A ROD To drive out the Wilde Bores, AND Subtill Foxes, From amongst the VINES That the Vineyard may be kept cleer.

OR, A GIFT, Sent to the PRIESTS; To let them see themselves, that they may acknowledge their Errors, and upon them own their condemnation to be just and right, now the truth doth so plainly appear.


London, Printed, and are to be sold by Giles Calvert, at the Black Spread-Eagle at the west end of Pauls, 165 [...].

THey who claime Tythes as a divine right, professing them­selves to be Ministers of Christ, and the new Covenant, have long deceived the people, seeing neither Christ, nor his Gospel Ministers ever practised any such things in that Covenant, who were made able Ministers thereof, to preach the Gospel for Gospel allowance without Tythes, as hereafter will appear, and also without a set maintenance, of 20. 40. 60. 100. or 200 l. by the year.

2. They who profess themselves to be Ministers of Christ, and transgres­seth, not abiding, in his Doctrine, have not God, 2 Iohn 9. and are not to be received by believers; but such are the Priests of these times; therefore receive them not into your house, neither bid them God speed, least you in so doing be made partakers of their evil deeds, 2 Iohn 9.10, il.

3. They who claime Tythes of the people, from that of Melchizedeck meeting Abraham, when he returned from the slaughter of the Kings after the Conquest, and blessed him, who then freely without any Command, or known Law, than voluntarily for his blessing, gave him the tenth of spoils, returning the rest into their places, at that present, Tythes being a free-will offering, and no command, neither was they then given by a Law, nor any more there to be done, neither to Melchizedeck nor his successors that were after his order, therefore according to that of Melchizedecke, tythes was not after his order for succeeding ages; but there begun, and ended in that thing never done before, nor after according to that order: but the Priests of these times, who call themselves Ministers, that take Tythes of the people, before their enemies are conquered and subdued, and hath no blessing for them neither, but before conquest take tythes of the people, and compel them to pay them by a Law successively, such are not after Melchizedeck the fygure, and then likeness of Christ not the substance, but Christ is now come the greater, who is the end of all Figures, and likeness of him, and he now raignes, who is after Melchizedeck, and over, who endures for ever, the end and substance, and sum of all things before, and after Abraham, and the Types, in the life and power of truth, over all God blessed for ever: Therefore the Priests of the world, who call themselves Gospell ministers, but are not, but by their Logick, fallacies, and Philosophy, which is vain deceit, Colos. 2.8. hath in that long deceived the people; and if they could have pro­ved that they had been as Melchizedeck was when he met Abraham, which they could not, but if they had, they were but to have taken Tythes of the Army, to wit the tenth of the spoiles only, and not before, but after the Conquest, provided, that they had brought them forth from God a blessing, and if the Souldiery would freely, they might have given them a tenth out of the spoiles, but not out of mens estates, but no command for tenths out of the Spoils; it might have been a free-will offering only, at one time and no more, Gen, i4. answering that in Heb. 7.

4 They who take not of the Souldiery only, but countrey also, not the tenth of spoils, but mens labours are contrary to Melchizedecks order, [Page 2] therefore from that to be denyed; and they who take tenths also before the conquest whilest people are burthened with Sin, and Sinful, oppressed by their enemies, and adversary, are there also contrary; so they likewise who neither meet the Conqueror, nor bring forth for him any blessing, where the Conquest is, such have no right in that to receive a gift, the tenths of the spoils only, therefore are these by such conquerors and souldiers to be denied, for such are not after the order of him, who was, and is, in the time of free­will offerings before the Law, and witnessed through the Law, in the same place out of Egyt, where Abraham dwels, and his seed that are in Abraham to see the end upon the rock, witnessing the antient of days through the Cloud, re [...]nder, and then stand over, where the Priests of the world stand out, who are the usurpers ruling in Tyranny over the people, bond and free, in that compelling people to pay tythes by a Law, before they have conquered their enemies, and have no blessing for them that are returned, who divide the spoile, and now begin to blossome, seeing them (the Peiests) who have lost and are without the blessing, and themselves yet under the curse, as Ham was, who lives in the disobedience to Christ, and the New-Covenant, being by nature and in it, yet the children of wrath, serving diverse lusts and pleasures, who are not after the order of Melchizedeck, neither before the Law, with such yet, as follow the error of Balaam, who go on in the ways of Cam, Iude 1i. Gen. 3. but such are the Priests of the world, who call them­selves Ministers of the Gospel, having no other proofe nor warrant but to say so, as those who said they were the children of Abraham, and said, God was their Father, but had no other proofe but to lay so, for their natures proper­ties, and actions declared the contrary; so that Christ the Gospel spirit told them, they were of their father the Devil, and his works they would do; and if I say so to you the Priests and national Ministers, your fruits declare the same; to wit, that you are of your father the Devil, oppressing the people, and this spirit that tels you so, is not Ungospel-like, but agreeing thereunto, Iohn 8.45. Mat. 20. the 34. There you the tything Priests are by the faithful Abrahamites to be denyed, and your wayes by them is to be again to others testifyed, Ephes. 5. i1. You, and your wayes, and worships being with them weighed and tryed, and now are found with Nebuchadnezar, and belshazar, who have not humbled your selves, also to be too high, and your Kingdom is to be taken from you, Mene, Mene, Tekel, Eupharsin. Dan. 5.26.27, 28.

5 The Priests, who call themselves Ministers, are proved to be contrary to Melchizedecks order before the Law, in receiving Tythes, and now also contrary to the Aacronical and Levitical order, not doing their service for the Tythes, a peculiar gift to the Aronicall and Leviticall Priesthood, having no other inheritance, and so set apart and ordained for that service in its time, and after ended, therefore the Priests are without all order for that, and no ways can prove their right to them, but from Popes to bishops, and so to Priests their successors, therefore from the Popes father are they risen [Page 3] up to them, and they from the Pope, and the Pope from the Devil; up Priests to the sides of the pit, for now about your Tythes are you weighed and tryed, turn under, they who had a command to receive Tythes, had no other inhe­ritance, Numbers 18.20. to the 25, &c. and were set apart to serve in the Aaronicall and Leviticall Priesthood, and had the Tythes a peculiar gift for that service onely, during that Ministration; then these that claime Tythes by a Law, and are not Aaronicall and Leviticall, who do not the service therein contained in that Law, under that Priesthood, and are without their order, who do not their service, are deceivers of the people, and nations, which God is against; but such are the Priests of the world, who takes tythes, who call themselves Ministers of the Gospell, but are neither after the Legal order, nor Gospel Ministration, therefore are they to be denyed by all those that witness Christ Iesus come in the flesh; and to put an end to the Aroni­call and Leviticall Priesthood, and is of another Tribe, to wit, the Tribe of Iudah, that had no command to take Tythes, who now raignes over all, God blessed for ever. And it is the Summe of Abraham, the Summe of Melchize­deck, of Aaron, and Levi, and of all things contained in the Law and fyrst Covenant, which is disannulled and another now establisht upon better pro­mises; for he took away the fyrst that he might establish the second, who now liveth, the Saints High Priest, and sum of all things [...]s here spoken of, over all God blessed for ever, who is able to save to the uttermost all those that come to God by him, the summe and substance of all things there spoken of, Heb. 7.8, 9, i0, cap.

7 They who say they are Ministers of Christ and the Gospel, and take thought and care before-hand with a people, or before they settle with a people, agreed with to have Tythes or a set maintainace, so much by the year, such reject Christs Counsel, and shew their distrust and infydelity, there­fore no Ministers of his, seeing that Christ Iesus, the deare Sonne of God, and only begotten of the Father, when he sent his Ministers into the world to preach his Gospel, and to turn people from darkness to the light; he said to them that he sent forth, take no thought what yee shall eat, nor what you shall drink, nor wherewith you shall be cloathed, for after these things do the Gentiles and Nations of the world seek and look after; they went upon that account, to wit freeiy and wanted not, Mat. 6.25.26. Luke i2. 22 23, Neither had they any set means; but such as distrust, and are not willing to serve Christ upon that account, are not content with Gospel allowance, but take thought and care before for earthly things, are carnally minded which is death, Rom. 8. VVho have set maintenances agreed for by the year before hand, contrary to Christs Counsel and Gospel order therein, but such are national and ungospellike Ministers, who contemn Christs Counsel and au­thority, and despising that good Gospel order and dominion; therefore such in that nature, are no Ministers of Christ, nor the Gospel, but are with the world in their ways, and worships, customes, and vain Heathenish observa­tions, and though the subtil Foxes have holes, and the birds of the ayre have [Page 4] nests, yet the light which changeth not, lets us see all subtil deceitful spi­rits, and roving minds, which fly from the light, and dare not appear before it to be tryed with it, yet to that light which searcheth the heart, and con­demns al deceivers in secret, for acting contrary to it; to that light am I made manifest though shut up from all dark minds, for light shineth in darkness, but da [...]kness comprehendeth it not, Iohn. i. 5.

8. Christ Iesus said unto his Ministers, be not ye called of men Masters; Mat. 23.8, i0. He that saith he is a Minister of Christ and the Gospel, who taketh upon him to be called of men Master, hee therein disobeys (pre­sumptuously) Christs command, and shews by that his contempt to Gospel-order, and to Christs authority and so despiseth his dominion and govern­ment, and wil none of his counsel, then none of his Ministers, Mat. 23. Ioh. 5, 38, 39, 40, 4i, 42, 43, 45. but such was the Pharisees, and Iewish High Priests, and such are the Priests of the world, or Nationall Ministers now, who are out of Christs counsell and doctrine; therefore no servants of Christ, nor Ministers of the Gospel, but enemies to Christ, and rebels to his Power, as the Pharisees, and Chief Priests were, who now despise his spiri­tual dominion, and his true Gospel Government, as such in their nature did, and greater will their damnation be, Mark i2. 38, 39, 40.

9. Such as stood praying in the Synagogues, and had the chiefest places there, laid heavy burthens upon the people, and grievously to bee borne, such were against Christs Coming in the flesh, and were then enemies to Christ and the Gospel, and such Christ cryed wo unto them, Mat. 23.

But such are the Priests of the world, or national Ministers now that do as they did, therefore are they ungospellike, and no Ministers of Christ, but enemies against Christs appearance in the Spirit, and as the chiefe Priests, and Scribes, and Pharises their fore fathers were, who follow their example, and are out of all Gospel order, example, practise, fellowship, & government, that are in that nature, & the woes is unto such now, and the vengeance from God they cannot escape, therefore people of such beware, least you perish with them, for tis like Priests, like people in their nature, and deceivableness of unrighteousness, and if the blind lead the blind, shall they not both fall into the ditch, such leaders of the people cause them to err, and they that are led of them are destroyed, Hosea 4. i0. Mat. i5. i7. I say 9. i6.

i0. The Ministers of Christ were, and are content with Christs allowance to wit, meat, and drink, where they were received, being sent into the world, of such as do in his name receive them, for the workman is worthy of his meat, and the labourer worthy of his hire, Gospel Ministers that labour in the word and doctrine were, and are to have Gospel allowance by Christ opening the hearts of people to receive them, and having food and rayment, they are therewith content, which is their wages, or hire, Gospel allowance for Gospel labour, not Tythes, nor hundreds, nor twenties of pounds by the year, but into what house they entred, or enter into, Town or City, provided, that they fyrst enquire in it who are worthy, and Gospel Ministers were, and [Page 5] are to eate and drink in such places what they set before them, whilest in such places they stayed, and do stay, and was and is their reward in that case, and Gospel allowance, and he, or they who say they are Gospel Ministers, and are not content with Christs allowance, Luke [...] and Mat. i0. 8.9.10. are none of his Ministers that break Gospel orders, as to take Tythes of mens labours, or Silver, or Gold, by the summe of 20. 40. 60, 100. or 200 l. by the year, but such that break Gospell orders, as the Priests of the world, and national and ungospellike Ministers do, that are in Masteries, oppression, usurpation, pride, vain-glory, and have their set-maintainances, and the people bound by a Law to pay them their sums, &c. not being content with Gospel allowance, as food, and rayment, i Tim. 6.7, 8. Therefore no Mi­nisters nor true Apostles of Christ, but of Antichrist, who do not abide in Christs Doctrine.

1i. If the Ministers of Christ, and the Gospel were not made Mini­sters by the will of man, then not at Universities six or seaven years, as na­tionall and ungospellike Ministers are now, and have been long under the antichristian reigne, who were made ministers for nationall maintainances by mans will, contrary to Gospel order therein that were and are so: but the Ministers of Christ were not, neither are made Ministers of his Gospel by mans wil, therefore not at Universities as nationall and ungospellike mini­sters are; for I certifye to you brethren, that the Gospel which I preach unto you, I received it not of man, then not at an University, neither was I taught it of man, then not at Colledges by mans will there, but by the Re­velation of Iesus Christ, as doth appear, Gal. i. ii, i2, 15, i6. Ephes. 3.2, 3.

i2. Christ Iesus himself said, who had all power given him both in Hea­ven and in Earth, that no man knows the Father but the Son, neither knows any man the Son, but the Father, and he to whomsoever the Son reveals him. Mat. ii. 27. Luke i0. 22. Then they that deny revelation, deny that Ministry which stands out of mans will, to wit, the Ministry of Christ in the Spirit, and they also that deny revelation, deny both the Father and the Son, and the Gospel order in the Ministry, and mystery therof: But such as deny that are the University men, and even the Priests of the world and nationall Ministers made by the wil of man, therefore such are not the Ministers of Christ nor the Gospel, but by believers and the chiidren of the light to be denyed. 2 Iohn 9.10. ii.

i3. They are beloved of Christ, and Friends indeed, that keepeth Christs Commands, but such are enemies that keepeth not Christs commands; and he hath in his Doctrine said by command, be ye perfect, as your Father which is in heaven is perfect; Heb. 6. i. i2. 22, 23. Colos. i. 25 26, 27, 28. then they which preach and say, men cannot be perfect, they cross the Scriptures, and contradict Christs Action, Doctrine, and Command therin contained, such are Antichrists Mi­nisters, as are against Christs Ministery, which is for the perfecting of the Saints, Mat. 5.48. Ephes. 3. ii, i2. but such are the Priests of the VVorld, or [Page 6] national, and ungospellike Ministers; therefore such are no Ministers of Christ, but enemies against Christ, and his Gospel, who bring a contrary doctrine to Christ, Colos. i. 27, 28. i Cor. 2.6. and his Gospell-Ministers.

They say, men cannot be perfect, when Christ commands to be perfect, and the Gospel ministers preached wisdome to such as were perfect, and if by Christs ministry some were made perfect, then by the same others may, but some by his minestry were made perfect, therefore I may, as they were, i Cor. 2.6. Heb. 12.22, 23. i Iohn. 4 i6, i7. Rev. i4. 4.5. And they that bring a contrary doctrine to Christ and his Gospel ministers, such are to be held accursed, and such as love not the Lord Iesus Christ, who do not keep his commands, but teach to transgress and break them, by perswading peo­ple to cont [...]nue in Sin, saying, they must not nor cannot there be set free from sin, which is the Devils work, and in his Kingdom, therefore such teachers are to be held accursed, for hee that commits Sin is of the Devill, Galath. i. 8, 9. i Cor. i6.22. Rom. 6. i6. Iohn 8.34. i Iohn 3.8.

i4 They that say Paul the Gospel minister took wages of hypocrites, are lyars of the man of God, and therein erre from the truth, and so shew a spi­rit of error; but one did say so, to wit, VVilliam Sheffield high Priest of Ip­stock, therefore a lyar, and the Lake is for such, Revel. 2i. 8.

i5. Those that by fallacies would prove a lawfulness to take Tythes or wages, 20. 40. 60. i00, or 200 l. by the year, for telling their lyes, and plead that place of Scripture, 2 Cor. ii. 8. as thou Sheffield did, adding to it thy fallacies, and lying divinations to colour over thy deceivableness, but the light sees thee, and all such under such pretences to wrest the Scriptures therein, but such are the Priests of the world, and thou one with them, that pleads for hire of the world, and wages of hypocrites, or set maintainances of Churches so called, that are in the hypocrisie, from that by the year as aforesaid, therefore do you and such like wrong the man of God, and are wresters of his words and the Scriptures, for your selfe-ends to your own de­struction, 2 Pet. 3. i6.

i7. Paul the true Gospel minister, preached freely to the Corinthians unto them the Gospel of God, 2. Cor. 11.6, 7. And that which he calls aobbing other Churches, was not taking of Tythes, nor having 20, 40, 60, 100, or 200 l. by the year, as the Priests of the world, and ungospellike ministers have now: for Paul saith to the Corinthians, that he robbed other Churches taking wages to do them service; and saith he to the Corinthians, when I was present with you, and wanted, I was chargeable to no man, but you na­tionall Priests cannot truly say so, when did you go out to call a people out of the world, and plant them, and take nothing all at that time of them, no not to supply wants, who your selves are chargeable to the people and bur­thensome, and that work yet unwraught by you, but the Gospell ministers who laboured in the word and doctrine, do judge your practise, that never yet went freely to call out of the world, and plant, and in that time take no­thing of them, and when you wanted, was chargeable to no man among [Page 7] them, but took of your brethren only, to supply wants, and so eat of trees to spare young plants, and took but of your brethren to supply wants, as to buy you a Coat in your labor, one being wo [...]n, or to buy a paire of shooes, or an Hat, or some needful and necessary things in want only: You have not yet so done according to Gospell allowance and order, being out: but my beloved Paul, and fellow labourer in his planting time, spared the Corinthians, and preached to them the Gospel of my father freely, as aforesaid, and in his want and necessity took nothing of the Corinthians: but the brethren which came from Macedonia supplyed his wants, and that was the wages and robbery he speaks of, and if they were brethren, then not hypocrites, 2 Cor. i1. 9. Heb. 2.11. Therefore Sheffield here I have proved thee a lyar, in saying Paul took wages of hypocrites, and if hee took but to supply wants, then not to lay up in store, but he did but take of the brethren only, and to supply wants, therefore not to lay up in store, as you hypocrites do, for he said, having food and rayment, he was therewith content, 1 Tim. 6. Therefore sylence Sophisters, Philosophers, and vain deceivers.

If the Apostles counted it a robbery to spare the Corinthi­ans, when he wanted necessaries, Isa. i1. 7, 8, 9, i0, ii, i2. Tit. i. 7. Act 20.33 34, 35. in taking to supply his wants of those brethren that came from other places, to wit, from Macedonia, and to cut of all occassions from them that sought occasyon, then he was blameless and chargeable to no man, but so it was; therefore he was blameless as the Steward of God, and he was chargeable to no man, and went not beyond his power, which he had to eat and drink with the Corinthians, i Cor. 9.4. And one with Gospel allowance by Christ, Mat. 10.8, 9, i0. Luke i0. 5.6.7. And he did not go beyond his power and seale of his ministry, i Cor. 9. in sparing the Corinthians, and receiving a supply of the brethren. Yet he spa­red the Corinthians, to wit, in his necessity, and coveted no mans Silver or Gold, then that may condemn you the nationall Ministers, that take care be­fore-hand for set maintainances, and bind people by a law to fulfill your tale not of brick but money, or moneys worth, if they be grievously oppres­sed and burthened for it, but if others want and starve, so you have it, it grieves you not, therefore are you task-masters, and oppressors, and no Gospel mi­nisters.

i9. If you might take of none but the seale of your Ministery for supply only, you might have but little, except you were better workmen then you are, and planted better plants then yet you have, set proud ones aside, set co­vetous ones a side like your selves, set drunkards a syde, lyars, swearers, op­pressors, couzeners, cheaters, haters, backbiters, vain-talers and workers of iniquity asyde, and few you would have left to seed, and feed on, and if you take such for your plants that are rooted in inquity, who also live in Sin, and plead for it then keep to them only to feed, and feed on, and let all that de­part from iniquity, and who are growing out of Sin up into purity, who are planted and planting in the endless light beyond your dark apprehensions, [Page 8] let them alone I warn you, and charge you, as you wil answer it in the pre­sence of the Lord, meddle not with them, live on your zeale only, keep out of the Vinyard, which you have not planted, and feed you the Serpents which you have begotten, and also feed your selves on the sower grapes, such as you have sowen reap, i Gal. 6,5. 20 Let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoycing in himself alone, and not in another, and if you say, let him that is taught in the word, communicate to him that teacheth in all good things, Gal. 6.5; 6. I say so let him do it, then do not you compel or constrain any to do it, least you wrest the Scripture, or add, and the plagues be added to you for so doing, Rev. 22.18. and be not deceived, for God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he reap, he that soweth to the flesh, shall of the flesh reape corruption, but such are the devils seeds men, or Ministers of the world, not of the word, your crop is e­ven ripe, that which you have been long sowing, is now growing, you have sown to the flesh, and it doth spring forth, and now appear, and is readie for the Sickle, pride grows tall even readie for the fyre, Malach. i1. i. Oppres­sion, and wickedness grows hard even ready for the hammer and the flame, Ierem. 23.29. Hypocrisy, dissimulation, vain-talking, foolish jesting, envy wrath, and persecution, grows up in your Fields, springs from the North, up into the South, there it is sound in that untilled ground, where wickedness and ungodliness begins to abound; you idle labourers, your reward will be just judgment for your portion, all such are untaught yet in the word; there­fore let the good things alone to whom they do belong, and read where you are, Rom i. 28.29. Rom. 3. i2, i3. i9. Isay. 59.9. 2 Thess. i. 8, 9. Rev. 2i. 8.27. Psalm. 9. i7.

2i He or they that take nothing but of such as they have taught in the word, provided, that they communicate freely without constraint, Gal. 6.6 [...] Then Silence proud Priests, and stop your mouths, where pride is, such are yet untaught to deny it, and wo to the crown of pride, Isay. 3. i6. i7. to the end. Isay 28. i. Such you are also shut out of, because they are untaught in the word, that lives and takes pleasure in pride, and Filthiness; therefore take no­thing of them, nor none in their nature that are yet untaught in the word to deny their evil deeds, and that Scriptures no cover for you, but leaves you bare, and is a whip to scourge you out of the Saints priviledges, who are out of their practises, where covetousness and oppression, vain-talking, foolish jesting, drunkenness, and such is ruling and acting in people, they are yet untaught in the word, i Cor. 6.9. i0. Ephes. 5. i, 2, 3, 5.6, 7. For they that are taught in the word, are to lay aside all superfluity of naughtiness, and to receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save their souls, Iames, i. 2i. and they that are taught in the word are come to the beginning, their Sins are forgiven, and they have overcome the wicked one, overcome the Devil, i Iohn 2. i3. i5. but such as continue in wickedness, and plead for Sin, and a continuance in it, are yet the Devils Subjects, therefore Sin reigns [Page 9] in them so the Devil, and such are untaught in the word; Iohn 8.34. Rom. 1. 28i &c. Rom. 6. i6. i Iohn 3.8. by the rule as aforesaid, if you have no­thing but of such as are taught in the word, provided, that they communi­cate freely without constraint, Gal. 6.6. You wil be cut out of your own flock, who appear to be yet untaught in the word by Scripture, and their own practise, which differs from the Saints, and the Saints you are not to meddle with whom you have not taught in the word, but the Lord alone, who is their teacher by his spirit, Luke i2. i2. Rom. 8. i. and with it through his chil­dren, Isa. 54. i3, i5. Iohn 6.55. Iohn i4, 26. Heb. 8. i [...], 1i. Ex­cept they see you hungry and give you a peice of bread, or thir­sty, and give you drink, or bare-foot, and give you a paire of shooes, or naked, and give you a Coat, or somthing to cover your nakedness, though you be enemies, it is not for your sakes that they are bound to do it, but for the love they bare to Christ, Rom. i2. 20, 2i. Mat. 5.55. &c. There­fore silence Priests, let the Saints conditions alone, for you are out of their life, where Pride, Envie, VVrath, Maliciousness, Hypocrisie, Disimulation, and ungodliness, is ruling, and acting, such are taught by you to deny it, therefore yet untaught in the word, you are from that Scripture also to let them alone, they are not to communicate, Mat, 3.2. i Cor 3. i3. because un­taught in the word, but such is the fruits which you have sowne to the flesh, now reap your corruptions, and make readie for the fyre Malach. 4. i. Isa. 66. i5, i6. Psal. 9. i7. Mat. 25. 5i. to the end.

Conclusion to these.

THe Grace of God teacheth us, and all that obey it, to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts, Tit. 2. ii, i2. And such we witnesse with, for they that are Christs, have crucifyed the flesh with the affections and lusts Gal. 5. And those that live in the spirit and walk in the spirit, who are not sayers, but doers of the word, such we own, Gal. 5.25.2 [...]. and you the Priests and Mational Ninisters we deny, who are in the flesh, and walk in the flesh, and desyrous of vain-glory; who are sayers, but not doers; therefore keep out from amongst the Vines, and spoil them not you subtill Foxes, least you be taken in the snare, and catched in the trap, this is a war­ning for you, and a Rod to drive you out from the Saints priviledges, being out of their practises.

This paper I was moved to write, after there was to have been a meeting be­tween the chiefe Priests, some of them in Leicestershier, and some of those the world calls quakers.

R. Farnworth.

If Paul and the Gospel Ministers were examples for others to follow after, and if in preaching the Gospel for their worke they coveted no mans, Silver nor Gold, that the Gospel might be free, and they chargeable, nor burthensome to no man, then they who in these days profess themselves mi­nisters of the Gospel, and do not follow such for their example, but covet mens Silver and Gold, and goods, constraining and compelling, people to pay them their demands, and under a pretence to wit, for preaching their brain imaginations from the letter, which they call gospell, thereby they are both chargeable and burthensome to people, and are contrary to the Gospell Ministers therein, and out of their Gospel example, practise and order, and so are no Ministers thereof, but such are the Priests of the world, or Ministers of man, therefore no ministers of Christ nor his Gospell, who said, be ye followers of God, as deare children, and walk as you have us for an example, and now bre [...]hren saith the true Gospel minister, I commend you to God and the word of his grace, which is able to build you up and give you an inheritance, among all them that are sanctifyed; and also saith hee, I have coveted no mans Silver, or Gold, or Apparel, but have Preached the gospel of God freely, what is my reward, then verily, that when I Preach the Gospel, I may make the Gospel of Christ without charge, &c. Acts. 20.32.33. Ephes. 5. i. 2. Cor. 1i. 7. i Cor. 9. i5, i6, i7, i8, i9.

If the Ministers of the Gospel were content with foode and rayment, and exhorted to avoid the love of money, for it was and is the root of all evill and while some coveted after it they erred, and do erre from the faith and so pierced & do pierce themselvs through with many sorrows, but the Man of God was to flye those things and is, to wit, the love of Money, and not take it for preaching of the gopel by 20, 40, 60, i00, or 200 l. by the yeare; then they who do so, shew their lust running out, and love after that to wit, money, and so flees Righteousness, Faith, Love, Meeknesse, and pierce themselves thorow with the many sorrows, and do that which Gospell Ministers did not, leaving undone what in the Gospel is required; then they that do so contemn gospell counsel and order therein, so shewing a Spi­rit of error, and they thereby do appeare to be no Gospell Ministers, that contemn Gospell Counsell, and breake Gospell discipline, and order, but such as do so are the Priests of the VVorld and Nationall or Ungospellike Ministers that love Money, and make it the ground of their Gospell: for fyrst, they agree for tythes or 20. 40. 60, i00. or 200. l. by the year, so following that the Apostles and true Gospel Ministers did not; who said, having food and rayment, let us therewith be content, but they that will bee richfall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtfull Lusts, which drowne men in de­struction and perdition, for the love of Money is the Roote of all Evill, which while some coveted after (as the Priests of these times do) they er­ [...]ed from the Faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows; but [...] men of God and Ministers of the Gospell did and do flee these things, [Page 11] i Tim. 6.8.9. i0. ii. Therefore the Priests of the world are contrary to the men of God, and no Gospell Ministers, therefore sylence deceivess, and stop your Mouthes.

If Christ Iesus himselfe nor the Ministers of the Gospel never sprinkled any Infants nor gave no express Command for the same, their sprinkling Infants is no Ordinance of Christ; but neither Christ Iesus nor any Gospell Ministers did never sprinkle any Infants nor give no expresse Com­mand in all the Scripture for the same, therefore Sprinkling of Infants is no Ordinance of Christ, but a Marke of the BEAST, Revel. i3. i6, i7. Then they who now professe themselves Ministers of the Gospell, and do so, to wit, sprinkle Infants and call it an Ordinance of Christ, when nei­ther Christ nor his Gospel Ministers never practised such a thing to such Objects, nor laid down no express Command in the Scripture for the same, such as do sprinkle Infants are without the Gospel order, and that is no VVork in the Gospel, and they who Minister such things to such Objects, are no Gospell Labourers nor Ministers thereof, but such are the tything and hireling Priests, therefore no Gospell Labourers nor Ministers thereof, but deceivers of the Nations for their owne end, with their braine Ima­ginations. If that be no Gospell Labour which stands in the will of faln man, as to Preach by an Hour-glasse and as they please, when they will, and how they will, according to the fancies of their braine, or to speake a divination of their own braine, according to their will, Stealing the words of their Neighbours, to speak for their owne ends as the false Prophets did Ieremies, 23. 3i. 32. Then such are no Gospel Labourers that do so, they that do so are no Gospell Labourers but vain deceivers, which God is against but such are the Priests of the world or Nationall and Ungospellike Mini­sters, under what notion soever, therefore no Gospell Labourers but vain-deceivers, and the Curse is to such, and they are to be held accursed Gal. i. 8.9. i Cor 16.22. For the Ministers of Christ are not made by the will of man, Gal. i. i, ii. i2. 2. Tim. i. i. neither do they labour therein according to the wil of man, but speak as they are moved by thy Holy Ghost, as the holy men of God did, and speak not after mans wil, but as the spirit gave them utterance, and now giveth them utterance, as Gospell labou­rers do and aforetime did, as it is proved by their practise, and Scripture, who follow the example of the holy man of God, and Ministers of the Gospel, and labourers therein, Ezek. 3. 2 Pet. i. i9. 20. 2i. Acts 4. 3i. Isai. 48.16. Isai. 6i. Acts 2.4. Luke i2. i2. If that be no Gos­pel labour to pray before preaching and after, that stands in mans will, with­out the Spirit and Spirituall understanding, then such as do so shew a spirit of error, and are no Gospel Ministers nor labourers therein, but such are the Priests of the world or nationall and ungospellike Ministers that are out of all Gospel order therein, therefore no Gospell labourers nor Ministers there­of as their fruit makes them manifest, who altogether act contrary to the ministers of Christ in the gospel ministration, & so are no ministers thereof, [Page i2] for the Apostles and Gospel Ministers did not make it their custome to pray before and after, when they spake to the people, i Cor. i4. i5. Rom. 8.26.27. Acts 2.4. Neither did they pray without the Spirit, and spirituall under­standing, as the Priests of the world that are out of the life of truth do, but Gospel Ministers did preach by the Spirit, and pray with the Spirit and the Spiritual understanding, as the Spirit gave them utterance, and somtimes after, but not customarily as Priests do; Acts 20.36. If that were no Gospel labour to set ignorant people to sing Davids conditions in Rime and Meeter, and so to teach them to Sing Lyes in hypocrisy, as the Priests teach people now to Sing without understanding, and so lie in hypocrisy, and saying they are not puft in mind, when they are puft in mind, saying also they have no scornful eye, when they have scornful and lustful eyes, and much more in that nature, then they that do so are not Gospell labourers therein: but it was no Gospell labour to do so, to wit, as aforesaid, therefore such who labour with deceit are no Gospel labourers, but such are the Priests of the world, or nationall and ungospellike Ministers: now therefore no Ministers of Christ nor the gos­pel, but seducers and deluders of the people, for the Ministers of Christ and labourers in the Gospel did not set any to Sing Davids conditions in Rime, and meeter customarily, which was to be read, but such as were redeemed sung new songs, which none could learn but the redeemed ones, and those that sung Psalms, was not Davids conditions in rime, but Spiritual Songs and with the Spirit, and Spiritual understanding also, Colos. 3. i5, i6. Rev. 5.9. Rev. i4. 3, 4, 5. i Cor. i4. 15. If it were no Gospell labour to make Funerall Sermons for the dead, as Priests now do, nor to call people to a Sacrament, for which there is no rule in all the Scripture, nor no such word as sacrament, and to Church women as they call it, then they that do so are no Gospel Mini­sters, nor labourers therein, but it was no Gospel labour to do so, to wit, as aforesaid, therefore they that do so, as to make Funerall Sermons for the dead, and also Church women as they call it, and call people to a Sacrament which there is no Scripture rule for, such are no Gospell Ministers nor la­bourers therein, but such are the Priests of the world, therefore no Gospell Ministers nor labourers therein, but seducers and Antichrists; stop your mouths, your Ministry is accursed, and your labour is rejected, sylence de­ceivers. If that was no Gospel allowance nor Gospell wages, nor ever prac­tised by any aforetime, Gospel Ministers, as to take Tythes, of Hey, and Corn, Lamb, and VVool, Eggs, and Geese, and Pigs, money for Mares, and soals, Skins, and Calves, Gardens, and Pees, and money for smoak passing up peoples Chimneys, and in severall places; Money for servants wages, Ea­ster reckonings, Midsomer dues, and such like offering, pennies so called, and the like, then they that do so are oppressors of the Creation, and like the Task-masters of Egyt, and no Gospel labourers, but vain deluders, and wic­ked deceivers, but it was no Gospel wages, nor Gospel-allowance, nor ever practised by any of the Gospel Ministers, for no mention is made of any such thing in the Apostles writing or practise, Therefore all that do so, to wit, as aforesaid, under pretence of preaching the Gospell as they call it, who are [Page i3] out of all Gospel order, government, or practise, then such are seducers, de­ceivers, and Antichrists, oppressors, and as the task-masters of Egypt, but such as do aforesaid, are the Priests of the world, and ungospellike Ministers, therefore oppressors of the Creation, and as Pharaohs task-masters, seducers, also, and deceivers of the people and nation, and wo to all such, and cursed are they, and Vengance from God is their reward.

Now people consyder, and lay it to heart, for I have in these things clea­red my Conscience before the living powerfull God, and you are left with­out excuse, and if you wil not repent and turn from your Idol Shepheards, and Idolatrous worships, Vengeance expect, for the hand of the Lord is a­gainst all such, and the wrath of the Lord is kindled, and the sword drawn, furbished and made fit for the slaughter, he will plead with all such by his sword and by fyre, and great shall be the flame thereof, Isa. 56.15.16. Now you have time, prise it, for to that in your Consciences I am made ma­nifest, which bares testimony against Sin, and if you do not return to the Lord with speed, I wil be a swift witness against you, and follow to the grave and pit, and when you go down into the pit, quick, in your great and lamentable cry, then remember what I said, to warn you in your life time, and ye would not, Remember Dives end is yours that do so.

There is no Hypocrites in the true Church.

THose that say there is Hyopcrites in all Churches, doth erre from the Spirit of truth &c. Shewing a spirit of error, and speaks lyes in Hy­pocrisye, by their fallacies and deceit, where by they deceive the symple, such as are carried away with the deceivableness of deceivers, and such as say so, are no Ministers of Christ, but one Priest did say so, to wit, VVil­liam Sheffield High Priest of Ipstock, in Leicester Shire, therefore, a lyar, and a Hypocrite, and no Minister of Christs, but of Antichrist, and a vain de­ceiver, and a lyar in Hyocrisye against the truth, and true Church.

VVhich true Church is the body of Christ, of which bodie Christ is the Head, Ephes. 1.22. And Lord of the truth and true Church, the fulness of him that fylleth all in all, Ephes. 1.23. For the Church is the Houshould of God, not builded upon Hypocrites and Hypocrisye, but the true Church is built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Christ Iesus him­self being the chiefe Corner-stone, in whom all the building fitly framed, groweth unto an holy Temple, in the Lord, Ephes. 2. i9, 20, 2i. VVhere no Hypocrisye can stand, Christ being Head of his Church, is Head of Truth, but judgeth out Pypocrisyes, and cuts of Hypocrisye, for the true Church is in God, the Church of the fyrst born written in Heaven, in which the Spirits of just men are made perfect, Hebrew i2.22.23. And the true Church being in God, there is no Hypocrisye in him, it is blasphemie to say, so, therefore sy­lence all deceivers, with your Fallacies and Philosophy, and vain-deceit, [Page 14] Colos. 2.8. by which deceit you make Hypocrites in your Churches so cal­led, and deceive souls thereby.

But in the only true Church there is no Hypocrites, then not in all, Christ is truly, Iohn i4. i6. And he is the Head of the true Church, Ephes. i. 22.23. And God is the Head of Christ, i. Cor. ii. And the true Church is the house of God, which Church is the Pillar and ground of the true, i Tim. 3. i5. And Paul and Silvonus and Timothius writ unto the Church in God the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ, and there is no hypocrisye in him, thy fallacies and Philosophy Sheffield doth and hath deceived thee, acknowledg thy er­rour, and erronious wayes, and all such in thy natute, who acts contrary to the light, and own thy condemnation to be just thereupon, for with the light which changeth not, art thou and all such, and your ways and worships all comprehended that are out of the light and out of the truth.

And such with the light are judged and condemned; tremble ye sturdie looks, the day of the Lord is comming upon you all, and you shall lament and wail, yea vengeance from God is your reward, and to you all that Act a­gainst him in his appearance, this is the word of the Lord wo, wo, wo, to all such.


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