LIGHT Risen out of DARKNESS Now in these latter Days.

Shewing the dark ways and Wor­ships of the Ministry of Antichrist now in these Apostated Times, which is perilous, as is fore­told of often by the Holy Ghost that spoke through Paul, and now is fulfilled in these latter days, 2 Tim 3.

Thus saith the Lord,

Arise Sion, and thresh with a sharp threshing Instrument, and shine, for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen, and is arising, and Jerusalem shall be a burdensom stone to all Nations, now that Christ is unto his People both the Light and the Glory thereof.

WHEREIN Something is written in Reply to a Book that was set forth by the dry and night Vines in and about Beverley, who scornfully nicknameth the People of God, in [...]eviling and falsly accusing them, and calleth them Quakers, in and about York-shire. Iuly, 1653.

LONDON, Printed for Giles Calvert, and are to be sold at his shop at the sign of the black spread Eagle at the West end of Pauls. 1654.

To you who suffer for Righteousness, and walks in the light about Beverley, and elsewhere, who love the Lord Je­sus Christ.

Christian Friends,

AS you have received the Lord Jesus Christ, so walk in him, and let the love of God be an Ingagement upon your spirits to love the Lord Jesus with all your hearts, and walk as chil­dren of the light, and of the day, not in darkness, but in light, and let the pure light of God in you, which is the free gift of God that shew­eth darkness, and Infidelity, lead you and guide you, which the Priests about your Beverley faith it doth not, shewing that they are ignorant of Christ, and doth mightily dishonor the Lord Jesus, that say they witness that he or the Light of God which sheweth sin, and darkness, sheweth not unbelief: But all you that know the Lord Jesus made manifest unto your souls, and in the Divine discovery of his love, by the Divine unfoldings of the Divine light, of his holy and blessed spirit, which is as the key of David, and doth unlock or unsold the Divine misteries of the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus in the souls of his Saints, which these dry Vines are ignorant of, you may witness against them; therefore my beloved in the Lord Ie­sus Christ, who are my Epistles, written in my heart, not with paper and inck, which is but carnal and mor­tal, and perishing, which wears and fades away, but [Page 4]you are written, not with pen and ink, but by the Spirit of the living God, in the fleshly tables of the heart, so that you may manifestly declare your selves to be the Epistles of Christ, to be seen and read of all men, you that are in union and fellowship with him, who are dispersed and scattered abroad, from the ru­diments of the world; but in the Vine of the Lords free love, therefore live in love one with another, edi­fying one another in love, that so you may build up one another in the most holy Faith, laboring in the Power and Strength of the Lord, and by the spirit of our Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ, that you, my hearts, that are as Cedars of Lebanon, may la­bor by the Power of God in you, to lead up others as you have been led by the Light of God in you, which leadeth into Christ, the perfection and beauty of ho­liness, that you may be to the praise of the glory of his Grace, who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light, to testifie against the dark Ministry of the world, as well any where else, where it shall be made manifest unto you, as it is now in and about Beverley, and let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorifie your Fa­ther which is in Heaven, even the Father of lights, and the Father of our Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ, that whereas these your enemies that speak evil of you, and say, a little time will bring it forth; that so by your Godly conversations, and upright walk­ings you may glorifie the Lord, and put to silence the foolishness of ignorant men, and testifie against blind guides, false Prophets, Seducers, and Antichrists, and that you may be able to comprehend with all Saints what is the height, depth, and length of the [Page 5]Love of God, and to be comprehended into that which is Incomprehensible, dwelling in the light where there is Immortality, that so you may be able to give a reason of the hope that is in you, which is Christ the hope of glory, Col. 1.27. and he that hath this hope in him, purifyeth himself even as he is pure, 1 Iohn 3.1.2. It is in the behalf of all the Godly dispersed ones, that suffer under the name of Quak­ers, that I have written this, as well as my self; So commending you to the Lord God of power, even the Father of lights, I remain a friend and lover of all that love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity and truth.

Rich. Farneworth.
Iuly. 1653.

An Epistle to the Reader.


I would not have set pen to paper, had I not seen the truth much defamed, by those that stand in oppositi­on against it, and seek to defame it, and strangle it, by their faln wisdom, and pride, and fleshly boastings, where envy is hatched; so that the Dragon casts out floods of waters of revilings after the woman, that brings forth the man-child; but the Eaath is made to help the woman, and the child is caught up to Heaven with God, where it is preserved and kept safe, as in a City of refuge, and wait but upon God in patience a while, and thou wilt see great things, for the Lord is bringing to pass his act, his strange act, that is Prophecyed and foretold of, and the de­struction [Page 6]and downfal of Antichrists Kingdom, that the Kingdom of Jesus Christ may be established in power, and shine forth in brightness, and the Lord leading forth his People in Power, and Majesty, and going before his ancients gloriously, and he will be their rereward, and the King­doms of the World shall be the Kingdoms of the Lord, and of his Christ, the Beast makes war with the Lamb, but the Lamb shall overcome, prevail, and get the victory: Read this little ensuing Treatise, and give thy Christian atten­tion in the reading, and take heed how thou dost pass thy Judgment; If thou have not a spirit of discerning, least thou Judg false, and Judgment return into thine own be­som, it may be that thou mayst find something in it hard to be digested by thy carnal wisdom; take heed of calling truth railing, for all deceit must be cursed, burned, and cut down by the Sword of the Spirit, that so the pure seed may be raised up, the blessing to inherit. Leave not till thou hast read it over, and if thy mind stand free, and thy Judgment cleare, It will some deceits and deceivableness of the man of sin more cleerly and fully unto thee discover: So farewel in the Lord, and the Lord give thee under­standing, and lead thee into his marvelous light, that thou mayst know the truth as it is in Jesus.

R F.

Light risen out of Darkness now in these latter days.
Which is the cause of such Persecution Therefore,

‘Thus saith Iesus Christ, blessed are they that suffer for righ teousness sake, for 'theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven, Mat. and again saith he, blossed are you when men revile you, and perfecute you, and say all wanner of evil against you, all manner of evil, not some but all, but saith he, rejoyce and be exceeding glad, for great is your reward, for so perseruted they the Prophets which were before you, and saith he, the time will come that they shall put you out of their Synagogues, and they that kill you will think that they do God good service Ioh. 16.1.

AS it hath been largely manifested in and about Be­verley, by them of the Priests party, when any was moved of the Lord to go speak in their Syna­gogue against the deceits that were upheld by them, they haled them forth, and gave them in­to the hands of the rude people who did use them most barba­rously, and had not the Lord been gracious unto them, they would even have swallowed them up quick, but such was the rage of the Priests party in and about Beverley that the Servants of the Lord suffered much persecution by them as it is well known, but it is that the Scripture may be fulfilled, as David said, The wrath of man shall praise thee, and the remainder of wrath thou wilt restrain, such is the goodness of the Lord to his poor despised people now in these days of persecution, for the [Page 8]persecutors are the Priests and their associates, they act in the same state and condition as the Iewish high Priest, and Scribes and Pharisees did to Jesus Christ, when he came in the flesh, to fulfil the Law, and to put an end to the first Covenant, that he might establish a second, the new Covenant upon better pre­misses, but as it was then, so is it now, the Iewish high Priests, and the fair-sayers did then persecute Christ and his Apostles, and haled them out of their Synagogues, and bear them, and stoned them, for witnessing forth the truth, as it is left upon record in these places of Scripture. See Acts. 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. See vers. Act. 6.9.10. to the end. Act. 7, 57. to the end, read Acts. 17. with certain other places.

And that Christ is coming in spirit, to manifest his power and love, and to gather his dispersed ones together that hath been scattered by the proud Priests in the cloudy and dark day, as in Ezek. 34. The Lord is now fulfilling his promises in gathering them together, out of all Kindreds, Tongues and Nations, that they may come to worship the Lord in his holy Mount, where the Mountain of the Lords House is to be established, on the top of the Mountains, above all humane wisdom and carnal reason, to worship the Lord in spirit and in truth, in his Holy Temple at new Ierusalem, where the Tabernacle of God is, and shall be with men of pure hearts, and the Na [...]ions that are saved shall walk in the glorious light and liberty of the Sons of God, to serve him in a new and living way, consecrated for us by his Son, redeeming us by his own blood, purchasing to himself a peculiar people, to praise and glorify his great and glorious Name, that he may rule in us by his own power, and set up the Kingdom of his Son in our hearts, who is our peace-maker, breaking down the middle wall of pertition bringing us nigh unto him by his blood, reconcileing us in one body by the Cross slaying the enmity there­by, preaching peace to us by his spirit, so that we through him have a free access by one spirit unto the Father, and are made fellow Citizens with the Saints, and of the houshold of God, being built upon the foundations of the Prophets and Apostles, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner Stone, and the chief builder in us and through us, throwing down the first building of humane wisdom, and carnal reason, building us up into union [Page 9]with himself, in the makings forth of his love to us, through the unfoldings of the divine mystery of his love, which is Christ in us the hope of glory, in whom all the building spiritually grow­eth, unto an holy Temple in the Lord, Ephes. 2.14. to the end: being builded together by the divine power of God, working in us, who maketh our bodies temples of the Holy Ghost, to sound forth his holy praise, he ruling in his Temple, and dwelling in his habitation, even in our souls, where his delight is, causing us to delight in him to do his will, in declaring and testifying against all deceits, and deceivableness whatsoever: And now the Priests are found the greatest deceivers, and upholders of the deceits, as their fruits makes them manifest, and they labour every wayes to destroy the work of God, that he is working in his Saints; and they are the greatest persecuters of him in his Saints, as it hath been largely manifested by the Priests party in, and about Be­berley, in reviling, beating, and stoning the children of the Lord.

But the Lord will plead the cause of his own people, himself alone, and then wo to the wicked, and all that acts in unrighte­ousness: For thus saith the Lord, Ah, I will ease me of mine enemies, and avenge me of mine adversaries, And saith he, Wo to them that offends one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better that a milstone were hanged about their necks, and that they were cast into the sea.

The occasion of this my writing, was upon the reading of a Book that was written by the Priests in and about Beverley, by name, Ioseph Kellat, Iohn Pomroy, Paul Glisson, &c.

1. Wherein is discovered the subtilty of the Serpent that lodg­eth in them, and a theevish spirit in them, stealing the words of the Saints to trade withal for money, which is their Dianah, but are ignorant of the Saints life and practise, as their fruits doth make them manifest; for it is not unknown to many the debths of their deceits, and how great sufferings there hath been to the people of God by them: Of the Priests, Confederates, Antichrist, and his upholders, in, and about Beberley, which the wo is to, as it was pronounced to them in that nature: in Matth. 23.

2. Antichrist, the man of sin, is exalted in those dissembling [Page 10]Priests, who are as the painted Harlot, and scarlet coloured Whore, that is spoken of by John in the Revelations, that de­ceive the Nations by their glorious notions, and gielded preten­ces, which is for the fire, the whorish nature in them, being full of flatteries, having a golden Cup, full of abominations, and filthiness of her fornications, which the Wrath and the Plagues is to.

3. These dissembling Priests, painted Sepulchres, are full of deadly poyson, and are not acquainted neither with Christ, nor his sufferings, who causeth the truth to suffer by them, as their actions do make manifest who lives in the old corrupt nature, and has stoln the words of the Prophets and Apostles to trade withal, and hath glossed them over by their humane and ser­pentive wisdome, which the vengeance and the wrath of God is to.

4. These dissembling, hypocritical Priests, whited walls, and painted Sepulchres are exalted above the Cross of Christ, and sits in the seat of the scornful, acting as in a Stage-play for mony, and are climb'd up high into their notions, and notionary expres­sions by their fleshly wisdom, which is earthly, carnal, sensu­al, and divelish, but never came in at the door; as saith Jesus Christ in Iohn 10. And are ignorant of the first principle of Re­ligion, that knows not the power of God, to break down the power of darkness in them, and so that is the cause of their falsifying the truth, and speaking evil of that which they know not, being puft up in pride, scorn, and derision, judging the truth by their evil thoughts, and fleshly imaginations: Now as Iannes and Iambres withstood Moses, so do these resist the truth, standing in opposition against it by their carnal wisdom, and fleshly imaginations, and vain glory, boasting and vaunting themselves in their own conceits, and stands upon their own righteousness by their gathered up knowledg, in opposition to the Spirit of truth, and in despight to the Spirit of grace, and wrests the Scriptures to their own destruction, speaking their own Inventions and Imaginations, which arise out of the bot­tomless pit of deceit, but the Lord is coming for to bring down Babylon's buildings, all mans inventions, and imaginations, and to cast them into the lake that burneth; and all the Babylonish [Page 11]Merchants, will cry out, Alas, alas; for that great City of Baby­lon, where they sold their wares, and gilded stuff, and fine dainty dishes of novelties dressed & made fit by the Cooks in their shops of brain, study, and humane inventions, which is Cainish; to feed curious and lusty minds withal, lusting after knowledge, and feeding upon the forbidden fruit; which is under the curse, and must be burnt with fire; now in the day of the Lords power, where nothing shall stand but his own pure being; for he alone will rule and raign in power amongst his chosen ones in Sion, the perfection of beauty, and he alone will govern his people in righteousness, and teach them all the knowledge of his truth, to know him in the habitation of his holiness, that they may re­joyce and triumph in his love.

By this we know that we love God, because we keep his Commandements; and it is his love which constraineth us, who first loved us, and gave himself for us: And saith he, If you love me, keep my Commandements; and I command you to love one another with the same love that I loved you withal; but he that loveth not, knoweth not God, for God is love; and he that saith he loveth him, and keepeth not his Commandements, is a lyar, and the truth is not in him.

And here you are that lives in lying, who say that we at­tempt to lay waste Scriptures, Churches, Faith, Hope, &c.

The Scriptures we own to be true in themselves, as they were given forth from the Spirit of truth, which ruled in them that spoke them forth; which Spirit I witness, and their declaration I own, the life of it; herein you are found false witnesses, lyars, and false accusers, and are Antichrists, and Seducers, shewing forth the spirit of errour; and Antichrist is head, and exalted in you, who opposeth himself against the truth.

But your dark m [...]nds I do deny, and against you I do testifie; That you are the men whom you write of, and that condition is your own; for you make no other use of the Scriptures, but to trade withal, and to give your Antichristian Applications and Constructions of them, which the plagues of God is due to; For, saith Jesus Christ, I testifie, that he that adds to the Book of this Prophecy, I will add to him all the plagues that are writ­ten in the Book, Rev. 22.

[Page 12]And whereas you lye; and say, That we a people whom the Divel in you scornfully reproacheth, and calleth Quakers, which is your envy; which name I suffer under, by such as you are, who are apostated from the truth, and the living word which was in the beginning; which word is quick and powerful, and sharper then any two edged sword; and is like a fire, and a hammer, Heb. 4.12. Jer. 23.29, 30.

And though the Divel in you be suffered to cast upon us names of reproach; It is but that the Scriptures may be fulfilled in call­ing us Quakers, or what you can invent to make us odious in the sight of the world, which name I do disown; for I know none but two in all the Scriptures, flesh, and spirit; the seed of the Serpent, and the seed of God; which shall bruise the Serpent's head with his internal rod, by the living power of the Eternal Jehovah, Jah.

But the seed of the Serpent is head in you who lives in lyes; and Christ you do by your proud lustful natures kill, and cruci­fie; and his Doctrine daily by your earthly wisdom more and more despise; and so you keep the seed of God in bondage by your divelish, subtil, serpentive policies, and would not that it should come forth to live, and to arise; and faith you do not know, who are so swift such lyes to report; and the living truth for to relieve you are unwilling, and both slack, and slow; and bears the mark of the Beast in your right hand, and in your fore­heads; and it is you that do attempt to lay waste Scriptures in all things, but to traffick withal; and knows no word, but bare letter, and diabolical subtilty, humane invention, which you do live in, and observes the Divels work for to commit sin, which is the fruits of death, and so the Word and Gospel of God is his from all such vulterous eyes; And venemous beasts as you are, who knows not the strait path that leads to life, nor the wisdom which is hid, which Job speaks of in Chap. 28. which wisdom is not from beneath, neither is it earthly and carnal, as yours is: for the wisdom of God is not to be bought and sold, neither for rubies, pealrs, silver, nor gold: but yours which is earthly, and is but dross and dung, causing you to lye, so with your dirty Greek and Latine tongue.

[Page 13] Saying, That we seek to attempt to lay waste all Scriptures, Priest. Christ, Faith, Hope, &c.

Wherein you are exceeding hoodwink'd, Reply. and your eyes i [...] stopt with dirty, miery stuff; your inventions and imaginations, and your mouths is filled with lyes, and your hearts with evil thoughts, being possest with Satan, and that's the cause you do the truth so much despise.

For we own the Scriptures as they are in themselves to be a declaration of the truth; as John speaks in his first Epistle, and the first Chapter, at the third verse, &c. where he saith to them which were enlightened by the light of God in them, which you shew your selves to be ignorant of, and fill'd with subtilty, craf­tiness, and deceit, and knows not that which John speaks of in that place, which I own, and witness fulfilled in my soul: Saith he, That which we have heard and seen, declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us, and truly our fellow­ship is with the Father, and the Son: This then is the message that we have heard of him, which I witness according to that Scripture, where Christ saith, My sheep hear my voyce, and they know me, and follow me, and I give unto them Eternal life, Iohn 10. Which Christ is in me operating by his Spirit, and enlightening my understanding, opening blind eyes, and unstop­ing deaf ears; so that I hear, and see, and know by experience what I say: I do not know God by hear-say from others, but mine eyes hath seen his salvation; the new man, the new heart, and new eye; he that is in Christ, is a new creature, old things are passed away, and all things are become new, which you shew your selves to be ignorant of, and are in the old nature, and in the fall, under the curse and wrath of the Almighty, who lives in lyes, which is of the Divel, who is the Father of lyes; and him you serve, and are in the same state and condition that Christ spake of in Iohn 8.44.

And that Message that Iohn speaks of in that first Epistle, and the first Chapter, shew your selves to be ignorant of, that lives in darkness; For God is light, and in him is no darkness at all, but they that say they have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, do lye, and do not the truth, 1 Iohn 1.5, 6. And lying ing is the fruit of darkness, Eph. 4.15. And you are lyars, and of the divel.

[Page 14]And whereas Christopher Feak, Iohn Simpson, George Cok­ain, Lawrance Wise, Iohn Pomroy, Paul Glissen, and Ioseph Kellat, do not let to publish lyes, it is that all may take notice, that they are of their father the Devil, who was a lyar, and the fa­ther of it. For,

The Church of Christ we own, which Church is in God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Ioh. 8.44 1 These 1.1. which is made all of living stones, elect and precions, and nourished by the milk of the word, 1 Pet. 2.2, 3, 4, 5. which word endureth for ever, 1 Pet. 1.25. which word is neer at hand, even in thy heart, which is the word of faith wh [...]ch we preach, Rom. 10.8. which faith we own, even that faith which purifies the heart, and over­cometh the carnal part, for whatsoever is born of God, over­cometh the world, and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even your faith, which is Christ in us, and we in him, 1 Iohn. 5.4. 2 Cor. 13 5. and who is he that overcometh the world, but he that beleeveth that Jesus is the Son of God, which Jesus we own, even he that saves his people from their sins, and purifi [...]s their souls, in yeilding obedience to the commands of the spirit, 1 Pet. 1.21.22. which Christ we witness, even he that came by water and blood, and it is the spirit that beareth record, because the spirit is truth, and he that beleeveth hath the witness in himself; and hath eternal life abiding in him, 1 Ioh. 5.5, 6, 7, 8 9, 10, 11, 12. herein we come to try the sprits, because many false Prophets are gon out into the world, by reason of whom the way of truth shall be, and is evil spoken of, and here you are, and thats your condition, who through covetousness and with [...]ained words makes Marchandise of poor souls, but you are found out, and your Judgment lingereth not, and your damnation slumbereth not, 2 Pet. 2.1.2, 3, 4, &c. hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error, eve­ry spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God, which we witness and confess, that Jesus Christ is come in our flesh, as the Corinthians did witness, in 2 Cor. 4.6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. and so we establish the Scriptures, and witness the fulfilling of them in our souls, for he that beleeveth hath set to his seal that God is true, and he that beleeveth is born of God, and he that beleeveth shall never dye, and he that be­leeveth [Page 15]doth not commit sin, and he that beleeveth is justified from all ungodliness, and he that beleeveth doth not respect per­sons, for he that respecteth persons commits sin, and he that be­leeveth hath eternal life abiding in him, this the Scriptures wit­ness, and I witness these Scriptures fulfilled, Acts. 13.39. Ioh. 7.37, & 6.2, & 11.26. 1 Pet. 1.6. Ioh. 3.18. 1 Ioh. 5.1. 1 Ioh. 5.10. 1 Ioh. 5, 4, 5:

But your dark minds I do deny, and your gilded notions and painted expressions, and all your formal faith which outward, and your persecuting Antichristians, which envies and hates as you do, your deeds testifie against you, witness what persecu­tions and suffering, William Deusberry, and Thomas Stubs, had amongst you at Beverley in sore stripas, and buff [...]tings, and others that were stoned and shamefully entreated, these are the fruits of your Pharisaical Saints, for shame blush, & see what you are doing, ye painted outsides, ye self-conceited Hypocrites and dissemble­ers, that persecute the just and Innocent ones, and fill up the measure of your fathers Iniquity, Ma [...]. 23. you are of the same ge [...]erati­on that stew the righteous blood, did ever the Saints of God do any such thing, for shame blush ye Serpents, ye generation of Vipers, ye seed of evil doers, repent, and forsake the evil of your doings, and live not in lyes and flatteries; for your Churches are the Synagogue of Satan where persecution is upheld, I do de­ny and against your deceits I testifie, that you are enemies to Je­sus Christ, where he is made manifest, as the Iewish high Priests Scribes and Pharisees were, and you are children of wrath▪ and his Servants ye are to whom ye do obey, as in Rom. 6.16. and saith Jesus Christ, Why call ye me Lord, Lord, and do not the things that I say, Luk. 6.46. but know you not that the un­righteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, 1 Cor. 6.9, 10.

And whereas you say▪ that If in any age the Devil hath trans­formed himself into an Angel of Light, Priests. or his Apostles or Mi­nisters have transformed themselves into the Apostles and Mi­nisters of Christ, they have don so in this Apostatizing age in which we live, &c.

It seems that your light that is in you is darkness, Answ. that questi­ons the truth of what you speak, and say If in any age, &c. [Page 16]Were your eyes open, you might see your selves to be in the same state and condition that you write of, and of the number of those false Apostles, stealing the words of the true Apostles to trade withal, and are vainly puft up, by your fleshly minds, in­truding into those things you have not seen, Col. 2.18. but live by conceivings and Imaginations if's and may be's, and so feed on husks, and outsides, not holding the head, from which all the body by joynts and bands, where nourishment comes in from the Divine appearance, and glorious administration of the spirit of truth, being administred by the spirit, which causeth an Increase with the Increase of God, Col. 2.19. which you are ignorant of, that are alive, and lives in the rudiments of the world, which are perishing, Col. 2.20, 21, 22. which things have in­deed a shew of wisdom in will worship, &c. Verse 23. and here you are, and out of the head where the life is, and you are Apostated, and are out of the life of the truth, guided by your own wills, and following the Imaginations of your own hearts, and are of the number of those that the Apostle speaks of, in 2 Cor. 11.13.14. for he had a free spirit, and was charge­able to no man, 2 Cor. 11.9. but in all things kept himself for being burdensome, but you are out of that condition that are chargeable and burdensome, and have not the same spir t that the Apostle had, who had the Lord Jesus Christ revealed in him, and spoke by Divine Revelation, Gal. 1. but you speak by hu­mane invention, and brain study, and so lives and acts in deceit, intruding by your inventions into those things you have not seen, and so are contrary to the Apostle, both in that 2 Cor. 11.10.11. and that of Gal. 1.11.12, & 15.16. but you are in your own Inventions, and are Apostated out of the truth, that do not speak immediately from the Mouth of the Lord, as the Apo­stles did, and so you preach your own flatteries and deceits; but what is the chaff to the wheat saith the Lord, or what is the form to the power, you sifted chaff, or fine painted expressions is for the fire, and all your formings and imaginations must be burnt you speak your own words, and not the Words of the Lord, and he is against you, Ier. 23.29, 30, 31, 32. and you that bring another Doctrine then to know the power and light, and life within, as the Apostle did, you are to be held accursed, [Page 17]and you are under the curse, Gal. 1.8, 9, 10.

And whereas you say, Quest. you will proceed to enquire into that doctrine, which saith, The light in you held forth by those you in scorn and derision call Quakers, and which light doth enlight­en every man that cometh into the world, is Christ.

You make enquiry, and say, What then is become of the Per­son of the Mediatour? in 1 Tim. Chap. 2. ver. 5. and Heb. 7.24. &c.

Were you but acquainted with the life of the Scriptures, Reply. which is Christ in us the hope of glory, Col. 1.27. whom the Apostle which was a Gospel-Minister did preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom to know the Mediatour within him, Chr st the power of God unto salvation, and he did labour mightily by the power of God the Mediatourship Christ reveal­ed in him, that he might present every man perfect in Christ Je­sus, Col. 1.28, 29. That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, which love is Christ, the divine power of righteousness, who is the Mediatour of the New Covenant, to bring the soul into the riches of the full assurance of understand­ing to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ, Col. 2.2, 3. Which had you tead on in that 1 Tim. 2.5. in the verse following, it would have answered you in that thing. Herein you shew your ignorance in the things of God, and are blind and cannot see; and you shew that you are ignorant of the same Ministery that the Apostle held forth, teach­ing them-to know Christ in them, Col. 1.27. 2 Cor. 13.5. and the life in them. And he was the Minister of the Gospel, and had the power in him, and laboured by that power in him, his Ministery was not of man, but of God, as he did certifie to the Brethren, Gal. 1.11, 12. And his Exhortation was not of man, but of God, and he was bold in God, to speak unto them the Gospel or power of God, Christ in him, which you here shew your selves to be ignorant of, that asketh, what is become of Christ? have you lost him, or is not the lust head in you, and the Prince of the power of the air head in you, and so your doctrine is of deceit, and the Gospel is hid from you, 2 Cor, 4, 5. And so you are full of uncleanness and of guil, and contrary to the Apostle in that 1 Thes. 2.3. who was allowed of God to [Page 18]be put in trust with the Gospel: not as to please men, as you do, but he did please God, who tryeth the heart; and he neither used flattering words, nor covetousness, as you do, that are ignorant of this spiritual Gospel, he took God to witness it; 1 Thes. 2.4 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. See how ignorant you are of these things, ye blind guides, that knows not that the first Adam was made a li­ving Soul, and the second a quickening Spirit, and is Lord from Heaven, and that Christ is the same yesterday, to day, and for ever, Heb. 13.8. And had you read on in Heb. 7.24, 25. would have told you that he is able to save to the utmost all that come unto God by him, who ever liveth to make intercession for them, and he is the way, the truth, and the life, and no man can come to the Father but by him: Herein you shew your ignorance in the life of the Scriptures, that are ignorant of the letter which is without life; as said Jesus to the Jews, and self conceited hy­pocrites, Such as you are, search the Scriptures, for in them ye think ye have▪ Eternal life, saith he; and so do you: but saith he, they do but testifie of me, saith Christ. I am the life, and ye will not come to me that ye may have life, John 5.39, 40. And so you l ve in the shadow of things, wanting the substance, & are blind and cannot see; therefore wo to you, ye blind guids, who follow the imaginations and deceits of your own hearts, for Christ is yet a mystery unto you, and the Med atour you know not.

For we are come to Mount Sion, and unto the City of the li­ving God, the Heavenly Ierusalem, and to an innumerable Company of Angels, and to the spirits of just men mads per­fect, the general Assembly of the Church of the first-born writ­en in Heaven, and to Iesus the Mediatour of the New Cove­nant, Heb. 12.22, 23, 24. Herein you are exceeding carnal, and the natural man knows not the things of God, because they are spiritually discerned, 1 Cor. 2.14.

And whereas you say, Priest. Doth not the Scripture speak to Saints, not every man, when he saith Christ in you the hope of glory, &c. Col. 1.27.

Herein you would have all to take notice of your ignorance, Reply. for the next verse will contradict you, and so in all you have said yet, the very letter of the Scripture will let you see your [Page 19]blindness; Well may you be ignorant of the life, when you are ignorant of the letter, for they that spoke forth the Scriptures, they passed from death to life, and the in fellowship [...] with the Father, and the Son, and he that hath the Son, hath life, 1 John but he that hath not the Son manifested in him, hath not life, but is in death.

You plainly make it appear here that you are in the letter with­out life, and the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life; and you, never passed from death to life, but are yet in death and sin; for to be carnally minded is death, and the wages of sin is death, and he that commits sin, is the servant of sin, and lying is of the divel, and an abomination to the Lord: And here you lye, ye proud Priests, that say the Apostle did not say to every man, That Christ, or the light was in them; for saith he, in ver. 28. Christ in you, whom we preach, he did not only preach Christ in them the hope of glory, but he saith, we preach, that is, all the Ministers of the Spirit, and we preach Christ in you the my­stery that is to be unfolded in you to every man, warning every man, and teaching every man, Col. 1.28. Herein you erre not knowing the Scriptures; and the Apostle saith to the Romans, That as well as to them God hath given to every man a measure of grace, Rom. 12.31. And none shall be condemned for that which they know not, but for that which they know, and do not obey; who saith, Obey my voyce, for obedience is better then sacrifice. And Christ saith, That he is the light of the world, and enlightens every man that cometh into the world, Iohn 1.9. And they that follow him shall have the light of life, Iohn. 8.12. Herein you shew that you are ignorant of this l ght, and so are in darkness, and without God in the world, living by concei­vings and imaginations; and you that are ignorant of the light, are ignorant of Christ, and preaches death, the letter without the spirit, and your Min stry is for for condemnation, 2 Cor. 3. and you are ignorant both of the light, life, and power; but as you would comprehend it: by your carnal reason, but this cannot be comprehended; the light shines in darkness, but darkness com­prehends it not, Iohn 1.5.

And whereas you say, That Paul spoke to none but Saints, Priest. in that 2 Cor. 5.26, 27. &c.

[Page 20]I looked, ply. and could not find so many verses in that Chapter, for it hath but 21 verses; but notwithstanding I knew that Scripture, the life of it, if I had never seen letter; but as you say, he spoke to Saints, when he saith we know no man after the flesh, and though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet henceforth know we him so no more; but your knowledge stands in the flesh, the lust, and the fall, and here you steal the Apostles words to apply to your selves, and that is the Serpent in you; go and make restitution, as Zacheus did, and let him that stole steal no more, Ephes. 4 28. And you are discovered, you that lives by theft, and steals the words of your neighbours to trade withal; but the Lord is against you, and all such as you are, Jer. 23.30. You are of those theeves that Christ speaks of in John 10. That climbs up another way, and c mes not in by the door: And that makes you to speak you know not what. See who the Apostle spoke to in that 2 Cor. 5.10. he saith there, That all shall appear, and every man give account, that he may receive according to the deeds done in the flesh: Did he but speak but only to Saints, when he saith all, and every man. See whom he spoke to, in ver. 14.15. and see if you be not exceeding blind: Well may you be ignorant of the life and power, that are ignoront of the lett [...]r, which is death; and so you living in darkness are ignorant of the l [...]ght, and now you are discovered to be ignoront of the same spi­rit that spoke forth the Scriptures, and so shews forth the spirit of errour, and you are in the flesh, and know not God, who is a consuming fire, Heb. 12.29. and like a refiners fire, Mal, 3.2, 3. Your God it imagination, and the Lord God Almighty who made Heaven and Earth, and is the Father of light, him you know not, that would limit him by your carnal minds, but the carnal mind is death, and an enemy to the Cross of Christ, Rom. 8.6. & Phil. 3.18, 19. So are you enemies both to God the Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ; and know you not, ye blind, that the Grace of God which bringeth salvation, hath appeared unto all men, Tit. 2.11, 12. But is turned by you, and such as you are in­to wantonness, who profess God in words as you do, but in works deny him, Tit. 1.16. who lives in form without ei­ther life or power, having a form of Godliness, denying the power thereof: but your folly will appear daily more and more, [Page 21]2 Tim. 3. And that light is your Condemnation.

But though the Apostle did speak his experience [...] in the things of God, he spoke what he knew made manifest unto him by ex­perience through the divine operation of the holy Spirit: But you live in th [...] fl [...]sh and are ignorant of the light of God, that he did exhort others to be mindful of, which light did lead t [...]em out of darkness, and they were all Children of the light, and of the day, who were obedient to it; for their souls were purified in yeilding obedience to the Commands of the Spirit: as in 1 Pet. 1.22. And by the word of life, they were sanctified, washed, and cleansed, and justified in the Name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of the Lord; and they that are now guided by the Spirit of God, are the Sons of God, 1 Cor. 6.11. Rom. 8.14. Which you shew your selves to be none of.

But you are ignorant of the first Principle of Religion, that makes a scorn of the light, and shew your selves to be children of darkness, having your understanding darkened, and live in pride, scorn, and subtilty, and turns the grace of God into wan­tonness, children of disobedience, which the wrath of God is to. The wrath of God is to be revealed in flames of fire upon all the children of disobedience, as you are, who disobey the truth, and know not the light, but are in darkness, and walk in darkness; For darkness hath blinded your eyes who stand in opposition to the Spirit of truth, and disobeyeth the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 Thes. 1.8. Who shall be punished with everlasting de­struction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power, when he shall be glorified in his Saints; which glori­fication you are ignorant of, 2 Thes. 1.9, 10. And you are so far from being new creatures, that you are alive in unrighteousness, and live in the old corrupt nature, not knowing them that are born again, but have your witness without you; A Chapter, or a verse of the Saints Declaration, not knowing the power of Christ within, who is our sanctification; who of God is made unto us, wisdom, sanctification, and redemption: and so our glory­ing is in the Lord, as theirs was who were made new creatures, 1 Cor. 1.30, 31.

But you say, If any man contend to destroy your faith, Priest. and slight the Person of your glorified Saviour; for some of them, [Page 22]you say, Say, Christ without will do you no good; and you heap the Scriptures together to talk of, but know neither Jesus, nor his glorification, &c.

Your faith is corrupt, Reply. that is outward and carnal, and is for destruction; Let me tell you, That Christ you are ignorant of, and his glorification, and know nothing of the offering that is spoken of in that Heb. 10. For they that spoke it forth, were sanctified souls, that had followed the leadings of the Lamb: which you persecute, And are as those were that is spoken of in Heb. 10.11. Priests that stand daily offering that which will never take away sin: even your own inventions; and you are of the number of those Priests, in Heb. 7.27. offering up daily your own inventions, and all your prayers and sacrifices that you offer up in your corrupt nature, is an abomination to the Lord, and you do not abide in the Doctrine of Christ, John 2.9. but are Seducers, and Antichrists: And believers are forbiden to receive your brain study, and diabolical subtilty into their hearts; but to beware of you, and such as you are, that teach for doctrine: traditions of men, and steals the words of others to trade with­al, whited walls, and painted sepulchres, saith the Apostle to the Ephesians; Let no man deceive you with vain words, such as you are that live by vain imaginations, lest they be partakers of the evil; For because of these things the wrath of God cometh upon the children of disobedience, Ephes. 5.6. And be­lievers are forbidden to receive such as you into their houses, who deny sanctification by Christ in them, which was the Apo­tles Prayer and Doctrine, who said, And I pray God sanctifie you throughout; and he that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, hath fellowship with the Father, and the Son, but he that abi­deth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God; but his own imaginations, and inventions, gilded notions, and glorious ex­pressions, which are but aiery, and to feed aiery minds withal; which doctrine is under the curse, and is not to be received, but to be holden a coursed; and the curse is upon both you, and your doctrine, and the vengeance of God hang [...] over you for your de­ceivableness, that run, but the Lord never sent you, and you do not profit the people at all, and both you and your blessings are accursed, and your seed is corrupt, the seed of the Serpent in you, [Page 23]as theirs was that Malichi was sent to, Mal. 2.1.2. to the 10 your mind is carnal, and your Ministry is carnal, and corrupt, and you are ignorant of Christ the power of God unto salvation, and you trample the blood of Christ underfoot, the blood of the covenant that speaketh better things then that of Abel, and knows nothing of eating that flesh and drinking that blood that is spoken of in Ioh., &c. no more then the Jews did, and your faith that is outward is corrupt, and doth not purifie, but is corrupt and is unprofitable, and not l [...]ke the pre­cious faith of those that are made to pertake of the Divine nature, Christ in us, which faith is tryed, and maketh us that we are nei­ther barren nor unfruitful in the knowledg of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, 2 Pet. 1.3. to 9.

And as our faith stands in the Divine Power of God, so yours stands in the letter which is carnal, and the bread which you break is carnal, and you are ignorant of the glorifi­cation that is spoken of in Joh. 17.10. and of that bread which is the Body of Christ, for the bread which we break is the Body of Christ, and the Cup which we drink is the Blood of Christ, and our union is with him in the Vine, Ioh. 15.1 Cor. and by one spirit are we baptized into one body, and are made to drink into one sp rit as the Saints were, 1 Cor. 12.13. where there is but one faith, one Lord, one Baptisme, one God and Father of us all, Ephes. 4.4.5. those spiritual Ordinan­ces, and that spiritual Body, Supper, and Administrations, and that spiritual Sabath▪ of which Christ is Lord, and that spiritual Worship that is in that one spirit, Ioh. 4.23.24. and all the Offices in every Church member, and spiritual Order, in that spiritual Church, which is made all of living Stones, elect and precious, where Christ is exalted in his Kingly Office, do we own, set up and honour, and herein you shew forth your lyes and flatteries, subtilties and deceits and you live in deceit and disorder to the spirit of truth, having the form, but wants the powet & all your fine notionary expressions, and gilded pretences is for the fire: and so we commend our selves to the Lord Jeho­vah, who is both the heart searcher and tryar, even the Lord our righteousness.

But your traditions, customes, and rudiments and inventions [Page 24]which is after the will of man, and not after God, we do deny, and against them all testifie, that you are but as sounding brass, and t [...]nkling Cymbals, without either life or power, and thats the reason why you do so bite and devour, and are ye not car­nal, and knows not the things of the spirit of God, which is spiritually to be discerned, 1 Cor. 13. & 2.12.13, 14. herein you are carnal, and shews the spirit of error.

Further, Quest. say they, This light before mentioned is pure.

Your question there i [...], Priest. How doth vain man justifie that which God doth condemn, And you say, That some would per­swade you that nature is not corrupt, &c.

H [...]re you shew that your minds are vain, Reply. and your hearts are corrupt, and that light is your condemnation, which stands out of all your comprehensions, for light shineth in darkness; but darkness comprèhendeth it not, Ioh. 1. and that will shew your corrup [...]ions and your evil deceitful hearts, and let you see the vanity of your minds and your evil perswasions, that arise hour of your evil hearts, from whence your faln wisdom, which is earthly carnal and devilish ariseth, which is out of covenant with God, and stands in enmity and opposition to the Divine Light, and you are not guided by it; But seeks to comprehend it, by carnal reason, and that is your Imagination, for nature is alto­gether corrupt, and the Light is pure, standing out of all corrup­tions, and cannot be comprehended by carnal reason and corrupt Invention of man, but doth all unrighteousness condemn, and that is your condemnation, that light is come, and you stand up in your reason against it; But Light shineth in darkness, and darkness cannot comprehend it, and that is your condemnation, that you do oppose the Light, and so you live in darkness, fol­lowing the Imagination, of your corrupt hearts, to to the dis­honour of the Lord Jesus, the Soul Saviour of all those that do beleeve in him, but you shew that you are full of unbelief and fleshly reason, and knows not that light which purifieth, nor that word which cutteth down all the loftiness of men of corrupt hearts, where it is made manifest, for the pure Light to shine forth in brightness, and so that Prophecy is fulfilled in them that findeth the opperation of the word of life arising through to sanc­tifie and purifie, which I bear testimony to, through death, saith [Page 25]the Holy Ghost, Arise, and shine, for thy light is come, and the Glory of the Lord is risen upon thee, and so wisdom is justi­fi d of her children, but the Light doth condemn all that is un­just, and justifies all those that do beleeve from all ungodliness, which you do shew your selves to be ignorant of, and live in corruption and in darkness, committing spiritual wicked­ness.

Wherefore say you, Priests. As the Disciples were cleansed by the Word of the Gospel, which Christ had spoken to them, Ioh. 15.3. so we conclude that the unbeleeving are blind and impure in their Conscience, Titus 1.15. which concludes directly, that the Light of or in conscience before faith is not pure.

The word that cleanseth you know nothing of, Reply. that are ig­norant of the Light which leadeth to the word, which word is a Sword, cutting through the ground of Imaginations which you live in, and the Word of God is as a fire in the bones, which Word doth both sanctifie and purifie; who knows the Word, knows the Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, which you are igno­rant of, and of the mistery of Faith, that is held in a pure consci­ence, 1 Tim. 3.9. for they only have Immortality who dwell in the light, and in the saith which is pure, and purifieth the heart and worketh out the carnal part, but you shew that your life is out of the pure faith, and so in your dark Imaginations, and you are both carnal, sensual, and d [...]vilish that live altogether by your own Imaginations, and in Laciviousness, lust and ex­cess, and in the uncleanness and filth of the flesh, and shew that you never knew the word of Life, that washeth, cleanseth, justi­fieth, and sanctifieth, which you are ignorant of, that live in sin and uncleanness, and so your Ministry is for the fire, for it is death, and seeds but the carnal minds, and keeps that alive which must dye, for every mans works shall be tryed so as by fire, and all your sifted chaff, and high notions is for condemnation, for our God is a consuming fire, and of purer eyes then to behold Iniquity, 1 Cor. Heb. 12.27.28. and all that are proud, and all that do wickedly shall be as stubble, and are for the fire, Mal. 4.1. and there will you and your pride be with all your high notions of fleshly wisdome confounded and tryed [Page 26]for the fire; Wherefore we having received a Kingdom that cannot be shaken, we have grace whereby we may serve God acceptable, both with reverence and godly fear, and so dwell in the fire, to praise and glorifie our God for ever, Heb. 12.28, 29.

Moreover, Quest. They affirm that this light discovereth every evil in man, as it ariseth in the heart.

We answer, Priest. That the light which lighteneth every man that cometh into the world, discovereth not the greatest evil, which is unbelief, but only those things which are against the Moral Law, as pride, covetousness, oppression, &c. which these cry out against, but never against unbelief, which is the condemning sin, and doth bind the guilt of all transgressions on the back of a sinner, &c.

1. Herein you shew that you were never yet sent of Christ, Reply. but are in darkness, and knoweth him not, that are ignorant of the light, that enlightens every man that comes into the world, John 1.9. John 8.2. Here you are ignorant of Christ, and live altoge­ther in unbelief, and also in all unrighteousness, which is sin, 1 John, and pride, covetousness, and oppression; For sin is the trans­gression of the Law: and you are in the transgression, and know not this light, which is Christ the hope of glory; for he that a­bideth in him sinneth not, he that sinneth hath not seen him, nei­ther known him: He that is born of God, and dwells in the light, sinneth not, he that sinneth, is in darkness, and of the Devil, and liveth in unbelief, which is the ground of all evil: and doth both distrust, and also dishonour the Lord, and herein the children of God, and the children of the Devil, as you are, is made manifest, 1 John 3.6, 7, 8, 9, 10. And you are in the fl sh, and under con­demnation, Rom. 8.1, 2. And dare not trust God, that studie what to eat, and what to drink, and what to speak, contrary to the doctrine of Christ; as in these Scriptures, Luke 12.22, 23. to the 38. vers. 11, 12. and Matth. 6.24, 25. to the end, read these Scriptures, and you may see that you are Heathens, and unbelievers, and do distrust and dishonour God, and you live in darkness, and covetousness, the ground and root of all e­vil.

2. And herein you would have all to take notice, in whom [Page 27]light is manifested that you never knew any thing of God, that say, Christ, or the true light doth not shew unbelief: Herein you shew your selves open enemies to Jesus Christ, and are ignorant of the first principle of religion; For all that have the light of God born up into their understandings will testifie against you, and the Lord will be a swift witness against you, Mal. 3.5, 6, 7. And the Apostles will witness against you in their D [...]clarations, that are left upon record, that all may take notice of your blind­ness, and ignorance, and despight to the Spirit of grace.

3. Herein you shew your selves to be ignorant of the true light, which is Christ, and enemies to him; and that you are strangers and aliens to the covenant of promise, and without God in the world, Ephes. 2.12. And that the Prince of the power of the ayr ruleth in you, and the Son of perdition is exalted in you, and your doctrine is of deceit, and of craftiness, and the Gospel is hid from you, 2 Cor. 4.3, 4. And as saith Jesus Christ, so say I, For he that sanctifieth, and they that are sanctified, are all of one, and he is not ashamed to call them brethren, Heb. 2.11. But such as you are he doth deny, and against you, and your dark Ministery, I do testifie, that it is of Antichrist, and not of Christ; who live in darkness, and know not God, and that is your ignorance and sottishness; we are of the light, and of the day, Ephes. 5.13. And are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones, and wit­ness the life of the Scriptures, Ephes. 5.30. And I witness the washings and cleansings with the water of the word, as they did that spoke forth the Scriptures, which you shew your selves to be ignorant of, Ephes. 5.26, 27. Therefore, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of Heaven and Earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise & prudent of the world, that the wisdom of the world may appear to be foolishness, as it's said, 1 Cor. 1.25, 26, 27 28. and hast revealed them to us by thy Spirit, that thou mayest have the praise, 1 Cor. 2.9, 10. Behold what manner of love is this, that the Father hath bestowed on us, that we should be c [...]lled the Sons of God, therefore the world knoweth us not, because he knew him not, 1 John 3.1.

4. You shew that you know him not, but are in lying, and deceit, and flatteries, walking in deceit, and craftiness, shewing forth your subtilties, that standeth in opposition against the light, [Page 28]and so dishonoureth the Lord Christ; and saith, that he knows not all things, in saying that he doth not discover unbelief, and for that end came he into the world, to judge and condemn all unbelief, and unbelievers; For he that believeth not, is condem­ned already, John 3.18. And saith, For judgement am I come into the world, that they that see not might see into the know­ledge of the divine mystery; and that they which see by their own conceits and imaginations, as you do, might be made blind, to see nothing of them.

For he is the true light, and none sees any divine truth but in him, for he is the divine light, and in him is no darkness at all; And hereby know we that we dwell in him, and he in us, who is both divine light, and divine good, and we know it because he hath given us of his spirit, 1 John 4.13, 14, 15, 16, 17.

Herein you are found lyars, Seducers, and Antichrists, that say we believe not in him, for that is your condition, that know him not that is come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth in him may not abide in darkness; which light & life I witness, with all that do believe in the Lord Jesus, the light of the world, but you that know not this true light, that enlighteneth every man to guide you there is you condemnation, & your Ministry is for condemna­tion; for he that loveth the light, and is guided by it, that shews him salvat ō, but he that walks contrary to the light, as you do, is in dark­ness & abideth in death, & are for condemnation, Ioh. 3.19, 20, 21.

You do mightily dishonour the Lord, that say this light doth not shew all darkness and unbelief; Herein you erre, not know­ing the Scriptures, nor the power of truth: The Apostle said, That God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, had shined in their hearts; which I bare testimony to through death, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the f [...]ce of Jesus, and that was the doctrine that he preached, who had the Heavenly treasure in an Earthen vessel, which you are ignorant of, 2 Cor. 4.5, 6, 7.

And so you are found to be enemies to Jesus Christ and strangers to the true l ght; your ignorance and folly is now made manifest.

First. Christ who is the true light that enlighteneth every man that cometh into the world, Ioh. 1.9. doth altogether condemn unbelief, and that is your condemnation, for we which have the [Page 29]light of life, and witness against you, that say this light doth not discover unbelief, for it hath condemned it, and sets us free from it, who are redeemed to God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ by it, which you are ignorant of, and so are ignorant of the life of the Scriptures, as in Ioh. 19. & 8.12. & 3.19, 20, 21. Act. 13.47. where Christ is the Covenant of his people, as the Lord hath promised by his Servant the Prophet, who Prophecy­ing of Christ, Sai [...]h the Lord there, I will give thee for a light of the people, to enlighten the Gentiles which were unbeleevers, that thou mayst be the glory of my People Israel: herein you mightily do dishonour the Lord Jesus Christ, but they are not Israel that are after the flesh, as you are that live in the fall, and in darkness, and in enmity to God; but they are Israel that are after the spirit, and walk in the light, bringing forth fruits to the Praise and Glory of God, and there is your condemnation, the light which lighteneth every man that cometh into the world, and your ministry is darkness, and not light, of Antichrist, and not of Christ, and you are men-pleasers, time-servers, seducers, blind guides, Hypocrites and dissemblers, and sheweth your envy and subtilty, being of the world, and in darkness, and guided by the spirit of error; we are of God, he that is of God heareth us, and walketh in the light which guideth and leadeth up to the Father of Lights; he that is not of God, heareth us not, hereby know we the spirit of truth and the spirit of error, by the touch­stone and tryer and light of life. 1 Ioh. 4. which is Christ reveal­ed in us, as the Apostle did witness, Gal. 1. which you are ig­norant of, and live in form without either light, life or power, and are servants of sin, and your wages are death, and destruction; tribulation and anguish: Repent and blush for shame, wo and misery is your portion, the mouth of the Lord of H sts hath spoken it, who is the righteous Judg of Heaven and Earth, the Father of Lights, even the Father of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who is God blessed for ever.

Yet further they conclude that power accompanies that light to destroy every evil, Quest. as it appears in them that yeild themselves unto it, and watch that their vain minds draw them not forth from abiding in the pure light of Christ, &c.

It were a smal thing, Oh, all ye that pass by, Priests. If we and our [Page 30]means should sleep in the dust in everlasting silence and contempt; but will not the stones cry out, if we hold our peace, whilst these deceits seem to lay all upon Christ &c.

Here you shew your selves to be of the number of Repro­bates, Reply. and know not Christ, as in that 2 Cor. 13.5. who yet never knew any thing of Christ, the Divine Light, and the Di­vine Power, and are of those that Christ speaks of, he came to his own, and his own received him not; such as made great shews, and fair pretences of him as you do, as the Jews, Scribes, and Pharisees did, he came, that is, Jesus Christ unto them, and they received him not, that had made so much profession of him, as you have done; but were enemies to him then as you are now, but as many then as received him, to them he gave power to be­come the Sons of God, which were born not of flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God, Ioh. but you are of the will of man, and of the flesh, and not after God, and are ig­norant both of the light, life and power, and you are of that which is corruptible, and both your names and memory shall perish, and rot in the dust, for the name and memorial of the wicked shall rot and utterly perish, and come to nought, the old man, the old name, and that must dye, and you are in the old nature which is corrupt, which shall rot and per [...]sh, but the new man, the new name, and of the Divine nature, which is the Gift of God, shall live and endure for ever, and every living-stone that is elected, and enlightened, may cry out against you, that you are no Ministers of Christ, but of Antichrist, and are in the old birth, and of the wicked one, and must come to destruction, who are led by Antichrist, and your own corrupt wills, and know nothing neither of watching, nor yeilding up to the light, as those do who are enlightened by it, and guided by it, who are the Sons of God, Rom. 8.14. and are acquainted both with watchings and fastings, as the Saints were, who do abide in the Doctrine of Christ, and are guided by the spirit of truth, knows that there is need of watching and yeilding up to Christ, which you shew your selves to be ignorant of, that live in pride, and vain glory, and fleshly boasting, and know not Christ calls to his, saying, Watch and pray lest ye enter into Temptation, here must be either yeilding to Christ, or a standing in oppositi­on [Page 31]on against him, and walking in carelesness as you do, but we have not so learned Christ, Ephes. 4.20. but are taught to watch and pray, and not to enter into the temptation or the evil, Mat. 26.41. and saith he, what I say unto you I say unto all men, Watch; but you are proud boasters, as in 2 Tim. 3. and know not the Doctrine of Christ, nor the practise of the Saints: Da­vid, he watched, and his Soul waited on the Lord, and in his Word did he hope, and so do all the Seed of David now, that which is the immortal Word, which liveth and endureth for ever, and David said, My Soul waiteth for the Lord, here was a true waiter, and the same seed doth so now, he waited more then they that watch for the morning, Psal. 130.5.6. this was Da­vids condition, who was the Servant of the Lord, which you shew your selves to be none of, and you would have all to take not ce of it, and of your ignorance of the practise of the Saints and Servants of the Lord, See Heb. 2.1. he stood upon his watch, which ye neglect who live in scorn, sitting in the seat of the scornful; but the Lord sits in Heaven, and laugheth you to scorn, ye scorners how long will you live in scorning? and are so blind that you are not acquainted with waiting nor watching, which were and is the practice of the Saints which the Scrip­tures do witness, and I bear Testimony to the life of the Scriptures, for watching and waiting upon the Lord, see these Scriptures; and you that do deny the life of the Scriptures, I do deny, and herein you shew forth the spirit of error: The Apostle who had the spirit of truth did teach the people as he was taught of God, and did exhort them to stand stedfast upon their Watch, 1 Cor. 16.13. the true minister of Christ did exhort the Corinthia [...]s to watch, and to quit themselves like men, that they might be strong in the Lord, and do all their works in love, that they might addict themselves to the ministry of the Saints, 1 Cor. 16.14.15. which you shew your selves enemies to; and the Thes­salonians who were children of the day, and taught of God, he did exhort to watchings, and to put on the Bre [...]t plate of faith and love, and for an helmet the hope of Salvation, for God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain Salvation by Jesus Christ, which we do own, and witness their practice which spoke forth the Scriptures, 1 Thes. and the [Page 32]blessing is to them that watch, Revel. 16.15. Herein you shew your selves to be no watchmen, but blind guides; for the Mi­nisters of Jesus Christ were to watch for souls, as they that were to give an account to God, Heb. 13.17. And so you make good that saying of the Prophet, and fulfil that Scripture, His watch­men are all blind; such as you are, that act in the same condi­tion that the false Prophets did, looking for your gain from your quarter, Isai. 56.10, 11. Wo to you ye blind guides, for it is Christ that worketh in us both to will and to do, of his own good pleasure, Philip. 2.12, 13. And our sufficiency is of him, 2 Cor. 3.5.

And for your saying that we hold free will, that is your ima­gination, but God will scatter all the proud in their imaginati­ons. It is the will of God which is our sanctification, which you shew your selves to be ignorant of, and so follow your cor­rupt wills freely; without watching over that which corrupts; and so give up your selves to the power of darkness, to commit sin with greediness; and here you have shewed your folly, and that you neither know the light, nor the power of truth, but are in darkness: We to you ye blind guides, who are for wrath and condemnation, and the wicked and all that forget God, shall be turned into hell, Psal. 9.17. And saith Christ, Depart ye that be workers of iniquity, I know you not. And Go ye cursed into hell, prepared for the Devil and his Angels, Matth. 25. And take the unprofitable servant, and bind him hand and foot, and cast him into outer darkness, where shall be weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth: And now you are found unprofitable, which ran, but the Lord never sent you; howl and weep, for wo and misery is your portion, and the portion of all such as you are.

But if your power accompany the light, Priests. what shall we think of Paul, who found the Law of his members warring, and leading him captive against his will, &c.

You shew that you neither know any thing of Paul's conditi­on, nor of the law of the inward man; for the Law hath power over thoughts, and all the thoughts of the wise are vain, and so are you vain that would find out the Secrets of the Lord by your vain thoughts; but none knows them but those that fear the Lord, which is a departing out of iniquity, and out of vain and [Page 33]evil thoughts, which you live in, and so you are ignorant of the Apostles experience, that would be finding it out by thought, which is vain; and so your life that you live by thought is vain; for the just he lives by faith, which is the evidence of things un­seen, which you shew your selves to be ignorant of; The Apo­stle he spoke forth his experiences, as he passed through them from death to life, and as he was made free by the Body of Christ, and said, I thank God, who hath given me victory through Je­sus: for the Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus made him free from the Law of sin and death, and he was made more then a Conquerour, and was crucified to the world, and the world to him, and he had Christ living in him, and so knew both the life and power of Christ manifested in him, which he did w [...] ­ness, and he hath left upon record: which life and power you are ignorant of, and would be aspiring to know his conditions, with your vain imaginations, but the life and experience of them is hid from all such vulterous eyes, and venomous beasts, as you are; though you can steal his words to trade withal, yet you are strangers to that life which was made manifest in Paul, and you cannot know it, whilest you I ve in the lust and filth of the flesh, and in the broad way, and in the fall, and like theeves you have stoln the declarations of Pauls experiences, and the rest to make a trade withal, such Sir Simons as you which buy and sell the letter which is carnal, for carnal money; but the gift of God, which is the Holy Ghost, that you know not, and so you are children of disobedience, and are hasting to fill up your measure, that destruction might come upon you, and fire fall down from Heaven to burn up all your chaff, and stoln expressions; for the Lord he will, and is now gathering his wheat into his garner, but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire, all your forms, and chaff, and corrupt dealings, is for the fire, and wrath of the Almighty; and the coming of Christ you know not, but are car­nal and corruptible; and if the last enemy be death that is to be destroyed, what is the first? you run on, but turn you back a­gain, and hasten not into your self wills, which are for destructi­on, and your fl shly wisdom, which is for condemnation, and look into that 2 Pet. 3.12. which you have made such haste to, and in the latter end of the verse you may read that the face of [Page 34]the Lord is against you, and all such evil doers as you are, pag. 16. And see how you are hasting to an ungodly corrupt conversation, and are neither of the mind, nor the same spirit that they were of, that spoke forth that 3d Chapter of the Philippians, though you have made great haste to steal their Letters or Epistles to trade withal; but see what the Holy Ghost spoke through Paul to such as you are, who are to be marked, that do not follow their example in life and conversation, but are enemies to the Cross of Christ, as you are; and instead of Phil. 3.21. Let it lye where it is, and run not over, but take your own reward, that which is [...]ue to you, and such as you are, whose end is destructi­on, whose God is their belly, whose glory in their shame, who mind earth things, as you do, Phil. 3.18, 19.

And now you Foxes, and subul Serpents, you are found out of your holes of earthly conceiving inventions, and imaginations; and are to be whipt with the smal scourge of the righteous judg­men [...]s of the Lord, for the accuser of the brethren is head in you, which you speak of in your 17 page.

Thus saith the Lord, Wo to the Idol Shepherds, such as you are, that ran, but the Lord n [...]ver sent you, and you are unprofi­table, and do not profit the people at all, Jer. 23. read that over, and s [...]e where you are, and you may see that a whirlwind is to fall grievously upon all such as you are, that speak a vision of your own heart, and not from the mouth of the Lord, and that preach for hire, as you do, as in Jer. 5.30, 31. holding up that which is an abomination in the eyes the Lord; but wo is your portion, that feeds you with the fat, and clothes you with the wool, God will feed you with judgement, read Ezek. 34. And wo to them that take counsel, but not of me, and that cover with a cover­ing, but not of my Spirit, saith the Lord, that they may add sin unto sin, as you do, that are covered with your own inventi­ons, the wo s to you, read Isai. 30. And you blind leaders of the people cause them to erre, Isai. 31. and Isai. 9.16. So that there is like Priest, like people, Hos. 4.9. Therefore wo to you, and all blind guides, Matth. 23. The Lord is against you.

Moreover, Quest. they admonish that we wait in silence until God open our mouths.

[Page 35]We answer, If that were the end or intent of this admonition, Priests. to shew to man his dependancy on God, &c.

Herein you shew your selves to be ignorant of the same Spirit that they had that spoke forth the Scriptures, Reply. whose dependancy was of God, and waited upon him for to move in them by his holy Spirit, and to put words into their mouths to speak, as the Prophets and Apostles did witness, as you may read at large in their Declaration; For holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost, 2 Pet. 1.19, 20, 21.

And those that speak now, and speak not by the same movings of the Holy Ghost, speaking in them, and through them, as they did, are false Prophets, such as you are, as in 2 Pet. 2. Who know not the gift of God, which is as fire, but speak their own words and imaginations from others writings, as you do, that say none speaks immediately from God now as the Apostles did.

Herein you shew that you never knew God, nor any gift of his, but have all this time spoken your own inventions, and vain repetitions, and not from the mouth of the Lord, and now in due time you have laid it open to the view of all that are learned and grounded in the truth, who are not unlearned, nor untaught of God, as you are, that wrest the Scriptures to your own destru­ction, being led away with the errour of the wicked, as you are, and know nothing of the growth in grace, as they did which spoke fo [...]th the Scriptures; which I witness the life of, and see you where you are in your inventions and imaginations, wrest­ing the Scripture, being untaught of God, following your own thoughts and imaginations, 2 Pet. 3.16.

1. But we know God by divine inspiration, and know him speaking immediately in us by his Son, and who are his sheep hear his voyce, John 10.4, 5. And so know you to be ravening wolves, ranging into you own inventions, and ravening into old Authours, and stealing the Saints Declarations to speak of, and so get your lesson before-hand what to say, but the Apostles did not so; And such vain ravenous minds as yours are, I do deny, and now you have made your selves manifest, that you were ne­ver taught of God, but he will bruise you all with his iron rod.

[Page 36]2. We know that we are taught of God by his Holy Spirit, as he hath promised, and now is fulfilling and qualifying his Son in his Saints, John 14. and hath prayed for us, ver. 16, 17.26. And we do now find the efficacy of his prayer to, and in our souls, and our union is with him, in that which he hath prayed for, John 16.23, 24, 25, 26, 27. And he is now the same that he was, Heb. 13.8. John 17.20. to the end: But our life is not in the let­ter, as yours is, but in the spirit, and in the power.

3. And we know that no man can come to the Father, but by Jesus Christ, the light of the world, who is a mystery to the carnally minded ones, such as you are, who would find out the mystery by your fallen wisdom, and studied our knowledg, which is for the fire; for no man can come unto God, but by this Je­sus whom we preach, which is Christ in us, the life and substance of all the Scriptures. Col. 1.27. &c. And no man knoweth the Son, but the Father, neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whom the Son reveals him: who calls for o­bedience in whom he is man festing his love, and faith, Come un­to me all ye that are weary, and heavy laden, But you are not burdened with your sins, that do delight in them, and so your rest is in the fl [...]sh, and carnal wisdom, which must be shaken; but mine is in the Lord Jesus Christ, in obedience to the Cross, who hath set me at liberty from the servitude of sin, to serve him, ha­ving been taught of him, as the truth is in Jesus, and have rest unto my soul through the divine unfoldings of his love, Matth. 11.27, 28, 29.

4. And we know, That God who at sundry times, and in di­vers manners, spake in times past unto the Fathers by his Pre­phets, hath in these last dayes spoken to us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the world, who being the brightness of his glory, and the express Image of his person, we are reconciled to him by his blood, and are uphol­den by his power, Heb. 1.1, 2, 3. To him alone be praise, honour, and glory, both now, and for evermore.

Ʋnless we think, Priests. (as the Doctrine implyes) That the Motions of the Spirit, are the only rule of duty, &c.

Herein you shew your judgement is carnal, and not spiritual, that would try the motions of the Spirit by your corrupt thoughts, Reply. [Page 37]which are of the earth, earthly, and you have neither salt, nor tryer, born up in your understandings to try withal, as the Saints had that spoke forth the Scriptures; but your tryer is a Chapter, or a verse of their Declaration, which you experience nothing of, that live by thoughts and doubtings; and so you know nothing real, and he that doubts is damned, you, and your doctrine is for condemnation: For the spiritual man judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man: And there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, who walk in the spirit, 1 Cor. 2.15, 16. Rom. 8.1. But you are carnal, and are guided by your own corrupt wills, and your doctrine is accursed, and you walk in crooked paths wh [...]ch lead to destruction.

All people that have any care of your souls, take heed to your souls, and follow not these blind guides; Iohn Pomroy, Paul Clisson, Ioseph Kellat, &c. lest they lead you to destruction; take warning betime, for they are blind leaders of the blind, and see what Jesus Christ saith, in Matth. 15.14. And hold them not up, nor receive them into your houses, neither bid them, God speed, lest you be partakers of their evil deeds, Mat. 15.14. 2 Iohn 9.10, 11.

Whereas you say, That to the best of your understandings, Priests. you judge the Asserters to be against any constant Preacher, or Course of prayer, so allowing every man and woman liberty in Assemblies to teach, or pray, &c.

Here the best of your understanding is carnal, Reply. and your judge­ment is the same, and so you have nothing to do to judge, or to search out the Sa [...]nts liberty by your subtilties; for the natural man knows not the things of God, and your understanding is earthly, and your judgement is for condemnation, which is not infallible: And the salt having lost its favour, is good for no­thing, but to be cast out, and trodden under foot, Matth. 5. And so your judgement is cast out, and shall never enter into the inward Court, but must be trodden under foot; and your corrupt wills are for destruction, and you are for condemnation, because you love not the light, the Lord Jesus Christ: Therefore be accursed, 1 Cor. 16.22.

2. Preaching we own, and the Ministry of Christ we own, and the Course of prayer by the same spirit we own, and we do not [Page 38]allow any to speak but the man in us Christ Jesus, who is the Ministry of the Sanctuary, and preacheth glad tydings, and we own his voyce, and his Ministry in any, and know his voyce from the voyce of strangers; such as you are that are enemies to him we disown, and do deny.

3. You are carnal and corrupt, and would be Lords over Gods Heritage, but you must be cast out, and all such Foxes that spoil the Vines: You say that we allow any liberty in the Assem­blies, &c.

4. Are you so sottish know you not that the head of every man is Christ, and where he is exalted, must his mouth be muzzled in any: In the true Church all might speak one by one in the spi­rits administration, who were acted and guided by the spirit to a spiritual order, in all things but yours is carnal; Let them that pray pray with the spirit & the understanding also, and every one may speak as they have received, 1 Cor. 14. And as every man hath received the Gift, so minister the same, one to another, as good Stewards of the manifold Graces of God, that God in all thingt may be Glorified, through Jesus Christ, to whom he Praise and Dominion for ever and ever, 1 Pet. 4.10, 11. here­in you shew your selves to be carnal, and know not that the ma­nifestation of the spirit is given to every one to profit withal, 1 Cor. 12. and that no man can call Jesus Lord, but by the Holy Ghost, and for that 1 Tim. 2.12. Rom. 16.1. and Phil. 4.3. Act. 21.9. and it will let you see that your Judgment is carnal, and that you are not to Judg of spiritual things by carnal reason, and fleshly fancy; But that you may lay open your folly, that it may appear to all that are of a spiritual discerning, that you are enemies to God: and in your wicked imaginations, which are for the fire, and you we do deny, and all vain janglings, and fleshly carnal corrupt ways of worship, and your set times, who live in limitation; but God will lim [...]t those carnal minds in you, and bind up the wilde wills which would be intruding into those things that you have nothing to do withal, and cast the Beast and false Prophet into the Lake that burneth with fire and brimstone, and such deceivers as you are, Rev. 17.

It is said indeed that you may all Prophecy one by one; Reply. but it is said also, are all Prophets? we wish that the Lords people were Prophets.

[Page 39]You shew your selves to be contrary minded to the Apostles, Reply. though you steal their words to talk of, you neither have the same mind light, life, order nor power amongst you, as they had, and he did exhort them to covet the best gifts, 1 Cor, 12. Rom, 16.1. Phil. 4.3. which you grudg at, and he commended to them Ph [...]b [...] a servant of the Church; and there were women labourers with him in the Gospel, and the Spirit of the Lord is the same now that it was then: It is but the Beast in you that would and doth make war with the Lamb, but the Lamb shall overcome, and give you all your doom, even reward you all according to your doings; Rejoyce ye Saints, and righteous ones, the Lord will Judg and avenge himself upon the whore, that Iezebel that is amongst all the fair sayers, and painted Sepulchers, such as these gainsayers and op­posers are, who stand in enmity and opposition against the truth, by their evil thoughts and vain imaginations, shewing the spirit of error.

The Assemblies of the Saints of old ware constant, Priests. and they had men, who attended on the word and prayer, who gave them­selves to it, prepared themselves, waited on God, that they might act to the edifying of the Saints in love, Act. 20.7, & 6.2, 3, 4. 1 Tim. 4.13.14, 15, 16.

The practice of the Saints in former ages, Reply. and in those places that you have cited may be sufficient evidence against you, that you are none of them, but enemies to those who come to walk after their example now, whose life and practice we do own; but you and your practice we do deny, and altogether disown; though you have stoln their words to speak of, yet they will be witness enough against you, and their manner of meetings, speaking by the spirit, and waiting will condemn you, that de­ny the same waitings and attendings in others, and know nothing of them in your selves, who do not attend upon the word, to speak immediately from the Mouth of the Lord, as they did, whereas you speak by the spirit of error, that speaks by imagi­nation, and not by the same spirit that administred by them, and doth by those that now speak by Divine inspiration, herein you walk contrary to the Scriptures, and the practice of the Saints, in former ages, shewing forth the spirit of error.

See Act. 20.7. When they were met together on the first day [Page 40]of the Week, which you call a Sabbath, where that place of Scripture doth not call so; but it is your imaginations, and in­ventions, and contrary to the Scriptures, and to that Sabbath, of whom Jesus is Lord.

2. Pauls Preaching by the spirit, and continuing his speech till midnight doth condemn you, that study for what to say, and ma­ny speaking an hour by a glass, shews that you do want the same power, and instead of preaching by the same spirit, or speaking the Word of God, as Paul did; you speak, and make a trade of Pauls letters, which he sent to Brethren and his friends, and glosseth them over by your Serpentine wisdom, and have not the same spirit to preach by that Paul had, so shewing to all that you are acted and guided by a spirit of error.

3. And whereas you speak but your own Imaginations and in­ventions, Paul, he went about preaching the Kingdom of God, and he did not count his life dear unto himself, so that he might finish his course with joy in the Ministry which he had received of the Lord Jesus, who did not shun to declare unto them all the Counsel of God, Act. 20.21. to 28. and he did exhort them to take heed to themselves, and to all the flock over which the Ho­ly Ghost had made them overseers, to feed the Church of God, which he had purchased with his own Blood, Verse 28. which Ministry by the Holy Ghost we own, and that Ministration which stands out of all mans inventions, and such Officers as are made overseers by the Holy Ghost, we do own; but such as you that are made by imitation and self-conceitedness we do dis­own; for that is Antichristian, and not to be owned with be­leevers, but to be testified against, and such Ministers as are of the spirit, who speak not their own words, but the Words of the Lord, who doth it freely, as Paul, this Gospel Minister did, Act. to the end; but such as you are, who have neither any spiritual gift, nor spiritual administration, but speak brain study, contrary to the Doctrine of Christ and his Apostles, and making a trade of the Scriptures, and giveth them your An­tichristian application, we do deny; for you are under the curse, and are to be consumed, for the Lord will consume Antichrist, and all Antichristian Doctrine, by the breath of his mouth, and the brightuess of his coming, 2 Thes, 2. and you that make your [Page 41]Gospel, or false Ministry, burdensom, and are covetous, contrary to that of Paul, in this 20 of Acts, ver. 33, 34. We do deny and disown, and see you to be led by a spirit of errour.

But you are discovered, and made manifest, what Master you serve, even him whose coming is after the working of Satan, 2 Thess. 2.3, 4, 5. to ver. 13.

And the Apostle having a discerning spirit, foretold of such as you are that should come, which we through the mercy of the Lord are made to see, as in Acts 20.29, 30. And to have no fel­lowship with you, but to testifie against you, Ephes. 5.11. Paul he laboured both for himself, and others; who doth condemn you, that are as drone B [...]es, and live upon the sweat of other mens brows to maintain you in pride and pomp, idleness, and fulness of bread, which were the sins of Sodom, and it is the fruits of your dark Ministry, spiritual Sodom, and Egypt, where the Lord is crucified; and you are of them that would shut up the Kingdom of Heaven against men, and neither go in your selves, nor suffer them that would to enter; but the wo is to you, and all the plagues that are written in the Book are due to you, and to all in that nature, Revel. 22.

This doth to our discernings tend to the establishing of the say­ings of them who speak after their trembling fits with an ex­tended voyce, Priests. as the Oracles of God, and leaves us not the liber­ty of the commended practise of the Bereans to try the sayings of an Apostle by the Scripture, Acts 17.11.

Your discernings are exceeding carnal, Reply. that have professed your selves so long to be Ministers of the Gospel, and have no tryer, but by the Scriptures, which are without, and are carnal, not knowing the same Spirit that spoke forth the Scriptures, which was before any Book or writings were, and searcheth and tryeth all things, even the deep things of God, 1 Cor. 2.10. But natural men, such as you are, receive not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to them; and so are they to you, and your discerning is earthly, the salt having lost his savour; and so you have lost your discerning that hath it without you, and not within, as the Saints had, and have, 1 Cor. 2.13.14. But you cannot know the things of God, or workings of the Spi­rit by your carnal reason, because they are spiritually discerned. [Page 42]And herein you are carnal, sottish, and brutish, and know no­thing of the same power that was manifested in those that spoke sorth the Scripture, who had the Spirit, and the discerning.

And you that are not acquainted with those trembling fits that you do despise in others, are not acquainted, neither with the Voyce, Power, nor Oracles of God; therein you do shew forth your ignorance in the work of the Lord, and that you are ignorant of the same spirit and power that was in them, who had the Oracles of God, and spoke them forth, as they did that wit­nessed forth those Scriptures, in whom the power of the Lord was manifested. As Isaac, Gen. 27.37. Moses, Heb. 12.21. Da­vid, Psal. 38.8. &c. Psal. 119.120. and Job 4.14. Chap. 21. ver. 5, 6. Chap. 37. ver. 1. Jer. 23.9. Hab. 3.16. Dan. 10.7, 8, 11. Ezek. 12.18.26. Chap. 16. ver. 32. Chap. 10. ver. And Paul, Acts 9.3, 4, 5, 6. and Philipians, 2.12, 13. and the Corinthians, 2 Cor. 7.15. &c. These and the rest did witness, who had the Spirit of God, Rom. 8. and the Oracles of God, and spoke them, 1 Pet. 4. But you do shew that you neither know thepower of God, which is the salvation, nor the gift of God, which is the discerning, as they had that spoke forth the Scriptures; but your discerning may carry you to that in Acts 17. And see your selves to be as the unbelieving Jews were, which were moved with envy at the publishing of the truth by the Spirit that was in Paul, as you are by the Declaration of the truth, by the same spirit that layeth open your deceits, now as his did then, and your hearers that have been kept in blindness by you, and such like, may search the Scriptures, as the noble Bereans did, and so see you to act the same things that the Jewish High-Priests, Scribes, and Pharisees did, which were enemies to Jesus Christ then, as you are now; therefore repent, and give over deceiving the people.

The simple, Priestr. you say, believe every word, Prov, 14.15. but in this case, you say that you have learned that the Spirits of the Prophets are subject to the Prophets, &c.

You are wise in your own conceits, Reply. and know nothing of the simplicity that is pure, Being wise to do evil, but to do good you have no understanding: And you never yet learned the lesson of self-denial, nor know nothing of the true Prophetical Office of Christ by divine inspiration in you; but have stollen words to [Page 43]speak of, and say, you have learned, but it is but to steal the words of others to trade withal, and so are theeves and robbers, John 10. that Christ speaks, and you never knew the immortal word which was in the beginning; for in its arise it will shake down all the loftiness of man, dividing asunder both joynts and marrow, crush­ing down all-deceits, and deceivableness, which you live in, and are acted and guided by deceit, and so are learned and taught of the Devil, the doctrine of deceit; But he that doth not righte­ousness, is not of God, nor he that loveth not his brother, but is of the devil, as you are, 1 John 3.10. And are Prophets of the deceits of your own hearts, as the false prophets were, and are subject to the will of the Devil, and to deceive the simple, but your condemnation will be the greater, for the true Prophets you know not, but steal their words, as the false Prophets did to trade withal; but the Lord hath discovered you, and laid open your deceits, and deceivableness, how you lie in wait to deceive the simple, and would keep them back from receiving the simple na­ked truth, as it is in Jesus, but it is the simple that he doth teach, Psal. 19.7, 8, 9. And they recaive his words which are pure, and need not your additions nor inventions to gloss them over with­al: Prov. 30.5, 6. Deut. 4.1, 2. But all the plagues that are writ­ten in the Book are to be added unto you, that are not in subjecti­on to the true Prophet, the Spirit of truth, but are subject to add your own inventions, which the plagnes are to, Revel. 22.18.

But that they intend to magnifie their writings, and Epistles above, or into an equality unto the holy Scriptures, Priests. G. E. affirmed to I. K. seems very probably, in that they put their papers very diligently into one anothers hands, but not see the Scriptures, and do soms of them say, That it is alike for to take a sentence out of their Letters, and preach from it, R. F. as to take a sentence out of Paul's Epi­stles, &c.

Here you have shewed forth that you are guided by a lying spirit, Reply. which makes it good that you are Prophets of the deceits of your own hearts, and that you are taught to lie by the Devil, the Father of lies, John 8.44. in saying that we magnifie our writings above the Scriptures. But that which is written from the same spirit that gave forth the Scriptures, do witness with [Page 44]their spirits that spoke them forth, Zeph. 3. ser. 5.30, 31. Isai. 56.10, 11. Mic. 3.11. Mal. 2, &c. and have union together, as Heb. 12.11. Ephes. 5.30.1 John 4.16, 17. And cannot but testifie against your deceits, as they did against the false prophets then, that stole the true Prophets words to trade withal, as you steal the Apostles Letters to sell for money, which he gave forth to be read amongst his friends at their meetings together, 2 Thes. 2.1, 2. Gal. 6.11. 1 Thes. 5.27.2 Cor. 1.13. These, with the rest of his letters, that he sent to his friends and brethren, which you are enemies to, and are to be marked, Phil. 3.17, 18. that walks contrary to them, And you are to be noted that you may be put to shame, 2 Thes. 3.14. Gal. 6.16. And as for magnifying your writings, that is, the stoln expressions that are conjured up out of the bottomless pit of deceit, and that is all that we write against, to magnifie the truth, in laying open your deceits, and deceivableness, where you do deceive the people by your flatteries, deceits, and glorious noti­ons, and gilded expressions, which is for the fire, and all such as you are, who are acted and guided by the spirit of the Devil, who is a lyar, and the Father of it: And the Beast, and the 24 Elders, Antichrist, and his upholders, shall be cast into the lake together, and they that worship the Beast, and his Image, and their own imaginations, and inventions, as such as you do: Rev. 14.9, 10, 11. Rev. 17. Rev. 20. there to be tormented. And as for putting our papers into one anothers hands, and not the Scriptures, as you say; Here you speak but by imaginations, but the spreading a­broad of our papers, is for the laying open of deceits, and decei­vers, such as you are, that do not abide in the Doctrine of Christ, 2 John 9. but run a whoring after your own inventions; but Whoremongers and, Adulterers that do not abide in the truth, such as you are, God will judge; but the Scriptures we do own, and magnifie the life and power of them, and all who are guided by the same Spirit that gave them forth, Rom. 8.14. 1 John 3.1. But such as you are that live in lies, flatteries, sub ilty, and deceit, we do deny, and disown, and restifie against all such who take the Scriptures for no other end, but to trade withal for money, and deny the life of them, and who walk not in obedience to the Commands of our Lord Jesus, such we deny, and those that have but the form of Godliness, but deny the power thereof, as you do, such we deny, and that you have nothing to do to sell [Page 45]the Scriptures, nor to trade with the Saints experiences for mony, which is your Dianah, for your foundation is but Silver and Gold, which must be shaken, and cast into the fire, that nothing may stand in the day of the Lords power, but that which is of his own bringing forth, where those that speak may speak as the Oracle of God, with power and boldness, from the spirit of truth, as they receive their words from the Lord, and not from other mens writings, and gathered up knowledg and imagina­tion, for carnal mony and carnal ends, as you and such as you do, who make no other use of the Scriptures but to colour over your deceits, and deceivableness withal, that you may live in Hypocrisie; but wo is the Hypocrites portion, and wo is yours: Wo to you ye blind guides and demi-lights, wel-favored Harlots, and painted Sepulchers, for the Lord will avenge himself on all his enemies, and adversaris, such as you are.

And your wisdom is earthly, your wills are corrupt, and you are in the old nature, and are in the fall and lust of the flesh, Pag. 37. and you are ignorant of the things of God, and know nothing of Chriff and his Cross, but shew your selves enemies to it, as in Phil. 3. and are in the broad way that leads to destruction, and you are covered over with earthly conceivings and earthly inventions, and imaginations, and your learning is earthly, and no man can serve two masters, but you are ignorant of the teachings and Doctrine of Christ, but run into the holes of your earthly imaginations, and you are carnal and corrupt, and you are of the first birth which is Cainish, there is a natural man, and there is a spiritual man, and the natural man is in his first wisdom, which is earthly, carnal, sensual, and divilish, James 14.15.16. and so is yours; but the spiritual man hath his affections set on things above, being risen with Christ, Col. 3. having his wisdom from above, being born again, and of the seed of Abraham, and his wisdom is not that which is bought and sold, Iob 28. as yours is, but the new man hath his new name, new learning, and new wisdom, which is pure, peaceable, and is of another, being made partakers of the Divine nature, and the Divine wisdom, which the spiritual man is taught, and hath received of the Lord, Iam. 3.17.18. 2 Pet. 1. to 9. which you shew your selves to be ignorant of, and enemies to and knoweth not the teachings [Page 46]of God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ; but are cloathed with your own righteousness: and in your 38. Page, you would make your selves to appear fair and beautiful in the eyes of men, as the Pharisees did, Pag. 38. who was of the same nature that you are, and boasted of their own righteousness, which you are establish­ed in, and not in the righteousness of God, which crosseth all natures desires that are corrupt, and changeth that nature which is carnal, and wor eth out all unrighteousness where it is em­braced, and the motions of it not quenched, 1 Thes. 5.19.20. 21.22.23. but you are in divisions and dissimulations, and knows not that righteousness of Christ that stands inward in the cove­nant of promise, as you have declared in Page 38. which is in all, and is the power, and the life, and righteousness it self, to esta­blish and season their hearts with Grace, which you are not ac­quainted with, whose learoing is that of the first nature, which is earthly, and your righteousness the same, every tree being known by its fruits, Luk. and the root being cor­rupt, the branches is corrupt also, so your Religion is carnal and earthly, and stands in externals and rudiments of the world, and not after Christ, but is Ceremonial, Pharisaical, and Diabolical, and that nature, and seed that lives in that center knows not that religion which is pure, and keeps unspotted of the world, Iam. 1.26.27. nor that righteousnes which stands out of all mens ap­prehensions, and comprehensions, in him; who is, and who was before the world was, and is incomprehensible, which you shew your selves ignorant of; But what fellowship hath righte­ousness with unrighteousness, and what union hath light with darkness, and what concord hath Christ with Belial; whom you serve that live in uncleanness, enmity is put betwixt the two seeds, and they cannot bereconciled, 2 Cor. 6.15.16, 17, 18.

And as Apparrel was made to cover nakedness withal, Pag. 39. which we do not deny, but sees through the large Love of God to us in all his own work, who maketh us the workmanship of God the Father, creating us in Christ Jesus, the Son of his Love, and our Souls Saviour, adorning us with the ornament of a meek and a quiet spirit, and cloathing us with the Garments of praise, and and as the Saints was that is spoken of in the Revelation, that we may praise and glorifie his great & glorious Name, & in using all his [Page 47]creatures in the use and service, as they were created for the health and preservation, and doing all thing to the Praise and Glory of God, which tendeth to his Honour, who is the Father of the faithful, that we own, and that we set up, 1 Pet 1.14 which tends to pu­rity and righteousness not fashoning our selves like unto the world, in obedience to the commands of Jesus Christ, knowing that the world and the fashion thereof passeth away, and that we may be to the praise of the glory of his Grace, who hath redeem­ed us out of all uncleanness, that are of the new-birth, 1 Cor. 7.31. and know­ing our redemption, that was not purchased neither by Silver nor Gold, which is corruptable, as your minds are; but wee are re­deemed by the precious Blood of Jesus Christ, to serve him in newness of life, and newness of conversation, and our freedom is in the perfect Law of liberty, which you are ignorant of, and so are contending for the Devil, to cover over deceit, and to up­hold the abominations and filth of the flesh, Prov. 16.17.18. But it is the Lords love to let us see your deceits, and to see how you act in darkness, and from aspirit of error; and you are cloath­ed with your own inventions, and sets up that which God doth throw down, and you may and shall be ashamed of the evil of your doings, and your contempt to the spirit of truth, for your minds are carnal, and your worship is carnal, and your con­tentions is carnal, which tends to vain janglings, which is forbid­den.

And that which is seen is carnal, and that which is not seen is eternal.

And that which is seen is carnal, and that which is not seen is eternal.

And so are you carnally minded whech is death, Rom. 8.6. 7. and your worship is carnal, and perishing, Col. 2.20.21, 22. and not after Christ, and your ministry will never lead up to perfection, but is for condemnation.

But the Ministry of Christ which is after the spirit, The Saints Ministry. Ephes. 4. [...] 9 10 11. 12 13. and not of the letter, which the letter doth declare of, that which tends to perfection, that we own, to the building up one another in love, by the spirit of love, which you know not, but are igno­rant of, who lust after envy:

The Church of Christ we own, who are of God, in God, 1 Cor. 13. The trus Church. born again of water and the spirit, baptized by one spirit into one bo­dy where Christ is the head, and the Saints the body, 1 Per 2 5. who are of [Page 48]one heart, 1 Thes▪ [...] 1 Ephes. 1▪ 22, 23 and one mind which is that we do own, Ephes., &

But yours that is of confusion and contention, strife and de­bate, and are in vain janglings, and pride, and voluptuonsness, which is of Antichrist, that we disown.

The bread which the Saints break dayly, and from house to house, The spiri­tual bread. which bread is from Heaven, and is our life, which we have union with, 1 Cor. 10.17.18. in whom it is minisested, Ioh. 9.33. 1 1 Cor. 12. that we do own; but you that are carnal, and yours that is perishing, that we disown.

The Cup which the Saints drink, The cup of blessing. which the Scriptures do de­clare of, which is the Blood of Christ, and the Cup of Blessing, that we do own, Iohn, 56. 1 Cor. and 12.13.

But the Cup of Abominations, and filthiness of the fornicati­ons which you and all the world in their old nature do partake and drink of dayly, Reve l. 17 4, 5, 6. and that which the Gentiles sacrifice, they Sacrifice to Devils and not unto God, all drinking the cup of Devils, 1 Cor. 10.21. which is not of Christ, but of Anti­christ, and that we utterly deny and altogether disown.

The Baptism which is spiritual, Gal. 3.27 28. By one spirit one Body, where there is but one faith, one Lord, one Baptism that we do own; Spiritual Baptism. and they that are baptized into Christ have put on Christ, and are new Creatures, cloathed with the Righteous­ness of Christ, and espoused to him, and into that union, par­taking of the fruit of the Vine which is in the new plantation, and for the friends of Christ to partake of, Joh. 15. Rom. 6. which we have pri­viledge in, and is in order to the spirit of truth, which the Scrip­tures do declare of, that union and communion which is spiri­tual, and not carnal, that we do own, and those whoa re spiri­tual and not carnal, them we own.

They that are guided by the Spirit of the living God, and are made over-seers of the Church by the Holy Ghost, and do watch over the weak, 1 Cor. 2.8, 9, 10. Spiritual Overseers. and do it freely, not by constraint, nor for filthy lucre, and are grown up into the truth, and are able to divide the word of truth aright, them we do own, and have them in love for their works sake, who are in order to the spirit of truth which is the life of the Scriptures.

[Page 49]But those that are no▪ of the spirit, but of the letter, and their fleshly imaginations, and guided by a spirit of errour, and con­strained by gifts and rewards, as you are, them we do disown.

That Word, the word of God, which was in the beginning, which is the word of life, which is the word of power, The word of God, which is the word of life, and is spiritual. which is as a two edged sword to the dividing asunder of joynts and marrow, and doth discern the thoughts and intents of the heart, and is as a fire and a hammar to break the rocks and hard hearts, and is to be desired, which is the word of comfort that nourish­eth up the soul unto Eternal life: which word is invisible, which is the word of faith, which is the engrafted word, John 1. Heb. 4 12. Je [...]. 23 29. 1 Pe [...]. 2.2. 1 Pe [...]. 1.22 Rom. 10.8 James 1 21 and not the letter, which the letter doth declare of, which is now the word of power, and able to save the soul, which worketh out all su­perfluity of naughtiness, which the Scriptures do declare of, that word we own, but you, and your carnal inventions, and invita­tions, which are aiery, them we disown.

That faith which is the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is a saving, and a justifying faith, The Saints Fa [...]th. and that faith which purifieth the heart, and overcometh the world, which leadeth into cove­nant with God, which is the gift of God, which is the evi­dence of things unseen; and that hope which is in Christ, 1 John 5 4 Heb 11. [...]ude 20. 2 Pe [...]. 1. 5 6. &c. Phil. 2.3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and that mind; Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus, who though he was in the form of a servant, thought it no robbery to be equal with God: which the Scripture doth declare of, and that which is sp [...]ritual light, life, peace, which passeth understanding, joy, and comfort, which is eternal, which the Scriptures do declare of, that we own.

But yours that is carnal, and stands without, in old Authours, and Books, a studied out faith, and an hypocritical hope, which is to perish, and your love, which is dissimulation, &c. and is forbidden by the Spirit of truth, that we disown.

He that is a B [...]shop, Pastour, or Teacher, Spiritual B [...]shops. 1 Tim. 3.1 2.3, 4, 5. [...]t. 1.7, 8. 1 Per. 5.1, 2, 3. Acts 20. and is taught by the Spirit, who is not of man, but of God, and is blameless, and doth contend for the faith that was delivered to the Saints, who are not carnal, but spiritual, who are not proud, nor covetous, nor given to fil­thy lucre, who are lovers of good men, who are sober, just, holy, and temperate in all things, who are without partiality, or hypo­crifie, [Page 50]and who watch for the souls, as those that are to give an account to God, and are governed by the Spirit of God, free­hearted; such we do own.

For all who do prof [...]ss themselves to be Ministers of Christ, and to be sent of God, and do not walk in obedinece to the Lord Christ, but go out of his Doctrine; all such are Seducers, and Antichrists, cover over themselves with never such fair shews, and covers by their vain imaginations, and fleshly wisdom, as you do: But wo to them that cover with a covering, but not of my Spirit, saith the Lord, that they may add sin unto sin, as you do, Isai. 30.

You are constrained by tythes, gifts, and rewards, and large augmentations, and preaches for hire, as the false prophets did, but the Lord is against you, as he was against them, and you are under the Curse, and the Wrath of the Almigh­ty.

The Apostle, who was a man of God, taught of God, and had his Ministry and Authority of God, and not of man, and his learning was of God, and not of man, as it is left upon record, Gal. 1.11, 12. and were after the Example and Doctrine of Christ: That we do witness, and that we don own.

But you that run to Studies and Arts, to raise death out of death, speaking the letter, which is death, for money, which is carnal, and are led by your own wills, which are corrupt, and not by the will of God, as the Apostle was; and you are of man, and your authority of man, and not of God, and so your Ministry is Antichristian, wh [...]ch differeth both from the practise of Christ, and his Apostles.

The Apostle who taught the people, as he was taught by di­vine Revelation, had all his wisdom and learning cast out, which became of none account, and was loss, dross, and dung, Phil. 3.7, 8.

The Apostle who was taught of God, and had his Ministry not of man, nor by the will of man, but by the will of God taught freely, Acts 20.33, 34. And necessity was laid upon him, and he laboured to make the Gospel free, and himself servant to all, 1 Cor. 9.15, 16, 17. &c.

And the Apostle who had spiritual gifts, was a Mini­ster [Page 51]of the Spirit, made an able Minister, 2 Cor. 3.5. And not of the letter, but of the spirit, 2 Cor. 3.6.

And the Apostle was made a Minister by the dispensation of the gift of God that was given to him, and he was a Minster of the mystery that was revealed to him, which you are ignorant, and know▪ nothing of, who deny the light, know neither the gift, nor the power as he did, Ephes. 3.2, 3. Ephes. 3.7, 8, 9, 10.

And you are darkness, and your Ministry is darkness, and not of the light, not of the spirit, which is the gift, and you are not of Christ, but of Antichrist; and saith the Holy Ghost, Little children, let no man deceive you, he that doth righteousness, is of God, and knows the mind and will of God, and acts in the light, and is righteous, and is guided by the Spirit of God, and is as he is, 1 Iohn 3.6, 7. in the truth, and in the righteousness of Lord Iesus Christ, 1 Cor. 1.30, 31.

And the Apostles who were of righteousness, and of the Spi­rit, were able Ministers of the manifold graces of God, and fel­low-labourers with him, and had both the gift, and the spirit, and were able to give gifts unto others, and such was the Seal of their Apostleship, as were Epistles written in their hearts by the Spirit of the ever living God, and not by the letter, as in 2 Cor. 3.1, 2, 3. And they needed not the recommendation of others.

But you that are carnal, and corrupt in your old nature, and being evil, how can ye give gifts unto others out of that which you have nothing to do withal; For the natural man knows not the things of God: you have nothing to give (being evil your selves) but that which is evil; and go and make restitution to whom you have robbed; For the thief comes not but for to kill, and to steal, and to destroy, Ioh. 10.10. And let him that stole, steal no more, Ephes. 4.28. The Lord is against them, Ier. 23.30. And he that doth not righteousness, is not of God, 1 Joh. 3.10. And what agreement hath the Temple of God with Idols, 2. Cor. 6.17, 18.

And the true worshippers did worship the Father in spirit and in truth, Iohn 4.23, 24. And not by imagination, and inven­tion, tradition, and rudiments of the world.

Those that were true worshippers, and did worship the Fa­ther in spirit and in truth, did meet together often, and see [Page 52]what Temple they worshipped in, such as were made without hands, 1 Cor. 6.19 20. 1 Cor. 3.16. Rev. 21.

But to these that are Brethren, salute me to the Church that is in their house, as Paul to Aquila, and to the Brethren of La­odicea, and Nimphas, 1 Cor. 16.19. Col. 4.15. And those did abide in the Doctrine of Christ, and I witness with them, but you do not abide in the Doctrine of Christ, that profess to be sent of him, nor regard what the Holy Ghost said by Paul, and by Stephen, Acts 17.47, 48, 49.

But you who are contrary to these, and instead of being Stew­ards of the manifold graces of God, and of the houshold of faith, are of corruption, corrupt minds, and corrupt hearts, and are of the Synagogue of Satan, and are proud and covetous, and snuffeth up the ayr, and watches for great benefits, and large augmentati­ons, and are Ministers of man, and sprinkle Infants, couzening them with your inventions, and you your selves are out of cove­nant with Christ, and shall never enter with your high notions, and fleshly imaginations, which are of Antichrist, and not of Christ, who contend for earth, and earthly things, shewing that your treasure and your heart also is in the earth, and you your seves earthly, and are in the same seats that those were who were enemies to Jesus Christ, as you are, whom he exhorteth in his Doctrin to beware of, Mark 12.38, 39, 40. And you Chri­stopher Feak, John Simson, George Cocking, Laurence Wise, John Pomroy, Paul Glisson, Joseph Kellat, and all such as you are, and your carnality and sensuality we do deny; and against your dark Egyptian studied out M [...]nistry, and your painted ex­pressions, and gathered up notions we do testifie that you are not acquainted with the teachings of God, nor the Doctrine of Christ, and ran, but the Lord never sent you; Therefore do you fulfil that Prophecy declared of by Ieremy, Chapter 23.32.

And you are as the false Prophets were, all teaching for hire as they did, to whom the Lord sent his Servants, the true Pro­phets, to testifie against them, and you are found in the same con­dition now; See Ier. 5.30, 31. Isai. 56.10, 11. Ier. 23.16, 17, 18, 19. Isai. 29. and the 9th. to the 16th. Ezek. 34. to the 11th. Isai. 72.7, 8. Hos. 6.9. Hos. 5.1, 2. Isai. 9.16. Zeph. 1.4. Zeph. 3. [Page 53] Zach. 13.4.5. Mal. 2. to 10. but the Lord will make you and all that are as you are, of your own inventions and imaginations, and run, but never was sent, and have cast the Law of God be­hind your backs, but your blessing is to be accursed, as theirs was, and the Lord will make you contemptible in the eyes of the people, and you are to be declared against.

And as Ezra had a standing place for the reading of the Law, Nehem 8.4, 5. Mat. 23. to the 8. Vers. it is not denyed, so had the Scribes and Pharisees which took Moses Seat and place, pretending to do Justice and take off op­pressions, but did not; But did burden the people as you do, that sits in their seats now, and acts in the same things which Christ came to throw down, and you are Lords and Masters, contrary to the Doctrine of Christ, but you are discovered.

But Christ did forbid his to be so, be ye not so saith he, Mat. 23.8. and said he; Be not ye called of men masters; but he that is greatest among you, let him be your servant, Verse 11. and whosoever shall exalt himself, shall be abased, Vers. 12.

But you do not abide in his Doctrine, as they did who were his Disciples, and were in obedience to Christ commands, See 1 Cor. 9.16. to 19. 2 Cor. 4. to 6. but you shew your selves to be both contrary to Christ, and to his true Ministers, and makes your selves manifest to be amongst the false Prophets, and Scribes and Pharisees, which were enemies to Jesus Christ then, as you are found now, who do not regard his own sayings, as in Mat., &c. but are exalted and puft up in your flesh­ly wisdom, high notions, and high places, and are as those was that were enemies to Christ; but see what is your due, vers. 13.14.15.

Likewise see what Christ saith in Mark, when he called his Discipl [...]s, he said unto them, Ye know that they which are ac­counted to rule over the Gentils, exercise Lordship over them, and their great ones exercise Authority upon them, Mar. 10.42. and here are you placed.

Notwithstanding Christs command in vers. 43. who said to his; But so shall it not be amongst you, but whosoever will be greatest among you shall be your Minister, and whosoever will be chiefest among you shall be servant of all; but you do not abide in his Doctrine, but are in the earth, the lust of the flesh [Page 55]and in the fall, and are in Gentilizm and Pharisaicallizm, in pride and vain glory, proud boasters, and self-conceited Hypocrites and dessemblers, and are of those that Christ doth forwarn his Discipled ones to beware of you, and such as you are, that do not abide in the Doctrine of Christ, and so are of Antichrist; blush for shame:

For saith Jesus our Saviour, beware of such as these, whom I declare and describe unto you, See Mark and such sorts of men as these, were enemies to the Saints, and the Brethren then, as you are now, who had nothing to do with the Saints priviledges, that did not walk in their practice, and you witness your selves to be of the same generation, notwith­standing you have stoln the Saints words to trade withal; but do not abide in the Doctrine of Christ, but are Antichrists.

And the woes, Judgments, Plagues, and Curses, that was pronounced to the false Prophets, Scribes, Pharisees, Hypocrites, Seducers, and Antichrists then, the same is now due to you, and the Lord will be avenged on you and all such as you are.

So in doing my duty to the Lord in declaring against you and your deceits, I rest in the Lords own free love, and remain a friend and lover of all that love the Lord in sincerity and truth.

Written by a labouring man. It were most part of my three days labour. R. F.

The only true God,

HIm we worship, who placed Adam in the Paradice, who dwelleth in eternity, and where no uncleanness can ap­proach, or come nigh, who dwelleth in the highest Heavens, and with him also that is of a poor and contrite spirit, who caus­eth such his blessing to inherit, whose joy is in him, and in the Kingdom of his love, Luke 17.21. 1 Cor. 4.20. Rom. 14.17.18.

Adam in the Paradise, and after with Eve in the fall, as you and such as you are, that are not redeemed by his power, not knowing the seed of the woman that bruiseth the Serpents head, the enemy, the tempter: But Abraham, Isaac, and Iacob, who were holy men of God, Joseph in the Prison bound under by Phaaroh, who was a proud hearted oppressor, such as you are, Egypt, the Isralites red Sea, Pillar of fire, Egyptians over­through, and the Israelites deliverance, by the Divine Power, and Moses guiding them in the Wilderness, Law, Sabbath, Ark, Church in the Wilderness, warfare, Iordan, Canaan, Caleb, Ioshua, Judges, Prophets, Kings, Victories, large love and mer­cies of the Lord, in sending his Son▪ that was born of a Virgin, suffered contradiction of sinners, Jews, high Priests, Scribes and Pharisees, such as you are, and glorification and ascention into the Kingdom of Heaven, and in our souls the Kingdom of his Grace, where he conquers and rules in love, and comforts us by his ho­ly spirit; these and all things, as the Scripture doth declare of, in their times, places, administrations, and dispensations, we do all own;

But your lyes, flatteries, deceits and hypocrisies, whereby you would strangle the truth, to make it appear odious to the world, we do disown.

And as for self-justification, that we deny, and who art thou that dost condemn or lay any thing to the charge of Gods Elect, [Page 56]seeing he doth us by his own power, both save, sanctifie, and justifie by saith in Jesus, 1 Iohn. 3.5, 6, 7. who was manifested to take away our sins, and who shall separate us from the love of God, shall tribulation, or persecution, peril, or nakedness, famine, or sword, though we be accounted all the day long as sheep for the slaugh­ter, yet we are more then Conquerours through him that loveth us; and we know him in whom we do believe; and though we be accounted as the filth of the world, and off-scouring of all things, and as unknown, and yet well known of the Lord, and of all those that are the Lords, but of our selves we can do no­thing. It is God that worketh in us both to will and to do, of his own good pleasure, and is thy eye evil because his is good. It is God that doth us justifie, and we know that all things work to­gether for good to them that love God. to them who are the called according to his purpose, Rom. 8.28, 29. to the end of the Chapter.

What would you then have us to continue in sin that grace may abound, God forbid: for how shall we that are d [...]ad to sin, live any longer therein, knowing that so many of us as were bap­tized into Jesus Christ, were baptized into his death, there­fore we are buried with him by baptism into death, that like as Christ was raised from the dead, by the Glory of the Father, even we also shall be raised up to walk in newness of life, Rom. 6. Isai. 66.12.

Truth we own, and righteousness we own, and all Christi­an Authority, such as is of God we own, knowing that the Law is holy, 1 Tim. 1.8, 9, 10. and just, and good, for the lawless, and for the disobedi­ent, and that the righteous Magistrate beareth not the Sword in vain, neither will he suffer sin to go unpunished; Justice, such as is pure according to the Command of Jesus Christ, that which is for the punishing of evil doers, and for the praise of them that do well, and all that fear the Lord, and make consci­ence of their ways and doings, who hold the mystery of faith in a pure conscience, such we do own; And think not that we do come to destroy or declare against righteousness, but unrighte­ousness, that purity may be set up, and righteousness establish­ed; that deceits, and deceivableness, and all unrighteousness may be thrown down, and Christ the Son of righteousness [Page 57]exalted in the purity of the Gospel, this we do own, and this we do honour.

But all deceivers, blind guides, hirelings, Seducers, and An­tichrists, who do not act in righteousness, nor abide in the Do­ctrine of Christ, we do disown.

And all Ranters, and Libertines, who are without order, and spiritual Government, who delight in vanities, and follow the course and fashions of the world, and live in voluptuousness and filthiness of the flesh, and those that say, and do not, and seem to be what they are not, speaking fair words, and walk contrary in their actions, which preach to others liberty, and they themselves are the servants of corruption, be they what they will be, such we disown, and utterly do deny, and we loath and abhor all manner of evil, knowing this, That he that doth not righteousness, is not of God, 1 Iohn 3.10. For God is pure, and of purer eyes then to behold iniquity; and all Rant­ers, Sects, and opin [...]ons whatsoever, we do deny; for it is pu­rity that we do honour, knowing, That he that doth righteous­ness, is of God, 1 Iohn 3.7. But such as hold that there is nei­ther God, nor Devil, good nor evil, but what a man doth ima­g [...]ne, and that good and evil is alike; Let me tell them by the Spirit of the living God, that they are lyars, and guided by a spirit of delusion.

Now all that love the Lord Jesus Christ, have a care, and take heed of all such, for they are not of Christ, but of Antichrist, and we do them disown, and utterly deny, in obedience to the command of the Spirit of truth, and according to the Com­mand of our Lord Jesus Christ, who saith, Have no fellowship, with them, Ephes. 5.11. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret; but all things that are reproved, are made manifest by the light, for what­soever doth make manifest is light, Ephes. 5.12, 13. Let all the workers of iniquity know, That the unrighteous shall not in­herit the Kingdom of God, 1 Cor. 6.9, 10. Gal. 5.19, 20, 21. And let them know, That the wicked, and all that forget God, shall be turned into hell, Psal. 9.17.

For the Secrets of the Lord are with them that fear him, [Page 58]and the grace of God which bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, teaching us to deny all ungodliness and worldly lusts, and to live righteously, soberly, and godly in this present evil world, Tit. 12.11, 12. s;o God is thereby dishonoured, but he is zealous of his honour with a godly jealousie, and he will not give it unto graven Images, but will judge the Heathen in righteousness, and all are Heathen that know not God by his power ruling in them, and he will scatter the proud in all their imaginations, and therefore be not deceived, for God will not be mocked; And saith he, If I be a Father, where is my ho­nour? A son honoureth his father in loving him, and walking humbly before him, and yeilding obedience to him from love re­ceived; and a servant he serveth his Master, and is in obedi­ence to him in all things: Therefore his servants ye are to whom ye do obey, Rom. 6.16. And he that commits sin, is the servant of sin, John 8.33. But know you not that the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God to them that love him, and serve him in holiness and righteousness, is Eternal life a Therefore, saith he, Be ye holy, as I am holy, for without holi­ness, no man shall see the Lord: profess what they will: And It is not every one that saith, Lord, Lord, that shall enter in­to the Kingdom of Heaven, saith Jesus Christ, but he that doth the will of my Father which is in Heaven. And saith he, Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bring forth much fruit: But why call ye me, Lord, and Master, saith he, and do not the works that I say? Therefore, every one that doth pro­fess love to God, and Christ, be what you speak in all things, or else profess nothing at all, and be not sayers, but doers; for to say, and not to perform, is hypocrisie and dissimulation: But hypocrites and dissemblers God will judge, and pour forth fury upon the head of the wicked.

Therefore all that do walk in disorder to the Spirit of truth, God doth disown, and we do disown; but those that walk according to the Spirit of truth, and bring forth the fruits of the Spirit; as love out of a pure heart fervently, peace, meek­ness, gentleness, goodness, temperance, and patience, godli­ness, [Page 59]and brotherly kindness, and such as these, which are ac­cording to the Spirit of truth, Gal. 5.22, 23, 24, 25, 26. such we do own, and wish grace, mercy, and peace to all that walk ac­cording to this rule, and to all the Israel of God: And I say, as the Apostle did, who was a true Minister of Jesus Christ, and a man of God, who was acted and given by the Spirit of the living God and was hated of the world, and both by the Jews, Pharisees, Sadduces, Grecians, Libertines, and all Sects and o­pinions, which were many, as there are now; and all in confu­sion, and out of the way, but truth it is, but one, which stands out of all sects and opinions, and is in that which is but one, where purity is out of all apprehensions, and comprehensions, in the Eternal, Divine Being: And it is for the truths sake that we are reproached, and so we are made willing to submit to the righteousness of the Spirit: And as many as walk according to this rule, Peace be on them, & on the Israel of God; From henceforth let no man trouble me: For I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus Christ: And to all that are Brethren, Gal. 6.16, 17, 18. The Grace of our Lord Iesus Christ be with your Spirits, Amen.

This Epistle was written for the Vindication of the Truth; By a Friend, and Lover of the Truth, and a Servant of the Lord, Rich. Farnworth.

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