A CHARACTER Whereby the false Christs, or Antichrists, Seducers, false Prophets, and house-creepers may be known.
Now in the latter dayes, wherein there are perilous tims, as it is written & hath been foretold of in 2 Tim. 3, 3. And saith Jesus. False Proph [...]ts shall come, but by their fruits shall ye know th [...]m, Mat. 7.15, 16. and 20. And now they are come, and by their fruits they are known, as it is written.
As may be seen in two Letters sent to severall Priests in Liestershire, after two severall Meetings, betwixt them and those called QVAKERS, One Letter was to be sent to one Tho. Cockeram of swannington, servant to the Lord Protector, at whose house one Meeting was, as the Letter will further make mention, and shew the difference betwixt the true Prophets and the false, which Letter was directed to him to to be read to the Priests being present at the Meeting, and the other was to the Priest of [...]wycrosse, after the meeting appointed betwixt two Priests, and those whom the world scornfully calleth Quakers:
Wherein is discovered the true Prophet and the false, and who those are that creep into houses, leading silly people men and women captive, laden with sin, and led away with diverse lusts, ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the Truth; and who those false Prophets and house-creepers are, that are spoken of, as is proved, both by their fruits, and also by Scripture, as may be seen, &c.
By one known to the world, by R [...] [...]RNVVORTH.
London, Printed, and are to be sold by Giles Calvert at the sign of the Black spread-Eagle at the West-end of Pauls. 1654.
A BRIEF DESCRIPTION Of the true Prophets and the false, and how false Prophets and house-creepers may be known, by a Letter to Priest Hill, &c.
THou who professes thy self to be a Minister of Christ, thou art found to be an Antichrist, and a false Prophet, and art a a raging wave of the Sea, foaming out thy own shame, as those spoken of in Jude 13. And thy fruits also maketh thee manifest, and thy folly and ignorance were abundantly discovered, and made manifest at the Meeting at Twycrosse, on the second day of the week, and the 9. day of the 8. month, and could give no account at all of any thing of the working of God by Inward Experience; for, when I propounded a Question to thee; and asked thee concerning passing from death unto life, thou could tell nothing of it at all, and because it is said, that death reigned from Adam untill Moses, over all those that sinned not after the similitude of Adams transgression, and the Law and the Prophets are till Iohn, and Iohn he came and doth come burning and shining; amongst those that were born of women was not a greater than Iohn, yet he that is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he, as it is written; I then asked thee how thou couldst give account of those Ministrations in the inward man, and thy passage in the inward Ministration through death, and withall I asked thee, what death had reigned over in thee, and thou could not tell; I also asked thee how it was with thee In deaths reign, and how thou came thorough the Ministration of condemnation, and to know the Law and the Prophets fulfilled in thee, and to what, and how thou came to Iohns Ministration, to know the fallow ground ript up in thee, and the Ax laid to the root of the tree, what the [Page 2] Tree and the Ax, and the fallow Ground was, and how the burnings and the shinings came, and how that Ministration ceased, and what succeeded and exceeded, but thou could give no account of them, and the [...] the devill in thee raged, thou being in union with him, fret and fumed, and were like one of the Buls of Bashan that is spoken o [...] i [...] Scripture, and I told thee, thou ought to give me account with meeknesse and fear, because it was required of thee so to do, for the Minister of Christ saith, Sanctifie the Lord God in your hearts, and be ready alway s to give an Answer to every one that asketh with meeknesse and fear, 1 Pet 3 15.
But hou shewed [...]hat thou knew not the fear of the Lord: that were so fil [...]'d with rage, fury, m [...]nesse, mischief, and wickednesse, lying, and false accusing of the just, and could prove none of those things wherein thou so falsely accused the innocent.
Oh, shame upon thee Priest Hill, that art such a man of Beliall; the Light of God in thy conscience will prick thee at thy heart for it, and thy contrary acting to the Light, and that light which sheweth thee sin and evill, and checks and reproves thee in secret, that Light will be thy eternall condemnation, who hateth it, and acteth contrary to it, and the Light of God in thy conscience will witnesse for me, and the Truth against thee and thy deceit, in thy condemnation thou wilt know what I say: Oh, shame, let shame cover thy lips, who hateth [...]he Light, and acteth so contrary to it, and all that fe [...]s God, that knoweth thee, may cry shame of [...]hee for ever; thou enemy of all righteousnesse, and child of the devill, who preaches up sin, and a continuance in it, to uphold the devils kingdome, and so perverts the right wayes of the Lord, as thou dost, tha [...] Scripture which thou brought in the Acts shall stand for thy elf; for when I charged thee to prove me to be that which thou accused sme of, thou could not: But I shall prove thee to be a lyar, and a false Prophet, as I said, and so make it good, and prove it both by thy fruits, and also by Scripture to confirm the same, as I said.
First, when I asked thee if thou did not preach for hire, thou denied it openly, and before the people, and said, thou did not Preach for hire
Then secondly, I asked if ther were none present there that could witness against thee, in that thing, to prove thee 2 lyar, whereupon, in that place witnesse came against thee, and proved thee a lyar before thy face, and lying is of the devill, Iohn 8.44. And all ly [...]rs are for [...]he Lake; Read thy Reward thou lyar, and child of the Devill, Rev. 22.15. Rev. 21. [...]. and 27.
Then when thou was proved an open lyar in that thing, thou proceeded further to manifest thy lyes, and said thou did not preach for hire, thou preached for souls; and when it was asked thee and Priest Whetstone, both of you, what the Soul was, thou answered positively, and said, No man living could tell what the soul was; whereupon I there proved thee a lyar in that thing, and withall I asked thee, and you both, what you did minister unto, and watch over, that knew not the soul, therein thou and he both, did discover your selves to be no Ministers of Christ, nor [Page 3] the Gospel; for the Ministers of Christ in the New Covenant did, an doth watch for the Souls, as they that must give an account unto God Hebrews 13.17.
Here Hill, I charge thee, and Whetstone also, in the Presence of the living God, to be ignorant of God, and of Christ, and to be no Ministers of the Gospel, nor the new Covenant, but are false Prophets of Rome, and never was sent by the Lord, that knoweth not what the Soul is, as thou then said, and therein thou lyed again, and treebled thy lies, that said thou preached not for hire, but for Souls, and upon the examination said positively, that thou, nor no man living know what the Soul was: true thou knowest not, nor none living in thy nature, and deceivablenesse of unrighteousnesse.
Wo to thee, thou lyer, thou art of thy Father the devill, and a deceiver of souls, Iohn 8.44. And herein thou hast manifest thy self, and all in thy nature, to be acted and guided by a lying spirit: But remember thou lyar, that the lake is prepared for the lyars and wicked, such as thou art, and the light of God in thy Conscience, which thou art an enemy unto, will witnesse the same for me, and the Truth, agai [...]st thee and thy deceivings; and thou mayest read thy reward, and all such as thou art, in Psal. 9.17. Mat. 7.15, 16, 20, and 23. Mat. 25.41. to the end. Rev. 21.8.
Thou art as one of those that Isaiah the true Prophet of the Lord was sent to cry out against, that art blinde and ignorant of the knowledge of God in the inward ministration, that could not open thy mouth to speak any thing of the mystery, Col. 1.27. but art a blinde watchman, and a greedy dumb dog, and one that preaches for hire, and seeks for thy gain from thy quarter, and place where thou art seated, as the false Prophets did, and as the idoll shepherds and blinde watchmen did, so dost thou, thou blinde watchman, idoll shepherd, and false Prophet, as thy fruits maketh thee manifest, that preaches for hire, and tythes, and lyed, and said thou did not, Oh, shame, shame, let shame strike thee in thy face, and cover thy lips, the light of God in thy conscience will be an eternall witnesse against thee forever thou lyer, and false Prophet, by thy fruits thou art known and th [...] is the way to know false Prophets as Christ hath said: Ma [...] 7 [...].5.1 [...], 20. And thou mayest read amongst the true Prophets writing [...] [...]nd see thy [...] to be amongst the false Prophets, by thy actions, as thy fruits maketh thee manifest, and let the true Prophets words judge thee, [...]hou false Prophet, who art an open lyar, and Preaches for hire, and seeks for the gain from thy Quarter, Place, and Parish where thou art, as the false Prophets did, so dost thou Hill, Read Isa 56 [...]0, 11.
Isaiah, who was the true Prophet of the Lord, did not preach for hire, neither did he seek for his gain from any quarter, but cried out against them that did is thou dost, for thou said openly, thou was not as Isaiah was; no more thou art: For Isaiah was annointed by the Spirit to Preach; but thou art not, and Isaiah said, the L rd God and his Spirit sent him to preach; but thou ran as the false Prophets did, and thou that art not as [Page 4] Isaiah was, thou art a false Prophet indeed, out of thy own mouth ar thou judged, and if Isaiah was here now, he would cry out against thee, as he did against those in thy nature then, that did as thou dost, and as all you hireling Priests; and false Prophets do, with the same Light and Spirit that was in Isaiah, art thou, and all you hireling Priests, seen now, and cryed out against now; We to you blinde guides, and false prophets, and hireling Priests, that run but never was sent of the Lord, therefore do you not profit the people at all, Jer. 23.
And wo to thee Hill, thou blinde guide, and false prophet, that preaches for hire, and seeks for thy gain from thy quarter, Place, & Parish where thou art, as the false Prophets did, and lies, and saith, thou doth not preach for hire: Oh, shame upon thee Hill, for ever, that liveth and acteth in such grosse wickednesse as thou dost, but God will avenge himself on thee, and all such as thou art, Isaiah who was the true Prophet of the Lord, he cryed out against such as thou art, and he spoke the word of the Lord freely, and said, Come freely, without money, or price, and so do all the true Prophets of the Lord now that are in the light, as Isaiah was: and they are annointed to preach, and the Lord God and his Spirit sends them to preach freely as Isaiah did, and to cry out against all such as thou art Hill; Read Isa. 48.16, 17. and Isa. 61. Isa. 55. and tell, the true Prophets words judge thee and Priest Whetstone, and all such as you are, that say, you are not as Isaiah was, be witnesse against your selves, that you are the false Prophets, and all such as you are, who are not as Isaiah was, for he was the true Prophet, and cryed out against the false, and descrybed them by their fruits, Isa. 56.10, 11.
And likewise Jeremiah, who was the true Prophet of the Lord, spoke freely, and said, All the children of the Lord should be taught of the Lord, in the New Covenant as Isaiah did; and Isaiah 54.13, 14. and Isaiah 55. Chapters, Jeremiah 31.31. to the 35. and Jeremiah the true Prophet of the Lord cryed out then against such as thou art, and said, A filthy and a horrible thing was committed in the Land, for the prophets did prophesie falsely, and the Priests took gifts in their hands, and bore Rule by their meanes, as thou Hill, and Priest Whetstone, and all the Priests of the world receive gifts in your hands, and beares rule by your means, and preaches for hire, and thou Hill lyed, and said, thou did not, till witnesse came against thee openly before thy face; Oh sad, what a false Prophet, and hireling Priest, and lyar art thou? Here I charge thee, in the presence of the Lord, and all such as thou art, where ever they are, to be no Gospel Ministers, but lyars, deceivers, false prophets, seducers, and Antichrists, as your fruits maketh them and thee manifest, and the light of God in thy conscience, which sheweth thee sin and evill, and checks and reproveth thee in secret, will witnesse against thee, and thy deceivablenesse, and the Word of the Lord will rise up in judgement against thee, thou lyer and deceiver of the people, and all such as thou art, and the Scripture witnesseth against you, Read Jer. 5.30, 31. and let the true Prophets words there judge thee, thou false prophet, and hireling Priest, and all such as thou art, that bears rule by their means, and holds up that [Page 5] filthy and horrible thing, which Jeremiah the true Prophet of the Lord saw then committed, by such as you are, and he were sent to declare against them, as I declare against thee Priest Hill, and all that acteth such things, for by your fruits you are known to be the false Prophets that Christ said should come, and now you are come, and declared and testified against; Ephes. 5.11. Mat. 7.15, 16 and 20.
But Jeremiah the true Prophet of the Lord, he did not preach for hire neither did he bear rule by his means; but he declared against such as did and were set in the stocks, by one Priest, and smitten on the face, Ier. 20. and Ieremiah the true Prophet of the Lord, he pronounced woes to such as thou art, as thou mayest read, Ier. 23.1, 2. And thou art one of those false prophets, which speaks a vision of thy own heart, and makes the people light and vain, as thy fruits and theirs maketh you manifest, as him that thou called Mr. Kendall, and others that were with thee, who were so foolish, vain, and sottish, which is part of thy fruits, vanity upon vanity, like Priest, like people; read Ier. 23.16. Hos. 4.9.
Thou art of those false prophets that ran but never was sent by the Lord, for thou, and Priest Whetstone both said, that you was not as Isaiah the true Prophet was, and you said also, that a false Prophet ran before he was sent, therefore be witnesse against your selves, that you are false prophets, and not true, and ran before you was sent, that are not as Isaiah was, for Isaiah said, he was annointed to preach by the Spirit, Isa. 61. but you are not, nor none in your nature, likewise Isaiah the the true Prophet said, The Lord God and his Spirit had sent him to preach, Isa. 48.16, 17. but so hath not the Lord God and his Spirit sent you to preach, who said, you was not like Isaiah the true Prophet, that were sent; but you are the false Prophets, and all such as you are, that hath run unsent, as the false prophets did, Ier. 23.21.
And thou Hill, and Whetstone thy partner, and all such as you are, steals the words of the true Prophets to trade withall, and sels them for money, as the false prophets did, and the Lord is against you for it, as he was against them, therefore are you false prophets, as your fruits maketh you manifest, and as you may read, Ierem. 13.30, 31, 32.
And you that say, that Revelations is ceased, and say there is no knowledge of God, but by the Letter of the Scripture, as you did, when the Scripture saith, that there is no knowledge of God the Father, but by Revelation, Mat. 11.27. Gal. 1.11, 12. Gal. 1.15, 16. Eph. 3. Gal. 2. 1 Pet. 1. Herein you are found lyars, false prophets, seducers, and antichrists, and bringeth a contrary Doctrine to Christ, and his Apostles, therefore are you and all such to be holden accursed, Gal. 1.8, 9.
Thou art one of those that the Prophet Micah speaks of, that cryes peace peace to people, whilst they put into thy mouth; but those that cannot for conscience sake put into thy mouth, and give thee money and tythes, which thou hast no right to by the Law of God in the New Covenant; therefore because thou art a false prophet, and no Gospel Minister, now thou art ready to prepare war against them, or threaten them to go to Law with them, which Christ forbids, Mat. 5.4▪ And thou mayest read thy [Page 6] condition, and all such as thou art, Micah 3.5: and the 11. And many false Prophets are gone out into the world like unto thee, who through covetousnesse make merchandize of the people for their own ends, as thou dost, and as the false Prophets did; read 2 Pet 2 Thou and all hireling Priests and false Prophets such as thou art, goes on in the wayes of Cain, in envy, as he did, and are erred from the Spirit, as Balaam was, and wo is your portion; read Jude 11. Thou art one of those that takes the wool, and feeds thee with the fat, as the idoll shepherds and false prophets did, that Ezekiel was sent to cry wo against, and wo is to thee, and all such as thou art; as it was to them: Read Ezekiel 34. and let the true Prophets words judge thee, thou false prophet, and all such as thou art: And I charge thee, and all hireling Priests such as thou art, to shew me one place of Scripture in all the Prophets writings, if you can, when any one true Prophet of the Lords preached for hire, and threatened to sue men at the Law for their goods, and said, they had as good right to them as a man hath to his outward inheritance; as thou and Whetstone said you had, for speaking your lyes to the people, who are Ministers made by the wi [...]l of man, and not by God, and so are false prophe [...]s; Stop your mou [...]hs forever, plagues, and vengeance from the Lord expect, for your reward, Isa. 3.11. Isa. 30.1. R [...]m. 2.5.6.
And thou art an evill beast, and a slow belly, and a lyer like unto the Cretians, whose mouth is to be stopped, and all such as thou art; read thy self, who art in that nature, a lyer, an evill beast, and a slow belly; the light of God in thy conscience, which thou acteth contrary to, will rip thee up, and let thee see thy wickednesse, and be thy condemnation who loveth the deeds of darknesse, as thy fruits maketh thee manifest rather than the light, as thy fruits maketh thee manifest, and as thou mayest read, John 3 19, 20. read Tit. 1. [...] and the 16. Philip. 3.18, 19.
Thou holds up the idols Temple, [...] hath the chiefest place in the Assembly of envious and wicked ones, as the Scribes and Pharisees had, and thou art called of men Mr. as they was, and wo is thy portion, as it was theirs; read Mat. 23. and let Christs words there judge thee, thou hypocrite, thou raging wave of the sea, that foameth out thy own shame, read Iude 13. and thou may see all such as thou art are reserved for blacknesse and darknesse; Wo to thee, thou blinde guide, but if the blind lead the blinde, shall not both fall into the ditch? Mat. 15.14. Thou art oxe of those that creeps into houses, having two Steeple-houses to sell thy Brain-study, and carnall inventions there, and deceiveth people, and keepeth them ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth, and preaches sin in stead of grace; and pleads for a continuance in sin, and so for the devils kingdome, for he that commits sin is of the devill, 1 Iohn 3.8, but he that is born of God sinneth not, neither can he sin, 1 Iohn 3 9 1 Iohn 5.18. Iohn 4.16, 17. which birth thou knowes nothing of, nor none of thy raging fl [...]ck, that tore the other Letter that I sent unto thee in your Beast house, before any of it was read, not willing that your d [...]c [...]its sh [...]uld come to light, who yet worship the Beast and his image; but se [...] your [...]ward, Revelations 14.9, 10, and 11. Revelations 20. [Page 7] 15. Revelation 22.15. Revelation 21.27. Rev. 13. and Rev. 21.8.
To the Light of God in thy conscience I speak, that with it thy minde may be turned within, to see into thy wicked, evill and rebellious heart, and so to wait for thy condemnation, that the Light may judge thee, and condemn thee, who hateth it, and acteth contrary to it; condemnation thou cannot escape, and the Light of God in thy conscience shall witnesse for me in thy condemnation, as the book of conscience is penned. 2 Thes. 1.8, 9. 1 Thes. 2.11, 12.
Now all people, you that sees or hears this read, try your Priests by the Scriptures, and their fruits, and you shall finde them to be false prophets, as this Hill, and Whetstone, and all such are, and beware of them, I warn and charge you as you will answer it before the Lord; for false prophets ye shal know by by their fruits, as Christ hath said, Mat. the 7.15, 16. &c. And try your Priests by their fruits and the Scriptures, Are they not proud and covetous? are they not heady high-minded? are not they railers and false accuse [...]s, and such as Paul speaks of in the 2 Tim. 3. from the first verse to the sixth verse? their fruits is there described, and from such you are to turn away: Of this sort are they that creep into houses, Steeple-houses, and keepeth you ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth by them, verse the 6. and 7. Hear them not, nor hold them not up for the Lord is against them, and your souls shall never be benefited by them, nor none in their nature, for they shall not profit you at all, nor none such as they are, as you may read, Jer. 23.32 Now you have time, prize it, and minde the Light of God in your consciences, that which sheweth you sin and evill, and checks and reproveth you in your consciences when you do amisse, there is your Teacher, that Light of God within you, loving it, and obeying it; there is your condemnation, that light, hating it, and disobeying it; say not but that you are warned in your life time; therefore repent, and turn from your idols and idolatrous worship, for you worship you know not what. John 4.22.
God is a Spirit, and they that worship him now, they worship him in Spirit and in truth, and the Father seeketh such to worship him, as it is written, John 4.23, 24.
To the two Priests that were at the Meeting at thy house Thomas Cockeram, the 4. day of the week, and the 10. day of the 8. month; Read this to them and the people, that they may learn to know the true Prophet and false prophet, and Minister of Christ, and Antichrist asunder, &c.
Luke 10.5, 6.FIrst, when I came in thy house, I said, Peace be in this house, and then the wilde wanton Priest that is at thy house, he laughed and scoffed at it, to shew forth his unbroken nature, and to [Page 8] fulfill the Scripture, where it is said, In the last dayes there shall come scoffers, which shall walk after their ungodly lusts, 2 Pet. 3 3 4. Here thou wanton Priest, I charge thee the Red headed man to be no Minister of Christ, but of Antich [...]ist, and thou art without the fear of the Lord, as I told thee, and shewed that thou were neve [...] yet taught of God, and also thou shewed forth thy ignorance of the Scriptures, and art unfit to be a teacher of others, who knowe [...]h not the first Principles, or doctrine of Christ; for when he sent f [...]r [...]h his Disciples into the world, he said unto them, When ye come in an house, salme it, and if the house be worthy, let your peace come upon it, but if the house be not worthy, let your peace return to you again; and whosoever shall not receive, nor hear your words, when you depart out of that house or City, shake off the dust of your feet; for it shall be no more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorah in the day of judgement, than for that City Mat. 10.12, 13, 14, 15. And thou, the young wilde Priest Houldersh [...]w, thou sh [...]wed that thou wert never taught of God, nor sent of Christ, for if thou had, thou could have received his doctrine, and his Messenger, but thou shewed thy self like one of Pharaohs fed and wilde horses, without government, or any humility or moderation at all, and the Minister of God exhorted young men to be sober minded, and to let their moderation appear to all men; but thou Houldershaw had no sobriety nor moderation at all, nor no solidenesse, nor gravity, temperance patience, nor honesty, nor stayednesse at all; but were filled with laughter and folly, and foolishnesse, like a foolish, wilde, wanton youth, without any government, as thy deeds made thee manifest, and the light of God in thy conscience will witnesse against thee, though thy conscience be seared, and the earthly part above, where the deceit hath its passage, like a high way ground, where wildernesse and wantonnesse, foolishnesse and giddinesse runs up and down, and treachery and deceit hath its abode, and lodgeth in the seat of darknesse, where lust and accesse, pride, boasting, lying, vain-glory, scorn, and disdain is; y [...]t the light that is within thy conscience will awaken thee, and rip thee up one day, and be a swift witnesse against thee, and be thy eternall condemnation that hateth it and acteth contrary to it, and contrary to the Scriptures also, which saith, Put away jesting with foolish talking, &c. Eph. 5.3, 4, 5.6 But thou taketh delight in that which the Scriptures forbids, and acteth contrary to the light in thy conscience willingly, and wilfully, and rejoiceth in thy iniquity, and in thy foolishnesse, here I charge thee again in the presence of the Lord, to be no Minister of Christ, but of Antichrist, and thou art a servant of the devill, and the light of God in thy conscience, which checks and reproves thee in secret for sin and evil, will witnesse against thee, and greater will thy condemnation be, thou lyer, and wanton one, thou scoffer and boaster, proud, foolish and prophane one, thou servant of sin, and enemy of righteousnesse, thou serpent and viper, how shalt thou escape the damnation of hell? Call not thou this railing, for it is Scripture language, to the seed thou art of, and to that nature thou art in; and the light of God in thy conscience will witnesse the same, as the book of conscience is opened; and the Scriptures beares witnesse against thee, and all in that nature, as thy fruits maketh thee manifest, Rom. 1.21, 22. and [Page 9] Rom. 1.28. to the end, Rom. 2.5, 6. Rom. 6.16. John 8.34, 44. 1 John 3.8. Math. 23.33.
And when I asked the other Priest Bennet instead of you both, whether he were a Minister of the Letter or of the Spirit, he said, of both the Letter and of the Spirit, but Paul, and the Gospel Ministers said, ye was not Ministers of the Letter, but of the Spirit, 1 Cor 3 6. so he and thou both was found to be contrary to Paul and the Gospel Ministers in that; but because I know him and thee to be but Ministers of the Letter, and no Ministers of Christ, nor the Gospel, nor the Spirit, therefore did I ask him and thee both of you, a Question concerning the Ministery in the Spi [...]it, that it migh be made manifest to others, th [...]t he nor thou, neither of you was no Ministers of the Spirit, for I asked him as well as thee, how he could give account of the inward Ministration and what death had reigned over in him, and how he came to the Law & hrough the Prophets; & know J [...]hn in burnings & to come burning & shining & what succeeded & exceeded, [...]hat it he w [...]re a Minister of the Spirit, he might give account of the passing from death unto life, and to speak in the Ministery of the Spirit, but neither he nor thou could answer to that, nor give account of any thing at all concerning those Ministrations: Then I begun to declare against your igno [...]ance to the people, and to lay open your deceits, and that Priest Bennet, he b [...]lld, [...]nd [...]ared like a mad Bull, and whouted like a Ran [...]ier, or a Hun e [...], least the people should hear your deceits laid open, but you are made manifest: On [...]hame, [...]hame, let shame strike you in [...]h [...]aces, and cover your lips, and st [...]p your mouthes for ever ma ing a pro [...]ession of G [...] o [...] Christ more in that nature, who are desperately wicked; and Th [...]s Cocke [...]am, and all that have a desire to fear God be you ashamed of [...]he [...]es, carriages and actions of those wicked Priests, that were so fi [...]hy, and wicked, and take heed how you hold them up; I warn you and ch [...]rg [...] you in the presence of the Lord, as you will answer it before the judgement seat of Christ, lest you be partaker of th [...] plagues, and the curse of God come upon you for it, Rev. 18. To the light of Christ Jesus in all your consciences I speak, that with it your mindes may be turned within, to see into your own hearts, and see if ever you get benefited any thing by them at all, that will stand you in stead, in the day of tryall; no, nor never shall benefit by them, nor none in their nature, who are out of the light, and out of the truth as they are; hear them not, not ho [...]d them not up, as you will answer it, for the Lord is against them, and all such as [...]hey are, and their blessing is accursed, like those Priests spoken of in Mal. 2.1, 2.3 to the 10. And the Lord will make them contemptible in the eyes of all his people. And was he not blinde? You might see their basenesse, as it were manifested that day; and if the blinde lead the blinde, shall not both fall into the ditch? Mat. 15.14.
Now say not but that you are warned in your life time, for to the light of God in all your consciences shall I be witnessed in the terrible day of the Lord, to whom my testimony was declared, that day as the book of conscience is opened; and Cockeram, to the light of God in thy conscience I speak, that which sheweth thee sin and evill, and checks and reproves [Page 10] thee in secret, and lets thee see when thou dost amisse, and acteth contrary to it, that, with the light of God in thy conscience, thy minde may be turned towards God from whence the light comes, in it to wait for teaching, and deny those Priests and blinde guides, for all the children of [...]he Lord shall be taught of the Lord, as he hath promised, Isa. 54.13, 14. Jer. 31.31. to the 3.5. Ezek. 34.11, 12, to the 17. John 6 45. Heb. 8, 10, 11. John 1.9. John 8.12. Now if thou love that light which sheweth thee sin and evill, and reproveth thee in secret, there is thy teacher, that light, loving it, and obeying it; there is thy condemnation for ever, that light hating it, and disobeying it, John 3.19, 20. Now thou hast time, prize it, and take heed who thou entertaineth in thy house such a proud, foolish, wilde, wanton, heedy, high-minded, scornfull, and disdainfull one in thy house, under the name or pro [...]ession of a Minister of Christ, as that Redheaded fellow the young Priest is, who hath not so much as a form of godlinesse, therefore not the power, and if thou and the rest were not very dark and blinde in the things of God, thou and all the rest might see, that Houldershaw, nor Bennet, nor none in their nature, who are of the seed of the serpent, as they are, do neither follow Jesus Christ, nor his true Ministers for their example, as their fruits maketh them manifest, and they doe not abide in the Doctrine of Christ, therefore have they not God, but are the false Prophets, seducers, and antichrists, hold them not up, for God is against them, and all such are by Believers, and the children of the light to be denyed; therefore receive not such into thy house, under that pretence which thou receiveth them, neither bid them God speed, lest thou be made partaker of their evil deeds; 2 John 9, 10, 11. Now thou art warned, and to the light of God in thy conscience am I made manifest, yet shut up from thy dark minde, for light shineth in darknesse, but darknesse comprehendeth it not, as it is written and witnessed, John 1.5.
Now I shall prove them two Priests, Bennet and Houldershaw, and all in their nature, who are out of the light, and out of the truth as they are, to be no Gospel Ministers, but false prophets, as their fruits maketh them manifest, and the Scriptures they witnesse against them, for, saith Iesus Christ, false prophets shall come, but by their fruits shall ye know them, for they say and do not, and are workers of iniquity, and are cursed, therefore must they depart from him, as he hath said, and as it is written and witnessed. Math. 7.15, 16, 20, 23. Do they not say, that they are Ministers of Christ, and do they not say, that Christ hath sent them, &c. But they have no authority from Christ, neither are they approved of by him, who do neither abide in his Doctrine, nor follow him for their example, therefore are they false prophets that say and doe not; they say, that they are sent of Christ, but they do not abide in his Doctrine, neither do they follow him for their example, and he that saith he is in Christ, ought himself also to walk even as he walked, as it is written and witnessed, 1 Iohn 2.4, 5, 6. But Priest Houldershaw, and Priest Bennet, and all the Priests of the world and Ministers of man, walk contrary to Christ, and do no not abide in his Doctrine, as their fruits maketh them manfest, &c. For Christ was never proud, neither [Page 11] had he any mans person in admiration, because of advantage; but the Priests of the world, or Ministers of man, they respect rich men for their riches, and disrespect poor men for their poverty, and have great mens person in admiration, because of advantage, that they also may be great in the earth, and be called Masters, and bear Rule over poor people by their means, as the false Priests and false Prophets did, and they are exceeding proud, therefore do they not keep the Commands of Christ, nor walk as he walked; but transgresseth and abideth not in his doctrine, and so h [...]th not God, as it is written, 2 Iohn 9 and they say men should not be proud, but they do not deny it themselves, and so they are evill examples; for they say and do not, therefore are they false prophets, Mat. 7.15. to the end. The true Christ was never covetous, nor given to pleasures, but the Priests are both pruod, covetous, and men that followes pleasures, and worldly vanities, therefore are they not of Christ, and do not follow him for their example, nor walk as he walked, and they say men should should not be covetous, but they do not deny it, but love it themselves, and so say and do not, therefore are they false prophets, and known by their fruits; and they are vain and light and wanton, and given to pleasures, and so nourish their hearts as in a day of slaughter, and kills and slayes the holy One, and the just, Iames 5 [...] and the 5. Hosea 6. & the 9.
But the true Christ was a man of sorrowes, despised and rejected of men, Isa. 53. and so is he despised and rejected now by them and the Priests that are as they are, proud, and covetous, and light, and wanton, and vain, as the two Priests at thy house were; therefore do they not follow the Example of Christ, but they make the people light and vain, as the false Prophets did, and as they do, and as their fruits maketh them manifest, and as may be red in Ier. 23. and the 16.
And the people looking at them, the Priests or Ministers of man for their examples, and seeing them having mens persons in admiration, because of advantage, and seeing them proud and covetous, and wanton, and vain; and given to sports, and pleasures, and seeing them sue, and at strife, and envy and hate, and hearing them revile and speak evill of the wayes of godlinesse, and seeing them given to disdain and laughter, and vanity, foolishnesse, and folly, &c. And they that are without the true fear of the Lord, are ready to look at them to walk after, and they that fear the Lord are despised by them, &c.
The people are ready to say within themselves, if it was not right, they would not do it, professing themselves to be men of God, and Ministers of Christ, and say they, know his minde and will, as the Priests say they do, &c. Therefore saith the people in their hearts, If the Priests, or their Ministers, as they call them, can do so, as to be proud, and covetous, and sue, and go to Law; and envy, and hate, and be at strife and variance, and laugh, and scoffe, and sport, and play, and follow pleasures, why may not we do so? we do but as they do, that are our leaders, and if it was not right, they surely would not do it; for they know more than we do, and if they do it, we may do it, &c. Therefore are they evil Examples, and ignorant people are seduced and led into errour and wickednesse by them, and taketh encouragement from them to do evill, as they do, and so the Scriptures cometh to be fulfilled, the leaders of the people [Page 12] causeth them to erre, as it is written, Isa. 9.16. And again there is like Priest, like people, as it is written and witnessed, both by their fruits, and by Scripture, Hos. 4.9 And if the blinde lead the blinde, shall not both fall into the di [...]ch, Mat. 15 14. And if your understandings were enlightned, you would see all the Priests, of the world to be out of the light, and out of the truth, as their actions declares, and their fruits maketh them manifest, and the Scriptures beares witnesse against them, and their deceiveablenesse with the light which changeth not, are they and their pernicious wayes seen and comprehended, and wi [...]h the light are they and all deceivers, seducers, false christs, and false prophets, and workers of iniquities, from God, and from Christ, to be condemned, as it is written and witnessed, and we to the wicked, for it shall go ill with them, Isa. 3.11. Psal. 7.19. 2 Thes. 1.8, 9. 2 Thess 2.11, 12. Rev. 20.
The false prophets ran, but never was sent of the Lord, therefore did they not profit the people at all, but caused them to erre by their lyes and by their lightnesse, and so have those hireling Priests, Houldershaw and Bennet, and all in their nature, [...]un, but the Lord never sent them, therefor do they not profit the people at all, but causeth them to erre by their lies, and by their lightnesse, as the false prophets did, and as they do, both as their fruits maketh them manifest, and also as they run parallell with the [...]e prophets, as the Scriptures with their fruits largely witnesseth. Jer. 12.16.17, [...]8, 19, 20, 21. and the 30.3, 32. verses.
The false prophets, blind watchmen, and idol shepherds preach for hire, and bear rule by their means, and sought for their gain from their Quarter, and made the people light and vain, and proud and covetous, &c. So do those false prophets, and blinde guides, wil [...], wanton, covetous proud Priests now, who are without the fear of the Lord, as their fruits maketh them manifest, laughing, and whouting, and ranting, and acting like Stage-players, for money, and ends as they do, as their actions declares, and as Redhead and the other Priest did at thy house Thomas Cockeram, and they preach for hire as the false prophets did, and they feed themselves with the fat, and cloaths them with the wool as the false prophets and idoll shepherds did, taking the wool, and the Lambe and the Tythes, which they have no right [...]o by the Law of God, professing themselves to be the Ministers of Christ, the Gospel, and the New Covenant, and they seek from their Quarters, places and parishes where they are, as the false prophets did, so do they, their fruits doth witnesse against them, and the Scriptures witnesse the same to prove them to be amongst the false prophets, blinde watchmen, idoll shepherds, and hireling Priests, as it is written and witnessed, Jer. 5.30, 31. Isa. 56.10, 11. Ezek. 34. Likewise they follow the wages of unrighteousnesse, as the false prophets did and they [...]y peace, peace to the people as the false prophets did, whilest they put into their mouths, and pay them Tythes, and give them silver, for telling their lies, who when they cannot for conscience sake towards God upho [...]d them in their deceivablenesse of unrighteousnesse, then they prepare war against them, are at strife, sues and goes to Law wi [...]h them, to take treeble dammage, and take their goods by constraint, as Bennet [...]nd others have done; and so rules by force and by cruelty, as those did [Page 13] as the Lord sent Ezekiel the true Prophet to cry out against, Ezek 3.1, 2, 3, 4, &c. All those and such like do not abide in the Doctrine of Christ, and so hath not God, as their fruits maketh them manifest, and the Scriptures, they also witnesse against them, and wo to them, or they go on in the ways of Cain, & follow the errour of Balaam, preaching for gifts, and rewards, and they have mens persons in admiration, because of advantage, and the curse is upon all such, for they love not the Lord Jesus Christ, but mindes their be [...]lies, and earth and earthly things, and are enemies to the crosse of Christ, which is cause for the people of God to mourn; Paul the Gospel Minister did, because of such, Jude 11. and the 16. 1 Cor. 16.22. Phil. 3.18, 19. What meanings needs the Scriptures? those that have eyes to see may see, the Priests to be as a den of thieves and robbers, and never came in by the door, but as a troop of robbers wait for a man, so the company of Priests they murder in the way by consent, and by their it fruits are they known, and the Scriptures they witnesse the same; here is a cloud of witnesses against them to prove them to be deceivers and false prophets, seducers and Antichrists, that do not abide in the doctrine of Christ, but are in the evill nature, and guided by the same spirit that the false prophets were, and they run parallel with them, try them by the Scriptures and their fruits, for Christ hath said, that by their fruits they shall be known, Mat. 7.15. 2 Pet. 2. Mica. 3.5. and 11. Mat 5.40. Ezek. 34. 2 John 9. John 10. Hosea. 6.9.
Likewise they are called of men Masters, which Christ forbids, Mat. 23.8. and the 10. Mark 10.42, 43, 44. And they have the chiefest places in the Idols Temples, and Assemblies as the Scribes and Pharisees had, who were enemies to Jesus Christ then as they are now, and they act as the Scribes and Pharisees did, which Christ cryed wo against then, and wo to the Priests now that are in their nature, and acts as they did, therefore greater wh [...] [...]heir condemnation be, as may be red, Mat. 23. to the 34. Mark 12.38, 39.40. And as they Preach for hire, and are proud, and covetous, and oppresseth poor people, and are called of men Master, which Christ forbids, and holds up the idols temple, and hath the chiefest place; So they sprinkle Infants, for which they have no rule in the Scripture, and tels people it is an Ordinance of Christ, when it is but one of their inventions, and a mark of the B [...]ast, Rev. 13.8. and 16. And here they are lyars and deceivers of people for their own ends, and they call people to a Sacrament, when there is not such 2 word in all the Scriptures as Sacrament, neither in new: or old Coven [...]nt; here again they are lyars and seducers, and causeth people to worship they know not what; and they tell people, or have told them, that the Steeple-houses are Churches, when the Church is in God, and made all of living stones Elect and precious, and a spiritual house for God to dwell in, by and thorough the Spirit, 1 Thess. 1 1 Pet. 2.5. Eph 1.22, 23. Eph. 2 19, 20, to the end. Eph. 5.5, 26, 27. Thus they have deceived people with their lies; and they stand praying in the Synagogue or idoll temple, as the Pharisees and hypocrites who are enemies to Christ as they are, therefore are they to be denyed, and declared against, as Christ did declare against such then, Mat. 6.5. 1 Cor. 8, 10. Luke 20, 45, 46, 47. Mark 12.38, and the 39. [Page 14] And they tell the people, they shall never be set free from sin here, and nothing that is unclean shall in no wise enter into the holy City, Rev. 21.27 And they are proud, and wanton, and foolish, and vain and filthy, like hankers, or hunters and ranters, as they manifested themselves at thy house that day, Thomas Cockeram; such are satannicall or the devils Ministers, and no Ministers of Christ, for the Ministers of Christ are blamelesse, as the stewards of God, not self-willed, not soon angry, not given to wine, no strikers, not greedy of filthy lucre, &c. Tit. 1.7, 8. Acts 20.33, 34, 35. 1 Tim. 3. Ch 1 Cor. 9.16, 17, 18. &c. But thy Priests which thou upholds, and intertaineth, and all the Priests of the world, and the Ministers of man, are clear contrary to the Ministers of the Gospel, who are not made by the will of man: Gal. 1.11, 12, 2 Cor. 3.6. as their fruits maketh them manifest: Oh shame, shame, let shame strike them all in the face, and Cockeram, and all that desire to fear God, and serve him, take heed how you hold up such as the Lord is against, as you will answer it before the judgement seat of Christ, now you are forewarned, and this may serve to be a testimony against all the Priests of the world, and to let people know that they are the false Prophets, Steeple-house-creepers, seducers, and Antichrists, cease from them, and hold them not up, the Lord is against them, now you have time prize it.
How House-creepers may be known.
Such creep into houses, and lead silly women captive, laden with sins, and keepeth them ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the Truth, are described by their fruits to be self-seeking men, and proud men, and heady high-minded men, and of that sort as they are prescribed by their fruits, in the 2 Tim. 3. from [...]he 1. to the 6. verse, and such as those are found crept, and creeping into the Steeplehouse, or idols temples set up in the time of Popery, and sells their Brain-study there to deceive the people withall, and keepeth them ever learning, and they shall never know the life of truth by them that are such, 2 Tim. 3.7, 8, 9. But Paul did not speak against meeting in private houses, and plain places, and upper chambers, &c. For if he should have spoken against them that meet in privats houses or plain places, or upper chambers, and if so then he would have spoken against the practice of the Saints after Christs Ascension, and also he would have spoken against his own practice after he came into the Ministery of Christ, if he should have spoken against Meetings in private houses, and plains, but he spoke not against such, for that was the practice of the Saints, after Christs ascension, Read those Scriptures, and see, Acts 1.13.14, &c. Acts 2.1, 2. &c. Acts 4.31, 32. Acts 8.1, 2, 3. &c. Acts 10.21. to the end. Acts 17.5 6, 7. &c. 22, 23, 24, 25. verses. Acts 16.13, 14.32. Acts 20.7, 8. and 20. Acts 28.30, 31. 1 Cor. 16.19. Coloss. 4.15.