A farther Account of the Victory Obtained by the English and Dutch Fleet over the French; Received by Express this Morning from Admi­ral Russell.

Published by Authority.

BY a Letter from Admiral Russell, dated the 24th Instant, when he was at an Anchor before la Hogue, we have this Account, That the Admiral, having the day before sent Vice-Admiral Rooke, with a Squadron of Ships and Fire-Ships, and all the Boats in the Fleet, to burn the Ships that were there penned up; it succeeded so well, that six were burnt that Night, and six more the next Morning. Of these, six were Three-Deck-Ships, and the other six from Sixty to Seventy Guns, and one Ship of Fifty six Guns was overset, and utterly lost; so that the whole num­ber in that Bay was destroy'd. The Men in the Boats behaved themselves so bravely, that they took possession of several of the Enemies Ships, and beat the French with their own Guns from their Platforms.

The Fleet is now so disposed upon the Coast of France, that if there be any more French Ships thereabouts, we may hope to have a good Account of them.

Printed by Edw. Jones in the Savoy. 1692.

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