ENgland's S t GEORGE, who did the Virgin Free
From Dragon's Jaws, was but a Type of Thee.
Thou (Noble George!) That Saint surpasses farr;
(Moncks Name alone hath quench't our Flaming Warr)
Hee, but One Dragon Slew, One Virgin Freed,
But Thou three Kingdoms hast Redeem'd, (Blest Deed!)
Redeem'd from numerous Dragon's Tearing Paws,
(Who Kill'd our King, and Trampled on our Laws)
Monsters of Monsters! (O most strange Defeat!)
And yet Thou did'st not either Fight or Treat.
All this so calmly, with such Silence too,
And so much Speed, Thou did'st Thy Self out-do.
The King is so oblig'd, Himself doth owne
'Tis by Thy Conduct, Hee Ascends the Throne.
And our Three Nations All, All jointly do
Court Thee by Statues, and Adore Heaven too.
Three Kingdoms Th'hast United; (A new way!)
The King Hee thanks Thee, and the People pay
To Thee a Second Duty: Happy Thou,
To whom Three Nations unconstrained Bow.
What Powerfull Charms in sweetest Harmony
Surround thy Soul, Virtues Great Prodigy?
Thy Valour hath been try'd by Sea and Land,
And Thou best know'st on either to Command.
So Worthily Thou hast thy Self Behav'd,
Love in the Hearts of Both Sides is Ingrav'd.
Well may Our Island Boast, to have brought Forth,
A Man so Modest, of such Mighty Worth.
Succeeding Times shall Wonder at the Fame
Wee Justly Give, and Celebrate thy Name.
Thy Glorious Statue (of Corinthian Brass)
Shall stand, whil'st Time is Time, (the Looking-Glass
Of Thy Great Acts) And stiled Thou shalt be
The Guardian ANGEL of Our Monarchie.

LONDON, Printed by John Macock. May 22. 1660.

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