A FAMOVS VICTORIE OBTAINED By Sir THOMAS FAIRFAX, against the Lord HOPTON, and the PRINCE his Army, at Tor­rington in the WEST.

  • 3000. Armes taken.
  • 50. Colonels. Majors, Cap­tains, and other Officers.
  • 700. Common Souldiers.
  • 150. Horse.
  • 100. Barrels of Powder.
  • The Magazine, and all the Enemies Bag and Baggage.
  • Two Trunkes of the Lord Hoptons, Plate and Money taken.
  • The Lord Hopton, The Lord Went­worth, Sir Iohn Digby, Major General Harris, and others fled, and the manner of the pursuit.
  • Torrington Church blown up, and the great danger his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax escaped.

There was also in the said Church one hun­dred Barrels of Powder, and one hundred and forty of the Enemies Officers and Souldiers, which were all de­stroyed in the said place.

Certified by Letters to the Speaker of the House of Commons, on Thursday last, the 19. of this instant February, and the Heads thereof published in severall Churches about London.

LONDON: Printed by B A. February 20. 1646.

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