men of [...]odom were wic [...]ed, and sinners before the Lord exceedingly, Gen. 13.13. (for they lay with the women that assembled at the door of the Tabernacle, and they sent their servants to take away the flesh as it was seething, out of the Caldron by force and violence, and so abused and prophaned the sacrifice of the Lord:) And others were outwardly, and seemingly holy, and unblameable, like the Pharisees and the Apostle Paul before his conversion, unreproveable, touching the righteousness which is of the Law, yet they are called hypocrites again and again, woe unto you Scribes [Page]and Pharisees, Mat. 23.14 Hypocrites, even seven times, * in that chapter: So now upon the like account in the times of the new-Testament those that are called Christians are to be distinguished from those that are such indeed and truth; for though hypocriticall professours assume to themselves that title, which is equivalent to the name of a true Israelite, an Israelite in whom is no guile, viz. A Christian, yet it is not to be permitted, for a very vast difference there is, between the one and the other; insomuch, that I may with little alteration; apply the words of Christ unto these, Mat. 23.27, 28. we are now speaking of, * Woe unto ye formall professours, hypocrites, for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautifull outwardly, but within are full of dead mens bones, and of all uncleannesse, even so ye also, appear righteous [Christians] unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisie and iniquity. Thus you see to whom the title of Christians may justly be denied, they having no interest in this worthy name, whereby the Disciples of Iesus Christ are dignified and distinguished; but if notwithstanding this that hath been spoken, they will account it a kind of robbery to be deprived of what they have so long possessed, (for many make a profession of Christianity, richly plausible) let it be agreed, call them Christians, but with this proviso that they admit an Epithere suitable, and proper for them, false, false-Christians, and then sure I am, their honour for which they so contend, will neverthelesse be laid in the dust, as of old, 1 Pet. 2.2. 2 Cor. 11.13. Gal. 2.4. * false-Prophets, false-Apostles, false, Teachers, false-Brethren, so now, false-Christians, false-Disciples, will not this be a more stigmaticall brand upon them, than the single deniall of that forementioned appellation can amount unto? And this may be sufficient for the first viz. The extinguishing the title of the severall usurpers and pretenders, who claim an interest in this name of Gospel honour, as if of the same house and stock, with these here spoken, of in the text. And the Disciples were called Christians, &c.
In the next place we come to consider the notation of the word; Christian is derived from Christ; the word is a word of the Greek language, signifying anointed ones, Christ being the chief anointed one, and they his fellows, with this difference, he is anointed with the oil of gladnesse above his fellows, that as in the powring the ointment upon Aarons head; the head being the principall part of the body, did first of all receive the ointment, and from thence it came down to the skirts of his cloathing, and all his garments savoured of the sweet ointment made by Gods appointment, in the 30. of Exodus and the 23. so now, the Gospel anointing, was powred first upon Jesus Christ; as our Head, the Head of all beleevers, and from him, the Head, it did, and doth descend and flow down, even to the very skirts of his garments, the meanest and lowest Saint in all the world; and it is his due to have this appellation, this title of dignity and distinction from the rest of the children of men but ye have an unction from the holy One. 1 Joh. 2.20. the anointed of God, the anointed of God, as Jesus Christ was anointed, the Lord Jesus Christ is called the Anointed One, and they may be called from him the anointed ones; for as the two words [...], and [...], in Gramaticall derivation do both grow upon the self-same root [...], but with this distinction among others, that [...] is a degree nearer the root then [...], so the two persons signified by these two words viz. Christ and a Christian, in the new-Testament sence, do both partake of the self same unction, with this difference, that every Chirstian is more remote from the fountain of unction then Christ is, he receiving it immediates. immediately, the Christian receives what he receives, by mediante christo. means of Iesus Christ, first Christ, afterwards they that are Christs.
This word Christ is also expressed in the old-Testament, by a word proper to that language, [...] from [...] now the self same word that is attributed to christ, sgiven to others besides him, (indeed it belongs unto him eminently and emphatically, the Messiah. John 1.41. Joh. 4.25. we have found the Messiah which is, being interpreted, the Christ; [Page]and the Translators read Daniel 9.25. the Messiah Although there be no, [...] emp haticum prefixed, to either word. the Prince) as in the 105. Psal there you shall find plainly the holy Ghost doth not speak of the Messiah, yet those there specified, are called by that name, touch not mine anointed, and do my Prophets no harm, verse 15. Touch not my Christs, Psalm. 105. [...] mine anointed. psalm. [...] his anointed. my Messiahs, the same word that is in the second Psalm, his anointed, his Christ, as it is interpreted by Peter, Acts 4. v. 26.27. And before I passe from hence, you may understand, this anointing is no other thing, then the anointing of the Spirit. The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord hath anointed me to Preach, &c. as you read in the 61 of Isaiah the first ver. so there is the notation of the word Christian gramatically.
But now thirdly, You must observe the word, according as it hath congruity of reason, in its logical notation: Christians so called from Christ, they have this denomination, in congruity of reason upon a four-fold account, or in four respects.
First, in respect of doctrine. 2. in respect of conversation. 3. in respect of interest. 4. in respect of principles.
First, Christians are so called from Jesus Christ upon this account, of Grammatica nudam vocem, non naturam considerat Gr. log. Logicus vocem considerat, non qua vox, sed qua ad [...]entis intelligentiam refertur, et rem explicat. Keker. in log. reason, because they (and they onely) do understand, receive, and embrace the truth as it is in Iesus, and no other sort of people in the world do the like, Non sonum solum nominis expectes, sed et sensum. Tert. Receperunt nominari Christiani a Christo, sicut Platonici a Platone. Lyran in locum. this is one distinguishing Character; every Master, or Rabbi, or Teacher, hath had his Disciples, that hath attained to any eminency, in any new and singular kind of learning.
There were among the heathens of old, about Christs time and before, the disciples of Plato, the disciples of Aristotle, Aristotelians, and Platonists, so distinguished, because that the one followed the doctrines, and teachings of Plato, others followed Aristotle, and imbraced for truth what he taught them, there were disciples that were called Epicurians of Epicurus the Philosopher, others were Stoicks, the Disciples of that Doctrine, as the [Page]Holy-Ghost gives you to understand, Acts. 17.18. but its no way necessary to acquaint this audience, with the severall particular doctrines and oplnions of these Masters. Only thus, to our present purpose every one of these Masters of learning; they had their Disciples, and their disciple-ship consisted in this, in owning and cleaving to the doctrines, and opinions of their Teachers, as they were doctrines distinct from all other doctrines in the world, upon all occasions letting the world know, by their disputes and professions, by whose name they had chosen to be known and distinguished from other men. Now (as I said) Christians in like manner, derive their name, as other disciples, from their great Doctour, the Lord Jesus Christ, in respect of the particular distinct doctrine of the Gospel (learned from him and that in a singular manner) differing from all other doctrines in the world: John 9 28. VVe are Moses disciples. Mar. 2.18. The disciples of John and of the Pharisees distinguished from Christs disciples. They cannot be called Moses his Disciples *, neither can they be called Iohns Disciples, neither can they be called the Disciples of the first Adam, (considered as in the estate of innocency, as they speak) in respect of their own righteousness; but they are the Disciples of Christ, in regard they own, and cleave to the pure, proper Evangelical truth, those divine, supernatural truths, which are revealed by the Son from the bosome of the Father, which neither Adam in his first estate, nor the children of men since that time, have been able, by strength of rational enquiries, to find out, understand, and entertain; yea such truths, as the holy Angels themselves were not aware of, Iuc 1.31, &c. John 1.14. 1 Tim. 3.16. Ephes. 1.4. Rom. 3.28. Gal. 2.20. Rom: 8:11: Heb: 7:25:26 until revealed, viz. In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God. Joh. 1.1. And the word was made flesh. And great is the mystery of godlinesse (Christian godlinesse) God was manifested in the flesh; and the rest of the doctrine of the Incarnation. Again, Election in Christ before the world began. Iustification by faith without the works of the law. Living by the faith of the Son of God. The i [...]dwelling of the Spirit in the hearts of beleevers. The sending of the Spirit from the Father and the Son, The man Christ Iesus. [Page]The doctrine of Christs intercession at the right hand of the Majesty on high, and that in our nature. With many other glorious Gospel truths, which the Angels desire to look into; thus you may see what I intend by the doctrine of Christ, as distinct from all other doctrines. And surely those that are ignorant of these and other Gospel truths, strangers to this divine learning, cannot properly be called Christians. Indeed Antichrist and his disciples, pretend to be Christians, and disciples of Christ, as you heard, and its true, some of these doctrines forementioned they profess to cleave unto, but that of 1 Titus is verified in them, they professs that they know God but on works they deny him, &c. And because of the admixture of contrary doctrines, summed up in the confession of faith, made at the Councell of Trent, their doctrine may be called a mungrel doctrine, and so their worship, like that set up of old, by the Jewish-Priest, among the several nations, 2. Kings. 17.33.41. they served the Gods of the lands and of the Countries, and they served Iehovah, there was a mixture in their doctrine and worship; and you know, what the learned writers and best schollers that contend against the Papacy, say of them, their doctrine and worship, their whole religion is a Miscelany, made up partly, of the Jewish Doctrines and practises, and partly of the heathenish doctrine and practises, and partly of the doctrines and practises of Christians, but that is the least part, it being composed chiefly of Mosaicall and heathenish institutions, unwritten traditions, and many ridiculous ceremonies: and the more any shall indeavour the introduction of those doctrines which are not taught by the Lord Jesus and his Apostles, the more improbable is it, they should be esteemed the disciples of Jesus Christ, and consequently Christians, at the last day, for as you see he that is a true Christian, understands the truth as it is in Iesus, and receives it and cleaves unto it according to the a [...]. Mary sate at Jesus feet to hear his word, Luc. 10.39. measure of faith given unto him, and as the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith, sitting at Iesus his feet to hear his word, as the manner of Disciples was of old time, b Paul brought up at the feet of Gamaliel, and taught, &c. Acts 22:3. and is unto this day.
Secondly, Christians are so called from Christ, in congruity of reason in this respect, because so soon as they are Christians, there is such a sweet similitude between. Christ and them, in point of conversation, that they mutually and reciprocally resemble each other, to the observation of the Angels and discerning men, where there is a great dissimilitude betwixt the Lord Jesus Christ, and the children of men, there is wanting a ground in reason, to call such men Christians. As it is an utter absurdity, to call the Jews or Turks or wicked persons, Christians, because no similitude in them, because utterly unlike to Jesus Christ, so on the other side where any are found, beleeving as Christ teacherh, and walking as he walked, observed to be in the world, as he was in the world, it is most proper to call and account such as these are, Christians and disciples; and when beleevers grow up to eminency, in faith and practise, reflecting much of the glory of Christ upon the world in these two: Oh then how fitly may they receive this honourable appellation, Christians, Disciples of the highest form, their Profiting appearing unto all. This part of their discipleship is properly called imitation, or following of the Lord. Be ye followers of me as I am of Christ, the words are, [...]. 1 Cor. 11.1. be ye imitators of me. 1 Cor. 11.1. and so 1 Thes. 1. Ye became followers of us and of the Lord, [...]. imitators of us, and of the Lord. And saith Paul, thou hast [...]ully known my doctrine, manner of life. In the margin of some of your Bibles, it is [...]. 1 Tim. 3.12. thou hast been a diligent follower of my manner of life. Now this imitating and following of Christ in the manner of his life, consists in these three particulars, first in being, second in doing, third in suffering; after the manner that Iesus Christ, was, and did do and suffer in the world. A Christians conversation in point of demeanour in the world is like Christs demeanour. First of all they are in the world, as Christ was in the world, not of it, while they are in it; you may know what was the frame and temper, and as I may so say, the d [...]vine Genius of the spirit of Jesus Christ, in regard of his father, how he delighted to converse with God in prayer, and communion with him that [Page]way, by meditation and the like. And you know the genius and property, and the frame of the heart of Jesus Christ towards his Disciples, that had received the same spirit, how much love and delight in their company, to teach them and to reveal to them the great things of God, that they might grow in grace, &c. You know his demeanour and carriage while he was in the world, to Publicans and sinners, how he did reveal the love of God to them in the world, and tels them, that John 3.16. God so loved the world, that he gave his onely begotten Son, that whosoever beleeveth on him should not perish but have everlasting life. And I am he that God the father hath appointed, and sealed; and sent into the world. He did not lift up his voice in the streets, he was not tumultuous nor turbulent, but there was abundance of sweetnesse, meeknesse, and gentlenesse; thus he was in the world, and we should be so in the world, and by how much the more, Christians are like unto Jesus Christ, by so much the lesse, they are of the world, as it is in the 17th of Iohn, in the midst of that chapter, twice repeated by Christ, to the father. Father (saith he) they are not of the world, as I am not of the world.
And then secondly, In respect of their doings, their actions and transactions in the world, they are followers of Christ. For their actings, Jesus christ did not keep al his goodnesse to himself while he lived, and make others the better for him when he died, as the custome of rich men is, they will keep their estates close while they live, and do little or no good That is comparatively or in any proportion to ability and opportunity. in the place of their abode they dy, there is a resurrection of their estates, when they themselves go down to the grave, then their estates shall rise up in their stead, but oftentimes, it attains not the end which they propounded. But now from the time that Jesus christ was anointed at his Baptism, and the holy Ghost came down upon him in the shape of a Dove, and a voice was heard, saying, This is my wel beloved son in whom I am wel pleased, which voice we heard saith Peter) from that time forth for three years and a half, the whole space of his life, Acts 10.38. he went up and down doing good, preaching the Gospel of the Kingdome, healing sicknesses, and performing all duties and offices that belonged [Page]to him as he was the Son of Man, the Man Christ Iesus, & so ought Christians in conformity to him, to have their conversation here in the world, to be willing to distribute, ready to communicate, Christianns popullus per omnia sanctus est, et non in templis tantum et ritibus Ecclesiasticis sed in omni vita, omnitempore, omnibus in rebus omnibus factis ac studiis, nomins & gloriae Christi consecratus, Musc. to order their whole conversation aright, doing what the wil of the Lord is as Christ said I come to do thy will, O God, and so to be imitators or followers of him, not onely in outward demeanour, and behaviour (which yet is exceeding comely and commendable, viz. to be in behaviour, as it becommeth Saints) but also more especially, in our actions, practises, and whole course of life. And moreover observe, Luc. 12.13 When one said unto Jesus Christ, Speak to my Brother, that he divide the inheritance with me, he would not intermeddle in the matter which belonged not to him, but answered, Man, who made me a Iudge, or a Divider among you? He would not be a Busie-body He was [...]. A Bishop of souls, 1 Pet. 2. ult. but not [...], A busie body Bishop. The ambitious Clergy of all ages have been notorious for the contrary witness the Histories of the several Kingdomes round about. in other mens matters. In this thing, all true Christians should approve themselves his Disciples, treading in this very foot-step. Oh take heed of stretching your selves beyond your line; keep within your compasse; shine as bright as you may within your own Orbs; move with as much advantage to the world, in your proper Sphears, as is possible: so many as interpose, and intrude into anothers Province, are utterly unlike to Jesus Christ.
And then Thirdly, in point of Suffering, when Christ was brought before Authority, he did not reproach and vilifie them, but with meeknesse of wisdome, or mock wisdome, spake to Pilate concerning truth, and other matters that passed between them; when he was reviled he reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not, but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously, and saith the Apostle, he hath left us an [...]. Leaving a written copy. And Disciples ought to write after their Masters copy Example, that we should tread in his steps. And truly in all Ages, Genuine Christians have made it a principal part of their care, to approve themselves the diciples of the Lord Jesus in this particular.
Now in the Third place, Christians are denominated from Christ, because they promote his Interest; consider therefore, what is the great Interest of Jesus Christ in its [Page]several parts. First of all, the glorifying the Father in the Son. Secondly, the glorifying himself with the Father. And Thirdly, the convincing the world of Sin, and Righteousnesse, and Judgement by the Spirit. This is part of the great Interest of Jesus Christ, that the world through him might be saved; Now if you are Christians upon the account mentioned in the Text, you will, as Disciples of Christ, 1 Cor. 10.31. carry on his Interest; then whether you eat or drink, or what ever you do, you will aim at the glory of God, 1 Pet. 4.11. that God in all things may be glorifyed through Jesus Christ. And again, if you are christians, Joh. 5.23. you will indeavour that the name of Christ may be magnifyed, and exalted also, as you desire the Father may be magnified, Joh. 17.5. and exalted, Joh. 13.31, 32.
So likewise, It concerns christ nearly, and it is a great part of his Interest, Ioh. 17.23. That the world might know that the Father hath sent him, and that they might know the errandupon which he is sent, the saving of sinners. Now every one of you, who are the Disciples of christ of a truth, should according to his Talent received, say and do, as the Apostle Iohn of himself and others, 1 Ioh. 1.1, 2, 3 That which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled of the wo [...]d of life, That will we declare unto others, that they may have fellowship with us, and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Iesus Christ. It is the property of Disciples, true to their Master, to multiply their number, and gain in others: The Disciples of Christ, christians, have greater cause than any other, to pursue this part of their Masters Interest, and an obligation lies upon them accordingly.
Again, another part of christs Interest, which is very conducible to this honour, so far as it is advanced [...] is, the Psa. 110.1. Heb. 10.13. [...], henceforth expecting till his foes be made his [...]oot stool. making all his foes his foot-stool, the bringing them all down, even under his feet. The present Interest of Christ is the Revealing and destroying of his Grand Enemy. The Autichrist, and the subduing the Kings of the Earth, who have committed Fornication with the Whore [Page]of Babylon, who having one mind, give their power and strength unto the beast, and make war with the Lamb. Rev. 13.2. The Dragon gave him his powet, or army, his seat and great authority. Vide Med. in loc. The interest of the beast is to maintain his power & authority given by the Dragon, even beyond the two and forty moneths allotted to him by divine appointment. The Man of sin, the Son of perdition assumeth to himself, and accepteth from others, names and titles of honour and glory; Nay exalteth himself above all that is called God or worshipped, &c. Openeth his mouth in blasphemy against God to blaspheme his name, at the same time gratifieth the Kings of the earth with magnificent titles, giving to the King of Spain the title of the most Catholick King, to the King of France the most Christian King, to the King Henty 8th. Vid. Fox. Acts and Mon. of England, (for helping the Papacy against Luther.) Defendor of the faith, &c. Now consider it is the interest of Christ in this age, to obscure and stain all this splendor and glory, by his shining forth in the greatest glory, of that mosthonourable title, Lord of Lords, & King of Kings, intended purposely for these times wherein we live. Now therefore, O all ye Christians, that are indeed disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, awake, awake, the enemies of Christ are now to be made his foot-stool, pursue this interest to the utmost in your several places and callings, see to it that you beleeve and rceive a compleat victory over the Beast, and over his Image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name; see to it that you have not his mark either in your fore-heads, or in your right hands, for the Lamb shall overcome and they that are with him, called, and chosen, and faithfull. And this shall suffice for the 3 reason, why the Disciples of Christ are called Christians, because after the manner of true disciples, they promote the proper and severall interests of their Lord and Master Jesus Christ, and those who are otherwise minded, cannot in good congruity of reason, be properly called or accounted christians, look whose interest you most promote his disciples indeed you are. Its a Noble Study seriously to enquire, what is the present great interest of Jesus Christ, and a great honour to all [Page]true Christians to carry it on effectually.
And then fourthly, and chiefly, though lastly. Christians were and are so called from Christ, in respect of the Similitude, nay I may say Identity of their Principles.
For what! though men profess to entertain and receive the truths of Christ, the pure & Evangelical doctrine distinguished from all other doctrines & truths, in the world? what though they should professe to have their conversation in heaven, in respect of holy duties, unblameable conversation and sweet carriage in doing good, and in not being of the world, free in outward appearance from covetousness, and covetous practises, and free from uncleanness, filthiness, and fordidness of living; and what though they should seem to join with the people of God, in carrying on the cause of God, and interest of Christ, against the common enemy; yet if they should be and do all this, and much more then this, if they should not do it from that principle which is proper to Christians, but from a principle of violence from without, or a principle set on work, by virtue of an end, that is not suitable and congruous unto the great end that Christ propoundeth, then certainly all the glory and honour of these men would lie in the dust, notwithstanding all the three former, and this is on purpose brought in, to spoil the claim and title of the best painted hypocrite, or false Christian though acting in the most glorious garb, and carriage of himself.
And therefore mark and consider, what was the principle of Jesus Christ, Here some were observed to sit and [...]eep. from which he acted; (if any of you are sleepy and drowsie, rouze up your selves for this is of great importance.) The principle by which Christ Jesus had his being in the world, and acted, and suffered, and carried on the work that appertained to him, it was the spirit of God as you heard before, in the 61 of Isaiah the first. The spirit of the Lord is upon me and he hath anointed me, the spirit hath anointed me; nay, the spirit is that anointing, in the book of Exodus, a place formerly hinted you, There the composition of that holy anointing oil, which was to be poured upon the type of Jesus Christ, [Page]the high Priest Aaron, and upon his sons, and upon all the holy vessels and utensils of the Tabernacle, is at large described, it is compounded of the richest spices, the most aromatical, the most odoriferous spices, together with the oil Olive an Hin, as it is there expressed in the 30. of Exodus the 23. & 24. Thou shalt take to thee principall spices, of pure Myrrhe five hundred shekels, and of sweet Cinamon, half so much, two hundred and fifty shekels, and of sweet Calamus two hundred and fifty shekels, and of Cassia five hundred shekels after the shekel of the Sanctuary, and of the oil olive an Hin, and this ointment was to be madeafter the Art of the Apothecary, the ingredients to be exactly weighed, as the textspeaks. And thou shaltant ointwith this ointment the Tabernacle, and the Ark, & the vessels, and thou shalt sanctifie them, that they may be most holy, and thou shalt anoint Aaron and his sons and consecrate them, that they may minister to me in the Priests office. Now this was but a Typical representation of that holy anointing of Jesus Christ by the spirit, and the anointing of his sons, his people, his children, his disciples after him.
And in the Canticles, when Christ comes to look after his spouse, comparing her to a garden, my sister, my spouse is a Well inclosed, a Fountain sealed, &c. thy plants are an Orchard of Pome-granates, with pleasant fruits, with Camphire, & Spicknard, & Saffron, Calamus, Crynamon, Myrrhe & Aloes, and the like. Now these spices of Arabia foelix, those aromaticall spices in those hot countries of the world, they are of a most pleasant smell, and as Jesus Christ was made pleasant by the anointing of the holy Ghost, grace was poured into his lips, he spake as never man spake, and grace was poured into his whole conversation, his whole carriage savoured of the sweetness of the spirit of God. So if you are Christians, you are anointed with the self same spirit, if any here say they are Christians, and have not the spirit of Christ, they are not Christians, they are none of his Disciples. For if they were of his Disciples and Christians, they have received [Page]of this anointing, it would run down from him the Head, upon the Officers of the church, and then upon every one, even to the door-keepers of the Churches of the Saints, the ointment will run upon these, and they should smell of it in their conversation, whereever they did walk or speak, sweetness should break forth at their lips, and it could not be but where ever they came, they would smell of that sacred ointment too, of that holy anointing, and their actions, would savour of the spirit of Jesus Christ. Now, this spirit, I should insist upon it, as being the Principle indeed, as it is an informing Principle, as it is an actuating P [...]inciple, as it is an assesting Principle, and as it hath been and is in our spirits, [...]cting with Christs spi [...]rit, so that whatsoever we do as Christians, we should do, going forth in the strength of that anointing. In the 1 Joh. 2. and the latter end, read it over. But that anointing which you have received of him, abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you, but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no l [...]e; and even as it hath taugh you ye shall abide in him; which is a choice scripture, and none understand it (though they understand the Grammar of it, they understand not the Theologie, the Divinity of it) but those that have received it. For Christ in the fourteenth of Iohn, speaking of the Comforter, this Anointing, saith he, which or whom the world cannot receive, for they know him not, but ye know him; for he shall abide or dwell and be in you for ever.
And this shal suffice now, for the doctrinal part, shewing you how in congruity of reason, the Disciples of Christ are called Christians, because they savour and receive the doctrine of Christ, & they are imitators of the Convers [...]tion of Christ, they promote the Interest of Christ, the Principles by which he acted, they likewise act in the world. And indeed a through consideration of these 4 particulars, should marvellously induce Christians, to be ambitious to hold forth the glory and honour of that honourable title [Page] Christians, and Christianity, as becommeth the Disciples of Jesus Christ.
Vse 1 Now in the next place, for application of this Doctrine: the remainder of the time shall be spent that way. Is it so that this honourable title and name [Christians] was given originally unto none but the Disciples of Iesus Christ, unto the Churches of Christ, of a new, Testament form and frame; as you may see in the words before the text. They assembled themselves with the Church a whole year and taught much people and when they became a great company of people, then they had a new name given them, the Discriples were called Christians, &c. then first of all for Information and instruction of all those in this Congregation, that are ignorant of this point. By this we may take a due estimate of the number of Christians in the world, how many there may be in the world. Men heretofore (it may well be) have thought there haue been more Christians in the world than indeed there were. And now its more than probable that divers here present will be more charitable and favourable in their Computation of the number than they ought to be, lest they should exclude themselves. This doctrine will help us to take an estimate of them, thus: By that time all those whose Conversation is in Hell as it were, that make a Hell upon earth, all Divels incarnate you know such there are, the unclean spirit worketh effectually in them, the Children of disobedience, and yet are called Protestants, and called Christians by that time I say these are abstracted; By that time those whose Conversation is upon earth, that are earthly minded men, that mind the world, and the things thereof; By that time I say these are discounted, by that time all those, whose Conversation is between Heaven and Earth, as it were between God and Mammon, they are not down-right Altheists nor Papists, but Protestants, but yet carnall, or loose, o [...] formall at best [Page]as being Christians in an outward garb onely, by that time these are discarded and set aside as utterly Heterogeneal: by that time, this is done, even in this Nation, how many, think you, will be left, concerning whom it may bespoken, and that in truth, that they are Christians, and Disciples of Jesus Christ.
When Diogenes in his time, (he was a very notable Philosopher, Alexander the great much admiring him, saying, if he had not been Alexander, he woud have been Diogenes) when he saw the City in which he lived, falling into so much injustice and wickedness, one day came into the midst of the City with a Candle in his hand at noon day, and being asked what was his meaning to come with a candle in his hand at Noon-day, Oh! saith he, I come to search every corner of the City narrowly, to see if I can find an honest man, in such a multitude of men and women he could not find an honest man. Now by way of allusion, is it not so at this day? when Jesus Christ comes, shall he find faith upon the earth? If before Christ comes, he should now send a Messenger with the Candle of the Lord in his hand into this City, into the Markets, amongst the buyers and sellers; into your shops, amongst the Trades-men. If a man should come with the Candle of the Lord into the Courr of Aldermen, into the Custom-house, amongst those Officers, to all the Committees of Parliament, to the Councell of State, with the Candle of the Lord; and there be looking and espying and searching; and being asked who do you look for, might he not answer. Why if I can find a Christian among so many Christians, if I can find a Disciple of Jesus Christ amongst such multitudes of men and women that cal themselves Beleevers, that call themselves Disciples, but surely they call themselves such, falsly, and in much darkness of mind. For now bring the Candle of the Lord, and look, and observe the difference between the one and the other, and [Page]alas! you can hardly find one of an hundred, Vix centesimus quisque was the usual phrase of Calvin upon such occasions as this. And assuredly, scarce one of an hundred of those that are called and accounted Christians are such indeed. that are in deed and in truth Christians and Disciples. This bringeth to remembrance that of the fifth of Jeremy, and the first verse. Run ye to and fro, through the streets of Jerusalem, and see now and know, and seek in the broad places thereof, If ye can find a man, if there be any that executeth Iudgement, that seek the truth, and I will spare it. Behold here the paucity of true Israelites: so now My Brethren, so many Disciples of Christ in the Parliament, so many Christians and no more; and so many Disciples, real Disciples of Jesus Christ in Common-Councel, in the City, as there are, so many Christians, and no more, not one more. Therefore you had need look to it, you have possibly hitherto, that have least cause to do so, assumed to your selves the most honorable title of Christians, and Beleevers, & Protestants, & Saints & the like, whereas when all those are removed that I spake of before, where shall you find a man that may be so stiled?
Vse 2 Secondly, Hence you may see the mistakes (and the sad consequences of those mistakes) wherein the generality of men in this Nation, and City, and Assembly, (for I will keep neer home, and not expatiate abroad) in what mistakes (and consequences of such mistakes) I say, are such involved, who confidently assume to themselves, and attribute to each other this honourable Appellation of Christians? Do thou sooth up me, and I will sooth up thee; Do thou have a charitable good opinion and esteem of me, and so I will have of thee, say these men one unto another in effect: But now see here your errour, and your danger, and the mistake, and the consequence of it. What if you should argue Ex non concessis? what if you should beg the Question, and desire that may be taken for granted, that is not granted, what wofull mistaking is here? Suppose that you say thus of your selves, and others say thus, that are men, [Page]that judge as Christ saith, [...] iohn 7.24. [...]. rom. 2.2. according to outward appearance; yea, but how if the Head of the Christians, Jesus Christ, the great Doctor of the Chair, should not agree with that determination that thou hast made, that thou art a Christian? for he judgeth according to Truth: What if all the world should call thee such, and at the last day Christ should before all the world, bid thee depart, thou art no Christian, what is the consequence of such a mistake as this is? And therefore Christians you had need go upon sure grounds, and you that are not Christians, or have cause to doubt whether you are soor no, you had need make enquiry from this day forward. So thou that art an infamons person, an odious wretch, for sordid Lusts, thy throat an open Sepulcher, evaporating, breathing out Oaths, Cursings, Blasphemings, thou that hast thy bones rotting through thine uncleanness and filthiness, wilt thou take upon thee, the famous and honourable title of Christianity and a Beleever, dost thou think to carry the cause thus? Why Angels and intelligent men see cleerly thou art no such person, much more doth Jesus Christ see it cleerly that is the Head of Christians. Thou takest the Name of Christian upon thee, even as the Jesuites take upon them the Name of Jesus, it is a sweet Name, an honorable Name, a name of great respect: But now the Jesuites (that are denominated from Jesus) assuming it to themselves, they are the hatefullest men, and the vildest persons in the world, the greatest seducers, So Paul of the unbeleeving lews, Behold thou art called a Jew, and restest in the Law, and mak [...]st thy beast of God. Rom. 2.17. the most bloody and cruel minded men of all the Sects of the Papists. Now it will be a sad case at the last day for thee to be ranked with these men; these men they have as good a Name as thou hast, and as famous and as honourable a Name; as Chrysostome saith of the Name Christian. Yea, but it is not what thou art called but what thou art, that will be enquired into at the last day, however thou carriest it now. * Behold thou art called a Christian, and restest in that [Page]Name, and makest thy boast of Christ; but thou hast eyes full of Adulterie, and thy heart is full of coverous practises, and thou canst not cease to sin; when thou sinnest thou rejoycest, and then thou art most merry and jovial, when there is the greatest cause that thon shouldest be most sad and disconsolate. Now what art thou the better for the Name of a Christian, and Beleever, and a Protestant, no Papist, and the like, if thou be such a base wretch, and so continuest to the end? And therefore you had need seriously to consider this mistake, and the sad consequences of that mistake when you stile your selves Christians, and are not so, when you are accounted so by others, and are not so indeed. But especially I would speak to those that have professed themselves Christians, and so have been taken to be upon a better account than others, in regard of a form of Godliness, and now are fallen off what a sad condition are these men in, who have rejected the word of Christ, despised the Spirit of Christ, speak evil of the Wayes of Christ, account the Ordinances of christ, vain things, in a word have renounced the whole new Testament Unction: and being possessed by an unclean, blasphemous Spirit, account it, and call it their Glory, and their perfection to perpetrate the vilest abominations, without the reluctancy of their own Spirit; what will be the end of these men the Apostle declares in Heb. 10.26. F [...]r if we sin willingly after that we have received the know edge of the Truth, there remaineth no more Sacrifice for sin but a certain fearfull looking for, and expectation of judgement & fiery indignation, which shal devour the adversaries. Give them a portion with Hypocrites, noting to us, that Hypocrites they are the first born of Hell, they have the right of Primo-geniture, a double portion as it were, give him his portion with Hypocrites.
Vse 3 Now thirdly, Here all men may discern as in a [Page]Glasse, how to judge of themselves, and what to set down by way of account concerning their estate, if so be that the question be thus put among you, from the greatest to the least in this Assembly, Art thou a Christian? Yes, But art thou assured of it in the power and light of truth? How knowest thou, thou art a christian? Why now, here is a glasse, whereby thou maiest discern, whereby thou art enabled to enquire and examine out the truth; Why you see plainly, that originally, those were called christians, who were indeed Disciples. The Disciples were called Christians first in Antioch. So that now if thou art indeed and in truth a Disciple of Jesus Christ, thou art a christian. But if thou art none of christs Disciples, but either Moses Disciple, or Mammons Disciple, if thou art a servant to the God of this world, thon art an enemy to christ instead of being a Disciple, an enemy to his Interest, secretly wishing and desiring that this Interest that is now setting up in the world might be undermined and brought to Inought And if thou hast not the self-same Spirit dweling in thee that dwelt in Jesus Christ? If thon art acted by a Spirit of self-love a Spirit of vain Glory, thou art none of Christs, his glorious unction, is not yet poured upon thee. Hast thou learned and walked in the way of the Lord, for, he that saith, he abideth in him ought so to walk, even as he walked, if not, with what face canst thou challenge to thy self the the name of his Disciple; Oh consider I say again, what little cause thou hast to assume to thy self the name of a christian.
If so be that you should see a man with his face and his feet contrary each to other, his face looking upward, forward and upward unto Heaven, and his feet directly turned backward, carrying him backward, downward toward a steep precipice [Page]under which is a pit of destruction, First you would say this is a Monster, this is a Monster, his face one way, and his feet walking another, and leading him backward: And then secondly, you would pity him, he is going to destruction, and sees it not, sees not the precipice, he sees not the pit, the Gulf of destruction underneath, at the bottom of that precipice, you would say he is a Monster and you would pity him. My Brethren this is directly the Description of a Counterfeit Christian; here is a Character now, of abundance of persons in the world, and I fear of many here present, It is true your faces are fixed upwards and toward heaven, towards Christ, towards God, happiness, salvation, you look that way, you profess that way, look in your face, it is a beautifull face, and it is set the right way towards Heaven and salvation, towards God and his Glory, this is your pretence, but look down now upon your feet, and observe your walking, your fect are turned clean contrary to your face, and these feet carrying the body, face, and pretence, and all to Hell, and utter ruine and destruction, such a man is a Monster amongst men, and not a kindly Christian, that is rightly born & rightly begotten of the immortal seed of the Word, born of God and not of man, he is not such a man, but a Monster amongst Christians. And ah, poor Monster whither art thou going, walking, carrying, and drawing thy very face, thy presence, and pretence and demeanour together with thee, down that precipice to eternall destruction. Now although it is true, I cannot determine, which are these in this Assembly, yet he that sits in heaven, and observes all your down-lyings and uprisings, and understands your thoughts a farre off, he sees how many monstrous Christians there are in the world, and here, with their faces towards Heaven, and their feet turned and distorted directly contrary to them. [Page]And therefore it is that in the Ministery of the word this day, he calls out to those Monsters of Christianity that have a beautifull face, a fair pretence and their actions contrary. Take heed, whither are you going, and look after the Precipice, the downfall, the gulf of ruine that is behind you, and that you are going to, and therefore now remember this truth, this glass shews to you who are Christians, who are not, who are Monsters, who have neither the face, nor any thing, no not any proportion of a Christian, and who they are that have any part. No more Christians in this congregation than Disciples, and so many of you as are indeed the Disciples of Jesus Christ, so many may deservedly challenge the Title, the Name, and honourable Appellation of Christians, But I must draw to a conclusion.
Vse 4 In the last place therefore; Fourthly. It is a word of Exhortation to those that are Christians indeed, as you know there were Iews or Israelites indeed, it concerns you, and it concerns your Head, your high Priest (as Christ is called, the Apostle, and the high Priest of our profession, in the third of the Hebrews, and the first. Wherefore holy Brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle, and high-Priest of our Profession, Christ Iesus.) Why now it concerns you to be Christians indeed, and to purpose, not onely to be so, but to be so in the sight of men, as wel as in the sight of God, that tries the hearts. Art thou a Christian cordially, cordially ingaged into the interest of Jesus Christ? Hast thou received this truth? Desirest to be in the world, as Christ was in the world, and not to be of the world, any more then Christ was of the world? dost thou act from the same principles, from the same Spirit in all thy carriage and conversation? [...]en Christians live like your selves? Be in behaviour [Page]as it becometh the Disciples of Jesus Christ; for the time is comming that those that are true Christians shall lift up their Heads when the rest of the world shal hide theirs, and hang them down.
There were four Monarchies, and all of them are distinguished by their severall titles, ending like unto this, Caldeans and Babylonians, Persians, Grecians, Romans, why now the second extinguished the first, and swallowed up the very name of it, the third, Daniel a [...] 34.44. extinguished the second, and the fourth the third, and so they have supplanted each other. Now comes the fifth Monarch the Lord Iesus Christ with his Christians, his Disciples, and Followers, and sets up a new-Government in the world, makes a new Heaven, and a new Earth, reforms all things, and then as the name of the Romans was honourable in their time, so shall the name of Christians be the honourablest name that ever was upon earth, since the first Monarchy & before, and all other Honour shal be but Infamy, in respect of the Honour that shal rest upon Jesus Christ & his Christians in the world, & that upon a voluntary acknowledgment & confession of many of the Nations of the Earth, & those that refuse to set up this Kingdom, shal be made Tributaries to it at least, Nay, Isaiah 60.12. that Nation and Kingdome that will not serve Christ and Christians shall perish, yea those people shall be utterly wasted: All the Dominions under the whole Heaven shall be given to the Saints of the most high, and even now the time, Daniel. 7.27 and times and half a time is almost finished, as it is in the 10th of the Revel: Time shal be no longer then the beginning of the sound of the seveneth Angell, Rev. 11.15 and then the Kingdomes of the world, shall become the Lords and his Christs and his Saints, even theirs that are with him chosen and called and faithfull, and they shall walk with him in white; for they are worthy, and who then but Christ and his people in the world. Now is the beginning of the dawning [Page]of that glorious day, and therefore Christians lift up your Heads, fear not all the Invasions, Insurrections, and Machinations of Antichrist against Christ, they are as nothing, they are but as ropes of sand, all their Counsels shal come to nought, and whatsoever they agree on in their Councill Chambers, they shal never perform in the field, And therefore ye Christians stand fast in that liberty, with which Christ hath made you free, cleave close to that glorious truth of the Gospell; 2 Cor. 5. vlt. He made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousnesse of God in him, and walk in holinesse, without which no man shall see the Lord. Remember whatever the Spirit said to any of the Churches, Rev. 2, & 3. he saith to all the Saints. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the Churches. To him that overcommeth and holdeth out to the end, shal be given a Crown of life, and thus and thus he shall be rewarded. And therefore now, upon the defection and Apostacy of others, do you approve your selves unto Christ, and not onely so, but approve your selves in the world, like the Sons of God, and daughters of God, and like the anointed of the Lord, as having received a great measure of that Anointing, the Spirit being poured out richly upon you, even the Spirit of Jesus Christ. All other Spirits and Interests will be ashamed, and go out like as the lesser stars go out and hide themselves from the rising Sun, and the name of Christ and his Disciples shall be famous from the rising of the Sun to the going down of the same, and such honour shall Christ and all his Saints have, when he comes, Amen come Lord Jesus, come quickly. But this shall suffice for this time.
IN the sheet of B, page 8. line 14. for weie tead were. C p. 3. l. 4. for tween r. between. D p. 2. l. 26. for abode they die r. abode, and when they die. p. 7. l. 3. for richest r. rich. p. 8. l. 5. for whereever r. where ever, E p. 1. l. 37. for Altheists r, Atheists. P. 4. l. 11. for soor r. so or.
As for literal faults in Printing, the favour and help of the Reader is requested, according to custome of courteous dealing in such cases.